HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-25, Page 2-4•••
-Ws NKaf.911.0neY the' Governor dOafarat,
�i kisuc*I a it0Y4 PreOlaPlattlea.. ap
lie. tat* the. Week of April
to .htt.':gbaeri,red-AS, 454-iftrthel
roreet,W0444L,'" „„ •
'The issabig: of the prootonation Ludi
entes tho tmitortmiee f thi0 subJect.to
altCariadlalte and ,Calls, attentkin to
- the eatiefeo which rend: 4:14917011A
,cmpaIgn necssar, as won 04 to the
'• lOgt;meftlAo4oker cttrrYltlg:9at the,prlari
• '0410 af Ceneenattoa, • • ,.-.
Petteene• , tor opttcp.,' *do this
perIod, n,*.04y4-00-porost-Wook ere
• Wen as • • ':-„ •;
,Prettietioa. !tad; Peraeititatlit'Pt
• -car...kreakkare. vital to
h.444.0.014.1" Ati4, tlie Otiatiat.
Ott.1••**if Q.r...0aaa'114.41.0tte`ti4t. 401401,;.
CcemPnitnnik...009.14410' kis
through- ?orst lirs on • ups yom•:'1)3r.
. year' ar'it,I2Oat .nt•oreola410- diminution;
and. .0400.440,1'.a. future prosperity to seri-
finely menaced by atone • recurrent
'holocausts,. ' • •
, .• , • , •. • • •
'The experience of: all !tereftt.'-antherl...
tieS InCanada ha abultdaatly 'demon;
*Stott that the, Onegt, 'f144,-'probteni
• . can bo solved•onlY .with.the: full ern.
Pat#Y afietstatice and atilt% ettaport'of
•• .4t11 the' petv*,Draxst0i1;y. eiter,efated. by
• • taaralia44 1441vtaual ettre with are in
•litef woeda and en,,,Malatient.palillp
inand „for '.:•proper ',precaution. ,,against
''':•'''•itrW*Pit.itite.:. Part etall workers oe.tra,
• vellerStnor,ediaeent to thefts:testi)
It ht,,teitperattve that -,111. the truistic.,
mind, tiltere.Ohould be thorough. Kenai,
• Attlee •Pf*,the feet that PlOait ot Wier'
• rutoe or. thoughtiesintess• •Cantiiit .
scompensatethe victims of fire's
, reVagee. nor Cotoltitte., the contravention
of the. :that in truth. net ,fire • but
,thetotatti that lighte. 11 Is 'the' public'
'enenaf:• that; in the national 'interistst
mcb ignorance::•.and. thotightlessuerie
cannot be thither .tolerated; : andthat
reSPOlasibillti tenet be three on the In-
, divithiabs tAnteerned and Atte penaittee
.7.7t. -.114414d
• • Pereat'lini-Prevatitieweemanue 01,1i
cation and publicity ••Coneerning the
•rial.atttiation witii. respect to our tor.
fait fire Wawa; ,and,ft 1 cuatomart .to
et 851410 Si Week :each year ltnoink
aa,,Seifialns-Poreet-Weeklia Whic11.• the
• attention ..of the 'peOplopt• canto*: my
be isPetilitlii,directedto :this Matti*:
The aittherittaa- of the linked' seit4i,
•,,Canada hare.
atc.;",e4..trbat, in vie* ot thii laterite:tien-
t.41'..aspo..Pt4g100. ft,Vgilik: Are PrOhleth,• it•
In expedient:that. oft.::atorogkenttoo4;
sav'o-tho-roro,t,wooh 0944ho ob.
tservod eoncu.rrently In both countrio.i.
'Tb,P pronlatngkoi...000:40.4a, to, 4.Ireoe
,ig!at 41ttrIng... lti1s,.:Ao4 C.ItIzons ,rOnait
• he, entreated' •earnefstlY•to, consider the
tihare faOtac041114. give careful heed
tO' 141,tormatIOn 'fit*Ininiat44; by OKI
, A ' . •
.70001.4.tereert PrOteeltYa ,11/011nOtear 04
10,11.;..P..,liafttoi01.04404'01:1:77,,,..11:4 a P. t ")...44,i.' !4:14-,.7.3Y,-.
