HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-25, Page 5Wain,
•-•'7 r
THE ulacsove. SENTINEL TiivAs,DAT, MAR,
° ••••••Ti
gaprimpwrigr--- vas
YJ- NEED NEW. §41','Il)."8,N,, vs:A '0,41:44.22
gAUGE: om,x4Nizgo. IRON,
4(79kail(tULD.411.1-Y-A,.-"BITC.1 1E'vEitt.'
:IINT)Elt• tt.rE; SUN THE. :•`-"BU,ClifEYE" BAS 9MNSTRAT
, .
Fig:ITS- A Ili L I' TO HATKII MQ RE Cnici(s
cAfICK=T;friiiiSt ANY 9'..r.k,g1t p E T 11 E
U0-1,iETE"; IS GliAlt),,Nriitt. By THE LARGlST AND
MosT •;,881,1.ttilLE CGOANy :GE! :II'S THE*.c..RLO,
• • "-SPECI4 i`TORAir & SlOi'VR1)AY '
Martin Senior Paints, and Vanishes
• Phone 66.
Hardware Coal
Plumbing• Tinsnlithing
We are informed bY Dr. C., A. Za-
vitze Agrieultural •College, ;Guelph;
Ontario, that 2,832 Ontario •fit-rniers
•condlicted exPeriments with field
on their own, farms in 1925.* :The
•number is inCreasing from year to
year. •clioiee, seed of smile of .the
•best 'varieties is being distributed
. now free of cost:. Any...fanner. who,
• asks for it may have the seed;tor an
ex eriinent with one of the classes'
of-fartn Yrors" stielf as eats OPE -
' mange1p,4ur-nips)-alfalfic-SWet corn,
•.' etc. The distribution -ivill likely .etni
finue .into April. or until the sup-,
P1Y Of 'thedifferent cropsis exhaust-,
Theie . co-operative tests. of the
• , Experinrientil Dnidn.haYe' greatly, in-
creased ,el ob,yields 'making Ontarie
-Outstanding in this respect. .
. . . • • . •'.
• Ii.• a woe religion' that' is OtilY
regarded as ,a fire egeapc;'
•The , St. Helens Women's. Institute
• _
will bold thCir regular meetirig7-13n,
• •
Thursday .April 1st at 2.30 o'clock
thehon of ."3„/4iss Annie McEentie,
Roll Call;.• -•Suggestions , for tbe care
of Young •Poultry,• and House :Clean,
ing:. SuNect---10,W to Oonibef the use
of slang • •The be.th
ceGa- seed 13nleyfor 'Sale, -0.
'A. Q./ NG, ;It 7,5e per buanel.. Al$0
poock: Feed.&:_r_t • „
Nelson I:bgbell,,R g,
James Carland: cif near Cargill
who is in•lhe • Maple ',Syrup. 'basineil's
on alarge scale, thinks there shoul
Jen a good run of Mai*. sap this
season', On Iaccpunt of the deep snow
and .steady. winter. Last 'week he had
over '2,400 .tree tapped and e•tdpects
busy tiOasoll, Mr,- Alf Andrew who
• has a Modern .evaperting • . plant is
&so tapping ignite a large, number of
trees, The --Mild. weather Qf Saturday
Sunday and • Monde vaexy• _favor,
a.s e to the opening et theisyrUp
ing season.. ' ••• •
Mrs. -Angus 4rallara• spent SeVeral
day last Week 1,Vith her,•.mother.,Mrs,.
J MeMurehy.
IVIi Jim COX 'et 10.POitrcline. '."and
1VIr..pave Cox of: L Ando* apent last
Toesd,ay, at'the home, of; their • gister
Mrs. ,Chas. Strathflee.'', .•
A 'number` .of . the- ladie,s from
Flowerdale (west): attended the
W. 01 meeting in; •Ripley Wednes,,
day eVening'avbile five of the ladies
ftena the East end attended the queet-
ing at R. Mi,d(llften's Thursday
Dune an 'Mr.,Murehy gave a
•quilting bee: for a number of her
friend's Friday. ,, • •
Mr. Norman McMurchy "is irriprov-
ing sloWly. Dr. Finlay'son,•.:. and Dr.
