HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-25, Page 4,
AMOgr,r'' MEP:* & linPOW4welk Fences, Gat". PR*
1.,Itath andN. * P.0004""irikte,,•411 Galvaikeed. •
in:790,111fk."11thbeir•O,4, SteelTh
7"A•N•711 -V1014NSON gi•es..-410w$ Wileelhartwolit '
OS;(01trAN, Si:ND rIONOGRAPIIS:-See as. aeik save •
' • "yeeuself same 'saw when, Ton want sioniethiag
Tip( imcgAirr smiHrni,-;Thtigs.DAY, -mARat 2$* ;XI*
7-013-1.0M4), --WAELEN711.4X.
eireri Tinir4alte WAATtihii
. at Lueliti011r• OW:149.
D. MacKenzie, Prop**, •
Ind Editor: • '
!THURSDAY, .lit:tRCII•25tho 19$
74. ,
•. ,
the lartcnt•ind !Eel Cm
in the
Maria% Scotch; Swein,Ii and Can-
We -make sPeciaRY of ranarlY
NewastareAs Cad finite year lizapte-
..Inacriptiatia Neatly, Cara:ally* and
Piromptly flow.
See sa
beforeplacing year: olden
LairlisrW,a Oat".
L O. L. No„ 4t13, IineknOW Meets
the second 'Thasday ,01 ever/ "niOnth
, their WI, at S o'clock, C. Mullhi,
X.;„P. Carter, Be Sec. '
etry4• s
ue o Wel'ab •
41ctin9w; Ont.
Besides hes,mh;it.:cithe
'annoYances,.are caused by, •fa•S•
Aghtl•-lf. Person's nervoni SYs-;
tent •is disturbed' lbY the stzainTte
laic' b. the eyes', are subjected.
f2etruntsnesl''Inay Arlie, or other
tioubles, . • ••
, "A far-iighted• person may- s
welt the"distanre. •
Yes, and 11 YetmeinaY he able
to read perfectly and be far-
sighted to :consider -Aid. degreFe,
How does the Ciptomettist 'de-
tect this 'error in children?' '
See net Article' for answer.%
(Continued Next Week),
• ,
in the Estate a Sopliis: liebeica
e •
SineitZer;:cieceati):k • • •,
'Creditors. and others having ,daims
r- •
IV .
• (ia. liisearkzttras W9riter), nnY
-il000lfity4aose.-at aPa.,41e. ha. gelatin
all he can far 4irrmelt,
The'.014ier is, Sent -nut at almost
no pay at all to"fight and wOrk and
endure, fur otheta--nnd hintself.: of
cniirse, be soldier cannot lualt after
his own AntereAS When at war"... The *variable,* plain, everVinFran
they ,ayg &up tnuclirax ATit ve847
17.x.14,% fotrinA-Lim*Ps
theliwv,eotion;-ir iii#mentt salt -40./..
'eases: and the PZ94,04.*Ii. of Part,ien-
lei types for special markets, are au
described.; in fact there is no Phatie
of the indhstry"on which the best
scientific knowledge is: got made,
"Worker (as $ ) Oka, after no in
• terest Intt own. 11 U. ehance
, , •
An arbkle,Wltith we' recently read',
limenting the ' trashy ...reading s°
'PeAllar to-day,concluded With -the.
fell. owing, paragraph: 'Maur' a , unto
we have had •a foelino" oi" pity Creep
over ai.ate watched little BaPPer
tested On 4. street ear lengtassed
tliegg'cbeaP "stories. We do not, as
I =le, h„:.la,.M.C,tlie-Ita,...little-etenture-
t*Ing the giddy,'-goin ‘chewing,"
tedo'sii.1,Y little' creature Pile 21P -
td he, hut tather'dO, we censure
r 'Pat*ots""fdr.- hiving- failed to`
realize *it' 414. :.3,SF,a's • to -.Mat Gnd -
teall lady 'rather 'than: a friioleus,
butterfly:" . • .'•.',".;*
Here the blame is placed upon the
parents as is so often done for the
misdoingsof the ions and &twitters -
If we ask how has it 'clime about that
the parents did not know their duty,
or knowing. it, did- not do it; what
answer shall we have?' Evidently
they (the parents .of those gum -chew-
ing, giddy flappers) were not them -
'selves Prlierly instructed. If they
were, bow hav,e they:so lamentably
'faded? „'', • '
-71f-we:' are gnini to blame vtlie- par-
ents, oboll have to gen very long
way ba, -.41, and", we Shall wirer reach
the end, for if 4lia par' Of to -day
are feeliSil, must we net blame their
parents:for not- making them wise?
lf the Parents of...pioneer dais were
so wise, and knew,so well •how. to
train ,their children,' how is it that
these children ..(the irresalute ..par-
ents to -day)- are to united for
• their duties as parents? Are we' to
sa that their '•rents did• not pro -
, late - ViiCige Lurelosow-`"
in the 'County .of 'Bruce;•101,Arried We,
Man, deceased,..are hereby ,notified to.
