HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-18, Page 4-
14000RIVAIOE'4E8Fl.10, :CO.t"--SlIteadera :140'sfers, Ha,' Load-
. ar,a* 144e* andjoiltIgst Gr4ii! anteCOrn Binderat. Walking
and, Riding rims •
ll149ST BTF,1FT; '4 iiiRE CO.1--,-Wrnt* Reitee4' Gatos,- 1 -Point
„ 'mad 8 COM -Galvaiwted, ,t a
• .. •
MIGGIESt-Rubber and St* 'PM,
BATEMAN'7WILKI1IS014. cG,;:---Ploaris and Ninhaellierrowa,
yourself-siemo money Iv.1** yOst 'Oat something in Mualc.
al DmigaMenta.
Phone 256
fifiCkNOW and. WINOIAM
Bas the ,largest end' Most COUtplete
.: • . .
Meek in the meat lieautifuLdesigna
cheese from, hi
MarbIt. ,. Scotch; Swedish and
adan ramG 'tea
We make it sPeelalt7 Of Validly
,LI/dortuments and invite Your its-snce-
;.'lliseriptions Neatly, Carefully and.:
'• Promptly Dane.
ee ma before plating your order.- .
Volleas 13rOS: A. Spotton
Lucknow, Ont
L. O.! L. No. 428, LucknOW nieeta
'second. Tuesday of every ' month
an-,tlielir_hall, at 8 o'clock. C. Mullin,
NV. Carter,ftec. See.. '
. • •
/n,ithe Estate, of Murdoch NIcRae,
late, of -the Village: of Lucknow in
the.GOnnty. of,Sruce, Retired Faint-
er, 4ecsed-
Notice is hereby ginen that all per -
ons havnig, claisim, against the *s-
tate of the aid deceased, are requir-
ssii to send tfull, particulare. If such
dtilY verified to the 'undersigni'
ed executor's under the Will of the
'd deceased, on or before the Third
day, id April, 1926; after which date
the execti!fors Nviy prilc.eed to
'b the assets. 01 the estate having
, , .
**gall only to the claims of winch
take, shall then • have heen'reeeiv
* Dated ist-tuelcnc..W this Second; day
aflesireh; A.Th 1926..
Balfour, -1,,ucknow,, Ont.,/ 'Jos.
E. Agnew, -Luelthow Ont., .Executors.
It tie
To it
sOttOniqrist '
,gtik is far -sight dorreeted' J
. .,By. ha -;Ting' the, Optometrist dei
termine the extent Of the error
and Supply glasses that make see-
ing as' nearly normal as desireah-
The far -sight is not 'allYssys
Comiortable vision :can
ten be securedby giving a •leartfal
:correction:, '• •
• How acies the Optometrist de-
termine how much of the error to
• correct? • • ,
His Studies and expersence gime
him' in this reipect and . his • ad-
vice should be carefully 'followed.
(Continued/ Next Week') . •
14,TCENOW*, SRN •NARM 4920e.
, 9V1 -IE . •
. •
robliabad ovor7, Thursday 'morning
at Lucknow. Ontario
A. D. MacKenzie., Proprietor
• and Editor -
qiobiles in (Mr general tariff nay
sal" indicate, high „Water mark in
,the way of proteetion.
1924 may be taken as a typical
year•, We produced in- our 12 Caned -
fan facteries antemohileis valued at
489,499,418. Our exports that year
were valued at $315Q1,442. The Can-
THE ONTARIO GOO IILDS cOstIrti'm ITiaY therefore
- ° • th
: put at e ifference between ttesel
T. r°t'ita• as OMR riN(4iieni "9 figures er'456,37875: Te,this of
ario may 'become the gre14.0.4 gold course would have te149dded: the
field ever discovered. th • theimport 'Ina on theimpfer s the:ffiity
nOW4.Papera have bee, iUed with :Paid -went lo the governMerit. The
stori3S of the rush to ,11,04.1,4alte and home product egikat )e level Of the
the deVelopmentaliet Stenyn.' : inyported. The. nianufaeturere - t904
RcuYn is knew to 'IA. Over' the
bourilary line in Qii,ehee, but the, ells-• .
oat i eader is liahle'te think:al all the
'disccveries to be:within a eeinParit,;":
ively small hresii, This Is a, mistake
and :tbe.hote extent; of the tertit4eY-
°Ver. +will& rich discoveries: have Qieen
'made IS ea-mitstlinclisig and Suggest:
ive featilie Of the,situation.Enough•
, „
'work has • been. dope ••at
Red Lake to prove that the find, Coln -
Ramp: iri richnesa and :extent with.
the Malinger' and Great Dome pre-.
