HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-18, Page 21,042.5 .:. ntarth0,410., my 7' .giat, * ...,,, • to. . . 11*1bini; th.; oldfiii;100;:••-, n4 but It has nothing to de•with me. • = = NO no, she in not dead! And no 000 Allan tejleh 4 hair Oiler head! She is'A sZedi honest OA :40 Of saved Zellr: Wet. Orgat ,Atia moment Whea 1_ Wanid not have ' &fen •two -1. pence ,x9r 11,01' Persian Skin. As a matter of facti'nehody bothered abent. you. tirItY Were you there with that little eheIll ,lrOn Watr-d have 'died as well e4 ,hei My word, how she en- ' '.., treated ',Me for h•r: little Chip! But X• -WO- her that;*.an.e.h.e. had turned the " senritiene she had,. through Opt 'very feet,. and of ;her own free will, *tome engaged to 'me A!d. that she did•litit• 'need to have two .000 ert,geOd to her, which was true kiongb., 1,-r•PAs.for.$'4114 YOU did iet exist, you. • lArlineteii:,4stagra,odileStril;ittetebv:r 7.1", and you Qn:Yonark me, dare* when you Wei' water -Christine devil,:0because:''t° e ',7a; t••f4.'fhthe• e'"' 1 boaiitifiit: blue eyes Wide 'elien and : swere^tO. AA *S. She hoped•tk,he. saved. that she consented.* -be; -my living 1,1tALirk ta47,11101r4gleli: 11' •.tay deadrwi e; it wati?the 'Brit time .T, Eaw my living wife there,. • She was • . . sincere, us she belled to be eavell-She • would not kill herself. It was a: bar-_. . CHAP ER XIX, because it might 're4t .datigerout 40 'gain; •.' * He'll a minute lantekLa"he - THE'rmoOr,Timanages ,r,oyz.'sw•az everybody's health. , - .. ...• • - ... , l'ira.2t4IdWi% tigt rio'illi,VakesiLI,Ifler,Iuhr:nd „ The preinens.: chapter ,•intirite. the EVOntUailY. Vie:yearigt,i41110.1 n't;:':Osi.i.1,:it a '4' my honor, 01','" thought you, were einae:)0sioUrOrthe Written- 'narrative 'like M. de'Cla r= which the ;Persiae;left behind him. . until 'he was in his own roomourned for! ..,„,-, ., iloweverl, ,, . Theft Yeti ' ' Notwithstandingthe horrors of al by his faithfal. Darius, . who bald him:Were! . .. •,. je;,soito.tind'eratoed that ,i. . 'ffituation`,whichl,seemeit definitely to, that, on then.ightbefore,,he was found was to takeyou uPWthe surface abandon thitn•'to-their'leaths, • M. de Propped selng the door of 'his AAA a :the earth. When, at iest,,,I. cleared , Chognyend his .companion were eived.). Where • he ' had been brought by 0 the renia7rh3liPi/e, Teem 'a you, I !Sr;;"the'fioUblinielilevotiott of Ohrietiiin, ;stranger,: who rang .the bell', before cattle back 'filen°. .. : ."••,„ . • ; ;9 4) '`- . 1(e. . And had. the rest or the story: gning away..- . ' • •' ' • . AVM' the lips Of the dltrege himself: , : , AS soon' AS the tiai0ga recovered ; What have youdone. with: the Vt.- d his c innte de CiluguY?." asked the Persian •' When: X •Wetit to see him, he' was: strength0and his,. With, he -Emit' U. interrupting him. • , . ' , , ' ..., stall :living,in..bielittle fiat in the.ltneF Count Philimieshonie to inquire after "Ab, you see,. daliagap I couldn't was 'cry II ' and it ' aired ell , m thatIlle. *•oillig than hod,not, been seen ile wAY1. 9 hostage. . . „Alit 1 could STS. AIGHT' LINES .A.Stli,T 7Brion, opposite the Tuileries He the viscount's heiiith. The answer` was eaaarry him .up Ike that, at once., . . truth -to : persuade hint to live. the in-. body wea. found on the bank of the, ell ,_, .8•.iinuseill j Ch.hrIllnee'9'n8.°9ileitaellEce" 'Tic '-gtralgititiPt°sRiAT 0411117: whici: 'Vie .slidor'as)anilistarian 1) 'd the' and that Count PhiliTille*as dead. His , ii_t, keep P h• .e. credible -tragedy over again. for, ,,nytopere..,,batei on the' ;Etle-8eribe BIS len pAIII..up comfortably. I chain -ed him in iinpurtanen viith' ilk, earizi.3. line, - benefit.ur4ve,ii.i.:,...th.4-; .311. ',hon:„.-ile ,,,,,,p,. ,,,i,.