HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-01, Page 7• CharlettotoWn,,P.E.f.,-The fisheries LP Prince'EctWard leand-an4.the:IVinP' an Islands for the calendar year 119 5 shOW that the total value • Of Marketed fish wits Pi5V,49,0, aninw .Crease over the preViollS year el. $39.0e° Lobstere, •acCoultted[:' for Over. :two-thirds a the value, and sine"4/3 andcod for -over-half of the ramie- ' .4; oder. ' • . , •, Three Rivers; Que,,--•lit is announced • that the St. -Lawrence :Paper Mills; 1,414,will • at on Proceed to double •.the c.apaeity of their mill here. ThiS means that instead of the present out- .• put of 150 tons of powsprint per day, the'comPenY iVill'turn out 300 -tons a -"day when the necessary additions to !".the,-PlantLare_completed...The-comeany. has timber limitsufficient to provide • 'a 40L„year supply of wood. • ' • ...Saint Jehn, ot l)tigo'!.F•isSd.lociced , coney inemtle.frem :here by the Federal • Oak, eultiltal branch to the Dept. of Fisheries, Publin,. IrelandeWith a-vieW tstabI;shng this fatriPhe genie firth in the lakes, on the estate of Sir Thomas G. 'Grattan' Bsinande. A. con- signment of trout eggs was also Made . from Vancouver at; the •same tirne to the: Tokyo AaOling OhAhi Japan; . • •S(11,11t Ste. Marie, •Ont, --4t the he:- • !ginning f March the 0Oudreau Gold Mines! mill ran it first gold brick. It . Weighed forty, ponads'. and is 'Werth . about twelve thousand. dollars'. This Is the first 'brick run in the .Contdreati Reid and4narks the arrival Of 4i*ipina as a geld -producing field. • • Winnipeg .1 Man. -The tlinWood rlo Pulp and Paper CO.,7which hasPecitilr- ed, a site In St Stutifacpewill,tiot be in the newsprint business, Its cobject is e }craft paper Mill wh .14 caPecitY trent. 34 tO:0110110putput. fIally. Ac- cording: to a stiteinent issuedhere by T. B. Follnaar,'.tbe 'company also pro- posed t� install machineii for mantil., lactliring Mill) mit of Straw- ' .• . Paskat•ooll, SaSke.---,Co.ver 50 Per cent. , of all registered seed grain grawn in ' Canada, was prOdUC•e4' in Saskatchew- an lAst year,. Seed gleaeing. machin- , ery was installed at Meese Jaw in the • ' fall of 1924' by the Registered "Seed ' GroWers Co-operative ASsociation and ' between January, 1925, Out •ha*: _! • Seeding time.,of the,setrie year, about 55;906.„,beShels;of registered grainand •oyer-20001lie?O r over 'OS coane • and, marketed mostly to'Seskatelithan farmers,: The seasen 'ef 1925-1926 lel , . , • . eXpeeted.t9'-be :Mere ofiYorable;.as the :94.ganilatien:!Wadclition.te grai4end 'Clover',' is -handling boottle'•graaa', rye d • ' • • its',..reperted !hare t.,Itat a. 'neW, garr, flew's; at 3i32.0 feet depth, estimated at 296,000 feet a clay.; in the. 114eLem4 Ne..2. Well: in the ;Tur- ner Valley; forced! oil "Pp between the crtaing;. • GOVernMent pereleura engifi4 eer Davies described the .etrike as goed.erbewing." ;, •• • . understood •that 'the Canadian Metals. ExtractiOn:CO., Ltd.; is •to. ereet azinc -reduction Plant In the KOotenity'distriet • a -British dolmribia, drawing Its: -ere '• supplies frOM.. the Kootenay: ited .Slocitn• 'dis- triets:,' .The ccimpany4S hetet firiancOd ". . London. I Natural Resources Bulletin. . . . , , •. Oanedian' newsprint.eutputt has;a1- 'Most doubled in the Peat five, years .: while, ;that of the 'United . States has .. practically stood:still. TO -day the out-• put.ril the two •Countifes" is substan- tially -the earee although • the present! : year •should, see ,Canada assurne pre- • mier .poSition ; • among :the, world's newsprint Prodheirig countries, as-tre, inendeus•plant'expansiOns are actually _,. .. • .„„_v...,•_he,sler--,,wt.,y.y-*_ce_nt .. . . . - ••‘... ; „ '',.'•:•":''.;:''2.