HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-01, Page 5•..
now Axx,'101,111C1,i...441V
..opAiroas, :AND .‘11.ocEE*E!' COLONY EROOI)EaS;; Walt ,
. .
•THE SUN •THR "EupicETE77.:14a :.O,E?1,0NataAr,
,.,Eo ITS ABAITY 'Irp :HATCH MORE oicks, :co "iigyvpg
_ • , .
• ,
grcij.S.I.i FRIDAY '8; $AltliTIAN •
10 QT AO.Ausum,.A.44sEgvirio KETTLE 99e.
. Makin -Senior ,Paints and Varoishee '
Phone 66 Lucknow.
ardWate Coal ,Phant!lng lrinsmithing
"...-owr.prwaiprvps.*iow-47-. •110=7"*i
et Your Banker Collect It
There is aiL.Old 'gentlemen up sat.
'Their:talon Who has beenamusing
himself and entertaining ' his neighbors
by 'Writing reiniiiitsences which ' are
iihblislied: 'in .The :Algoma :Advdeate.
. .
sIn 're reeen contribution he. says,
..L.f.We.-hear Mee eritizing—the-ladtes
' for 'having their . hair bobbed, but it
4-'..-1!9.t "SO .;Ye4seeTrogir "
•'balk •bobbed, • jnst 'about the same, as
• 'the women have , it now, and they,
Would. ekrease ;it sthoroughlY,. then
part down the back and 'comb, it out
•,. oVer :the ears, this. helned 'to' ,ak�
curly orwavy, in tomb :eases, and I'
have seenmen with .What would now,
she • ,considered a permanent wore., If
a man had lit hair tut off ',close in
these days people would look at him
With suspicion and say; "that fend*.
. is just Out of jail." I hayve sold bun..
dredi-Of bottles of. hair Oil which'
were just Olean olive oil well per-
fumed.' On Saturday nights we Would
'numbers of them As , no. man Would
'feel properly fixed .sinlday. if
• " hit hair'. was not well , oiled: ' The
men' were,.sidelitans, •too. They let
• the omr grow ;in a narrow' Patch
„from. the, trent of thk eats • halfway.
down to the an and the sweliest
diesters..hed Ole beat kept 'sideburns,
'Those faShions were followed by
the shingle cut, arid the long curly
and wavy hair beeenie- unpopular".
In matters of this sort effictency,
determins the cause to be taken. • A
-few hundred year ego -men in .,Beit
Ain' woretheir hair as long as, .it
•would grow, ae that' it fell in rog-
lets :ahmittheir shoulders. •:' As , men
took •iniToi'e to ..work andThusiness,'the7
• long hair • proved .too triniblesonte
Mneh away with
the .flowing. head • 'winch: was trouble-
gorne . in.. many ways ; Now 'short .hair
'arid the .clean shire .are All but u)i
usual with. bUsioessmen, and ..,factory
• workers.. •
Wi,Itli wOineni the strangest argu-
!Went in favor of 'bobbed ..hair. •:and •
'eliort:_is- Convenience : 1 • •
• •
o o-7.••••-
• ” •
, The tourist tees many- signs as. he
trayells'alOng, some of them enough
te pro:voice a smile. Here are a •few
saniplea' to be found tifolig, the
coln Highway in the 'Western States;'
Sneed limit in this town ; p miles ,
per. hour. One day for every ,Mile
over that:
tt wish to -co a deE (thin a
party in another section, you can have
your banker draw a, draft on hini at sight
or for' a given tiine. This will be presented
through his local banker as. request for .
payment . •
spaid it is turned over to the i?aier.It is.
his receipt - for an accent paid.
,i6.:ninnen*• "*.Ys.
Y..#1-ich the I3ank.;
of Montreal can',
be of sctviceti..! its
customers.. s
"A Bank LI/here Accounts Are IVekomes1
• . , • a
Established 181,7
, . , ,
Toit4i.As.teta inezitOess o(' W5o,000,aoo
I'C'e°evpe. jentl.'70°['ttrCelrinjsilitrse.d • in , ;192 .
•• -Keep yeur fla•fids on file -*liar-Let
There are three geaclea • of 0=5.
