HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-01, Page 2'Stop right fel.arreti3007.Whited `7.ba3r:bloO* iurAhlalgardel:6-' bia
tlf*' etk0.1ier, word like gotiOentalai* in hilieinits-robfa:, In hf
that,". Aunt 'Ite•Pay'-or., rar-Vit In 8tn4V And e_lWa,ytlfair Aknit (PP#61:11
. • nieraTalkiVeridIatands-•thie,'Neg-fterillyiri, the ,
By AMY f OV$1,14,
come at.last. Already blah way -every atiek and' Shred of hear one word againat dead moth.; ear.43, gm:inc....44 sweet•flower that
earth waa greening in it." • )
erl and rn?,-”I'M dene With $04. I've 1? -9 Proressaraqs:.abal'ad.bialWa.' AMeng Eastern nations the egg liraa of the itel,ihborin„g castles,. tOok„ . Pa
11,1sternag f r ring
peeping. fig*. in the: orchards, strolled lemur* liemewardra string 00411.0016g sa 1. wax,t,
*fly eades; the, pinit haaa apse /teeny sunset ,„vrbeil 4?eS' Beard here leng enough -to have . . . the-ernho,i Itet. it:Ivo ditto of
. . _ 9 • . the world-,orlbe Creation' that baa
:•..r"' ' . ay Voillowe nodding to the of shiners, . arefully sleanecl,, en bie. I'm hot going. to stafid it aay longer., Tile birchee al101etening,liatening devele„„.A. the e-- , etc -11 i -ht - -
.04-..a bine bird was thialting .fishing-pele.. and a hieburich of ..arbti.; rnt:eff from piniritili-to_aight.,,, i (Their, aSth, while heues 8/listening) ,, A . *--,`, g raw a ngst.
. which still opens in the East at the'
. 1,,, ,,,t 91 the ham with a :brood of. little cottage, anfl d ,taPped at diet" door:. burnt, Joey stnitocunt, for his rpohi toi, The, bircheia are iisteaing) listening:. • ea similar ta our ii y , D. ' •t
doWaY chielce, and Aunt IlePsi" Was: "WhY,.JoeY!" exenled 'Visa DittrYi gather up hiS few clotheaand As he' '' - , -:-, • °, ' • ' ' ' -''''`w•- -"r a :7-9Y'
)thnso.deaning. ' .• ,, • • anrerri a qua OrSt- 'via t fr° 4s.F believed, shikhe the, duet Of gill 'The liVilel IIM whispering ogether, t t l' -tinie of the Tenewing Pf the
'`,"About: .tbis. ' time," said Aunt • ' • • . .t, / o. t :, from his- eet for. • . . • , year,;.. -, e ee , , betrothecL " Three times the tri
, . shy stueeens pupil. , . , : f h• f .. . t4t the hillside:y.41,0w with heatba:r, •• ulaondrefseonfttsheativgho;excasu.apencgvult, o!, and 1.
•it. .' ' , ' of
' - his 'hair in. his emirs rassment • • :hi h . . 2. • , • -
it tn 'win- '. all quarters. intended, to regal! the as 9° ixe°'9 - ' • - '' - '1' ' • .1• 1•1' '''''' ii 'fi
, be rePeat,A and anY.aWkwardnesa be
al was the birthday of the ,Saviour, began, th
regalarly celebrated. • , .,,... -,,e '
,IXepsy'S ainninac, 41004•`"Mit for eibi: • ever
They are,Woridering, wonderiag Why 1c
"Yes, nria'am7eit's-Lst ih 4 autt•-• But he etartedeas he eroesed the; '
kkg her, nest in the old ,malf.e. tus; fresh damp moss, in -his hand.- And; 'leaving Aunt flePsY fairly For the far-off at, of $Prines danc- 'th•e•begianing af the new' Year-
- SprIcleti Bid had clticked tdigropbant.' "HO stoked at' the .tecaehe'r's pretty :00peeehiees• at. this nh..reeeeknted. out_ ing feet, ,• .
' spring equinox...4a 'holiday is ce-ebra -
the Pleasures otthe day.' ' Eater, which is being.
A 4iindred eggs.Wake: aPattmre4,94, bY'.Chriatian threughOurthe •
the Sand, ad a Country dalK0 WIlat vi0a. Is the Oldest 01, r; .the fetL
PerfOrnied bY Yung '49104ivali_,Pf the, Christian. ealen.dart
,eaeh Other by the hand; • • 1- 4,,antedates the observamie
It eVfie the: acknewledgedRustemli, Christmas. For While Eagter, Was
that Part of :the e'oUntrY' that 'if the: aerved /rein the veil:" beglYang ef
dance were-perforMed ivithoUt danger ChrlatianitYtnearly..21,000 years it
to the eggs,,,the Senple were declared was net 'until...the 'fourth;Wrdrurt that
storm" 'aid .4 -lever thought 14°r4d ''t!!•1111'n. ' ° .000a_ .11Okt.' ,There; Un'seenenVforgot.' '$,Prlag 43:Pasaiag then!" • ee Pun• and' $71144:1•°ggs aY0-*4' 4.7411 t IX') • with •shouts of Together 'With Christmas Egater ia •
-Joey Bro,c) ,HepSye,pepheve,--e • . . 19 • aPget.,4 Pre, .9 , ..0 • ••• . .'t c. • •,..; • : ' • • derisi t saccess wits heaftilyt ap-.• classed, byrethe, inatincttve: rehgle a,
g*vewiser warning for fish for..yo,or oupphr; Art §e• wait in the: ptheringc., shadows, Opened . ' • : • eharlea Bain)? the Onlitleinte.,1P. 1,41Tehdeed°4p:ri:lin:110-10;s1W1. r'''bed
.114 .41.1y,14,4a:n, "Thought Yo„.0 mi, Fhtolge .4 string of stead '"Talleat One . Look, thrbugh your radeimen„th of .44.1.4,0, .
heuse-clealling are .the,',flower,s. wen were :telling ..11.3' "late fel.:anceeefeet :,' e See, YOU. ne ,sign that .she•launch:fa • me.at:Of he year 94 theeorst pc-44aq.: .,w,ato44 014
Chokuig vot • • 'd • . .. • iJoalc through, .your their Signifieation thou '• th" • • new • in OL:the.,y'ear,.•'. ;. • • .1
striick tarn% and.
