HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-11, Page 74
_ __—
Actuated by 'fieeire to • se"4 'Ow-. „per ,were Weeyer,;_able. to.figure out ouir fiT.14,4-747.-Vdren‘Y and-shook.,otir freezing that you feel?", .
wof 41 and an innate loye, ot.all;„thingfil-7tar*4-fhl,,ik POrpose.. Haa.it heeh bonao 'from thf& esiiet•joines, trying . deceit, rot !,, „sow, aoritioz--
tigkeai *tit.; our friends from theeinn Attempting to revive the:eleggfsh oircillation• The •or*Fa count ten," r tele hem. "One,
"listed shortly after gracluation 4froni ' to role us they Might hitter have wait- Meal Was ,yerY sparse, for We „did not two,three—Pie' • .
Celuinbia College, As aSaiStant PrOf, ed for enete upon:mei! and aSsured„ our care. to bo t 'with nothing to ,eat. • • . .
He theught.; meant.' end stagger-
' "NO* Toll Pt 1.1i)tor shoot you."
Gamic/ reached toward his hip.
"Teats eriough,"°I seje, "I'll take
yoer gime' and I -reachee down and
lifted, it from its helster. It was:only
glent from one CieUntrY to thi othk,e,
thOngh to whet Pnr.Poee 1eeeldinever
No ?wed to defell on the inconven-
fences eveStlIfferc,.4. We at least
Marsh les Lest -Weed* of Jesus 'With
the wilenlell that :bff
ad fleeSed• body geed foed and a walla Pktee. to Bleep, , Dile. !Mese John,.. eh!, 1,41e;
-teem the extra effort Of dragging though we were ee,:e,ed into a little'Pleiden." Teet-ee Om tile wee., the
Gamie weich mete* It possible for eleY/ rooniieboutfifteen'feet equare, iteaeoe ..trnth,10.11. the lifee..e4Ohe !fel'
to hp:d the weapons or use? my fingers. as we couldwith our •captor we could; , ANAPYgra,
ti•P. 414 not show bine thetell3t of eeebecting Tetreile• ctr .1'4N BEAVP!4Y
• ;' t • . eequese oe peireer, 841.
' "01-be'i . etaMmered Getzeio. two, m.eit in that desolate, forsaken ." HOME, e-4.
No* your kiddin, wo.yotee e. don't region of being pies Co UK feu queseeeei. oe, eilfeiles, 5-7.
feel like fooliag, 44$1Ciphernader'! he said.
, hot kidding,"kidding,"halmost . After it day and a half of captivity IY. KinTaEK'CONEI.OZATIONS, •
"and if you don't get up out of there our, heat entered early i.n the morning, ,. •
I'li 'pick INeeepeceioreee e :lege Lour cpapters,
a nice itk. round ho;e in and menacing us With smite kinclorif
; contain the Beliemest teaching on iree,
Yoe, Don't .you know, you plagued fool, pieta Of ancient origin, huedetinting Neon, .ene.eayitehecnethe iftaidrati6n
Ahaties..,enlythe_numh.eirarneth-before- Inesiee,etold-es-that..',YM.,•W ere,-40-;-:,he;;;',and---corafort,-ef-eountleei--Chrietiantle
bound -fine taken to the city. A•vitemane They tell of. tho cdn.tinual VOSence of
hard looking •ooci. 'moo6taaO, brought Christ with the believers and ,they
aome eeilti of rope' ' and:while, ehe•etwe give eticoeragement• 'to all his suffer.
'erect ;With, tile deadly Weaeen, the? big that e:futureof.ipenite.
• Man bound us •"' . • - • • • . I gel.er•Y awaits..tUelee'e,The feerteente,
We .weretea"dred• '''Se4let•hing tie!LanPsterphg4t1;e4-aW.ThortitSt9,'.11.fliitte!-atp:1,”eansd
,yr*,whioeit's'itT,.:,: 4s lie eprpo7pga *. wasrikoit;• 7404s7t,antoj
attached,i.tidae,. • • '
while tho, womerier000ted, guard •TELL43 THE. „THIANitNLt
1)4414. 910 Titan and drove ;the • '• .HOME 1-4; .
mule over some of.theeockiest•;*
roads whieh,1 think 'exiiie, 'At e'''ania,11.:,cToheee elsitietine'egieen? r•Wh•e•hned•*:•.ith
army post at, the foot of the ' et te
0.isii,, V: jtt.'00jYriabritc,rwthha:e4e;ic,biaelltyrobuyb.ltechl.e.
affia v".-Ri`were. turned Over tie the thaemin'i immediately, he. is to leave
tiarYe and, the Conimaiidee beingideaf thereisprophecy.4atwhgeetinthelde.4iiiioiQelle
-to argument, we gave our Parele and, 419diautrinoguflisritiedat;mhe.rer: kjio the
were conducted on horseback to Guai-
f.razieare,,thjilLe capital of Bolivar Priiiince.'tktPa.aPPe.al .te th-e'=cmi:Passi°m44.-1°Yel
Goy,_,07.t.prr„1„,40."and ."the sad 'silence is'at
last broken by the.se- 'weeds which for
• 1140-kisitall head -the GeOrge;defeat" meeting/ tie -ender. A. geise We • Veeee,eieththorooghly -frightened, od.gzoanlng to 1,4k:too, Feieb.1.3r-.h,4
E. ' exPlorettiOn exPeeitien to , triendlineSs. , • ,4 . 1,!1°.Ugh I.Aci'tht' think' that Aren. thee ,eeteeeed Va.f(4,0 rae, ktokiio back froin
-tEetladori The piirpose -of • the - OxPedi- 1„. The c o we, .were' •we e•ealited the ;gee. ii.vety etir limp...,t.p.tit„ with ao- 41;1;7. :03,04to in hij
lion was Andy tbe•aeclitteologe of seemed 'to' trend ,unWard•and :We situation.- ; •••.! • , . • ,
:the/nee:end Priancli Perieda of civil-. :owed ;it for A ifinatter 'of t*0 lellee be- • All the while it was gettingdarker, e • man •,)4..hfs. sells" would ..have
"•• E d .• d'P in • I tore •we disinounted:Stakedthe horses •antl do neet'kne* Whether night was known thatthe chances y hitting
' ilart fell' ,traVtline was and tlireltd 'lee "sleep; Any of the near or whether the cloudswere anyteing eeeth., my lurid teenihnoie so
• • . • • , . . . • •. . • . • • • o • •• • , •
protale and eineventful enough. Weetrai:S, We hee been Itold, led to ishep-' ing up thicker, and thicker. over the • Were negligible,
left New York in May, '1910, arrieing herds' hut A ;Pear the. Snow' line, .and. Pen, probably the latter, for darkneaa. • At .lailt we had riionnted. the SOU
at Getiyaquil;'Pere,esoree weeks later.' We had reckoned On leaving the het.inee •ti'.11thys very rinickiY after light in the and started. once more downward. I
'There we' Were jollied ' by Manuel at one of these:Stations. • .. tropics.e „ ' ' . ... • had. lost hoe° and it weuldhe °Ur last
4.44.1410 of. Alexia. city, whs., iuso.eeei 'Early in the morning we Continued At last, with, even lees warning then descent ueleas, indeed) we both deOP-
'fourth' member of the Party,: a, yonne: higher,' and. about noon arrived at a usual) the werat came: The derkneas ped and died at the bottom. • ' '.
