HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-25, Page 6)3ilee. • 010 won 111,011111ers:-431.116 any Jo.palr4 Gunpowder ,or. *int( 117soo.Ask for SALADA. " .•••••••••r oot. Prtit he reflected duki3O.4 vi.len 1'01d* gxj,,Lcw014,0 •Aitia he We to build so Tempt -a -able 4 house for another E..$01:ereiglit'en414•4w-th4t, We long, -4••[ '-'41.k was IC-IiVe--, 8011W.:ORo.-‘8.003# /mow - the 'secret of the-wenderfel .palace. ' EriWe death WUS decided ONO, to- gether With that, of ell the laborers I who, had worked under his erat4s. The I execution of this filiorninaVe decree i. deidived upon the daregs of liazen- deran. , Erik had shown him some slight servicee.and Procured him many hearty. laugh. ,Ile saved Erik by Providing Ili% with the 'raceme- or escaPerbet nearly paid with ,his. head •for his generous indulgence. • Fortunateli for the darega; e corpse -halfeeeten.jayetheeterelseel :rey, ,was found on the singe "Of the Crialnall ca. and was taken for Erik's body, be, eausethe derege's friends had dreseed the remaiee in clothing that belonged .fii-Elik The, daiqawas let off withl the loss Of the, imperial, favor, the carifiscetion of hie property and. an erder Of perpetual: banishment, I ' , 0, GftSTON LERO ,Aa for Erik, he went to Asia.Miner and thence tie'. Cobstantinople, where . he, entered the 'Sultan's' empleynient. Iii -explanation Of the Services which , he wee. 1.457.e to render' a' mtnateli ,haunted by perpetual terrors-, I need only say •that it was Erik , who cep- ' Strutted A11,411410Mous trap -doors and :•eeeret chambers,_ and .niysterkme ' strong -boxes Which Were !Mind it Yrodivieiosk after the lust Turkish revolution. • And the cab drove off into the night: of course, he had to leave the Sul - Tho. Persian : had seen the poor* int- tan's services : for the :same reasons fortunate Erik for the lasttime, that inade him fly- from Persia; he Three weekP -Intel', the EPeque' PAh- knew too much. Then; tired of hie ed - Belted this 'advertisement: Venturous formidable and monstrous "Erik is dead," life, lie longed to bee:some , one, "like CHAPTER "Ab;,..I"aninot going to die yet. . . presently 1 411a3 but let me cry! ••. Listen, daroga . listen to this •While I was at her feet ,. keeid.fier. say; 'Poor, unhappy . , And ,she took my haiW1,•, I laid become no More 3,031 kiitkv.;than . ready to hie for her. ;I Mean it,-,darogal I held In it hand:4414. Plain geld ring wide I had given her . which she :had leat wedding -ring, you leap*. . . „ r .Ezipt4a. it into her 'little hand ant Said, 'There/ ; :Take it! ; Take it . .-and . shall be my wedding-pies:eat a eyerybody else." , And he became a , tistss. 1071' / •: coee contractor; like any•ordinsiry, cepatrac- • ' EPIOGUE„• •. tor. building ordinary houses with • 1 have now told .the singular, but ordinary bricks. He tendered. forepart As I *Oared on the fait page of this estiMate was, accepted. When he felled 1°52' ' .• . veracions story of the •Opera ' ghost of the foundations in the Opera. His Work, it is no longer, possible to deny himself in the cellars of the enormouO '. THE COSTUME COMPLETE. , that:E0k3eallY lived: There are to- playheuse, his artistic,: fantaSti%wize . • ' • ." day ae-mallY Areas. of his existence itrd nature resumed the upper and. ..A.' frock --a coal -the cestume coin - within the leach OfeerYbody that we .IlethideSi• was .b.e net as 'ley as ever?. Ple' means not enlY stAartfieb but / can foillow Erik's . Actions logically He cireained .of Creating for his Own complete smartiteas, and ismore than resent /rem your e peter, unhappy through the *hole tragedy of the use a dviening unknown to .the rest of a fashion; it is a neceseity , for the rik.e . . I know you linte the hey •-Cliagnyse. , ., • : , • -, • '.,, the • earth, where. he could hide from smart *ornate Madam , removes her • ee .,•• • don -'t ,etY any more!''