HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-25, Page 3•
Lot% go out a4 pa"
ingx_childfah command 1&• so, -often
:heard by teachers and parents, and am
'ate; eittlie ;Of 'Nearly' ,the
, • .-tee often, :the., place ...of invitation is a
, •,,. ' • . haree.n. yard or toned piece 'Pr .OPO'S
ENTCrYditY iiihnentWof Life, . . . .. .'
.. 1 An Innonni .in4.. .ptIlidss Plter-MMer. POW. show. It diti, not xnal to earth AS greenearth utterly. d ' 'id t • I
,,. , , ,e•IrQ • p equip-
. TOC,11410.1400.---th4 is IVI/-at ,Mekei ,tion Watt tieea in the .retteititig e1.0 et: A Mot'eorkte., Ool olOAleher*Nre-'04-14:v1.- :went or incentive for eictlire play. The
... r •
Men and women 1.00_,It, pale and liaDestr,i ToeSdaY,. Decepiher • gQ, :about '.5.24;•,14.tv0 eaeaPe4. agaili rat° aPAPP 'Irk D.e.''' teeqgro99d Is to the 'child wbat,„thb.
and: 'feel langUld., That la wbat maltei, , 1 . ,.., , , ., • * • • ',Aftim:IILemPI*1112rbouve li:iirisu.'4Ccetlili4e-•2. lienrIa.0.3iie..t.9;tp'e: 'hontrnokor-it ,in to
them ding along, itiirayo tireid neier:.°°.°"' IF"ea a bro..gat 'taPteer.s.-reaT4Iff" We 4 01) It ocia center. and his
real huagry,...sawe to . oigest their . an illeininated •Pbtlt Which /Peted .f.. r 1 earth'a surface. .. • . - . land or adventure . . .
foto, ,41vomw.,44.ter ev4‘..i.ciot exer_1•03,.any irtinu.t,ee, 1ighted IP. the. 1104, t• . Obseriler$14 Ottawa and the Pa".el'a
, . Einf.. the ::tvide• -difference between
th,,„ ...oind often teetliw:., that pfs "se, scape,' over portiens •of scaitheastent part of 0,nteriefand 401,8hh9riO-8 104t5:. thes'e• two instite•tiense the home and'
sia;01.77, Ive;"r'th, nisda'.2..,,' The, (looters Ontario,' e,puthriesetern Quebec,: aria etl- ', of Quebec saw the phetio,mentin 111 the t•bo .
ten, them thes„ are aaa'es40,." the.,000, . lucent parts of the •13141.teil BtateS, l'iouthWe0‘ w1I4b2.- A.M..00 Perth Of lithe • ajaberPlbaas„Ygtaba.:1'u:pplalv• tollt,st'a the
,. moio,Ria li,ro .1410/,k.tt .to be sniall •• Ontario. and wt ea, far air /-letnilteit, the borne laugh Wttit.in:: b'o-ru.,Z4111ne-Coa,..
English beng toe little blood. ' r
gwpt•,otlretfibliliureg,..: to
eutrginlit,...61rith ,allultipsZe-nri•WaTiltii 4,.,t -c4,-9, 1411•)e47,. 4.04.0;.ie.. ,v1.ss't...i!ie' . hi,...,vs, 'bodies -.revel.ving. . IP ,Orbits,, ehella,r,19:' lake. sage° A114 •GreY...o-C-.°143Y o'cily .,-11-. „ ire.). But 'the. viiild ..141,S° little Or noth-
. • . ,••• •-., • , , .... • ....' . • . ' .. • beee made strong' energetl4 and'eheer- that of the "rtht.'areaadi'lle 'tMl' 4°4: 111 11 413uth°17 " saalh*.°ater4 4frea- 1 g to8"- 1)4)14 VilAt 01:0141P41.i...43.ball
order that our life auttiseevice Mal ue .- . ' • ' - .' ---- • '...". - •• ': - ' -. '-'" • ' ' • ' t Iled 1 it ' ' it ti e :t ' • tI • 'N• •• • I -• 11.4 'h 't.'. a- ' a
s ..,,,grav . a v. orce. „ on, •ow. yet* C 0114 - ....,assac.,ose,ts bo-:.ajaood oa his pisygroura As a re_
for .11? te'' "01.'0g .0'.0.'171',-941.4'...)th'er..t,111144' nb,7:by.a.katijugy.,.t?.,1141"..e7".'11:t. lap Oa,• ri,rialik.!-..rea-lu:si;.1?' ront*tinie: tolimeladivIdnals Of this :Pbseriers .4. ajtp.avenIly.., eaW. it -14' the ,, 1,,.,,,'"-. .; II/ '1 ' :•.' .: '
- 'Wtsa. tra. may ntintinue'in„ that whieh, ' Innumerable 'horde, Which axe all nor- northwest,. It 'Svenne likely, (hat ff(),);ae.1';13." "'Y113e'''!',t1.6 er. ..;1•07;etittg.,..Pnlep•te #4.