feliaw celled, Willie BeSkeY .heving small cabin crouched ,ainong thee -eclat. of night added to our difficulties', and Suddenly a fresh horior-begen •
ageOrepetnied us from New York: l'We were near the snow line and . 'What with the hiteuial, gloom and the
' After a few days in the unhealthy anxious to start. the ascent, as . out ,blindingewrestlingiewirl of Snow we
Guayaquil district we struck off into time. was getting short.: The horses could, actually aPeeking, searce see a
the forests of Riobamba, whore we for I were left in the care of the shepherd, hand: before our faces.
a time made -our headquertere _tine and with provisions or three rneale . And all this within 'le le* mil4it. Of
,eaethieee many. relic's of prehistoria I aPlece.in ease of emergency, we began the partlee equator!. Somewhere in the
:. ,nailitaty and 'domestic life. -We, of our'elinee. At first followed an al- same eatitude 'sunburned and lieate.
coureeemeproyed the tiseel cavalcade : Most hideen trail, which was soon lost tired people Were atieking•the coal 'of.
' of pack •mailes, here* 'mezos and two, after We entered the'snow.. The peak the plazas and the 'cafes as the Wel-
.gaides,. and the work in Riobamba . was •we wiShect to ascend was- directly he-. 'come relief of night came to ,them. '
more in the nature 64 an outing:. 'We; fore tia, mid so long as we kept climb- Gamio had began to Weaken •percep-
,Slept king and comfortably, the WU- ing we Were all right for a time. - •tibiy. I', do, not know Whether e stag-
tideat which we Ibied. making it'cool, • '.1'he wind was. bitter cold, and, de- gered.- or not, rbut ,,, it monied that I
. and eridueed.feW•hpielshiese .` • . spite 'the efforts of climbing, we ehlye eauld.. not puf one . • foot before the
Skirting northward, we " ' visited eted'sonisi after the sun becaine elle other. -Bach time I lifted me' aloe it back over his shoulder and, cured nie.
41 -Lite; tthe -City on the- equator, and sciired behind .e, 1%04.. blanket-, f.yf Was as hemi.y-as 'tijough the 'weigll of Thenhe pleaded,. groaning,. protesting
were 'entertained ray.ally by President gray. By theitiddieof. the afternoon .ii- Whole delft' was ateached to it. I in maedlin, childlike 'sentences' against
Alvarez Of Ecuador. AS this Was the "iee were as high Ile We cared to go, - tried to . eY13:Poit• inY ceiliPenien but my ' erneltY, but I' held the piste' es
lase stage of our journey before etertge and, after eating 'Opaeingly, starteeeeriy hands, were so, niimbed ,that .his. steady ,ais Might be and "ferced.'ailm
• - ing.inth •the real' wilder ness,- where we ' to descend, Ties, we had calcilla • arm slipped from elly grasp 'hed he ' '
'were' toealineste-figilt- -toe ieer-- iv -mg trzitTilnriztdts, - -1.5'..--mt- - :cs-xtunnt
• ' '
4 '
• VOGUE yoR-.1,,ARxD
-e-Ftfiness is atether."-iii of every \
sthart neve. freck, _and the newest .
,• • .
, seps., now follow, the Movemene. Pie -
creel! into My brairteeeThe-frightfur a us castxi prison, an u th
Pic -
warmth whiehellieraireadi seized upon enough it was. He was swollen 'with re. firae.time epee eeaven to faith. ..tered here is a simple.model with just
'Gallia° was treacherously . stealing' his own importance ane would net let Faith ' the 1' tt't d '
1 is on y possible a i u e le . . .
leve in God, believe ,• , , in me, ,he ,ght amount
of fulness
t •rii
upon ewe. The very worst had come, ni telegraph. •He had never heard' of, which the 'Christian can isuccessfully ' a graceful flare when the Wearer is in
and I believe. I prayed. I still. had the Georg*. E. OeYe expedition, he meet confusion and sorrow. To be- motion, but adhere to tfiegenetal slim.
sense enough to knew what it meant said. • . . • . t • . -Hey° in God and •iii' 'Christ .•is the line when in repose. •To insert) the
feeling was 'real. . r Struggled against .bodice of Ones frock -fitting smoothly; '
and not to think, .like Gamic), that 'tile
iti but it grew. even stronger es we •thereere two small. darts in the front
• Our protest. that we had Wee rel.
ceieed and entertained by the presi-
dent <if ECuadore he "coiesieeree 'mere
-bravado; "and'anneunced it, court Mar-.
tial for the 'morrow.
