HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-18, Page 6-14"Q DEPENDS ON PR°ItER:410 •RIAOM MIIITIcast
There are a. number Of interesting spring and changes the position of theAida regarding the actual make-up of cam so that the PeintS are caused ta.
;the ignition SySteM, Omit which ovirn- separate earlier.' 'There is 4140 4 hand
*rated sPark Centro), lever provided:
lisnaRY above the., steering wheel,
•. These parts4lts a switch conveni
lent to t.he"drIvert naa4 OP .the
of the Average ignitiOn 'sYS•tdin. The
action of• generating the spark is ittil
follows: The driver. turns on the igni-
tion switch and presses the • starter
button. As ,the 'crank shaft of the
engine .turns the cam in the:ignitor
revolves and permita Om interrupter
ennle teiet.*- T111,--Soln"
pletes the primary, %eireuito.
Electric 'current .wlit then ficfw; ftaln
the hatterY thrOugh thi 'en
ers. of motor. vehicles ought to have
. son* knowledge; The automobile
• -Orte.P1 halt for its niain; object
:the production of an electric spark or
are. Within its cylinder. This is for
, the purpose of igniting the fuerwhich
;rapt be burned. in ;•order t develop
.the power required to advance the car.
• Nowadays motor -car ignition sys-
teins. as a ride nee a; battery As the
Source of electricity. - Before electric
,start iiii-Mid-lighting-sYsteina=w/Mde-
veloped it was the comnion practice to
generate "a Spark byusingthe :mag-
neto.. With the introduction of -the
igeetric 'battery' -whieh ii•-"emPle-ye.ct to
operate -the starting -it foundthrough the pri,TrIOTY NvIllding of- the
••converilent,te operate ignition, 14 this
• Same medium as well lip, light&, • 4114uctiqfc: co0',921 through' the inter,
. •ruptor• points of the igniter- to the' ' •
• ..,The up-tonaate ignition. wool
i fro* of the car from Whigh it returns'
makes use Of the battery and generat-:
which '..are parts of ths to th,..batterY .PV'er, sOitOle. witrek
rng motor, This eentirine to tew as 1. •
. starting syStein; The generator as its path is complete and, in
• driven 14 the engine wheneeter
flowing, it energizes the.induction
ini4niogon=, It sends Curren. t into the
but.not to a sufficient degree to cause
battery to "P1ace that which is drawn; spark in the Spark Plug.
-Out for the PlirPoseof operating the
• aiklithig and ignition deviees.1 in tits ignitor the cans is ss; tinle47te
e 1
itlxele.tion-to 4-th"' crank •-
that I 1
VOLTAGE OF BaTrEar------when the ,.anark is dewed the inter:
The pressure or voltage, of the hat- ruptor points are forced apart and the
tery is usually six volts. As a VeTY current efrom the battery -.stops flow -
much higher electrical press** is ing. When the currentinthe primary
• needed to ,cause the current to JurnP winding of the, induction coil,Ceasea to
from ;entilterrninal to another in the pow, a very high Voltage of pressure
spark' plug, an 'induction Coil and"-, a of electricity is generated in the pee'
spark timer or anterruptor are tnclud- ondary windingof the coit. This flows
ed in the System. ;• 0., 7 •to the spark pug, leaps the gap at
'his 'inferiiiptoi is usually combinr the spark plug Point and Causes the
etf"withfa'distributor which is rotat- spark which ignites the fuel. • ,
ing switch and distributes the sparks The ,condenser assists in forming
manufactured in the coil to the differ- this Spark by. causing a gulch change
ent '4 -hinders of 'the' engine in the to take place In the coil. .It also: ab -
°per sequenee The totnbination of sorbs current At the interruptor points
interr-Uptor and distributor is often, which Would otherwieexithse, an unde-
eal!ed the Ignitor.. In the ignitor, or sirable spark there: '
sometimes in the ,coil, is also ,located NO particular care of ignition is
needed other than -an occasional
• • cean-
It is desirablte have. the spark Ing, of the interrupter points if they
leectir earlier or later according to the become iSitted; or 41irtyy.., The gears ,
"t°11iaticaKY g°"ilusr. is
-Pr°"'" through chan15619 li-r6*Ided for;- at High Olonds the•Crossi.Shines
a ' pair of Weightsheld: ..togetli*'" by A,Is used in the. engine, the spark •Polugs. , •
r.P..hyt)„.1,01.74., ;Iota Mrttpi 44audr;rit..41::patt;tit' gopf,,
104.1nfi for happinesw,li ;deeply
.1Mplanted .in, our natere.s. •W;bat'.nor-
Persen can fancy •hiii);Seit happy
n 'comfortable home? ',vie,
boin'e of .our dreants Is elvtra).• a 141140.