, . , . , . , . .. _ ,. . Is eiCelleni 'proof et this statement; fitalli': oaliC:Abd.:*javiis114e''.°°1i1.41.6 *1°1 -11111ei.e' ill: illfrt:17°gIt'ili 4;11 -.Ili. °I 114°4 .6' P"Inig'leor:re.b.."11::'1.p.14:4trrolrg1111.ntihie7..
*bile' act w reng In 'itself,' w1,11.• get tee Of - A44.• •4; P• r ostSri.1.3ow.0s, '41tn.',.. 4.
nohor. . . ..... . .Ie..* ' r the earth e atmosPbere,..and • are lin- tail°. It should have been Seen 'over- - ...... ... . . - ' . • '.. . -. ' - -
' It is Wilk: ter": a dog to 110,4 at the 14.P4‘.41".Ier aa7° "';-7. 'b.:Mile 'Years " °If9' • . 'II t 1 ' ' d 'ed. ,Ineandes cent, bk 7•11...ea. d', tire:Veiling .ta'a gerieral tte'rther'13',•:‘7341et,.,y. 'boat' S„alaliei„.,,bas eiper'l.e.,:le'' ed
. ititteni tor•a werman:tir Itivtabiber rove I v410. 'VOY:1441Y '711.i4•401vn, AO' titvoc; ;41e•! .a 7.- FP11,.." .
, . . . . .. f - s.1 - , • ,i4t. • . , 'tor attended me for 6011-64), Meath's,. tbe....rfIal'ell*r)'4ibi tr,?* their tql.T_ %CT illiagW,4he e.t.iii.culty Orpreparin9guip•a„tmel...W.,/th
en a doll, -Or -04 a len to . 94 - , .• • •
.._ . , ,. ... .. . . . , • . sett which y in f,elne cases rea,ch-details from that;*.eetIPit'bt ,the•egitin- f. oefihmefeht.cooduk 43- 3 y••• -sh
Do .Y.0o /mow •' 'Ong 0011-Ablui.tY
• nteavs? To some it meant" ilogridneas
and, 'perseverance; to Others, a PailPat
, Imolstence,- R stands for the p,ower
of feet YePpleg. on end, not .erreWIttht
There Can, battle grainier sprit In
• life. that?. doterMhiation to Pultee
-drIrgan'tlY X004. fillett-J4 Must be a
n•tti- • /, •
teach the s,.'won• to cWiln!.
'FhoCwaliow, still to sitit0
Tho 'bat to .go by' night,
- The: lark, to love the light; -
The!tortelse:to Put
.• • •-'-.111145ye,..:, • • • - •
''.;•40or-thtieb 'Cbe :1 -"Alt. .abie niid the toId mel ' ' ' • ' t9etts4r,theh-4•40,-or49-;4174108:7-:Ret-see••',-4-ir,7-titti•OrtteroriolttFrres:gh,7. 11.0.-;eise irteie' tb jb 'f•atet scounsef we to love.,
.',i--I•43144tPr't a -4W • ciprIntelligence '4143 . • in' thei he :feared I, *Mild Ond..,„ As ojev. aj a DI:...5sit igea, .y•kwypg ed the. Dominic; it. •Obselli, orY",••whlchtie.."fittieb,peoded pile,ces .•••' ,• :" ••‘•",
wands that We diOeriminate the right be -•'PQ • • • from mere .Speelts to ntiaseee'•of Many' is collecting filferiliaticin filial' all. 'f . •
• , Stand , of ' ineh • • ' •-• • • -1. • • • neW equ pment, to her home' . r 'Were' like CverY cr,eatlirC,".
tees) Lhey..M4Y be eitbe.r buret•uP'' I avaPaPParceee but•Aim.e PaTt,IP.01:50'.• the ehild It is, also,...4iffieulf to, Oil Put irae- P1.3'. crwif"Aateret
frnetIon ...Of a second, or :in ' extreme •ly'•in, Ontario . and. Qiiebec. • . A li,trge°
, But let my.liPs impart
easea May Penetrate the'. earth',0.;ak; number of reperts ?lave, been •reeeiyed.
mosPliere and fall OD itS of' at Harvard.: ,ollego :OhiservaterA of
SOmetimes maY only, graze the a:tipper; Cambridge,. s
Maa., •and it S.eems likeiy
sphere'. and estepe again into space.; thata fusion of• all the data:May seri%
Many thousands of such •oollialons pc- -.le dplibltely settle the direction and
cur every clay," and were it not for -the extent of its path, as well as the eleve,
protecting • blanket furnished by .the "1,1 ' . • -• • ..• , :
The atadyt of *meteors baS a contact
with $(.) many branches :of aStrononiy'
that it Iii desirable to ievestlgate such
phenomena: as that of December 29 as
thoroughly aa records 7111 permit.
