HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-18, Page 3▪ •
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Vieivrioints •Ciwze,
'3 .7 ...,.„,-.3313.3 .333 ,,:;3 3•3.3 333313
3 • Grading • • •
3. 3 iTf: RuddiSIS, • POSY
:Stcraisescetalllisialener.... •
. •
„ iBY-F. NIINNiCK, OTT'A'WA, FOR THE. ONTARI4. .. The grading of dairy Pxoduce has
IIORTICULTURAT, ASSOCIATION.- ' dlfnculties-titse are not oncoSintered in
• • • , the grading or ouch procluets as grain,
' BY BEATRI CE PiiUMB. ' • • ,
, A Mad Party? Doesn't it sound fun? his hand, SuddelniSr he throWs"it, PP', -Ss ,
'Write your inititatiella on a elle*, of i bo the air and bursts, int.o. lager*. „. ,,,
' nete Papei cut in the siiiiPe a 9: male lauigith 41•3 bird esiise •can until' the '' '., 4Pis-°°Yere,s_snseed mlerlger is_e _last
stai, hat,, the fold coming . at the top.* andkerchted touched the fie i where- Y Prnwns'Au'faildri;Paga. 0 Put eVer.
. Trsee, shrubs and vilefi Migllt well shrubsor two and 4 ville-would trans.', yroel; fvuit.etc., emnlmoditieS
On -the cover writes "Tile Mad liatter Poll he ,stePs laughing instantly. The ho•airffi°r.r st 408u:rt. toile.sg.faalisi'Y'rng8"us„
of private homes,. parir0.4nd /an' 4„.',esstdr.iPs intosoleaSant, attractiVesiod of 'flayer• as- are butter: and. ctease. •of .lettels and exclamation point* Oil' does, which; theisreadily do but must taffe4,- glazed. ehintz, ldLL
InanY• bt,her Inateriala•ean `be used 0
says,". arid -follow with a OrasY .ether Playm
ers ust. laugh when sn
he Ys0• , °
.. he. esed more freely in the heautifiea- feinTa hare, coid and cheerless hasse aro nOt subject to such sudden change
inviting home ou.rroundags •• •Cheese rnalcers are recoinm.ended to
the hsini es• the hat, int, a in44•ted sash.' &top nt eno she • he 4- • ' ',,v1.' h •' figlared or 'plain striped 'Mein and'
..liealles• Trees. are by fat .. the 410st Trees shrubs and vines may beliied, leoP this, point in nirki when they .
'ion, write the day, date, :tithe and place . tiot sc easy. 'The one who succeeds ant
),. .. .
. , freshen thosappearante of a room Ila
911.th40,41-11.g, featdrea Separately to geod effect, hot the beSt. , feel inclined. to cempa.' tiisof •the grad- •Atlf Your., party% Onsthe inside page not laughla' g of turn" in ten snails . . • . •
In the yeget,able kingflenl and igreat:,-Y and. mast setis.factery results Are obi Mg .of. their ..eheese. WI? do •occasion- Write the sane inVitatienS 4fPlense: rOceilres the Prise, which sbolslfd nter °1•' suimhe'r' fnmktPre or "
sarpass all other ergenicS beings tained whet these are used in con- sisly get a comp -runt, and sometrmes a
coinssto los Mad PartY so that We 'Can s'ofliething -seur-ss leMori ,h, bottle. Pieces tirat ere Mit, Of 4.14r4104•Y• vtrith
. • • • t e. rest of the room can ba cov.ered,•
-height, • - inagnitede and ,..loogevitY. junetion with each, ether; ThisSpro-, litt"Ja lall4•01tolil mairers,Whose cheese- be Merrily mad togothers Simms Mad , of pieklees -, . , • . ,
'. 'I'llere are nearly six hnildred different since is•-pasticularly fortnnatdirs that Itaiheen fylaced in•secondserade; claim- f011ta have a sineetehahlt of:00431114ml The Masch Haiss, feOtosed• "at re- '44. 'a 4'614 1"°°In• 'el'i thus 6S• i?riglitts:
• kindssof trees .. groWlog -sm. this con- many. kinds of trees grow well Psac- ing that" Certain 'persons saw the they are soinah04 sa,, vsa-se he•any,:frealiment 'time, is a toy rahhit. Make .°ned.:-hY vW.-1 eheSea ,furnitureseOvers•
Sinsnt, Many et these are Iraporta:. ticollyeterrklibile, while ifilioy ef, the !,cheese:in, the.factorY and proliouoced body or anything you choose-theman hilts look moil .by adding whiskers :Of .8';?".°°°0 .°144,he' •111•44e Oref°4'Y
, , . , ,
. •• tiqns, fro' Europe ell& ,ASia and grO meSt iklefklitiftlil ids:Aliso and vines areSi•thern NO:, 1.., The flavor of the"cheese
. s . , in' the :moon for instance ' an egg- I white' hat: wire Set the tables in an .4°. t144 .tl*Y will he '1°°se, Yet'''. 'let
- • ' • ' • • s • • - ' ' . • baggy, , and they rinist-be neatly ;finish, "
beat*: or 'a blew -out! Don't dress the; Absurd fophien• guest sitting,bask - - ' •., • , y
'4 grewing • on private, grounds and ,hairdy thronghout- tile, WhOle of the.. may ,"haN* golie°,1Vrong:in the ineori .
.. . . . . .. . ..,pastisaes i.ts f,•.ssa, -giving prizes to this, Wa'rds: and..the courses revered Mix- . ' he re$84renl'ente e4ns he 'taken— '•
,,- parks. • The. uses of trees are..Matris •provinee. :, Vines; eiSp partienlesly tise- 1 timita.; but:in.:any; OaSe it is very easy either with A :, tape :measure . or hY,,
7. 'AAA i they sepPly Weed.',for fuel's:10M- fur lo 7 OSreening unSightly -fenees•And,:f6S sortie irresponsible ypierson' to Say '.mOddest • PeOplel•;•"" Marili-Yciurss,;---" ' ed. eilverWare little'sPoens big apoona "
• • .., - 1 1 • - • -'- - - . ' ' ''s ,.., ' Means of -A..n
s,sataisposs-patterns- It :
......4.4 ‘,.,,:jierrood; •tood.-raany 6rj.yi .i.ilay. he. tiseto .4d:sant:age, oyes' the, „that the.. Sheese. ate ..;,31 Sights Sather
Empti tin 'cans 'of ,a1 slieS eon be small knives teAsting-fof•!ss...,nla. •
Additien-tssistheessiuses4ther,haVe • sides Oria endr-Of'r-sdiAhistillslingis-seeli.:sthatistagiyesoffohce-hiserideirmirik str•iing lork.plece,s:Ofsatihressfess'AntPa.S „4an O'tray. Each gueSt telces use the 'talle nleastire, begin at
"• esti** , 'Mine which' most. not 'be, es, '•strible's garages etc.' :Them. ere' It:Should not be ifs:mined t •ther tOonda frorn •wall Vases' "may ' one -:arid• in:WA:eat his atiti:re meal with 1143 h°t-t°1n.'°f "tlie'''ehalr- at b4cI4
be filled With Miliquets • of: Cooking-J.114.s • AASure yolk friends that'the ..rtlfteure up the /3'44 t°.t6 top, '4°r418's
. 'underrated., 'A .cosiltry' trent which *many of :aur natiVestrees ,6iacler s,t4,1:wa,yg.,y/ropral10!th,..Other A ,
tb.e,t1 ',eat; liaire,been. destroyed becoineS .Very beautiful and •one is soin'etirecS 'Per404.., is always right, This po
r' DAINTY 'PANC,E. Flt6C1? • t b
utensils the'r qstiSlics” tied. mrlth large:March Itare•orderedsthe' menu.. 'Then, ° '• P del'f.n.' the ort•• .