That night 'We ibribed goldeovine on "Father."' •Heaven depends,,not On
guard to telegraph to President ets buildings, but 'enehim who dwells
•varez tier' naniee„ and also to Prof. there. God is. all its life and #lorY•
Saville, whom We thought might )?e
searching ..for tis:„ in and near IJi0-
cuige. ' • : • • •
About Midnight, the GoVernot, him -
Self opened -the door .to our Cell and
with pro/114e apologi4A invited ;us to
anchorthatwill :held in • every.. storm,
,V., My :Father's( hoUset:Jesus
bad...spoken of tbet. temple in , these
feenie. eche 2:16), but earthly tenipleenlya -pope. the heaven-
iy The em.phis.. is .to•be
and back of the :camisole tee, and
staggered down the mountain. Tinie ribbon, straps May be use d ove.r the,
did not eXist. for Me, and 4/ do not 'houlders . instead of meteriel. The
'kpow bow long we had descended When skirt section- is in two pieces with .ii.
• . , -
I -began to dream of het coffee. seam on either side. No. 1289, is in '
From time to time .rdando. looked etees 36,. 40, 44 and 48 inches bust.
Size 36.,is suitable for 84 and .36 bust;
size 40 for 38 and 40 bust; size 44 for ,
42 and 44 'bust ; :elk size 4ii*toi, 46'
and 48 bust. Size ,40, bust require!
2% yards 32 -inch, or e'lee yards 396 -
inch material.. 'Price 20 cents.
onward ' while,. We,were
cen nag.riira-s saagrsen ess--course., e O. •
Man' maneions. This house wiel
spacious. "There, will be room for
every ,wortlyeluman activity, thought
or affection." I viiotild have told you.
Jesus had freely told them 'of the
darker side, and can theY imagine that
he is any less sincere in speaking of
flpt44.71 44-114.9 I rf• t44 ferb JENV41.
• I. ; . •
remember the bangtiet ten pre ir aiiNkrt;-bY ut. we", p ongi ig. and .4 e ur t1 ar y. venqus1 y e is. pa ece, e•re use a i c 1ThilTit3 1. ,OIll OAj- I
e".:• Is In,e Y, arid chose to keep the treat'er ot our ai best we catild iehenewe fell; whieh. cur" and ,saidi hini Seine of the things .Which viie had 'piece :Where all, their best hopee, wilt which draws favorable coraniene'frore
' • ' biter -had cause to remember it eeen prOeisions for a rerniete ease Of enier.• was ofteee we slid. and careenedever "Took. here, Jack, I'm net going a been'sayieg abeet him.. Eiren therele be roall*4' ' "The langiiiige is 'hoe= the eleserVingitublic. -.The designeele. ,
" more 'and More gratefully: dci*iiward; mei to, find:•eilis,e1Vee at step further. Go, on neve•shoot if: you 1bOveed and a.pologiZed; bilt We went te eowed, from. the:praetice. Of sendhig laursitgittln
• higliwaYs te'Salina Salinas,. a town trig were eatily. followed , for e: tiMe; neceseary .6 climb ' weary. heights eI wile" l'whispered hoarsely. "Jest night. epeears that the resident,
, .
£j will come again. de- ;Centres :arid ,will' help you...to acquire.
in the hear of the style
.. us .t.eiteirige Quito; ..i We followed: in the .... . The 'tracks :we Rad Made: in ascend; )at in a holloar or . chain,. where ..it like?: .",* ••. • • . • •• the inp.,,and 'reinairied. there, for the messengte in • front te' secure:proper
quarters; ' .: i• , .., . - • • , ., . ;..
a,lie'llortherrnost 'par .b. the pievince 'bet iseon11after. we hait.Started 'back 'it ;again befere: we.. Could 'deacend cioce. aft s•ifreas:- there is.',a' God, in. heaven ,rettivin!,.4ering,..not ika,A io.;.egraplipti • fo•r 'partnre is the condition of big reture.
. . . . . .,thet etude desii44 air. Of Individua:ity:
orthelexpedition':.. We set out threugh but deeeleping.repidlylinte n.swirIing; , , When , we stiiiribled , end fell , head- and ' wallet'. ••• ''• ' : ' - • -....— • .us.'•••• This had coneitieed •hirre of our At his resUrreetioe 'he wilYetene;,allso Price of ilii book lef.ceete the'. Copy. '
of Bolivar • Then begeo.theereal Work.. began' to : ehoeire very gently at Ant,•• I'll shoot you if. you- :eotied. partieelaie and eefull deseription or This .eoniing:Of, ',Jesus ,is manyeeided: . e .
- 'raging blizzard' The fasttr'acka-bee long into the sn - "t' ' 'w 'lcomel
i • e in the:advent Of the Ho Spiri , the • . . , .
• the ,Gitirriberageo eleuntaina..to. crose . . , ••• • .. . . , , , . , . . iew. felt 3'; „The' ene, Wei to: keep 'moving itlent:lty.'sind• Ite had.. erde'reT oo.r.-fm-.
- • - . . . ' • 't in•
e so.e : possession of, Trly•ze011ia01.1S...;1•nietligte" eeleatee.• teMimaiiding the •great •eeents of the..Cl•iiesetan theich., -•'' •yirote,. your rill•Me endaddrete.plitin.
' • the 'province frOni borth tototith. 'With •eame..obscure, and .it .wes.. with 'great weirn en 'weiste and hands and .even ,hee, ,. 1 • , • .
:Chillanes• as our 'gone.' •••;„ . . . ness, •.arid' I think ,. I, .reallY 'believed •ofereolie Governor- - . • • • at t hedeeth, ofeeech aever ••ane eel
.-- . le, f,1' ing number ' and Size. ,•ee etleh
• dif Lulty that.we !made them out. T ,e• lace, • until 'at. last they 'became so '
wind. hut 'the. stinging 'cold flake numb that we fell ab.seliitelY nothing. what. . - the'final •glorions-leturn lit .the elid of..patterne. as you, want , ,PicloSe .20c th-77
Our •starting' peint Gainio,' and I'.ob-: into. our,eyes,•••• so that , at times . we •Gainio grecteed.ieooeteneusly for Iwo,
My grasp on my„senity.. I:had:thrown' turn, had sought us imi..,ataCuiga.and :„ ..,
. . ''' tlie.•eirorld: , ' • .. • • . stamps or coin (coin .erefeerede 'trap . ' •
. ...Two...or three „daye' : journey. from I, eaide I kneevehat I *is, Rising. '•:'• 1Preste• Siittille;..When AVe ,.did, net re- • • • ••• • • • :
'.ville to exPlore *ad eimb ceetaliait, were net lalarmed, ..thielting thet, iee. doubt I did • the Salim', but .1.,4,id..rio!.• to .carry it: The oho' i• let4i. 1 •tpaclici. horses. Be. had eenceuded we':were:.distant ;scene; but they had, been. With Wi.;son Publishing co,:.73 West Ade?...
v... 4.. The, •way -Ye enoW. ; 'The .diteeie carefully)... for, each .number,e and ., .