„)iis,,,'Tinhaess.,PwOhrsicjatiniinneighbtarired,d,Ittroemrecibeuhi behind islePinniirtaYd-leaftwhhii4f ofthetlihm.epMasize.ofirdiegra.r.n. is 'charininglY pertrard hi this. triode. eyes, the daroga found hilmselt .isiint the wall 4,4 the torturehatither,.,ena 'hi the Communists' duxigeon,swhiCh is develaPed in one Of the ,dainty" new on 4,bed; • M. cid:,chateni. was, 04 . a. hart no doubt eoncei*lattlfezonne and in the most deserted and ieniste. part Toulard dotted- eteAPs. The frock is , t,,ti iii._;aide ,t,,,*A.idroe.. ATI tinge, 0,f45.„.iirriiii.o. ;.. Killitioitik„Ese dii he did, of the • opeilyibeinw the oft), eatit., 'Straight in line from shoulder to hem • Where no one ever 'tomes. and Where showing just a ,cittle fulness oyea, the ,:,end,:e.3.4evil,Were WetPhing'oVer them: he •eaallY, reconstructed the tragedy. .A.,;,:a •:the figure, of the masked loan, Thinking that his brother had run no one ever hears You; •Then- I rana0 bust where the front . lashed in yoke :0oerned4011 the more feria-4010'in his aw0 'sit Christine Mee, .; Phili hick to Cltristingt, She was ,waiting effect. The turn dciwiicelar is fash- ...`40;fashieited; neat tind' ' trim;.•litt:e h0d daSh0=1_ 'mutt of him along t e Or tne;' • • 6. •'! '1 ' • • ". ' * - 'ionad„cif sOft4one materia -1,' as is the : *eine. Tir tart:4°,74,ra :ave.? ';'W---1 e2-y-ysi-i-e-Osessele-- , Wliere-,be,LIsste.wAlia ' -Erik here. rose solemn1 . Then .. he . .7 t 'reaion' u/ our r elicious bleu .,,r4nr.7.1ar ertelk.''e- "When' dir;ceVered the wonderful Work • , done by Sunlight Soap, and the Way it :".PtotOts fabrics, • I -,,Juiew X. was detigq, , 8. Exp'etience a composite character representing the mill- ions of, thrifty housewives and earefullaundresses who have- made Surl/ight the,, Iarges selling laundry soap in the ' ThepopularitY of this great. .ibou.-saver and housel id economy is based Qfl, effi-' .aelle-Y--axid.;;Puri • e Largest•Sellifid nj Soap in the world . ,Stinlight.removesxhit-from clothe -a thorough. 1y,, scientifically and above all safely. • .It.sis backed by a $5,000 Guarantee of Purity. It costs no more than ordinary. soaps. • the frit, be. toO, goodV •Made (by Lever 13toiiiers •TgrOilt0 • Everywhere S-Tf ,1i..,e_ifluffiffechej,..‘ 40 4640:,.._. _.i._.„..... '...T•H7,....____,L,:,.. 9..mevenrYt1117.r!kaiWrivalytore.71?„.a_alr'irerrtalar the 111_91)43'r: ttengH" ' efti yll.. tli.4.41.a S. '. . 45; 'SP° e' e 14..."” , into ' .1i. bYlisY"-*7nekle Aid•tii-eiclie41-44-4r3irenst••• •The 'shcitlolie '. : '.• ,-, , . ,. ... , .. ... . pi , . k to -the 0 ra rentenibet.-,; -and egan_to trernb e like ' ' leaf • -. -siniP e s eaves ere-gatlieWrira;:ii-at-!- ' 7What-7: glum us ea • 7, ---,77-SMigiii:77.77., . oarogu . 4 4iii.1°41t14**'*t '1113P ill•r4:till'el .' ' ' t ' 1171e4uVistratigS%critficienie.alietit all'''? that .., ave•left of •any peer un- e • - • • *siting for ma erect and alive a real,. show "Yes, she was waiting or me f. , , row bands-,at-the7wrists7he__ a ra ' y 'mother ''. • • his. fantastic rital and learned that latine"Datie did not ' tiiii a aviiid:•. the '*ii!kbuht had 'mode every effort ..living . bride. . . as • s . oped to, together, and patter N 1098 i with -little 'et; ife edueat:te:e..)re4 -filLei--::- 13eca1.7 it 11.1118.! be eth..g. (!‘,. "ea' shows how '8eaty.it...24s to pot t,h,.0 re: ..--L-Tkivistkerase-Waarr.onuottiiil:aiin'd'tl.nitreatommtz 4.1)iut.. I love a Window that Is nkyefl.. . y.. , moved: about .,,noiamosr,4 10E4 it,...ent.,,,,,_T.,thescemarfi3O_,•theAboatrp„,a44 saved. . . Arid, when 1..,i . '. genie for- s' izes., fi, .1304...iharitiiv*Ite had takee it that he had *diseliPearet4 lOaving. lila Child, she' did net '.'rUn, aWaY t t no :hal B8 inclieg bust}',, Siie• iS .years le afillatiiiiiii-iftfoii. theearth, ' and , 0. Years Om!' 84,' 36 the modern soldier' Is-n,Well,:eductiteir.