.:.-.. . She ' There .itt; no "need to 'repeat here men's eyes' for • all dine- - ' • coat te disclose 6. frock of equal ,chie, M* yet 'a '' :L, :11144Clinel'irk A very soft Voice. *hat. hOw. greatlY the eagle excited the citig- The reader knows and. gtleSSee. the both in:perfect hrineny asi3t -' I' MO .. : ". Thenillnade•her under-. tal:' The kidnaPping of the artist, the rest It is all in keeping with, this . 0-tllak•-wh•eter'.phe_waa'_..clmr.e*n_egL ldeath of the Comte de Chaggyrunder ineredible, raid ,Yet veracious story: ,PresSed in.'the,.niodoi: 0:hired here Of 1 'W/I-4 onlya PuQr :dOZ. readi'te dip Snell exceptionarzentlitimw-the-dis47 Per-i•-!3•1PhaPPY.- Erns' Shia we PHI./ "64:44 •striiiiin.- '.14:''rde•'' 41.44„,. grL, !real, fo*,'her.'.' . . but that she could:matey 'appearance of his brother, the drug- him? Shall we curse him? He asked e .• ,, 'oned-oneet,r-ai. 'Lee ' the young Man' vilien•she pleased, be, ging of theeeasinan at the Opera and only to be "some One," ilk, everybody 1 with •set-in sleeves .showing the bOrder cauSe •::she had .tried'' erith',.nie and of hie. two assistants: whet tragedies, else. But .he . was \tee. ugly! :I And he: eritre, at the Towet- edge. ,iand on thece'ln ar. enimeeliertears vitt': ea ne : • - ' ' t:telineseetadelei '- - . .. - I ' Erilee: einotinii: vi0.8i 'SO- geeate fleet, rounded the idyl./ of Raciul •and the play tricks Witii„-wheii;:-With anrettdi- fastening endlirelit :eicifi'Verbed-Lplait,• . he had to tellthe Persian ,not, to leek meet and-charraing •ChriaOiner. . . : nary 'face, he would have. been -oiled hntl • long tight si:t3Ye.iieg eeeeeee. with %thine' for he was choking and remit What had .heeoine of *et wonderful, the meet distinguished.- of niankind!. -- 7 tareorecl ciiffs; The coat, Nd. 1052,is take eff,'hie.ninek., Thedaritga went mySteriouis artist of Whoin'the woeld. He had a. heart that. could rive held ... . ‘,. . • . . . . . ... is; the wl4davir* and :oPened, it. ••• Ilis Was nAverf:AeVer•le hear skein? . . e the .entPire of ",the werld e and, in, the in sizes, 8.4, 814.88, 40142 and 44 mews, heart was • full. of .pity, but he took earo . ''She Was/ rePtesented as the r Victim alit he'had. to. Content himself With fv, bust. ,Siv.,e 85 bait .requires a% yards to keep his eyes flied on .the trees in Of a rivalry between the•two brothers; collat. :A:1i,', Yes,' we Mutt needs pity '.54-ineli• Materia. The die* No 1071, 1 th&TuneriesegardenSe lestehe•• should: and nobody suspected what hat.really the Opera ghost. „ ' ' • is in eizes 86, 88; 40, 42 arid 44 inches : SeeethefMoneter'is face, ' , •-• hapPened,•nohody understood that, as • , I ,heve _prayed over his Mortal re-• lust, ' Size. 36' best requires 5 Yetds• ' Al' vent . and ••re:eabed. the., young Raoul and Christine had broth disap-. mains, that ° God ' might ' show hiln bedriche or 1%. yard's :54 -inch material: PIAP;L-Prilc-coAtil.41Je!'and...bold .hini pep:0'i' beth had •Withdraivji far from 