HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-25, Page 1or• • • i"•-• ,,,, • • ' • • - • • , • .: ' • • .;;; 'i• . • , .. , • . • . , • . .• .: . • _ , • $2.00, PER:YEAR IN Al:WANG:14 Oak OTHERWM, LIMMOW, ONT.,, 10710,'...14,SOAY. MARCH 25th, 1926,, 4. • r*OFMOIAM),MAI.4, •CRps o• .1 • •; , • , 11)r, -.''W,,•,48,,' Connell •••• Phyilclanand Suirgiris , '• ;,,Lucknew ' . . • .-Ph4116 • . • • • 'DENTIST Dr.. .MacLeod..will visit Lucknow • *veva. Tuesday in Pr.:" Conneli's • • :.OfIlce, DENTIST. - • Dr.,' R Li: Treleaven, Luck:1o*, :Altai Dicker's $tore. ExtraetiOn by gar; or. hical. Will be , • hi DMikamion ,oVery, Thursday, • •Phone bg • ' • - • • ' • '• • . Call Dr. .Newton Make: appointment • In Office everyday: I 0•EVERY,BOD1111 cOLIJ,MN 1 . • 1 _ 0' 0 0 GeO. A. Siddalr,- Liekrioir, ;a...Braker arid Real Estate. -Money to lendatit ' - first ,mortgages o farm proper- .. tieiiit 6 arid 6% :per cent„according •• • ' to security 'offered. • :Also SmaD • . anieunta on second 'mortgages' on ". • far* properbea and on personal -Tootle. , A few good, farms for sale .Latest', . ' patterns .411 -stock •• leariest Prices. ' AS cheap as in catalogues. .AIso book patterns of leading man-' trfactlanersa-Box 174,.R. J. Canierska. -.--Painter_a_ Paper Hanger. • ; Lucknow Flour Mill With the inatillsition of new ma- •, &Wry . and by•-extensiire re -Model- , Ong ,We ate Making . a higher. grade of • ' Dour than the mill has ever Made. , Try a' bag and cOn: nce , ourself • , , Your ,MOsieY refunded .it,notteetiefec- ' tory.-W. E. Treleaven • ' • . Salea-TwO small frame build. • •• Ings, also , a quantity .of 2 -in -plank and storin and i'vhidoli sash.-.-APply •to -D, C. Tayjor, -Sec' y School Board. ' 4-34f.. ; ' • • %, • .'.:MORTGAGE.,SALE, * . FARM - • In West, .YfewanosIr ' • Under --.Power of 'Sale' contained in , a certain 'registered " mortgage , made. '-Wr the Vendors- there • will beoffered ' for sale by Palk Auctien at the CAIN HOUSE, Lucknow, Ontario, on Tuesday April 6, 192.6i at 1.30 P.' M. the reran Pronerty described es nig The West Half of Lot "Number • Fifteen in the Thirteenth- Coneession of the Township of Wait Wifwatleell, '•In thatoUntY of • This larin contains one hundred ac-. rer more or less,' and is .located about two and .one half miles. froni Luck- • now, With A school at a distance of ',about' bneand a:half miles. .The eon - •is Said-, to be. good clay loamodightly rolling. and a pring creek tresses ' the farm. There are about". eighty . mares eultivittion, balance bush and . . `,0 -•40;• -0 -0 -0 -0 -7 -0 -L -0-0-a-0-4 '0. • WM. AND GENERAL:. (11 I I 1)•• o -o, The cheerfUl.'tebin and the pealg,, black birdhave cOme to toWnt. Mr,,Carrick. D.00glas' hne from Torotitbfor the wePk-and,,, Mrs; :.1,4avina ..BrabSon, of, Toronto,' liaireonici-;03Pe;Tett-tew7weeki-Witb. her parents, Mr. and Mrs; D. Hasten'. • . , 190 FIok Frolc New ,Spring. -Press.: es,'•Seini,teaaY: You. can • coMplete, them in'20 minutes, only $1,49.. ComE and See.