, ,. , , • „. , . .. . ,. , . eould. eCareely :hold. thein- Open,. bur ere .,utes et a thneeth,en was silent. . iii
• • .teieed: permission from Professor eea-. ' "-ee• eine eistel:.away, it Was. stich -an 'ettort lincl.'t ailed. Ilie.but whet° eve ..left Our ceeee 'might' net be.., able. to. see. the' addiees ypur .order te'Pattere .'Deet.,:,'
•' Probably' the:hp:keit ...volceilo in the eould, 'fled our. wayefrion .meniory.. •. re.a - • • ' by 'grasping iny writt 'with. niy:, free ..lost in the ,storm; , but, .waited for .a Jesue'loeg enough to leern...bia.ideids, '1Aidiv,gt;•, Toronto. ..r.,atteras sent hy
• , . . . .
...World.' ..:We expected to take- two or
. 'halide, .Gamio laiighed horribly,. . ' fetv. dayS in the.little town, nieamitehi;e and to .recognize. the directie„n. of - his, ,
. • . , .
return mail. • .. •
. " eitie-it at the 'time'
Even when the snow enveloped us • They. say it ls•conifortable to; freeze
• presentethat if thee woUldronly foree, • ' . A ivi s• p• '
. .
like a ,blanlceeend Made it inleoeieb;e le' 4eath, and. 'AO I believ.0 it is t the, • . .
's three- days -for the•feate and ,heeitiet
. , . . . .
. leeaey. feenkets. ,),,,e cereied peoetsione :to see .a rod in any dereetien we re.: 'IAEA, tt1.1t. the pain' at ,fiest. is alniarit.
.garded • the experience- mere in the •unendurable. :We Were toiling.. and.
to fast• es that .1ength Of time... The
• 'Arse' night We Came te• il little. adobe ;light ()I. a 11.61c.' 1 t`.' , ' °dragging ourselves uP, „a'n especially
,steep and wicked 'spur when. Gamio
hut -miller' by curtsy all inn, •atehate-• TO Protect:, ouise:VOS. as'..• Much as
euiga„ under.' the 'very :foot , or the Pessible.frohi the bittey weather, and. began ell lag behind...I' helped him as
Moil/AMA.. .While WO were eating- silo, , because we. continual:y' betarrie gen- beat. I could, Which. I 'fear Was. little,
, per 'fey& or, three ill.•apedaringefellews airated, from eech other, began -to,„ and he eeemed unable or else univill-
entered tee retire and 'ordered, drinks. walk. lock -step ,fasluen. Itust Ganuo ng o , e any e t i on is own ac- instinely sank, ta the groend. ..It was, thee we did riot make' any teoulee The mystery., He, has'eo clear .underst hiul-.
, bein , a Mex eau; spok p r-• ould tak the.lea, ai d I would pee° count ny patienee, wee' short and •it useess ;,t, ti. t • • k'
Y, , 0„, Inc .tee Weapon up; only Man, I' really- hold . a, A
gru-So, ing of the place to whieh jeseis is,go_ !lee' °,f ii very Woildeeful. and delicieus .
feet Spanish, and I have' alWaye beee Vehied eine. liotle heneseon les' shout_ irritated me to have him leg se- ' " 1 ' ' - •
- : • . . could not conti.ol my finger% With againet i -• ,t hat "Fl G b , • d " ' ' ' •'' '3 h
i., ..., o tine or. .. in ale owe therefore. can e. know . .f . , / i . • d :
• - h : - pie the ot or ay. e sal - w eneeer .
.1). 'd ' H ' 'd ' 1' '
-Galileo ' e • i ' ' e e w e a i
•: as f tordliar with the ilinguege at. 1 ain.' daie• my •face hidden behind his back; .1"What is the /natter with v u'"'' I ' ' ' . ' • ' - ' ' ' '
`1•YOur..bii,v.e_teteeiedontlee I te",.e.eilte,_„%eridiegernen_eo_eeitiee.theirieuntain.s...thoUghts and actions in•the.immediete-..,'.•-• :
. . .
then .began to count. "One two Re had I•eceived our te4egram and
tluee—. • , notified the A thericen Consar at Quito;
Gamic!. was 'staring Me in the eyes. Avho in turn .took the inatter up with
- • fs.Four, five, ei,?c, severt-4/'. ' ' 1.1n1 :but we had by then
Without cdusing a. seesation in my b,cen reeleased. , Altegether i.ve had
him. the road., would be, clearly re,
veiled. • • " •
6,: How 'can wknoW,ehe waY?
an S.: .
„ .
always think that a Man is proud-
er of his wife's 'pies than of anything
else she makese-that is if her pies are
tumbled into the show. Gamici laughed "pected, and. were tO he alive• culty. e The future ivreplied in It was one ef: the first sort Whoetole• _
it honest enough to eonfess, his 'diffi- net to enentian them et .ell.
nature a doubter and good, if they're not, .1,1e's lather apt ;", •
hank. the pistol drepped from. it and .eome pff with more ,than We, had ex- Thwnas was bY
.awaro. ,of 0„nr... ;les _.wi e !Tiede t .it.,seteme .: as , though
. • ' ' ' ' - - . ' " ;demanded.' • . . ,:. 0 7 • , . the lot.' of :the 'feeble' •streneth, thee . .1 • • • --e-e---e-----e-' . tea iVey'?.:... Until 'vve: aid • '
Itte MY native .tongue..• We bee soon t then 'we y.r01.Ald reverse, ,the.:or er end
hi feeteI could not' do 't • ' I .t• .. I ' • - • ' . ' .• :. . ' destinatian• we eau' not ,select our- 10 id !II :I he..., .sweet •sirie.Ils :of spring .'were
'• • — was 111 me I. i •• e• g • ,i ' t ' . 4 ' ' . ' ' ' ' • ' . .
tr 0A t • dra Gran,.o o Make 1 otiBed Do.Double .-
AllY smiled. ' -. . • .".. ..•.,..:.'. . ... ' .. to haul threneh thez...sarrow, ..',..ilsrut9i,,,.,.' :'.„• n'le ' ' ” . ' '''''''. :; ' '• -. % ''.. ' ' ' 1.) ' '' ' . .' and . . '
,1 noating through the hnuse,'..e.spee, , tally .