1Morey, nothwithstanding 'his-- crimes. ' Prree 20c each. pattern... • •• •1 „•1 z. •t" ,Ti ,aniluree-eluiteesure-that-I prayed. beside his. WY, the ether day, when theyettwalt it from the spot,wlier,e therewee_mi buebeig phonegLaphic records. It .was, his skeleton.: I dici nta ne1. recognize it by the ,ugliness of :the , the 'have been deed :all long as that; but HOW !ro: head, fot nee ugly when theY11, by the .plain gold ring which he•Wpre Write your nairie, and"eddrees•plain- anteeinch Christine Dane had certain-, iy; aurnh3r and size of Slick ly s!iped on hs finger', when sh.e. e?Ineepatterna as You ivant.e:Eticloie.20c in to bary, him .in • accordance: with her I . stanips• eau (coin preferred; wrap t carefully) for each. number, and ." :The skeleton wee'lying near' the lit- • • • • . ' tie well, in the plate where the 'Angel address -your order to Pattern Depte ef, Music .first held. 'Christine . Daste iison Publishing:Coe 73 West, Ade - fainting in his trembling arms, on the, lnide St., •,;Toreeto: Patterns seer, by whenceniughatriof thirocpaerpat, hueser.dOwn, the, ret711.• 00. • Andi now, whet do they mean to do with that skeleton?, SUrObt they will' Protecting SOnrce of Natives • , Food glipply, .; . . The pretectfon teethe .ganie Supple of the NorthweitTerritcniee hoe •been ,-giyett; -.-special Consideration., by. .the Dominion- Goeirinnent during recent years. Partieelar attentiOn haw been • directed to the caribou, - on 'which the the Warde Of the Government. depend nativesillndians and'Esitimps, who are Three Riddles -Solved. 'Why We ithe eepresSioii'."ale. for. feed,' Clothing, and other necest- eeolle with ,nite:te CluIstine. ; . the world ,to enjef a -happiness. which Our Fashion. Book, neustrating the . • I • mado:christineemeeareto:_:_Cannt_Phi)ipipe.•. Theye„took the be -of interest to eVerY .:ho"me dress, • issed befeee the Lo'uis- they. 'would not have cared. toe make • come back,' one' night,. when I ' train one day irons the northern' rail-. r. Price of the---tuyok-1-0-ecents ippe room: .pheistine,had my public after the inexplicable death of ,newest and Moat praktiCal styles,' will dead,' crossing the 'liaise ,froin the Rue- Seribe /ire; •and bury me in the great- est' secrecy.With the ••ge)si ring, Which • she was to wear until thatenioment . I told her where slw vrmlId,find my way station of 4he world." • If the reader willevisit the Opera one morning 'mid ask leave to stroll where he ,pleases, without being ac- comPanied •by a ettipid-giiide, 'let him body. and What to "do with it, Then ,go-ett'.:Bot Five. and knock with, his •sChrititine„ kissed Me; for the first time, fiat or Stick on the enormous • colninie herself, here,. OR 010 forehead -don't that separates this:feenethe stage -hex, • leOlte darogar-e-and- they: Wont on to, He. will 'find. that :the column Sounds Other-, . Christine had • srtopped honew. After that de not be.. astim- ' erying.e . I. elope . • Demo, by the .enggestien. that it was deroga, • if Christine /tome "iet' prow I riecuPied by the voice • of •the ghost; Ise, she win come back soon.P. _ there. is Avoni inside the 'column for Vile monster maimed his. mask and two : men., If .you are surprised that, Pollected."his :strength le. leave ,the when the vayieu.s incidents *centred, , &toga. He told :bins: that, when he no one tinned round • to look at 'the • felt. his end bo Very near at hand, column. you must remember