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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-18, Page 1
A 112,00.14It TEAR IN ADVANG 50' OT'HEjWISE L UCCWR, 'R. THU SI Alts, MARCH • .$th% 9261.,• ROPESSIQNA14 4 AEDS'. 0 • Dr 'W. M. Coitnelf Plliblernst. a Satgeoa package'''. $urs: 2--4 ° 7, rheas 8s: DENTIST: -. Tic ill ,visit . '. Liana* Tuesday .. in` Or ' Conuelr'at ca' 'DENTISThi• lir. 8 . Treleaven, %ttckt►aw*- ©ser" Dsekez's » S t'o.r e,: Extraction x niftier byascr local: . Will . be In Ditugannon every Thursday;.: ' ,DENTIST •'. CaU Dr 'Newtp . ...Mahe appointment In �rfflce. everyday: 0,4 isvnwrBODrs COLUMN ' 0 toe. A:Sadiron; Luclalow. --Broker• and ;tical -.Estate. --Money to lend first . imortgngee- , on , farm .pro��pper e at 6 and 614 . per :cent accordin security offered. ' Also . , ama mounts on' 'second mortgages 01' • farm properties and on persona eiotes----A-=few-good-farms-fo Cil I; lava added to my, Wall •: Pipm aud' . Paint business a stock of Wali Pa r which may he n o „4"4- lea en.e`l .J •Csmer'on -Paint* and.'Decoratbr` r ,x. Lucknow. Flour Mill With theinstallation of new ma: ekitlor i :and by extensive re -model Ong we are making a . highergrade: of Sour then 'the mill has ever . made_ Try,.•A :bag and'`. conince yourself: Tont 'moneyrefunded' if ,not satisfae:•. faryr--W • E Treleaven`: ' • For Sale -Two small frame "build- • lugs,: also a quantity of 2-b..plank and storm and window •'sash -Apply to D C. ,Taylor, . See'y. School Board:: In. 114 ►eat Wawanosh .Under Power of'Sale ' contained, in a certain.registered'mortgage . made. to the Vendors; there 'Will be offered for sale by Public Auction • at the CAIN HOUSE,;Lucknow, Ontario, on Tuesday; April '6, 6,1 026 at 1.30 P.' M., the Farm :.Property described'Its be-' nig The West Half of Lot Number Fifteen in the Thirteenth. Concession of the Township of 'West Wawahosh, in the County, of Huron, This ;farm:icontains ,one hundred ac- re's' more or leas,,and is :located.;about. two' and one half. Miles from Luck now, with. a school at a' distance of iiiiout' one and ••a 'half miles.,. The' soil is said to be good clay loam, slightly rolling ,'and "a spring creek crosses. the farm,:'' There are, about eighty acres in cultivation, balance bush and' vesture. • •. q. The buildinga • :include a storey , and a half dwelling house andtwo large barns . all on stone foundations. TERMS' AND CONDITIONS: - One tenth :of -'the purchase money' to be paid' •in cash or marked'.• cheque at the .tnne..of sale_and the: balance to be paid within thirty days thereafter. Further -particulars may be had upon application to: 'Jeffery, ; Weir, McElheran •.& Moorhouse, Solicitors for.. the ,Vendors, 7 Market .-Lane, London, Ontario..• h'blk. $AILL'`.