1. That .0.11ttiellit 11,114 et4el'a engaged
In the oto4rint of' land intik oh-
, serve the',fire „laws, of .lite Dominion
: 414 .°E.'-4•114:Orelfin..,..ee,, 'which laws have
beett enacted for -.their 'protection, its
;Well an for . :No i;!.reoervot.tao...r.o:r...00r,
t11#1).**,9IIr0,0017. '' -..• ' . • • • • '• • ''•
. .: . c,,,,4.1,11.30...,,t4140,--ot-tho..,-) e . 1 '
:bce:ii',--trougito.s are laaltjag, forward'
' co',40.O6.414 ' their. sumoler :Vacattona 111
the watitiA; all alieuld take Cog:0010e
of . the fact, that, the tamp -fire tuari. it
neglected; eaSily result in -tliStieteri•
and that to prevent repetition of shalt.
losses As have been anattelly" tmetatil-
• od tram thlecatmee; all persona should
.,kainillarize ,titemselreAu with the 'pro,
; per tnettenaa of buildieg : using fin4 ,e1C7
t1ngu1sing attCh fires. . .
' 3. ,That ali travellem: in forest. re-
gions -81toeld realize that: eigersitte or
„eigti 'hattsi. ye pt ashes •
and •en-
AZtinguished mate**, aroi.-.Yery 'frtitt.
fel source of cereal' fires, and that notit,
.41g, short .0? enratult,ting care by all
concerned will :decrease aPpreelably
the leiteett :through ',OuCh •causes.. '
. 4.: That It la the duty of every citl-
zen'on cvsootroicot. 4 tiro in the ,forest
pensonally; to take*hat •steps are pot
hible, to extin01811 .lt,' and : it It bo too
largo to ci.O attended (0 mudded; ' to
• Seed a.dtrIce at eitioeto the 48004, ter-
. • .
est::oalcenk• PromPt. action 'along thi8
thse would, 711n •the ,ptiet, have' prevent-
ed Many a difutetrous'.00pilagratitin... '' •
:5: That loggers, satirlaili.'operatore,
aatt.irthera•letereated In tinter opera.
es• :'s e 4.4asii'that ,itir,4101,pment
and -001Mnaif deatgandFin.iireveit WO
orlgln••,• or opreadof fires ,are'ilver.
. hauled' and Placed. in 'a ataterit. thor-
ough repair:, that ettehpereatin •shoald
review with care the %Ira Proteetke
`reqiiiretiiente 'of ' the pegislatfon • Ander .
Whieh ' they 'Operate:. ... 41,44 .iihatt.. they
ehettld see that all' Werirlog
•under ' tti„,ar:41,epottott,--are,Tw_OWIT.111-
4-040,e4:41i: *the-, danger et: tire
. .. . . . . , . , „............. .
,, • .------,-- •
far -bearing estimate,
oe coma:data:rusty itleatifini with the
earlier history of Canadian commerce,
the 'Pottlinten ep;elnlidlY.elltleWed
With other Wild life W10040010 Pot'
co*Mitrelalliecl in. the IMMO- senee, Or
flakreet, forms a national asset of
esUniablo value. , Canada possesses
NORM of gaino SpPaleal. Oa Wen as. of
(be Wet life, liulisDensah)e to ;110101-
.0We at14 hortieulturO: The mow -
hunting, grounds of Eastern 'Canada;
'the hear and.,A1911/itain ShOOP o PriP-
ISh COlainbta, gnmo, animals, birtie.end
fisheries In Plitteiial Variety; have
given the Dominion exoeptioatil nater -
at advantages In its means of regroa,
tIon for the hunter and the angler,.