,.things • front the,•Wrong before 70. the,c,o.ld ,'olirwhiter.71
mother's;.CWS•;to,contince• thein,, or PIP° We, lad aeon as' q. advice and 7:11ent to iny she, aitv, .tae ffbe'.,ser.dr
ShAll Oar effort. .• • • "Dr. Williamie Pink rine, are - What
- • '-‘1•Ii-avirig :once Made :grirr elk:dee it Is • '
•wise, to persist, -, :Success, dependerniion
that...Pertuties. Mustbe toiled rpt; ' Jt
' ,itt•obildioh to watt.roi•Seme,pue: torej.
member us in. Nat *111! , 1» order to
• '• Win throngh;:the'sIglit-lhing must alp
• Wiyobe soleeted, then/Courted and. fol.,'
. ieWegl.: 'every :day,' Week,': Month, and.
Year .. ;until,. We are Obsseied . by It
' chain. 1 • • • "'''• - - • • •
. . ....• - • ••.-
4HiWO you Over .eakedl, Why .4, . so
'many people 05,6t eueeeedr.„ Not ,that
•.they :Ekro • aetatullyfailures, but they
don't fitir,7 'It rey-iiie ... toftly . on tlie
• eide of tlitise who jnOt , Old their min.
They are the "else ran ...'• , ,.:'..• .
-3•tiSt recall;:thePeople you hnOW: who'
giro like that : „They' may be. • eletrer•,,
•epletidid ;:embeanibite, but they don't
.• soittelieW win.: They never .iseein , to
..1 get further than 'they are,. Wh7. is It?
• ' Jlit'st. because' thiy have not the•art of
. , . „ „
.ceptlitaing.. • They , inove. by ;Ate -and
, S.u.matiy of' ne, are grillty. there. lt
. ..,. _
'• ,dependri:lipor: the Weather;:\or,.the atae
of otii7.•11,ver.! • Su Ch. h disposition is
It *
you. need." ' She got the pills for me
and1 began tithing them. 1%144
ten(led staying three mOntha, but at
the: end •ef the secord ,ntonth 1 carne
home a. well woinari.' When the dotter
saw'. Me he said,: "You 'are all right
now, but don't let yourself get •:•run.,
down again or. nothing 7111 save you.'
Then last:winter 1 had the influenza,
Which -left. nie4 as Weak anti Pale 'and
miserable as•betore:. Again-! ,took Dr.
.Pluk P11115 and again they.
„made me Well ,1i1 strong. 1 un grate-
fully, recommend the pills for .1 :feel;
that they have SaytA 'My life."
Weak, ailing men and womemehoUld
begin taking Dr. Willis:rate Pink Pills
to;deyand note the speady
nc-nt that follows. ,,You can get these
•Pillafroni inetlicine dealers er, by mali
at 60 cents ,a,boX by yriting The )r.,
Medicine' •(•'.0,, 13rockii11e,
&s ay behind the (nitwit Irish- monn7.
as 4e
_ I
se:nteami. receitRY Said: "We- are; -sunset-To-Ay. them :r•oancl:,,a
OvnettoCkeil with Art...sty 'WI WO end well 4.th roWing them out fkotp..: back-
Tirod.'Mary.s." : is , Me11137 of giDUDtli. Of, erttoge; , purple, red; pale
.' she* andblustei . if aptinarilittete gDYe Y011010.% end delicate. green. .. Bele*
:true -linpreisions We should have..a Cheat: are the sharper:autlin,es of pear-
- wprld faii wonde,rfal people., But
they'dOn4 •Refer e.....very-deng-4ve-a
' and we come 40 ItnOW•
' that the inajoritY et-na are not tryilitg.,
. grew tired' aria siiek eft.
Our -polished furniture is. 4 peritble
of Suceess The,Pollsher takes'
the plain 3V90(rand°Dpplie's the polieh.