There is but one grade .of crossings,
.and that's' dangerout. . ••
to scare.loconietives with
Accident Tos.upince-4 .a good thing
to. have without an aecident.„ •
Our reads are Wide and tmtiothi.
but some. drivers are .rough and nar-
, . , . •
--r°'''AArrLe seven good hotels and one
jail.. Take syour • piek.
• :Tont . grandfather .lived te be oid •
beeitise :had, sense and o 'did. the'
. horse. . . •
• . , • • • .
:there is rooil. for ...two " hends
e steering wheel: , NOmore and no;
less:. •••
• The 'Minute You save niay,beyour"
,litst,. •. .•.•,
AMP:Collegians Planning. to Invade Europe
To Call Upon England, Holland Belgium and Fran
• Lk011 FRAHCE,,
NeAcergle. site.
• 1100S4.
•,` SrotwoRp-9m4voy
•. 'LHoland:• leigiuM "And
otare .
the POptlajr. 'countries
or coliegitte triers dutint the •Sunt-
• trier .Of' 1926, and the St. Lawrence
:ratite seemsto be the _PonnUtt short
. route for many students. The Wee
, of being ablefto etots• the ocean' and
get -back" borne again at the • price
tiettally paid' ter One Way; seetior- to
'be the nedestiaryinducenieni le col-
• NO �n ihood atienipt :to • see'.
Europe without 'a background of
•; • England. • The experienced tra.irel-
---'"7"-'"-"'"'''*--..„-•:._-__--.•,-Aletar,tirranging,t..-the_ LeOliegiate.-•tours
'' • • realize thisintit plan a week Visit.'
Oxford, the "i great latelleettial
Centre; •,•:Stoktf Pages' and -Other---bita-
Of rural England,,Paid-Loaded, :Un-
• don, 66 tut' of tritetest bletwiertity
and with many netikaan4,. etainlett
•filled With the ghOtite ef fainotiti-
persOriagest • .• ' •
. • ,
Frantic etitnesnext to .Endiaud In
flopularit* with College follm, Some
ttier. tie thrWed
•.11f0. •P*114.11$4t; 'oicon4 trIO:
kirithodi 4tt. tenOt ftw0eh 1nthga3At: fleet; to traVei -third elait:'s•did,tiot;
boulevards and art. • galleries of
France's capitol. But theta are.
leis etterietive that the Wodden, shoed
alid-qttaint-egia,iind-flattezi,,,btaids, of
the I1011andaite: ••
'Very feet in Canada have not tiptoe
keen Personal intereht in the battle,
treat of Prance and Belgiurd,,atid ao
most Of the collegiate totirs embraC�.
an ertetiallo.metor. trip through Bel.
taint Wo6d, Chateau Thierri, 18010"
Pries lettliao and Rhein*. ••
Tti aa tha colittritte 0011: 10
On geoid wddlA de 10991000 rd014111 ',0119410411 PAcOPted titt40 •
, /‘* •.
appeal even tO the.:enthusia.stio gra-
duate unable .tti 60 travel, without a
,Otteitial...,__*uctiOlk-lo.„„'eTc.A-; the • .
Second :Criss iftriei -Mit, retinae-
iliebiereasing: Dion:bet "ok_professitnitiL._:..
Peciple,..willing• to travel- at redticed.L-
rates, •tite •stearashin Companies
angurated the tourist third rate, Put
rnfte On bare stateroom floors, revised
the "inflame' to atilt Canadian tastes iTh•
Iliad. 6 fOreight,and the reoult.'wee
that itil elite and, professore last rear,
hobtiO ad With &tab other halo* ' • •
. .