MeLeod of Ripley came to his home
• last FridaY:nna, eXtratteitilr number
of his teeth.' ••° ' • I
'Miss Nettie Scott 'and .her cousin',
Mr. Pat Baird left last .week • •fo re-
sume their work near Detroit. •
• o -o -o-,-..--
.Fmlay.epo of Lochalsh
left on Wednesday for Toronto Where
sbe will enter the General • Hospital
'charge of 4113...Ed Thorn • A genera; as .harse4.??-tralairtg..: • • •
invitation:is extended to .all. the Lad :Mr. jack Vascia of Lochalsh who
• The 'blunders ofityouth are 'prefer..
able to the .trinmphi. of manhood oi
the sueeess of old age.•
•'There Were no 'better cook i An the •
old dayS. Your ,stomach ivasn°t: .4ist
So particular. , .". •
B1esed-ar-e-.-the. p�4 -They cantt_
afford to•clubter ftp. their houses with;
'.1yrino.,•!...4 I: spal of, Bra:dpton•was
atie to Tetura to her itPoze- to. .1).04-
1R1411 „teat •Sa,tuOey, Aght. •
114i§S Irene, *Ore w414,chircil
was. he. MO' of her aunt Mrs. elaelc
aenderson Para,mount •Over the
week -end,
l'eter MeNay ;and Alex,: of
Paramount spent the week -end ft
istowel.. , •,'
• Mr: Frank Pair .and RaOli Hill, '`Of
Purple Orove We0 guests. of. Mr. and
Mr4....toidt.'Itichatds. of Paralnotult
during the weelt,end.
• Parniera aboutParammint. as
• greatly. inteteatod, In a dnelt-,foot her -
the invention Of Mr, Deit'er who
,claiMas that, the Machine:2'
Inent70111--Cht -and de -stray -all tweeds
and, pulverize the, ground Sa , as 0,
greatly.increase the Yield of', any.
ciopi, The: irlveiation i na.Ahopoe fikd
lh;t41ie reuI.t., of, e)cteneivV'einerfence
of the inventor in this cotihirY,and in
Eng1aiid.rtiU be th,orevighly.,tried
•SeasOW ' • • "
• T4 Mare"; .rheeting..of he Para-
M9unt F, W. 04 was held at the
home'home'of Mrs. M. Raynard an
attendance Of 'thirty 'Mrs J. Hamilton
oedupied the . chair ' and the roll call
was• viell responded.: to nvith Irish
Jokes, The. musical ,pait ..of the pro-
gram. consisted, of 'community singing
violin selpctions by M. Hogan.
and ante- harp selection by • Mrs. J.
Webster. !Readings were given. by
, .
-Mr :-Ensign-and- Mar,y-• Cook.-
Mrs. E. Gilmore gave. a very interest,
Mg; and instructive paper .on St. 1rJat-
rieli. ...A. paper. on "Common Laws"
was given , by. MA. W. McGill• and•
Mrs..T.' Irwin. gave ,a brief sketch, of
the. history of St. Patrick's Day. The
President livid sefreti.try were appoin-
ted: to; arrange for the egg. pool.. A
.hintbei• gifts sent to the sick one
iNero• acknowledged!. After the sing.
inof of tha. t oner Anthem, unch
Was serv.ed and' weigulACidedaerd.
1111A11Ki.T GRADE
• • ••••••
UO L1VE S[UtJ 1$ GiC4D7477AN
. 6Q14.:0, 4r:TO, 49NTO,
liogs Afe.graxled Under CloVetAment
',13,0•eks, Seek
kn,Other PaSeeS as Well;
;contributed, by Ontario Department of
A cilaracteristic fcatnro.of alt agr.
_cultural commoditieO to the wido„ver-
„lety In size, condition and quality'
among articles.: df 'the; Belie kiuct.
This Condition, iamost marked in live.
e tock.,, • Titer° epoch a coainsing
Veriety in reppeot t�age ty0e.,
quality and' condition thaLa.:eliecial
-grading7seryitiriiitWhe , pc iforna ed.
just .prior to. Sale in order to estabilSh' •
an .4nderstandetile•• MOO
the stock ' offered .and .to facilitete,
and speed ,up sales so that, they nank
be effected at the least:0st,, .
aet •,praCtiCe :and 'experience,. th,pre-',
• fore,” have established 'certain ,gradea
• in the. itied .stodlcr industry into one
:of ,whicheiela animal will fall.: -No •
lid.'wekr:,: are exactly'
. pe, • alualitY.'" of-, the alai ale
va,riee. with the -season •and 4ii the,
various .section p• of th country
in the gratinthere is a diVenitir 01
sub Classes. • -• • •• ,
Though ...it. is f not ' the • purpose of •
this article to enterinto' a full: die=
eussion, . of, an, '9,f, the ••
piteses . of the 'animal industry (that .