allOrned. With treco and; Omni", :Sweet
smelling Vit.143' iihAtilag the porches .
and, gardene fragrant with roses end
•IllagS.. /A your •houlie •1;ty lthe 'side or'
the read!" are you dellig, as 0401 as
you might to radiate brIghtnoss. and
honiTe.-i-nede attractive With
fioyers will make all the neighbors
to go. and do "-likeWise: one
• well"kept lawn will •er at • d'hi for
avholestreetof velvetYliaritetittl -
imagination is:,neetled to prove the f.
• Tom Pyburn, of Toronto' (standing), Willisra.paley, of Montreq, .and
-Lorne Saunclereoek, Of ;Brockville ,(Sitting left to right); who are with the
Hong Kong defense corps ,attached to the East Surrek 'Regiment •
. , .
_ 0 •
A Winter Night in the Village.,
- •
(FromtheRUSSiall of Nikitin).
Bifghtly on the village '
Fall the soft Moonheam%
The ivhite-Snow is sparkling
With the strange,;bine gleam.s.
, • •
itt vided thelpiltor.which consists of rfrpose. , too imich, gasoltne or 041_ Like a candle bright
As the erikine speediereas, May Peed:cleaning once in a e
-.centrifugal: ,force separates the, tense Of the resulting deposit Of ear -
weights against .the tension of the' ben On the:insulators.. • •
• Velvet Shoes.
Let tie Walk in :the white. anew .
•With footsteps quiet and slow,
At tranquil tiace. '
Under veils of white lace.
'I'ehail go shod in silk
And you in -wool, ,
Whiteas.a white cow's
Marc beatitiful
Than tiii-breast. of a gull. ,
We Shall wilk,thretigh the Still ;town .
. .
. In 'a windless peace; , • ,. ,...,
We shill'step ilpon.%the white dewn,
Upon silver fleece
. .
, Upon softer than' these:
We 'shall walk in •VelSet Shoes; .
WhereVer we fie
Silence will. fall like 'dews .
On white' Olefin° -below ;
We Shall "Walk in the snow
' :' • • •••••Elinor W$;Ile
. , .
• .
See -Saw.
.Thts world's a place of•uPS and 40‘;‘94.4,
0! sudden ley and ,Sorrow; .' • .
Maybe to -day life seed; all fib,wite?,
The inniles v. ILI come lemerroW. •
W hat if -to-day grim ghost besPair
l3eit1de our shettider'striding?..,
"To -Morro* Hope, with hinghter fair
• Will Soul hint into hiding.. r • :. •
• It's best to:battle through 'the days. ,
' Facing Despair with langhter; • •
For the • en& .youll find it paYs;
And good luck foIleis, after,
So Its resolve as On iire go,
Though ill -luck May be blighting
To treat him as a gallhnt foe
, And • fore him flghtfilbjV
• It ha S 'been proved that the total'
bird pepu:ation, on a. Woo ett'ea,.cat
be raised'. Tar above the nor -t- oy
putting 'OP bird -houses, 8 feed
tt on pruc:tically alT and
• itra-Tilt"O tis- -to Mere:Ise" their num-
bers'. Bond and Put •up bit '1
.TtidaY the COninio.nis, a Water ..Color
with an aCeerepiiniMentor Mimic; for.
tho'hirdii are Sending forth little:tenta-
tive notes ' from the.. • elnpty bengliS,
'More- as 'though they ;4were trying out
new . songs than Pinging forth. the ones.'
they knew -last Surirmer... A robin ven-
tures n sky Call, and , hack , Oomeean
anSwer in the shine 'key 'from it' 4141-
.ft:ince. The rnets,.. of .0m ,treiiii'pieree
the pathways ; like veining's.',.,cit glaiit
leaves sstilr clinging to the 'Freund,
purple -brown leayee,*ith, small' pools
of many loneiitt th-ein folds.