• mist; rust kebbish• tieWereeory.01°:*?,,Pth .°!1'431131‘. other day -the 74.7 Swift on the tide 0! he !S' g", e1 u,, cauaed the 7.7,,.:,gghl94.7.J7rcel,„ of lithe11"fere*slieti
. d411..4tt.trynagvh,,,,....ttok,n,-apsit,etrhp7. rt,e,b,SUalre
tf Eke it '
• • - • • • • 'beaatieS think YOU called theme 'r• • • ' • '• . • ' : •" saxd Tallest- Onbl ' ••
Becret.Worle•4.4 •^, have to; keen' mi., •WOrd,j4ike..ltv.t4 brino,...shiththering, green, year, they „Sti3.reinind of ;t1iIi re-' • "" • • ••• '
-92':•cia4 ilraa'breUght• to: light! - nice string of ' Dit11.you•:,cateh
AtE„.1,WriY.•;`sterined ;and- SWell, • • them: all yourself.t ahld, of yt•cati ieiti,r,r.,..,s.(71,4-‘;44iere.; don't AB. our sweek.prlde„aa. if i:Of • inciOnted, 'On," 'gair)r-i'l Chriatians..pbeing(1011,
anuakmost ised to take it to 'Ms's. :Mary'. to,' branches"• . rate -'no longernthoOPeamg of 'Oa peered the .handsome, t• Young Duke 1?lulllbert of Savo, acompanied by beginning In the ./eWish'foas'tsr-O0;Ple:
4tThe first llow off-ofl to t prnag-thvirt to me,'""Won't yOu oirie • -mucre? ; , rohea. like a . caparisonedom in rich from or intimately luxe) ,
:onaocourettin't4.0Q9d untillebtb she e -'•
equipages' , , • • "Jewish Church"- says 5^churiik.,
'and •E')vira, .her lucaMil.cc.:helPi Were: rdand soo-inci*t.?" : :tt wao ahard night 'for Seey. -He ' ' ••• • •
• The prihce alighthd. front his -ear: torian, "naturally continued •,-•the o
war -ail -0
In7 RaSSia" Easte.t*ggir;Oquraa.a.*
11.4!giOns "eharaCter. 'they ate distribtit:
'ed !ally 'after •beinesbileinnly•blesSed
hy :the .priests .Holy Saturdat,.. .
NO Mender"doei'‘tnik.te 'the' .weeds . - 't\q' ._31111 ma'am-', i ,'Isi• ',,, s' 4-"1---ce cinc scan' fiung•hineself on little bed. , hunerry The birches are.h.S.teaing, betellin'
rfr.011, thisApril;Mak•ning, fleeing ne1thitPl'EY""aillni' all.4v$1.44"."3';'''aaCheavbearted) and it -weS. Jong They ..
are trembling with Joy and
u te abashed'. by the. •gliultese he! hpfii•-ia- ha.a'aii:o teeep. ..-, , . . ., ., Whiskering .,.,; . . • : .
:twine' the • 'Oath ,te,.11cona , for this qui
'eVagehend."2'. *horn Misswith its dainty,gi'litGfmilein mirtains and .a
litt:a sibting-r°°In that, At la§f he sank into in uneteiy slum': ''she is coining' our °14/n, oursweet-
her, from which he started up, shiver...1W! hear her feet; in our reeeets beat
. 1144e tabeir, from,1.his widowed] ---1
, pretty pleb:tree end: potted plants,' ;Tie. . • • SPring;on,lier dancing feet!" '
father cl°11'11ds(;f91. 414* ' a come in n 'seemed the abode o princelysplendor.-Henrietta Jewett Keith.
seteli,..,,04, .erial. Ong:foie AuadruPle share; ore:muddy things. qvfi•itii•tliese bigereWihnetepracIcased makingu pa 141Y.lafs:r. bluster,hisde-
.911.0 foot to the other and twirled his throUgh.theelienwindew. i '
cap sheepialrlY-e"What 1 came to aaY) "My lily!" theught Joey, Yen -imager -
Mies: Mary, Was that that , bulb yell., ink his last. and treasure,
'give me last fall has cOme UP heaUtl-:' And he sprang to the window. and
-ftile."It's-e,goingeto, bloom -and if you leaned -forward-. tol-lift-thee-floyeere
don't emind • the butter-crocic I'll 'bring 'when a • eound•efrani be0* Made • him:
It round for Beater Day." ... : : I pause and listen With `bated breath.
"Bulb! butter -crock! -.Oh," exclaimed. Voices, 'surely, • beneath -voices "low
hOOV4141:.WSS MarY'ikind'teach- Nisi. Mary,. "you Mean the 10"-bUlb and strange. • ' 1 : i• . - ,
iRg.Were. AieY'S •eempensatioa for his I. gave you. It is going tO Worm, rue "Kin you wrench iboIt"?". '
atd lot, and he 'trolled his line ailing 'Say? Why; every one of Mine ,were la a minute. inikeert.ni., Don't
Biofeed 'Creek this morning, likened` Utter failures. • 'firing it to Me by .afi Want :th Stir -things up too SoOn."- .
. . • • . ,. ,
'to, the note of the bobolink, . and means. - X widche so•glacl, to have it. Joey's, heart. gave ()he :cold *lad
:searched for the shy blossoms of the We Want' all We ,Van get for.1 the and then fairly. stood -still..
' arbutus, While 'Ainit flepeY;rivith her Church. And.airicoi.'019.6tter=c09k!", t urg ,arsBurglars in t is„.. onely.