that it .he would Send him, in gratitude for present'ed the, appetirance of .1solid the • kindness which the :Persian had marble, and that the voice:Contained once- shOwn.bim, that which'. he 'held in it Seemed tether to tome from the ' dearest in • te • world: . all Christine- -opposite side, for, as we bave-seenthe , Mute's pripete,., which .she luid written .ghost was, an expert ventriloquist. • •for Raiturs. benefit: and left with Erik,!. According' to the Persian account, ' toOther .with a 'few objects belonging • Erik was '-born in a. • small town not • to her, such as pair of /gloves, from Aimee. .11e was .the!, eon of • shoe-buekle' and 'twO pocket handker,, a master -Mason. He ..ran away :at an clifefs. In reply to the Persian's cruet- ' early age from father's tkriet, .Erik told him that the two where his Ugliness was a sibjed Of •'young people, as soon as they found 'horror and. terror, to hie parents. For • thernselves free,- had resit:teed to: go a time, he frequented the faits; Where • And. Thele. for 'a. priest in v seine lionely • a'.shOwntan exhibited him as 'the liv spot where they. could •hide their hap- ing, corpse." He seems to .have cross- ' ' .and that, :With this 'object ed the whole of Europe, from. fair to 'View; ;::they had started"' from "the' fair, an41 to haire Completed his ' :northernr rail:Way.. station 11 of .the strange education „,as an ' artist and Lastly, Erik. relied on the Magician at the fountain -head of Persian,as soon as received' the • art and Magic, nmoeg the pyomee. A promised,,relics and papers, to inform period ef Eeik'S ,life remained quite' the Your* couple -Of his death, and to e:4.isciire.. He waft' seen at the fair of advertise it in-tbe -Epoque. •,.• • Nijiii-Novgorod,, where he displayed • That was The Persian saw Erik .himself In an WO hideous gloty. • He ' :to:the doer Of, his flat; and Daring:already': sang ai nobody on the earth :helped hinn down to the Street. A.! dab •hed 'ever sting before; he „practiced Was waiting forhim. Erikstepped ventriloquism • and gave displays of In; and the Persian, •Whe had, gone legerde:maiii so extraordinary that the back, to the window ;‘i heard, him say , caravans rettiriting to Asia :talked . to the driver: , 'ithont it during the Whole length of • "CO to the Opera." their jodrney. In 'thisevaY, Ms: repu- tatien penetrated the walls of -the pa. ,• , ace at •Mazerideran;: where'the little Sultana, the • favorite of the Shah -in- -Shah, 'Wee boring herielf death,. 'dealer in furs, returning' to Samar- kand Intern Nijiii.Novgerod, told of the marvels which •he, had seen ,pe,rforined I, Erik's tent.' 'Me trader wal; mine: ceps teeth clean, arcppi,4.64teen,.ani... — digetiO good. Overt:rifler sinokiri •cc"; ' unkain and to 'diStippear Nei n rtht) - • romatide and puzzling. sittia.tiOnS that p.ete, is. con ov .1 4,0 lour approve r Vhcn the 'Shah -in -She 'found " •,' ,aoree -greater•itteiwtedge _prat 22 parkfisIct Ave. • Toronto , • * 1 not bury it in the =ninon grave! . I nay that. the place of the skeleton of the .Opera ghost is in the archives a the National Academy of •Mesie, ,It is- no ordinary skeleten • aho. Pho:.14 Minatd,it Lininnat for 'dandruff. To uSe Lux for the • entire family wish is prolong the life of fabrics, thereby lessening .the strain on the family riv;We. lo;12Went:trirtngatit o f Lux has encouraged imt- lations. For your inntettion Lux is never soli in bulk - only packages 'with Liver Brothels Limited name' on" each package.' leiret.Biothers : " Toronto Lr534 TE same quality in Lux that thoi,.. oughlY cleanses and preserves woollens,. deals gently with the filmy thins that are so .beautiful and -dist . sq much: On drivipg. Into the cortrird there • will he,hoard tt filittering,;Noo..