Water. Is 'everywhere. .',The sky, is
heavy with it,:theugli there Is rain;
the 'itir_rether,.. is 11 Mass .bf de*; 'and
grays. pi. alt shades from':';;;Warniest
washes; to palest Silver 'hang., over the
landicaPe. • . , Heavy . stern:is' •,.11a,Ve' left
widesheett"! of water on isVery: side till
It .,weuld..tteglit,'. that .the.,syy is lying
In the fields'. / • •!, '
Thereis, a strange stiffOtess int' the
Ulr-a peetiliar Waiting. ' In the boughs
of a near -by tree is an old nest nnht-
den., a dark splodge againat:the •sly.
How., earefidiy. it 'Wee. ,guirded
the iaat yes', isai,-,s; 'how. secret•Vviis
•)ts dwelling••plate: jAnd now it beast's'
Itself in its'untid•yness.until..the March
,winds shall•eome and take it. away.
: There are three Mills visaileat three
pointsof the Cbmpixs: r.fhey....too, are
.Still, their' pale:ear:8 :resting against,'
the, s kr. , Winter •has :gene and pdng
has not; .Yet iirriVell, And v'tileanWhile.
before • the •'stin • Conies' otit and ....While:.
the W.Orld'• is Wet and gray. the coin-
- the thin -frees, .the cid, beaie07.;
'doWn beeekeii, the Sodden .grass eltd
clay -laden soil,wbuki seem ,tobe
watching as if for a Sign. '
• Seinetititle,felle• in gentleThanes.
. • ,
throughrth° Oran() iscaught la a pool.
rd. water aiming- the, grass•es • it . is a.
. teether• irttta \Out . the. old nest, • .
. .
ilidd,en. Money in Russla
•Niere• ; than 85;.6o6;o60. do:taits .; in
Czar' vet' r 010)1 es a re ted . to be
hidden' In 'soviet Ill:sato;
" •
All the place li•es• empty,
Every hut buried'
'.'11;:naels:,01,1711:011,trietli,d.ol;n4.0:.l,e7, •
Stirlese calin,pesseSees
he deserted. streets,
No A9sro watchful barking...
. „..
:Prayer to,Goil, and .sluinlier:
% The tired felt
Of the stain. of Sorrow •
Ancli.,the weight o toll•'
• 7 7 • " : •
The ability to speak several •lang-
uageS is valuable., but, the ability to
keeP.yotit- itleuth shitein Your metier
tongue is priceZliss. •
, -
Prineeis to Opiritte Alberta
Chicken Farm'. •
According info:n*410n" given ;14;
N. :Itt.;- OstrYzniuk • of the -..Dominion
Colonization Cempahy; Prineees Marie
SitintigerodskeYa; a trientber Of the Old
..-iVlberta. The., Princess ; is at -present
in Vancouver awaiting the outemne of .
f4t."..en-it'oonifintaity whein,t*C.,ari'•
'tirtnta!nit. t141C;,' gwol;;,1;1;67t:
ati '141l)O
hous to have the:gr.:rand* adorned
shrub and flowerts, ' Indeed,: the
time 40W IS, yawn a 'place et) adorned
ells inoie real* and for. better
price than elle where no thought or
t-ution heeie:gliten to . the bare
unattraetive- grounds, The =OS, ma,
terially minded, ?nen Choose A,
Place here ,the-.1totise is surrounded
with C;(401:fUl;flOW4i4.-in :preference' to
an 'eqtiallY geed Piece lacking eat -
side decoration: • .
',Shrubs and-perlinnitili onte,plantek'
seldont need Ane More ,attent'ion than
keeping the 'Weeds .froni smothering
them.. They grow .rephily„ incremting
in "boaatr. eaql, 'Mr'. A t'w 491414.4. •
•loy,R4tol. pla0tve and', sltritlia' Wijt
'bring -Petter ;relit:lie in Pell**, to eU
hOme 0144 anrthhig e:se. 010:74.allle•
itmountonld. he spent for He'Ve'ilianr.
would itealtate.to 'pay tleVeral.hundred-
•dellarli more • for that •bad'
trees:. and shruhe surretinding It? 4
pleasing hackgrenZati eounte„ ttutitOO.:'
..tt frame, for our lintes:4 iattracte-,
'It. gives eherm-te, the simplest Cottege,
fiTfneSe• and Crudeness cf. •arclittec-•
Ore- Mar-hs...sottenOd_and."the_Wifele
Ppearatee of a hou_se_se_shanged--VY,
'the' 'Planting; Of. flowerrii that; in a ;NI!