A bo. t f etables4 Serve each with a small car ot and a 't° the•ihne"die'r °f 'the ent• "
' • Alinest. uninhallitable: . • ' famed te iv,orider-s„if there • are , not bility 'of sliffereaCehetween thefactory
. . - • • _ . _._:--All:Parie-dan-C-Saiiirtlfe"...ke•floiVer-like u !' • Then ineaanre Serois the • seat to ' the
or a feather duster .makes 11. centres ' cabbage leaf. A v.egetable salad, mieht
' "Oita can Make beautiful end ,isivits manYetetirsceutittyspeonlesandscity andthewarehouse cannot be properly 'fr-
ocks Of-Youth/etch:arra, fashioned•of piee.' ,Dirstpans are plerodid fans follow; Or Welsh: rarebit. ' . frSgle edge- And thence 'doom.' to the:
shig -horse surroundings by the use et peesld Alike,. who lack a .foli appsnelas iis..gas .a.0. a p,ea• for •• grading at the filmy georgette., - A. shelled yoke Of .- 'Allnarid. ass'at i c6O" 14 et Your ., ' ' • • , '' (kW; lqelaSare the -sides in tha'sataa'
trees, .sht,ubs. and vines., partictilaSy tion of •the beauty . of an American fa.ctorY or Shipping point , As a inab, silver laCe •ia, deep.er itt •the f ',n•ii and' el• u.ests' .as the: AsarnriVe, 11.ilaNni,eeldin. tell. : • • '1'4E'. '11111471cs' ''''PD"P: '.. Wa4-begilining -at tile' flO,er and...gOing • '
:i.f.,the grallada are,o("eonsiderable,Sise...elm,, a: Canadian ,suga,i• maple; 'or • an .ter Of feet,. it• emphasis4,,tha impost_
baCk, And outlines the .retind • necks' ar-T-• ts-SI: • -,-t ---i. -t' , ,-; • i •cias.,' • 'It -la' soMetinles. UnnY, to have a tip, seroSS And. doWn on the inside to
There "are lnallY .bealltifill:. floivering oak, Our Canadian praIries are; !saint ,ante of • designing the sYst0.1. s° as to While little, cuffs of the lace" finish that ..• them Y°.t..! al.,: '88•'• ).°818tit:Ilt. 4‘g"(Inight" stal:it'.1 . Lnuaties`Ah*°11 the seat ••• ', ' * • " . •
shrubs • that mai,. he:11mi, 'to advantage inade triois attractive' year by year give:the-grader eliery Ofirort44iiY Of aheit kiaion-c„...Eseas40. paneiso., thia • and feel174tnerrkly • about there are three. 0 a.raeters°7-1*- deaf ' Platt te• Make a seam et every -Place •
ta ,assuse desired diosal eirset.s.. Pasks• by the planting of treet,' There are, detsting unsound qualities' ef- flev"--..r .sway ,•gracefullY With. everY motion I ;1,...arim,.441.. ...,3:01
would he positively, ineompleti witheut many farm, and pity honies,..ancl tewn irlthe',artiele which lie is •Ocatuining.:' .ar'e *triniire.4 with.. the ' silveit. •tice• at '
". seems', is. a railway statien, : Tey• rails its direetion; allows An inch for . each,
station sont and •a. deaf. cpuple.' . The • WheristheMaterial:turns and changes '
trees, ,, Roads and drives are -greatly and citY• parks. thati •are beautiful. be That is to Say, the ideal Arrangement tire loiver e,dgei,shirred • three times ati 'i!' 5'.°t)•' out-of"!'*seri •g•t!":1-14.1fh3en- WAY tt'sOks; stichas children P;i4Y.With, .s.earii. 'and et least an •inoh. and 'a „half . •..
, 'enhanced III' the slanting...of :. trees on ..cauSe of the trees that 'Iraire.sheen 'would ho., to liaVelhe gradioesleoe.
. 'either side, ;Wide .streets • in ..caltieS Planted: '' -.These. stilirees: Would bo.' only 'Inrheil You.. are reason•abty .'sii.re
, tion •in, a slanting •line.. *Thia.,type-of .Tar.iec-or' *1-1'-'11tvh rtchlifr°713- 'cicYsT :sti'l
the op and set onto thenlain; founds, ..hi.nuef •cra-' ••• ' Et; Iv''.17 ...' Ili 'MusYb 1..0 Plneed *'-ni:stisa--406-rs-Iretween--the -ff-eit$:-.?-eth-fWevery yard of Jah...
aildiende and the door through 'which terlal• Re . &tire ,that. yen: do. Mit' cut ..,.
., • aro -, sofej'nea arid made. attractive if. oheerlese , indeed: -4•: the. trees we're. to . that: ..thii •• POnienent• ells.reeferiebleS roc lends.' itself . to ' many material's', turned As sw•ohis sneis; one So • in‘
''. tree0 are • planted .uniferrinly. on. both he taken aNiay,, . Do we ' in Ontario have developed Of Course, there are.