and rubs, brit it, dull, After
„many applications, and Stoctimulated
•air We aliould,:be. :continually end
bearably peltedbytheseceleStial visit-
orS, even to tlie:Peint.of repdering the
earth quite uninhabitable. . •
• .,The.partictilar meteor In • question,
:Witileut• any tiiing, with, fle
tilneniA.- Of a new SWing-w otibali
• game • equiprdent on -Ike, playground,
Would• be a 'thrill. for the ehild in •dote
hle Patios', • •.•
1e- the number of lettere -reeeived
thla Week, little rile:epee waoteade',ef
the .11!.ed4 the sehoel.and egiannunitY
•:playground, ‘,Atinoet "unlyersallY. there
la great. opPertnnity ..for community
.organisatlees. to "Apes -See WS, -thev.e,
*merit whites would ining greater hap -
pines to every'-'eltild in the neighbor
Judging: from the 1,,e;5itigna in Which it 'rho Dorninien- observatory. Ottawa • h 43 • • •
appared; MPS( have oVertalren, the 'ivotild be glad reeelVe defleite • • , , •
-earth-in Orbit'around.--the.sent-and :formation 'trent ObServeremanywbere,„-4., ; •
es' :a. 'consequence its apparent Speed more partieulathr:, as to the .exaci .41i; • . On the ..1v4oOrp4.....
,WaS telettivelY elew-Lprobably: ^not reetion anti •PeSitlou ,112' which. the LS' OD' the atetirs'ioday,. aro
more than a few . miles per Ocohd. meteor vt'ae seen, DD, as the•-direc.- ' . the ekilaree 'ewe' lee?
;Such piew,ragiving meteor4 :45.0 Von of ;motion andt length ,-of; the. ap-
ealled firebislis.,, • Erotn• • ita 7. tuirdual parent Path in. degrees; any :ether
brightiresi nuist haVe;.been Ot eon- available details' would Also .be•3vel-'
siderable size, but se far as :present re, • "
1 , • .
I3aby's Own Tableta Effee,s
we an asy -41v
Ycludo.pot'have -to coax and lila-eat-
The GOblinte 'Bonfire.'
There's a Crack•le atid, a splitter:in (he
hObloW• next the. oak, , • . •
And a little flesb, ,of firelight," and: 'a
• ' oke '
1)o• they. ,sing in pearly, blue ,olgies•
to -d413? ' • • • untitterablY far, ,and •atill, and MO,
-Has .she come, 0-4 Lady of'ds';een, with The . mountains,. Stand:rig:035st -the sere
heather: belle 'ringing? •'• • Set e4gY'i .• • •••••
• Wha t do the 11,buth winds say? • lit tic •angry heart'. again -4 t. yow wit);
"....;Altred: Turner. Yon mut grew quiet het:e, and wise,.
'‘Vhat lieth neer7ntiy„hetir1, ;
Their would 1 telt' and „ten. In every
Hei .gOedriees: and her arace..
What% beaetifirl and 'fit?
rainbow irrevely ,11c.
The On at morn,
-• hilalde rope with Cern,•
Ainfle. htoopt,' a fullrigged shipet
And ink love hind to tire,
Seen it vier ' • ' . •
'N.. daO. -Andrade.
Mleard's 1,iniment for celdo. •
Mountain Cahn
Talce,,D10 pen iron) your' dysp'epiia* with Is to so
drops of Seigol't.;• Syrilp in D giata of . Water as
• Oireeted ori tiieliottli. Any dvg Store.
AntiNttirily goblitte "aTis- tir0P1)404' . --An E•a•traVe/M-ni:•-•Ot ur
• ,frera their batiks:. • ' AS he passtiil the pavement artiste
to get the little one to take -Betty's 'Vheir, little to es of fuel packed . Scotsman , with • a lor.dly....ajr gall; a
Own:Tablets. . ease with. . '!it't4O.1416°AesilO:•4a6li°...• • • rthitling-°•,•intef: :fits ottlittretclied.: hand:
they: ;a:I.e.:given, ,• cempared.: With • • • '• • •
• ' • • " ' Wite.iminediatelY tcok him to task.
er, hills, UP W Weil the • hosy-. evening: liquid medieinee,.'wil/ appeal to every There are: : kindly words -.tinny:epee, for JOS. extravagance-
• • • .
illta4nte. is .epilled-gn-ji".?• ere-are-Ithifses-,leTtsnImisecif, • "Diana .fash yersel'i"
plewa fleloe shear' tip their rieh, dark Von knew Aist. hoW hig.:a dose hais And • peon:sleeve forgotten, and ;lie
s'airttatx roa,4 for. o.orly planting., and re;telled iheAittle•stenuteh.....4 reel. • :•eha,hce War were missed - • "An hae yieg,ette5(.1sor:teadavbe:td saeix:.ecerelp?
the trees; in ,thcir... winter • tracery e dy,, for •1:1,..e ills• of childhood' itriain there' aie " entriOuS• heart-threbs,- .goark,rej,), absea
against' the sky, take Many :11iteietite from 'derenkeinents •Cif the. :stomach and little loans unleet,v.• •
qu.aint .Patieres:-"gtiliks :for. the and. bowela they are:meet reitisfactory. Aga. letters io4. unwritten, :#1i4'. the - ' • A
Classified ,Aliertisetnerits.;
war= TOD,Ch.Tal.0601
sea nat or and mom. MOANS Oki Om'
rear. 112 11.1aa %Vet !mon* .