B 1 ! • h. 1
thin wisp of hairskeweredOn tell' Of (Miss 10171 laughed. kallY.ne"stlitaxeFsalo,,af.,,,71ae"Neo, fu -1l ta,,,,....,„.clutiha.e.rte;ore:6 a6a,mmialecleafroilmy
her bead,- her -skirts. tucked . up and now idea for Me. , jOeY; I'll P14 al& any 'neighbor's' beliii
soap and sand at.canunand, my lines:, in butter -crocks
., Warkzacouring and 'acrubbing.as If her :an4. seelf I:-.49'n't hive:better-11;0e' I up, in a lull of therhd. There's •only
" Verylife and soul were at stake. •'., '." •And,JOey irent On homeWard'eCroes two women ond a httle kid that sleePs
c`laa agi-4aggin0 that JP°Y often boots. But--bur-JoeY shuffled from parture. A/chilly wind was sweepinc,
liaScadistrict 'school down
ire with a sweet-faced
the - country boy's
s pie mind, had Sounded the heights
011 pOrr of human 'knowledge and
as. altogether the hest and de:are:et
email in the world.
.;,,,m.;,,,,,. isvit.p, ,,,,,•11, ,,,,., ,
at he.--Ael-4*dill4"--..°-A;Pri*IZ sttr-'!.•A,I.. . s, .
-15.,,, wart fairly pinging' m Ili gareetof .e.
epsy, pausing at t .
e. , . ,.. „ .
he. little barren •silaillie boyish breast It was only:X.roin, Aye, -en One! NO one ••but 'Aunt
echam r , • • / •0. • • -• . • Miss. ,ary,poter Joey ever OA a wore' Hepay, Elitira andlhiniset. And not
- ., I
. : To..,..saicrynu needn'tinind,"-, replied ,of; :cheer. i' • • . • - • I even Fanner Bray's rusty gum! e
••Elviry;:briekly; “he'd eiean it upliinie i"Don't Coate one Step further; doer, Joey stood, his hand still resting dn
'silt:or ..„'k °, e....: •• . ' ' ... , ... . 1 -Brooks'" • Cried. Aunt liepsyy, as : hei3 Easter .1ilf,-n_like. :one-turned-to-
Affeid4e/Sn'it, indeed! 'A :nice &e -an approached the kitchen door -'not tillorte, , • .: . , •
it would bed, J don't .suPPose his poor, you've taken off them Muddy. boots and -
Id' ' ' '` " ' ` a' . 4 ii '
She s got five lcun red. o ara in
•i, ;
1' :weakly ,,lriOther knew • What • 1-,otise bruShed. your trousers i won't. halte ' her room, arid We Must have it."
- •Cleaning,wa.. Get the•spare, room key my scoured floor tramped over- by any,' , ea,ye, ayee..Tha,r, theeRges.oe.4. rump,
eft eon entaelc.'thisc-Land'S eakel such. feel. Kere;.ElvirY, hand Joey a in:"
did 'ever tiny . one sej,/- such' •a hole'' Plate of cold vittles; he can eat 'OM en; But that jump . was . never 'Made:
faIeygesped---A-as-the-rts-the-door the'door-stepe-1-Nicetintheof-day4orea-Hurling4--elOwn freni-•---seme-nnseen--
. , .
• /law. Otien.: it her .vigorous push and boy to be coming home expecting to be, height earee a.terible missile,crasihing
• revealed ".the -1,:lom Within., , , *' . served with ..ti het. dinner. I'm just, full upon the itiscreant's head and
It was a by' s room emphatically, 0:ein done otit, scouring and ,sdriih-' felling him sense es to the earth while
but ..gUe14 'a reom. ai ,a,_ 'mlither .would bing:' Such a k el as ,that room of, with A cry of • terror bis compahina
have Passed, through - with a tender' yours, JoerBPoo1sj. never seen ;in 'sprang • off affrighted into the dark -
tonal: an . its :treasures and a loving my Mortal Of e r '
" szae joy the Wheleaoirieboyish taste Joey looked alarmed.. nes& '
"Oh; *hat is.' all' this racket?"
thus •revealed • ' "Has she been tip in my thorn?" he shrieked:. Aunt . ilepsy, and ":Elvira,
The narrow cot bed Was neatly asked EIVira; as She caMe.'out with a tumbling from their , beds. :-"Joey
, . • .
' Made, the tin' basin and pitcher spot- huge dish of .cold Meat and potatoes Brooks, what have you done now" for
leis end -bright; but as for the rest' : and bread that would have satisfied Joey, white faced and breathless, met
"Sticks ' and stones, bugs and the 'appetite of the Giant dswerantthem' on the 'stairs.
beetle:al" exclaimed Aunt-Hepsei, star., . "She has 'that," 'answered poor El- `:1, don't, know; litirt him pretty bad;
frig a the home:merle shelVes that held- vire, draggled and drugged nearly to...I •guess. They were Comihg to rob
riage, adVanced, and, bent his knee bee serve the Jewishfestiyal, theugh in a
. • A.: charnung legend . is. .told•, Opting% fere the lady of the thanee,..enteeatinge neve.. spirittei as ,‘e,oiren, eithepraitiere,.;,, 'of ,
the Frerieli peasant's...in the East of
her.hospitality.:• This being graciously- events of WI;ich." those una.:',1;leen-eehae
Prance, in which .gi4r egg bear'accorded, , the festivities prOceedod' (lows. The Passever,-ennobietl•.by.41,10
the tirakBastiiiil
teheproLn•oowne;otup:irr:..s, .havil .ig left , • ;Ian.: .iihiigthheeteve,nitMOre:eti(thitrit ati.en thharn:befere.1though.t of etlirlat as
Margaret °10f• Austria, GOverness Of * When the eXeitement WAS at the Lamb,' the 'first 'fruits front the dead,
• . .
ity of Europe; lint was 41so an ettrac- on an sides. • ,
1. "Austria 'arid 8avoyr was the cry- 3ewish-faith••the PassoVer coMea on a
Easter"eiefira ted 74, 47".filir!
dets on. a pilgrimage -to a distant and garet's youthful enthusiasin. Mar ' taboricnhureidstranhe
'f4r.'faniti 'shrine' arriY0 at Baargv,a "i, Would like to ibin in the dance • Hut while Easter is a:contirkilation
town : net far front Lyons, 'where. she alee,,,,,she mouthed. . ; . 1, ' in -Christian fernref-theJeWish Pass:e
remalhed: A few da ye • at a: castle •lh
the defith Of the forest . Inimediately Phillibert .begged 'the Over; early ccliffeteaCeS aroSO relative.