The tconOratc.veltiet of wild m.go, ano
f the 'inagnificentscenic resourCes
ethicit. each , year nira*rt. Visitors from
.alitbatt been
glien.preetical'recognitiO0'hY;the fed-,
110 respect has the 4dministratlon of
'Canada'snatural reef:alma heeiA.More
Wisely exorcised ' thee in he liberal
Orel/talon Made for the creation. and
-reaintenence of a frYsteln of natio'dal
and provincial parks and :onto. pre-
serves. , While .these ,areas,, covering
many thousands of square miles, in-
ch 'roe*. yield' a generousreturn. upon
tho, public :monies .invested, they , rep-
resent a factotialtational well-being
Which cannet, be •fully meaSurtird Or
appraised by thenetary stands.rds. „
, , -
.r...aisme Unto now ,radhi"listenero
rtaig�e. hive hecia aisle to' capture
, the • •oelehrated. ehlatei ' ot taintban't
13e11!" and,',the less fatnoat
cirilleitt 4,01.00a...that WeritreAtY
of:bridges and. maths in'.11eighim. says
P.arle, despatch. The .lateeit• peel of,
cathedral Itellit to be 'tranereittert,.. on
a rattle wave t4, .ogrtrzon of. the,
" Rouen Cathedral • • Thereare thirty
: four' hale' 'which strike ,•'.01ati
hammers:. On fete daps the. alines
ring Out train tineold Norman city
"whfire the Conqueror once
• held court and where one fen ettll
As* „thet.niot'Upon WhiCh."Joeu Of Are
was burned ite a WIteh.' the !list, peel
or belle to, be braitfiiiist. in Trance was
, that of the reetored church in Skint
Quentin, the Sheil-riddled city of nerth.
• French. PeoPle 'are; ;•stlif koinewhat.
liable; to upon. nalio,pUrelY as 4
pleaaure and entertaininent„ and lathe
• ..eOuntri distilate it .1s• ottly• today that
. Ott almost hostile attitude to witeleei
is _beginning to fdievt'..ssignik
6f...twitting Way for. an enthusiastic', re.
•septioir•of . the , rtuvrest' Wender. .of
, . . _ . •, •
Tito' termite. and peasants are beg*
• ningtO retinae heir Vital it ta for thein
• .• • • • • . „ •
.:to be equipped with, radio Bets for the•
ritieiving 'Of brOftdoast The Int:
portant _,Iireadcantitig e,tatiOne in the
'south ;;Of France, ,Itadio-Touleuse,:-.la
following:Oitt the exaMple. of ,American
radio ; stations And includes itt: Its pro,
• grant tilt the latest market reporta. that
elinnia 'tett, to interest theagrieulturat
. population, which fonds, the:major Oar,
Oen .:ot Pranee'S 'fish-01E1in*.
;At „first, with • typiartl:}7retieli wart-
ittes,, the peasant folk looked susplel.
• ausly •at an biter which .•settirded too
-good.; TheY-Preteeitil,:that the newa
Papers .; furnished reportit of. the • pre
Valiant rate in the central markets and
Lae: prIntod: %Ord. Wirt: -to Ahem, ' Mire
: Historic English Residence ..;
• .' Prey,: to .•Plikiiico,
. -Iiitroiternent arpong• the. Genera et his-.
boric' English .residences• and the'Bri...•
tish .public "-generally 'hint reached a
high pitchas the result Of the, burning
. . ,
.reeently et.,the tenth country inansion
within three Menthe The la:teat:num
eion te.ge,ap. In 'Baines •wae iiikiotrisera
Parte,' Hat Welksham, .in :Wittaltirei
,whicli- wits °nee the :. reeidence of
011Yer. Cromwell. • The Battle fit Retied
How WaS:fetight .near bY-Itet7fien 'the
'Parliainentary, and Royal treeltell
' The ,house was •1011 • yards 'free an
fialciAn which sevennteir•Were-
On hiSiortier.S.: :•;,•• '
*, AecurrenCee Of: fires 'anion* country'
mansions, have, •roused talk: or. sineen-
Mariam, initAiiretlatte . Valid as 3,13A is
unable to lind any cohuectlon, betwet,n
the tlree*, :Plaine tuirtroue peoplir " are.
istrtriatutnen tem. . „An.
,fr---STSr.::thearY,:is, that ' the:antleue elea-,..
trio fitting:a of nieet .0ingileh heinesiaare
suddenly going littd. . Pertattaly l'...: one..
*Anon for the laniiteinte !edaniage•:/the- ••,
Another Heir' to British 111FP,
.Anne Mansion
. Thorp; assents, every Anobahillty %hat
In %fe.W. 'Itionthi the Prince of Wales
will•ehaVe ifAt •hifil allnatthA1l'6* In St.