Is the field • Of the anInial husband-
man, breeder and meat packer) still,
at this time, a short schedule-ofthe.
various grades; and market classes
into.: which all 'animals are sorted is.,
not -amiss, ParticularlY as -It: is the.
Coniperative. fewnese and simplicity.
et the grades . of shoge And the uni-
'forinity with whichhogs generally:
conform t� .titase grades that Make;
the -marketing--of hogs a different
• pi-oblein. to that,Of cattle and sheep
In these .two vital retipacts;
first,: the servicesof the maiket Are
n ot called.into .u.Se- in the. Marketing
•Of 60 per cent, or !more Of.:Onta.rici'es
hoo, these bepig shipped direct from
producing centre to packing plant.
• and, Secondly, tho Government, has
• felt,Iinpelled .on, the solicitation of
prOducer, breeder and pecker to step ,
• In and interfere with private ;enter-
prise to the extent not only Of arbi- •
trarily 'piing down •exact standards,
for the:grades of hogs, .latt,L,te_mox
•Vac 'home
Mrs; •
- •,,•of,. Atha 44.1 .61ffer.ontlaki-to
„Mrs., Peter .McDonald 'of Huron is
the guest of her 'daughter Mrs. 'Eldon
• Henderson of Paramount for a' few
• •
Mr. and Mis Jim Richards ' of Rip-,
ley Spent the •Week -end . with the'
'formers. parents Mr. and .11irs. Dick.
Richards,. •of Paramount, • : .„
' Miss' Jimie• kettibabawowhO recent-
.ly'Underwent an operation in thi
The -Immeanorial•Eitst has from ths beginning: Of
iime exercised its faaeinatipti on the West. • Color
anoVement,..myetery, Strange Creed‘ and Stringer
, .
•• recite; the, cradle of CivilikatiOns with nlighty
sneflt3 Of the past to Attest their reality; etnittiMa, that
are" se Old that they *eche neve.; tOstnines that look is
though their wearers had stepped out of SOMe Meg-.
Aueritdo.;. and 'elteirto. costumes at. aUi imnienee
tudee speaking strangi languages;, the, whole Making
kin-WA-•,..pleture• difo'
:ferent sti .incomprehenalble .tO the Westerner
"seem* 5 if 'he had been transported. into -iinother
-.plater where onlythe stars; the. einii.„Moori and sky
renairid, hiM,that IieIs stillstatiding on mother earth
Zane of Anieriett Is lef.t Shoitsande Of.pmilek behind and
jou ateliititii-tlie•littid-of.-eternal-siititintlio•witere-you,
, have the.- Widest ' tango of emotional. And Oliniatie
Change' that thi�. wait!' htte to Offer. '• • .
Th1saliedding •dt everY4lAY -limo and ,apeetticle •ie.
Provided by ,the'"Round the World .Croltelm the -Ca -
tiadlith Pacific liner Empress of Scotland which •taile
from, New York, •Dodi/aher Ard Molt. For the folloW.
Ing 128 ditki, 'therei a n�vev �nd1n end -with*
ito.AMciiiimitter;,A*59..ttlitnitt TFoottid.to44••
NO .140411.:
,• , ,
tells itself before' .aitonished'• eYe,;' Thoroughly
competent guides tell • of the .wonders ttig each place '
visited And conduct to eetery, point of interest. , There
is no hitAip In the continually .thanging novelties •
pretiented and the. ptiasenger StOree upinthe short -
period of ,f0ui Molitha ,ehough: ineinOriet to laitt
lifetime, ' ' • •
Some of' 'these are presented' in the ..tibeife/
The gOOd Addy. EmPreart of Scotland:4%
shown asshe.ts just starting, her long vaiige..• :Then
..cOnie3••:,that.••jeWak4ii;,,etouo,,.411e,-.Taj...41ahalk-4athed: '•
In sonshine • the.concrete . MVO of a Mighty .ConotieSt .• •
'and of a eWtlizaton that bas passed, •yet intact 'tocl,sfY .
ag when it wag firat;CoMpleted.hundrede of years ago. •
. Yet another scene iii, the bazaar of a sniall
.kneeling to reeel-Vohis.Matter• who ft attired .as , .