• eideS. of the streotS 'Nothing Makee a. where trees grow SO° Weil Mid Where twic.) Poillts of Iiiew illAhis nintter...The tern No. ,1237, which ia in sties .f6
and Yoti can easily make it' froth Pat -1 a. aset ' your guests 'will. natueally pass in your material teo. Close; for a. glipS -
• IlloeiStbackground for* large: dwellings so. manysnative varldties may he. ob- Owner oof the „butter' or elseeSe snittur,. Anil, 20 years ('?4, .36 and .38.'inhei '
18. thing in keeping_,_y_tr.it4 71.:,mag'-', c1-1'.. ' fl: f.:s.l'il47):(?-9°. high stool tha•eti.tottl Ot the seat ';.:1747tri:*chairthriti:isfitirra44 :21
r.: and litiltla Aa chair. before his face, So eattSii tiseeta.:iticheS all.the way:round • ,
-'.I:ar s?Ine:cl°1•11•1's •
, "than Antes, whI7.4'$Iirubs, serve,beauti4 • tained with eases take ftill advantage ally deeires to have the _grading dent.' huet °n1Y)'; 8l4e 1•• years ' (06 •h.U.-it) •ri,tell.:7111T141' Wc3i*!''htli-Z DrT:111gV; that 1.ie talks through the spOfteS in. its; •so that the :mateffel can be tticked.Wil
.. dully, • fens the . foundation planting of •.out, Opportunities iti .thia•t regard? at the 011ie •or untioi t:1.10 etunlitlens reo-uire'S 5SS•:yards(1.!).!Ar is. sTal.'11'Pht:, . iith9 'Vaek.;.• 'Ile cleat couple' stand On the ,and yet. alloWedforlite pull. that .Will
, 'Aroiand -the hotriae.'. Vines pften •Will. Let. tie make ii, greatier use of thia, When there is'. the heat pesoible Chance. '
Or 314 ' Yarda •of .64 -inch niateriai. Has 1. title .Ianuai y 1. h got over ''''... .other Side of the track And shotitstheir come 'Whine person sits cleivris' Allow '
' - make Plain. or ugly' houses ,lienieiike •dirriple means Of bonne. bearitification of undesirable qualities ,. being nnele-; siii
.. .. . , .. , , • si
Len mating the Yeke on ft& and low- 'ineaslessYet?"
low 6,.you . o,.3,6 ectain , s .
"L°. 'questions at the deaf agent. s The ,man a narrow hem for the britioni . unless •
. and! att-saetiye. TheSe. •.are. many in whisk Nature Ilea placed: .within .oirk . . endeavors...to find out About trainsSand you Wish a ruffled.. or • .githeked: frilV.
of lace flouncing,15 'Mches wide is E. .• ' •
.tected, in other words, Ile •wants• to es. edge. on panels, of lace. 2% yards
have the butter and cheese graded
when it Nha,s .th.pt best chance of re-•
ceiling' the, high grade. , That is the
private or individual' point of • view.
The other, or public point of views,
is that the grading should be done- at
. 6..
' ;
. jibes an eiceedingry hard time trying •In that case "make the rufflesabout •
Will,:of• God. • Gave, up the ghoot. , A - . .
voluntary Offering.% : ,...• ' ! • • • .. ,
, stances yshere' tivo or three trees,. a easy grasp.
.'irukArt itATRACK: '
011ired, the Yeke and: cuffs being' out .. You ean. get You.r.'eueets
SON ftein the. Upper edge of he flouncing. the minute they arriVe If you stand o'erved by .the oladies; The avn,exuag • • • ,•
• sove4 toeb,e8 dee-P, god sew it onsks:S,
r• ' ' arately A. plaited bottom requires' '•
Price 20 seats. s • , . litniurn hatrack, in the hall; three times as Much. material' as a
eltiv_Se klosed by singing the ;National'. An-
bEsn, 20;19, 20.
The', resurrection is • treated the. .. The designs '..ill'ustrated in Our ' tall Man atid cover• .head with arth , : ,• " • . ; plain (MO, Anda gathered bottOin, from
new iiien
• • Fashion 'Book are overcoat '-thruStin ontstrateliessas. • • ' • tivor..10_,:t„..ssosa,_ndsa-balif times as onisis,
tsniskTnisOrtile, '
.11. Ot "23. eassaagslassetstesthsand,4 peer his arrns an •
. • •
• ,
• • ,
• A.NALYSIS. Passion iS the history or the descent nettial• qualitY, and .conditien; ef the: cents the cop&s, . • • be Snapped togethee,and hung areiindsran-drnOther• ;
. of:selfishness to apostacys• his histisry If' atiY" large nuMber of '000a ' ItoNV 10 ORDER PATTERNS. .
,Oheeie is lifis°Arict4 or
fdeesrrtessiti'row;a4rliktyrtilnt; at'AP
• ,•
book ft) their 'coats Over his GleVes tria),,neri.:Opg to attend the. funeral. Of .his
• his ear. He eoia bola a. hOr-foxt Igr.` and DOricatil
Tot TheSefore .doth my seleets those incidents .with whichle- n ene of me.eting :on Friday oveniogi • at
sliihn lb:. 17. „
: Father•ICoie Because° elaY down was ditectly Connected to 'briog Out ll'>:::-.(1°4.ek :4ttleted''
mi life that I May takes it again- the deep divine purpose Of this mar-.
• vekruS, event. VJehn's history of the when the butter. or
the. gnoes: eeisi,es,0044: tirith ticbon:rinlyti..!' fin. di!ireiLdolittm g"SO hank theli hats on his 'hands . Vern-. Hodgins left Monday
and, took wooden your. mo'Kinipugn.
I. amiiius•DiEs'y 3.94 2340. of the, Resurrection. is the histofy of Ocean in ,Which the gtading does net • ,
,7, . 2_, , . .,._. ,.•.• -1 the -elevation -of loye-sunte-sabsolute correspond with the quali.ty the whole' i "Write your name address plairrL 4.ii, eaeh hand; the handle Of, eaelsreit-flrensgsoreSen-sThorailh7lit .
„ .
-4' • IT: Hal HI6E8'1,0EHM *HE 'HEAD\2i/::19; 3u: faitsn.e,. • Th fi t • f th- s . floor,-and-Ye4-Wills. havesiotta- :clatighterS-Congiatulationa. • .
p nce o e system fal:s •t,o tpie-CeSAndlthe liiii-efia - Yi-.-giving-mumber, ana-- size of such -sing -en -the-,
e rs ap eara
..• Ill'rRooticTION-.- The narrative of Rieen Chriletr WAS. nrade te.marY mag-' ancl adirantages 'of the grading systeni . , h lk ff he '
OL at pegs. When he iS sufficiently, „ ,.
easefull) for each ntamber • 'And . , • ., (Ibtended- fois last week)
•quar•rel" With the .vvit • Alt h' desir------------ it • . • Ceal spent the Week -end 'under re
o er is -
• asental root .. • ,
patterns a& -yeti want. Enclose 20c in
the death of Jeauseotrespends to thosesdalene,sa ye:Mien to Persenalt-lsv41 are 'very •largely lost.
burdened,e wa s o tot coat soons .A , •
(coin peeferredi. wrap •
• No 6ne'can stanille or' Coin
in the other.gOsPels, but it is given hi ,The next was made to the fearful dis: - - • - • • • with his line of assorted apparel. Miss . Alargaret.