"deliver -their. claims, properly verified
"to -.the 'tincle,:signed Administrator be-
fore the seventh 'day of -April; next.
after -Which • date- the. Administratco-
will,•proceed . to :distribute the 'estate
of the deceased,' having , regard . :only
• te such claim's as he shall ,then, haveMiss ;
Clara e had ,notice ' • :•';
.Spent Sunday at her home here: • . •t• , -Dated at LiipIntow this tenqt: 'day
• • • : 4 f r ,1926.
Mr. Welling,ton'Nhcon of Donny -1 8ta
John It: Sava n anno Ont
• 'brook bas been ;working forM -R. ge' g - •
• _ mints • 0-
Gar' .drier the past week.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. McDonagh en
:tertain' ed'the League to a social time
en -Fridak evening.
At the 'regular nieeting'Id the Ash-
Bild United •CIturdi,
ett!sChureli, March ISth, the :follevir-
4 • '
ng 11.0 nTrn were electell for dfity dur-
ing ihe comkag tennitoPiesident: Mr.,
Earnest Garner; Ora Vice: Mrs. 11.
lohntsortt; Serond Vice:.'..kts. J.. Cook;
Reeording •See'yi 'Esther Ritchie
• .
. COTT:. Seey: Mrs. dna: Debit; Strang-
ers" 1-4rs- '57 kil•Patiiek;• Tres-
-Henry .18fOrt011; Soperinfondent.
Christian Stewardship: Mrs. Dicida-
. totil -Mite Boxes: Mrl: Albert
• Helm, MOP, NErsz SliertvUod,.' Hae7k-
„etre, MrS, lifeart, Blake'ti
uet. Astor:late Heliers:'
Sherwood; 'S-up't. of Viitie tight
Ber Mrs 'W. T. Gardner., ' •
;On St. Petri:Xs eve the .
Peet& al:1Feb held. an Zrish
ennird,• ;The •Pr'grannne Crivi,i•otted .of
Irisk te!dinis: Me.* 'Songs and ettn-
tests. At the close of the eyenisvg,
Teitesblirdits 'woe ser:iT..d.
• ' NOTICE TO cRtrorromi. .
In the Estate .4..gioneg Efiri Huater„,
Deceased -'1
,Creditors and others having -chains
against the estate af James 'Boyd
Hunter, late of the Village Of Lock-
• • . ,
onw in the Co„ unty of Bruce, plaster-
er, deceased; are • hereby notified to
. .
' .deliver's.their ciabni, alai verified, to:.
the Unersignea, erftutor of 'the es-
tate'lana.'effe#ta Of the *aid •Seniet
Boyd -nun, ter, __, On Or before:the f7fh
427 of. ,A13r# A.D... 1926, after' which
„ date the\said executor Will Preteed:
to'distrilint,e 'the estate of 'the de.
1 ceaSed, having regard only to int)
. claims es lie Shall then have liad'noi”,
• tice. •' '• • ' .
• . '
• Dated it ,puelmow 'this' 2 -4th :day a
• gam; A.D. 1926. "Win. Connell;"
Ex-emit/6r.. 8,-4-c.
• •• •
4n a can't -4:h raore people worry..
'direr their .seat.' that theft., standing.- .;
• .. Sunday ,schohl• teachers . Y4on
3' Pa
it. 4 ao -
to earn 401.4. save or the wlu
the soldier connot have, 0Sadier in! uf feed. tnan anY aolnudi it multipl-
eaU.ely. misleading term) The work. I) vide ,food • for .the „.taimer's faMilY/'
As the tooklet sa bog' Will
f future -ch produce more meat from 100 Pounds
the ArtilY of indistie is a 'false and ies rapidly; and it Will net oulY 'Pro -
et is hot a soldier at , !Hit gne of the bes-rnenrcea :Of farni
"The who...onds the best' Of ?••ne°1ne' •
• . •
cannot be: ..—than a peer mAa_., The al*tined,•-at the nearest:local bnneli I
bls Yenrn lantY at Peace or war A free. eePY of the bwit!et.,11113.Y•Be
litiiktx7, zindlop:, fonrcwayiaes (ieastkviingonablee-acoini .4.!:* the. 14111I'. .