,perties. But'Red Lake is so far away
from thelPoreupine field that there.
is room for- a hundred such discover-
. •
ies between :the two. :Red. Lake'', is
away aver near the Manitoba bOuncl-
ary, and on :the Map seems - to be
about 250 Miles north .vest cd Port
Arthur, and •about a thausand- Miles
west of Porcupine. At' Present •, it is
Very difficult of acceas-125 : miles
from .iludson the nearest , railway
,Station; and the road is over rocks,
• through swamps and across lakes.
It ioolis as tluitighilhe first railroad
may be biult, in from. the, Manitoba
side; kut-that will` take ;time.. and
marse-usrne-nur,, _-
re easily, reconstructed,thrtragedy.
hinking that his brother had run
way with Christine Deep, Philippe
d dashed in arsnit of him along ht e
verything was prifrafror the elope- "
to 'find the *Irv,' 0' ship and overcoMing.:. difficulties that,
'armed back to the Opera, remember -
d Riours strange confidence ,about
tis fantastic rival and learned that
ha'‘viScinnit4had-macle.*vert-effort to
nte,r--the. cellars ef,the,,,theatr,e e and
at he had disappeared, leaving ids
at hi' the 'Prinial!..clOnlaa's` 'dressing -
°ma ire,Lsi&O an,emptylpistol4ease, And
:couritg- Who xio longeeeritertained
itY doribt _ot his 'brotherfilirladness, in
is tUris 'darted" into. that ...infernal
nderground- maze. This, was enough,
fell advantage of the pretection;'Tek,
ing the factory valuation and 'adding
• on the tariff of 35% we have tha,ad-
ditionn.1 Coto • •:d *Oa'.
ties' M Canada' of11.3 34204rd0-
That the innount?, of _the impott
duty on an Amer.'s:earl ;ear is Added. la
...he Canadian inade:-* Car- is ;.,-4 beyond'.qUesiien. *There -is'. PratiCally, 'no dit..
ference betWeen , the :Ford 'Cara. made
at Detroit and those Made, et.. Feld.
Thew 'folloing Comparison of prices
illustrates; the'point: The firat column
of, prices 'given 'are these of Ford
cars F. Q. E.,Detroit; and •the second
• edema priees Of Ford cars F.
Ford, Ontario,• '• ,
• itensibout (Anr:er,) $290 -Can„ 410.
fourin.g (Amer.)•'440.•
Coupe. (AnierY '$0O -Can. '440.
ltsclor 'Sedan (Anier ) 520 -Can. 695.
Fordo/. :Sedan: (Anier.). •565--Can:775,
The •Dedge:. Bros. Cara. shoWs,,.! the
Same' .coriditien of. things Witli-htlie
differed* that while tn the 'case of
•Ford cars'. Canedian.7....krices . range
from:33 to 42 Per Cent higher than
• there !can 'be 'no ',grnat development •the :American,, the; Dodge Bros. cars
until 'a :railroad is built, as mining
machinerY'eannot be 'taken in by
plane.or .,dog. sled. -In the • meantiMe
an, :arni•,1 7 1. cif lr:Peg
torU *H! enjoy all,
.ire• a straight 38 per Cent dearer in
Canada „than ;in the 'United States.
Following are the 'priceS:, ,
Touring in U. S. $795, TO Can. $1095.
Roadster inXt. S, $795,in Can.- $1094.
.rttre .nnt a eontry
vexport-4 o- not Penetrate. ,in
1$2,/, we evea. ciold, the U. a mil,
Wertil of ears. Our aute,
Mobile -a ge, to. Fane, Siam and the
Argentine. They are driveo bY,Neg-•
res. in Jamaica; Arabs in Palatine
and Syria and Turks in Turkey. Well
ancV,g004. Over 80 countiiesi, have
seen tbis product Of Canadian
dustrY, APparentlY our niallateetlir,
.ers can compete in thesqcountrieS
with thos t -of the world. 'Ford ean-ge
any place -it `feara no evilLbirtif
it movesfrom Ford out to Windsor.