--Ilorriell-Murdoch Co. , • Mrs; Win. Wall and two little girls, of Listolvvel; have".retnnred,herne •afer spending re menth ivith her par - :eats Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MaeLaties. A", play 'entitled' "A. peal in Pneki". • will -,,be :presented in the: toehaish Roll' On Wednesday eyening„ April 7th,, under „auspices of the U.F.W.O. Club. Further Particulara neit week. .DEATH OF M. (DB.) TENNANT lktri. (Dr.) Tennant for Many years a resident of. Lueicaow •passed .away: at her. home on Thursday of .last. week., She Was. 81 years of . age and had not bean, stroag for a manber.of 'years. She had event •,•the,. greater part of ,the winter With her son,' IMO. F. at, London; and following tile trip . home the first of; link, week., she de-. veloped priumenia. • • , • • Thejurieral Wes On Saturdayaf- --ternoono itixdPas -Ceme6eii."Y • C1111JRCII NOTES . United Church Y.P.S. , The .Devetional Depaitinent• had charge. of the rneetiagon Monday :ev- •ening and the 'topic Was "Social 'Re-; lationship," ,On this , subject Pr; Solinaton gave' instruetive -which" wa's• feilOwed by general,,dis; mission. .The llon, Call Was answer- ed by.'quctting•a line Or verse of ,SetiPtiire-',..• The .ClirritraganI*4": by Mrs Dr .SPenee.' ''flarveY, Web, 'ater \,kav.# a:•,,reettationt; The .SeriP- .tilte. Usk:in.:was. read. by. :is Whir,' Malcarbuinliers weft 4 "ehoizus by a number of boys, a piano duet by •Mra. T, S. Reid and IVIrs. Newton. 'Presbyterian Guild • .f, • . • • The Guild1 on Monday, -Marchlth took the'form of 4 St.' Patriek'S. So- eial, the Lucknow Guild enteftaining the .'Whitecharch Guild. The Social Cerrimittee, Ceaverier„ Margaret Ged- des and Mrs. W. Douglas had:Charge of •the • programme,. .Edwip. •Binith. read the Scripture.: 'Lease/a • 'Jean Stewart 16ok ahe • CateChiani„.1,Quest- iea. Readings Were given Mrs, Mowbray -of Whitechurch, Vera Sher- riff_and Gladys Maclaanald. Mrs., E. Johnston, read in. article on *St. Pat-. Tick. The musical pregramme eon - tasted' of solos by' Mrs., Davison and, James Nelson; both of :Whitechurch; s chiet•by Mary and lloraea Ait- chegon 'and a' 'violia selection hy. Geddes. Thea meeting ,closed with a pleasant social hour ! ' • : ...SPRING••4)MES,IN A RUSH , . ...,..• '.0reak,,up of ,Cauutry Reads Ties Up • Rural' Mail Sertice Friday Saturday and'•Sunday were 31',Ie *springlike days and there was 'quite a. rapid melting ,of the miss nf. klew, that has covered •the, land since Oetoher:- ':: • Thei•e -were a:lot_Of peopI in', .W71 'S4tu'idaY -hut reads:Were reported bLeakugubadly,jndby....„Snady and' 'Monday' it was 'very Wet -going - few horses. : • • • ., ,• ". Seine' of • our mail ceuriers. manag- ed 'to make •their dailY -;touncl,' • those on the loagei routes '..could not get through.•as 'Iliorses broke through, at•almost every step, and ,there was danger if they get far from home they might not get back. . • • • . ' This accounts for the 'scarcity' of 'country , correspondence, it The Sen- tinel this week. -• Budgets neatly all, come in on Tuesdays. , a, % .Well,..perhaps, it isn't quite so bad' after:all: • The 'folk 'who' dhiret get , their .newspapers and' -.letters will, have an: opportunity to. reflect, appn. the advantage's of rural mail deliv- DEATH, OF MRS. .ALLIN A• highly esteemed; woman; who 1. :was long asSeciated,'With the social life of L.1./4149W ImaSed' aw,eY ,onjkirt, day night in tile Pemaa' of Maia"Wm. Allin Mrs -Alija had suffered a :breakdown of, health- during the win,- ter; but Was: keePing • fairly, well until last Nagel( When she ..teek.,a, turn for the- worse and ' it saanbeeanie -evident , a a , , , thaf. there ..)iviii: nitie..ehance , ' 9f re- cOvety;.' 7 :. ':•,•';': "!'