, honorofher: bandic' and led her for- to the precise day on which the Easter
This princess-Wad:net only, a most ward • - • . ' ' • • festival should be observed : 'In the .
important Personage among. the helot.- :.
1 „.. • - flied day of the. Month.; whereas •the
tive and most ch -arming young.wOmani The two Young,' people thennelVei; 'Christian believerg;fremethe earliest '
full Of grace aad'J°Yousaa'sa• " ' far from thinking of;their their °noble rank' days assigned tho•Easter. festival to...a
:During her stay at the castle, one and :the dignity of their respective* fixed day of the week, naMelYePuadaY, •
festivity , follevred 'another in : her . houses were intent only on avOicling that being the first day of the week,
Ironer. Knights and lords 'vied with the it`attered eggs. , , . t. aidaccerding;to Scripture,
. .. .
one another • to obtain tt. favoring
glance from her bright eyes,. and the
'peasants looked upon her as a gra-.
citrus being froneFairylend, ,,'
• .
e Daintily Margaret advanced and upon ithich Christ rose from the dead.
retreated,' scarce7y 'seeming .to touch' The differences,.... due largely. to
the ground with the tipireof her hiehf astronemical problems of a confusing
hee:ed shoes, and:lightly extending; character, continued until -the year
' -On ..Baster Monday; there was a h:er blueesatin pettitoat, theta might, 825, whe'n the Oonnql of Niece de- •
geeat gathering in the plain beyond not 'dip toward the eggs. dcreed that everywhere In. Christendom
the forest to enjoy the day in. dieport. ,Fath favored the illuetrious pair Easter shoal& be celebreted on the :
of, various kinde. New: games and old Se it might' the simplest itettettritt"The same day, Itwasnot, however, Until
Were prepared for the general amuse; dance Was successful, .'and Margaret .1 the adoption of the: Gregorian
cal -
, • •, PRIN't'ED
printed silk of graceflit. design is
admirably adapted to this. straight-
lihe, frock; cut. with Oval neck, arid re-
vealing a shaped yoke front an: back-
• • ,
ending in short kimono &Reties •Fine
4 1,4 wee
0- olt•WI--te asants formed -an- arch- tharr ever, placed% her-, hand in fh,tt; of, geperally aceeeitid,' •
ery having . for -their'target -a• the young duke; saying.' ' I day. in. the churchea,,of 'Russia and
. .
hogshead of• and the archer .. "Let Ala ' adoit the.' custom cif "the; Greceee, as well In sortie nte the,
who was ,fortunate enough to plere.4 countryl" : • • '°' • . l'Oriental• Churches, where the; Gregor -
the cask had the right to enjoyjei deep • Ile, he whitembarrassed,- adeciptedTlaii-Or4indethectilendlir4fanot•Lbesti
erreeghe of the wine, inViting: all the her hand And. all that it involired.:.And aceepted, Eat:4pr thmetimea bee.
mentbers of Ida party to joiri- in the so they were 'affianced,, and 'the- poets .foto and eemetirnes.after the .date on
potation, . ,
of the country sang many ' a antic, in which the festival is:celebrated by the
• Margaret, eurrothided by the ladies their honor.' ' • ' ' Western elintehes.. ; • :1' '
0. 0
perience hi every age has borne tind
still bears to. the. living chrtit,
Jesue lives; no longer now
Cali thy terrors,' death, appal' us- :
Hot 'Cross -Bunt. .
.In•pursuane Of an eld. English cyre-
to.m, hot-cross-bpiraareefoundnnayutuy
Jesus Appears to lila Dls- Jesus by•this we know N , 'tables on Good Friday • . The hulls have
cipiea, John 20t 24 tO 2tr 26: Golden ' From the grave Ile will recall in. tine!' immortalized', in '11iterature- by
i'ext--L-Becanse thou hast • Seen AriT.,Au.A.NeE •ro Dis.;, Mother Goose -the little. song "-f!orte
thou hhai.v,aet anot sten and yet hr:vethbeeyi kilciLi•EbSo:dINni).tbeen JERUSALEM,peoen2t0,:02.n.4-t2it..Penny, two PelinY" beiak•faralliar
thathousands of . children. I The. buns 'Are -
•ileved..,•John, 20; . . . `.' ' night,. a Week earlier, When Jesus had ' • "het. cress" because, when
aaspseheinabreleda-tolothesadmiescioPlieeSnatinpsd htuoee:the,riiis kneaded and ready to 'put in the.. pan, /
ANALYSIS. '1° • •
. , they are s.aehed oh top in the form of
tucks provide front fulness arid 'a- tie • • • • -
I: 'APPEARANCE TO THE ELEVEN DM- Jerusa.em, possibly the same house in a cross, Another ,method is to, roll
. ' 1 0 00 which they had.eaten the last• supper toe smallpIecs of dough into gagere
belt has a:bow in front, The pattern . . . , •
, CIPIES IN Jpausmaum,c20:-4-... . .. eY e
provides long sleeves, and the. accorn- 11. APPEARANCE TO .ppvEN misciri,Es IN ,
. ' with the Lord; John 10 :1925; Cornhare
&sigh or No. 1144, which is in sizes. : teeertonuciroNIt ie Oh retort' that qiiickly, hilt there was no other of• the c_I.I a el"S: '
man Who Leconte Seized of a new idea ' ,. e
1 eth ° then lay them in lite Pans- .
partyring diagram' piettires the simple . . GALILEE, Dike 20:1-12: Ile Was. etildentl.Y hot'a 9n••• . S' ,' ir L' ' h: f. ': -
..21:1-2§... • • •p., • .•
16, 18 and 20 years, or (34; 36- end '38' Jesus appeaked.to hie disciples and to end an top ea.. tpe: b.tner, la .t e orin
• , , a . (g6 others .Who had knowa and cloyed him Lind-faithful:to his Neater. When theY f°rrn Still !nether inethed is to
drying, on the wall, ahd, as I. liVe," a herself. Miss' ,Hepsy Broelts don't, est. nioriey Squire Simpkins paid you. bust) e'equire$ 3 Yard$ a .Gr .10-meh tan tintag sifter his reptirrectione1 a alt sought. to diSsuaee bin from geing. gash in •each'of the four sides wl.11i •a .
eleven r'enielining ,disciplea inore loyal' forrn the .dong.k.into ychind bans 'mid. .
iritoeeroie shape loy Cetting it .