I t cannot live without the artificial
respiration of ,a 35%,„tariff.. On 101
cara exported the government 91
Canada ,rebates the duty "paid on raw
materials: That is right; We'Went.
aeehni„-oara exported,..,-Ww-are-preed-
of the antosimhile industry in Can-•
vadh-hut.the ear is necessity It 'Is-
* the broadcast • sense , an "agrictil-
tural. inspleinent:••The :duty upea, the
as mateia1,faises. the :cost ;of,. pro-
duc1ng the rebates :enable's
:tho.4nanufacturer to get into the
fOreign market a 'ewer: eeSt. but wh3e
sheuld a Canadian government dis-
criminate against' the Canadian peo-
ple by Maintaining 340,1140401e- which
force, an artiieia11y higb price' for
• automobiles: When the auto )*s now
becOine in the broader: sense a neces-
•SitY of life. With„the duty on agricul-
tural implements itnning all the nrity
.froin free to 20% what jUstifitation.
can :there' be 'for 'Maintaining, a.„ duty
of 35% on 'another article almost ect-,
milli necessary.. ' • .
NT.N •
iFord his proved that low prices:
:increase, cansumption. • Automobile
density in. Canada, at. present is One
• car to ,14 of Our population -in tbe
Unite d States the density is one to 6..
• The main oanie of this differenceds
the dower P,riee of oars on the Amer-
ican; side Nzt, tri line. Increaseia the
"noesbet of cars means an mcrease in
densand for suppliesen.. added Vel-
iime. ofhusiness..W14' dealit hut .
that theinereased use of 'ears Wind&
increase and greatly ,inereaSe the te-
-taltvOlMme-id: empleyinentirr-Canacle."-
: A LOT OF. MONEY. • ; ,
Nearly. $20,000,000 ia-the . excess
price ra* pay, for.Oars--almost equal
tit nothing but the,lure,of gold would in-
dnoo. Ineo to encounter.. •
1 . 'It will be a long time 'before the
vast region between \Rouyn and •'Red
'Lake is thoroughly, .prOapected, and
no doubt there 'will be many rich: dis-
coveries `..made 'which' never,' can be
worked, owing to: transporation
Read building among_ these
"rocks and lakes is extremely diffi-
the' Persian's 'eyes, to 'explain the 1..• cult and exnensive so .that railroads
iscriery the'Corate .chagofo • - •, .
'ipaeoathe ihaskst where ik mil bebuilt only to . extensive , and
,Erik's siren, kept watch 4 ierY promising -fields. The short sum-
mer season'and, long :severe - winter
adds t9 the' difficulties: .
0, in the Klendyke geld Could.be sep-
arated frem the, Mind and gravel by
•.iradlessi.and sluices Made on. the
.ground,, but, the, 'gold -bearing .,•raeks
if Northern Oritario'.requires
nining-' and crashing- machinery;
• which: is expensive • and heavy to,
'transport. ,
What' strikes .one,' at the Present'
time is the vest extent -of territory
in Which the geld,bearing 'rocks. oc-
' HIGH '
• -
•The Ferg,usccotincit : it ,its last'
meeting had acme -discnasina arise
•with regard- to .-
, the; high Cost Of rin
.tertaining two- "Wandering Willies':
recently. Thek1ConStable. took these
on se,peratejecassums to a local hcs•
tel and as! a. consequence . were'
hills for $4.00 and .$3.50,. a total of
.$7:50 or7slippers,' breakfasts • arid,
beds. The canattilde was 'dumbfounth
ed.. "The reeve •suggested the ...biCkLup
..with a .quarter's worth a buusif While
-a ' travellers
itoola soon *Weft bairse :there;waS
nOt ruining 'water in their roonis.
.The total 'limber of hogs shipped.
froznLucknow the week ending, Mar:
itoVieVer such a mistake syll no oe
cur wain if the proMise • of all is
carried out, says the News-Rev:Ira.
Men, areri't wittier 'while drunk;
they just" seem that way to.' Other
drunks: 4 '
,• •
•• Good times are those in villieh 'We
stretch the .credit 10‘es0 .sorely •fiCed
in bad times. •
llth -was' 240; of 111 'were se1:1
' ect bacon, 117 thick 'smooth, arid 4
light. From Huron County the nom-
' iber ehipped.was 1.313; a these, 412
were selects; /83 thick smooth; 86
•heavier 8 exira heavy "46 shop hogs,,
„ and 17 light feeders, •
Phone No. 10 is* 'Your Servicel
Vie tell for Cask -We SeliCheaper lban The Credit Stele
, • .k„.