-7--:---,-::-eeet,ton„, of the- DoOminion. ' Bxporteo: • - ' '• '' ; ' • which ire largely to the United" States, . . . ..,• • - . • - • have increased almost tenfold • eelee or '4iP4lisith'In--.thie-earirahan 'news - ',pre -War years, and ',the proportion of print industry is by no Means A.'cone,'. exports to that country..shoUld even plete one, but it will serve. to convey ' '.' ' '' ' - • . further increase:MS ;the . various •Ant.... briefly and With 'emphasis tihrimine- .erican paper concerns. rep , •their diate future for Canada as a donhinat4„ ' . ;".• ••••••• . • ; ,. Present mills with • plants in: Canada ing figura In the WorIti . of netvapriet. • .:- ' ' '': •.. . :" ' ' .•.• .' *here'iievir'' ineterieN ,and 'power are •,, . , . • : • • • ' •• •••• '• •••• ' t . °I .• h r but offer greater .opt - '' . • . : ' '' ',. ' '. -, • . ' portuhity ; fer , future„ expansion. . ..171istoric-E4litill.Residence may be of interest tii-ekairiine-thepro------LLI Pi...ey. to -Flames.; . ' • • . duction figures . . . . , " -.• : (to the nearest 10Q,- :.;EXCitement-etheng. the. oar. nerfi Of his- : - . ,., ":-: •-s.' •::•7 .' 'BOO tons). of the tivf.i ,..eotintrieS shine torfo..Englieb •reeldenees, and •the Bit • • ..• .. . . .,the war. 2 .. . Wit _, , piiblic :generally . has reached.' a. ' .: ,..: .'. .'„ • : ;.' : ." ' Production ef'newspriht.in the p..F.:;. high pitch as the result et the burnin .. .. „ . , . . . Canada in tons: ,. -.-.., . , -7. reelfiltlY of therteeth Country inaniio '' ' ;:'." -,..•-• ••• ' .:'' ' ' - 1920 :' 1,500;006:: • ••• 909;000 : , .•: .' .'• , ". • -1921 : • 1,00,000 • ...,..- .80000: • .-. ' :. ''''' ' • . • , 1022 . : . 1,400 000 "'" 1 100 00(i '. . . , t P . i :.f. ,' ' : , Li • . ..192,8 • 1.,600,000. : 1,360,900':' . • ., . '.._. 1924 7 '' . '••• ' • • .' 1925 ' ' 1,500,000' ".. . 1,500;600 " • . ', •-•';'.., • I . `. That the •increase in Cariadian'pro- duction of. recent .Ye'ars will he Main- ... tattled seen -is' inevitable; for as pointed . : :. . .• . , . , . . out by the Natural Resources Intent.- ' - . . !. . • : . . :.• gepce.'Service' of the Dept of th4..10... • : AecurrocpA.:Of fires elheng ..COun try . ,• , • ior,• most o e •large pro nein mau,sions have rouse talk of incon-• companies ,have, a definite Program of .1arisia, but Scotland Yard as • yet. Is ' " ''' o ••• :'. • . . °xPetneion under considOration„ and in unable to find aily conneption•betWeen. .,.. ..,. , : . .. •• InanY cases, 'under Way and financed; the. line... Sem ' nervous people are . .. . . ,.. - New organizations. some of huge pro- attributing them iti coinmuniam: An- .•-pertioris, have. been -inebrPeriied and. Other theory is. that the antique elec- . , . . . . . . . , .,. . : , are e rate y committed to productive tric fittings of most English •houses. are suddenly going „bad':•. Certainly one 'reason' for: the tritinenie dainage is the. inadegitate.. thge. protection, since' ones' • • . not only. the magnitude of the•peopee. a country mansion, catches fire it ia . • ; '` • • ed plans in'the aggiegOte but itlao the Preeti4•11Y d°ethe(L: 'Ite 'ha arrange - wide ' ' ' ' have beenf •' . , 1.• :- . . geographical, distribution of the nlente• made for .a.• water , . .•. .1 • . , • pulpwood stands to? ..be • brought., into - .'. .. , ... . ••',production. :.: . • • . • . ., .i... ' . .In • Quebec a :number of new mill* '''-'7.---77"--viillrbe erieterirthe reatilt, Of 'open- . .