� 'Good strong `Beepberry Canes, $1:60 a hundretf. ':-.. A. Clifton, '• 1 ye Miles, south of Lucknow, PROPERTY FO1t. SALE Mr'. ,p144 Smeltzer is • offering ]lis property in Lucknow tor, sale. There le •a comfortable dwelling, . a good hrirn, end about 334 ,acres Of : !and. Per terms apply to Mr.: Smeltzer at Dungannon. '1811-4f. AUCTIONi' SALE Thomas. Rose, Lot 29, Con: 4, Kin- (Langside;r )• 'who . ecently sold liter farm, will have an' auction. sale .0f1` ilia • farm attack, implements,..some hair and, .griffin ,and lioriaehbld ..effects,; on Iarch 3Oth:i.4cantn rising gat' one" o`clock pati. There AS a • lot of , food stock. -and .iitiiplements.--3no. •Purvis DRESS GOODS DISPLAY Alton') Store, Dutigannont will hold a display. , of Ladia's Coats; Suits, klrta and 1j retuetr and Giles :Coati tie Dtora on Monday s1+i .Tuna. ay,'daaoh Otk•zn41Qt!N. 'fir. mitalg fid wLIL �'1 dli Villi lis yam, J OCAf r AND GZNR CAL The Lucknow r,00 Compapy` will put on a dance in.' the'Carnegie ;Hall on the night of April 5th after, the play- • . . C$I11t•CH tilOTFS • The regular •monthly meeting. of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid: of. the, United Church +WO held in, the. Church. on Wednesday afternoon: March' ,10! Mrs„ 'Bothwell presided in the al- sense of 'Mrs, Cosens., - After Divot, Tonal Exereises • Miss :,McLean ancl. Miss. ;Isobel; Douglas,..ha$ been j4,atiTatham :the.Pasbfew• weeks hasaa' to • be .able 'so far recover .d "' '' m to. � e come hone. 4. The A 1 e e . i a :: • 1 '1 g... , n Drarnatie G ub v►n 1 ,,resent, "Peter Pipe's Trroubles" ,,;be Carnegie. Hall;, :Monday night Ap- ril 5th,' Easier' Monday ,night. • Miss Edit}'. Bennett, of Montreal woe a Suest over the.., e k-andher. aunt, Mars. Olive Treleaven of town. On Monday they drove tie, Dungannon. to 'visit Mende. Old Man" Winte still -holdds this 'meek of :the woods" solidly in -his. drip. Almost every morning since March canie;'in the mercury has gone below`' :the 'zero mark.".„ -Yesterday it was ten below, • and , other 'records, Were 12, -15, arid even 26; below. 'A Social evening,111 be held 1n' the Oddfellows':Hall on the evening:et March 23rd'to celebrate :the Ynatitu- tion Of Jewel Rebekah , Lodge. • Re- oekahs and husbands.' and lady friends are cordially invited to at- tend. Ladies please bring lunch:-- Com., r. -Paul' Smeltzer'was •in town on .Friday of:last. week, having returned "from Detroit•where he spent the past • two 'months with his sons' He is a1 reserft s►ying •aya is ydaughter, ilfrs`�'Sav�ag'e, ,a ungannon.`He said ;hat t judging. by almost •complete 'ab- sence of snow at Detroit• he. expect. • •ed to find something.; like spring corgi 'dition in ' Huron County; • but in driv- ing from Dungaiihion he '. found this•• snow as deep as he had • ever seen it 'an .that road. As .appears elsewhere Mr. Smeltzer is offering. his Lucknoe p•roperty for sale::,. WON 'GAME'. AT"•OWEN SOUND Stewart Mid ,G. 11. Smitn,Made s curlino rink which, Visited (hien Sound Friday of , last 1/4reek to take' part in the inter4ouati Match Piay-' there for the..Wright Trophy. , is i county , contest, *gar Promines,to bave an interesting fut- ure: The trophy ie put up by. Jua- tice Wright, formerly, of: OVren Sound and Grey are represented', eachl, by ucknow, Sit, Elgin, ,ChealeY, The Lucicnew rink won its game 'front Markdale 18.,,14, but the !Grey towns 14 105 to, 71 • MILLINERY Miss Fentland extend a cordial; in; ond vicinity. to call ' and flee her welt.' asserted stock of •np,te-date .Spring end Children. A good.. variety tc ad baSement, colic! cement foundation. inside bowie •newly papered' and turesinew! 