HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-18, Page 8Aso 1• • • ��. ,14Tc,KTOVIT, S, ENT• 1 ARV*, 18i, 1928,. 1 • • ^Y, ea • • • • • New Women's* Bloomers made of Broa -inette, etc;, all sizes,. Special pair $1.00: loth Stripe at - New a British -made Imported Cotton * Broadcloth,' Bright' Mercer Finish. Full' yard ,wide, all colors, 49c. , a yard.- * ` New Costume Slips-or'Women and- Girls. Sateen : `Satrnette, etc. ,;all sizes and `'a good'' selection' of color at $1.00 each. New Pare White.Longcloths, White Cottons, etc., yard wide and read or the needle, : at 26c. a yard., • Coots Standard 200-yard'Spool Cotton,: any size, any ''color, 2 lor 15c. or 90c. a dozen. RE11/MNANTS- REMNANTS REMNANTS of everything, • New Satinette :ln' single or .,Tfolkle: stripe ; for costume slips, ns of all kinds any :dolor, at 37 1-2c., y. rd:, bloomers and .lini g • New , Naincheck for ° Ladle's and Misses'. Under Garment. ,Rose, Green, White, Sand,full yard wide, .Heavy Cord .Check and ,Bright Finish at';25c.,a:yard. a New Factory Cotton for'Fancy Work, etc., 40 inches Wide, .' smoothiirdsh, . clean'• : Special at. 30c. • • • •:' `°. A ..1 4 • CKNI ,tOw AND D Rl0 ' �NI# GOOD! 0. SPRING � CLEA G _ _.. .• ow Shades, Curtain .Ro••d s S t ove Varnish, Stove Polish-‘-Pastand Liquid, .Waste Polish;Whisks,,,:. • • hes .-Shtoe Brushes -Scrub Stove: � Bus r' shes �'B 1a ck Lead: au erg Cl othes; Brushes, e a � st Quality: ><t t�'Bro n s i 6Oc.; 86c;,',; '$1.00. p_ Also.'now-in-stock._Easter and Moth, ers Day a• ,s' on hand:: ` .rads; ..En *v10 006 es and ` Box Stationary. / Cororide a Cards • •• r. s n e p �NLEY S " VARIETY STORE SP Nature will +soon be putting off its ' ol'd snow garments, - Easter is; just a'>ew weeks away:\Are you. wearing shabby shoes tinder your goloshes or rubbers? Ir Shabby shoes strike, a • discordant note on a Spring 'morning.. 1 y .9. i• Come and . See the Shoes in our 'west window.' They have just arrived: and are selling. at $3.50, $3.75•. $4.00,` .$?.50.8; i$5.00. 1VlEN'S' OXFORDS W'e=staver•a,, large,. ass rtm rat Men £1-xfordik-in_r.: 'Black •: t. l t t .t � r :'; 'C' . • �'' 4'+43. .I�;a cr.:a d :�Ni1C..L '1' ' � shudc� , F�seitt:;&rt>stia;� j. 00 , •. it � ,sl,-. an . Bali � , 9. �to,$ 0U . .. � . 1Vi•+�, . WOR ••-t",H E , e�have .fast received. a large shiPment '. of the :-famous: "' GREG Shoe, also .the. I ARMERS' Shoe. These ' are -well- known lines and give 'satisfaction. R _�.T:. UR.... ER A PLL& N �W '� . Y .. _ °TBIESTORE 'WITH 'A:- STOCK.. _ •: . FLOWERDALE Little Hett ' towers. is . a provin g, t' Toronto:but •is.•s .still in T ronto. "Miss ••Laura, and Mr. Edgar" Wat- son entertaine • ..ten= of theiryoung , friends last Fridays evening.. . We are sorry to see that' . Mr. B. Wilkinson has his farm for *ale. Mr.. and Mrs.' Wilkinson . will be greatly missed if they -cleave Flowerdale. S treceived C. S rathdee;. a mei- Sage' Thursday of the death of her sister -in --law, Mrs. David i'Cox, n Lou- don Hospital The funeral in Ripley Ripley 0.1i Saturday, Saturday was one of the largest over held there.' We are glad to. report that all our nick..ar improving.v e,. Mr. P. Carter is• hauling a. 'stack, of hay which he ' purchased of R: .Martin. Mr.• Chas. Strathdee is ,busy these days ,grinding grain, for farmers on '6th Con.'. Mr, and Mrs: L: C. •MacIver;: Spent Saturday evening at the ' home of Angus •• Martyn, Ripley.. WHITECHURCH Mrs Archie Radford and Mrs; Johnson of Blyth/:visited ' a . few days last wee1 !with;. friends and relatives • Mrs Murray made a • business trip to Ripley one day ' last week. Mr. earnest 'Week --end of Kincard- ine spent w :the eek -`end' at the home of his. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.; George Cottle. ' The concert and&debate held in the basement 'of the Presbyterian' church last Friday evening was , a decided success. The affirma't'ive 'was the win- ning Side, 'Which was, `Resolved' thatpuncil met on February 156, all the farmer is of , more • importance to members 'Present. Minutes of former: the .welfare of the community `,.than meeting read and approved on motion. • the manufacturer.' , • . of Cameron and Anderson. Walker, .,Mr. Charlie Martin' rent to Toron-., Murray waited on Council regarding and the•assessment on three acres �be- to last week for an' � operation..•,.. ... . ,:,s i . i -::..ot and -now, ,ass - treatments•,. we ho a -.for a Sed „ longing, ,to, h s. m he>� n ., . p y, g s recovery, .,, •;csed.for50Othis'roWaslat:, until : ext . Miss,Ruy• Everitt ' of"' •i:pcknow; meeting. Wm Quigley pat in a claim spent the week -end ,at her homfe,here, for cutter and harness,..left:::over. un- etin . � ' t#ce t- Mun- - Q. _ ._.of. .. .M r. c g. N tertained • their. friends and relatives ieipel ;:Association and - Good • Roads 'to partY' last Friday evenin, All Association was then read, 'moved.by report a very enjoyable time. .^ Cameron and Hackett both be placed. Miss• Hazel • Wocics ` .of Teeswater, on file, carried. Moved by. Hackett is v sit#ng:::relatives•• here. .and "Black that Council -give •a ,grant- • =The Young People ;of the United ;of ten dollars to the Children'a Shelt, Church are ,holding it' Social .evening, 'er, carried. On motion of Anderson in -the , .basement' ofthe ..church .an. 'and Hackett the printing Avis let to T _, u s a �1 ar day. : M reh li;tli• Fvi1T3r+mq �wei � the' sta�'"'�omzlsny'y "i'fi Aad z�l came, ave_ their report, ani, on motion of ra., Le.14,1*. I �2 y war, . �axit anda�- 9i+►t1G read AadsrrwK N4<s dolt O."1####1.•sxs vi.ttln1 t) OM, id aaIv.d, U.; 0t1 swhij. M$IOM4 w►Ut$ her. Parents Mr. and Mrs. John Mow ra Y ' we are sorry;tq report the sudden 1, . death of Mr.: Robert-' Henderson of Detroit on Thursday March 11th: He had been a life long; :resident of this community until a; year: or two ago: The sympathy, of the ,community, is i n their sad extended to the relatives bereavement.'. r et Ddr: Ch+Frlie •:Morris r ume dfom Taranto ;on Saturday night: • ° Havinqlaccepted an invitation -from the ` LuFlulow Guild; about thirty-five of the Young People of . the Presby- terian church here '''went over to Lucknow on, Monday evening 'and at- tended the Guild meeting in the Pres- byterian church. After ' which the Lucknow people served lunch. end a very: soaiablc hour -was spent. _ tom-- RESIDE . ,. BRUeE ':11IURRAY ; TO . NEAR . RIPLEY : the , ort The Ripley c cspondent., to Kincardine paper hadthe. following:. Twoi Armenian boys from the "Ge- orgetown farm arrived 'in town on Friday last. One of them who' has been the protese of the Lucknow Wo men's' Iilatitute, and who, was 'given the !Fame of Bruce ?Murray, visited. Ripley some time ago with a number of other boys from the farm. ' He will mitke his home at .Mr. Mac. 'McDon- ald's on Con. 8, W. His brother, who is younger, Will snake his home at Mr Lot Culbert's:"k These lads are bright, intelligent and' industrious and give. promise of - becoming useful Canadian citizens:" ASHFIELD COUNCIL . Ordered paid on motion of , Hackett & Cameron. Local: Board of : Health first meeting 13.00; Registration of Births Ho- gan 16.50; M. H •Deaths and Marra ges an breaking ....road 4.00; John A. ' for .''work on Johnstoni" me o n � •PaYI S. road 2.50; Henry Gardner snow roads. :4.25 Donald. McLean Salary as auditor .cents14.50 i' ::.` ''Wm.