Murray Of 'Mont-
such a Aray es to bring oirt the :deep ,c1Ples t,orestore hope and claurage •
apIntu al meani,ng the' ,histOry. All
Y. 19 Doors . . . shut. This was•
safety, d h d
address ur order to Pattern Dept, at'usassr TABLE
secure he best :pesSible results, fr.em
the r re rdless ns Wilson Peblishing Co., 73 West Ade-• The hatrack needs Yers:worker. Pro -P " ' • •
the Evangelists unite' in giving full point to -the Miraculous
for • n s ere ment one to • g a g, g4 co 9- .., ,, . • , . • .• a • . '. he 4.egular .rileet• iri* of the Holy-
laide St, ssironto:..Piittetris: Sent by ens's a:fat soleinn mainrif there IS en( , ' •
• aCesiunts •of the Peeeiori 'week as. if '`-- Miner by qii ncea. to the industry at lame, but
which 'Christ ealne thro.iiighinthe' Closed ---------ae•.ine;' there 'should he no 'return 'mail.' ' : ..."-• • .. who -is, both' a k hi to .kneel &Ayr rood WOrnen's InStitute was held. at
and give him •a 'larger round ttn, tray
to .heldeveS his head. ' ThroAr a table
-.coVer oyer., the!' tray, man and all.
'loves and. hats • can , be deposited. en
the: 'tables.the top of which.#1.11 short•-:
..lrbegiteto ;lift and lower and. tremble,
as your fob inan'e aroisliegin to aches
'Finally -She tab:e.•risse.StitiTy .and wad..-
.d5ES. upitaika. ' • . ,
.. •
they realized thaothe death of Jesus door, flits suggesting that change had quarrel irifh the other point. of view r"-s-srs-10-L---: •
was an event tSansceriderit.signifi- Tome 4:Arif his bedily. form. Peace be whiCh aims to 'pre:feet the industry and
canes. The Gross of Christ, has: been unto yen. This had been the,:rait greet.'
. . Make the grading.a real service Ri4iPns. for Breeders•
called the:grave of the old world 'Etiigi in ere he left, 'Tor the Crucifixion • . • ‘: • The breeding floCk, Previous, to and
!the cradle of the -new. 'The following (ch. 14:27), and it was fitted to quiet -1)--""--14"•• 'during the incubation Season, shoirld
$ , .
1:110S4tilt? liets'alld serve as handles to
push or poll the tipels: The lining is
thespalophik mit:grin:1 Was fastened to that it matches at the!de,ains. ,Pin the
quickly remoVecl for launderings as that the ,design :in the ,Centre, mid •
the tipper edge Of the basket • by snap pies ',of,•elpth in: their proper place A
tape.undeS, tiny. friN Of ribbon. on the chair; wrong sido•Out,:each•one.'.
„Thetruck is made Of Oak; with two smooth and fitted exestly in its plaee.
.selid •subbeS-tire 'Wheels at . the head If:: there•lii extra ,inateriali or • if 'Mr: •
and two .casters at the foot, so:that any••reaSonSit pucker: or fits bad:Ss '
'artfooth it by taking ittle, peat at
th&-peint' or by distsibutiog the pas
terial.lri litt1e. gathers or ;hy -putting
Sy:Wile. Of it. out. When ,pleCes
z -o ill:Place baste theM•together al„ess 0„
the ,seamssand then ex:inane. the chais
tose that thesslip,,ceVer •is a good .n...
Reines -0: tlieScoyee and stitch' it 0:1:
vlinit-isitti, Lease Openht„s, • o
• all their 'feats since Christ had. now - RI!
• three.' features are ,to ' be noted. in • ' , • • . • , , s mineral Fan& for Ffili.l... ' . be fed clinger qttantities of graio thap
• returned front tne over mans • . • - ..
'Jelin% aelVe1-1:-(1).• the MN, consent greatest f0s, He'shW.0011victory'40ereddeath.• i ,siyitha rapidly growing bird or With is the eikee with the•pidlet flock, which
with ;which 'Jesus ' submits to this v. 20; werp... .::. g:Ad;.This rebound a' SOS,' that is pr6,tucirii• a large:. ant:. is .being managed pbrdy foregg pro-
death,. Ch, 18::36;'19: gs.. (2) The way into gladneSe, was all the more,Won-; her of eggs ' minerahfood IS rieee : ductions . Feeding whole corn at night
. . .. the. Passion, ch. 18;9. (3) "The gicult and despait Mto which Christ's death - - ' . . '-
sits ' Under fr-es".• ranee . conditions; is:an excellent practice to put 'on,fleh..
in which the scriptures are Nfi!led in de, f
r ul..becati Se of the depth otaorroW
and majesty. ,Which shine through in !mast have plunged them; `itill 'the 4r44/..1 elements are .'"Irge''''y..°)ItahleCt The
.kn'ecli'ng 11°ek. '811°P'4 1148 .°x”
painful emotion through which they ' •
throirgh• the ordinary ' feeds. When •ifoq:ed ti:, direct 'win.light .as Much of
seveity aetion of jestis,. Ch. .18:6..
'• 'th • ri "'possible''
had .passed, the fear whie,hSthey atm f6W1A 4te Inore'or less clos.ely confined. e . ay as , by ,haying All -win_
felt; tills their rmer and\ pSesent besides what .ie• supplied through the dows ....O.Pe.i) . and unobstructed. • with
. .
trouble, Siitiot "giVe plaee to- complete :feeding -of alfalfa" Clovers, bran, and glass, muslin or Shutters Tiloy should
serenity in the. certaintythat God is other:ordnary:teeds-it is nec:eSsary,. he jet out .on ell pleasant.
for theirs" They now have the ,joy notes..Mr. eorge Ro - ertson,• Assistant .sun.PY aYs, for it has been found that
which .• o orie• can. take away _feint .1-lominien-Poultry-Zirsb‘ilinansin his- Aii•it-'jin.S"AsoLs-u-ni:jish.t,LAittt,--ash'
..tsais4tisss. 19 sl23,30.'
•• The groups Around tliTe Gross -,-;(1)
The Soldiers, vs, 23,24.• :These repre-
sent. the iodiffetenc,e; of the world , to
the.,drailia of divine love : " The ordi-
, nary' proCechirsi is 'foloweds aseordin
.to. which it was the fiesquisite of the
attending soldierS. to take 'the .clothing
of the .cracifted:perions which • in,thist,
instance consieted �f the .loose. Outer
' garment which ,could,he divided and
ofa very fine thnie Worn next ,the
skin. JOhn Who Speaks with, such
fulness of.. knowledge,' sees M this.. de-
tail the fulfilment 61Ps.:.22,:18.