'Cistern and- eavetrOughing field. • will beim an **Oen sale of his. day,. March. 23, 'commencing at one o'clock p.m. 'Quite a number of gird imPlenienta on this .sole. -Elliott Mil. ler, Auct. loSs • Township; (Dave Falconer's farm) will ,have. an auctien.sale, of farm stock;:iniplements (including Acts On ,Thursday, March .25, corn; meneing at ono o'clock p.m. $!J.e bills for a- gOod list Of stock and Imo Oath oh stone, foundation; cement stabling and *Mei* supply, inside. Ben 'is--rOemed -house ,veneered.'nvith _ce- ment, with woOdshed and garage at. tacked. New svindtnill just' up. A. bout 6 east of bush. The land is of richlottni. all well , drained With: running Water *it Ott' Yesr going acroie MOO 12,aerso 300(t, Ad ta Fall Wheat. • ray, f *that **Wadies *poly • -Mrs. Robertsonread 'Moat 'interest- ' letter . froour :`wissionares` obi ,,.s f, rn .. .... ,,. • , Mrs.,'• Hash .. •..MacMillan,. ' .. and MK ellwo d` -'.,The Easter: Thank -Offer:; ing Meeting will be.. -held next. Wed;;; .A M. Ha?Jn lton 1 C, ay; > ,,Tohn- 1 . nesday, ..March. ' ,24tl11••1VIrs 4'14'60 ati);i . I F', E. ,'MaeDOnaid 1 Ir 1 C;''2•F; ti •Bennett of Wrighain wall' ad,dress thr �. Maici$on. ag ii 1 I', E. Macli:enxirt • 7 • 11It'li.'NOW•. CQNTINUATIpN SCIQQL REPORT. „Standing 157-r100,z1; 457447741; 34 .: 6. - -Ifl • reiiit4 .0 • Failure -F Absent,, -A. Form L Tests; • Botany, , Fr=ench; 'Lit,. Art,. W. Agar 2 C, 3;F; D. Anderson -2 A. dr n e .III,, 2 C, 1, �` •A w• 5 !�; ,7. Bowl-' es- `1 P;.. E Bus+vOl 3 Ir 1 C ' 1 F • . ;A:' W elI. 3 C=• '2 F; ,' M. Grab am ;Auxiliary and there• will, be •. •othe) 'C, .2 F; I{...Macltenzie' 21, 2 II, .1, C good' numbers of:.the program,',: +' tip' United urc .Cls h.. Y. P. S. The Y u Aden's ' S.SiClasgot' o ng . s Up : the ,program for .Monday.,evening of thisweek, and: the Rennie evident- ly Welted, forward to'something .good for there was quite a ,large numlei. present.. 'Mr. Elliott 'Burns who oc- cupied the Chair stated that. it war "Citizenship Night" but ,on aecount of this 'being.• nearest; 'St, • Patrick's Diay, the Class ,'had- decided • to, give something an rof • Irish m, p rograThe •Scripture Lesson was. read by Camp; boll . Thom'pson., Gordon John to,r gave an" Irish reading, and. Bobbie • Thompson, a recitation on • the birth,: of St. Patrick. The Class sang Tin Glory., Song, accompanied by the S.S. ()Maestri . which;elso 'contri'buted number' of :selections. Other, music- al numbers were _a solo b T. S. Reid and a piano solo by„'. Grant, :MacKen.. tie, and ;mouth • organ' selection' by: Joe, Hassall.'' Miss Marjorie-Minee'' • . ; 7 7 . �''t con .10, 3 i ;' E. MesrsWrl€x S►d� , Rttl,. Mr ,on 1. ,-111I, 2 C, .1 F, M. `Campbel; I I, 1 C, 3 F; D. '-McQuillin 1 C, .1 F; l�. Weatherhead 2 F; A. Bowles 1 F;. B. Chestnut .1 C,' M. Henderson lilt; 'who is teacher. of the Class spoke' o:' r A. Hodgins 1 III, 1C; M. 