i tsnkeit 4notjug04 Ma
pooit saaarriutits or oe et icaStaTint .00peri.ODD ey
co tt fhtlajgcaittygui: li-Adelgi.'w°4•411400: '81
Der. ,t,.hg.; retionsbli tenni ...o0,'.pagaient. 0-
!..1.440P4 0400.10n0. 0140k,
001010.00.*:, AT "; V01.0048,63,D. flPrielAle • *
liDea" or:eoetini. With . °WT... •
eith " buyewi,. 010.3 ,..or4erina eanne clod; it
ine44.11.11:47rw9.::. Om1111:aiadteteis j."131:1;',41:73;:gilleri111,1 c&tIoicue
0Q-4.4**9.0'. Once, Dinviltpi• •• •
• RUBBER (lobos.
rnthERr1F, rrs Nene OF atifssoo..1,Vp ,
•• hayi IC Irene Ili and meaglgp..yOlir want*.
10;irr4 PUYRIY PePt. Ifontreal.
In SeleCting, Wallpaper Try•Samplca -
• in Home: : •
•rig not decide on a wallpaper in the
Shop. Tale borne a sample end try ft •
In the mem where it is to Live ; • See it
• With your fu'rnitere and your curtains(
in the',,light that lis togive•it value.,
This is the only way to, be certain that., '
you are:settles the- right,thltig, you --.4 :-
may be euro that our house wil be
graterni for "tine* spring dreso if. yen
consult its :Mete In this taehion.
' 1 went by 'the field of •thO,Slegg-teed • :.
rted ,.. lo, it :INAS grown 'all ovtir.with • .
Ithorns: . . :, 'Se shall- poverty 'Coma as„, -
tie:robber and thy 'want. as 411( armed •
nian.---Prey, 24: 2934.
and„ • • • -•-• •
• 1- , • •
• -• • •• •• , • --Prailees Cernforil;
• The Regelater. •
_ • .,11
hreaktmti: eggs- are-temetiMe boiled arani- d-r-'-ove-e-t oit lattt !aprilg to- •
, -,iclar3P-L--.'Wc.14 mum, I'n5 eure.,1 don't!
itatilifot.:.lit,ii Slplunile:1,1011:8 ignairoteohionar: Tik.'.'si •t1.1,3, i . tl.i,it facie, ' ',Very,-. SootlIing' 7410
- •
_10/teki'viiitIvitpkj.7..s ; eigklt Ieehde,1111,T,tatilfes ',111:111
go. 14'.". •'
1 •
• • • • • ' • •
artist's. pencil, or fel' the art desigher's Idrs:dizee Voker, Conn.,• • • gdte that were not seat. ' : veithearuMg-off, live leinbe and even
neetne„ , • • , saysee-11 used Baby's' Own Tablets in. • , , • infants An expertephotogiaphe'r of
found There s a creckle. angt_gt aphitter. and. eitd-
Nearer Still, the lately 'bare fleWer. the Canadian. Northwest .and s new 'states that he has failed to
: the ,erticle 'Shines until.. the fe..i.„ beds speak a, lesson of hepe,;for t•here them a 'wo°0erfOl • ine•d•iethe Or '4110 the grimy g°1):Ilee • °eke ' •• ••• find any evidence 'of this; he himself
•thret5 are .l.reflec,ted• ill . It le 'nee hrit abafts..of ,tba •poini:41 tops' .st, •ren!s. "'troubles. especially. •Till there's, !rethin• k left but *hes of -sa* an...eagle. have the greatest 'tliffl-
'• 31f •1. •,11 d• d • .•. . . 'have- given-,- • thChettlirehY thtNeak, . • : . • •-- ' • •
. • erepea ,e po a 4). its.•itrecusc>s .are....ap•p.earing; I •• •• • cuAy m , luting; .a . live -hare off the.
1*1 tzl legs that prodvide the ebarm. • Tito 6no lro r 'Oddi .'h g f IlAtiveni to my Children tor .fever A heap of ,smolgiering '.• Then cretin&
• tOrtaise in the fable plodded on eigt
.., • get,' to the goal; the !hare failed. be-.