. n :indeced.intoe convereitien • With lie WoUlt1 take o: fe4.y _ moments,' ppm- :,,,,I'skihing," Said „Genlio,.,•ned he actu- e. ' V'' 6 l• a•ni the Wa '' the truth'.
: lieu; 'cempeny, • .. ".: . • ' - e' '. • . • • to we•inuSt haVe titidged enti drag: , L',•!..Y.- ,• . , ,.'. , the life. •Jesus.replies that•be, himself , eyiule • the pie was baking it . was se .
- etheneaed they'seerned to'.1 not Eit;all paratiVe reSt. , '. „:' „ . • . , ' ' :
'•., T. feared he WaS. ' - ' d ''H'e. - ' ' ''
filety "feet when lily -arms •refesed to .A: farineeethout 'a• garden. tied hoe. ic 'the way:;" Thii,Mas sheuld • haYe refreshing,. This is the •Wey this ivqn- .
. . .. .. ,
. go,ing • Ma • is pose' I had ttigged 'hini not :mote 'than': • ••
an but he'Seemed weakei, .' ' '. ' .' • • • hold. ••• elyeuends were' I -
. . .usee.se. • ,14.:ed, is .1 ike. , a., f_arni.ly. '0, it.hont. :it in°. thor, kaotvii, , frrefn Wha,t, le. , ',the. d.. ,se.en: ..a. .n. do. :. derful. s.in'e is too ' i..I,.., tri. ed.,. i,ti and . I.., •
and really •thA. l'othed is the 'mother Of
eyes Were. brighter.thini t,hey he4 beeri, .
' ...Eefoke ' 'out' . acquaghtanCe.• had. ad-• ire& ontseiveS. thraugli the ever, Ileep-
a hidden' t eetisii re • gold 'and: jeNve.7.'s of honr.Whensuddenly; while I Was. lead-, • " 'Gee% . yeti 'eet •filoiig a' little fatt-
yanced • Ver,i-far" they.T.had •eold us, of •ehing. blanket of snoW Ter Rhine , . x Itag.geeie.(.1...,f.e.vo paes {.1ir to, rt;,st., .the.e,csgilt4ILI.eil:1,,: : , .. L intra ,e8., .. , , - o. •Jh!..asurit4'..%rhaasti.ot•bitt.t.ct°rnlitrto°1:1iin)e.g.rdaf.'1,biere...lt.fillicr,j.rs3t'cit.13,0‘.*iui!!m' I..gs..4,,,,ce, largc.,,,.,
, . . •• ft g e• - ' t .'' ' tiv•
-• .the 'nee: erlueb •'was biiriedt 'not .'f arf lug, ,Cainto brought' iis to a* halt'.with err I eeked. . ' . • • - ... - ' ' Then eily• knees' beesin to 'it:rabble ''"- p.,ant.s ,a,14 pl.ateaa thesneel 111. s'ee the '..dieind face..and glory..:. ''.•lesuel.1„;„ .F„,,,„„f le non, ,g,rata ..i.ta, thin .
found.all hia-joy„'in doing the Tather'S1-'"`e'' ' "'"''''''''''''
yeeled and I did net keine' whether I -.
ierowthe ,eitit . after' ,i.,11q hot 1;0.. has 4v0alink the Way.' ' h
ages of wile,' and in this Jespe *es 1.eally
P. emeeeiust: YalleW'rind..e.nd squeeze :the...Jule:6'f rem;
dee, but it feel's. -geod, :doesiet: it?" ' •
!il'illn.:... elatter' togethee. Th.e-motintainside, their'
-Probably.- it -*as. iti%a el' .cle I
1 .or.w en,.. .7.r.iy...., a.. nd •cieli,clito.
rnnOtiotipd in• this,-wayi. What thoixs, can recegnized' thee the 'presence. of eesues butter lentil' it.is„ae 'll'uffe, es deWni. '
from the..tou'n.,..sheut two. nifc'ts :up the:.a tag at mY shoelders. , ' - ';.7 ; ..;,.... • • . ‘.1Wh'ii,t/$ ' the'. 'iiiiee' be said
' . H101111titiTV: • . : ' . *. I. ' ' • : ' ' i . . We* had • just.. Plunged enii-kilid. to • . ha.A.,e i . it. ...Then, cream e a .qiierter eneful.'of '
This. st,org i.s..Pae.;*hich ti traelo'r , thei,bottorn of . ti. gulchi and-' the .foinue. • '."Whilt .teele, good' said,' I.. eTh I S ts wee staggering ,upwaid or eOWnWaide
• l d '' t th ' 1 ' lie "iiplib:‘,,.ritip' it?' We 'eesivered• thia...liad
. . • l. -• ..• • t. ' arid, directinginflueece in his otieelite, ',sugar end whip. to 'ail. 'almost white. .." ' ' ••
been' the one : great illuminatitgeadd' theetequarterse of a cupful ' ef
meeta. in -almost' iniery' town ..iit 'the '.. tem f ilte range, made at. • it. pessible to no...time. to joke 'and if Yoff'd buck up . ,
. _east., territnry'• which .oiice. coMprised . take either .of• two coursefeineelerting .and • reeke it httle more effort to do e e ve '
• • na .i. •p unge in o e. snow was - • ... , • d' '• . • lied he., only' latised to t bilik it out; foarn, Ad4 Atte well-beatee yelke of
. e Pei u known. to Pi', 1170 Aseeeime 1 a line'. ot •plifis ;welch we Cotild net! emir .O*11 .walkIng rd ee..eettee. lease Wily a feWefeet 'froni GerniO. For pee"' - • • •-• - . • ' • - : 1 he could. have novel that tne Father , t el teleeaeocilftit! of. • corn'-
. ?Igo •.bv cleaning . it. °tie ••••rea v • 'for . . • -.... • • •
IA° s
' • th • ' . „ .