Joey's- ' "Collection." ' "Rabbit-40ns desperation. :"She ,unliocked the door you'of.that five hundred clo rs Inter- inches bust only), Size 18 yeere
hornets' ' neat.° The hearse will .be step for nothing • when the . starts I heard theta unde:r the Window •and'll 'material; .long 'ioollas. 1/2 Yam' addi- Chain of evidence.not• easilY .braken. to Jerusalem after the death of Liz- pair Of -seissers. • -• ' ? . : ., • 2
alive' with . moths and. all kinds of houile-cleaning. And -and she swept had nothing else, so I pitched my -my tional. Price 20 cents • To Milky Magdalene' who° .camti .:verY arm,- knowing . the Plots' 'whiche bad Hot, Cross
crawling things. Of till the idle gocid-- everything' out clean as my hand:" 1 Easter. lily down O them. One ruh ; The -seeret. of : distinctiye dress lies eeree •on the merning of the third day, been made; against. his life; it wae. ' f u ' s litriate'lsvellorill:inuiii.t parintmeand:-
tikes the•leadi Breken gups; fishing.- 'boy' :can be eihO haS tramped 1 it 'You" know, it hee. nearly 'kilted. the • • d' with John 11- ' A • • n • ' 9'1°- "'ev•13 •
d taste rather than a lavish exe t S
as o ow .
for -nothing boYs, that ,Joey Brooks •
Joey washungry as'enlY a -
Off, but the huiter-c ock was so heavy, '1 Add 1 1 tab:e_
the firs Eas r miday morning and Thomas 'whe said,.4Let us also go that. •
Pendaure of money. Eve,rY ..wM11411.' found the tomb open and the of,him,". . .
should'want to make her own clothes; Jesus gone, as she Stood' weeping, he the last supper, listeningto: the Worde •41)0°11ful each ?f lard :and 1)9.i.e.r' one
and the home dressmaker will find the came,though • 'in the•imperfect 1" h
iesighs illustrated in our new. Fashion
eand with her tear-dimined eyes She did
Book to be practical and simple, yt
-Maintaining ,the spirit of the Mode -Of not lit f r -t know him, Joh 20 '1 18
TO other women; who followed hetandseven whom Jesus met at the 'lake of solved and then remove front the fire
the . moment' Price Of the h°0•11 -fie. likewise found the tomb empty, he ap- Galilee,. 21:2. 'He refused to believe- When -&)41.4d• to tepid.- heat, add . two ,
the copy. - , . • : , •, • • 'peered as *they were / returning- in the story of Jestisr appearance brought
wadted to ether on 'the Way froin Je,r- teh Lord. The sev;id'ence. he demanded
that he must h'rnSelf see and touch a:Yeas "en 4 v's • • . - ,• . tt, •
iightly,71,ciateri eggs,,:three-iiairtere Of''
HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS " haste to the city; Matt.,28:1..104 Mark him by the Other disciples, and declar- , • • • .• ,i- ..' i
ve an a P
, .
• 16.1-8. Theri to two clieaples as• theY d
Write Your name and address Plain:. , ",
patterns as you want Enclose 20c in Usakein to Emmaus mid talked of the is ebow..given hint. jesus does not re- ed. flour to :forth O....sOff- hatter_ fleat
cf hike:warn' .mrsiter,lind sufficient sit:-
ly; giving . number and„size of such ..t
strange things that ' 'had 'happened buke the doubter, but treats Km with• -the hatter hard, ritix..itt half. a oPPrIll.
stamps ' or ool.li (coin' Preferred! Wrap (Luke ,24':13-32),, and again to Simon' Understanding and with sympathy'. of. Cleaned currants; Pne cuP.id: ('r
it carefully) for each nuMber, and Peter alene, Luke 24:34; 1 Cot. 15:5: How completelY justified Jesus'• .me, 'geeded raisinS•4tid threecOartrsof a:
address your order to Pattern bept, ,It was on the 'e•vening. of that sailie 'thod of treatment is by what followed! cupful d shiedded citron, &l ow tlict .
Wilson Publishing co.; 33 West Ade- Memorable Sunday thathe appeared Thomas is convinced; never to tleubt
laide , St, Toronto„ Patterns sent !,,y to ten of the diseipies,,and others who again: "My' Lord and nly' God." sinPg°11..tUerti; .:iil'It6i)onvi/ear.1,1pitlh4il' olciiiiehtls bnilTdar23,--:
were gathered ' with 'them; in .a house . There 'were other -doubters . beside
refure mail.
. •in the city, banishing their. feats and Thomas See Matt' 2817 Al
. . • arousing wopder and joYin the hearts not have had; presented' te thein the
puel board and kri.edad, w` ih ...11,,eaddition of
il A Week later en a, shriller kind of evidence thaeconvineed Thom. eligtlirta..fiT'PheX.n‘ anillelide'L1into•Ir.:',;%311:41g.l.lait'au•anrt1(111
„ rodseold clock wheelie and everything throughethe woods ever •since beeak-1 ?ther-" • ° ' - ' • .c. •
In creatiori that's no goOdi ciontinued1 fast but the plate of "eitt,est, dropped' Aunt HePaY ' Peered through. the
from his hand, he kickedeff his muddy i window at the 'age black -bearded, fel-
'boots and *es up the Stairs' with a loar lying, at her .deorstep,- then drop.
beund. ' . ' /, • . j Ped orr the kitchen Settee, and for- the
One glance at the bare and freshly, first and onlY time in her life Went off
.scoirred, room, and 'he sank elowh on 'into hysterics. • I • ,'
the narrow betl, with a 'blank face of •"-And it was YoU who 'saved :lee!