* • . Ing up in-Tife,theti,5,066:"square Miles Mouth of :Winnipeg 'River; and a. sec- ond is„being discussed. Orr, the , P,aeifie Coast large interests have reorgailizeffarict.pht new Money inkt seine. of the smaller ceznpanies,. namely the. Beaver' Cove •and Whalen organizations And a large inattlperre- .anent Production is looked or. . A new rayon 9breplant is being *tinned for New. Westrainater. . addition, to this, extensieneamotinting,in •the., a 'gregitte several million 'dollars' Interests. • - • • Er'rtat •RIVere New Pakeard prospector, 'who *.afk 'passenger ,.".aboard "' 'one. the,: two 'planes WItielt were. 'reread :doWit in' A blizzard 'while: flYing 'trent 'Hudaou Red toahe7 ' Ave day's"..911: foot, to ovegtalte.,A Party ot tadfises..who were guide him to a new rittriiing site. . • • • When '04e Neighbors ' an . old-fashioned town , "where they, still :adhere.' to thd.WednesdaY night' Prayer rind praise meeting, an ,official" of the Children% Aid, Society. was in.quite dileinma. That after- noon the" Magistrate . had'' eoinmittid • a yOurig delinquent t�. the:•Indtistriai ;School ' and. 'the, 'Children's' Aid -mart had 'agreed to keep 'hint 'in :his house overnight and Start On the early morn- ing train.. wanted,tp attend' the Prayer7 Meeting: and, to make Ore Of the .boy, decided fe take hint .along.:. When they, 'itirived;"the menibers .ee;•• quired who th-o strangriyoutli Was and. they.' all beer:two', greatly :interested in. his case ; • • • ' : •, „ the pastor "We tnuet' mike this7bay, the. special object of '.eur•Prii/era.''. It ritithrally follow,ed. , that they all became deeply concerned • about the lad's Welfare: .eVeral...1are - '..dies,--vinittred4lim-qtros.-sii or a••-viiii,t,'4C.," theTicleacka....tta This' rough' survey of. tile progca m wilt on the 'Magistritte'in a •bady and • t 44%40 • 7 '14,11F• 014104P0hella"114v0..0•Peeilktte-47 as to the stats!m, 0! •alliale and haVe ",415-k1.4);:.i'l'ATf°riitg:9*Ct4P-0.C4wealC.6ryt; say the nrindo and 01,00,01.11! ii4ipaptty. 131-40 .iNgtaid-er,0 that' music: °held ap great an :leflueace ellaril+aer 114 it wtg/ the eutySof .the jaarklyer regu- late lts study, sothot Poly :MuSle 7.14 cPietilld.errpo' 4t,t1g3htaa T.9.4.k;v1:tuco;t4le.1:14evlai3914•11;te ap- pealed4qPriv114410 P.; gl;:f 710 :::1411aitl�n also • the 11,0Wer;:1,;•. of effsellsg. character. •He egre.94 04. raualgi Waft .i>„ilfk Of the, Im- portant eoseentiale. et. OduentIon." • •The taelY."leadera Of the Cludatian . Church," •iniObt eicliected, colt- sidered Magic. as, corning iiireetly- by in- ,...;,p4i.rolLatiee.'•fr4ont9.ovta•,:r,tcs;;Itt7reetwefr41,11, •.„1444.144hi'alP.Srachtiele,131.1eue'r•:-..-oi' er4::•p4.110*Thri,,.64.4-ic,',144e', nearest -0; •ender:standing •reuste,hriia,,,' etnds p'essesgl.,3•tihor 1.,tuitt iroalwtly±..peoxt; the ,werld., of ..Cerferote ingS, . and ;is.'. the, expressien of pa inner natui.,e, • It does ttot"..e•xpress particular ento Oen% but.rather reprodiees the .easen- Val eharzteteeiStieo 'of eetertion; In. such Work •as. Beethoven' S SyMphonlee: 'Ulthenialrpaisiona and enicitiona find .utterenee---joks, 'Sorrow,. love, • hatred, terror, hope, inagnierable. de- • epees, yet all,as it ,:were Only street - earl witheut pexticularizationi, It 'is their 'mere-Penn....without thrisub; • stance, like A Spirit-Worid, WithOut. mat- ter•" ' Whereas ,Deet •igeered, :the. rhythinjc .eleritent le music, 'Schoen-, ,hauer considered jp,,!ari. of its .are- 'Pecte'.. •Richard Wagner !el • deriretlokin ,echOpenhaner well known, ' and his, ;esniaY•'• on :Reetli oven, is: founded neon' -the.Sehoperobauerfast.fiypothesee. • •.1,Iegel'':Coneidered • •111.i.t innate 'St*. halfway . between •••• the ,,extenderl "sea-. snekto.suerts ..peinting and the higher spirituality of 'peetry,.. ;brit .dfd'a..rit Work -out, any:theory 'tit' explain •in an • adequate., iriaruter : the ' effect' •.whtcli pro:111u* on • the entotiona `.To :Iiierbert,:Speeeer;.nersic 'was: the htlig- -ua