cans* he ;turned Agit& Eyery day
. Shenk' arida, littiP to enranovernebt to-
.„ , .1 nud the .restles;ineis • aeeempaniing • upon hie ltemeward.track .-" ' ••,
ps . a e ng c r %time u.•
• 4.4.^4.4.14,-•
every' bite; 'first ..ehildren.',„ .the teething and they •alwaya •gave• Each weary gOblin hastens with:hie
spring, arnItoraiding ztMcomlilg
'. :Pt) the 'garden rail a , redlbreaSted
• -Wards sacceSSit; is: :stirpyisitte 1io iolIn• haa. perched thuself to Fog
.•thrng tuzn Outter istir good when wo . moment in his .ardtions :task of buthi
up our mint to them; • ,jiig ,We...Feepi to 'hear -in ..hiS ;merry
••. .06jooliivbas' sai'd that the mom:ants Song' the niessage;',
tyligfe, p: day,•;if rtiUzed 'would ever,!! And.'t,hen he bops: deviro,* and
; give tie flute to ream al:lett; colleetirig a•faiir twigs. illea.off •tohiv
. ,
e • t in •
in Yeal:e.' re.is• redgnger of g,st.„ th-e foundation :he m'ef bis nes : the
• terapt.ing toci' Much; and 'getting. itot.11 thick Portegal .10ere14 • which grows
See • dont'. • to.'need • to bo • p•aei- mare near St hand., '• ' ' " '
.:.ters • in AM "riet •Ot •Coneettratleg '..d.1.•••• • Again •Ite: alights, a llttle.,neerer,. and
, tractions are eyeryWifete• for ne to (116 new his. prise M a coil of -white-1400's
vert,.out Interest • , p,iid-a,-•:ehred'orticarjet flannel;
• The ,itiere•thie art 0.6 •eeritintilty... is wherewith 'ic.C.decorate hie .licifee, •
pra.etisedi thv easier it :becomes. We ../Vid "Millet; builditkeep on bnilding:
readily tarth.'hubits; ' 'When a. Min seen* .the. burden Of -his. blithesome
:0D-41-47ar lip 'his mind that lie 'will- not S021 115 POUrS, it forth On the 'dewy'
give tip,, be gets'inte bus etride 4514 air of the clear, calm evening, JuSt, as
• proeeede just ;bectitise .that becomes the llrat glint or the Crescent moon is
pert of his life. Vo bo ainilesie le to heaving above the horizon'. '
fidUedee; to"haVe ,notbIng to de- in: '1.!Build, hullt,-riever , cease bitil‘.
' pertittilar" got notilleg donO, his .Oeng rings ' out :as he rises
conthiee In thee thing :that ttidifte. and one • of the flower-beglieWh where his
fOrt-iPett Is to gala the *fotOrre So kat O.Patal has 'evidently been prarcinged.,,
your chenuel'and folleur your 'than, resulting in another Midi and a:. bong
, • (rail Of soft' blue checked cotton stuff;
. liStfild-;• Rti building," s0.
hoTieiVee,us pondering.. . •
-.Ceirege lebut a word, and'', yet, of . • • • .•
Words • • • • • • ' Sian' of „Mots:ening.,
..••The °UV 'oeutjoel of i'ainaninc°; • • Shaving oft theheard was a. sign of
,the watdh-flre.,Of. cold. Whiter morning amok:tele Ancients. :The:
Mena began 'obeying in 296 !Al .v.Ph
the idea petite fern} .Sitily.• It ,Wagl
tale aa 1766. When. thaving 'meanie.
even a half faiehlinvin -Pettrice. °
• • • • :
A IlY had falteriAnticihe inkviell Of
a certain anther WhOWrites it very boast
and a Very inky.hand, 'The Writer's'
little hey rescued the unhappy Inteet
and dro• hint On a•Pleee Of paper.
'After. 'Watching 'him . intently for a
white, he 'caned to his mother: qtere's
fly, • rnether,..that. writes #trst like.
• . •
We -aterd 110 eomfortt..litt .Our Weary'
istroedie • .. • , .
And on, Por fitith•L'aiithottt
. no:genets: . , • •
, Arid lov.e to wind of doubt and treMOr.
•• SWarif.' ' ' :
And for Overt 51113104 •m
g areh• rank
Laws give it not, beigitteit, •prityer Will
. blitsh;„., - ' . •
lien's). has. it not, nor Of ,being
true.. ' •
can :recommend baby's. Own Tablets
to all withers:" • •
Baby's On Tablets • are sold by
medicinedealers or by Mail at: pa
'testi ,a hex from _The Or. Williams'
"Medieine Co, pockvUbe Ont: • ....
. '
the tilysteriott Se 1 'hi h
- .
TIS u netter iztatys
• But halls us on and on to breast the' -
'• t•51 all the 'fOrtttnes Ave, shall lutplitt
through. • '
Arid when Death callis airesa his
• shadowy fields,- • :
• - • '
In Kaohtnie,-iitere the -terrirrerritnee
it Often as low is tiventy bele.* zerOf
lt• ensWera "Here r am not
• dead!" . •
the•poOrer peopls, keep thernaelirea
" "-Crtn7Oklegrriffilt ii•-bewierhOt e/w•
bes Under . their one -Ana "only git.,
China dishes fire tested in tile
, course of„manufneture by moans of 4
ball hanging at the end of, 'a pendji-
Inni. • The otirehgth of tite blow ean
'••reiraletod raid 'the ohrookingiteint'!if
'the _china thus 1truedi.