.R1.111004' Pale -00, And taken uP residence
111:•lvtarlhelYalghltsillee, where hie. fath-
altd, grandtather quOO lived;
• Since gitetra'Alestandre, went to live
,at Sandringham„ Marlborough ./Iottee.
has, boon closed Ll a• dwelling place.
At present mini adaptations and.
Promoted •
. ,
. ' Prince Oeorge. aged' 23; Theli7 Ma•-•
•Jestles. youngest • #1011 , who has jest,
.been -raised Iii Tank,: froHni 'onh,d,touten.
ant to lienteattay,aboard the Cruiser
%Dawkins: '. - , • • ••,,, • ' -`
Shakespeare Invented:. Ne*r.,
12. • - •
. ,
,S4iceSPOPre • was at -the
height of his powers he alniost made
hie language, as 'the, Americans 'say
they de teday, as he went along,
.Georga•iGordfin,' prigessor 6c -pogicaik
literattireat,•OxfOrd, pointed out. in 4
lecture on ,Shekespearges. Defilleh be -
tore the Royal, Inalitattim•ot.tainden.
' ReferringtoIlte Otate 'fit. the English
langtiage•in the alitteenth eentury,,Pro-
tegeor Gerdea said , there- Waithe fixed
.«tandard In grammar or spe4100, .pro!
nUncie.tion or• accent, and•there was,
neither n Standard: manner ,nor a
standard - dictionary The.: fire( (loamy,
or .p.lioabotha,n, 104 therefore or shoo,
Apearean, English.: woe Ite hospitality
and 1t paSsion, for e*Perritent,
willingaese • tot; use every forca of ','arer-
hal wealth, to trY. everything "naCe;
at least." . . • :.. • •
sO far: did it go; .,tlita mrarelllent: of.
thigulatte anarchy, declared Professor
Gordon,' that, :Prudent, . inint,feertitg,
inen grew -a,larined,: •and' later ,: new
wards were:: hiackliated,: •
, • . .
newo ef (hent can ba obtained: • The
:Hoards fir Giterdlaits' in varlets loco&
nose; Who; are, resnoasible for metnt.enr
anew., ofLthe_deftenitentsot-missing-
men, are eager to .find.lhese.butbende •
heeitutte'the tutthorities. are 'et/ending
Many thousands.„Of 'Mundt: on • peer
kelletn':for tbeir. wives, and ' fernillee
• • .Matich,ester;•',IAVerattfoli Dirhallighata:
•-• . . , .
. 'There: are apprOxireately 20,00.0,
.Mest''•••Itaritiandat :Ott al -
thigh t•ewarsits, liaiebeen offered, rici
trtadequate 'fire 'protectioe, spree once
a Country Manakin' catches tire it is
practically C11001214d.' as no arrange- ,
meats halre.,heen made for a water
supply enfiletent..tcc. etintielt •a, tapir
blaze. , .
PeriencesN'anit,;, net being elite to get
enaptokkaent in thew ,honae places, ow-
ing, 18,. the credo, defireealim, have
"taken. to .the road," 'knowing that
their wires „, and Children vvOuld „be
Cited ter ,.by' the. autharities..- ,
A •"ziest,Ogg"--the :kind you pet in
the ealqrika • barik---iitheonlykind of
egg that. becetties :more'. Imitable the
longer you keep it,• .
. ,
and indeed ,nrost• of theether
;have a lint of.'"Walatetr husbands.•Tho
Guardiana ..par ;that. many .af' the' 'Men
*lid it' impassifile'.tit•-:settitt dia7u, 10
.'hatindirtlin lite after 'their wartime
ICindliness Is an investment in
non& of Happiness. The dividends
are paid: dailx throughout your life-
time. '
The muscles of a bird's • tiring. ' are
twenty. 'times ,mere. Powerful than
those of A Min's arm. t
Nearly all the criticism 1 get is like
that of the Weary, neither who said to
the nurse, "lust go 'upstairs end "see
what ' Tommy l doiot and tell:him
Coming to Canada net te"-Mr. Stanley Baldwin.