(2) The Friends of ,Jesus; vs,: 2547.
. These, stand:around Alrawn by their for seal): and' black scurf t ey• are
;deep love fee. JesuS, 'Watt. 1540 SaYs spsead, , ,
a :well:Sighted .room, ahos'e
• that many Vernet, beheld' from aa s freezing, Mr fsom • two.•to Tour' weeks:
O And we would gat.her...that a, few Of to planting t '
theSe dune nearer to the cross, though ;, • - ee alta -
the ninnber is'Uncertain. Seine think "Pirlif is not necessary', put tubers miist
that there 14,ere only three *omen, hie he ;ptead out Wit•we they havc .art
incrther and d his ineth.e,rs sister called abiindanee Of., daylight: ,Aftet, they,
' Maty -the wife of Cleophas find Mary have been exposed grow
Magda:Jane. :111‘ difficulty 'here is that short,tough green sprouts Whish
..„ t*O,siStets should. heat th.e wine name. get about . a. noaeterSosl. an inch long
. Renee; it is better ;to ..'suppose that and then stop' growing:, When Ihr-Z
'Mary , the Wife, of . Cleophas • was a tetash•eree onrouts are Placed in •I,In
fourth sSerson, whp is also called tho '. • . '
soil they. Deem. to g. row, .while
,Wife• of Jahns the less. • • •
V, 25, .nurther's Siter.
Pobably sproated tubers „will. be Very, stow rn
Saconie•the mother of the sane oflebe- •skdkitiagJ • • ; ",
• - ' ' ; • bulletin son polaltry . feeds; to fees vitamin: D•cente t; which givea tci' the
sr " is egg much of. ife 11 tchiug•power.. • • A
. . , .
Green - Sprout 'our rotatnes. . „ . .
• The feeding , 'o :.co&liver . oP to
' If you wont :to hifyiietlie.firgt eailY • , . • ,
. . breeders at the rate' of i per cent. of
petatois in the neighbOrhood, grePe.• . freely.-- Bones; shells, grit and eharg their Plash' feed, of',a pint to each NM.
sprott your early teed. This . .
. ,.
Praetiee'' Coal are that are generally birds, will. help-supp.einent. the sun s.
will place Potatoes on yout table,:frcrii gaad for this purposet I3ones,..gican rays' and -help build up a high ' vitatiYin
a week to ten` days earlier: '' • • ''• • ' cut, 01 bone meal fed' in the mash' or D. sontents • s • ' •
; After the early potatoes are treated
somethings that contains , these ele
ntents in Ottch.quantities and condition
that they .can • be assimilated more
hone granulated fed fir hoppers Will.
meet. the need,"••OystenAliells crashed
and separated into varlotis sizes are
commended, especially • for laying
fowls. Corinneteial grit egoists in the
grinding of the,,food in the gizzard,
but some of. the mineral elements are.
'undoubtedly assimilated. Charc'oal:
of. granulated size in a hOpper should
be kept constantly before the deck:- Be-
sides the mineral Matter ,it contains sews and harvesting toots Which inuSt
Geed, hatches of husky chickscan
be had 'only Where, the breeders ,ase In
perfect phYsleal sondition.• '
• I. Grease Against .Rdst
, Rust destreys,inore machines fot the
'fariner than 'actual use' does.
There is a sibmie wayStOwever, to
prOtect ,even ' machines 8ileh es Pumps,
it is-.• a' .c6eitective, 'for digestive And be,left eXPeOed to tho'.iVeitther.,. 'Get a•
boi,V.6:•-disordets . ,' • • • good paint •br.uol,ii.lid.: the heies. t nil
raising Chicks are ilue,•to eontaininated:. 'Maintaining some- form In' 'aceoinit, •
• • . . ,. • . • : •• • you .'eall,..tilid lItt!ot ' ON'4. ..41-1. ' meta ii...•ained, .ii, plevet flies to make the kround• . Not mils' are. e. ertitiiil disettons iiig ,iss alisolute:Y:. 114'4. I1 .i f • the
.' Ilogs catelr tubereblosio from Chick- pasta, .. Tho . Alin •of rill .psoteete, the snots':1.04 se. •011,s "hesors,
. . Yoe .ceunt .t. isios.mitted in 'this wa Y. •. b is ' t:irriotis ; fitriner'iO It 'be sure that be. io f a min • '
•I's•A riled :this. , t'aisc, he riins;hil'ao• 1, ••Should he,: iyheil :Internal _in'. rasitt..-S. gain .pit'tranre • to• •in Ilie;inOst pipil,abl .0 A3,, ' It, is the.
, . dee,.,laine.s and John Thts wouldttc.• " Vor the late ,Votatoes,' greening will °0..hoit..tr,.e."1 e.o*ZraaYspr.. 1...,7, yftn ..,irot..a.J10.1' ;.filopt.h,s,,.. , .:1
- '..,,, count -los the oetion ef. JeFAIS ill • com- -prevent'shritikage,ok: tubers rind keip Es, fo owing .. researches at. the iNe.- stunt front. a brother in the navy; his, Will: C011iail 'the: ikei:ond. time, give ..tia it 'new host:vitt thtL•santo niati6er. I MO waY lo escertain what,' return -his
mittmg lire mot, ,L to .Tooes•caie.,. all the vigos and . vitality, 4n tile:nt.i. , 1.0 tska .C,' : I., ' f' ii.., .. ,•
- • • • .
A • • • . ' the:00'1cl ansWer, he is .allOwed,:to• • Ail ideal; arrengement ' ol': to • have: trlar.!(;initt (tii,(...t,•,ti.rldp. iyoltddittl(•:tiiiul.not.t3'd,tsq,;., ti.:otiiciritiktte..itia. :
' it Works' to 'perfeetioa,,--.V. R.
. .
, .V., .'26-• 'Won/Alio l>hold' • tliT ' 8310 tonally' the late, potatoes 'begin to„, 7---,'-' . . • . • ,
• • ,, •
stahtl••again•. , I f; howeVet•, he fa i: ii the' I ll'roo•Ai i -i! i net "is'arilig•rargesi t.lam.) oirIP •••
Though in , such inottal agony, , Jesus, • • • , . inure: nioRTit KNowING. .
other'si witlilovink •fore;- sprout ear..y becauSe'temperatu tea are' • ' ' ' ' • '. • ' • • • T
too Itigli', • Just *as seen; as • the tubers ,' . • '.: • '• • '-. * militia •.ri •.,•
A' Second time,. be must. go. fiat oa . Ilia :of • whieT1' Call. ha ".givelf kwiy. yearl• ;rt.:1 Ohio to the flieni9r,•• in. deciding
bCek,..,and IS adead;". The ,genie is rfslt•••0:fa's lis .Adlickons are elllICC/q10`..• wilil`h .1)ft i'licte•ar' 11 noo. , or .'woiic :a•re,' '
.. thoug4t. Nor,o• of big *wit I) toth 0 1..'. .