270. YONOM ST, • •ToRoNT,G..
illustrated with
pinus '�f ,1219.70i4fe Prkinirtiiie•;•i-`
4964griod by Canadian Atthitecte,
..,mttotactinlitlilderre Guldo Will hell)
,iettAti decide 011•4110 tne of bentei..
itterlut finish, niaterWel interler •
arraugamentand,deeoratioti,• Send
200 tut IL 000. Questiont aaii•
*rad; Milopteau Building ,
''tfroigol4td ; -144 A.deraldtfillt Weaf,'
- 'rhie s SlIIy' • •
how do you feel to day?"
• "Awl right!" • • •, • • ..
empty mouseshill
Now every •goljlin sluairbers*his cozy
mess -heed .bed, • '
And, the moon .loeke down hi sadnese
•:., 00: the. ashesfain:ay red,
• - -40e 'Walker.
With, how Much care and fret and tree• -.
lege tremble
tire 'bill& (Mr, souls Of unsubstantial
thingeo. . . . .
Vetil our mil:14-06W 111, our bedielf
, 'double *,
For lacking wiadone all our striving
. • brings • • -.,
• Serenity no nearer:. An the swings
Of joy we iniglithave found are ehoked
Al5dirt our' foollah rooflesiis;walls' Of nib-
' Efoubta brush, like batsour. faces
• • With their Whige, • ' •
Who In -Vented 'Retcllo? .
WhO was the "Inventor of radio?
The ' &Ate. ,GevernMent -Cittinis • the
honor for a Russiap,..Prefeseer Aiget,
under,. Stepanevitch •Popoff, .4ndhas
adopted ,a chartMtic-• Method of
telling the world about : '
new litiersian stamp Caine to the,
notice of the •.Wrttera few: days ago.
Above- art .4,xcej1esit likeness appear the.
words Inventiato de Ittadlo.Popoy.'!
The language Of this 014,0510ton is FA-
•perinto, though the other cliirneteto
on the. Stamp aro Ituselan.
.the fads appear' to he Abet profego.:
or Pepoffadnitttedly one the greett
pioneers of t!irelaseintbliely traiue
Witted .• "Wireless sigiiala over a' die,
tance• of 40 metres itt 1890, the ,year%
befpre Mareotil took Out his firet pat-
ent for .1Iirta1an ,WaVe Telegraph
ehd:"Sir 01.1Ver Lodge
bae,been eXperimenting tor some time
ng . the exn linea, -dolt the' latter
gave denionstrationts .111" 18.94 in
ty11101,'"eoherers", (the ..• earliest feria
-of radio "deteeters"), were employed.
It is not eagy, therefore, •te award the
Paine Hertz, after .4,11, was the, first'
to predttee• the radio Wave: •
, 'Eterlittr'
kaye -aeen a anehor on the ..9ake4
Attitbeette*adle ninon gt. the Itiblintabi.
' •
toe' one 4:3ne onlY; ter :the Inertial
Iif 4. el -lances,' and cart rew,er
change. •
• •
We have not learned Met ancient
-pagan 'calm ,
• •With which mSff, firM. in courage,
met. despaii;•• •
Nor peace, Whith is the Ohriatian'S
'tiecret charm; • "
Iler Nature's deep serenity; the Sir
Of starlit evening, and a quiet river, ,
And Death a wind to eeol the. hOtteit
• fetter,' ,. , ,
••:--Theedore Maynard,
'The. fide ,TitItio Of a; friendli7snail*
cannot' be'. measured Andollare and
conto.-Mdiverd W. -Yowl*. • '
. • .
tlet to Tint •Oi goit
to Dye
•• Otti$,:one otodern':g14-otit :a tortity
knOWS how to isete:,ptepetly, nee•Ordirig •
to e one expert.;
' ' ',. ' ...•' ' ' ' ' 1. • . '01
"fit ihard's • Ll e i Merit lifted by.; phyalci a Oa.
• Each lli•cent pack.
ago .cOntaitts,
tIona so'.simple. any
-A-Vegetable Preparation that
gives quick results without
dragging the system
Pains in The -13a4 Are
Generally Danger Signs
•KIdney ..0isease, Will •Lead to .Fet41':
• Rettelte• Unle4s••Checked• In Time
• • . .