tlisiiillei::n..:fitiel.net0.'ii,i..:,atilliz.t.:11-ais,vi.e:i.detii4.4"11.6.'sZ,4p6.1:00tait.):0,:,.. se7also--twithou opht is xnoLjona1 language • a .groWPhi • ••In bearinte upon:human itappiness,ibe ',emotional nausiCai culture Ae- velops and, refines", iesecend iinport7. aaiee,.enlY te,the language ;Ofthe Intel- let.;:'••Perpapa net "eVek:eacoad to it The, Arange eaPactly w have tei..heing.afteeted bY Melody and. •har- ineity may fieLtakew,to-imply'hotli tar it . within• the pes,Si (lea ;of 'our. as • ttire-te'reapze intense -delights tiley ':dintlyeuggest, and, that.. they'. are in Some way, Cbrieerned,.3n the -realize- quest-that,...senteriee_be. ,defet-r-edv:- This was agreed and the result was :that the by never .ggit to the Reform School.. He made Ise many friends and: - learned to think so •high,4• of himself In consequence, that he applied hiin- self earnestly to work and study and now a' steady, reliable Young min. '• No Traveller. •• . . •• The common house fly lives and 'tilers within fe* hundred yards :of. the . • , place where .1t is hatched: , Opium Prom Turkey: • Times. WW0cean BLOW Inro,ds. 911 Land. •..7;ockA • • ' AnYolie *46 ha;s watebed WeVeo bi.ealling.'ulien, a .rocky cOaatn when the ..wind Is high realizes.the mighty force the waves exert. Thiafereo "is, an linportant geelegical fadtcir..,helping-to.Wear'awity.the land: , • ' • Secrets of Selince. •';By Deihl Dietz, • Seventy,tivo Per cent.'of the eartlyti Oink carry tintleir:material Out inte the 'sea., • The sinaller and..slowertides, dd little. work ,5bf-this sort.. • lioweyor, BUREAU QF MUSIC -PAST AND PRESENT That male hits fe 'esest."--4 afc, e*" • , • ceedingly interesting one ea' well---ae4 is pot a 0:ere fad or passing wliitu,,ta faCt that eau be, aseertaineci by IMP one• who deilres visit a research library, and to read some one of the lactokle on the history mnsie, • Tho. story of the development of . Music freith its earliest Stegegs. of 410. dolftreehreanuttt'n,t.aatiorrn4aLit.iieet cwn.1:0,9.ftootiake i' the • ;:riiicieesf,thillrtham„se'"1Y7elit4trw4igehiltteTligvsniediti..4- ing, and inStructive greelde In one hrstorY telis of the earliest : tOc4rdt1119114706114:-t!.e'lymtiis'::b:e,41-1;fir:°:11flott'la*tilo:1:91iihi •11.ali) and .these Wile' Prayed It • . These. record- also tell.; us that the .e.htereriudirfes•in Sidileh 'the inusle;rit'.• the4aat he ireCed are China and Egypt, in Ono. of the ,ancient , • Ohinsse reeercle the following.surpris- .tog,,,Elviterzinaboatioxit,70ihasefoutimhci.:. A;p,poio 'One mythical of .ieus! and. the in- Ventior Of, the' limp) the dhineee Burea.u.' of Muscle. 4, ditties were to •, •melodY. to coirlPosie inuetcei igeeek ' Study' the prinCiples! ef harmonY and and to 'form tiltrammits proper. to play them. on.' • • . , .su.rface is covered by the: oceaes,at they dePosit sediment upon the , . . ., • , Would shore- • No email pro:5gram was, it/ ' W •• producing fOrinations, known to geolo- Many OP• our Modern nansieians feel- ,. • 'The dehth of • about half the 0Oetio' SOW tidalliats. • '. equal te a 90aition on stich a board? • .• ratites from 12,000. to fg,0,00 teei.. The • Ti) 1••• c'ea' urrenta constitute diet 'Ye.4e,11‘t'doerchefvcier a. leatirpaal4athfotri7M'Pulti:litl; rest iconsitthrahli les.s deep with the '•hrcai. and inaaslYe flow of Water -1n the • Canada, th b.• a eat ' oug gr many People - exception of about 4 per cent. of the 0.!cluli• They are'dtta Pre.• do not biso ho' , w a t deala irt. it. Its.. •orropianla8t0e400a :on 31,0.hoiQuclittet7et.,d7t4, ranes. vat] wiod,s• which In turn eriSe from the.earth's retell,* and the different° The otal amount 7aq. hi • the In temperature between ;the equatorial :oceans 'Is estlreated be..more than. Feklen'aid'h4Cile 101tutlee, . . 