•)flBPY • 140940, as a lievY Of' *flee. .easrUsh out to prostrate tliemseleee, 'with .111*eing words of wPicomlikeiTagan tal.Ma8.41' (Deign, bonovubiyo 0,4044 our 4.41v9411Y hsigiPet) •' ..0enie•twenty pairs ofeneWte.lite inn .r.Piletellitie the elt...traAce WaY• Veer* wenien, aed ph,ild, has been tO, , remove. loot ceeerin•g l's6heainitrt rlre.utetieli.g-7471 1iat no trL dust-- e 4.0,, littleboWittg flger01 . With '.410er4:1htlx`e4111'Ittlereorill.:.v.:41p.astlit'rear:*:1,6961:1:0'417.Ai4.4.1:.°04.441.1°Ue.h.., '•''„ • ' With little'•01 they Iead ots -.way Winding • ,•stare that:110o, never been d kilo:MOO ' • by la/ate/Mt are and ishad'hy tlie:Conskinieruhhinge of hath ZtILdSlipipered feet; then.,fileng a Male - of corriuone,hopeleeply,ellige„*011eet• • Wallf3;netliing but .P4Pir;e•Oi!erpdelidee;;•.'„ "One Pt these is pulled aaldo, roYesIbIge• ' - a room that everidelte a tiny ge,roe; . little la,ke. The,weoliwork of therneal endIn deeige, AS , the •.Japalleee, ,eert- • siderennifOr.initer fatal to inintglneelone In the ..telconOma (alcove) •stende, vase of exquisite. pereelein, d'eed wlth blossoming oprays arranged to Indi- eato wekonie. Behind hangs te ikake-, • • mono, a lierell •PelletiOg.:hY. ROMS Bk.. Mortla. ettitit-er, a poem, deecriptive• Of • the • pc/tights ,Which. :pleasant scenes.. 174reetilre(1.11174t9°wthne a14.161P4e.gOtt..th ellen as one caimot Heteu to different pieces iif music at the ..seem time, neither Con o.ne appreciate mere tifan ono -work ,of, • • art at ,a tithe.. Accordingly, ;there ta , but,o'ne ; treiasered • • eittlee-ebangetl . r Ye ;ell; bwo nItila7wlitteleiltdC•teiderd°Inrte°1).;i°!Slak'wi;‘..; "1 • ' ever the" door - Tirre - 47.1ie7e ffuwt.' ,e . dee of ,Serne.fabled ,animals.•••• , ., • _ . • , Statide evetepreeent:eislim-cete , • : broese, 'urn • .tiJJed with , white. sehes • heaped into. the Cone shape of a mintipe • • inre ; • ' . • TblsrOttnk.lecorties, firptin;' sitting- ..• mem,' bed-yeteelp• or dir,fing-roemi When hunger, makes i•teelt felt;.thei hatideate.. Sharply .01epped... tilront. far blow will Celine in enewer a•ehoerfel, "'Oat, .Hel•;!. • . andsoon will be heel -TA -beep' Wet elite .• ping out, of Seadais as nesanididelt. • open a Penel,..With.,the luflitination that Oen' pie pie order!' • when We mean that ;ties:. The, valuable wild :life is pre- cli(nia 17 Want to see the.isiendot spats. - Dark against the moon; • I want to the deck's plunge Ana hear the windli rime. My coulter Cats the Stpbbled sod• : 'mead a Rua UrY- FlrYliig•toward the Open sea)• ' I am a captive; .1., • , • •;•• (baind by sOrdIti .circumstance To furrow out this lea,. When-i-virouiege_in a,swift ship • • . •All•Baleney. „ !meat Dealet,-"All our sinelied sane- , , • T' , :. .. . . e - : he Artist. . ages ate or the, Very -highest quality" ' . • An artist thein.es one, who by meads• ' • Ctistoitierp-"That's ea.:baloney, my. •of- some histriunent, such asa picture,• 'Mende'. . • . . „,.. . • transmits emotion to a responsive 'per - 'things': 'ere. 