Ex Guardsman Chairlt* Fenian', one-
tiinn holder of the heavyweight box-,
big ishaninionslap Of the British army,
wheaiproposee to take up farming, in
the bominion.
conyhteing than a "'Voice frordthe far-,
away" But now they 'bees their
transactions to, a einuaidertilite degree
on w'hat the.ratilo-.statiOn eapOonees,
as • reparta a.ryrie 'direct, tram,' the
tiourse:ae COnanterce. ' ;•' • ""44.*: •
It hasbeen proved that in Ancient
Egypt 'dial:mond drilla 'were: used as
early as 2400 B.C..: .
Little Gerold had cattle:home ,from
wheel With a bleak vie; and his moth,
,ak'ertained from him that he: had
been fighting: ‘,‘,Well," said. his .MOthor,.
have to 1oo yOtir ctiemleit,• sG
itake a jam tact to Sehool to-moin*
land give it to the boy who hit, your."
'CoraId -did- so. Witcn the boy had
eaten .it he:gave (Jerald another Mark
'eye and :said; 411ring. a t custard to-
pert:twat •
Is.thoreany fatheromito does not be.
neve, that life will ifortehow he a bet-
ter,ahd happier thing for his boy than.
he has Mmaged-to make it for him,
self?-Ganon Peter' Green.
;Orations are being.ratuie there,..enew
lIghting installation, Is being put In;
and the'yoontattielseing redeeprated.
'Her• •. . •, • • •
Grace 'OrlYea a .eargain.
'Tbe Prince, In his tte.7'.hemeV Witt
-'finst-Ilitosett-in- a plde-e-tanlilt
0.4.1aYet ot hift childhsted,;.. , a place.
.MarettYar, , .great 'llaterto 1410,re/et,
.por av4rosirouo..,c.-kkiik, 400.41.NI
to sr,..f4k.' puOii.eoai'oc
borough--he the name4Whe deter,
. .
Mined to boild, a 'house which should
be worthy of her tlitistrlotte husband.
To' attain, Itts. end .she • wrung fromi
Queen Anne a' lease -.0e certain 'land
aOar 'Ott .Taaaes'a.,.•Palitee,,•httlaerto used
etch, keeping or pheatimts, guinea hens
partridges), and other: fowl." •Ttle year.
.rental was five •shillings,• eon-
eadorathen. cif the•payment of: £2000;
The find thing .for lier to do Waft, to
dettlelfSb the priests' "lodgings" next
to the neighboring chapel. „. Sir • Chris-
topher Ne'renvitie • Called •in (to Vex
Vanbrugb, It,,oald),i and 'although ' the
.great architect' of St. 'Pears' was in
.his :seventy-sixth year he readily. . ;On-
dertoOk the tailit of "d • h
Duchessnew Iioine. Sarah, heraelf,
laid the foundation eton, . which may
still be seen in, A 'Waage beneath a
:corridor. 11 le a ;entail stone, about
three feet in length)and bears the fol-
lowing Inscription: LahL by Her
Grape the :trochees of Marlborough,
Mey ye 24 Jane Ye 4 1109..
Her Gr,see• was not:: moilttriiable• .ta
• ,7-tte,
-rv-i-rezer land ota harga•
rn; The fl.,lrg,,
!mai, with:nillitarY matterk,oli the Con-
tinent, was told by' letter ,that "the
rooms will lake up 'about 11,099.
mid the chimneys, 0Out, 2200; and he
was faith* Intonned that they.ware
him would test lose and he leis trott-
Ptirthermore tho Secretary of
the BrItleh tegatton .at The ,tlegue
wee requested to obtain A POSeport for
the,: exportation to England of. "six
great 'nth:corn: . . . "fres and
iVithaltt PdYlnent. of .atlY ctutlea:' The:
Duch OES even ailed h
rio Expedted to Make 14,nen
Hub of Society, '
tier' purpose." - Ntert '040 MarlbOr-
ough Doane. cannot be epee trout the
street. • • .
POI true, or: [he im.o4rtoto; Puebs48
'So cuns the atom. and it in., meet
had a habit et oterreling.', By the.,tinits.
Marlborough 11.060e was finished "1r0.
Morley"r (tier 'grace) and "Mrs:Pre-el
man". (Queen•Anne) wereat doggers,'
PAckg.As Sarah ettettelled. the.