• • .,:,, .' ,•• wati..Miss,Margaret McAlpin :her ear- IY home beiag in •;tincarclina, :;.When she'•clied Mrs. Allin. was' 68`year's and 14 days old. ivii. Allr, diet,' 'February. llth 1922. ' • ' ' Mrs. Alibi is survived ,by five sons and two daughters. The sons are : Russell, Wm. H., Cecil B., Harold and: 'Evin. The :daughters are Misses Bertha and Mabel. : •, • . The late Mrs. 'Allin wag 'of ai 'inn iable diapositiori and She had ' Many friends ' who sincerely mourn'her death, , .. :* , ' • The funeral' was on Wednesday afternoon to Greenhill Cemetery. .' • In connection. wit'g• . the death ,o1'7 ary, an to,' wonder 'how the people Mrs Allin a sad co -incidence was ever got along with weekly . . . papers; and when, they. had to 'walk several Miles to post a lette/k. REBEKAHS CELEBRATE By way of. celebrating the first an- niversary of •4 organization jewel „Rebekah , Lodge gave a social even - .in Taesikr :of this' week i• ent& :*10:11.45irrAlgtr. .V71Mannn%15/4"0"...." V*.•V''''' her. h,ushand: had been 'laid ,to rest isop.•read 'the .Scripture Lesson. Gee. in 1902 :lire. Tennant is,surviyed. by Douglas took the topic "The mai 'one soe;. John Fa London, Mal M'ss Who Crael6ed . Chriata-Judas- and Agnes who has lived with her me91- Cairrphas." Rev Mr 4MacD9nakl .'•, . • , _give a reading.; Bessie Chestnut -read 'Before, her marriage theTratetarrs:- the tateefiism, Teanant Was Miss, 'Mary Agnes paper on the MacKenzie .- Miss M.• Milley liams. The doetOr, died at the corn- gave a reading, 'and, Helen Johnston paratively , early age of 64; ...foilow- 'a 'recitation: Musical. numbers were ing a. very : active life in the prac-. 'tice of his Profession and/ in riblit an, instruniental • by MisS, E. Urquhart and a Solo by Mrs 11 AitclieSoa, affairs.. Those „ who. , ,remember :. Dr. Tennant speak very highly of his •'generosity arid benevolence. i• The following 'relatians, and friends -of „the' family :were: here .to . attend', the funeriii: Iohn F. Tennant of Lon, don,' Mr. and Mrs.,•Cliester Stone - :house, Toronto; • Dr. and PITS.. Bromin of Airimer; „11i1e0srs.. MiscPbail; .of ,Brantford, • Divid ilacbonald of Ripley. • The 'buildings inelude a storeY and a half' dwelling • house and two large barnsall on stone foundations. , TERMS, AND CONDITIONSt- One tenth of 1 the purchase: Money, tp •, be paid' in cash or marked theque , the titne of 'sale and the balance to • be Paid within thirty days'thereafter. Further particaliirs'• mat?' be ' had tiPon applicathin to: Jeffery,. Weir, McElheran Moorhouse, Solicitors for the Vendors; .7 Market Lane, London„ Ontario. •' ' .. FOR SALE Good strong Raspberry • Canes, $1.60 a • hundred: A. Clifton, 11/2 miles south of Lucknow. PROPERTY FOR SALE '• iMr. Paul *Smeltzer offering his• • . • ` property in Lucknow for saie. There •• ..• is a Comfortable dwelling, a good barn, and *bone g% acres of land. ,,,, • • For Jenne apply to Mr.' Smeltzer at Dungetindn. 18.3-tf. . • • .ADTO• REPAIRING - .'Haying installed a re -grinding :•nia- Chine, I ,am; now prepared to re -grind ,cyliners of all Imakea' of "cars. Can guarantee therri'good •as new. -V. S. . ,. . • • FOR BALE-Tivii good. '.hest.. wete.1.7-• heated incubators and One coal-barn- ing brooder, 'alinost. .Sills:: 'R. R.:5, Luckndw,, , „ • 1-4-p. • • • AUCTION 'BALE ' • Mre, Peter Robertson, ,Lots Con. 1, Hurn Township., . have • an auction sale of her farm stock and, inipleinente• Thursday.- • April 8th' A• FORMER. iTOLYROOD .BOY . . . From ,!a recent Isstle *pf "The • Can- adian' ;American" published it ,Chi- Pago, ive Iearn. of the death at, Chi- cago of Dr. 