,Rajah,• , • - - • -
These are but a few high lights in'A,•Yoyage that '
;is crammed, With' new delights-'each,"day.. rf one were
to Undertekethia' vpyage• on his' Ohl iniliatiVe it would
cest,thousittidt dollirs and . it .iS not at all likely.
that be Witt take In all that is offered on the EU?'
prase cruise in double the time.' ....Further, he would
eertitinit lost the StirilsphilteitUrY, Offieleilel.
Snit ,ore ',the ,characterietics
o a..Sroya 11; 10- ednIft1011 With 10111Ii•
.1040..0,19911: SOO;
7 'between the • ye:none Zes-.t'7-155 no:
$ts drudgery—
wash '
ere and Theie
The. ,total coal Prodtictidh of. Al-
berta ..Mines", during 1925 amounted,:
to tons, an increaSe of
• • y • • • .
'••• 479,691.. ,tots .,7over the; preceding
year The figures, Were as felloWs:
. Domestic coal, i•g,156,359 tons; sub-.
hittnnineus, 581,835 biunupous, 2,-
• • • • I.,. •
at .
,".145,200, ' • ' •
• A corps of young. guide! who 'Will
:show Visiting skiers the. best lo& -
tions hills and runs for :the snort
was formed at Mont Rolland, Que4'.
in :the : •Laurentian Mountains, re-
cently, /Ahout twenty young felloWs
were enrolled. , Per. the Summer a• .
corps of• guides will probably be .
formed to sh9w, Visitors the best
fishing, bathing and :boating Ion-
Twenty-three seconds was clipd
•off ,•the • Canadian record for
men's indoor 220 yards swim .at the
•;Crystal gardens, Victoria, 8.C,
wken • Marie -glen Wenslieue, • fa-
mous Hawaiian' merinaidrzOlympic
•champion and ,holder of 100 yard
.and .100. meter world eCords, Met
Audrey Griffin): well. known Cana7 .
dien girl swimmer of . YanCouver
he-t4me-war-2:52-5-0. • • '
. •
The Chateau-. lerontentletat
• •
Miss :Isabel Fox of gilt is Visiting
at her 'home herel.• .; '
We are 'acirry . to report Miss.Mar.:
g•aket Ferre to !be under the drictOr'i,
-WeLhop -or---rearly.4improve.
anent, • •. r •
It looks. as if: miring ' isreally com-
ing, and a:nimiber of: people are get•••,'
tiir-their sirgar-mapler
Messrs. len. 'Patterson- and Harold
Snarling have had ; radio set install.
Miss Jean Gflhies yisited.pa • few
• days :at the home.
toinil at 'Fordyce, last week.,":
.We are .glad to report 'Master .E1:'
ray Laidlaw able to :be areund af..
:er his: serious •••
:lIr. WM. taglestone of the West
rn they and ,o,ther. rel•
• atiVes, here: •• . • , •
• A number from here attende4the
,funeral. on MofidaY Of fhe late Airs.
Charles. :Thoni of Anburn, to. Wing -
ham Cemetery. '
. ,
Puneani Kennedy,' has A , num.
ter.. of chickens: out
Iitg,ieS Patterion. of • the Wesi
arrived .in ,LucknoW' last Week., *ft.!,
carload' Of horses; ..He is also.vis
Litt the hoine. of his imelef' Mr.
henry P .tters
A fi.k.e ,of ,unknown , origin .stertee
the 'EleVater bopping :Mil
fast' Thursday. ;night. .f,the 1whol• 't•
buildings were completely destroyed
Also the'eltOPper and several bundrep
ousliels of grain: • 0
1.,Ekp BY. y,4Biou8...