decks, Mita Ytittr' over Moreiteial .glid ,Cort is opendinz 410,i:days with
404)0 *ill to11610 al 4211.044 04 , Yller: blether giii, ;4414,-.stailiov
w!! 010 ystoveigoto1Iof.g.10*06,4
• " '
, •
.7t-4.1117*rritj1IWRi'PAIlt3tA15.- of
7-vi-TheneVe-t.:911 iitit 'You. ear 'n the: • 'thne ago, :iir'e're • at'llt. thc ‘5tt
repair. shop 370# are greed,: •acinie o
41,4 a kit:nigher than yam,' eXpect=. • kepi :theta gileiejng fit s e • V. -
for re;-: kirw Wka -4410E, Of it was.., It
Mel John JaTe0S0t1
a tontea.anlati. the gamptilgo_cat.._
ried oipy the ifFtirinerti Suit' Vrieous
Votes 'or vouports that .aPear in every
is,sue of the. paper.gCoupoos go9d. un- •
til May the .5th. •
:14"rs. one of-. the
early residennts •of Ashfield Town-
, ship died at Ki•ncarding on. :Monday
at the --age of 76 Years. A few weeks
ago, Mrs. Campbell fell and fractured
one of her arms, And the shock cau,s-
• ed by the mishap' wathe irninediate
"cause of Jiyr fleathi- e is,•suryived
by One daughter, Mrs. .tr, I4eighoed, of
• Kincardine. „rs .
ed for PeVeral days at the, home 9
his brother; Peter,. of Lothian, this
Mr., Bain McDonald Dr Sarnia.
visiting his sfather ,Mr. D. A. Mg-.
'Donald of KintAik this;week. —
Mr. • Alex ;JlleDitunid of Lueknow
visited. foy A dew days :with, his
• daughter, gis:. Neil 'J.: MeKeezie- 9f
Hemlock .City. • • • -. •
. The 'boys of Lochalsit entertained:
about 175 of their friends to a, Very
enjoyable dance oft Wednesday even;
ing the,24th. There was a. whale of a
• time, 11..
• Messrs Mike and Pat - Hogan of
•Lothian were in. London fOr
• days last week to • •see their , ei.stet
• Mrs. Brady who underwent a operat-
ion in St Joseph's -Hospital. Mike
• went •on.to Detroit Where he visited
friends- foF a :1 diii-daft:
• Billie Johnston ov tat for
Toronto. last week. He will be on the
lakes. daring navigation season.• • ,
Rein --70n Tharg.day•Mareh the:25th
to Mr: ar,k1 Mrs. T. J. Laripan of the
oth. Con AcsbIield' a s'on-:-.-Congratul-
We '. are , glad to report, that Mrs.
Cathcart. of Kintail who :. has - ;been
very poorly for sOnie time ls: deadly
. , . . , . ,
charyse saves thee. -
-Charildssakes-reeer ,-,--
falteerite fabric*:
lust like Pew
eoneeticitt rrattipokta goo
• .
11 you' .wish :to
buy your Clzevro?. ••
, 'let on time, the
e 'thing to
# _
GMAC plan --
General. • Motors'
• own plan for sell-
„ing its cars on-
time, which is.
' avai1a6le. to our
purchasers. ,
FLull_prAtection in any weathef
.cOrnf.ort In winter—snugness
s against snow, sleet.ond rain ---that's
what you enjoy when you drive the
•• Chevrolet touring car t 1 4. , ......2 -
, Fine quality curtains, carefully tail- ,
• ored ahd Close fitting,:keep the cold
out and warmth in. Entrance And:
.exif tO both .seats Are linhamPered,
and free because the curtains are
supported . by rigid rods and swing
With the doors,: ,
The Chevrolet 'touting is the : lowest-
"e"----'-edraitages'of• ecOrkoinrcal --olitrAtien_k.o.7
, pricedipar of equal quality and "equip-- .
for winter driving. .
-.ment-ori•-th_e =market. k -It` offers all the-- '
• the Year ..'archind.t_ att Open car,for the,
open road in miniiner and snug comfort-
. . 2
: •
tante in Sat4f7 yourself that here iii ,
low-priced touring "car that offers..real
'all-weather protection.