200,00,0.00 enble or about 15 ' The °in -rental do very -little. .geole,- times :the amount .of lend.: Witleh pro 41reetlY,, :They 'are, linport- trudea: above Sea' level: ant" because tbey,/ transfer )144 thus "natter:to solution. The Chief mineral; tildes and inci tit • oceanater COataine Mineral telimerIng the eliinates, hr bead Office is the .R/ide.' Building; Termite, and it -11: kept in:Operation- by the voluntary .contritnitione Of Muile RS aims, though not 'qulie• 'SO .`,W410-. cult' as those, o'f the ancient 0Chineaek"... are ver'.00niprehenaive iedeed. Thej • ' touste-and -evcry-erie :knows, -ls.--e'rtthityrYT-eatt " • toarsitaken: fuller reiliNtliear tile'. reptiluitt.'ehlortde, .•It7IS'-eatiiiiited that orease the 'prcie.4-•siett whie a teak ..th Litahle..et•-•good-rinisic-rrot-rie e: " -4; • , • • u•er. raitterHlirael.'". rock. • - •' " • • • home. Welfare Point Of :View; 'and the" • • g, . ,tlen,.of'them• If. So; the Poiver:-,and- the. :• Canada , •Within: three niont.hs. The Ititestman n Totoy.-le one' of the. largest pre- meaning ofinus,ic become coinpreheas- • 'ilucers Of raw opium. Mon to, gonli In ilame.s was.Woolinore Farm, at...Welkshani,.:,in Wiltshire, which was caned' the,. restdenCe Oliyer Cromivall. 1The Pattie of Round Itiivi• was tonight -near by between tile , . • .Parliamentary • and Royal trocnis, The .hOuse was 100 yarda, front an, ..anbierat• tree kneWn ae the droinwell oak,: on Whieleseven men -were :hanged . ., • ' • A brief, review of some. of these de- -. • ' trelopmentS May be of interest to show, supply sufficient 'to queneh a major blaze. . • • , / ' • Australia Exempts Mothers• .. .r . • virgin 1n1926 largely in the Finn Compulsory Voting.• . . • ..: .. . , Lake St John4arid OttaWa River. dis.; . A, ikeinau who' ha's, to stay home to . . • irjetsTw of the most 'moor 'ant Of care for her, baby is. ex pt .1 rom pun- • ' :- ' . . -: • the new, nails • are tit* of ' the St , fshnient Under •the . new . Australian . , . ' ' ' .../ ' ,.• gegieCoMpany at Cap Rouge and the' ctimpuiseq.vettegiati; which provides • •• . • . ', • 'International CoMpariy- oh. the Gat. '.for fines up to $10 tee ,ele•eters. v,,4to •tto , .. . . ., . , .ineau Rtver.. near. Ottawa, the latter . not. Vote. . This. ritilng • hen ;been. Made. , . _ , mill, alone being designed for an out by the. SouthAustrallert • airthortties. • . • • , put of 450. tons daily.' The. Interne. 'charged With.. enforcingthe law in 'the „ tiOnal CotnpanYis alse„Chlargirig its ease Or the lo'Odetal elections held hist: : • .. • '... Three Rivera plaht.by: nearly 400" tons,. NOirember. .41 Adelaiiit ..fines of 16 daily and Is ,eipanding , its . sulphite ' shillings" each: (about $250) Were inii• Mill at '1•Cipawn.. Other erganizatiOnS• po.Sed on •135 eleeters. while:•vaiionio In ' the Three itiii.ers . district adding exete1;es Were accepted In 6,400 oases. • • ....I enbstantially .te their output are the.; ' •.' ,: .•••••:7 -..-',-....se'---,-- . .. . ...., . .. , . , . weStagall**0 th° St thlYrenc° 11411' Great Builder of .13ticiges'pled t ...,, • tho 13e.lgo Chiles:lien CompanieS: In:, .. .. • , :. • ,,• • • :the Lake .8t. 3oho'cl;stridt Price BroS. 1. • .in London,' Aged 54 , - . .• • Limited arid the Pori Alfred Coin4 Sit' nradiotd Leslie 'Hie great bridge ...., ' , • " .. • vany 'are busilyeintaketlin enlargin builder„dled in London on march a . •, , ,•••Si'i•o,-;Itheir facilitiea on a large. scale. in his itincty4itth year, Porn iti Loa- , • , • ir •Onte,rio's Moat hatable, 11611' and pa- dint,isi ir ItradfOril pestle kvis•an Anteri- • .. .L1, • ! per deVelenitteMs are ''Itheut to tal.e• eon by deseeht. "Hiattesttgrandtatiler , . ... , • Pleeein, the '"KaPuskrising, 'Thueder ,wae it i'vonver :74 16littowti4 Maryland,' ..... . , ' ' • ' " . • BeY" and' Lake ,Nipigen _distrirlit,....ett& :And his glandrolltor.....L.Ilobert "Leslie,. , . . .. - ... of which centre' it 10 see riiills. t 501 who w.as a iiiiin 'of doliaitleritWo 'Me• - t • inri " . ' . ' ' . ' ,• ..: .,.....s. l ...a ity capacity, , accordieg" fir ito- hItnkil And.. 