morms.;,0F %TRAVEL
Following are the. highest speed,
which man has been • able, te. make
by his . various inethods of, travellint
. dein walking to flying: •
• 11•Ian• can travel walking":
Miles :Per hour; can swim 4.06 Mile:,
.per hew.; sculling' 10.6 miles; by dog
10.8. miles; running. . for on(
'Dile 14 6 Miles per &tire ' running
100 yards, 213 miles per hour; skat,
inghe can travel 23.25 mile's, per ham
l.ry Sailing vessel 20.9 miles;,.,
:.asOline 'launch . 80.56 miles; in a:
ailtead train .115,20 :Miles; :bY .auto
nobile 129.3 per hour; by airplane
, Going back. to , older
ods, a mafl en niake by bicycle
u),ry iniles TOr a inn of 107 • ihiles
• irlving• & tretting' horse he Can -go
013, ntileg..• per holly, 'and : ridiag a,
a. running holse 37.9 miles.
recOrded tinder • favorable •ton,
Of tliZe atitonlobilea •in Ontario
. • ,
Lartnei•s.,.5W1Y-16743-4rbiereliints, have.
).3332 .profesSional men 17,481; Stiles -
1,' 17,0134 -tradesnien .43,007;
s-.16,;524.- Polk 'who'. eanitOt.
:n any particular NiCupatiOna)
2,1.,117t and there It An
�p1 -0"
Isriutiiivh4v10,es $4800$1ortnogclo:toill Or:. (IVO. 4011,
. . •
•'su oh extent has there. been, ...iiaterferir.
'etiee,' by: bublie alithorityin the: nat-
ural . working i'ont, of ,coimpetition,ant
,.enstiani2iil. establishing the grade :and .
:price differentials between' grades
• With .other,'clanes ptock; • ' •
Grades rind classes of stock on mar;
kets••.•are.' ditertnine.d In :the • last
a:nalysie by' the.varYing consumer de-,
. mends, and •the .varyinge supplies of
• Careen.. ,'1"lixt ',grades are the,: . litter?
• pretatiOn of. demand and apply ••
•as .applied to actual animalbY men
(sellers' and .buyers) .skilied 1 -such
'-.0-iteroretation.Ceradirlerme. 'come
by '•etietorn •• to .• ha need indescribing
the .14.11011i gradee into Which...41'
. etimalti fill;„'and the grade le deter-
mined by the size, tea,
age; ciandition,' ftnitth tuid•qualitY of ,
the animal. ..-:•The: following' 'terms
adopted by the. Markets Intelligenee
• and Stock Yarifis Service of •the Fed- .
eral ,Government.. MAY ,be. Considered :
as feirlY' deleribtiVe of 'the grades •
Into lerhich live!.enimalle are sorted,'
IA the marketing process.:
. • . .• . 'Grading..
Steers, 1;200 lbs.. and
• • . , 1;000 to 1,200 1134.;'. ....Good •
• SteerS, 700 01,000MP,, ;Good
• ' • Gina: ,
Heifers ••• • • • • • 4.• • 6 ••••••• 6. 6.6 • Gieod..'
•• Com.
6WS 6. • • • • .• • • * • 6•••'•` • • • :Good
•Bulls . • • • 1.6 • • • •.• • • • i•• :,47.400d
•;,•• • •. ' • • , Com:
Canners and Cutters •
•Steeke•ri, 460' to' 800.1bs."
• •
• -.•
• Feeders:, Soo to 1,199 lbs: .Good
, cl-,f.C.e..lves.. , ,• • Hogs---
.• '
:'......•.. Selects
• ...... „. Dairy • )",. , .... Heavies
) . 6 6... : .Grass ' • Lights "
...., ..,' 'Bowe
.......' Stags ,
• •
• . ; Com.. • Light
does the Market. Intelligence Service,
operated • by the "Vederei Govern -
Merit, report, the :marketing day by
'day On all Canadian marketa,. along,
.-, with .the price ranges for the day
for , these • grades. Also the market
, sections, Of the ' 'gees use similar
• elassigdattems in their , publielty Of
. the markets, With cattle, sheep and
eaives the market prediee is to allow •
..the ,experience and 6011 of the corn-
, ininion saieetnen and 'of the buyers
to deterinitie inte what - grades par-
ticular animals shall fall, but with
• hoge•the it/tete/its of the 'Whole trade
eRpeit .t.0! have justified a more arbi, •
trail and artificial grading .put Into
effete by Government •actiOn.-A,
• ,Leitehi Dept, Economics, 0. A, Col-
lege, Quell/h.
• *inter Rye.