,.yeitrii," It would scarcely be 'recognised
by these:who had Seen, '
• Men wh,a. are . building" houses for
ea,m are miesincgoldemepportunities
t t.4•ek.f411:4o, ticlofe.ontside As well
•an.;"thec lOshie.; Flowers,"
Mr. ;IVir .Contractor, and eee",how' quickly:
Yetir lienieit• Will sell. , • ; •
• lye 10. flowers in. the ;•ge,rden, :On
the:40,eitst, in our and. our .
' aMeng.tkern
Makes AS •better citizens: . • Working
among them makes us !ergot Onr sor-
rows and our diSappointinents. ,
era inspire, they soften sadness, :ban -
WI gloom and gladden. the heart. ''Say
it Willr-Flewere;*--yOu-Metoi,-Leagns..',
boosters. and you will.' belie nO
eulty in attracting . tOurists to
*here, the air is". fragrant With sweet
srnellIng itilbseomS, and wheiie
.shade of .4reei along the read Makes'
travelling On the hottest daysre plea-
. • ,
mire, as the fluttering .lea'yes :never
weary in Waving,a hearty welcome. •:.
TEP £2,000,000 F
1), '^ •
.0!IF, •
Industry Thtettten$ to Throw
its Unloyeiy Cloak Over
.Garden of EngliAgL.
Britlsh ind.nitri--7411e deeleden to ut11.2
ize Vogt CoAk and leen dePosits plosia "
to deal) lia.ter. and Within PUY miietr
of London -has been taken deflniterly •
,with the announcement of a govern-
ment "'gar, ,era.,IstY 4,ot. 22,00h,000 toward.•
A :eY 111 (1.n..ratl:fxnr41tanl.191)".rtieertily:11014:1ecwn:n"enlui°:adil:fliaeildg4.:1147 • -
ideas 'hivee changed.; , liewev •,..since •
;lands 'end north."!'tite• black coontry,",
"iatuirlded With rernse heaps Of :alien-
: done4 mine nutchinery, utterly unlove-,,
)y, it: is inter-esting to note that the
!Prat ' ennoundensene of the new ,
velooment Ontains Oie'asiiurancii that,:
so. far as may be possible,, the ameni- •
„IjeCof coUntrYs)de Will not
he disturbed, intf-that Model earth*
°Mee will he erected to hohse the ex-
peetiid influx of 'Workers •• • ' •
• . To7Eibom Sleepy Towns,
negotiations • being 'carried on . by
Charles •Ptewart., Minister of the, In-
terior. with, the Anieriean immigration
officials' in'im entleater, to arrange an
extension of the••United States :Pasa-
pert -permit, Which would her to
reside in Ciniada and 'Visit friends in
the United States when ithedesires to
de eo,
we.ticlered. by :thePreekside,
. .1 wandered by the
1,entild not bear tite brook flow.,47.
Tite noisy wheei WO .,.
•There was no burr of..greeshopPee,
Nocliirp•ef ozW•bird, •
But .the,?eating of„my O'Wn beart''''4
rwas,:alt the sod:nal beard
'Mtinekton Milnes
trying to znake inyself
Plitin..!'.; • . .
She -r- ,you'd try make
younself^attractive instead.,"
• . ,
,,.a91•1,110 ft0b Enfillh Fishe,rinep. ,
'MIIlions of Seagulds,aceording to the.
Deal.;,fighermen, kaie, invaded the
Iish Channel, says The Cantle Times.,
Unable to get food from the sn6w-eov-•
era . land, they are .raiding the liSher,
Men's; ries. •. The:lien:SO 'that they
.seize the ..sprats is the nets are. pulled'
penvd.S:w•oop:up:on..th.o. fish as they are,
. • . :
'‘; Brains Are Queer.,,
The brain is, •the • meat . variable. in
s•ize and .cniality -of all the parts of the
. ,
human body. nen general rule have a sweet tooth
for maple' sugar,„ and will consume
largo quantities of it,',if ppt, up in An
inviting form. An additional market
is offered'in the hundreds of thousands
of American tOorlats that T . will be
,coming to Canadathis- year. They
wi3 *ant Soinathing, typically' 'Can-
adian; and, if Maple.. sugar can be
offered to the* in An'aPpeQng *re:pi
per.or even in a.waxed paper ier'apPer;
that is n protection :agairiat Contam-
ination by filet or careleae handling.
they -will consume considerable
ties While in Canadaas well as carry
it back. Wile with them, with the -re -
stilt that. a ,larker market will. be 'ore-,
ated for Canada's delightftil Cenfee•-•
Hon.: „ " • •
Loss and Clain:.