'Ma thernati eat . et taln; , . I • • • ' official intormattert ' Mee attai'alfei• inents, and. a' fri Cairo( tteejaniin lrratole . . • • ---.: ; •• • • • • . • • • The 'Capital reedited,. fee- these. nottlizrifrii. toe.. rratahlisbed"as a:. watchmaker: :.• . . . „„„ . , , 4 a ,.. '...'..'a a :-:' :,...'1',:',:•'!:.:. ''2.j.: "7. erwohturitr,.develentudniia'-.1ailiedJ5Y,144,Philbt &Phi& .. .tt, ,t1 0 ',otid, of the ' • : : ' be•tient,v ono blind 1 zor.lion dollars '41.1611trAnth ooniurv ' , • . ' • "'• '''' ' . At 'Pert Prune -9 the litt !Phi interest4 t ' ' '-''''''-' ": '..... ..-..,•. ' Ste dotibleig. their newsprint, plant and , • . • . . • •i• . . . ... "the Walibentd. Indestry: Is •eOnienr- .. Live by Sewing on Suftens: -•-• :,•,-._,:::.: ., : ..;".E-, ple • -,---,-- ,---- . ---,------ -,------t •-•bewing---nn inrclong-Tor•IllioZZltY--ef..---i--'7.-7- . In 'tho ,lvIrtritirne Provi neer' u ritrui- 1-.1"14" s' hetpresli hacheil01.5 Is a -trust' •• -/ , . .", .' • ter of saili, . plants Are, tiriaer , c."„ uess ' that Isbringing a•-gOod---.1iving-i • ., f -•-•-••:-IltderatiNci. '0W inedi'lra tittilr•o*nrent• Jwo women' Who have•hired one real* •.' , , 4 pr,o,11:?0..•1 (two 100 ton nittchir t- It nen (1'e Bank of Lagl'uld for the Mir • Bathurst, N.D../ . ).• and 'ti; hake develop- Nue., '' d • • • . . : : .. .. . British race horsee to the nuiriber of about 74;450' have been elported to all parts of. the world since 1921:, • At. Is sti.)1" therule of con* Bank , - Louden, that their staff Must *bar frock-coatSwhiIe, on dirty They are aleo compelled to be cleantshaVen nfeat ander•considerat4en by thei, Inter- •••••....,1.0........./.411 -Milk ler:babies, . • .•:•.....-..7.!.2,-,natiollitlapeik:.Ce•-• in - hneet i en • ivi th '' - • ' - h O. I k"' .1 • -d ' i ... t k Japanese aCiatitiet hclieves that ,• ....7.,. 4' • The 4,14-afrio, promoeg *tee ,,bs..,,illir •,i o ,can .tiorroase,Alre 4i:eight t,orAtts , . ' * *Mir --nre patter .ntilis ingt.,11"e'd., a ."itlil....,c(itittitrY.mes...h.",-abafigAS-hfett: •1110r0' , • ten plant at Fott Alt feandor; neat the "q11fic.- ' .• . ,,,„,. • • • Apron* pf Bones. • . The Lamas of $ikkho wear. apron's Made of, hunelh bones:. ' • , • • • ,. Tall Wags the Shark.'. • ".1 Tile thrasher ellark•lias a tail longer than its betlY..' pttoitoitttlit .ttibl.oliduittnhioe0ob.pcoeetar,:en,cestlis4t.:10:fvU:ilalii41:„.P..., 47;•ttia;te ,..thh.p;eTonho:oleia•weanvlwaens..dcomnal:Betaeuct.thite, :;:sroeilfantitoesii.4,,itnawttatocla: ibleotal: ,fisettii;letal:Qotzte; but also from ,!,:, tui , • 'More .Personal . welfare Ot the niein- -There are three general inoVefteitte 'continents and • legends and .. trimining . I of the Waters:nf the: oeein.whiel.i • Make„ O• t ir edges. - . #.;,,:119 _; ' . ' ' ":. ' . 2, .T0 bring I.44o ,the'lives; Of 'Our , : / • ''Canadiaa..,ixt<mle • a :greater ':appreela, ' them imponte at is .geolagiertiagents..1,.. Afie ,latte.Ward itiercn. of the ; sen 15 Hon :of. and:interest hi, ' the nerve- tidei., currents and wairea .. '' ••• , I sontetlinee several $'arcls - a ,ear ' I, 0.,,e,elkieg, • eptifteig, .etliee.)et.hig- amt. • Thatidei iire'.dne_Cliteili to .:•the at. s.eine places.' ' In this way Wilde :farms - . , cultural value -of '.g(iod music.