, .. . • .
•••ent•saitd--lirahert7h*atthivo In YS411110 • 4.40F.ALPA cAhle4•10.N
°Mit". 04 'and •saYe '!=icikigh: 'to .:ItTeeP.• . ti...„. ......i....i 7.---:'Y-
',....10-5•114,..,..4ht,.0,..th;feliitIci,,h,:iia:g.ep;d,aTligge, .s...old.i. _er,:,.i'i, 1":e :1`"?'""..ty: Second :for '°)til'"ii'''
wat'Paitnftt.haye colifOrt7,,,i041 he ,eah., .., sti.ritif,, Alaiff*, ,fttithl::Ilt:in:It ..;
. ,.
, y Fnirther it is pot ;the - "industrious _...... e :.-,. - a. . . , IS
,a101. saving' element an tlijo. . or juir beidg,•,00ndueted,- in ot,oititric, ! at • pre -
other eountry' which ,Is 'endeavoii1141 *ent 00ida :b:e. 0 41€41411 interest' VI
..• • r • • • •
a • •
• ••••• •
• , .
TE,LEPIIONE • y,stRs TO CA L1,o,S 1.113 C R 10 ER Are
to establish old 'age Pensioh sYsteinn, Bruce CetintY,' One," of '.the ' LINE WEILB .:CONNIECTION IS ESTAELISIIED. ".
It is those web mferit as little as they, ,c4w-Ities Alum prt;_duction • . , •
can,:and who spend their 'akrnings 'the' NON -ince of •Ontario.. .Nowhere SIMPLY SAX TO THE OPEPATOR “WiNGIIAM 67P OR.' •
on, trifling luxuries -the spendthrift
bums and .loafers :who want Old age
pensions because they are too laaY
to earn ankh and to carless to save.
Johi4 G. O'Donhihue's ,:"ghastlY
sPectacle 6f:details, who. have sPent
their lives in the welfare of the coml.
inanity headed in the direction of the,
jail 01. Houseef refuge" 'is .wrong.
-The-eleinent dld--„Pnt.
•sPend their lives in the , welfare ef
the cOniniurtity. They spent their
lives -iii idleness, or when git Work
wishing for sundown and in spending
their •• earnings in 'indojgances that
did not make. for their .own ,welfare
Perhaps it is. not aff a matter o
parental training. Maybe cenditions
have mcn,,,ALotithit.....Iii_theAlays-
E,4 pur graildparents there were no
Street cars to ride on., .The worker
Walked to bia'or her mork, mid •did
not have this 'OPPotunitY , read
light and .trashY' literature. -about
• the ;"thily-kind one can • read. oii• a
:spreet -car, 'Then, too there •was.little
or no trashy:literature to read. Many
'of 'the, factory: and shop workers
could not. read, if they had the opport-
or that of the community . • t
have. tbe possibilities. of Alfalfa pro..
duction, or the inereaseir"-freAts
which are possible when a large Acre,
age of alfalfa is I inCluded in the
_farm rotation, been more clearly
'demonstrated than „in Our 'own , cotin-
Farmers are realizing this:mere
than ever liefore,with the result that
lir 1925 there were :produ•-•,:ed Bruce •
7egrai!ty'Senle.-A+3;677' Aere.3 714
Grey' County with 4121 exceed. this.
Sigure. Pee1,. the banner alfalfa coun-
• ty. of the 'Province, 'produced ,only.
a;205 'acres" of 'alfalfa; though this
figure reliresents 40,3 per cent of ,tbe
total **rage haY ,.and clover.. as
conipanid th .25.2 per • cent for
• •
J. T; Patton, District -Manager I
ll TelePhone Cointiany 'of Canada
.31r,. O'Donoghue B. C.. ,..is • Wrong stiperior, in palatability.. and ' feedia,g
4g:dn.:Rib* he. 4,11.1, that'. 'the:400st , .
•value to••• y ma , rom any other.
of 144:4' exceeds. the average Salail! .crepi and all ,Clastes ...of live stock re;,
•41.•workerst If • that were. to, how de
, . , . • lish.it. '', • : :•. , . • '
he ."people manage :, to • live?..• Many . ,.