• ward; inere timid. thart.': . a little ;rtet:isii:tfrieledi 1.;:iittilyitfipliigoeinntotmlocilt s*ahyriti B., ii, i it hat) legiielei, i•fte.in,bir,,t.h: : cordial, he dtil net re.• , -.•', •• ., •-, • • t,.• - • for me: . , . I even believe' '. room beside an emptispispl4ease. And n° - • • ,; she . staved .. _,. t she :* wai.. _.1. ,,(3o 2' yards requires 3'% yeyds 32-inchi "' " tea . . 1t°*•til. gli:Cnce•.'` she brought a cup of '!lat.' In:" thelprirpacionnikia, tresaings. 'mhbr:Which.,,The„inan in,,Oe../n4k the count W110:110 ' kogeir. entertained . ,' t ib'ai , or :root ,tiet: 40' :f.•641,;;Itda '°,FT.Q:•2'.(4t57..ar..d!, 6411.9eb. in:atei.:!at. 7rit°• 1.,i.i.,,E11.,g,,,irlatwdolter'h.e." i.e. .ad. w/ hen. . lie 'Ipu.:'ts', .90;f ga.lenntanie.dra!liin.iirii.,%t'io'anlehntli,itfatre;,06.,. ; took 'itif,remli-her.'bands and gave „ it any doitht. of hiehrotheedniadnotiii, in- • - • - • a little ' ' oh not much • . The de,n ns -illustrated in our new to the the' rerainn.c'i.,:‘14...de 'Chap' y: veig his turn' darted'' late that.....,mfernal •.• .• . , • • • , . • i• • - •••f• . . Pio- ",ftticly" •hoeini. sway? potion, . ,'• • s , . " , . . • stia,skeiiing, , , , . , , underground• Mize. ' Thili,ivas enouili, just a little:A., . . like allying bride ., . ras4ice' gook .1r., advance hestiwleosmfaonr 1 . ' .4 • • I . ' 'And she did. vhitidts•t'Ath'nei,lAlartinaysl.tyboutrwyollauldha ae; : !e4.8. et. pe:t. %.,^1:. .1...m..nk:d., ele,tid.:.0 hi he it form:: .‘ ,•.., J And rainbow scarfs to keep, it warm. Nfilts plirOCI a drop of ruin into the in the Persian's, eyes, to explain tile and ... : n • • .• • .,..kissed he.- , he home dre smak r, and , amg .s•cup an ,pointrng,t4 the vls- seoYerY Of • , e Comte tit Chagn)i's • • ' ' • '• * ' ' '" • • or girl; whiidesirea te: wear garnients ,t."- • i if; An our, .. . rice 0 ., . • . - diecoiery you 'Will. make IS. this: he is oga.Y. . e :le qui is we . e is asleep. .. . .-. . My' metheri daroga my Om. un- ' • '''' detertoined tei inforM the porce N ,siii,exaiii_i, happy naother would neer . ... ...et me . py,, . kie.sed her... . . she used to ipn.Etwa,7 How To os)E4.1tArrEizNs., • not purtieuorty fund 0. Kipling.... •: , And when the night is. dark and Wide .• ' . tents the co . • ' • 6 latistrket,,wake bini." ..-.. • . . thetase Was. in the handsof 1 . °w ' ,ztrirc,,,.rett., the item fel. .n. moment, init.* Mat'istrath CallSd ^Faure an in -and.,the,;•pei'stan kaisett hinieemnif;hin creduloUs, een.nn°4-Pra°' ; snrI6' rficii,1)-I: ilo• r•,:aani•lyd,o,tth,nr474.117.1.0...,.i7a.:1,:elr.:o•v-2... ,..iy, ,,tr. griiiitelig•ounr'thnnabiaaire ((anbdia'sclidzreesvisfgoauienii- ,-..ehOW, Melted • around hiire. and sitt. sort of Perm.' ''' (I write AS 'T. think , ....... Ah, you can understeud, my linP- . '1,chtis;tir,e p.aae pitting by ,t4n Areside, with. , a mind Utterly, . unp,repared to patterns,as you want. F.ltic:ose 20e in ''•:•I•To speke. 'to bet,* called' her, ,b*ut :he. receive ••-eb•nfidende;,-,of Mal Me Pumas Was `04), great, X; crud. • And I 11111111m,iiiinoluitifi ... 9lli,hontett of iadax,',,aripeaf;t1„ViLratk.," 'llittigehrtn-',1t; dITI'lest.11110:linilIcl'h°-,e:::11nrOPIH."0:*:t tirt.414.4o*r10)?°"ralY4P.64lIrtIt407004 4::r441*(;:liftlaYkinita**4.17:'. „Iwalatir,ta.8-..,.!*ritt. 010.114riarrik.41P:8. ar44003.7firseus* Ct41:::,..„....,;, • • 7.wito.til mC041,4.0.1haa4s*A0.80.0pOr4, .actlyhxltn,g,101, pla,10.4 ...,..':, cE:1,70.00.1!..40010).!;notifttei 91ivp,r;v,,,,..,„.„. ,t40.0.,5a.t.;;4.:.: ,,,..434,.),0..