1ettheiutmost toan 41
George over •
daughters :wOuldloll oft:Vet 'the
itovvo in Outrage -on& negligee on levee
, ,
:flaYSvt tP4,ther--li4igna,tiPAtite-reyal*
:folk. In St. dameS's, palace.' :
Seialt(14101.41"., .1P1-4:thhelf°d4hteia:fletal•t11:(t.-a17
ChurchIlle Until 1317,,'whea 1 lis !Mina?'
covirs iiiMr:tersINA! aandlYrAlr19040-te,.
Paradise in Ontario aii4I . •,;%:="e:.''''
. '
Manitoba. ' '•
'Alllf new P.Paalti taars Just 4400.64 by
010 TO.PagraPhiCa1:'011.rreYg Paii!Ortraeut ,
of the: illterleri and airnI101.9 to nu).
In!"*.00Yerf,i q tqu08.14.4.044 bunters'
l'I•rn.ill.,t!O, .•• ' : • ,, „
It haa been said that Carada!ti third'
largest ex:port:Is seenery. • Many intli
•ilinte, Pti dellarS Are 1,1911.1g ff0014t 'an- . ;.
nuttily • In. thie 'country by •Ansericai •
and other 0.011;44. 11(1. While, In :OM- '
4re41 edvereci, by • ..p .13'ing„ pertly ,
itt • OPtilrla• ft!la ''. t Y. In AI4illt.obk.'...:,
• the-r6g144 have barely:been Scent:ailed:.
'Doggers •ond eth•ers,4the posiihilities,of ,
The ulki.qpvers.n.inate7ci lxisolifirttos. and •
'era er 4., it ii • O ii.',
:ii,ni Inli:Iniaerbt,.,1:i4;iiiifailirot:Y;O:::rot:uTliw:::erteetiriC::.af::4,.t.da:;111;.-tval:n7.411)3fiad'.4:4r.,tos, ,141'.,ciaiiet.voyi:3-0-,...
ot tIto rOutoa.,.. ;Maimtowards the •new.-,.
lica:41eit Mining/field.
.inchtfled hi ...the••.area are. sech well --: •,; ,.•
kliO7n resorts as 'Lake, or the Woods
and Sand Lake,. where there .,are; in- "t
numerable potty. islands each With its',
..eilMiceri:cattake • On those lakes and; . .
litel.:(1:09unW'sa:1!•4141.(;:tr,190ign,:rflevo:trn. ItelhIttreorer . tip! a:ast:ttsheieump:rt:i.it:Pg:-
werds- Of one hUndied Miles, •.,.:
. 1.711e. country ?pith- of Meal& is fit.,
gromnig Or inOOOP an.4',4A.4.3r,'T14-411C,141„:
and ..posn,,,,...n,lso' abound. • : Thi fishing
L s also ot Cite hest. '' ,:. ' • '
•:.,Per 'many people travel by tooMr
ear la leated.,ItS apPetti • end- titefejt a
growing Interest In Canoe routes,•,Here,
Is aa area Gt approximately, fifty by
one hundred Mlles in whirl' thereis' a.
•groat variety of ,roittes to choosefront ,
.and idiere, with:the •eld Of the map,
'the tourist •maY do. hie ewe plettatinv:
. Welcome.l-:...."..' ' . ..
. Ao i painiedaleng the' road, I linen .
titese, frie de 6U:thine: ware in ri. die.,
was bought by the.'Crown tor the` Prin-:
Oafs 'Charlotte and ' Prince ',I.eopoItly
Pront, that Fear Until ..,183f,. • vybOn
triaca, •Peopota increeiled ,the
throne; Of. Belgians,. he ;WAS the tenant:
In issa ,tho, crown lease tell. In and
two years tater it henaine ..the resi-
dence, '•ot Queen Adelaide, WidoW of
Icing William; cy:, .16 1319; Marlbor-
ough 'House • beearne the,'.hame Or OP
*Vernon Gallory plethres and later
of • tno.Govornmont School of Destgp.
It wee altered and enlarged, and,there
In tf163 the PrInee. of Viralefr:(flilWard.
V1I.) a.ad• his bride, Queen 'Alexandra;
took ttp' their abode; end. there they
reintt. in:d: (oil to ,tha'
throne in 1901 PaIny Days.