••: • I•td •
• Thytisairds iney trouble and
• I • . •
do nOt know\ it.. „Many timet "run-
• , . . own" .; feeling, dy$Pepsia, :shaft-v:0.d
; • • • • , , • •, •
nervee,•••dizzy•-epells,. ritsckache.,and:
hundred andorte,,other ills are. 'dee. to
.:the:ponditiPn;oi the'ltidneya 'and iker,.•
.Warner'S': Sate.' Kkioqr end. Liver
Remedy has been 'tested naarlY: 50.
S.01.8, 01.4 found a '1)0.,:,•iiite.'relilfforb1dn? and liver Srojub1es,
• • •
drugs t• a :Moat Vithpible'
..n, d effective tonic.
Oees right:at 'itti..WOrk
and dees t alio° oi PIP17.kr
d :
!„etinntlatiLk and. healing
the broken down tissues
and eo buildi up the
"and ':restores . energy::
• deli n bottle 'et:Onto:,
Sod -.by ait'druggleM.,, • Price .t125.•
r• per. : Warner's :Safi Remedies '
Co, Toronto, ontarid. .
„Litt 4o41,t, :
.,ddlicatt} shianti 'Or'
•'dye rich, rtnrinatient
colors in lingerie, waists, dress as,
'c oat s, stacking*,
, •aveaters( tthpet1,0b3.
coverings, hangings-everythingi,-..-
buy,Diamond. Dyes --hp other,klarl-
etet ten your detAggIst *Ittppi'4110,
Mettertat y•oti- With to celor la woe' oil
Silk; I e -hatharit• larlinott-c :'‘ottott7.0t..
.nit.lea goode . ..,
''roved .safe by iejilions and•pteserihed•by. physicians f4Co.r.
Liontig0.- .7 •
1-1 adache.Nan !•It.opfliache ftheurnatisin
• • ,•, • •
ACcepotjy. -"Bsydr" fs.ckage
Randy "Tlayer'. ,lio.xes of 41 tablets
'Irildo.hottlea of 4 aI 1-002-Lbroggiste.
•A'..ottrti-; is 4: ttikthw• tail( totatertd, in Oannaal t Dct'et, Dannriotatel..o0 ?,1 laeak*eiN."
eeicleefee Of Ettifetifeatid '(Aeetyl aalloylto AM* S., N'tlitfe 1,t
21 A2 1-i nian rnror matioracturty, Ur.aidat ttt 11.t.
•4( .04.niaany WM Po stanVed 'Diet &lord utak haus; Da" "tver crzta,,i
, .
'AN. •
Aftei- Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Could Do
II Her Work and Gained
in Weight
inward troubles:headaches and severe -
Melfort, Salskatepahniteid:ssanidin-sm.:_";:brhs4ask .,•••
so sick generally
that I .ociuld not.,
sit iip.; an:d I W•tifi
intimbeelfni"or•teclfigthhet '
Months. An aunt-• ,
canto .M. visit and,
helpme as I wale' ..
Wia.ble t°atirlidd
to niYbaby
could not do •thy
Work. She told
me try Ly, ia E. Pinkhara'sVege-'
table Compound, and after taking tvtd
lxittlea I could get up' and dress' m-
201 f. I also took•Lydia E. ,Pinkham
Bioodl'ilediaine. When I•grat took the
. medicine 'I only weighed seventy-,
••eight pounds. liaw I weigh twice as •
Much. If I,get out of aorta or weary
and can't Sleep I always take another
bottle Of the *Vegetable Compound: :.• • •
,•i find it wonderfully treed' for fe--
male troubles, and have reeom-
•mended it to iny heig,hbors. I Will • '
' be 'Only toc, glad to filmier any littera •
I , reteive asking about it
WILLIAM RITCHIE; Ron 486, MelferSaskethhewan. ttli '
, 0 "
, ;
••All•Over'Scalp itched and
tUrn6d. Cuticura Healed. •
• wpA trOttbieit'with eezernii.
bri7he, lent in n ted .rash• all over mv
.'te•alp and after a time 'turned to
piinpleg, It' itched' and hotbed all
• the tirue-azid•C:attted my hair tO fail
I refiti nn sdve;t!sernent frit Cu -
lice! S.•nip taid.Olntrtient and sent
• .for• a het satips. and after: using it
..foinc.1 great -relief,. 1 purchased
'dibreraire: a:fie V.ItitittWo 'ea:fed:PI
ointir&nt- I reittptiolk
(Sig•tted) Mi Sti Sarah .0i:
IDavidson St:in:oar
t.,-e-0,.•••Nirsa'sVSecititt; '
• •
CL:rcw Si'.Oirtniej and
Talettin pfomote and tnaintalni•Skin
purity, skin cotnfort end Skin heath
twell Yeti be Ad,leeia
":„,telihotted. Mont.r0,1.7
tn -rtt, 2', and Vo. Tan* Ili. ,
queiOdri Sharitna. soak 210. •
,ISSUE No. 12-44