* he:tie'reOhe%tleseent .,,e.t.. ' the modern hense "frem'..'ther'atie/ellt leagtle Pan .1)0 traeedetelkhY sto01, a.ad, 4ii:Lc40,414.0, ili'ti' hats t� otvio•:,e.:p:i.wt„Eo,t,;:::uor:.,e,coa::ttt,..,0s:.,.ti,.,,:,,,;. , ;and hats,t0 patch the, 0144 le : t .e. Of-. . :hninble'bUflinelil 04pettitli*O 40 theeoa...'', ,,..thlfr.40,41:k4r. ::;lne;t„i.octpn.!:eoia. .110;rsni:irri::,,iialia.ttrI,10.7.4trey.t04:,, !.,,. ;•.,:f4et 'ne 'quite Itr,Ktfrg'eThel4 t- -c9411004.124110:09:OtthP',0, 4*T*, ,daf comprise, as , Mani 40, "advertise?, .'y •••..' • Etienf &Maas.; KU 'entianee.Lball;,40iYy , - tion or .11Ving-roems the,'...kit•Chel4 ZdS-'':.-.', • de- partment, bedrooms, and 4 bilow544,1i2'.... !. ,n...--iii-e.;*(i'biii* -4 finadsd : yearn 'sq find there is ne.,.Iii•thrbein.'; if twe hundred,- we n6410'620 further ' erisentiel difference; 'if ihreeilnihdrrod, •31ho.rieletl,Lt,Cit,htbe efethirthdtUrr.trneallaathethi'01:1141.11:aild,* : hiving rooms, kitelien aUd.hedrOtingh‘,00.. 'still there, .hat, the hali,is much ger and .and more important iii.telatiOn to he :. others: Daring .this penetration, eflthe . peat thStOttati''lire So i.e,r till 7cheerfid, ' With plenty of Windowli. Ifawe go IMO( , frein Elizabeth •:.to ;the early. years, of . , , her • father; . Wp find muell Ate seine ; kind of aeciiiiimodatiOn.. Mit it.7.01•!;Ifiso . ,• •Cheerfnl'inriSinuth an the - wiridew*re •. 1 .sniblier,a'' froin• Which it may rtie' inter-', , . 'red tl017thereilic st, need.; Or preeitti.•\:! . Hens Against' a ttAtek.: ' ,Thie, need ''iii2 crea.tiee; the i'dttlier :we' ie .. and. nt. me ... . oimilinohooli .i.)f,i.hi,os, ei•er, inore 're.% .• sellaiti!:t,iteti'ilei..reli il, -i,aintli.i.,e. inx:;!iih,:.,....,y. 1:4ho..t4.1r. ei:: ,Ittli.i.iii:dedolf.,:thil4:..:,..1. . yleible''in: the, Outside Wel I s ,,`eitTL. these . '•,. and ifiring-romps'haVeAilMoOientirelY •.•,,.. disripparearantillY nothing re*-, Mains, but. the:hail and the :it ifchen.„ ' • r" 11 P on count, said' not die! . . . Oh, oW goOd it da; depondabfre, for taste, iii11344-Y. an o p novels on, its st elves soon , \ Perhaps the most surptie• e„. r. • n,s• s• rit Of 'Mid Wings it v tiring to bless - • 'corfise oit the nigo're3ot the Take, w reveal . the modern soldier* favo tanie to bilii'aef lore the „siren,,,,Eriltis siren, .• kept watch?a 'o a 'to ki bod th f di g ,SS SWIM On e ore tea econoMy Will find 'her desires fulfilled c:i• kiiew .ien. 'The .Perkian-didinot hesitate,. Tie • ,• • -1" can't But • •patterns P f thebook 8 ' e And thank it rt.r its teadrist s The .anthers .wliO..t.PPent :to Tommy 'It baS' a'Shigie, Star for guide.' *. Atkiiev • are the: 'old favorites... :Ile ' -,-TraanY 443.0T.Out 'Haatingi. reads Captain Marriret, harles.Reatle, • Mra. IPirin4ITY %Ward, Ouida, and, Of Sort of Femily Council. couts.e, • • •• 'The Monhers' of the List Suffolk A-PP6rallag. to one libi•arian'the'greai. Counly ClnulcIi-.indllide a. father -and was stilt v,-.ry 'weak end fell bach en PatIre tclok dawn . the daroga s g 1"0:`. 'falinatkh:orblbeeedt'arouidag4,d tli! p-ea.sf9..n. Itt_8,:licalirsefor.ncy3iliforienacP.hti.etOeLridhe;r:17d / ...,e i itions and ntoceeded.to treat' him. as • ' laid • her hand on his forehead and went h l'iluzPan• « ' ''''' '" ' ' c•all is- for "something light," and deughtel c -n . a MS •Ian+ t n W 0. ". 'his Pillow- '' Chriethle canle to.•••hiin, 8 ,_, ,-; . . •-•--' imoolf co id not retain his teare- in aduress lour or er to rattsra DeP-‘•• e'st. ' the presence of that masked man, who, WtsPa Publishing Ce.; 73 Wet. Ade* aiming . the favorite sutlers are ' L '' ' "--, ..---**- ' • , away again. . n e ersian•renaem. Des,airing of ever obtaining a hear -j, , ' to the difference .hetween one form of • ,hered that, ;le she went, she did net ing, the Persian sat'dowirto'wfite A ''' s s ' with 'hi shoulders shaking and his ISide St.. Toroptt.S• , Patterns sent by Charles Gar*Ice.