1 : • u• ,bewoo A wIro t. rlav . .... .. ., - - - • • • Bese•-alfaiti heY earriet A velt
iiiiik-jbef ealled:'•,..,i,611, Off.T• . :-.' ,• :, •,,4-diiis•-iiitie ivvii•ets:•.g , ,a, --,,...",:•g. 'etitwirpisi•• largo. -,pe...ve of ','ovitt*nriv111-01.1-
..• It •dePends on hoW one lives,. Th rtiledrir_rai• :4 tai—n .'e,.-.01-i,-77-iit..-7.-EF-th-e7-niust:--aiipermiverTfoo-cl „constituent
Brace. ': • _
.:diPaif:gnerchirturepio.tinnotsXgsinPeeihatvh: "britYlireT.C'iliCmesaet""
have, been marked by a goed attend,
.:Arotiter--whcr-naltve, 'groieing,)ire ols6 beini sent out. Be- furnished' by Mir high-priced. eoncen,-
, NOW it is:different. 'Almost every
boy and girl call read,. ' taste 'of
many is bad, and the hour on ,the
street'car gives them au -Opportunity;
and the're are other 'opportunities, of
'course. Here then .vie have a .raass of
.pe'o'ple of laW taste and intelligerse
who can read, and .who have: -opport,=
unity. to read.. That conititutes. the
orofatret..%41sThteewrisees.teit'ire. 40idne:;PsnobppoitSfirt.,er
Emity and tileY'• t4e • diSrak
• can't lie avoided. The people • of
Afti years ago 'Would. have acted in
;the ',same way' under 'like conditions -
There weire .great and geod, men in
Rome two 113m:solid Years'. age, bot
lot of 'the peoPle found eajoyment in
• Watching gladiators wound' and hill
eachother, in seeing • lions *ad
tigers tear men to. piece$:.• •
The condition under wh:cli peonle
, grow no and. nye appear to have
:Some' Ain't care he,* the
look as "ono. as they don't look like
' A Sarplus of a33•.' cr7P:Cluesn't rce-ge"
more to de iith detennining conduct
than any 'ther infinen-the home.
the chtOrch or ,..anything
If 'the yonng. people are_ gUing
the farmer suffer as much as. ilte' the dogs, how is it that the good
•I •
rest a tis would -without it. parents and good preachers' and •good
• ' .
We Sell for Cash -Vie Sal Cheaper Than The Credit Steil
Phone No. 10 is at You0ervice
• IDAIL. irfcbsAtoRs,.
ANI3 ALL :PIPING OF ,G0001-WilGET,topPER. rr •IS %A" Sci,c
ERI011.• Cr EA TO. 11• . A i•:ti • THE ICE IS NO HIGHER THAN
THE PRICE or :TilE'IN'TERI9R .14.4CITINES, riAvg v14*
tWO' SIZEfi-r.'-150 EGG AND' 2,49 EGO. IT, WILL PAT YOU. ,
TOL' :WILL 'SOME OF THE 'FO'LL6wicDiG, *a.] co
SAP 1f.ESYR.VP CANS:. ;5 :4:341:GE BEARING . MON ,••-Ta
r"1"‘,..1.•0, „
LE,i.Vg; YO•iltOrtDig 'WITH IF dritt.14,
days did- not.trairsthem to, be wiser
iand bettert.' . .: .
The aboOst unlversal ability; to
read. The •development, ,01 pritrthig
.hinery, the big, .'factoriet and
i offices, have •Produced eon-
; dititns altogetht,:r diffemnt to Those
fittY yrairt ago. 'These: •sehject
boys and girls,,,men and 'women th
tott.s. t vier the new Conditiont
of Wealth, of speed and i3rolusima ef
every sort, a higher intelligence and
bitrher rartrality is &Mended. '
The, People who cannot meet the
4,e'T tests rupt.t go doWn.
• re read read a. coninsimicAtier
, a new.spapet'• this stibject the
writer of whioh takes a, veri 'wrong
; View of the"whele•tbatter.: .•
• He compare's the position a the
ordinary worker to hat of, t:se. teleo
•ier and contends- 4 trtirkei.•
t„.. sa is the!
ury of course, :cannOt live wit aie :listed a few ,of the reatont. trates. /4„ •. .
