The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-01, Page 3• - FOUR PROVINCES'`. ARE • ACTIVELY ENGAGEI MVI'ethoda.of Gathering Annual . � •;- S '1 +�,1 world UYY„C. Even. ku �4i�Nyi1 +r�a'4%kk4!4, Chop Have Changed Since With the Americans h•e .n to Yl It Abbotsford • passing nig winter mens 3 •rinnno.aacri'ah+�. easily and .. to. t11is'.-.day Tw�eeds;:;1b and 'the e'lele and,. • ~'ntalns sugar and enrho•po4 'lack alone lean glue, Hiils a 0 plact+s,oP p lgr mn the, Ei1�oz�. The sap of all maples o In a word whi�ie not atony sack tee g© i loos e e tli^eti ]`he body' lacks. the vltai force grid s n�oRt*er days, in,tiwee dE scar• the 'Wizard. Made them Yery shrines of ,. eity; ev sn the Manitoba maple,• the .: _ ! rmm�nra Tt mazr. ha rli..ihh+airminQ tt Ieri�t prod Iettve,,,oi; �ths milyr 11/1144 uywu :them., R1, pivvu�u 4+4'+i+us', nerve,� _ re�pe�et, was tapped. for t e. purpose oil res,tari $ nQuaeA froth a touring 'ban,. that: 0:14 •L_,,,�_ ..-- _-- ._ _ti._._•......,... ,,, , �`, tonlo. is needed to ive .r»- .___ , . ,;_.: Not Sick:Hut Not to -the • liains' Pink Pills,—They 'Give • • Romance, Only the beek's YOU haiefiyen your - that first, visited., Ulm' thfl"-'s -041.'17 Hroildtnine and' 1.0 the romantie part of qreart`,Dritain • Early 'Tin), es. - People feel weak • 41,414 n henbted•:thek it, 1B Ind ia tie First: Farmers. , Wiflitt",•10:e'dnes,,,Cartier cams to Can- ada he • found • the Indiana Making Sugar.. TheY•Put the hark -with hat - the flow .of eap birchlark pails .and bolted It doWn in earthen - In" inany'ddstricia, of.teurse, ..the • keeping by farmerof a "sugar bush" and the making .of maple sugar is but; a 'passing phase et agrieultural..de- Veliniment, but there- are other's Vier., owing to' ParticUlarlyi••,initallie • candle liens, 'sugar:making bids fair to -bre . come is permanent as aPple. orchard - hams Rink ,P1118 are an elt•y_ear-roued it!” -$4 leithat which AWang :;(..2pen• and : especially: useful', !lithe spring- Ilbeery •'.1'benisa:theRhyriler en' their' descent *7 strength,. cheerfulaies.,"•„.and. ;good far. the' dritar Said to: ife .breathlese at, 'the least exertion,..; • if. your coraplexion 14 peer or yea.' are trembled • with pimples or 'eruptions, Dr; Willianne Pink:Pills ,are just what you need to pat you right. yoa have. . 4a• ilk°Ora You need .the treat:Mat • Dr: you need the new; blood; 'new. strength brings: Mrs: Emma Fraser, •ThesSalepn', Ont.,' says :—?"TWo. years 'age ..MY. ner- ef1.1 here -new if it Same kind of dYetPtiffesalonal '- ,Dyers ,u.sa., 'Fist -and Beautiful. :NO Chance of mistake's. • for RagPell eonie hack here at' tWilight, when. ' atilLe .Plaee •Of gialrl'enr: • Abel% ars •Steitlifily ',.•204uraYa 1:(4;i41,1,4:ot,irityto;.4reee,;fti);: 'Jae. Bi4ott,mue, one of the three losOer, There . more babies bern Mardi In Ontario. ,than la 'any Other 11'10 everheated; hadly ventilated fast.friends. It :la aa Mrs. DroWning, • We get ne gond: By Wing gene,rouS, even in book, We gloriously fprget, ,parselyes• and Plunge' , ImPasetei:04" for its benati and .salt "pis : then we get• "the right, good et -a On' Account '..Of 'the Very Sudden day hright, but:e1CPPY:i•the, nest the teurials Are gone aid Yon find it Dein, #ricl for Birth tertificAter ch'id rem Conditioxis make it nec -single month of the' year. •Otir rnninfi and c4tQh • e.