'MacKinr 0.. Mace innon 1 I,'1 III, •1'C,, .2'F; M. � , . , c Kinbn 1 F, X. MacNalt: 4 F; M. McQuillin' 2 III, 1 C, 1•F P. Nixon 1 F; W. Nixon 1 C; W. Pepper 1; F; J. Ritchie. 5 F E. Sherwood 1C, 3 F E, Sills; 2 III;, 2 0, 1 F'; E. Smith .1 III; X.' Watson 11, 1 II, 2•III, ,.1 C; Rae Watson 4 III, 1 C;.'' C. Webster 1 II, 2 III; 2 0; W. 'Webster A.. C,:3 F:• ' Form II 'Tested in l+r.:Zoos. Lat • Arith.,. Physidg, • O. Blitzstein 1NI,13C, 1'F, J Bowl-. es 1 C,) F, l . Campbell 11, 1 II,, 1 G, 2 F; . R. Carruthers 1 I, 1 "III, 3•F W: Chestnut .1 III„, 2 F; . .. Collyer 1 HI 1 C, 3:'F; A. Fisher 1 II, 2 ,F; • G. Fisher' 1 �C, 4 F, •B. Hamilton 3`'1,. 1 III, 1 C; F.:Han Ilton, 1 F; G. Remit... .on 5'1;'E: Hodgkinson 1I 1II, 3:F. E. Johnston 1 I,'•1 C, 3 F; M. Leish- nan 1 C, 2 F;:E:: MacDonagh' 1 I',' 1 II: F•, `E. MacDonald 2 I :. 1. II 2 C; M. MacDonald' 2 C, 1" F; M. ' MacKinnon 3P; M. Pepper12 111, -3 C, W. Pepper 1 C,' .4;F, ‘4. -Perei1 •G, '2. F; P. Nixon ,Andersen and"D. G. .NracKenzie.. Anderson gave eh'. outline 'of Iris} history from the mirlY days. th( present .better ilnyi; Mr. MacKentic Out Of Life, He.eraphasized to. bave physical; ane, closing number was a ;quartette Io Messrs, Henderson, Greer; geld. HOME TALENT CONCERT. ment events being underway on Taea• -day' night about .200 ettende4 't h coneert in the Town- Hall, given_fir aid of the Arnienian 'h45" hind, and under :nilinagenient of the local Wo- aien's Institute: quite air :rrish flavor,.being rendered on the eVe of Ireland's Saint's boy. selection. by .the United Church! S.S, hers in the cOurse Of the program..A ising. entertainers, Unice',Newton' and Winnifred Aitcheon, was pronounc- There was auCh 'long hit of enter,- tainers :that we shall have 'te refrain froin comment,' .further :than tO tbat near* all were Worthy of high There, was a Orme Bolo by Malcoliti 'Watson, „ recitation 'by Bobbie Thompeoe; 'pretty drill, girls, a reading 'by Altai ,Sherriff,' pianOluette by mrs. 0, smith and Miss Lillian a Couple of gnologuses by the' Rev. C. H. Dick - en; a eliort address by. Mr.' Cameron on Ireland and ,St..Patrick. TreMbone Solo by Geo. Dmilgtis, a recitation by little Helen Jobriaton: .exhibition of club -swinging by 'four high- sehoel a reading miss Marjorie miner a :Hawaiian" violin Selection by Mr. W. 'L. MacKenzie, n Solo byldr. D. M. Jehnston and an No wonder the 010=141,10k safe ettiritti thaf if there were any Who felt' they didn't' get .ther worth of their money they Could get lho fee return - A final: selection by Alai' Orelie.etra andr,the National brought The toutithr attracti,ons referred to lel evening, eVening tit the .were $1,130e ''.Thers Will be offered. 'for gal& the Cain lIbtiee, Bern' Oil' Satnrclay, -March loth; At We' reeleek/ Istvan . 