• yThe r. e crop in • Ontario is g.reown
on approximately 100,000 acresIt
•Is noteti-,Inlbortatit 'Crop When eotiv.,
:pared .With • oatii- and. wheat •Oft- an,
acreage bailie.' The increase in acre-
age as a. grain drop has been very
slow, dtie to the difficulty generally
•t4xper1etated,, hkeveoting---4•,heevy,,
crop. At the OntarioAgricultural,
College the, variety_ knOWn aa, Petkus .
• hes headedthe list for productive-
. seat. The aVerage.yield per itere-,per
:Inn= of:the Petkna winter rye bur;
..lafiSed• tho next", highest itailetY.* bY
our bushels in a,seVen Years" test.-
Extenalon, 0, , C., Guelph.
lvet -SeWor teint -heftier
Gnatwh.n wi lainrov.'
et4.0 aod 111-;erei
• Wishing tareivell andben voYag4
to" the ' celebrAted Writer/of -the •
Sotirlet ,•Pernel a bouquet of
:sCarlet ,P1Mnerne1s. Was Pre.Setited to,
Haronesi •Orty, ..When she embarked ,•
7with hr.. husband, 'crM.r. Mentagn ' •
PeretP-M4,. on •the, ,$S, ;Mont:glare.. of,
: Pact:fie." line,;' for. •
.,','' The. pre'sentatidli 'was
naade on behalf of the 'cOrnpany,hy• -''
Capt. Geo. Webster 'and 'president ,
E. ,W, I3eatty'a'card Was atteched.'
• Beroness.grciy genie out to Canada
to Assimilate leeel „colour for e -new
book, which wili be -eagerly awaited
• here, , • '
. • •
Motor tourists' .frarli the T.Inited,.
States brought. $.150,990,000 in rev,
enue to: Canada in ..1925, scekrding
-40:-Oatintates-1.-erf-'gdvernment, off
dials. • • This* .sum is ' equal to it
quarter . • Of the value • of the
'bOntinion'e wheat Crop and apPro*-. •
imateg the • valire or. the annual
mining ontput. ,of. 'Ontario; Quebec! •
%and British....doliimbia 6911113in:ea..:
More than •' 0,00000 American- ,
automobiles, it is ,estitnated,"'havej
'crossed into ,.,Canada • this f,a11.,
They: carried. •in the -neighbourhood,.
of 9,n00,009- pers'Ons,. or a ;number
equal to th total population of
the entire building o'f 190 rooms will
have been rendered. fire -Proof by
, . •
June : lit, according to information
from head offices of :the:Canadian
Pacific „ItailWaY in ,Montreal • The
hurnt pArt of the Chateeu has' Been
rebuilt up to Ihe fourth floor While .
the sSee_k_fer_tliALictof4s;inprocess
of. ereetiOn.
0 13 Foster, .paeSenger:, traffici
, manager. Of. the Otinadian',Pacifie,
• ,. .
, Westathehsi:dayeLar,0111 the :
money mere.. free and is ,btaund
stimulate traVel between 'Canada
, and the, Old', Country.
'.the",''expected",:increased„.....vOluine of • •
his .,corriptitif,The .• $ ,
Will run ctreins
. 'Decetr.ber. anet2ng directly With ••
Major F J ;ley, extetutive.,secre,
taryHerttlie-CartadiairCenneil..-:.7o.., the, coinnan •"13 Atlantic niers Sail,
Eduetition, ;returned. to .,Canada On tag.: from .:the .„ winter' ,port Of Saint ,
john,'N B These liners .Sail; on.%
board the. Canadian PaeifiC liner:
to get
MOntc.altn: 'after.. tour • ..ot, ?ales. dates •: that.. are calculated
laid foundations fCouitipdrrtioannSti..:Eq,•?:,..*ei.hgiiie' he
thin. of the..:.1VIediterranean .branch • • • • • 4.. ; . • • ,,..
of the i0ierseas Education „League.. ° !Taking ' the', 'North...', American
Lord Lleitd,•High ConiMiSsioner •for •
• Egynt , and •Field Marshall ' Lord.," moose over •bo. • Europe vitsW•.
-to'. •acclimating it. , in • Northern
nattier, Commissioner in Paleattue,
have both consented IO'llecorne hon, .1 .1el-
.ri'euir:"rijec,41"•,1!,c'o:irli,...!:). Count t1!aimoo'hc,•1$.ohin'
jnan1...Or...; the:. largest land. .