.signo of sbroutings plate them. la ',.- - ' ... • . . • • '. , • . • ' ••••• •• '' . it1U .
• .1icd ;thus far •jOined. his kingdom' L'an'd • u•- how • , ..
.fi ill s heil When ail are tint in...:1 row. ' 1.).etActen alleCeSAVC ;,rt'ari Zlf libV....Whyi . Profitahlis arid :Which ore • not, '. With ' ' •
.. ho 'ilierofei.0. ontruSts , his .metlies to the 'light and leave Ahern there until . ' ' • : . • • '• ' •• '
• s', ! . . ,, . • ,A .i 'S 66.)•dAmir.,.... . . • • ••• this sannothe ilor,•,• pie 11ef be•;•-• i•lolt,„ Ilp.i.'object of • stippb•ing a simple 'end
;,, • • ,'•'• . ToLD.• BY (IRANDFA•1 IllilT{.. •••,,,s . .. • , , s -• • ... s: ', ,' is to ItsiVe two• rano,: *11<. At to h., ti:led 'ettivient ..N.riii •Of- farm ' acceunting, ..
. ' the air who ig in" dc pi ,y...ipaihy , •r,:an ling time, • .•• . , • • ,
.,,• . . •
,151.1g4 is a . 11t..W ver81011 ot."•tne. 0.,o
• .()tanges are pee'uliat•• thinks tn !note. top •portioli. of. ail orange .rtv',1 or tiny fio•oritt, " Hi rds t,i,..„. „rhe.leilder calls in•a!tcrtyati,4eitrs•-• : . ,.: ' .:.•,... • ;." .....rlift...,h Will. yiki '11.P .litEe time yet will
.."."'"7 Witli ht OW4 irISAl4 and 10 1, til'i Ili,Xt ; .1i'llittlevs who Want 'ear:y ...pottitoe
• .'
00122 est in kindred .. John's. Previous - I:Sr fen -lily use, shoal& steely-sprout:Wass than one, but .theY have ohe •otid ;grains, thit Ire suss): ' • '• . ' s,,,,s--- •, ,s. • ,--. -- . . • <.2 111¼' one. to ,lerp • -a-co r :Iv t' Pee or,c1 ef ,
telationSliip -with Jesus. had •;•PieVel, them .and plant. thorn at tha ssapljest lit4;10-4i0it that ..ita yety, sety. „tater:— * '
that he 'Alai worthy 'or moehti:ititidnp.. •
•',. ,r, .21. Totik' her tilitO hhrown. twine. '', P"giii}?'°„461:,°' .' ...: • .• '1 . ' ..' •:°stin4' ' ' .. '.: '` '. 1 ' . ' ''.;... • '' "..
'PesSitily", at onee, i hat oho Might, be : --Ts,- " • ' '' • • -.. •
FiFilinY,Baariii-Hogs... --. ti•e'ss i 'II one end ae •in the ether. . '
Oranges put tense • its much' sweet-. .P.f giant 8u118. tiltA4•41,4 till'00$41 simet;•• ja. .t}l''
. . . Ni . *'
. It t:'olitiVili:4 Mini011'S.Or :StiliS allli it 111WWIS'' lt"'" 8.° :°ng'' tts l' )kc•Pn"ili'):1!"-)34-1-'. !:14-1"Ir7. 7'i.tlt '
,, , ;,,010 m ii ic,, wa4,.. i,4 :a.,,E;i,e,gt body ,,olteutti,v5 ,4t,,,,:i.;.0,,,:,i,,,,,,,,,,g,i1,,,..hieii,!tiv. e!.fireli.flilgiS,,, , .,. , ..e...i.:.2,.side.ii. .0.. ro. . siiti:t .6 ... ., ., ! 1(2):::,t),,„,11,,,,ff,:d.. ::itiQ:12.1;:t8:tee.hrti.it,i,:t.,.1):1),:i5i,,,,,iii,,ti:i.,%. oit.!.:f.!. i it‘..1.gli:.,,641,111)::iik:elle,1,16601.i, ,..i:jitit:....,
, . . playefs • initnednatel,,v doing' • ; . • -
— 1 '. • .1 ' ' • f l•
• • eayed tlio .1aSt ap,,,e'llie: .I1,...: tetlii'lla 1: . '
, ... •a.s0 contams rnhhons*. and
... i')i.hons of tho 7.ader 'iii ' Sib i'.if' fi , t1.111'...::'!''''''8:11.1!("1 4..,th1,2:gf rri::.,°.('' cs.11).t1111.1,st"f1-1120.1(2)1rt' etilit'lir'S' Itlitk.t110 takIllg. of inv.•ntorres,•
..*,_115:, ,,Ther.e,.1s no ins:It:0n ;of_ Alttr3,.•.. •• '',i'lr'theal•A. .0.P 10.dink.,110•"0'• a (Ikea, ,Clut .iiissirratigt.'•• ' lir . ha:f.," attaignt ,
. .-i1. ."n-`:'Vh.1e. WI s - •• i•n
st4•i,l,s.,n:t•.'.Tifter.tTi„..i4,. .., .•.•t:c•i.:lf,.•,h:J:iOtthieae. . n:ini, t1yspiceti4
s of1,;•bgosgi-sIn,s,tef,nc.eese.t,i(1,,. .„a,
th--e miidd•le • ti•
v'6. in the ••te:in ..1,Pi'e',e3'• ?, .'. P- ..4,• nl..e...-',s..,,'' i.'.5.i' .:.., . .. • ...' ... , , A•, • ,.,•1.'