Farm" has been adopted in the Cam- silage or, cut, green as it soiling'cron
iliti. and health can earn ellongli tj% *
inone But .2°' 'man' or *man I wilF. the Anglin "Alfalfa Ai !Every Heoause• alfalfa may be used ''as
in this country,havine''ordinary kb- •
.liVe in 'decent, comfort • and 'sac* scinie- Paereagnie of . Hai% 'valua-ble Crop: Pecan:Set alfalfa ;gap be: gimind in -
and theran ncreing with goo results. .
lienryyRedford, a. farmer. residing Ili
.Bruee , near Paisley; and
.brought him to the. jail 'here.
rumor' !was. to the' affeet that Red-
. .
. • .
ford.had taken his own lite, by shoot-
Unlan a
• th,ing for the ineviialde wet day. ''. , /Because it can be grown ever the to a Meal of excellent feeding value,
:401i:it% per Year' necessary tik_. Pit .ditions of any legurne as yet grown. Or the development of a - profitIble
' And !where .ttre the seN'eral-inilho „dart 'range, of soil and , eima , con- Theke $01,1** to . he an opportunity
these pientiont gohig to come •ft?nt.f.'i./11 Canada. We are n, euvringit••cin alial.fa-meal trade in Canada with a
hlot•direetly from ,the lazy and spend'- • the . "' ' • Canadian-Manufactiired product,
thrift 44 comm.- ::have Becanse' Canattlan-grown. Seed' of ('‘ Because Makes nil...excellent
anything . to cootribete;:, 'Sp the types:, . obtainable • at a rea.!.... pasture' if pastured intelligently -and
'lions will have to be collected priee.' Alfalfa froth' Canadian- nUt over grazed.
the•finchistriiius and saving. grown seed'. is groNsing, toteetsfully :E•ecai3se the'. deep' root -system of
The *hide thing is la, rgelY another at Fort :Venniiion in northern • tdialta, besides eria.hling. to, extract.
saeme to _get -those Who, Work ,ankt. a distance of stir hundred and I plant food from subsoil, also ,opens
sae to keep those :who spend as they rifts; miles north of the interriation- i.up be 'subsoil. .••• . • ...,
. :.al undrY at ,• •erPeriencis Beg:tease,. decatri. ng!. alfalfa
Of. Coarse, the ro arv the, h, °nest peraturei• low- at sixty-Bve de7. r#0ts i steins: and. 'leaves e q rich the
pOor, but these can he looked after ' •• • '
greed below zero. Cultures • for soil- hy. adding, coriiiderable amounts
without throwing .-the doOr, open ' • .
n to -'noculation. Of seed may • be 'secured' Of hunis
the crooks 'tatter:O. ", through ,the ,local Depadnient of
In Auttralia : New :Zealand': rkaitare 'froro the •teererioloiy
, •
where old awe pensions' have been F,portznea, Ex.;
introudeed the ,politicians. ,have been penmenta Farms, Ottawa. :Singe
bidding agnibat each other, one init-.1 oitures may' be obtained' from the
doing the other in generosity • with latter 'free charge for estperiment.
. the public ntonen to•••th\at"the.•Pena' al perposet. •
Pins have been doubted since :they Because:I' Stand of alta/fa; I Once
eat:atilithed, continues. to yield :Pay-.
,:ing crops 'for Many. years.
•Eecause the average "yield of :cur-.'
id alfalfa hai, forall 'of :Canada ide
•• the' Past ten years is Over •twO, and a
4•713en well managed the hog is half tons 'acre. litany
c/ne a the test %emcees of farm in": tic' yields average - much :higher
r,oine. Hogs have paid for *Many a. thatrthis. •
•arm. 'We can •sell begs at •atiy• tithe Be74tnse alfalfa hay is' equal if not
01 I.L'R year ;=.1ti ahnest .at liar age '
, were first' iVioduciek •' •
• „
THE 110G AS A sougcg.p
• .
,and • weight:4' •
; _This fa: one Of the •introthictory
statements •iii a remarkable interest.=
ing .and useful booklet entitled "Wigs •
; fon: POrin and PrcOt", jUst issued 13.1!
the Bank of Montreal, and offered
'free fatMert at any. branch 'a that
'For same 'feat past the ,Dpait-
raehi' Of. Agriculture at: OttaiVa het
teen .diong• conuneridable •+ work: ' all
er,er 'Canada ts ,encouraging tee pro-
'1•24e'r j.?"'."..' • V. V.at'
iirCA4•"4 in health. 71,e chomp,'
iorls' of old -age pensiOns t'alic of the
- ' af= •ioduatte :Arka-buga. -zp
r sdoine a (14-at'r__Ai' _,Traa
tb *Idler who_
No .11.car . the" of.e.to
ithercatbe trad.` 4, alt. The
:dierirar rs,his life and gets
hit "*03323-34 :defenailfig 43thett. 'rot
Ilie":110,144t the
I fa-ctn.* Or the tartt' vatic* tat
I *eit 41.1-al'ils family if he hat rtAt.