..F1111.F.:44; 51:141`P rANS";,26 GACOE BBARING..! •TIRoN. . TO
PAgS, -
LEAVE, Vont °EDER .4e1fil us IF,. YOU REQUIRE A
'llebtinPlumbing and Electric Wiring
ShOrwin-Williatos Paints Gyproc Wallboard
!heel eanin l; ;:4i't
:1`brhiecur ee 11costspsto
arlsk.h. most -;
inkieg. the to
the Ford Coin
you: $410.00-,-,
cOme to
tle tariff. Ju
ing a 'Canard
• any .tokes"tb
facts /reale
member. for:
• the .flonse,
last Year. sho
• ;he Canadiip
• ta..41 per ce
'price, Islet
For a long time t� :clime the regjon, OMfantlui4tueetarrifl
will furnish a field for speculation
'fi-which fortunes :Made and
last. As in all gold ,lields for every
property .of real vale."there will be,
hundreds of n� value at all offered
ucis the . '
S.• $1075, , in Cam: $1485.
relnlly Prices iceep , to
he tariff. A Ford. Run -
Yon 'in: Detroit,;•$290:00.
be Paid bringing the
304.50: This is the dal, -
r, =pert into Canada;
at amounts ' $1106.51:‘ .to•half our anntial-defreit On the Nat-
al costal Yout:imported ional• R.ailway. Edith& to: more than
L07.- If you bey it from the. anneal cost Of deepening the st.
pany they will charge Lawrence canals if we figure the
that is 'how' close they cost at $660,000,900 equally
rig the full advantage of lbetween dined& and • 'the. United
st $1 07 off the line. StateS. It represents cost of
mount' You save by ;hi*. ;building /the Hudson Bay . Railway
talk made car -but the twice every year. Common ,serise
to the Government ' of stands appalled at the tragedy of this,
106.57..,!fhe Ford Comp, waste $20,000,000 the, excess pried
at in extra Prices, The • paid' for Oars, given to our , railways
d by Gee.. Coote; the as a bonne for moving goal, Would
MacLeod in a 'speech. in settle' the coal prObtens,' The remciyal
Corns's-Iona:March ":16th • of the burden 'Of this excess • price
in.13 makes of cars 'would give more 'relief to the Mar -
'9!1111111$411111F77777IFIrr,.77‘' •
• . •
:priCe .ranged from, ,37 Anne provinces' than they can hope, o
ntlabove:. the Anierican 'get frOnn increased handling of Can-
onli did the • Canadian- adian grain: Are We tied to a policy:
a take full advantage: of f.ionsumate sillmets ; Is it possible
bOok donate:0o the ,LueldsOn; Pi
tic library last "week is "The keen-
arz.e of: The Canadian Pacific Rail,
vtair`•".. The writer :is. Mr: R G Mae
Beth, and Whether the .bekik Was Pre -
&iced by way, of advertising the rail-
road or as a contribution to Canad-
ian history it is a veryeirtertafning
and instructive book, The building (if
the first: Canadian, transcontinental -
was sr,hig, event in the history of the
• country, an& the story is 'here told
ekcelient style,' and is marked
neithtr gush nor dulness.
• There , are a „great. many aieri ifl
• Lucknort. and ';vidinitY Who would .en-
joy reading this book, and who.would
'feel that having read it they are bet-,
_ter informed upon an iMPortant and
, intereSting epoch -our Torintry's de-
veloproent. •
The story is neithenOtOti loiig nor
• too short and there,is hat a dull Page
• nee chapter. The biiiiding of the rOird
was a big adventure, and it • took
plu'ik and courage to carry it thrcs=,
ugh, • • . ' ) ;
It li curious 'how' featly big' enter-
• ' Priaet • tome/Within- a: shadow- of .., itriri
' befOre, sense fortonate"- turn- of,
, I eventS, ht,i0s ariAtess and lands them
Isa,brait-:144-4,6,-7.great prOsPetiity":!". ', - :-,-,
....7..,....: 4?':!Zr.I.5r.,...;....-.:-.,.,. -,-:... :..',..-..,V....t::27.:N;;;;;.r.....7.........=.:,:-.1.•
ByR. J., Deachrnan
. The' :automobile industty..-gio- ;the,
'spoiled darling of the ProteitiVe tat.