Aunt Hepsy, 'knocking down:- a `Lino-
ciel" that poor Jeeybad beRrelabori-
' eusly ccinetructing dering :the long
winter nights. "Did anyone ever. 'see
so muCh rubbith?' Open the...doors aod
windows, Elyiry; fling all this ,traSh
out; sweep up eyerythingl'..
And Aunt • Hepsy began work her- • Everything gonee-gone thinerav,arid,.that ,Easter Illy I ' come near,
• self by tearing down a triumphal. areli merit' cards, the °Id gun for which he, throwing on the rlibbish heal), rd been
.of Merit cards,.heariag Miss Mary's had, sawe.d -Farmer Bray's winter robbed, And maybe my life taken. lei
dainty sighetere, that decorated the Wopd, the hornet'S nest that he had a ,warnink. to Me -it's Wel:11111g. :I've
maritel. borne off froin the .thimost bough of been a hard, unnatti woman...
despair. . " ,„ • , I Joey Brooks, if it hadn't been for you
. . ;
"Everything, said, Elaiire, the old elm amid the Tinging Cheers Of not nve Alit up 1i14 a herinit*allY
• who had a streak of human sy-modthy, his schoolmates, the skins he was cur more; 11 send. ,fori ,kotir lathe). to-
, . somewhere her bony •.frame . ing to 'fashion into a rug to keep Mise' morrow and give him' and his a borne
"Everything!" repeated Aurit.11ep- Maryte. dainty feet from •the schoel. here:, And shake hands, JOey. That
ve hundred shall O into the
of jesui,lle voi•ae one of the eueetion- •heareng talLespoonful, of sugar and •
ere who found it difficult to under-. 0.4e teaspoonful of Salt Stir; the: Milli
etahd, 'John. 14:5. _Ile was one the until the added ingredients are a!1 dis-
'.A• 100000E't E .0fa..,
, .
sy, house floor, the beetles and butterflies,dollarsgathering, Thomas the doubter saw., as. -Este-daily, was•this true in fer-off set •in rows:ire greased pane. • ProW ,
"Bless , us! Look here, ma'am! and etontes in Which he was learriihg bank to Send yoti 'to college and make `Wile -would pay $100;000 for an him and believed, •Luke 36-48;1Ephesus, near the end, ef the eenture, the Innis with nieltetl'-butter,
. . . . . • • •
iiiihat's• this?" cxclaimed Elvira • t • -1 nature's wonderful lessons, a Man of You.
, as brie o lea( • And you can fid ,up t Such . John 20; 19.-29. Tri,Galilee to the sevenwhereand whenJohn is believed te,'ti • • e• •
ience her nilierecst commen 1 fouild in' boeks,---all gene! And they snakes
if you want' to, and I'll- neer,ter in 1862, The egg itself, although' (John such, doubt, he le thinking when he .f
'cry (1,5 i•cro...e' in the
' , .• ,e as et ege .was e pi esen . , , ,
flung' open the Window -sash, in oh,ed- 'with en totere.st even deeper' than he 'your room with bugs ancl spa, and,
er Napoleoil gave to his •Ernpress at Eas- - - .d in out lesson ,have yetitten this Cennel. It, is , of •
the ake iodo s to • .• • ' • c' •e! ,c,
-1 i1-24), end to, a large
1 • •
e 111A t • t.
There, on the broad sill stooda tail,. Iiiid bee,n• • h4" oc.r.n,--his own-7---thqsa touch it with ,brueh o, . .
bloom ' inade of gold; -was( not.so valtiab:e, b t c:erub:y an a .motintam, . peSsibly . the „quotes the eaying of Jesus, "Bleesed.' ' , .- ,. • •ece., -• • .• 1 .71 c t,
• elLe-iriouritain of hiS great -$.01111011 • (,matt. late the -y- that' haVe not seen tad yet ("crl`r° P; VW11 i,. u'll. . i A”Q•1% ., ',rt.' l) '
heauti.fu) Easter Illy-, just openthg into ,hoYish • - • ' • And Mint Ile 'tee we",; the Wo•nan to •- • . • . ./ , c• d s. . i. . . •
tree:lure's; that rep.resen..ed the , . P.. .- ' • ... ', . iris* were peer/revalue at tee 4,E,J0%0 6:1)., he •came with .words Of counsel.' . •
have believed:" -A'1-higlier 'faith hi -.1terethen, balix" 1-1!,Itil:.1/..h("Yr1,.. ,
bloom : .. ' . • ' ' . . . '. , ' t hopes,' the elforta,-.tilu, eSpirations of 'c.eeli her, Word. ., , . • ; sum. . • . , ' . • . , ' 1 cb triforti and it/met-ion' Olatt, .28f,; theirs •who have recogitized. the -reality '.• ..... , ' ...--,....---4:-.--:-......,•'..
'Poe. the landt,i. sake!": 'cried Alik , his YoUng life, all stIt.'ePt aWaY• It Was -. Joey found himse,f a• 4 he rO , next • •S ' 0 Tn•
. . . • It Wu about th iddleof the nine -116-20,c., 1 .C.Or. .1.6":6).-e Leat of ell. to' .. and 'goo -wet. . et. the. shirittral forces eel' • ' ..' . r; • 1., ..,, . .. 0 r. ,,,,, ,
''..iIePsY., ShriiiY 'at eight. of this new the totiehof the.t•yi.ant hvei filet niede :Morning, when. the heighbera gathered therith • century. that the Eaeter egg'elarnes, • his •OWii• brother; Perhape .in. in eperestou by the Gogpeteand-Theee,. tkri ' tostr,, ,A•re. at tr.? , tn ,
.•onorrnity.' "And a-grolwinkin Oln'ot:lioung Canada rebe - . . ..• . .• ' 0• • •., . ' - - reac e ite zenit 2 C. costeness. • .t.r-• . , ": .... • , , .. e ,.,
. • from far and attar and. the big. teack- • reach.id • ' • .• • I f • p , "'Jeriecaleen (1' Cur. 15!7).; aridt9,1,01.0.,therefore, ireliev,ed in the,ritten Christ.,etCliildeen4.