446 1604tbs, 'Old, fred :Percy 2 F. •SUbjeets exarnined; Br. Hist., Let, Aitchesonl E, 1.A; O. Alton L chabeiv, 1 II, 3F; O. Kilpatrick lit; Muriel 'maeliensie .1111;:- . M. MacDougoll 211, •3C; MacNab For tife benefit of those who.' have :children attending the. Liacknow scho- Bell-will be Ong as closely•as pos- sible. according to the ,Toble.'Faeferr . Weather •anthoritiis 'Say that the present.niont.k of Mardi has given us the loWett average temperature ember that told Marth, _ASHFIELD.• NOTES. Mrs "Peter MacDonald and. our docb, of lloron,,opent we'ek,,enii itb i`+r siz d Mrs; 0,4711.71/11:40-r of - Par'anlotn.t,; ` ••• Mr. and.:%lrb. Walter'A;tc,:•.of 1;4P - ea yisited v ith' Mr. ar-r. Mts;, • Max. RZaynard ,of • Paramou;4 during ti#e week, ;.• b Mr. and'.lirs: Stein „:o Paramount viisted with their'daux'nte'.'.Mrs. 11,. )?rats• ... Latins, who :has" been ill:`;` i h •s i lc IS :1ir.'Biie J nto r R -® `ir' ' r . vi t i>� v . h` mothe A s.„.4411!;** t _. .. t h , 1s , _ . _ .. Z..: g .Baird of .Parannouiit, Jim; Ha i tonof P.ara o t spent, the week -end with friends in Ripley, :and while there attended the funeral 'of' he sister -Tri -laity, Cox,_of ,London. • r.• Wand• Mrs..: Jno.Wall, of • Mnear Teeswater, and Miss ',Jeninie •Griblioii of Lucknow, Visited With friends it:' Paramotint••during• the weep.. -' • Mr. and Mrs. Walter'Alton and Mr. and -Mrs: H. Ferguson•:,'and' babe via ited at the . home of Mr. nd MTs., N. Baynard on Sunday. • +• Mrs.- Melvin .Raynard •and' littl�R Mean visited with Mrs:. Leslie Bitch' ie on Monday:: ' We are. glad- to -.know that. Mrs. M iRaYnard is able to' be out !Again, af- Jim Grant reterned to Goderich' for some time in getting the boat he The many friende of Thincan tb bring those sweet, iell7 lirpad IS --so delicious ---so economical It's the bit' fobd. value Good Bread --the loaf sumach of : Opal's Bakery . PROVED ITS QUALITY . Try Our place ancE prove for your- self the Quality, of:aur GOlden. Coat 'When You, ask, a friend to dinner, The barna of hespitality is geed food. Our, Golden, Civet Bread and Cakes form the basis 'Of the, best meals, you or Your friend. ever enjoyed. GOt it akYoUr grocer's or 0016,63, Iteid',:s• Dominien, Balm*. Stens,. Jelly Rells, Orange Tarts, Pried Cakes, 'Vanilla Jenis, ,arid oc- eans of :geod thingif to eat. dy„ carmels, Fudge, 'raffles; fresh -345 fillatt Dr. Irwin kor..theihighest Standing in. School at 'hist sionnier's On Menday ,evening Mr. and. Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzie of Lanrier enter - Mined aboot a hundred of their' friends. to a very' , enjoyable dance. The oCcasion being .ihe Fifteenth An, niveraary 'of their marriage. They Were the. recipients •of 'Many beauti- an address bY einaber of those *he ePent at, the ,hcntie of 'MO. MacAul- eY. of Paramount; March 11th, when a sumptuous wedding dinner. -was serVed to about ',twenty-five gnists, it being tne •occasiOn. of the Fortieth '.AnniversarY of. the Wedding of,Mr. and Mrs. George , Swan: The Wed- ding 'March, was Playea by .Mr.. Gro- •ing Was 'then spent in sciciail ehat, •:.eirununity . Singing; selec- tions and ;ernes till -the small honks - 'the morning, when _all :retiarned home after' Wishing Mr and •Mie: Swan many. more years of wedded shared. ,tO Celebrate . their Golden FLAX SEED' And all kinds of4rain cleaned fit for, market or • sowing by the Most effic- ient cleaner manufactur- • , Lucknow YOung Eyes Are Not Always Good Eyes thit* they are. yeti are a ent and hav.e..,,children, going to in thotierinde df easp.o...,.abnprnaL i;ne° knOWS anything about Think What o;:handicap means to a 'child,- 'Children's eat,. is are given our ,elOsest attention,. OPTOiyiETKIST Ontstio • es, ally Brown; "teethe: ,Obetolite Cake,. '.Chelsea Baas,. ure,seeat • • SlitOLE;COPIES,,4 +CFlatts sic PEERLESS J. ; I.E$ CONCERT COMPAN'i, R e , r # r da .0l, , nd for the Pe rinse, Jubilee C-encert:::C0i4aIW 1 Chi h,'rvvill appear in' the Town •ial1,-' o°' hat' date, he Com aiiy `Lu�ckn,.wont. TCompany games )►ighly recQ}nnnended, }laving' `uroadeasted .from the ' largeest' `-tion nierica;' T #� sir;..rom.. stat s, is ,{�. P .gra .coisist's."iof`.tw �parts ,the doessed1Pla?tatio " sfirset,, .;..;. they, delightfully render .the anis!!,, aid' 'other nielodies repres e3it a, s iv of :the old slavery days• the Southland, In • the "second part, :;• in • odern dress,the 'ive ar' rogra of m Yg_ P �,.. inodern music,• shDw na, the: evolution .from slavery to •the 'present The ,proceeds' o£ this concerts will to the .Memorial d',. ;goArch; Fun: 'JUN'IOR GIRLS':.INSTITUTE r The Junior:. C•hls' Institute wail 'hold' a meeting the -room occupied .; •by the Econonnies;•'Class during the ,winter, Allis); lgc.i.,:'en•Saturday, Mar. 20.th, at • '2 •o'clock', pan. ' All girls ,from town or county 'who 'can at- tend,', are: cordally'•invited: •GI1U. GUIDE NOTES. fr Mr's. W V. •J.J01'1046:1a• : en'tertained, the local . company at a 'Most enjoy. - able St: Fatrick'a: Party, last.. Friday ,events -gr- The-.20trides , Zayed -games ana riff and '-Winnifred" Armstrcing the‘ and. white ;color scheme- The quidet ARE. YOU. 0 YourrreAstvienbil.tpioosassibEilixtciee6ep- Yolir gate,for'youtelves' the opportunity of' OPPORTUNITY • KNoCkS BUT .ONCE • Ambitious ones Only need apply. orrespondence treated rtrictlY private. and confidential. Apply=-M.T:COR.LESS, Clinton, District Manager ONTARIO EQUITABLE ,LIFE Sherwood -In .the • Township AShfield, ori March' 13, 1926 !to Mr. and Mrs. Alt Sherwood, a daughter. . "Ritchie -4n the township of ..Ash, „Mrs. Fred. Ritchie, a son.., liacKendrick-4t Lochalsh, 'Ash. field; on March 8th, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. James -MacKendrick, daugh,4 ,Maciteitzie-7-At Laurier, en March Oth; 1926, to Mr. and Mre; WHY. SIGN AN ORPER FOR ' 'AHEAD ' WjlEN, YOU' 'CAN ;GET • ALL ;THE .BEST .11/I/ANDS\ ANY ' GET- THE ,QUANTITY YOU WANT OF THE KIND' YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT 1T., Cr. S. ROBERTSON .LUCKNOW IVIARCII 111)USE FURNISHINGS IT MAY- BE EiARLY FOR 11.00.88 ARE SHOWING AND' SELLING HOUSE FUOISIIINOS .OF ALL ENDS': CURTAIN ,.SCRIM PRICED', FROM 12I/2c; TO 60c.; PER YARD;. SILK FINISH:CURTAIN t:NET: AT 95c.. AND 81. .PEtti AND' THE LINOLEUM ROOM SQ1TARES.. • ' allrairotir