When I emtplire ' . •;•
What , I haititt lost 'itith what have.
" , • gained; . • • •
What I have .n,iissed *jilt. what "af..
• " tabled,' • '
'' 'Lt
itle roan do find for pride. , • -
'N4t,ural..kisourCea BiOletim;
Maple sugar time willsoon•
-that time that is; looked' forward to
by all. who own. a sugar hush as the,
• fgirsyrot psilgance of o stphrei n?gu..n hny edays,eo(It gihhe atps.
in .the nmplo commences to : rani and.
the sugar -making ' egOiP.ment is again
put intoservice..
'The ,making. of Maple' Sugar 'and.
a ian industry,. artlipugh • the New
England States Make some. But Can-
ada, being known:as the '''Land of the.
M-aple" can the Maple industry
as its own. ' we making' the most
of this industry,however? Are we pro-
4ucing; maple sugar that carries an
appeal from ; the Standpoint of qual-
ity? Unfortunately we cannot givea
feyerable answer. There appears to
.be no • Uniformity in quality or color,
thelatter varying frotn a clear yellow
to tamest ' a back, vvhile .setne of- the
sugar is, so hard as to be almost un-
breakable, In omarkepine the sugar
litge attention . is given to appearance
and often:the/condition in wh!ch it is
plated On sale from. appetizing.
Canadian. maple sugar Makers are
'missing a splendid opportunity' in • not
catefing' 'more carefulii-te the taste;
of the, consumer in regard to thexon--
ditiOnrin Which it is, so:d.• •Canadiank
Nevertheless, .:t• is Merits!) a
. head:78'1e- gde!ii:etz:Ina; ecIngeiairlr'1111'°•oefEe.fiotk4ftlicii'luvan:tlaer.LIwjiich
ing thibugh Dover 'Weir first impres.,
sion. of rural, England, should be de-
hnitely •Changed.•, With this. deelsion •
Kent 11' scheduled to be transformed
from in agricultural into an industrial. ,
area, • With mine -derricks replacing.
coast houses and busy' cities growing
where there neW,exist sleepy •and half-
forgotten towns. " '
-:The existing 'railway 'from Dover t�
Canterbury rtins through the heart kg
the pi -ejected' coal field, while Ole Port
• insel
I n an•
.oceOPsetiOn... but Whial) has. remained .
antOttellect .fot a thents.onff. years, '
destinedler'become..a. center Of export
• Many 'people will.weeder,.Why; witit .
the world; aiready,,prodicing. more Coal' --
than it. needs Great, Britain ' Whieh IS • •
Inorn,oliersuppiied than all • ether coal- •
producing •conattiesirshould. be open=
be • .
Ing.fresh answer is •
Dttringithe next ;decade,Icent,
• 'CMG: 'will repine(); 04.t., now .nyoeniad ;
tient .deep reels.iinditt gieat, OXPottee.:
train. the 'olderWorkings. : eifrit. •
enesof this; coal 'field lia,s hi:4n kiloWn
for 'centuries,. •while at the • finivn of
..Englinti ',Watery Icent. and SnanSx iron. •
Was :being -.smelted with' the aid of,
charcoal front the -great forest • of An,
• , •
ProbeTo ;list 'Plie'lles;..• • '••• .
When .• England. .beeame.t
ized., lioweVer,"land itt the''.heine.coun-
tries was ,farnniOre centralised! In. the
'hands Of 'pewerfel '.1and °Wirers Illan%. '
was. the ease InAhe. mirth.-The'resulti
• *413 that for ,decades '•' this .treaSure;
house of natilrei riches reniai,ieL, un-, ' • •
'fetched:. '.The wordireastire.heiiiiAs'••`'
used,,AtItisedly. Uneniotioiial griveinr. •
night .statistics 'show the existence: pi.;
6;00;00,000 tons 'o.f
in :Kent, •Cilos.e preihnity Ithere
Is .suffiCierit Iron to lastia :century ir
:mined at theratO'of. a i;thaes..tnti,ionS
Since ,the . war' .(wi, col1ei'ie htvo .
been iiteadilY.prodneitig.Coiti, n*Neel.