`. ermiliny la 11 aeoti. _The' iniproT..prev'Ait of hea:th"and the • .., • • . , . , if, , s: hands clutched at his chest, was moan- 'return mail ' ' ' mental soh') and Marie uorelli. . _. . na_ house, and the. otbei, all that need ben . giver ellance at M. de Chagny, who, ,it. the police chd not want his evidence,, ' . . ing with pain and love by turns. ' ' 4 • --- thdre are an increasing nuniber of ,te!lt-''.‘preVentien of disease are Worthy tiomil aims. Ile",p the 'nation to realize a -aid. ler the present purpose is•,,th. at al; Untli last Year Donald Hankev'0"Stti- ilad 6.9ss., • ' . ' dent in Arms" Was .an Army „"best- , 'The 4011 tO Ldve'fri.. The and hit:ellen; ' ,te'' lfirp kitchen in. which ,,tc took the the ,foOC., .,•. „--these-appear to have constituted the.irretbicible thtni innin necessary ,to: men *hen, .he had • ' iteni tleves :eattiriveThe•and eniergect.: _ _ .wigwanie. , . .• „ ',And. of the two:, ., the halt' itits the ineki• impertrent;'''. was, fat,'the' kernel! of.the4io_use; ,r ,?- 60911g. enough to piotect"the Sates; large: enetigh bold, them., •Its. , everwlielming .inipottanee, pbown by. ' the 'fact that the° housa. itself became ,,,, known as -"The 1481,1.',? Abe home Pt the! chief ,petsoikin tlio parish. wlso.tionilie• •ated the littfrounding distele,t; and' whom mai+ of it. belOnged.• . ' ylirbese cattlee,.then„of,wilicli We See , isted tit the, .00na ball, supplemented' hy subsitit pry aPart..... *pis; 60" (3.1t1 inatterheuseS. .As .., is.' trite was, ,eleePing • Peacefrilly; and perhaps the , pret ' *mild be -glad of "Yes, daroga . . ..• I felt her tears r., she Sat down again in her chair by the it;', and he bad just written .the last" flow.: on yriY forehead . . : on mine,1 ehininey-entner, silent .as a sister of line of the narrative ,' I have quoted in ,,ine! • ,They were Soft . . . they wee -0- ' They trick under ' .chatitY Who had takerra Vow of •sil-• the preceding Chapters, when. Darius-'''' — - - ' ' 'I a e h were ''s • ' • ' 1 : exleo. - , , ,, c announced the Vita ,of n•str ng r, w n my Mask . f • t they .ming',10 with myl- Erik retained with some little bot- refused hisname, who would not ,shoW my' teart-in-_eyes.4.._...:,...."-they flowed ..be r...__ ties whiCh lib-.-F.aa-d-cii-i-tIhe ' n-tanfil- his firce-•-aird decraT-T47rilinisly. that he twii . my lipsListen, datoga,', '. . not to *eke M. dri•Chagrin he said to he had spoken to the darOga. • piede. And,' again in •a whisper, so aS [did not intend'io'leive the place untill , mask so as not to lose on of heetears listen to whit I*did. . ,• „, I tore bff my . . . : : . ". the PersiZn, after sitting down and I The Persian Jet ence • felt W110 nis.t. ..• . and _she dict, net run , away I ., . feeling his. pulee: Tsioguiar visitor'waS and ordered him A:rid site did not 'die! She remain - "You are new saVed,' both. Of yOu. Cie- he shown • in . The 'daroga was. l' :'. . . ed 'alive, weeping over me, with me. And Soon I shall take yoU up to the right. _It was the ghost, it was Erik! i ,.eurface Of the earth, to !PleaSe. myl rielooked ottremelrthe happiness the world can offer" week.andolean-.1 We cried together! I. havetasted an wife!' .1 • ' ,.. . ' . , eltapirist the wall, as though he were , , . . - ' • Thereupon- he roSe, without at6r. afraid of falling. Taking off his hat,' And 8riklen At') a chair, choking .'•". :further explanation, and disappeared:he revealed:a forehead white as wak. 1°r' breath: " ' Once more. . , ' • I The rest of the horrible face was hid-* • ' 'The Persian noW, loojced at Chris -den by- the mask. , .i. • • , tine's quiet profile tinder the lamp.' The Persiarf 'rose to his feet as Erik She was reading a tiny book, with gin ' entered. . . • . .. P.: 4," , (To. continbod.) • ; diem whoi,taheont;more'setious,bookt.. Ahem -•by .becoming a member of the , • . sailer." At made its appeal directly to DEALiR' S ANO SEND' toa OUR SI!'c.IAT., PLE:. BOOk. - ;ABFIZAL •MSCotr.NTS-SPLEi7.,611.; the' man who had fetal( under' the same conditions as the, author, Rider Haggard is a steady favorite, as the well -thumbed •copy ef "King SeromOn% Mines'? witnesses. 