°140 whiaa rac4 Isti9a , is ineteased yearly ,,,•by about nheir whOle system, • To guard as„,irtat 72.900 birtira•wfthin the proyinee.;. Or, te ,1001') the behY: :Wen heinestead •in .whiPh the: isueceedieg te be exact, 71,15d. births: were regle- syrnbal • of 'Seollarul'S Past Mated, ire now .registered within the him These conditiOnslaelude a maple 'Yobs SYetem- waa in ,Suple eioneltion haunted countryside,. and, in lite/lay:: ter later Means a -great deal' Ot tronble ...grOvo iiittiated, on a 'hillside' of son 'that life :seemed a 'harden. . 'Could a hnailred othene.that. he .‘huew: well, lir' Aeaufing, 'signature& to' :declares' ,oderabie extv# 404 too ateep or: neither werki pat. br . sleep.. *ell, I SOOtt: found etrang,eneei and Wender. tio* etCe The, time to logistet' 10' .atoey,,:tc,.!m,,eattable: f9x. nid.ur,twe. tried several niediciaes,•.. but did, net Juet ap,.striele: as .raeineatenind•:/ertUrd. 'when:the:Child is: born 'and the:Person': •'• In euch. eituation, Where 'the owner 'get Indeed my .condition nees, donrriess and goed•felleivship. :held 'ft'sPoSsihie.hy law; is the•Parent. • :Intende to maintain a permanent euger seM:esti to 'be•groWing :Werse. Then' • • • .; Tour Scdt will, tern re/eel:lee. :!So great le the. demand:. tor eertlilL. evaporator hcae. le, placed 'pr., Pink iPille were brOught hgrd 'crash and still cherish Kest 'rates that the reeord office is pile ;of •at the. • betionf of the Sloe. the t° .14y atteatiOa and- 1' deci4°4 't17.°Y,gamii,', !‘'A Sn'sina ''sl)nt4 in tile'..*)yer:nne4:1: them. After. using :a...feW boxes' th'ere •PenturY cif the English Novei." ' beildinga; 4,000 .applicatioas. .are 'bts• formerly: they. rarely: eitcee'ded langed new 'npon record of' fOr: Search : y.and :$1,00 additional' ler Yeine.oWn'birth.--is--registered,. or_ wink -giStratien'Of:a ma:Triage or death ment. Of Health .of: 'Qatari?, • Spadina Bndly digested food, aciditiOtthiatopitiCh, sluggish liver Ouse headaehes-Seigel's Syrup *ill remove these causes, :any drug store: • :Difit6yer Kitchen. in Ternple :Thekitche,n et a. teniple..ef the Moen potarnia,„' With 'pots,' : elaY gene , and. Were; left le: 20681141: When King Sabi - 'and harmed the.: temple, hie, been' Un- earthed 'hY the jelnt ei.pettition Of reit,. nay:Waffle :Unlyeratty and the British tor: of the:;nuiversity; •auilohhoett• t!"• squat. ead :gelid/figure- who: sits: to an elaborately fletineeddiese on a .throne female figure :of snch earlY.dete 'ever :in: PreparatiOny is that,' of the:Moon hare the really Magnificent stractare originally in. laud .brick hY -par- and rebuilt. In Afie hutted' brick." 150 'years later by Enanature. . "In the eatetitere and in the: Nemo teniple hail' been: saelted and.- burned, .the twelfth 'Year '.•of Seineu-Ihnie, that city, whieh' had retentle been es - one. finely, carved . figura' We lt.represents :tile goddess Nine'', and ;long: inseriptiOn ori the threne 'shows, had her. einple at ty." •EttrIllg .when oPeratIons are to beg --ins•was no ,roorn to doubt that theY were lt,11 array of. bright tin tubes, • :two • helping me I continued their"Mie nn - Inches„ or „Se in diameter nild ' et .11 a.tmica-ory. ,to all parts:of-the grove.. The: 'sap le cor,.11e. eted•in tin pails% hung against, the ••• • : which ;keep' out :rain. or snow, dead ',LeaVes and duat. When a ,pall la full • the Worker re.Places--it,hy 'an empty pee and *Unties the full one IntOscite • an the,use. 96 pounds; ,while Wider their age with Keep:Vour System Toned. UP. „ Try 13r: WI:Maras' Pink Pills for „ 01 ,the funnein, 11X04 at convenient anaentia,• rheuinatisin, neuralgia,. Indie tubes; the saP pears Into a tank Inside „a_a a lento If You are not -in the • best . • the- evaporator beesia, • mut •fronr this- physical Conditio,n and cultivate a re. , • draWn eff as ,requirede •through siatince, that VAR' heO0 Ion well ,and • 'the Is • then evanerateel:. to 'the from .fereigit' "etibetanees,:. also, .the fuer 'and it is •cnatereary eirer the -grove • in. the, Winter, and. ent out•'alf.deat and 'Undesirable: trees, and. • to skid :.these doWn the in ta the • made .-f6r Planting :eanlinga and ea- .• epacespietake the. Places, •of trees that , Climate Conditions: *The ch of :centre:of the maple:Sugar •• Eastern --Townships. The._ .other, ,pro,• '• larger,than in 1924, bat Owing tO lower .Priced the. .valuo Was' SonieWhat • leis.. The nVerege•Ptiee was. 11 cents per *ling. in Galilee. Once More the Yea.ly miracle: has, bathe .Wlieri purpareal, Aide : heaven's etittelie7; the loving voice „That bade the:green grass break :• 14 Shining sheath end Shake, With bipornY7ardois flush?' • .Could -We bat reit These •Patlis, Would knoW hio feet, :' :•se.'ee And heat his•ItIndly voice) sotaIna and The resurrection, the. re-hourgeoning, The qiiickened pulSe In nature's e Very The sky-Warcl7nmilUthig strain, 'titter le a le trite fah -nese now, That he once trod ' ,WIth quite a natural grade, tieing litit"Trilik Instead Of dold when mail, et 50e, a. bex frent, The Dr: Wil - Rants'', Medieine,.Co., Brockville; Ont. ' there' le net harmony.. --Miss • - There are :on an average ,goo• Sleep- 7 "'you .weigh 196 and are rethicing a Peund a day on your treatment?" • lake it 196 dal's"' • ' , tandelilla wax, 'Used, lit making /ewer- Silage Crops A WEALTli -of valuable in - A• -•k• fermation regarding :the. newer Silage rops contain- etrin BnIletin No. 50, "Silage— Sunflower, born, Sweet Clover and ,other • Silages," recently iseued 'by the Department ‘• of • Agriculture, Ottaiva. The butiah to our knowledge , of . .silagim other than corn, which • -may be ' gtoWn in districts where corn cannot be profit - borer prevails. ' Recent 'publications include "Silage," "Poultry Feeds and iFeeding," "Cultivation of the Apple :in Canada," and "List Of Five Hundred Publications". Check off .those desired on this ',form and return, without postage io post Office. province-. , Feelick8 13lue9 don't . care Much, whether Se.hool .. • ."' • ' • along, a box of Baby'e Own .Tablete should be icept in the hpuse: and an his stains:elf Sweet" hOWels werking regularly. ' .; thus relieve :colds.'end simple fevers and IteeP baby fit.