- • . ' ' • traction vir.hleh the umah axerfs Wen.' and even•yillages • iil-lhlte--Pgrel't 7 -47 -Securing for • their daily battles - the ii th• eatea away y e sea , of life that wonderful power of musie 'Due to the the Water rises, andwith nhich ;falls !tWice'' In-A:little less' then 24 atrTililiee;•tfh7erc:h' 't1316i.ele!i‘wilh;,:f1„6'4.C.„,‘' otor.:SwirheisiCsh eveiry nation stturunigsgleit.i.. time • lidure. On epee shores the rtae is only ‘It• SenletiLUee' Muc.11 ae. 1"JY" 4.. And: to mike: our .hemes real fow feet; but In nianY inlets' it la petinds to the square loot: . • MuChas 50 feet. . : ' Next : article -•-•-•• The , Sedimentary. in, but:plaoeS where otir young People . •These large rapid. movements loosen Rocks. can spend their cireaings (In • their own . •••qecure: Reliable Brushes ,Cood brushes Shotijd be .usedwhen painting • Or i irnithing. Ia. PoOr enenenti to-1We *horrid. be kept Olean (and When 'not in .7. . .use • Should . be • shapended in raw lin- •see4..ol1,; so that theY ..do.. not rest on the *lades. . • ' Early Voyageurs and cariitda • . • „ . -The investigations of thecveograohle Board' 0? •Cattada ' indicate :that the 'earlY.-voYagenrs did nOt go far afield 1 for 'names; 'fez- the. lakes and • Hirers' on •• •• • . • 2thoir routes of. travel... Alore than one •-..ad*,4:14.1B.biv;r5s.(•10,1te;d:',1',ywi'Doealnk:f-lbath.k;,11,ar.:e::t4;tith:ektitkrge.T.C4ii the *Oods on the Interhatjenal Beim* ary; between Ontario and: Minnesota: The that -known Mention ofthe hike °emirs in a' niernOirof'Mlclr1 pegen; 'who' , was Intendant ofNew ;Frante twin .1710 to Mk", though he did,:not •reigh Canada. Thie memoir, ,which Is .dated 12th. Noreinbi3r; narrates an 'exploratory 'joiritek raade in 1687. or1688'b' •Jaceneti de.Noyoti; a native 0! Three Rivers:- :Dee /liven ascended • 'the ':KaininIstikWia which falls ;into 1ae .Superlot at Pert --V-Villlen-C.-wintefili." at Rainy fake, and 'in ' the following:awing reached' "lee aux Iles, other -Wise called Asinib,oiles," On entering which "to the left the • . . • , - . • . country .15...harren and 'en the ;right hand cide44 t.prCt•Icled with all sells -r-r"•-•••-• . .• . ' • • . . • . , • "POSTAL DEPAWrMENT» REACHES RED. 'LAKE . • • • , • • •or .. friend/se homes) enjOyIng :healthful: reereatirins and • pleasures, Which. ''music Mikes Under •goed.honie atmoaphere,.arid,..pet under the. doubtful 'influences 'which too..of.-,,, ten surround them in cheap moving pictitre ;houses,' dance halls,...and thany ath•er pablio places,:.to eas netfillag: ot au.tornebiless.' perked , a",:triigslde . 't'he rriedside and • In iectirdeil•:: and titifre4 . au:Cute& tiPoti° ' '• ' • • . , •-. Inventive Menc. Active ..in . the .. Last 25 'Yoirs;".. ' • in': the itta.t....tWenty,tive :years, Man ;•...,"... has outstripped 'all ...Other PeriOdS in'T - thenumber ani kind of, his inventions :,, • and•'•their:praetiCal ,applicatkia'•says popular „Meehan*. ; . •:1",-, ' '; ' • , A:nuatter et .4 -ce)iturS, ago.. ao one . had 'heard eta radio, subniarines, 'war • 'tanks, .rnachitie ' guns,i airplanes and • • wireless telephones es. 'articles of at- mem' daily eervice... The ...world': thin. ,7 „Was', doUbting Utircotif: and •tiossl'ittle'•-. group ' elnien.• who believed iti :.Eirifo,.; •.whlie • ' expetinientfa - w I th ' airplane Were tolerated 'as :Sauteing 'loranks,"., To -day, ":the -roar et the mall nlattes : dailyy. •Is heard OVer the route,. Of ' Md.' .'ioaftuitrae?.?.c. Leoioni,t,t411xllendona'.11tiliimniniairiliAuss..i.iiie.1-7' tr6ai Ilfikway tgr....0eaeitiiile:. trav61 .. :belles ' nra!evldently ; iieilli: ..itcad9i.,.. ,.agonglddh.tPsoi linniriytp4.D:iox.gap:rr.ti,est.1.1;i:darl.int:i.iegh.'00,6z,tihn.efily%gvotti..Loi.. • . juil..s.k144 I1;10%1,114:i. nt40.4.'itehtle'b,'YntlWia4tit?itli, the lake 'Irialvliell)1°)ertealinntitaicii5ePilinc•acit'lli15).111.tvaettitl'ecnti;,11.11:: •the Prenr.h. b 1 at oria la' Ma rgry . • et ateS •reaper, for", insonce;wan looWn near'.