..In this caie there was a ghost.. Weleh , hater t'oped' to :scale and which 1..ree ed, added rather brutally, fe • the
guarded the treadtlre, and with ail thc , eletehered we hid not descended di: coMPleeency of the man ineedeeed• Me,
• • cupidity, of the natives they had •neyer,i reef -Ie. -1. had jest turned'to. the east:. "WhY, jaek,"-'he. 'Don't you
made allY ‘wY.....deterreined tcffort tO when Gamic!' brotight"lee to the mid-. begin to feel 'Warmer? I'm...getting.
ntiearth it. •••, . ' , .1 dca. halt. • • ••„ • • about as 'comfortable as they make
. of coerse, took !yr steek in he . "That's the wrong ,way,"."..he'said, Buteit Was bitter While it ratted."
t, Suite eneugli, theught, he iviii
story, of the tr,easere, but our 'curiesity ill:0 irritable. • ' '
. to see °tie of these:dreaded spots 'for e "Are Yeti; sure?'' said I, , "1 ,ent crazed by the s leering. et_
ounie.h•teew.as,'serong.' After seine ta:k ;3°00%T' we came 'erore this die ' "It's_ snowing harder than ever," .1
, We decided to ride • out to tho receion,"" , , • • . saide • , ,•. ;
' seeper and as the inn Was likely; I was still pesitive that I was right; He looked around bine, peering leto
to bel,ossess'ed.of tho thinks- whieh,.. but if there were any Isiedniartia the white -like darkness. • ,
Make Jiro nviserable in those coml..; the waY. Of .rocks or suelt they Were "Yee, know it ig, You think
trke, we. piatteed. t, earpy oar prove ' eit het 'doeei,ed be the sive, Or ,We 'Were, I'm eriiee, hey? W.elle-Tee •eots.
sioet d bl a nice t s : i t 0 seeory.eia !eye o SPA..,theni•thretigh the ,driving aware that we're lost. I -know
in • the: open. This wi-k 'arranged ' torn!, , 'i its's blitelt , as the Styitt and that it's
still,snowing, but tell you it's 'getting
English, being •not ii•Itogethee dr•Itt ia$1 argued GaTaio araP,Iart4..i.MY
• t 1,v„, friend.; too far • ,evay mr.thiniiingt ond w,c continuo on ,•virlirmelt. etinitoitable." ,
seeonterny.:mind and Sighteefetteed„ and- ..;i ..
• •
oring else,. an .,ee c nipieg iii . Wee the •reae goal' of Festa° I
white, on hie feet, leaMng ovei • and' wanted ...for; nii&wintier tor' spring use, coeie ea tlie -mete 11. (0- ,f : the
the Only truce...living '.18) 14 whiell;,We.
nathfq..iy.. starch and the 'moll juice, and rinde ,
I saw hite, 'dimly through the di a'. suell'• reat;8 ' and 'yegeteb.es as . were v,esus. 'IS:
apparently holding' his
, , • i coverthe them up with straw or leaves love of God. •. . .. . ., Beat, ,a11..thee ingredients Well, thee;
toll id h le , than , , th i , ice,' 1...aet, f,ale. ,h,oweyer we bit union a • • . . et •,. • egfe$ a . until
, o . e•t lei . an eveo e ter -.,
handa 88 faille keei.eUt.froSt. •• ; .,". • ''.. e .. .. In. ' e ' .,, ' IQ II • . .?,ladedt :fa.;11,'ffuptiacifinliiethliet;:v':-.)16,itce•Ampki,,i1(el, .;
Warnith over 'a fire " Then' blhckness TYE YEenv.sT or !" IMP' '''''".' 1. . ' be ten ', etiff 'and firef.
. . .. • r .,- - ee.8. Shew us the Father. enlele wall ' " he' I e t '-' d' •
, , g heie . do iiet
'T knew 'il°').nt'''''' ' • ' ' • • .• , •• ' Tao. !.e.itccessi•ble • By nailing 'strips' on tion. :hAritisedrieffliest:!it)O.O1'.."'. ife is so' inys, , eebtr3. an- . 4--e 0 ' • ,
"Hoer' Ion -We la • e • -1. • " ' ' '
.--- thew .:atli'd aaking the centen. te 'much et Igreat friend 1711 t.hey dttoe_ 1 L.. :': ,d eft .43 lue •piann tiinicid,,'de4;lattoh 7,11Novrtit
es. ,e---.6 -Pone_ i is,' eerily, regran • cu r • .
,,4,11 o it e p ,p . . .. •
"loss: of the night, .s.ett.:(1. 0,01; rne. and, better- Way ti,f ,deing 'much the seine h "----r TT ' el
e, leinae :Int.., e ,. il
: able floor.' Of beards, which .was. 'then '
abetit ten ieeiouit , He liides.:Itimsol ft. JI he intil firm, Perhaps it 'w,in be neces-. •
done in olderr fillies' ( Expd. .24;9 Isae eiecP .of. broWn eerier. &sting the eak-
'rovea I h inisie r, :Ts • he hatl .. sa,ry 'le cover the lee with 7a • heavy .';
know; for. I, lad •Ito idea. what lioeleft •(.4Pc'8it' stcla:; 'af the frathe"
wee•wheri ,•..I 'lost eonseloUsness. . ..,1 inches bele*. the top,,...We laid a mos.,* eeelld (elle;
every bie, in eny dy„ w s heoeleng •.
eoVereewith 'sawdust. abbilt fou ' ..
. . „ „,,,,h 'eh. 6), then they wiefid 'be Satisfied. :
awl acning, ' Tnat i teat in. $01110 kin( centre abou ,,tteen incnea.W1 de.
; ; . ; ., ,e.s deeP, except for a' olnYe iii' the :___' " ',_'... ,,, ,' .kr• '
: , , , ..._ - v 4 .11.,,, that ..ha.th maeh ma. haul i. i hir :, 'othor,w,ie.bit.,t, Irtady!Irown.tOip4?..