• "
" Prom:. 1863' in 1.901., Were , the palmy
days of ,Marlborough Howie' " It was
the..:VerY Of London 806104i:the
Scents ..of.• Conatent recentbana; garden
pasties, and, (Haney!, the early' home,
too, 0? Kind George V., who waft bore
'there In .1365. ' The 'Shahtatia
!eh khan :Came to a. stiaiable• (Linn '
Ahern And :tztand. that lite-re-
ligieits,.ierapieit %forbade Ith1. pert:eking
eept the •Itia..a l'IMPortitrine. klialuent:
or anything on the pkoetlent 14044 Oz-,
&COM' ,friring,- Toolee; Tree,:
1.troie. 'BitOrbti, came !deo: .•
• But • to write 'thestery of Mariber-
Ht'a for stlinest-balr.a
, • , .•
century. , It , would 'seem:appropriate
that the Present.: 'Prince "' 'Wiles
Should. etteceed., to his , grand father's
hone tor who mere thau • he hatter' on.
av erselt ot obeaa Aterstailds the i°37 of
Dutch bricks, Willett' were . brought
over as ballest:.in' the transraerts :re!
fttraingto knitted: , • •
'Unseen From Pall, Mall. • ,
By mldsummer 1711 the hops°
'finished and accented by ehe Doehesi
and her husband. It •was, a fair -alma '
inipetoried bnilding, which hag been
great ty added to elaee.; - and without
an portiee entraece., . The approach ,
frora Pall Ural was :Cr -wiped' and in-
eontentent, as itlia..to-dtty.. Why? It '
was the net:hose's, ,wtsh2to Wake an
entrance for her hones, %then called
Priory Court, Ante Pill Men, but Sir
Hebert • WelPole, r", having quar.TelIod' .
with her, bought (lie hOifso, fin .front of
It In the Mans eiteel,, and So frustrated
pi oto shows the pktneil or lik)w 8ervieo .110,0 tI 01(t ftrl s betng im.ist11.(:d for :tssenth'ing at Iluds,on.
MUTT AND JEFF. ---By Rod Fisher.',
..NANkel AfTer,e: DAY
• ANY (Okikii3ei bF, T1-104
cm4 B AtOiUG
Th s RtsiER.'
.AFTGt beer „TREY
etti c A I 'A' "Nilattf..0
Murr AN11:1 JGFE
lirD9Pe Ct aur
IN EAcr"rr
u4otzNeb 114-00t
So '''ci31)A"Y 11-1.sY
DccibeD cro (Acq.?
P,(SRfj t.U111 A
lvtGrAtib t elo
,j93 • 9A-414.
RAS tie catjait•
• rtqcir; C;VEKI A
(-CIG CA./Kre tiaD .111M. ALL
toA%-(700: ."1-1& Ocki"C
ANCIt.ti 1101M 11) •C:: %WI
" (-mew trt
Thee, tue
*u, sufec' 1.11Ar 7fRtz---e-
sTick 6F1).110AMat
AIN'T .A'Dut.'?
• Cot: Sir 11. M. filgby •
iligeon to: the Klngs household aird‘
to ;the l'rinee' of .1yrtleit, wairaete the
Princes bones when they are brokea'
in hentingtreeklents..
• Music. • ,
• 'Virtue Is the: strong stem of huinalk
nature, and niuile le -the blossoming of
hy . •
When, being stale bread for, pud-
dings, soak it in a cold liquid. Breid
that ,has been soaked In cold or
water is light and crumbly.
Little Maudio awoke •about tvvr,
o'clock the other morning, and asked
• Mania to te3 her ,a fairy Story, "It's
too late, daring, mania replied.
• Daddy will he in shorty'and te.1 us
both one." . • . • .