. ,
new .preblem. The • ; charge • •
pais Is never What you expect:- . :was fan lalge for a dog, and it, didn't
(is either too, lo* Or •"1:6 . high -•look Much 'like' a :cattle bast, ...so it
and' his billy -goat. '
gra, ime
ed. New, „just what ithe •
out te'.gyp' you? Why is it that
repair- never - match.: your ideas ,On Monday March the 29th
, of What: they should:4:e ? . •'• to r, and Mrs. R. McD9na1d of
ThW•inehcanie:---Wetlier ' b
;Loclialsli • a • daughter-,,Cconerattilitt7
dharge of the agencY's. • Service de,
Aiattreent oWnitigLAis
stirring his • Elia- est to keep .yon
satisfied eustomer:. He mifSt; or ' st6u
11, take yeu work elsewhere. He is
)nore dishonest' than iron are nor
is he, 'more. hatless., 7 And :Yet iwhen.
bi's 'bilis, falls out of an :envehijie you
howi to high heaVen, that. You have
.been robbed. • Butlave you?.
-.many "" jolts • require • more ,
time than you: „ realize. the' . nioat
•until they,. ff.:tuna out • it • wie ,HOvvittd
tithis pinxie ? • Are all mechanie.s,
.competent of Mechanics Cannot pes-
sibly be an expert on all makes of
Maehiriet:' Hemight if 'the cari. re,•
:ntained • 'ttaisidarcli •. but they -don't '
The inatinfaetuter is constantly • ;007. '
.-ing impreveMents.' .. . • ' . • . , • .
••- You ask Jilt, :your'Pet. ' nieciiink.
•to : adjust' the- eluteh on , your brand,
teitt- Whogig.• There happens to.::, be
Several •.he'Slr ' adjustments, •• oli this :
clutch and it. takes -Jim stwenty min-
utes to figure -out, themi and adjust
• theCluten•to :the exact "gab" that •
-he-. knows you WOuld want: Ada this
time t� xenitiying and :replaeing ;floor '
1• boards, thitch . tover and :you are ,
StIkk for One hour's 'work that You
.figur.ed•,Wotild.....00lY take ''hitii, thirty
. . . ,
. '
We are terry • to.!report•the ;illness
Of :Toni McDonald Ltichith; wholl
is tinder the doctor's -care:.-- • We hope
he will :Seen he good 'f9riu ei9lif•
on -co
• In toe histliseal year 3„943
stead entriii Were granted- in the
`prairie' Provinces, : aggregating an
•apprOxiiiiiite• area '•of • 614,8130, acres,
while„,in'ittidition,.710 soldier grants
of :118,600 `acres, make tip • a grand
total of 724080. acres - so:Settled.. , •
In 191,6 Canada exported no •041.1t.
Lo Chiha. In 1913 'Ate teat only eight
bushels • to Japan. In 194 • China
imported over 5,006;000 -.4)11.4161s of
Canadian wheat,: and Over 1;600,000
bartels::O1 -flour, while :Japan took
• ut es. In other word s yoo, are
stuck thirtY minutes time -,-•thalj you
expect. Ant be fair with Jhn.
•Ite., knows thisnew clutch new and
next tipie :be Will de it. in thirty
mirMtes. • ' . : • •
;Arid hauall-Y. something drops up in
• every: repair job :that isn't expected.'
But ,if , you want' the job done right
and .youknow that, Jim "knows. his
..stuff''' why:kick .at the extra driller
•or 'WO To kick Possibly' means: that'
•Jim will' save syott meney by puttiog4
.,ijacit'i.soine Worn parts when ncw
parte' should he itted: •
..if• you are in to drop
.hito the' /*Pair 'thopand look over
• Your. Machine while it is • nulled ,down
When the qoestnni ofuniing ,with.
'the Me.thedist.s and ;Congregational
• Churches- came up in Paisley last •
year; the 'congregation :of •Knox til money he elainied owing hrni
Chureli, by •a toitSidetable-ArigjOrity by the Com: 'o x; rfaid.:- The fernier '
decide . to go ant() union he anti- stated he wm
as hot coer/led in any r
• unienistS :.decided , to form" a COngretr,4 di.n.mte btweeti ,E:14:5. • e.nd. the
ation • a the Continuing 'Presbyteii
Chtireh and sioce union' c.artic P9r91.11s7i°u1, ,m-ished . the :.