,•ee:tritc, '1y, " y, •- 'S• Is.A.:. .1A,(Ti4t.e,.,L:,, ,,•s,,1,ao1Y.y.,. 1 7.S1ua.,t1.:'d- t,'s, .1.siY•."•e.s' 1s.t'..mI.• i. s1,''''1.:1,c
ir. flit;i- :.••,
.. •-s
, .,. . •
l.4.i;4611;'' ''!P.7..112-IktI‘.::.ltt'gefil
eept'fsA:cts4 1.4perhnent,coubinottnt,thn.Frsser.4,t00,.partier,anithe,top„01„sineethenu.(1ono of theepiesefor:217;;;ui(ktiotititogs12‘'tuVti1;ln'1'I;1tiititt
0)1110intdIV42'.Itt N.1Ekpatimental Station, it was thitci.oticottifettatnr.iftoitbicunit, ot ts• OT,41111 iItki"rIthtr1(2:C;118ftlhtiti?!lt'atiot:4litrttIfehi
28AIIthings' \\ (.20 115WtC(4)rt 31**it!4tligPturcstsidets, ireaet0ttntto,ieted.foou,,,6a1.!1f.!, /snis•7ssssgay16fs O 1i02(4tictiitt;re.ola‘
1110110•12•vtTiislq''',hat11.1101idgm,frs4,fg•toet(Ifthi41wir1tiO41sj1e1;4ft(Tfly 4421
weiiit ilf ;,is--1-ii/jtii(11, 8i,N10 tt'd,f0.• a ssri • ' - ' s s"-• s ' -.' ' • ' s ss ' : ' - s.:stedi by whicitsit, altinirt0,-4.4. .ite'e:.: •••• ing minor, milliiii; •O' ('"-• ir7ili-1,;" bniols-S it'..I;i1...';'. -1",.,_'''''..74.(.''t lut,„'Y •sPrItIt4l 'tili.'n'18(`•••'•ve•4'; '''' L'• -0114:1,41'• li'''":"..4.,:*•'1,i.'''''':;"'•:21;.47.14';'''`ifii-,i•itti's ,. :...h7ints to, rlotitonakers',.
. P•7 "favorably, when the hogs; are tieVelaii- , . .. t ,.;,,. ; .
" as ii...i.iiit' of the, agony, of: the. Messiah; ed.ea, a, gtewmg 148604 enittate affect. 116tise-• Jilst h W. 1Weet 'Or gersisit4S:16,i1M-e•COtiv•ataidgilliCriii-•-- - - . --.•',"tt '''"'g'''''''''•,'''-'.'-'•"-•'•:::tiste,`,1;`,::',.'i:h,'"..•; ' 'le. 'e. "''''''' steliZ;iillffoolte. 'Irl(L.Nteoinig';:rolini Threugh ' Venn/ ,:ewing, .,iti!teltinc; oil • front;
'tore (Ila,, 0:211, hait.predicted thitstr • :, , „,
t. • 1 • . 4 : • , 1, - .4 li 4- 4-1,* 1 k DJ11f • 0.: . * • . ,*,. ,,,,. ,hli .. ,... • • • eitys, "illo,Squtt , . .113 , pntket s • stand •. • • ,,. ' ' • • •-• 4 ' • • ,' •• •• '"
-••0rat•---stirthiti,--znoik4istis ,111.11Y, reftr, ta.71,1,-Fe..--eit.,-.1mf-AYPI'A.L.it:St-:,,,,it: ten •••••t•4119,a,v.. y-!..L.c.t.•itt._•..n.,•.•f:n 1-Y,,,f,,..•,,,,n•.,„•••ye.g.--,••,111,••••••:,..4,...•;.'..,......,,-.••••••••••-•;..•,...:1-,•,#:::•,•,..„... • -.....i;',:i...:.''L,,,__..,..4.tit146,i01/4,4ket,,,,titt.,,LA6itit:6 „Iiisr,n4,4.tiliosstifis.-deSS -We! ean.ssasilyslesits. tits .1.10w,l'....01.'re.vontfilv.ii;..w.4.41-4.14.i•-WIthAariOrlittiati•;•-•.••• • --.:.- - ,.•••••.
, ., . - - . , (.)0 •111 • A177- t ese • alio al., , , . , ., ...' ' If
' V on' Vineottr• Seine WIne• Ili-, cos-, 'beginning ..of th:o, 'ilnisking poriod.3' tippes half will be Nosy intiCh. sweeter_ttl',' t° l'ather r"centlY-• • ' „
,• wagon W teh iitsrketing,.• the ( oei stilt nisi , 0
oxiiiiigti .1....q.ua•:..i.rttri..s.. Tt7....1.r...i:Tt:,..rti,,:ti.f.!, .,N..i..1.11 com Avnivi.,,,vra • 11..:, •
' plitehing-1thitst--,Whicir-he-htid-thusrfar-is-N, l•-(1•.at'ittg-thfr...gr,nlvrT„Ig.-at'a. ge, ..tugtt find,be. very •imucli strip ,75.1,1.,7r hum 17
, .Footitty, efidosefl,, ' .. • . s. .. • : :. tletiiiiug' frOtit wearling .t.ine untit- the . • that 10- tune. ca,,,es•-aut -,0 •tni. the .N.1,444, nrystifird....la 1)-014,, , that S., ,. i ,
.... .,
. ... T11-.()VIC3:i.:11•all,};-7,J;1(y'"bhilhitLot:Ittch'trerli.2:11:1' 11 ,f1..11o;1.i.• ,11 ii '1:t>, 111 •):11'1111112:1e7..
People:. f.i..:&t,i6..,T,'16to.:.tliiii-truk ifiiiih:' •:.141., 6:irhi::,..,..I.Ihut.,t...",iimt :0 ri .t. ;•,4.1,,, .4... oil. •1,:,, 1;1.: • p. 11.. y... ,,.i.o;.s.n.T,:,•11..e.ii,. ,ssi . the isit side, the: .•N't,..1„1,,,w; ;tling.N. :,41!..:- 1.-4.rtni,r,,, 1)104s1 , ,,
,, t......-'
. • . ''.. thek '11.iiii'hs' ter.q! hint, probably MI6: ...of ' .i. .:
". thalarY. drlisk, or: .iu• sO'ldiersi, wificii• • fends - to deVelopleligtit;':while'••lieavy 'than the 'Stem-encl..' ' ', • . ' , • • , ; 1,i1. t in- 1 11 • ,izt.:(,i.w.,y tvliqifieneisoOs i ("..1?0,itlied. •
. COMP114810n., SOO .M41* 14 ''''''"' .
,, "ot* . 81-,;.• . l.1'e.6t°pdti'i1r1ee$S.'.('4I' t1•'"16:11PY1.1'-1°4t0W.4ilt'itet'°..,mlo•Pleig'e''trh. e.-stos..o. dTinhte'' "'•'AS•,sin.ts.".a• r's. n. i' ,0 ,1.,0-. '
0•s„•,.'l'..a-'.. s,,s,SHio.„ ,6 , •WIsncg:rsen.