134 who heads the list,of authors in demand? 1 , 'SAM , .. 'The W. ' J. Obi: 1.1 S• .co.-; Ltd. ' • • . HEAD OFFICE AND E.,10W. ItOOM: The answer is--IsTat Gould: 318 VONGE ST. = TORUN:NA _ tery gCod. Every unit has its librarY. ._ , ' OM OIL __ ' __EFEIS RIM From 1 yt 11 ia I fo IP rkce : the barrack accommodation ter it is NEL l'ko charge is made, although% depaitt, i . Do not throw away your old carnets . or rugs. Let us ,re -weave them into ot•one shi:ling is' taken. • i beautital new !tugs, handsome in ap- expiather. Success After.Death.:. arattee...'and an acohomical asset to • A Life•Without Books. 131).` There is 'something esoentiallY argY 11#1.56 far 'Catalogue No. ' edges, hire a religious book. • There I • Murderer of Count :PhilipPe, what Busy that man mus,t be; indeed, . "That ehild invariably does the are editions of The imitation thet•look have yeti 'done with his brother and 'Who think,# he has no time to read, ' - • , pesite of what you, tell.hkm." like that. The Persian 'still had in his Christine Daae?" ' i • - No time to sit him down and look ' . , 'Well, Its no wonder his mother • ears the natural tone in which the! Erik staggered Under this direct at- Upon the pages. of a -hook. - ether lied said, "to Please My wife." tack, kept tient for a moment, drag- solbosi .with his tasks of aaii. ' ' * was a telephone eperator. Christine was wrpaped up in her book. deep • sigh. Then, ipeaking in short al;So eager with the riiiht. to piny, . ' Very gently', he called her again; but ' ged himself to a chair and heaved for breath be. That. Ten'ayson ia,,thrust awayl-,.. Minard% Lin:m,•.;.r.ttfer ea,riera.ifi. . and did not hear him. , I Phrases and gasping toe t . . ..: Near him ,are richer friends then those • . . Erik returned, mixed the da.roga a tween- the •werds: • •. , draft and .advised Mtn not to speak! "Ditroo, don't talk to Iks Mari to Man. • : '', , to "his • wife" again nor to any one, about' Comte Philippe. . . . 'Ile was His daily wandering Cie"' knows; woe men recognize mid respect one ' ' ; dead . . . y e •time ... . left my •Priends *lid' would', share his every another. even through the mists of . gie abtiat Compositions blishd after the death Si.of their creators, ;/any of the worktfof ‘the masters did not ap- 1 Pear• in priht until af(er, their deaths. , Several of,the•best `waltzes of ,chopin, I for instance, Were still in manuscript when he passed away. The "Tales of ' Hoffman, Offenbach s, One, clehu . larger ininiortaility, was never,seen.by 1:hOuse . . .. he, Was dead' ... When . .. ; ' , *mood enmitY. . it 0 warfart that we fled • the composer. Bizet s ,Carmen and dent.; . . a Sad . .:. a very . sad Y. . . But he's, so tinily that he intist • the;, most striking illustration of that WAl'ooreaSso,prArdoltle!esd 4,ictsonrgistheGoliutotitoithansoff.; :...E u - .- m .1 ch„Iiisatmifteg'oDinOr tI'die. . . . ,,,,,. ':. 'He jives his life On crciwded s;:reas, 0 ,osts ohot hint The bilker WaS great- , The formation ofNprOper health habits . , I the ,Siren tang. . . It was an . . acei-'• And fill his heart with gratitude. accident He fell very awkwardly,: Know Shakeapeare merelY at a best ff..aueit;toBri,iroFfriahnek's.1,3fetnweehillicteeitiis aqateil:dglitz-t. their ceMposers, but they &mid hardly . , - but siinfdy.and naturally , . . into the .. . .•,6 h. ; -en i ti it and= imagine the great receptions that well. 4.`A pit,..of.mar'1)1e..gatli9ring dust joseph H. ld ani s-- , r S ,a4 Y. • , , . , , - ' , .