no. leaking tar 04401 09
Heating, Plumbing and.ilectric
Sh -Gyprot. Wallboard
duction of ,hogs. as ,,..stipple.meMaii
•of./inetone for farmers, ato
the heoklef will admirably assist this :1
moteMent by Making available t:.c3
thoie 'itteretted and detailki ,
AestriPtigni, :illustrated' by oVer 2,0t) •
photographs :and diagrnans, 'ot the
•goisilog Prinfliples: of succestird and
profitihle hog While the 1, •
12,00p:et: is a
•Ccr.-ering 'methods Under a Wide vari...1."
etj- .of climate, conditions; 'particolar ;
:attention both 4.; regards. uric ;
has ben Paid to
Deptinitm Amino' Htit•7:'
4 the_PrpC1 -bretilt • Iti4_,;•
4ypet :.and• the accepted methOdS,
.feeding isn" 'Cantaa,. tn4 offers geh---"i•
erar avite tt6' eigard to the Princiol-,
ri.b.ed the; beoklet, •
EtetY P*.ttc c.f rnir-i,ne•
.th.hooklet. Loth /4.-1'n'erd tt•Lod
tgi tht te.-4itett:
v6t-r, fitt. o'.44174041 emos,, and titaiti,
thr4te *Seat azd ')7e14 sr4
$ Of 11,All i241
11Q1-1.-"NDED UP
(Waterton" Telescope:)... •.
On.. Friday:. atterneo Satur-
day ,morning of.last week a ,Periis,
fent rinner :was 'afloat'. in the -town
that ..two ,n•en, vhom ProVinCial coo -
Stable' The:ilea "13Cne...haci ilated'!„
arrest; .upon -iritructions from ;the
Crown AttatneY, had shot And killed
'themselves. floweveii, .res0Oni.ble
Parties et:, Paisley were galled by tel
eliilfhie• and the trotig impression
Corrected. On :..Saturday morning'
Coristable „Bone pieced ander ar.iest
arrived onthe scene.
'The misunderstanding Was due to
the. fact that James Ward :had ' SILO
and jailed himself"' OW the Previonis..
Wednesday ',afternoon. At that time
-Contable Bone 1Md not :•reached the
1,ionte:Of the deased, Ward -Viol
heard that the; Provincial Officer and'. •
inspector. R. ,.Beattie were 'the'
Village of Lion's Head 'with:
rant•.for.his etrest. . •
flt 'tiaderstoad' the 7. charge- . to•
•which, Ward, Would have .. been .Called
„ CO answer • wai that Of . an offence,: a-
gliihat Henry Redford. faces.•
a sbuilan change. Coining '.sostiori:•
after,' Julius Kplifersehtnidt of Cul7i
ress was sentenced fear Years '
••• . . , . • • .
,penrtentoiry, with twenty.: lashes,
'after, •haVirig pleaded, . guilty to an
i.offenCe:A this 'natiire, opinion has .'.'
.beeii,exp:•etted genetally that . 'all
•at tite..dkposal of the Crown should '•
in -rati'adiai' iren. of
this •ralibrei.for Conduct Of this kind
appears to he tee Cominon, if results. -
of ..particalarly .during
,the past couple of months, are to be
miceptecl hs on' indication bf the state
Of arNrt quarters "(
I • 'Redford formerly:, reOded OiF the •
;Se-Ath Line of Brant: Hhas "'been
Iremanded "to flifp.04r •, before • ,.police
Magjtrate J4.3h11;Macartriey I
; *hp A'rY.t.11i1 acquire. faille Must •
ncit. Shaw himself • afraid • of ten,sure.:
The dread of censure is the death 01•
outylog, the Cinadian' Plain' Round the World
fit ikt4011114 alAir fia a•Id et the werici, and liar 0OW.
,011,o•zinazo-fif 11.041740.1144Bay et-l'hateren; aaraettitotii,lhe resort liboo
U 54041 'passengers ara too ladhit #5*. tliii,*Ipzer949 94
# 440:119milok , „
, .