' telich ample ptotection. 14.orninal rates
' iff.; lqo othet business. in OSsna,di hat.
irs,stlint lindi are as high et higher
but the rates are modified ',by the
Britigh Preference', Veil few . auto -
Mobiles' come from, ,Great Britain.
•Ilicstiltight 'rluti of 05% an ,itiat,o: Oillitrin , . .
•I l--ik of - Montreal is no; issuieg new text
pursuance of its pOlicy offriendly co•operatiO4
ith the fat** interests Of thii country, the
book for fariners,' entitled "Hogs for Pork and
Profit." The booklet is a practical guide to tbe
'breeding 'and feeding a pigs and its valise is
'point that is iii" de Vowel.* obniined, with.;. •
Out chaige;on applicatimi at Our nearest,Branch.
PreviOna ['Polders drik.nted by the Bank are --7
,Coty, the Mother of Prosperity'
The Bank has distributed tens of thousands. of
these booklets throughout Canada, and numerous
,farmers have expressed. their appreciation to cair
kcal ,*
OF. .
Total AsSets itieaCess of 0750,000,000
. Re Ci, 11)1a.na.ger.
11 a n e
Mon sense of the country should sup-
piar•;:. every ,Move of the ,government
in this direction. You•eannot do that.
yourinernher and telling,
what you think of the on: automobiles
I 4
congregati• on of Zjon *church.
plan to. held :a •Jubilee during the
summer .6; Celebrate 'the fiftieth an-
niversary of the building of thePre-
sent 'clitireh. Oimirnittees- have , been
nan ed, ati: the 'general programme
tentatively atranged...A11;;a6 asked
to•eo-eperate in givink hlfclrrnetioal
and .publicity in order that the 'Jub-
ilee May he . a . grand Succehs.
. the Yoriiig ; Leagues of,
Zien .131alte.'s churches •are :Weld-,
ing ,St.Patrick's Day, $icral on Wed-
nesday' and FridaYk'evehing§ reipea-.
. .
.Se ices Will be. tegulnr7 on Siindny
'reit 10.30. Haekett'S 3110
P. 7,00 P.M:' . •
protection, he took iscl-• to threw asideAliese :barriers. ------------------Rev. C. li. DielcipSon-LPsistor.:
vantage of the freight' as well,. .to
ceve,.the isrice •up_to_, • the , tpinnott
limit. The're can be no eicape lfrom
these facts.'. We pay in Canada to-
day for tars, the Anieriesn- price plus
the:duty. if , we billy -a Canadian car
we, pay the duty. by . way of exCese
'price. The Canadian Manufacturers
•.collect the' dittY 'and keep 'it., •••
-,Mr:41bOs...Ito4a held a:very aticeess--,-;
tut iee', on TriesdaY,.. drawing lumber ,.
to Teeswater
Miss Margsret yler
this vicinity
or High School: has been at her home •
the post: '1K. ,eek, to .. an Outbreak., • _,„, ,
of Scarlet. Fever 'the School...
. W:M.S; held a very 'successful ,
meeting. lash Wednesday at ,the home
lr.st week Witt friends in 'Winghani.
• We understand that Mr. Wm. Me -
Tines hos eugaged, 'with Mr.. Gibson
,Gitlespfe 'for this 'Simmer and .'phr=
poses inoVing• to. Whiteehurch in; the.
'near, futtire..• • •
Langside ,was well represeriteil
tha,.riarice ,held in , Mr. Lopa tiOuse
Whitecluirch.. .report ;the heat
time :„• .
• It:isn't...hard ta.learn the: Charlesr•
attOr yeieve qVerconie yotit•
tanes ,l00% ridiculous. ,
• -
capital engaged In the iduatry...
is $60,766,886. :This however is not ..
Canadian Capital., -these 'factories are -
largely ,branch •faeteries with the
major' portion of the, capital held :la
'U. S. Of the Contribution which we
the people of Canada, melte by waY•
of excess prices for the maintenance:
of this industry, at deist 75% goes: .
to the American steekholders in this
enterprises: The Tariff en autOrirobil,
ps is not a tariff for .the protection
Canadian. hidestry-it Is a tariff
levied on theXanadian people for the.
benefit Of the American stockholders
Of Canadian industries; How • Ring,
Can the Canadian people stand his
• • •
Total salaries arid •wsig.es paid 'in
the Canadian antornebile 'industry
amount to $14,Z1Z17. Wages total-
led. $10,958,202.:$9,277, Wages' and ,
salatiet Cersibined' aniOunted to a, ,f
trine in eiri.ets of 16% of the value; '
of the prodnet. The protection there-
fOre of a% represez?,ts .crir double
the total wage, bill. ,That is to.