'Norman, 1Cei whom sOme may remember. as • haviag practiced for a short with. the late' Dr. 4. ,. • .. • Elliott, following his 4.-pgiadnation from College, •MOntreiti. Althugh bern ••,ia Hartington,, Ox- ford County, the late-Dr..Kerrspent his early days. near Holyrood 'where the 'faniily had moved iwhile' he ,was quite :young: : • ; ' The reaming'', Were taken to Ober- lin,-- % • • , n,- Ohio- State-,,for-interinent. ter„, •Mrs: Duacan Carapbell; of Kin-. loria,•:and Miss .JeSsie MacKay • of the and ;Com attended : the • funeral. • • Of the'•:late Dr. Kerr the Canadian AmeriCan had thefollo*Ing to say: 'A. host "of' friends vee..shocked an Tuesday, last to read in the abit- lows, and their .wiyes. 'There was a good .turn out, in Spite Of the :fki that few country members Were able to attend. ; , . •;1'.here was pregressiVe euelire, a -:sitert literary and musical program; ,refeshrtienti7;and-i- few commenang -at ^ 1.30 o'clock. frhe , aarY . columns of the dailY Pnaers• of , farm, consisting of 100 acres' .more •the passing of Dr. Kerr, 715 Barrie or lees, will. also be offered for sale. Avenue, who was one of the .best-lik- subject to: reserved bid.-Jno. Purvis,. , , •,, , ••.. • ', 0 ed of Chicago's' Canadian American , ' ' ' '• • .physicians. He had been troub ed ' ,STRAYED. --An ' Aerdale • Tag:with a heart athrient for ,Years; but No. 8. • :Any person. knowing of/ his . whereabouts 'kindly report . to Alex: MacKenzie, .Lucknow. • ' LOST --Between St. Helena and .Lueknew, 'by way of the boundary, a . Parker Fountain- ,Pen" with 'gold band on toP.'-alinder please leave at The ,Sentinel Office, or Box , 235,. Lucknow. Auctio,S,,f14LP,.. ,- joss :(Langside) who re:cently. SOld his farn10.4vill have ` auction Sale Of ;11Ti:StOC1C,.; bay,„nntLorain. and household effects .o March .80th, ccannieneing at,one. o'plodk p.m. There is 41 tOr a good Stock and implements.--Jno. . AUCTION SALE OF PIGS , SALE POSTPONED• -, `Owing to : the bad Condition, �f the roads the Sale', Whieli :Was to •bal.T been held,"at Robert Lowrey's, north of Ripley, on Tuesday, of .this week, W& s postponed Until ISaturclaY, Mar, 27, commenciag at'• 1, Pana4 John Purvis, Amt. ' . HOUSE FOR SALE Seven, roomed house with full-siz- ed basemenf,' solid cement foandaiion, Inside house newly '• papered and painted, completely, wired with fix- tures, new cistern and eaYetreughing garden "and -stable; , Per. further par- ticulars apply..to J..TE,. Agnew- • *--'141iiite,ii:*11 •4ffOr01.10r,:oale.::at, . ,-;•>. fte Jain atotaie Bern an SilatirtleY, March ".27th, at two oc1oclk, even INtebted York duo .1n, April, ten Chuaka 4 motto* oit....01. )4itter, teTOptiefor , . , e. • At. cards Mrs. Robt.a•Thompion wen the lady's prize and -Harold 'Johnston stOn carried, Off the prize. for the Men. ' jean .McClure won ..the . . , , , • , „ prize inialominoes. • • 'Those conttilating „to the program. were Mrs. ,J. Wesley. `,JaYnt aO0! MiSS 11obertioa, a . duet, Mrs. MacKenzie; accompanist; Messrs. Watson., J'anr stoni Mrs: :Aitchesqn : and *Ss Mary .Aitcheson, a quartette, • Miss Mary paglas,. aceompanist; 'Mrs': R.., H. ThompSon; a 'reading}, Mrs: G, Sherriff, a reading. • There was' also 'a few numbers of .community singing. • Mrs,- TeMple Clark; who Was .fitst 'Noble.