. the. Town Hall with,[e. A. fetter Ste'ed 0..1,1 have,bus '
on who is also in charge of Sal'eni •' • ' •
United Chorch .,eorigregatiotis held
the': •P•d4.
•erderedbptsl;e4Dlidltrhom ina0 out of his
Church at their pastor., After
him the bo-pls. arid Papers heionging •
to the.:1-Iydro Commissien. ,!•
When Mr, ',.'Elyirige 'presented the •
order, Di Ellis „refitted to comply
into effect: have been worshipping 'in , Meter book ,at any •ra‘te:', This the
serviees-for 'seYeral • Months. in both off • ice- -:'lleatc,d A• cch: ds • .ileYeloPed,
•isnqx ' • - ' whereupen'.D.r. 'Mr.
07aa tie trn1erjviesnoaLsr
:0bt0;:elbsu'osfhettisouorf..*Itaist -a9nre•ddilcid- •CthheuileVliethiotdwitat-i'e
hduerecihdead;idte. b,oatbhaocdoon!
these figures Will.be well beaten filf gregations have been worsiniiping
• , • •• .
the current year. . . recent months in Knox Ch rch with
• .The drand Challenge •Cup,
ntatie of the First Aid Championship •
of the &dire. system of,the, Canadian"
Pacific Railway, will be Ampeted for
.at the Place 3/iget Hotel, Mentteal,
November 15. •Thit.,ehampiOns in a
knockout .ceropetititin among East..
ern and Western teaniss- reepecti'vely,•:,
will: fight: it out for the trophy. :
„.--fine. you can then discover .that:
Jim .is 'really playing ** square with
,youiand is..giying you • •conseteritiotis
• wok. And maybe yoti will find that
Jim is 'cheating ; on yOu=--that he
isn't the upvight', boy you believed
him to be, Hut it's:a hundred to one
shot that Jim is doing his, :hest: to
keep your Cai.
Be reaseitable•with the repair man
and if you aren't satisfied with the
loins why -take time to dittoyer 'the
rehstin for the ovecharge.
. •
. • . • • .
•• Mips Jean Ritchie, .o Zioo. speot
the week -end with Mios Winifred
Webster, of hear. Lucknow.
Mrs. Peter McDenAld who' has: been
..visitirig with her , datighter, Mr.
-Bitten ie4eson, of..ParAMOtint., -re•••,
turned to her home in .Iturem,
Mr ,
And'. Mfg:: Jii,fr Medial:1es" of
.2nd Cort: spent aft evening recently
:with Mt: ,and Mrs: Jack kiendersonf_
Richardt,- -Paraineunt
it sliending a few' dayi-With-frielidi
in Ripley..
• IVlrs. 1114x Itaynard of..Tikrausount,
it visiting With hot .,daughter,..:: Uri;
Walter :Alton of Lttnes: !, • .
Chirenek Irwin anti' babe •Of
Plans are Already:, being„ laid to
• make the 1925 Eastern International
,Dogsled Derby, an even greater sue -
t est than in any previous' year, and
it is tepOrted. that the priZe money
/twill be considerably increased next
'winter, .with the ,object of attracting
, more 'teams and' triushers ±romthe
. 'Nett andthe 'United States.
•• Fire :Prevention Week, October
• 440, was observed throughout ' the .
DOntinion, And to mark 'Old Sente: Of
the inipertritice of the 'occasion Mr..
Grant Hall, vice-president of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, broadcast
• an • appeal by Wirt to. every 'Officer
and employee of the system. !to CO -
.,,Operate e.pas',t set a 406 ck,„
• example by thoroughly cleaning tips,
:2 '
• —
, .
1,..Canada't great otrtiek says; a,t,ea,
-that-Slit-wants -mete.-PeoPle,-.bnt
ty stead# Agri.