-absorb as it niay seem,. iriltrying ter
aid' this industrY We' give. it suf4c-
',Tao cisiits gesso tor • nig( . .
• .
1 ong agO,. ender the, shadow of the
Canisdino PaCific .Rodkies. the
Western Indians worshipped thesufl
With strange and bar -heroes ritee
:It• was the custora of the ted Man Of
the plains to bbw,clowe in homage
ead.h year in Worship to the friendly .
:Orb that gave him light to see,
rerigth hunt power for, battle;
warrntis when he was cold, and .in
a1 -'Nays enhanced his progrest•
through' the countless sites of . his
t pas- its entire *age ; ingrclafiuerOr'nincg,
, iIe tribe gather :
tifott-f0e..,,e.orip'7-•••=• -upon •sethe,"spbt: hitt: tha,tr
by d„diait.oeppie 15 etiotigh, •Shinet--eveey nvernent•••ftern, sonrise
th to suriaeti...to WOrshin end be bleated,
:paZ..the whgeSOniall; cars produced the- Sj-ght-Of...tlit-ilkun:. god An Ln
in, Causal and still leave $6,406,66e (lion WeirilinTailecteeby-thelfela
oVeiiNOte tle phrase-illilf-atii pro- - - Men:- of the tribe.; the
hunien 'sacrifice Of on these gather.'
$11Z00e07:0.rt apvreor- . for 'four' days and four nights and
est She sits in the sun dance- lodge
dueeci sothe Aexceas price charged eVety two. hotirs of thiS ' time her
• .
pays the 'cirkee �SVf preducin. g the
:oars for Canadian 'use plus the wage
cost of' the -eats oeti ton3; leaves,
more' than. $6,004060, after Olaf* Wait
ever such iargshanded` to, pro In.
head is Sprinkled with ashes, The
floto4-not vtivor.qiiinkaneris-tist
•itencrelianv. t anus I the
time blown end toni
OtatPiii4 Mt'On tIng the Wilt
Min anent(' 'het ehrise her eyes in.
sleep., • '
The sun -worshippers include rthe
Mightiest . of the. Indian tribes.. tb,g
ciat,ktoot;--stony, Piegans," and Sat -
sees. They have a heritage of. noble
blocid .in their„'veina. •
Throughout the'sigtai despite the
'apparently, eiVilitin-influente of '
the white man, they hate retained
their fortis :of Worship Many of
these tridns. are Chilstigni: .They
attend. , tegislat church services.
Many of them are well cduCritcd and
•sneak English with..A....fluesiev,'Wiuch
cultV, :astonish thcl tage WhiL:
rnan . But, in: their:;.secret. hearts
they knOvir. they feel thy, havebeen
unable 'to: 'eradicate the beliefs and
tobrierge.d lor-eenturiea, before 010
Canadian Paeific Railway bored
•tc/aY through the mountains, of grao•
ite and brought the whne• man with
his superier • standards of -life,
Once Si Year: the Indians shed, the,
otivestionalTaltrierir- of• :the white
man, *Mali they have adopted, and
tattier to donee liroutid the tantO-
firet whe:re offerings ere bdrilt ts
'iOtrifiedi 'for the favout af•the sun
$o4 ThS•ladiant arelik •tato
• .
th•reirint the 'tall' al th• ftitse•
groups n4. wtsz,,, diatit or. make
'SpeK 114. ;From all part* of the
war, iii*dietne OW*04'
and , Many,: other -forms :61.--iesttti.•
ments which the Indian believes
.help.bis.f.tegse to, „receive
%es. 6? -the sun god As the smoke •
risei:: heavenward frerri th-e fh'el; tha
priests hant weird hymns,' their
srities hocerne Wilder' and. Wildekiz•-fia..---':/•-
their. movement* •fitster' •
!Theo.:, as the -dat.kfieke 'brie iitid
'th ch11. gflY:dtIstriSWI aptsiadt
:oVer.the stilL •
The Indians .sieep But they 'rise at
seven orefgM o'clock iinclopand the
do V. lire -paring tin the' ova"-, ,ailfLts
And so the foatiVitlall" 9014,11411. 191
• • (r
• .