- dyand a he L'odgeain-a- abort addreas, said that Jewel. Lodge ,had had 4 •very successful year,and that • members; were leOking' forWard. to es.r. • en draater success' in ,the. year, on Which th,e Ledge aaa just •eatered. • , TIRE .:AT WHITECHIJKH mill' Wiritechurch for grinding Alfalfa,- arid Other bay ,fot lieultry , food was, destroyed, by. 'fire last Friday 'night. The .loss is .es-timated'ataronnd $7,000. Maa- lin is in :a London .hospital•:where he ieceritly undeiWent an operation. tie. had bought the only .1aat fall ana had beea &ling a•-gpod• bus'inesa. The cause 'of the lire is, unknown. ' ANNOUNCEMENT • thataister'a. husband, Mr. • Wray, lof London died •at the same, hour, so. ' tilat when news Of Mrs. Allin's death was-• -aent to the sister 'word come back' that her husband had. also died, .` • ASIIPIELD• CIRCUIT 'NOTES., ' • . The annual meetings for election ' -441O IPLACE, YOUR' ORDERs . FOlt 1..)ELICIOLTS HOT X , BUNS SINCLE COPIES', 5 CENTS: --p :- ' FOR c‘000LF•tilDAY , . ,..:•. , , - . ' SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY . . • ' ",. • Bride's ;Slices Lemon Tartlets Rose,- Tarts , Cream Slices Choc- olate Cake. ..Puff •I'aStries T'ea Piecur,te chelsea B'un• ' Our Quality -Monte Made, Whole Wheat and:Ralain Bread a specialty , - Bring in Your and Eggs a/to:I:Obtain , 1-10LIXMAN'S BAKERY -The Best Prices „ • HORSES FROM THE WEST. • .. • • . Thirty years ago at thia time. of, the 'year trainloads of. hOrses were being sent from Western •Olitittio • towns, to •the Prairie Provinces, , and ,tt that time it was p.grnmon talk:that West would 'be permanent 'Mar - %O. for,. Ontario horses as, OWing ao. he severity of the Winter _colts neY- or could. be raised in the West. Who, would thew believe that by' „his time the ,tide would have turned and that Carloads, if not , trainloads' Jf horses 'Iwonld .arriving'. ,hete ..Trom Saskatchewan. and! ,• Manitoba.' fet snails the ease, Whateker di& amities were experienced in 'raising young ,horses .en the prairies:. have: •been,' OVereonie,. and 'horses of . Very • good .quality are mow' being prOduced, there, evidently as-•cheapli as7horses year; and *we , understand Y have . given very !good satiafaction. - . , • Saskattbewan, farmer.rethe - , ed. here during the wiatet'told us that .• ' , 'when. his fall'Werk was done he turn,: • 01 his horses hies@ On the open prair-. ; • ieand, that they camp through splen- , didly; '1Ie discovered ' by accident • . that this could be one. One- Winter; . owing, ft) sielsness he. Was obliged to Cut ddv.:4is Winter 'Pheres and turn.: -•• Pd his. horses, but one team', kept • • • fOr winter 'Werli, out to 'iive Or die,. • , They 'Pry Way than the team Arhiefi ,• had ••••• Stronger ad in better conclitio# '• been kept in the stables.'and • ,afed,HootrsoenslY: ruliiierivdingbi:toti,atestiod4alliyn:tvera: • • way actually refuse- to intothe stables` even' on 'cold, storiuy nights. . • • . • , Our "Anti-donibine7 ',price for' 9, 12 Gold 'Seal Congoletun • Rug •• • U3 98 t Thej1'uket, operated , • •. er . • • Blake's churches are being held this- ., week •on• :Tuesday, • Thursday, :Rad Friday evenings. • respePtivelY.. Elect- lOn, officerS,Xer the Sunday Schools' of' Zion and-Blake'sis also being held. Please note and, clip •out for'refer-• .enee lhe-TelloWirre-notise-Lof • Easter SerVices. •YOu .ard -invited ta, them all:- • EASTER'. WEEK' SERVICES.' tnited Church --Ashfield Cireuit . .• • • 'March 28tha..