• • • • . • ,O'n
wers.•,..- Denmark., • the. •
*:• 'When'. Lord ,and Lady Allenby.'• "And Coniitess. were, :taken . to the ,
, .0Wfwomenereinwhose•Nraneouyethusbands
r..ed.heuestblY4,a naing, , disia•ici, • Where...' they
.ipent. three . During this-• • '
•eVeethearts, had been . cared • for. by 't•:olb• the walked age of . •
.Lady • Allenby,. during the. War dais'. ..fifteet:liiiles a'daY fer twenty days,:
in Cairo, . thanked the."Lady of 'covering' ,.three.. hundred Miles on I.
mere for her •care and attention. feet, • • not . rec:kening the : distance •
they traversed ", in ' • Canoe: They
'went . to the Wood's.' of Northern..
• .Quebec sot another 'shot at the
sluSiye ..natiase. :before, , sailing for
• honie. :on *die :Canadian', Pacific
..' liner Montnairn.., ' •
recent epidemic of. Meter.' heel, ,
dents,. five of wilieb occurred: in One •
• eight, , though Inck-ify • neue.of them.
proved to . be. fatal, .elieiteck the .fold
owmg editorial,' Comirien1 „front the
ontreal. Star.. . "That ' five: drivers
• Jf :automobiles • 'should,' drive. their" ..
dian • ' Pacific System • &ring., the 5 s li 0 nlovlilg trains• within - a
In aplal,aipdi
eee are no holders • Of First Aid • '..ii•elessa; S. is tlie• Main ' CanSe of
certificates, while' 'a large prepon, fb lo...h:lon of leVel.' ••
tion have 4vouch6rs.,•• Medallions' and in,s'arpgs is • either '
hiheie: indicating that they tire..far .i.ar*,y hi zlicate,d at Et distance,. that
,above the .cettifieate standard, se- ir yea 4411 a,: fast driver ample time
*ere.na thittst, of. knOWledgi, :1;•ina:.11;.
: •••
,E, Larrodairt- generat", freight, • re "-ail:prom-II i'i t hors, bar
agent of the. Canadian: Pacific • Rail- • : arc d: Ara. Sonic are open
his announced that westbdinid ynti.i%I'y in the cola],
lake and • rail freight • from eastern ,• : ;Int 'despite . all
pdlitta .will be accepted for 'shipment 1 signalsp And
on the Great Lakes, subject ' todelay 1contirinef to.:
tli an
srte, bound,
de f, ii Cs e;:. cc000sedmiteitoends,..tboy, .1:,,Aear.tti: • j.„', :tf;i•
9 at Pett' The outlook ..1•A'...rrniug. shine in,,,
flit! Package frilk.ht, both ..ditat'end • idents, d.• it ii:irioSt • Idok's as
thls goatee were about equal to those
good:as last: year When returns feof I .'
- • 'ilT.4±6.•,••••••• '
. .
• . ..••••.;. 46.•
• In Torotitd: there 'are.- .81.9 polk�
dr: one.: t.tr.,:eVel.'y
These husbands Find sweethearts' are
new happily settled ' in the sunny
OkanaganValley of British Colum-
hia and have banded in a tiniqUe
• ganization known as the Jaffa -Gate,
every . member • haying passe('
through the Jaffa Gate . into
' •
.• •
According to figures or 1925 the
•'growth of interest in First Aid effi- .
,.ciency is attested by the. ;set •-that
1;698 -Aten and Women were auccesi- •
fully examined on tile Whole Cana-.
hiirk 764 °Polidbi, °fle to 0s'e1si'710". ornment we. v, el.t' if we .wt.h.i it rd
liens; in- Cleveland 1304, one :to evCrY
eri3.„Exeivige eneOurage.
to .cvory 230; in Chic4o 3,010, : one, developmCnt,:„A n n n n s 'Ora
nue ite very' 427; tiOndert; trigland " ,
t,290:4;;;:ylsit4141501:1.i.:veNvevWst:',Orr,1:11, ye::(Pte• neciae7tolatge.
10500 ono to eV* 27t1 Serli4t .,. the abillty to exprots them,
ut600, one td everY •, libt.1p, .Ocdoo r4fidetr'