• The Tabiets .are sold „by reedieine dealers' -.;ri by mail. at 25 cents, box froin The Dr.. Willie:ins': Rooth for; another rese: „ •When;cOMea another singer, there'w1I1 - When Sea -Birds W41k. .At eunette,•all•the,Sea,hirds -Upon 'the. beaches crutset:, 'And fill the :air •;a-itli.: foreign: wards They: roll ashore in twos an d threes But only these :Who rise. frent bed '‘Vill.eYer knew what, things ore said . When. oefelirde walk together.. Minarcre "Liniment for :POI da. . IO a:farewell plinlerlice• they; Stood la ' "1,Ve were seeing whirdt is :the tall-. .er,"'eSplahled the young Mali, in seine "You Ureabeot ten iaelres taller "' piped 'the: "Bet Alkie le abdut ten Shades reilder!".. '.111estsPfders have..polson fangs; but EPZ...EMA CUTS, BIlti.NS,'15111JISES, end en in: ritations of the Skin, instantly -respond lo • the :first application : of: .TISIT. 13aniehee that itching Soreness at mice; and continued use 4ffeets sure relief, Send Postal Note of fifty cents and a trial pot, Will be nuti!ecl at onee. Mit Mfg. co., Bebe Aye., Toronto*. moist :unchimneytd:",p,laces:0," IS th.O-.•flosIti the homeu"t eight Of. that lad-thet: bY It fares.; 'Whistles afresh hie feollah, town:: caught , A thing. SO honey -colored and so tall! • It la ae theugh 'the young Year, ere To tie ,white riet,or the cherry tree, Would fain aecustom tie, or here, pr to hie new sudden way's with: bmigh' CheI•ries on thd Roadside. There are • three Mlles of cheery BUILD THE' NEW NOME talaS,Several', Plano:: Of: 0400.0 ' liteMee.4 4010'0: little. a great ing seen the' °mate pi:insiders Its well, Sold Address, dont *Apes Oellselir Villa Y, Windsor. Oat. Warnees Used For Atte, Pel .s • ;INSTANTLY Liadied;.Disrignsteis• Teak* AFTER. SHAM 'Safe kidney . and Liver: Item edY „•• pet:'!, bottle. • Warner's.; Safe Remedies : Co.; Toronto, Otiterici. Self SOf Thoitsands #d Victims The average nian yrOtrien 'does not ' appetites headaches; biliousness and, a lack o( enthilsitisth for iithereWork of. . Scientists have aseertained that such . econdition usually -68144 by self - 77 natural secretion which promotes regii- 'contents, is oftendeficientspecially • . • among middle-aged people. The poison ; from ;waste niatter"rentaining la the- . !!iysterap of people thus affected is the :insidious enerny of good health:. . permits ,thorough and regular hoWell. elithination Without Overtaxieg the FOES -140T AF ECT:: E HE 77. • Vie I'Vervascent The Wingate Chemical Co. Liinited4 Montreal. 6, • • MInarcre Liniment titled hy,,phystfclans, cOritairis'prpveli directions Bendy "Iloyer" boxes of 12- talileta ,Also,bottled et 24 and 100---Drtiegliati. • xtt n Act.tft t;elleylle "A,. S. 1,t, ^t). lt 15 *ell known • Baja', Otuyiiny win be stamped tvith then eassee trade: .1aalk, 01.1s.rtr Oesse"" • kdia Windsor, Ont 'After thebirth ' • my ,first• baby I Was very' Mitch. run- • down in health' and the docter Staid 1.: Must haee idperation. as 1, , friend wanted me 'to • try ye:urn:at- ling my ,seCondbaby and felt real.. . well all the; time mid did .init have's, •. hard .eOnfitrentent,.. I feel sure the; - Vegetable CompOtiod ai.i tile a lot 'of it,, ncl beth Sistere praise it as a good medicine. I. ani more, than pleased Mrs'. Carbinleheieti iron Paia across my hadk and ,in side fortwO yeard after My first baby. was horn. ikly mother had taken LyidinE. Pink- . read about It in the papers, So I tried; it and the painsall .left•me, have. , • a family et three Children new, and . :the medicine helped me'.' dining the ommend it to my. friends."L;Mrs: CuOcura Loveliness For generations mothere: have tot all:40110'pin poSei end bays been test:king their, daughters that s'fan Arid healthY they And should any irritationis arise; grid •