."-'r"rheakl• eSeteaylt:)'I1n1:n1,1Y, *ten Ihn:t_he,• ','..T.or...t,e4,....,,.,„,,•,,,4„,,,,',.,,. ,. ••• ,,'4, Ny'o',a.,so • itio0.N.o., itt+..u.ngq:,,4,:t4.:- 20 21 ••:t!'.i 11,•!..•,r,"
V'):4:1:411libid'Z1lltAtI.614prgtttin of firstquality bacon hoz, °'ange'Pu-111.m°s"A43ut2'°0:'117W4i tionsInon hog li01P(!,h2118 8.1! ,,,14r,2:2,•‘C..,1,.1
, , 911.,iz•p• :h 122(1
", • •
'111Prn Pi'''. beire,cL ' r .„ ' " •• . 'A.” '''''' 4"1"''''' ' ' ' :. <,)e.Ctir'ttag .in•VVVI.' il.pll V:Ill. tlinfit ri am A . tt 1 4 1.1(1' A ,‘ •-.1 1 .1t.f." It nt
and only•-frattid411Joltri,.te•P.9'19dthila.T 1 Arrli.• ,:..,,
. . • . an d°es' the InPcluetten *Itl$deteetcd
.... • . . elute Asi•not 4,6.4:nailed-that al-ea.it be, . nig such a thi lig-, 1282s a os0 pOpl a,,,ot Ihis•is. ass,sys st so si, s fs. •
a k:ot:imis.A.titinit*,, tho task saSteits. Shutt, thiek, or: thiek *Snitistit types,, and siSlen „ iinleLthollftil ts. the ••littil'S'• Welt.. ' `,T,i :1/1;d01110..911P ,SYTIO .''AT.Igl':•,4r, hr:o.;liettilli." . ftli.1.(1•Jr:I'ky-";14.1-1.11:zin'Pif it ":':;:rlocigiid.,. 1, 411'1°111'17 t,, .el*(1'.1:•)pr,10T1-:1•1'il.irte.eb i41:1alm,)bli° tti?z,r , ..
-,•,-.., •;isni ••i" . '!3f .tiy-,.•... ,,' • ' ' •
„;.ed to. Rim, .by tiro .:pittlipy..iti. 4,16w..,, fumy, ditaii.co,r4i6g. rod-tilkg, ....40pi:.30 at fro re ..0eellsititte.Y.• and ';•at.:'llelitai.ti tit'ne7.i ,-1 itde tliiiigl:SttlfeSe. and. there to jiiake. liral: vontuglatielyi•-. statid . 'facIng ;the Alio. ,...h.t., .iimostiriiih.soili."ti...tft ;art i `,17"0 1 it ali,Atil.,,• .e•Ut.. tlie.4iiii",i0ii '.iiiitf'4:iid." :""t';•• . ,.: • .
. • ,
.during the setitoti srott i,vitt - nod the the. altS, pretty'. '. ',‘ 10ther litilVil SVi.tti a 'bundloerchiel. •itt • y11104,41.11, t, L •
, . •
• .
. . ,. ...-. i litiwzr, ill a Ionon :,,,,queezer...'
, .• , 1... .
pattern:before• you ctit the cloth, pin •
sheets Of the paper smoothly On ".
the surfaces of the chair that you • are
'going to co*. ' ,Trim ''the' edges
exactly, allowing at least an extra
anch And a :half wher4ver these is tots
' Searass-Reartendse--i-liiiiiie7a .
three inches along the 'three inner
sides , Of the :seat: , Round tile paper
wherever the .ehair rounded, .and
have the edges cf the paperfetow ex,
aetly the lines a "the' chair. •
: You are now ready to dot,.the:ma
teriat 'If yon have the • pattern in
newspaper, lay. it on the Cloth and cot- •
around the•edgesi, In cuttinghave ,the.
straight of the °material rim thelong
.way Of the' chair„ not round it. See
..Aftet greeting:Your gueste.tell !them the basket ximY be IneVed easily,' about
:that en the sound of the gong (y.rooqpii: the, !muse And;into anyserner: -
spoon on a tin pail) .eaeh,peSso:n is to : The basket is held „firrnly fibres
impersonate...the character or thing he at the coi ners. by., wlodenpinS about
is.•; This is a ,reheatsal. '•:Following it, • font :We' stained both
each in tutn 'Must' perforari before the .basket 'arid truck a light -oak eo•lOr.
grettp; the.esthers attempting to guess. T
:Les Wiry lbsirsi. can .lin. Inched
hiS. identity: If yen notice anyone not away' in Warm bed end Shen ,pushed
• ti--eool-7-roont
.folltS :pay all the forfeits at . a. Mad traveling he is Wrappedsiingly in hi's
:party. Then. giVe shini another change: bed, • and both 'baby...AO-into:kegs ate
Priies, :offered • for the ' crazieet,' could placed On• the floos•lo theback of tilo
be aufri watts With the routeto the •automobile, Where he receiVes the feW.
nearest Asylum ,penciled in blbe. ' ' ' bump,.• The ride does not •tii•e
• "'• ' • • • .13tiby'or his•lnothei--71-11Irs., p,
• HOW MAD ARE , . •
'course .part ,WaYtip 'the 'kgs, seams of •
the chair :so. that 'you eau slip it o:r
ands on. put 1 i tt,:e ,• s naps along: hs.
al4' of the Open length so that
:it cap be:Closed 'when' the cover is.in
B in1.1 i thosearns With b,raid cr
holsterer's cording 'of --n-• 82021 142 or •
,:gtiests and telt them that yOtt Wish to
Ins.this 'test, select'three-or -four.."ss , • ' ' • 11: .: '''
contrasting ,eolor miilcas a neat' thliell,
teat their Sanity. Stand drill up be- '. ' Clean .ar9undi kw: C.hidvii.
foro-the rest ;• Take. a Positien•heforo .. iPerhaps filo •ine.st important :part of.
.' m Y it ANnIE.s. T.; HITCH R14 UTENSIL..
IyoUr "ele.ss," and. pointhig at 'first one,
then another of your piipils, say, for
example, "Thi,s is my foot," and with
the , assertion,. touch . your -head. The
pupil. 'must" instantly totith-litS'Ioet,
with•the statement, °This is my Ile.14."
:17On tontinne,Iti siniKar fashion, point:
ink to Various par 4 of your body 'such
as ' 'dose, little A g r, eFir, etc., but
calling each by ,the - e Of sotne,othei
Part. • If, after the game has been ez.
4 sanitation pregisim :has to. do with
the way the yoting• chicks are tothe
grown. • It is essential that they' be
taised on ground over,•Wbikli no chick.
ens -of -any age;Were allowed to run the
A. toy O garden rake is, one df .my.
handiest lcitchen utensilie I use it to'
sitaiv hot Pies' and ot.hee het • dishes
fro the oVeri without burnins
Itsed.s • It i's hong near the stossc,Ond.
pretious yea:is •If 'land on *bleb .no ••
chickens ,have, been . for,.to, thi.ee r is used •daily.-r1Irs. WA R.. ; •
fo.tir years' is available'. so• intioh the., • '
ktth ).., , • • . • rArrri Accounting Macle
Many of thetreuhli,s..0fitoutitored ' . • ,e. •
—5" • '
'fictorupWhed. Ile had done 'all „the null foods thau, .the othqn:.