- `14.00 � su 1 es !i0 PP McCarthy 14.00 :W. P. Reed bal. sal ary•10.00, exise stamps 18.83, postage" •2.31, supplies 4.25, preparing report 7.00-42.39 R:'Bissett snow- road' 2.00 John Courtney'6.00; Percy -McCarthy 2.00 John Jamieson supervision 24.50;; Wm. Clare, paying men and. opening ditch :4.00; Cy E. McDonagh expenses with law snit :8/65; John H. Webster..' hauli ` 'g steel culvert,' :5.00.. By -Law � Number, Two, appointing John' Kil- pa•Lerick• road superintendent:' By-law Number Three: "providing fol.. expend iture were duly passed: Council ad- journed,' on. Motion of Black and: Cameron, to Meet March .22' at, one • Ci E...McDonagh� .Clerk. o -o -off: THINKS :MR. JOYNT IS ALL RIGHT' '.- Referring to a recent. inciden* . in the Ontario Legislature Mr.' Hunter. of the. Kincardine Review -Reporter had the followings The charge of the Hon. Mr. Raney that Mr. John' Joynt,.: M.LA., has re- ceived election funds from the liquor interests of this province las, been denied emphatically ;by 1Vir. Joynt. He • states that he paid his own election ,expenses: We :know Mr. Joynt'•, and, we believe:his statement'18 absolutely tr► e. He ^,1s the last man in. Ontario who Would accept a dollar from the liquor interests to asst t hini in'a poi- itical•,campaign or any, other kind of a campaign. The Hon. Mr. Raney would, have done well to 'accept Mr. Joynt's statement and done the "hen- , arable • ,thingg b.y' . g . g ,;..$'ii olo-.. isin .,. for, but' aspirations' he east. 'on Mr.' JOint. ¢ , How ver -lie did notr - 'quibbled u eibbl'd anti' stated that Mr. Joynt had .been bene- fitted by the advertisingpaid for'out. of"tlie general." `funds "ta " iwhlch 'the'. i r st liquor trate e s eu+bscribe d for the ii" s i ',benefit th •C erv'at ve art ; It of e n party. was Unfair to : Mr, 'Jayne,.' as• the. chr was he had received assist - [ a charge ante, , which he emphatically? denies, acid his .many friends will accepthis wordy' • yam.. Atter you've 'good' Lora long 44a a `EE�{LY STOP WOOL. BATS --Pure Lamb' Wool, w:te S.' as snow, weight 2' 1-2 lbs.' Size •72 x 8 • b • 0 ins. Priced $2:75 ,.each Note --The 'quantitYtheseof Wool Bats isLimited - and. ., the Mlll •advises us It will be difficult' to rotate' more.. for NEW =I M r 1 G NGHA S Ou patterns are exclusive and:,. the yqualities the 'best. Canadian Ging hams 32 at '25�.:: Ging hams EnglishGnghms a yard. . ':.a 35c. a .yard. New, : a • `.. Rayon Cr pes forDresses:.Very •pretty, pat- ternsand:all new, 1.45 & 2. t. $ $ 00 .the .yard. Just 4oened:u•p a•newshipment"of the newest Pvery in Chappie Coats ae$3.95, $4.95 &,$5.50 each. BOYS' BLOUSES--Newatterns and Ell siz- P colors, es at $1.00'8 $1.25 -peach. TRIOLA BROADCLOTH --This is the good' quality in 10 colors including black and white, at 95c. a yard. Heavy. All Wool Hose for BOysand .Girls. Black and Heathr in sizes 7:122 to 10. Reg. 85c.'to $1.00. Clear- ing learing at 79c. a pair. , SAYS HORSES SCARCE Mildmay Gazette _says that farm- •ersi th- n at cart of $race are 'doing: a• lot of seurrying' about in search of horses this siring, and as a conee- quencei• the prices Intim taken quite ''a tini:. ,' h °.fano s ;nIwa Tike i► :tli' have: n' spars hoirsei, or two. for . the tiro: it b.Game41 a llnbit . mad.. ih'en: 1p4•ssedilviit, and - any fair, good tom s,* sr..M'dl! to It' snli� � wi l 1arli��j s 1004 prioef • KIN L S ....Mrs Walter Kaake ' hasr`eturned .. home after Visiting a.. t Ttngarfand Pinkerton. ' .Mr. •and "Mrs. „_ . • ...Frank Calomel, sent Sunday at Kinlough :Rigel •Hazel ,, 3anne ;n tan :is visiting -nt 'Westford: ':. 'Mil s Lydia;iyd#d Smith went n day last a�' cors int-:Lucknaw. , 1BortiotoTa qtr.. sad 01111, id 0014.i. :1t.fl0H 1' 40gEhter•