Woilete with enteretite,
• tic letters fterts;entigrantS litid6V,the
• les in: Cauede are bound to lieVe their
tffoct on relative*. and
.:01olidiAleedt1efied wttk tb It
a new ministqr, as their pas or 'Rev '
Kr.. Mc Citaig, foriner pester oiirm; . out:. Of the door. The hi" - • f tt•-•
n'icniaoic yeeall'il,r;e611 eenddercl,h, ‘e •air.ii..0•A-tio'• n ,;,a‘• F;"111,i's ritgtueroi:.. ..• •
i.. a t ., - 2 •
nd rey,i‘ ed h.s orm,r sheet - left 'On '
charge .and Rev: Mr -She e •
pp mon, the in."no; tt,Iiie.: steins,. felli on tho verandae . '
church, was transferred to another
pa.; t him. This
fthitine.t , Methodist -patter, continues -11'"• '''.1's•••It76 l'el''
acting inthge eesndaeoSfistthhieit'fiinna.
the' 31st• of this „month. • The ant
r n • ;ma L, tv.u..e. Et...,i,lee" ,ttslted for •
..Elvidg.e bY the•thiont, ,eject. him
. . .
forcibly,: :and ',the littter talied
'Soil '01).-Oat;er1 ;and. as-
gisted Joss father, u strowieg, Elvidge•:' '.•
• • " "
unionist' c_oogregation offered $3i005 .the desk .and roryol ori to the lee' al"
for ••the pld Methodist ehordh as
,p.hltitiereehofof.fteo:itshipaskebdut $
tph,73;0(.).iiiiiAoittisat have settM the
'since. .
congregational. meeting in the 'To:04n the hooks. Mr. Flvid..:;..sre.:'
;d :
Hall, Paisley, last Thursday of thost
• , ers'othat. day Ami the .,,t,quel -of the"•••:'
who refused fa enter' union 'ft was -i
I morning s opisode, "th -
unanimeuSly' decided to build' cow ,case
brick-veneeted/chorch at the asonuetT; 'resnitiney • I
end. 'of the town on the way,.(.• to the , ,„ 0...
station, oppOsite the Balmoral Hotel.
The ehutch will be built by day *irk
and: 'Contractor Jas. 'McKinnon • will
, •.
be in charge of, the ,c,enterit :work. The RohtAndt.my onsd daughteri-
.0ewchurh, 18 .'etthilitted to cott."Elun iett. WO411e,i'qin DotrOit. •
• $10,000 arid fully as niueli • Will be M. nitd 1•'ted
given an work, Werk on the founda-, tended the • fur:0••it i the 'tter's
tion began, last , Friday. , The ' cies:
church Will. be „capable of seating 800
Persons-L-Cliesley Enterprise, j en truesdhy •• • • '•
• • • 1.1le .Yortn;.i! peiTle of Zion enjoy;,
„ .
PAYS •51.0.00 FINE .
T..ksh.fieiSc.:1 ,‘Iteid. 'their
',Taster Thhn1 Off,erinr meeting at
IIael(ett's .or :.‘letid y evening:. The:
: .11.170e11p.i.vmo ..'°'144e!
:costs, 04 ,ttohogo ofemn,tnon, big 'ityyo,tinted to al ntnivt
prefeerredb3P 14r. C. t. Etvide of tyze•--- •••••••-•-•- • - -
.town. Magittrate ' Laidlaw inipaseci ; • IONI,Ctsg. ,
• • -
• (Dueliarn, Review). ."
•'A,t a court
• Hall' on 'Monday' afternoon, Dif: W. P,
. - „
.enee' 'Ok onit. the tvro piintlpalb in Th 'arid -Mrs. 7kV,ttlii-t'VJt1thecae. _rsfent
' • • \ .1' d'T),t wookzith --trivrtrirtiv-Kin.4--
PreSent aa witness, for, the 1LQ esrdine,": ,
eeutiOn were: 11Oleteiti Poliee 'il-• Mrs. das, TiOtist,
lage,:truSteellettitrt' C Driininl, few. dsys,
'Thorne; and it;,.:'01.ristie, They hap rteril-kt` Tin -a
hydro clerk Mrs, :•:,!!!;,--Vottiejattraii:
to eOnie tleigtein And: ';fianA. '
rOftd the ntOtAtiir 'Abd On lis 4011.111Pi Miy Tte T;in czpeuabi
Ing ofi .tocbt 24t1i had gten hltn in afew weeks:
�vi ngJit Ellie toll* T)IcolilooN otWef4 -