'exactly In the,ir .. right tected for the nattvea by means of pre. . . , 80U orp at 'taste evokes soine iieetiietic.. . . . . . . . . ' i'oh all Whites 'are - a • ' 1 e • . . . . • ; .' --•-.:........-.0..-..----:::-..:: ' • transit:fit Mich etiotion•need nOt'be pre- ent;" . which' proceeds ,..to ,answer the 'hibited from hunting) inid•..bY hountiee ' question: .: .; e. ',' • , • : ' ., " Tier the deetisetkin- of .wolVes. The Pre:. . .. Because". /ivory ,SatUreity,:.e certain Serves, • five in. number, : aggregating Puritan ,dame; Hepaibah Merton, ;made '241,06. 'square ' miles; have been get a practfee ot baking tw&-or three -doze& aside by the. Department ; of the In- opple Plea which were to Iasi her faim terior arid are `administered ' :by ite tly , through. the •week • Bhe, labelled .`Nerilr West Territories' and Yukon ettelt atterdingto7the day of the week . Br,anch.. , • .. ' *7' . ... . plitiees? asks !The Dearborn ledepend- .ierees "an pro min rd a lrinireent for. sore throat.. 'feeling in hint though the -Wish to Recent' Londcin ervatiotia' . .0ba • The real 'difference among into is between those . are prepared to . • give mote than they get and those Who want to get, more than they gtve:- Stanley. Saldwin. ' • ; teit., Ant a Work et :art ts the vehicle of this. tranamisolon.- -;•Perey A -Moore Turner.. in The Appreetation of Paint. Ing," ,• • •• . „ Cleaned for the first time 'for 'forty by the PePulace Ye -ars, acarpet in ihe 'drawing -room of on which 11.., was to be ased, and the ' During recent .yeate . turtber, !Steps To •Ye •APPreekited . welf reflects no discredit upon a comppser. the Premiers house, 1 Downing St : pantie thus areanged, wile saidto be have been taken -to suppress the pea. ,e7Aiexander Brent..graith. .. .•• was 'foetid to be a inieeless Persian In applepie,order, • . , menace' 13y ,outfitting welting :ex • Though debt le a qUarrelsorne tOrlio, carpet. It had ..been unmcognitable , . Whv is.tut iinififirtleCwoman tailed tions anti sendirig thorn' hit() thos4 ' Paved the way for frienOly erid praoti-' • •flecause Weinea 'were prohil3ited wolves areeeknewii congregate, par - the Settlements at .Washington have through layers of Londo&dint a spinster? • ' parte of, the north 'country in which keit inarrying in 61,den days tintirtheY• ,tittilfirly" ti3 •tife, eist Of Great...Slave • , . ' . thuie eetil, riiiirriege. they I" intiCh• 16 t4k6i1". ittiritig• • t'it' s'Pr.i..7 •',11..4, fAII. a haniiner' ail asi•-.long,-IjiuswthhOtew:. ialitt thite 0.t. the Spinning wheel: and•'wete, ,itigratione. " .•,.., ._:'; theiefete,'"SPiiistert" ' , . • , •-•-•----4--•- -,--Dai'ingethe:Seliton..ofJ.0.2.03...kt:ertY well'ieirk.I.1e.e6"1,1!;/,'4.60.1.v.i.iiif/cl'ek13:31.• '."*,•I'll'' ev‘it.)'.' ' Why do eletgynien bellatitaller wear; et ,tliree,,OPertitifig iP,' this :1"gfuj'e Se.: ‘i As siftely es eoetending itattana, 'Tic- •• . . black' . . • e ''-}.• . ".• ; ', ....leafed lqs woivs, . Tbe-snecesit of this or and.. vanrytilshedl 'itaie 1),...' t,ttr, SO .Beeteuse•••*lien eitirtle.elettfliere . in :.eXpe'rieleitt,Wes, most. gratifying alid•ilt 'etw .-1 . (.16.6m io or . „ 4 1, • spun a full. set of bed furnishingeand lake, where a• heave tell of the caribou ee''‘v'eer-mum,showtoris . . re Y PYs an emp eyees moiled tO the palace o.nd the daroga 1124, laid aside, the habit of a monk u y, party , lose by Indosttial A: Ap- of elazendeean Was told to question and, -adopted 'the' Stile of dross pre-' visiens •lbr a Sral', was sent to the him. 