•I'd A ' 00 ' d• bearded ruffian With' a badly-dantaged nikahr wit' • one elesien oiscip.es in a fareete ,wa...• to
my stone hatter -creeks!. Pitelc•it right 4What on, you do it for . ern ,, ". • • . , baps. th. e inos.t . rem e , . . , , IT APPEARANCE 1'0 SPVPN OrorPv* ,"'• IN 1. r . •• " ‘...., ! • , 4:1-, ; ., . •• .
4 ' ' d te be a 'notoriotiq housebreaker tent by .Court Chamberlain t� All it 'hlt.'1Y wh2..ne°' he 'w" PlIrtd• 'fro/1'0 .
.1, . f rt em and c.earried . Up into • heaven:t' I 1 - - • . • . F" ' • , - . r4rit,tOr tee you:isr,,ters Ti my;
, . ,, ei-ter's filthily begeeefor the •:gatitlily .
out!" • . ••'. ' .. ' . [ Jeey. hut ting into the kitchen ahd heed, io the hands.of the law, Was dis-. • Al.ft.".,EFI,' 2A i 0-17. . ,, . , • • , •
Rut Icnvi ra.h'e:vitated. '' .,', . • - faeing ..kc,int Ilepsy,..with blazirtg•eyes. covere , , •- . Th''' te k th Ii•051 ;., Acts el. :4.9; .Thus,1,: • ...1B,.(enno/lhere')1',..tvii01.41;.,siy*;. Jei..;!U•';., 1.1en'i' c-o.lorc.' d ,c4dyl Enst.er. ter' ge: everY, etivia- _____.
actress. • Is egg oo e• orm o a , Luke .4: .
,"ft (10 $,eetri Mr)4t ic j't • ' i. f• -1 ''.• ' • "The •ancl's sake" cried. that' lad.Y, '''fh° htd defied ihe Pa''' --e -fc'r n'---anr.'t_° gigattic coffer,. ten feet high:and tice°, gays the. hiStorisn .in the book of Actst,' in" an". "'Vett e.r, .'1"1"''t''"‘! ' 2"'I° thy. ,went. to." towe,-.1..We did not:Wish ,,
a .; n 0 aim I S 0 ' * ' • y ' • i. . 0,1:a-1,44 ' .'
+ P.I.T4I a-goin to blooph!' Ate. Said, softly. ' near:y deapping 'her tea-cuP ,in • her • . . • : ‘ihen• , miss mar earn. u ) ,. ' cas lon,g in. Which was..a `charming .vic... i' "lth sebewee "lihnseef. a-eee•••-aft,e,.....108. fe *24,1•18.4; ,, .tsiot.,,, dOcititt2-115.141,r,..fba(! . oleo. 1.1 to tot • tht cht„nt,, .c.nnit,vs„.,..s,:),.. 1...,
rtloined. Aunt Ilepsy, tarriazeinent; "Do What?" •:•• • - ' : 1 , But • , . . .'''' • . 1 to toile, eoniple e with .gloom an pcencs. p, s,. ,on mai y n ..) p • . r ,•3 0 ,
in hutter-,anc.k......i..A.nd.. le.a...41.4.1..Totq. his'. ,young..vaiCe, quivi.cring.,-,"my_anci.A
,,n_iel:,,y,i_t „that , had ..Se-ec.ee 1-ire,tiutite,A.f.A111-11eleetah°c-inrilelgiogna11•13;rel'.;-efs'ilihci-e--‘11-1111a)1Yoileae-tc."S:-Cuio.1thi-1.'SinP.14:k14.ingt1JYtil;;11 91. t'ioh'''tlirlin'T';•)af;°•Is_ril.t.p.';e4ari8;:iii5t.',.8'.„.,.' a'1:7,''' g:::::i13, ouot;t• ilh' :..i.:,.„.„.' Li cdt,,een,o':,:ft.11:.::::::•(;" '..:.6. ";e,',,,....:.1. '',.• .: .: : . • ,...' '• ,711'11 ' . •
on ee iis z -au an 4( .)e..n or
Nerved t ten en. bat,tei t .eat 1, .t11.
sh.a.rp4. .kwho, wants, f•towv.rs leecm.., //piing elet.01 my iiii)g,ti,', 66ntitItied, cOogratulate her pupil op, his cfmrage
no, t;., of his .. -Lord: rause hays Still i".1Sit(;(1. W011.4 agree•net to .tenc..,„! ft th) caatly
cirs.a.t. thing, ,anytt"ar,. Tifac,...„. give; it te...rrii,det, and . my merit ea.rdS, eralentY.... ', .. .0 • e ' .- • ,tainet, a. commte vitlucti Otah. , tel a. , . . -.
trim': *los • if lint nerSonal• " injury' i . • . I • t c., .c.c. i .t ..ge , ..,-1 the kingdom of God, (4 Pe,,b.001 icift,:.id. by .the•• nprinrtoity ,(ct 80.1c, ire; rt,;,:k..t„ goo ov. p.rom....st,..., th,,,, d..iy, ,
. .. . , . . . ,. . ,. ,, . . , . euers ootee • ti.eaucti, • . ., . . h ,, . . ., o• the nTuttitacie which gathered abuto. • . ,- ... ..h. • ,. d th. t • , .r . . , , ,. .,,.. ,,,.. ,. ,
' : nlei" „ ' ' • . • *. • • ' . , ri.thirit-;.ktils, .tino '11*--nlY el.e15•.- • ‘,. . , • - . . „„, ,1,,hunceiedweig tz; of, ehoeo,ntes.:Ind.con4 the,
And sh'e laid itSr hard, •bony •Iland titing.V.'" . . ,. - , . . I can t loci). my .word. to. you., miss.„,... .), .. . 'apostles. at ,Penteeost declared : vice - and 'q.t.' 'slier; ce• 411 ' .. 1,1 °PPC) - , 'before .Bagt3111 Illitat3;•4,bateh.of 1.1‘..a
uPort the•lilye anti was htio'ut to. wrench. \'.' • ."'lloitY t.oi/Y lc' ext'l a in101-(1 Aunt lion-.