• '
Fishing Along the Seine in Paris
• . '
ifietilag driveway 444, ,..wandering
tiluong • thedeir 'tempter tree. .: and
liuslies-k,oktng up at • the quaint and
liesPitabl4 whiter:door With 'its brenee
'knocker-7sontehow 1 sot:initial 'to feel • ',
t4.e. pcoOO: was 44t. 441.444bIr.e.41'.The
thatuie-liselfr-pbenessed-lsoinetthing--et. ••,
',their friendly,'7.graelotis •Persenality.:-
•Tho. Whole' atntespitera'
With! -pleasant then:Oita; •The 'goo&
hel,e*,' the' ii7V,*(i'
pepper (roe,: beckoned tlIke'..co.nti:-.
dentialay, 'permitting. eliver, blue- .
:toned,. sParirling gllnipsen '4:it...the..isetti
.8.na •.titreit,prOnitaingthe very. borders,
at the..sita.4tfiett if One ,,,h114: tint*, and
.inClinatioa for .11.... But before `1.; had '
•talcett• many. stepo, the. rough, .conitort..:,
alga broad tients,..• plated casually
uieatk the lovely; sr/axing branches,:'
cordiallY.,havited'slite,.to stop and rest
Alicepting theakfttlit,the
vltatlon, 'everything �round mo tieetn.•
.ort, to Inn:rotorgently, "Make
sit home:, •
/ '
.Yoompae, of England::
.T.1,ke: Yeomen the,Guard, Who; ae
USligt, searched the rvell40 Of. the Pal".
ace at Westmluiter betere,Parliatnetit
reaszeiabled •recentiy, ere etten .0011 -
hefted with that ether: bodyot Yeomen,
the Warders•oktheTower " • .
• Thitr-ht not ,unnatnrel,, elude path.
wear the same quaint ,Tudor• unfterm,
and are indificrtrithwtelY referred to
44.1 Ilieefeateee." They are, itowever„,
distinct terve; the Vitardore :du:114s 'be.•L• ,
Ing confined exclitavelY to thetower,
While.,the.other bOdy.formis,thit.'lleyal
,be.dyguard. • • *
The Guard Is really e select ;corpse'
of •fild 'soldiers; the junior GplaerS
musthave held Army. vaii of at least-.,.
captain, and the, ratfik 444. fileare
*Okeergettate Or, Wtitrant officers. •
Where kissing is a Sin 1 .
..K4Isina is. dehideillY•ander 'the' .ban
Ia. Japan, ; where the act of oticuiatiett .•
is • deseribet as an !"unclean And Itn,
'atedest, habit." Recently the Perfect
Of Police In Tokidiestied the tollo7log
..st,Oa'''Itiinkipl.68etall,a7n154alt°'Ilt8e.t,611.11n.i'dciels'lli!iti:e11-.11.Y.e','Thliltilft.:.. •
intd (1 C)tlI1.tiy
,It is titio:eautyclittninticst, indocorpu$.
arigracOrills; and likely,•to..eatt,se tIt
.spread Omega." , ' • ,,
This "immodest habit"; 'Is4p.0 thor
o gitly ripugnont,'IC the Japnoese ea- •
Hon that the. Wonderful salute; "Tile
by 'Unfitsthe: groat .101'eaCh
sculptor :sent fo Jonah 'for exhibition;
has been placed in'a 1)111111e park with • • ..
it huge.. bamboo scireett amend se
that the •tiensibilltles. et, the pithire niay
itot he Shocked. . v •
Preserve the Home,
fty'is fresh. 041e:flume . ih
501 work4 t es J.
,te Indicate lite& -where: shy degree,
affeetiotr•eilets it is the pot. at•wik
1101.1.1 147".kaep-.• a, 'c a in .t t'ygep.Kar. ov en
, • . .
though they ars Catele, tont
'.ent and the 'tiltildren itnps'renity neg.:
teeteit- 0.food.,iltfliteireen siretrid'"he:to`"''"7-'• •
deVelopett,, and itiiiirelr'--Connev -
Hone estabiltIted, . .
"One adth Otiportlitorreitt8::
'ports coneorning a family of ehildren.
taken troin their parentellfteen yearn
age- Al.„,istifte,Of „every.„ ,efferttho Awl- •
otis ilitlidren have been goiiig Steadily
t.hro bad tittd•lie ,beIleVt4.1hat'had 4
they been kept 'tegother thtd`t Ifyilthat •
Affeetione. and Interestt wknutd ilave.
SaVed;theta,. • It •lit a• preitietit
Wertht, tette' iderationyi . • '
As I