• ' . lake! . . ."' . ' '....• • ' • • . , . to be Oren to them in after years. • i':,..(,, i hi bowed his head and. 'said:. ..... • 'Busy that man ,must be who fl'nds. • 'ill' iltirirrilaphr?fill°c71: had been sent for . • , • '-i' 1 ,,,you nor Ahouted the Perstait • ' , . ': , ,.. '' .1 '.' ' . . t •fre'oc-•••," •,..: "I., hiltio , not cOrtte`,11‹.'re . . . to talk .No time for all Gods noble. minds..." Ward •ihTioniti fighting with. the Ziilus, . ' Work of Junior Red Cress. ‘ 1 : abut count Philippe .. : . but to tell Who sees then Waitlag all about,_ L. teadhig a centingent or men. The The Junior.Sted cross affords 0. woo., , you that.. : , I am going., . . to die." tiiirds trade..imen in awl :41116 !from •zniits sent cut cut ti 'mask/eager :Cf-neace*,-derfuir-Japportunity to, Interest , the I Where. ate Reed!. „El:3 ehagny and I : vit. 0 .. . '' ' ' • '`.. 133; an unhappy blunder the British Olit.' youth deCanadain the ,canseet.lienith, • 6 , er very.. ea , .. 1 Listee, to eyerY nun lie meets-, ', ' .,,,, . fy. distressed So he handed ..e4Ver .the '' -during school life life is-ohe of ph_ty osgon, "Itaoni de Chatrnv • and Christine' ' ' ' ' • - ' ' ' • ' \. • - - - • - - . . • But has no time.for•Lainif or Keats. contingent to the seeend in command , tial nidatie of permanently linproking • It. doesn't 'take. Much. :-.110,ft?'' ,.,• .. • : • i . • .. . • .. N • "1 . ' and walken straight out, unarined, 'to ` the health and contributing to the . • a, .. • a • • I .• Ot love.... ,-darogit . . . I am- dy- : , 7 i - , ,-,, ' ; - . - Y • .'• ••• • ' ' 7 • ' • t9 keep you lift Ulm. . : frig • . ., of loye. ... . That is how it ,k aneY a geldea IN ()adroit& fl.).ir ` „ • .the Zaht lines, " I -let 'AWLS. lee. teo...„ the i,well-being of the people,. , • , ,y. . . . . . . , , . I loved ' 'h I'so! And 'I I- Ni, Itivery lovely blossom there chief.. 'Nature only asics% a., . ":1 is .h.r. still ..`.eClaroga'.'... and I " An dtiNtii 'fitrq1lifSt ODA a Shop n ... -- • ,',1,'I have .conie,", he .stild.."to. give My:1, ' 1 . d in •ef< love lee her I,- •• .,, I tell, 4Vhsre• one to. eat. a bitecould Steli-- ' Sgit ' It because we altot.,... your peace-, . e P.', 1 stda i : . If you. knew how beautiful Not t4t'.iftioW books WOuld be; r think fii,ee,etiger by•finistaliet • It is, a tiiiiig, tyki,,,,.....,/, ..,,._,,.. ' ,, „,. ,, -.6-.1•-, .....-4,„..„,. -shs. ,Tillk --, -4 N.OlimfY.-,4*. rlet. Irgz..1611,4,,,Yuiltatc racing there 4,04.tolt,,,anl,ttrialw - ,, ltivo,,,,wairrfora•trIvet :cut.r!^, •4 'AM' .341 -*:J{,', '•'-' wirlgre•VsiAL'Iii*!••'Icer-a•ilc;;;.'`.••,1- Mr:: .' r r alive , -• -2:i.e.--v*s:,.11.6, ill'At *-tliiiiitao'Ilio:yooeo-,'-WIfito4inal*Inii:- ',-, '‘iienii,y,J=r, TeMeityei*Metid4 ' I "Iiiiti '.ii4' ' • ,inealo '. benefits teeth, • file',., g t. .. *.t; • I. .— -c-gokii,E A. Ghost.. life a Yottr • , ( is ._ . . '. ...' . . ' '".ti dare a the first till* :I, ever . . • • , .. - . - - ' • I ..; , '. egi'de.----d 5 - 11h MO iig 'IO4 RAPID .4.411Ifteu 8 W0100.71. ... ,,s rear atIVe« . ,i . I 4 ' * ' •••,• : ' . : Hirt • . •• ' ' o•-* ,11/ r - .. re lp, 1=a, . . ,.. . 13 'ad' • 'ppetite anal., i , 2'.. , '. l' --'-'w<lipt-litira.E.i'TesAe had beentdeadry - ' ' ' ht-VIVAI. ... ' ' '''''..- ',' ' u n 'AS1:A!° . . • *. • • • . 1 11 jussed her alive .,.... ,.,,and she looked will •:,...,,r,..„ ...._ : . i, _ . - ,ii ...P...., rt.. •••••.• -'• r '`" ; -.1.te..-t-I-,!•••••:, r ,, r.ehlef--,W•w-giini, - y, . -,digestion.-, _ , _ — ., -- .- ---The-,Persiary-shoPk-ratik-by-th”rnii.v.wlittl,...x.tin.,._ Irlit,,u6.1,1„.aiw... . __,..,...,+tint_a,...miniient...,:„T_h_en-11.0„.;_eaM ,•.'Xili.1__ . "Will you tell Me if ,she i alive' or r • . k . A Soft, wind blowing trent the ii`•eit,• ar°,, '• man, and you e peeple are tinfll . , , A Flitivire for Every Taste dead.," . . ', . , , , . . . , • • ond fleidg tire ii*.,et. oiatto aim thg sone vt illriti; We, too, ate, Men. , . •:'-.. .. 