'Next the darogn, waS instructed Veng at the tinie, the tiector of Mn Greet Sitrit.e- Lake area.. This eitp861-' i'leten• • • ' • to. Persia,. where , for 80nie 'RrOntli8 t tO 8ont to hen from time to don retioned•' to Port Sulith 3nly, alttia:S4 OW60,44408 to to go, and find. Erik, Ile in:ought him e„„. • •• • • troast.,tirnc PI' (1 lilacs, cloth, that celec 1026, after teveutful tele with e bag' ":"17 111801te-Y4)4114;'in Ire and the of riot:a fee/ barters:. Iftr.;11o. Seetted tlie'xr-beiug tishi6bable al .bc% (1 ti :,et 1t6-461Ve•1. arid 2:WOlVerls, . •(!p1re6t ono---- W.•patoll; , • • tit tr• 4,1 co eeteeiee ther`e distiples 'thought, bce,ause he • The • 'great deetrect ion to gnnte ' good and evil. He toolepert Calmly in Ivor° biaeb, 'it became them' to do,•80, wrought by WolV0I+ In tee iortewest, , a number of Pelitical assassinations; and•thus'it cannonbout.tinit"thc elergy Territories may .be` better er•ailted • and he turnse his diabolical inventive gonereity'groW to rogorti tt, ns thedilly', when it is renioniberest that the aver. , powers against the Efrilr of Afghtue:,-; proper color for. thole i.) wear. I ago rounber Of' ceribou lillell fn a year istan4 Who was et war with the, tier. - :Wheire Dogs Taste GOod.. • The Igetots of the Philippine Islands exc aro essively fon& of flog, meat. In , . . , . • the large tOWni They have dog markets -.i. by a wolf' is estlinetint at„Sixty, end e „ .eeeeteq Te nee in.tri.ob 'no • ,•itt ti etivite. ,The .8balt• took *irking - • • - iiit."4611.A. or •dbilivig.-; . 'that, iii, addition; fluky tense b ea vy °I's' country people bring their rdoes and• - - ' --' ' • ' • ' ; •••%. el e:tilbeeVeiY 'Illia'gevine,:•••Oattso•-fliflu'l.r•a.Pr°r8 b''' Ile8t1.63111'.th'''' jr'l 'thene :nit' as fat:Mork oet 'Other 'me • b i Cattle ,and. shell things -•I narrative has•givtn• tis a gliniPlie;Itlrilt Years: ago • ' . ,, - ••• . • -. • trap ' lines, FrothAlie•etoYti.agtiree it ,itic414' iti'''.1. 0 Market, • • ' • ' •• ...• '',;.“ . t This Was the time et the rosy hours ssel THE NEW WALLPAPERS DEALERS AND -DECOitiT0118, BEND , FOR • , (AIR SPECIAL 'EASIPLE noog LfgERAL DISCOI/NTISPLEttein VALI/8% . The W. J.:BOLUS 00., Ltd. . : HEAn OFFICE AND !Rio* ROOMS: 318 10i4OE , ST. • .,TORONTO ,of 'Mai:ten/et-an Of whi01-the d arogals ease was d ,rast e tt!.. ; furbeitring .4:M111014 , caught on the • • eetereeee,„40„al,14„"...icite.e.aih-jeet Will.ka.fietni.that..conaiderabla saving has teen effected' .in,w114 life by this chitdqure and thOught.ont React; feattite of the GoVernhieites, garne-pte- • 'it I see mneh as a conjuror contmes a Do Not Discard That • Wave acti vi t lesereth th vi es t, '4-1-11S-B,ROTHERIS-WIF-EIL - b A * u°'."""" ' bavt' eeti so Inflealenst- thnt. -"A; cleverlY' written .,eteryInto v‘/Iiicli -Gra( 11, j3. us tlit, tett; tt tat F'tc*E"M wxt.V Ablu mu" "PtIt in It the. author line .eiittwinerlentlWliture. lailloIeeelnitalIneree 11,1,1in:1110re lenonle hi? , r oared sample prIce of lievi plats to oleteM AVery Afeat Ito cotistruct tin edifice of • rrik e-eI• rind tile bu,Ning appenrs $ , By u y yres: toed Coat and Vest „ Wally inn's knowledge of dige Because the Pants Are Worn. et a. tnnute., rb.ss.i•iyii.ius•of the tticies inttliscov- bold •yoltr• in -16-110A -iireffi'litaft eiTeptlyo, and With 'each yetir cf-.Pesee PANT 81-1..01". . . .11.61114.5.1.614. f ,the piellIessor