• ' 1
Mary,. lidly poor Easter lily:Fits there." N'tre:cti'd°i:nrr.gr'katnn..1. il -1igh '458°rilnent; °f. et
his • Jesu's. ..hath elliod11-• .eaised Up' tunitY is aPW:giVen him. • no redst 14.;e4. .1 ,c k ..., • ..d I. ,i .. ; ..1 t .
ti tiUt.0f 1.114 rniqii.:04., (IU .*kj. 4.14. t ire d, t4:14' 0:11,74,- and .And'419.1)Mntett tOtht
fho..f.; i ;;'0‘;‘,0i; ..t ;0. 4.4 At; tit-air:0e 1111,4 ')::v7tOe' withei'a he dust • • A. 1411,
fte4Or?"'''' •itfte.4 ite'r deciroYin-ci. gr. n'sp,".(venitig'..' thing-,, !nd.cc• (it "-Vs 0)..qc: is dOne, 'ciocY,st sho. said, • 'oPrang. vv
. rtconi !lark, gkissy like. to: knew. whet things s. charity •shft.y Picking up, the, qiiilay r 014 qui4 aloue,
rose the„..„single...,,blwoni,,c.44,S,ShitiLli..k_c?...Y.fa..R.af4,...eall4oUrsi,?, do` onta • . hent the, e\f","••• it "ak5",
snowy pe11 4 '14 'VP' " ft 'clod over thriiiiits r- 'Tr -You meant -111e rui-bish ,And7bWharroLTd17161nliiirisier-HT-tOil'i,'Irthi-Tinot
of the r(cF•nici.6,ctb*-iti- th$ first, msrt this I; tny•116111st" and .111:h'sVe no. such: :thin in e famous:. cotege • toi. many..4 little bird, sW.O.t.:Caleil to me,
t‘neer breath of hiring. ,1 things; in, - and Spiders' and Years, and ills doep- study, and,.1.0scatch The, brook it sang a'song,
'"i durcruc.7- .said A un't ,c'very .0tho- horrid thing ‘v.alk., r,taturel §tierier.ba5 The gr '1).1• .-1404 arid of c."t-P 'tialliUr toc.99rairio. a ' • ;A Great ,erebdew.
tating for Ihs t init. five' anti , rofind; mhutilY. rabbit'iSktici; 'ntid fitifile.erid tante,. •' • " r'*"Mit 0.1071W. " hUpPeuedc: but: t4 -o ast9.ttoditT'. fact.J,,o,
mains. witaitcAsea not.only .)y ths Gos-
fortY yonts• Ot hotts,e--e:Patch)g. "lef dusty. hcrnets' "nest;4 It's a • ;wonder 'Blit though, tri hcetie ttPrt 1-Mttr.,q'tlY, Anti Olf it' branch cidsc the anY Yolf fell Ine•welit Children. Were delikhted. with: ;their
• , „;"whereof we all two witneseeee" AnjeColtrit'' a shePherd,of the flock a Ghrist.J • , . ,
.e•treftely- Ittr*,icred v.14 xtitrcc.c
Writc$,After ths evIdarice' lieneerth L11, be is'llotc own' • • - •
eltang • of-Gthers- "4. f II( wa • t• but hi's LertV.S.,:"Ths.Work -ofctbe flood shei:., This ithti .c.
referring ti'k v jonyon S.hepherd nitist2be1 Carried On, y Piet,tnall :11 eci V. di do' .ated c.( Lea-
; the .way. to. oarn4s,etig, , .setittaii'd and 46e -enraged berieVerk in Mit, 't hlier 'MR/di*. tat 'Irdittaidt ittaW
Jwhose folloWers. he •waksersecuting; cr.cauS must hc: gathered. :ind .o.red„ tiest,.; the •-iiesi• 1 .pat".".s.everal.'
4 No- tact -of history-cikennorc-0.rongl;'.4t )3'1, 'et.'11-41-'n'tt` 110 vvr,' . 0.164:there
:5°1-M1.1111W ment Ftee0 •
attoited than:this fact of the tfiOr--1. •t. r.s*cit eggs and coleted with .fruit...P.0:6i'•'
Th .t 1•tyerent commission- oi) tnttc 6E. --relctkrist?4-1- , , • "
or ' h t •
. .
1. t didn't p.er5 st „ the botik of Aet4 nd ,th reneel)m.q.eoc„r •R)11,,H
won't tio any harm oflt there, that WO Ar'rPn't 4mtn •Icrith fever, stone and star -to all the wide, range Pcpisties. buthytthe,retoveredatui ' 1 • ''.'" n'11
arid the buttererinek'S crarketf; and 'Vico 'inothtte„s x6i,,y :floch"s creatioir-he gfecii thought.' ThS- funny :Passy*Illawst•sat,
. atieftritit at the aprrst'-':usc the urartic-ai }'14 e'-`;Posion?"- ,
,for SO14 11310 tlirko. ill the phietese.„ vad,,,c anti 'lime. it s the flowers -he -loves a.lcno.c.4t...hea1,4 then purr.
elle ,,,early' Christian, ch'itrchl v.101'41 134 •‘:r4' C.(111 L'ShAti ,t7Z1. -Penitle 411Ariae;fi 3tIf
say,. but sweq the res t a this robv-', tt•r-liothing--;""
' ". are. In au eiplbaloa where -bre you" 'criniaS miler .thirtv VattA Ot.11404
„ •nricf testimony Which Christian cx-
. •