• r returned to 7113 to reelizeititat -
streiget lip. et beevy, rough,. ' n'a like a, divine presezte; in'..t.h.oit,:iiiit,:s? AY. It .sh°u'd ...a es4eate golden tint.
,VV;hen tt ts, Oh ..„, . ,
yote might eali•aelf,fr'otteth • .
of a -habitation I levieve CO', i was gieie .1 i.,, ; nti-..ri Iff, 1 A dr
. * 1- ' 't, 24. • • • •• . •••••• , . ,f4ven tne v at:nt,r. Elam not Jesus uteri . ,
,at,,,,r ,s ,,,,e-ew,„., itee-are, oi. door, Did they ilet rially.e Abet whem With ' .' isilled•i and will be 'What
that eg.h readily Ise rerneved afid, when hit -e'en wee we're? 'rho- }Ind I ealle beer, .,, , l' know' eou, ere vine' "to. eke this .•
wooden bearre and a' dirty, dusty cell- lit pl,,,,,, ,,,,,, .ti,„. weleheeehee .eeeetne seethe. tee Vetere., as thoy ,1004.vd •orl pie. ' It.'s a real man'S Pie, ri.i.P.C;k0
• , , •
, . frig..., If ,my Imilis had been flume lied eow; witi, bo e.iivel.ett• witb ' At,raw er. Jeelia, -and thee .ihould. resit cement at:d. untl5ua,0---, • , r.
This 'was ', :With ail elle frenzied. power •of illy ,feetieg•ess the meh't -berme they. Were le . e Ilse - • •-•.• ei - I h.'i- -le • tilef in Jeetio they ea..1 the proee te • ..', ' • , _e_ereeeeeeeeee.- .
. • The deseription of.t.lie treasure spot' 'OUP v."4 ,P.'• 1 11.0d IStarted.'
• • 4_ • • • ' ' I ; ' V. i t.' 4. 0).101 for' a tinte hUi I -round ." eleleeeileteeforee-nie-cowiredIve)0ev ' i .. et, 'elle -1. - ' r ; • -eel'', '..e. 'e .•1 Y l'en'0,•da. .6'111111 tt. ''' il , ' 4(11.-thie, eeielne. Pfieienee. e . . , . . ,
elven oe ,,,,,y our friends of. too .,),.1...!-'.• . . ,t_______---41 . .• . . •. ... . ., a.r,i,o,,,. num.., ‘1. 4.1 pa 11 noW, . •• vie( f h • .1 1
s , placer nn loosely. and' the 'contents ..0, x .c i .1„.t.. o.otiot,..,r the ,greot. . N6 in ,linAVning Streel 110PS:405 x .'
• • An exec.:lent cithiping ground, acid -whet h. r 1 ,wa s in, the right 'oft: kl(it, •Iii)(1 the' 'shoulders .1 tlrag,•ged' litini, ,i'neh by, ,,, • , , ,..t• p . 1 „, . + . 1.i. 1 '-n. th 0 ,...hnt.hett, •y..hit ii •i.nti -prey- init.:13 ,. • •
were -ii ill • oWcr.ecs 'T41 .hOUgh. .) • f - ' • • •
tad, •10(1 • us to he,,ieve,.‘ve find ", theory poieft to do its 'duty. -Grabbing•Gnmio uftder . to move them. but could riot. They ° y 8 — 1114 " rPe
. .. . . , t i $ >attons are , ' , • • • Down' 'Street t.
tit atid they -show tutirds- ,, W.1 1•1 e4"elf mere,
2.weio in ' to Nearipg, Moro 1 ill6u4nt or a the More eon' ;lull uP Alien I was moinent discevered that•I Wee Wield :been' jA banked around. the wig)); y that c.hris.1, is the heart and girabie: earl* whiek hits, Imsseii tu•
'8 iiurry • . the',,place Where tin ,golti. 'and jei.vels .tity.'tedi-bcont.110.• • ' • ' ... • • ' !able to 1 nide him take a Pew steps: hand flod film-, • Tilt; eote4 .:Aednied to c, • • t ,. 4, ti . . 1. , , ., . I
*eta., suppo•mod. to ,he 111(idtiii, we .,;„:iw• , .W11 ti i;: ift.,'X'.' .1:errinlo, Galniiv's, tif Pt) of. Ids': ewn. ;.,••ocerd, "Alt it.' wa,,s..•11.•qx. t tt). h*' drawn tig,h'i,...bot ihoy. (lid ' ;10 i• ',1) it inI'll: iril ,,.. ,;711 '.4.1°'4"V t '1' ''4 ' a' se ee'.56 ern t re 0.. n . • et' '• •rt' 'g''''''' •'1`.• ..• - to' the 'tint 1 tine, (-4 if, got v. eviction t .isee '
weii ....e.e.e.veus,.. coveringe•is ei-easest,....1e0"... 1411.4trilEn CoNt•tift,..11 l0%, 24. ' isk li, pe flittoegb 1110 Inteyt n dtato
: uselese, • the •extra e'ffort •acit'it'. the 11104in feet,. 1 - 041.d not: 'feel .t,holti, . ' froseproof.,•Leler aliotit eve. fee-V(10'e' ,' ,..)-4-'-.0' ) ev 'votive rt.,, the- in by ilssur"'....- . r.- --'''' ----: -''' -' ' 3 1....‘:-. . •
thtne. met iipparentilY . digging., . tine' • i•.,".••••a4. htt sf..*,rtit'd..„Very. doWneast.'