1„, "Why do. you .shake me like that?" . An'l lv"P taked.tIrili, roaking.am.effert :to Speak t, ,.:4:14. Witraitil'ivithifr lila' tibon'Yareo; - We will, make Dea'0,•'' , r. - - .,..-,,........,.. ".-- , More cOnneetedly. "1' ten you that I I ' .1 ' -1n4aat - ' '' . . . • am going die ,... . -es , -kissed her' . 'y.„4.,,,f4tbigb-fiy.,,Aj, tronk.,•• I, .-Sonie -thsalialities,„ slid:Los-, :Iloorm , $ $ „ ...,--..-....,,.. .., ate aid toho atiaoziated with the t Ole -7 ' ' ,' ""•' ' 11,184 , kg, .4sio.11,..,4241. - ' ''°11s.n& 'mow:She :ia •.deadr. .:.tilinares' ,Litileient.for.,sorti throat. • '`, 4-461'05'11'' Illitati co. hinted, Nark, Oat: _ . . . •r•,•• . best'- . • hair tint.'_ Will ,jr0_1:_ Mere &tit' hilifielts 'natural color in It inibittes. • &Milli size, 43.36 ht mill' -Doiihte etz441Ltti, by rnsi, lite W. T. Pembir Stoics Limited 1411 Yana* TOtOsiii0 , • ° GEORGETOWN. INCUBATOR.' 1 ' "-!•,'—'11' ii , - 1$19.75i Canadian Node for aria - Sian Climate. Double wall, Copper not ,Water heating system. Sensitive Automatic regulateir. hatchet strong, healthy chick's. Write tor YREE Circular to: ---7 J.H.Mackonsie,Goorgetown Ont • • - risveoeSH IP- US' POULTRY. GAM E . EGGS, BUTTER °•"11:' FEATHERS -WE 13t*ALLYEAk ROWID Wide todak ler piVee'r slyakantee *them for a week ahead ' Ft; Pptscir4 ci.Cor LIMITED 1.213-39 Thins *court bfOrkut -;_hiontrejtj .., Cabin Liners ROPE 1Q`.etlytQLJS ,"0" Intoner, ,ate 1-favorires'imong thousands of ' diggtitaina..:ttg traveIers--ituturl, `',Zyttivktfl6tinaltiftianKi '4n011,8ift. Prrellfird ktin110.• IrrtWOMII Cherbourg and southarnoten '1'ho Count` on Itstede, OYA MAIL Iliritorit.INAILSTsAschtmereki: • Vis twentoa tes, t \i16.its4ost,14.Y, Gt 1.stat A grata :••••• though iteth were deVided:,to reAitt at - the castle.. was the in'ere 4.11abar- ately preteet ed. ' The lieitrt of the: eas- tie ‘iete its keep, and It is the rrilni or = the keep' which.,4naiiy attract ..theit-, • tention of the traveller. ti .s.tir. vague feelings of romanee 11 bre4g.' keep ti tied 1;.,..ithin a strong terra- ing courtyard, and it. waS•the,;jAace, Where .the bin f, lived. 'For the' sake of conipactriese and security Ate rooms were One toyer the other,.'the' pyincipill room being the hall. there were -any spaces which -could be te- .gar..ded as bearooin4 they, were' merely .• little chambers Contrived in the very, • tbiek walls; but tha;kbaseliold lame .1 . , . used the halt for sleeping as well as for eating -J. Alfred Goth, in English• , . tipuses.'` , Travelers. It is the furietieb .or 'the mite' , wisiz. the rich7.ined-by,, . On itere 'to Stand and *avail liand; A, tear drop in the eYti; .: • • As outward- bound gees Uncle 'John too Aunt Mary' Ana;" With .ene brave 3,;e11, to shout 1F041'S• , Y‘write us when Yon esh; • • I , The rich linty take their Pleaatire trips, The poort hone must i'bey eigh lb:I/tin; the shiper train Takta itoii0 of them away. f!Ui atthe. gate ts good Aunt Kate, st,...ho,'jonrneys Seura• to -night.: • . 7 We MO and cry end say,. "GoedybY" ''notf.t '.forgst' • h•• NOW uncle. AL'le 'but te-day Around the world to roam, bore stand and weve,,ray hando. ;.C(Yht pelted . to ..,tay, at 'heing.r: .-• toll.teet the salt htetieyOn his'•face, • ;wit sem ,,the -seven -seas, "0 no d.by ! 14ir Amu t and' tarn 'about te!tbe,,ti!Sea '- And .Yet--Wint .knows? --,the tiny .mity e041# When 1 anti fifty-nine Am! th.On Aelf ritta outward bound .. May thoSe who shoot '!,00044,e." , . • ;I:iwt".rn .tit, a sitoto and work One.. ". ' • 1114Wir • • 10 great a sigh, , , :-.+Edgar ' • .•••