• Altai. "Alinitle".is an Indian I1atili,:f0t1t14 j'y if:century dge, but onIT Of ,111. last , in Verendt:ye's journals, This 1.s the- -twenty-tire• :years ' ims, it...been Coin• - ("req.!, ,word `'.101,l11S•Illt."„ *Ilia' inoajw 2 blned with the thresher, lilbtlee'eic.•.. "Islatei..". The Prete:h. for Island ittke .:turs,„ 4'elaying plietogra'phe by. '.raill6, Is lac AUX. lleS, IA(' Ssx Ashliboldls theuso:. of radinth and the X-ra), 'aro 11155115 ',lake et•dpe Assinibelnes.“ 11 steitte Vements Of ilia present centery. tribe ot it ti Spell' Indlaris Prem.., the : - ".. • .„ • headWat,c,i's of /tire MirkiBilpilf,' WII.4.0• '!..-.. • ,; ' -.7t,---::13,,,, • th'St '1''all14d141, 'IlUbliq was die region : ' " •••" . Try ,Vdtit Thyroid: • . , , ' 'or tile take•ot tbe. I!, oottit, it is is • MC Tb.o-ouittl,tegolotiog ,.1.•out• (+Welty lg. , • • . (lo,.••4. ' As*Oillotills, :•'.'Assitilboine lekeol,. , , • , „.: „ „ . , . • . • I • tile thytOld gliuid,'-. Tiere is it sinfPle ' . ' that In ft° 01'• tiir! Woods: . tiOres oti teat by' wfikh., you cliii judii...itit; pet, • . .til1111.!;!.fll111.'7.10011,. ''.1P'.'.'', .7),i'sh;sit.flllitYt.11o,t'4rifitthiniitildrh(;11it;9t-ottnger:incTteskhten tl;e ' •. ' tit kr., ..o.t lite steods..itt. tl.mti-Inettlion'od beck . Of yonr left 'hand :„.• hold ff a re v.'' . Prencl'i • co:lair...sloe,- ' ' Oar , deli ..eocoli(1i," I lien,let It 'go.' .1r the skin at ' 'gets).- lir r`I't:eudl'Se'II 114*("kiiruts Il.f ,11,4 oti6e , 'springs!' hack ,into.position.• it explorations lit 1732 ,tila toter .,i,11.11a.. fneatts, that. your thyrofd, gland •fs, ixor- • • • Of. itile•aclt.-e rON'ellfri; Verendryo ts :luar„... • ' ,• .• . •, ' Ihil fii•t•••,t. •L•13'.ot.t1:,.at4sOciated nitli 'the' ' ,:. " . •"......`- .... ..;;............";_....... ' . bike. ". ile ball t. .for' 14.1'. Charles' 41'e:iv ' • '• : ' 0, its and 1111,ti". ,' ••• • ',:.',.. , 'the", .:Nor,thAV•5t ::Arneef in tit'coll 1'd tn.,' l. The,res a nittulce iturnher about • 11ttrs4 (5 felt: ;•:itiri. itill:o3?.;54t (EY.!.‘atlt ht;r11./I'VeYinlet1;41/01141titit.901';",:::-;(1,4!.°d '' t`i.t.71,1,1*v' _t',.t Y,.:i,-.1„.-.4....._.:!1*.,„ri'es: ..,,,Iti,'..,'; `fire'fir o";•`-lit-pairy TolTafE,eterirWe-re--.111115- :;•• . . _...._.. ___=,...,- .,..,,..- • 1 rad 'irt the 10140 .. ''At least throh e. t.,. ' , • • .. •swet. Teeth' seeiTod hy 'SleuX whila:Calt•ping op. ati. , . , ,..,§ , • .1,51t . • a 1 • a . ji.15-tNt 60Lbt'.:31,TE: • WiT1-10:UT sus -4-74 • • al( • T.110 ti1n161. P1r711tro'sliow8.tho..fttrival;itirdsan 'Th.t3r ;,ritt't nr at I1041 Lftke.;. wh'o!forOuttN. %11O ho rp.rkv.(I clanr.= on ;11 of the Canal -111A flo.5t11 ile1lattn10114 In if.t a 11 5 »pt lrn 1 ildwn eve•ry root or the so•liw l''•ro;potl•lan - • 'the persoit *A( 4it y0a1'0,, •PO 1 ittPe 4 14t,t.; 10 (401 it 401.t,1,v(w1' .04 • it11..1)0k:i.104 tste1 of Allan it 'Van'. ,,:\4:14:44. 104041r-igb( (,;•;, 44-th0,14,414141:11,tell! -Laltp, 40 ltiVeatigate :the , eateirs re,' 11$ In(01.4o14,.. the • c'e•tyr eft ,tio At,- 01111 .1 11 (lit 41411 rIon4 (11•111:b•1110.)413...1.11 the vitak 4110alt, 'service.Ilam Moga k1te ot Nen 1)ra} bIt o the 'lee at 1,z;*1 • inset, in'the is, Wililiant S'ailth4. • • tri; aro TIT (r.gtal -T41114tlg In qrhoi.ial .01411,0 t(ri 11:31100 ot)Ohlhikr • victim:4 11,1$ been oreotriti otrun is. 1..24700°•O'n0,Pellnik'S ofQngar. d In 1,ttifutio,4() deg.1 lonVittlio ' • -tleg; 4.t1, anti for ..• APpfePflate; theylittof•t 4tt0t4-Wht-t0-O5it ib- re'n'titYtei tft;tt thy' rIgliw lake beenuSe, °OW the first af thg :Of the NVL•tut$ hue Won lit general usw AmOntil* . , •