-Aprill 4th 1920 Rey. 41. pikinsOn, B. A.., PseeMed in good fettle and. Was' of ;a , . . cheerful and OPtomistic/•,dispasition. , , FlloWiag his 'graduatiort he Came; •to Chicago where he avas appointed as- . sistant in surgery at the Chicago Policline 1891:, He, was made instructoi in 1895 and Was one. of the ablest In his line. • 80yViving are his ,widow, Lottie Austin and. Wit) Semi-,. Dr. John Anstia, and Kathel Kerr. Funeral 'service at Ahe FOurth "Presbyterian -Church ; was largely attend,ed. • • ., • • :PEERLESS. COLORED CONCERT COMPANY FARM . FOR SALE ‘,..•100 Acres of land being North.lialf ,:afalots,"4: &ononLHur0fl.TWI1, about 4 miles from ,Lucknow. On the ..farin in a barn 40 lc 60 ft. „with_ 20 -ft pats oil stonefOundation, cement Stabling and water simply inside. Her Made '16 x 80 ft, newly, built. ,Gobd tenaboined heuse .veneered With ce ment, with Woodthed and gage -tached., Nev•••..Windmill „just 1 'running water all the year tOund • rom Huron Coanty amoante to going Fall Wheat,- n!ed- 'iltd, 4:0eA006. were aele,et, iMean, edt • ,101g thlekIiiiiia40. 1.04,,heivios.; 3 °X- ' iP. rther '•iii Mts. Ethel CaMphell, 114,. Luck- tie b'iltVVit• 82 '111.101i -hags „and lo, light 114*• • ., . • 140844t,,. 004001. The land is •:of,at-Tiali, learnia -and--.4 .shoa :Shipments '13151it-'.5-atereg '44 " .eavY d ' Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Burrell, 247 wriknt Ave.; Toronto, anntaince the •engagetnent: of e, thear: clarighter, ',eice Evely* to' Mr. Daniel ,Gordon .Webster, of 'Toronto, sail of the late Mr. and Mrs: Richard „Webster, of Lucknow, oat The marriage ,',"tc take plate „early •in , 'Mrs, Burrell -was- fornierly Eunice Grahani, daughter of the late' Rob- ert' Grahain and Mrs, • Graham, :of Lucknow. '• •„ •••••-a• New.Spring,•Materials are arriving deify. Come and. See.,-Botnell-Mnr- Oo„ch Co. ' : • • ' Reserve -Friday .evening, April 2nd for the Peerless Colored Coneert Co., which' Will appear in the -Town Hall, Lucknow, bri that date. • They sing • the fanious 'old' plantation melodies, in the/ original plaintive 'tones that . have cheeredthe hearts of thpusands. of their hearers, ,and which_ never t grow Old:.".„' • : • • -Proceeds. ,°f.. this.. Concert.wil go to the Memorial' Arehlairid,Admis skin 50c, and 444,,r,•ttijc;!Children at MCKim s rug Store. - *, - ; , • ,,,, Hod suiipmENts-. : .. "Of theal.flg, :h6gshifpel; 'frein tlickfidiy, the week ending 'Mutt 44-tverelplecC,Ig;do4,48 „thicic,,AMOOth Family Theatre' WHAT IS A WOMAN'S NkARKET VALUE? 'Bee 'Beautiful 'AGNESAiirRES9n- 'HER MARKET:VAL , tf. • Sunday, March's 28=-' Palm sSiniday Regular; Setvites-The Pastor , Church, 8 P: PaStor . Easter' Meeting of :W. M. S. r, • Tuesday; March 30 -Zion. Chur.h, 8.P.M. Rev: T. Wesley CosensLuck- - Wedaesoay; ,March Blake's • Chnrcb, S .P. IL Rey: J. Peters, Dung - Thursday, April 1-41itekett's'Chtirs reh, $ P. Ma. Rev. Ches. ,Ciarnming, St. Helens •. Vkiday,- April 2--Hackett's Church; 8 P. M. -The Pastor • - • 'Sunday, April 4 -Easter • Seriday Reception Services ?for New Membr Pasor. ' Special. Serviee to constnninate, Haekett'„s 'United .Church •and • E4t Ashfield United Church (Lane's) at Hacrett's Church, 3 P.: Di. • . ripping ' Story Of a lovely *mean Ph° found herself alone in a • heartles4: Men ‘i,ho -battered' •for her heart' . Withcomedy, at••• 14_0n:illy Theatre ' MARCII 80 & 31' -4t1ati%allOW 4FRIOS17-,-& -SATURDAY. ' -taA.Pril 2 aat •. IDGE, with a 'gag COMerly „ • • • 8.15 arit• . . „ , . ' . • GLOVtR SEED • •,•• • ALFALFA , FLAX SEE, ij ETC, '.And6.,a11 kindS. of groin , eati"bi'd fit Market or. sowing,by the:most lent cleaner tnanifactur- . •, 3. 