thiS. gain, .143 No. '2.0. tordered yeliow o'Yes, he•ptit: Staaing Next Week niong''tinse ' tuate,'• Ono • they apPiar, and An 'front of thein kneele the Meat,watch Ing eiery,•gaitioneirde "ineve, einbar -raiSaingly ;and eXhihiting greet eeneera. if 'the 'chewing and , ;thinking are . done inandibiy;. . would shoe; aPprereatiOn. " ‘'' • • Bedtime is here.. •,•Soieral . chitty :and whiling at:ale/ape mill out: n ITOM oome hidden elost ottintier•ht.....' futenis. "(Inattreesesji, • *Heil theY plit three., or four deep :on tke figer. •••• For • :toP.Cevering. they provide a wadded _coMfoiter, -II eiWqre.tt . silk, made 'lite* an evercoat.' to 4 ..A.nprea roe: side foreinest.. e, • •:• . Every ..setind Is audible hi:, these PePer-walled 'rooine..„ • ...The ....distant. plaint :of 'th.o. inland Sea -460g swells. • crishing, . 'eueCeselone, ineitee :itself, heard even through the. • • closed Wolid en ehetterS. ...A..nearnear of . • . volept sounds' i&'• the .o.eXt. roPm.'Ycni 11151mi-7-.0u innocent • efiveadroPtier--te : a Mother and child.' ',As•tlitYlaby• otir.s • restlessly, the. nietilerfieglits.10 Croen the tong Of Japanese motherhood ' . , . §leeelbabY,eilee.P.' • Whir' are the .lierittrableeetiterpf, . . hard co InanotalitylOng? 'Tie' because .hie mettiee ete..theletiees ,, • of the leequitt.tr* ,The /eaves of the hanibece grass. ._. That is why hie eitre are so honorably long'. And after it time Sleep comes to . • . " trua At 'break 01' day there la a frlgh noise, the . outside' weedeli fluttorlie areAbeitig*Imined.eleng their. Shrieking . metal grooves to daytime • cupbearde. In tvti*.anis, the ..fair tease light or Jaiitmeee . •• leaving the inn, eh° landlord and bit entire' retinue ftillow. thedeparthne.. guesteto the gate, bidding theta, •hap-, pVjoilrafiy. On looking, hack 'freak Oil" farthest tern, they may 130, tiefin,'•fitilli • . JwiviLig : their -'deepAtViwellip.-t-Tretvie bridge 'Hall, in "Upon :in .131Ihouette."•• . Lv P toecL BABY - CHICKS . . . . . .. , • . and 4-itit'Ohlog bilge •trem Lerge• White An 1! itc•)', tAutist u3r°eC(o)ivld tts,::!'• leglieret, iSpecialle bled.: for ',Large Per, some inevitable rainy' rtai. • • • Eggs and many 44, them. Reduced Love 'does not ride on .eVety oettlitli, -• pricet for May'. -end, .Dine delivery'. IM104. live delivet0,- , Write for free illustrated price ifilt and eider. now. W. N. Hendrick Bee 433 Hanover,0 t w4V0,, • • , •• • .• Nor - With °leen ai,tetfainty ,spring.. .. WI* did the 'thrifty reverbs of My . , ii. :.4. . ' micietli . .-Bakci ini tno ehutiemeter tlilettranaient• TO011ita-- - •••• ,ite a ,;i1et • it • Pritn-RtOt , Tr'do.neo tip , for ' • - ../A41.;A:iiintfee • •L. • 'Ttiithl• , ' -Teintiormq Filii4 . •'•'• Wilkie: ,,' • . Lost a 'Long -Time. ' • 15c • ,. • • , k,•-•••• , • S,OLD .EVErtleS/1113R13:„ .4%ths„,., .Suppooe,_ we :meet again and tiet the . •Neee. e:w.et:**e t.., moikot 1$46•11,-Kii;;,•1' " - . ' r...-1.'" . . *tome , -V41.1/2:7 POOLTI7yLOAVICEGGS, BUTTER.A46 FEATHERS WE BilyAUVO4t4 ROUND•• Witt, loditypo prtros•,-oeitsitrarantee thent'Pn&ocelf,iaitead A'IP01411114, &CoLIfflTE&; -144,112004,,,144.%tirrivt Vilvdroat • ,ago, '' Dressing with. Cateley SPetilt out lOvette • ;. tut „ Witt the- old wotdfi flash 'open tito • page, , • • • k\ i I thoro 133 Lily laeghter" OUr.. tills 0•r001.to thitik the( leee would , 1111,f'Or • IPIII f 'tiez.keneft vltt atardy firger, . "- rit‘ft‘ Battletti .„ •