The stale on which, At ie. now .pianne.1
to Work .iney'bi., Oaspeil freni the fact
that local authorities have ..heen •
Struetedto plait for, en increased •Dobo-
iitos.orf 300,00�. lit, A Periodof,, ten ;'•
.Eic.ploltditinf of ;this area Might woll.•
'be citiniridered ,in •of the•p0S-
s•ibility pf httPPlYing, all ,L.Ondoit wlth
electricity generatM at Ilk% pithettdai:
'onlY.lifty nUies away. There a :0,80
the ; OtioU.1 advantage of ;•sitlepingelial
to the .copthient from :fields 340 „Mittel.' '•
. , .
destinatien.", "
,• Despite..A0 efforts be the towitrplaw
tting autheritita to Ininfralin .
tine, With respect 'IP chunging: r.ho
vhible effects of the .seetipti, Lite eon-
etnsion 1 inceettpable • that' within it •
tov:t • re. tnIi I aitig
trai:ea of .4 hp „kt 1 eepyftni gresSly;e. a nil
altogether thartiting 'country:Ale' Alftittli.,
noW, ttt
tc.litri, 7
• A !hitt:: tit Easiic-11
govcrtirr„qu aFtlie.71
decks of the liner.
; : I,ent aware '
tiO4Ar many dais 'haVe hdeit idly spent,
IIOW like .an girrOw'the. geed intent.
•a4 failen E114414, 4 Ot been•
• • , M40: • •
.• Rai' '41-ro shalt dare.
. 'inea•stire •rattll flits
• THE.. " 4.; LOOK" TO CANADA • ,
kis..10antal cm. or positiotii:1itt (7,41tada.‘ . They ari (MOP tI10. Per11.:•11* 1141 ,.t.i:Coriitt (,111::'glgi#,fl(,;:tivi..
latNarize: pLI
.ie Above CL:).•8119W0. a. '1;arty saying farewell,. from' the 1 • friliqi3Ok44.!.si +11/ ltt...! turn of 11,eittle
•041/717. AND;JEFF.
`(OU `IOU •
•.i1111 ti •
. ,
we.-cP (WY `foti HAVG;‘,
1-1AT ?
Jeff Has Tea NVith a pear Priend of Sidney's
.777: 4
NAttl 4. *ONE ;
•--GE P tsAV
kW! itt's
IVAW litey
c AWT I-1 foe smv
14AT NAA) ,
• t.
cor 4
You T-6 .
tv1oNlk CUR'.
ONE STEvitl,
*RAT' z'y
FIN• C-2.00/ •ME, '
. o•
,0 tc4,446, r614.44
• .
-Worth- Drive LecoMetp,i.
F'inlli;. • „ lici •1•.c 10.1.1). 4111, 1?1:11„
10, el'itr".0 10.(1)41:101VCS• Olt L rieW
set 1)111• Pa I 11`.0.ad or.ttnt.,-i
t o .1. each Wooten t h6. rra
are •nilapt 1. toiltz!. at‘w •
enio rli a 1,113 tliotqjt few of
tite.to ;:t f(,,r
Takes Piaqe or Pin
1,.11tr1t1t, power.- teem:lily. was,.•tilitrs;
• tifftfrri trala V.3r11:1114:
t IA r on
44.441v41:1ap;,, ; 41. nen•cy cit.c 1;t!eit trOit
tit,1,1"at7itit, North tc't.C•.; 107t
11;4 5hap `• In the H;
Ifil it would fl' 1tli., et, bust."
it 'hi. Itt t plieltigrephe 40-17.0,1yC,,ItUt"ti='
eittly fixed e..-cre.tiutd- .4-411*v•-1-trtk7age,... •
by .7a :French/nen; .Niop,,oi• 14t•tiotiiii;
some. yCar,s ..Thetnns Vcdge-
Wnotti- an':'Ettg:isitinan; obtainli
intages Wilt6 tint pertnanerit.