6. AnderSon, St Son tuCknow , • YOU- May As Welt Have Eye conifort : you haven't eye.'comfort. the, -thane& are you haY,erilt.nst .'of fk.•911Vrart.-'11* eY00•:..fire." t • , Poriripaterf with the •,nerveas Sys- ' tele Avheri they: are strained • ';,the results are aikela te be 'nott:' ed in headaches and other iiislt YOU will spelid an' hour seine day we will tell yo°, about Year eYee; and Supply glassei.for their tom - ,for, if needed. 'F:Ve .A111VISTRONG orrominisT Lucknow Ontario ------, _ auction • sale of: western horses to be held :In LucknoWN-on .Mrinday: The man Who brought these horses st liaka, sale of Shill:Jar-hot:sea here fast , . " • - , • • "ao.,,,,,,,taaar.taa_t..."antatt=1-;_laavir.;•.-aa!!:-.11,tlf•a".atc7:2,21+-"r+. .• We belong:. to no eoMbines-VA 9 enioleuin Rug, • Gold' Seal $3.98, 'fit The Market,' °Petaled •, by Horneli- Murdoch Co.. ' • • ' 4- I 'RE YOU • SATISFIED? 6 -Your Ambitions Exceed Your - - ,. Present Possibilities? If not you will do well to investi gate for yourselves the Copportimity-of building up an independent futuke.. • ' . OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ONCE Ambitious ones only need apply.. Correspondence treatd Strictly private and -confidential. . N • • . CORLE§S; Ont.. . 'District Atqn.ager. , ONTARIO, EQUITAKE LIFE „ • . , • • • • - . • • WHY' THE BAKERY?' . . OnfY few year'a ago most . women • boaglit from the Bake-shoN Secretly and. in many homes it was 'consider- -ed a blotch on the family:bonorto be • • out of lionie-made bread. • ' .• • Iceday ,conditions •ard ,reversed and while ,the home made': bread maker is aespeeted, Many feel She as'toolisbly 'energetic. and every day the family • aS, getting better •itcqiiainted with, the, baker's full Lille of baking "Goideir• Crust • Breada-the bread that made . . mother twit baking." Get it at Your ' irrOcer's , or • Phone Or; ....,`P'eid's* Derain" ion 'Bakery. • -iteid'a For, Your vveek.und:,s9eciai ,Devil's Food %Layers,' Date Trilbys, 'farts, Queen Cakes,,,, 'Jelly • Rolls,. Scons, 'Fried Cakes,. .Lets of' good' things to' eat at Reid's. • • . • Reid's 1,;onie Made Candy 'alL• Ways delicioas, always right., [ . • • • . '4•• ••••,7' • I LI , WHY' -SIGN ORDER v▪ oR. !FERTIL.IZER :MONTHS 'OR' WEEKS . AHEAD WHEN. ...YOU. CAN ..GET.: •••• • ALL THE. BEST BRANDS, 7ANY ,DAY. YOU ARE IN To:0.M' • • •.v•Gck.',T QuOTITy...• .1 0 tr. • ' • . . , . . WANT: OF THE KIND you iYANT:. ;,-. WHEN ITi• , • •. • • • . . . . • •G. • S.7RollEitTSO•N !:' • • , • e : -, AUCTION, SALE -op ,}Rmst.s. • McQuillin's Feed Barn.; Luck - on •Monday, ,'March 29, coni-•. • mending. at One o'clock, n.in. 18 hors- es vranginc; from 2, to 6, years old. :,. • These ' horses ard. sound, quiet and geed to Work, • In5;••1es II, PatterSon, Frop., John . Purvis, Auct,' 4 ; . COME' MAKE IOIJRSELI' AT HOME EPH WILL 1t4'FEIWST O1J , • MORE ' CHARM0 !•.. • ' a TBE SMa T 01 n 4 W°1411."E AIJi)E,AIZIN(1- ,t_ (ttMI "5T vti l' A It • kTO3 10 - A • ' •. • , • • 110-SIBRArLAN INTERESTING 'rimy nuST moo' . YOUR, NEW "SpIZING FROCKS- SEE ,OUR • 'VEST , • - WINI)OW. , THE NENVEST Sil,:atiES....9tt TiTtat.,,,, , • .• ... . ' :x.: , .. • .... , . . 4 •i • -1 AlitAtp.t. 104S8Vta4. „ ••••;-- ••-a-ti-tr..• • I