:there wr,i.e, two. mitre. sittiag o!I tlt., 1. 'I's no ..i.J'z'' 119!'sitid..... "YOU', 111tty. hiN),(1.tiriglitti.f 'for it While through rriy elleary eaanket, AAd ',iirty bees wo.e in ,,o,biat eau ijs st6red erstes,,of ,poto, iti'v .11:it:, `t,h,tt ate, ,,,,,rk....,,A.;,,li ho has sPliti!•.tVOI•r ,,sti.t4riingyalind clitt l'o'ltrt'PtttItQtontil,,g're
glennd. ' As, ...$01) , As :we were v,ithjit have' coon,. ri,lthut 1".'(..tinnot..bo,ure • body aml •Iiirdn4ori. ,inc• a little,. but I 'over ire end they, l'elt warm, '. A sin611../0„0„ aa(i applet,,,,!7.00th a ail kitifis..aai., 1,0.gott .tvtil .1:0,,,:f.,ntintii.d ,;„'„.1 iitc,i.,,eed:: --.;- ; - - --.-: - - '',-- - ' ";'-i't,, '.‘t- ''
what they" Wt 44 tieing., . :11,,,, dig,,,,,,,,,, t ., , , . ,. , . ., t , ..a e, . t, (,,linee a morneet e teen entered and .1 turntid good seeele „f deeteeale celery f?„,, the, Upott• Ithi interce,41s‹n•y pritsenee wall . - , .0 .,
Thee,. ••grotitor . werkee wil tri,,p1.,ttti •fitinewspaarr. 11.11n ro,re11 •. , . r.s.
! ' 7.1310(Ittn .aid not•••.n7P 11TP, 7,00k .01, 4.118 '
distet..twe . c..ttnii<,.1i8kod 1,11,,01 1 f loy .elr ror a, ;;inirl.e t,-.14,11. I haven't was faSt nearing' exhaustion !Ind ' at of ,heandy intrmehted the • room, and in ' if it be taker( ep Witlf Ltrill)t.e? 1.001e. 'a
hailing .
10,--,t idii,t %Otero...we •are:" .' ‘ 1,14 hem' shae • tire' n 44 I IO ' ' ' - - ' .
. droPPed. ' their sPalleie • and : etle'.1"1-1...* .441'1'4'1' 'IC '6t'''''..". I' 11'4'4 "%11°(' dt"('Is' and ' hi' '''''il"lc(!,'' wriggling .'cnlee. lite -head enough to'.seci hint. ,11.6 irate e •-/ . t. 1 i' , __. , A '1/ n . - - • , • • •,t be, 1.'•ntito r an() . upon . their, 'earnest . drn 4 '',3g r.' c'ne ("arc'. . ,`,'„t, N I.*: '• , 1,1,"
4fioeta w.01,,i) fired.. • .. • • .. '• , a tic!. 074 n'.'. ioV.,..i. tht oeld was, isititig; . 1 ythttt, Alltab.144. to (1 1,,,•tg ,111111, (tit of,,,,,..,• haat. luatc:I'f:id,lite'ut'u:1`:',';'ut't;,' igid1(::allittik,i:i.',''':'itw: il:lei'ilkht.',,l',.1'.71.A...,1,.?0.. ,ai.,41.)...,a.„ 'c' ..'a,. wi,•*.e..*to. ,,, it'cl. el...., c.,,,,.. ,. rrarvr'",. . 1.17 .8'1.,{,) ',.teells. . t}-171, I 7 f.,, ..tlic' . 4: Altt'''1,, 'the .t)111:t.' • "..f.' ". ''.1:9. ‘":"*-tli.Pr.'1•L' '
1 ' ' . • • ti.)11rort ill of ttw 1 toi r. spf,•ff. mu., tv,p,- IN bald prorv 0' ti ri Pik ens. tilt
jumped_ to thei 1: feet. te/(1, •A, ttetv",e,. r p f eitsult idea iis 'to- our inyatiun .ni$:.selfi.foittly into the snetee .
•The,fuilillade came ;IS it shord1:• tittil ifitik 9:8 -wIth.,'cruer Ic'tn• l'‘`'' ."''," alinnst.Illinble te etend 111Y411's '''' the b.00d .tinglina.., t'iml I aaLed liint . i *nide theM Into '11.1, truth, withe 1.v. of ,1S-urks, • hoat,ter,,. being.. .n t eel'',
,,e,.14t ,li.n11r:14li1a413 .s.,.e45.t.-,e,,h1 , i•eesli.„i,.,,, ,,,n-‘,,ii,gl.i.,tif.,ie,.li.i.ei-r..,'•„..1A:- ,l-t,l,y',.l,ht.';.'. i.'t.'t.I . -i-''''','I, li'7
4 N -• ,' s;1
1t.o t10"ttp'S,t'--•
4G.(, a, lln,.iOo.p /i)ki, n' .,u,.q.ri, ttTe, ti.e.yA,„Ct.i,/t,i,f., 1 W.i,„,• tit„ity1*.i',T-1•4 * e -p. ,Vi, 1,1 tk.'ti4..- t1.i .' `•,„.m., :eV:,; .. taees.e..s„•;• ought.„.,tm•,.,tlt• ,d,fmitze- •ptelie..,'.-.-.,1n,• eli•,'....•o• tfr;:.o0t1-r,-e9,ls1;.....4Y4rk• b1-„wr-•ri11s0• ..- -.,v..t-i, l'rty.., tbh•.iirnfi• g w.:f, itr..h.pt, ?l,7i...„'„n."r,1.o!,n,,y..(..1„- 1.1.,.,,..t,..A„•,o4.,.m..,..z4m,7.1.z.eT.,.Tn.,.dablt, e..,,4t1.r‘r„lO.,,
„r ,hW•Insi•'t.,1te;n el,ia'•.'...ricThe..--
vao-f.fu'.l•*d e,hnd
.",l.Ti in,,,rl1ko,,(l'• .r r,1g6.."1.,•lf•. e..4II`•(nt."1.'14'."4„.r.'.l `•i•4t« -r• :b•t
•,W ;., n1.„19,,•11•-I.i.,);, fl.,(,.”l.,,i,.,wh...,,et' ett,'iolhi.le;t e HWi+-, -e; . .v'.e1.etd, f ,it.he."1g1;!a;.rc.1e,,A , .• et,T•er...tr.. v•. ar',•• .r,tt-ft-, , ley-.•-s.''..'f•..g•..err.rer1• '4s.
•••. it• oi' n • op' e. nt, • e• vd.i • I -r• fdt,-'f',.1eSrt..S...i-..1
.0t.;y :.;o; .n ' •i-' ,,.t.tthe
aor' det•oo,
ltr. - the o :
' ttr.. Oeti•.'r' sa
. 1 u' tn—il, to'l':",-c•.,1"-u-: ' 1;. ; •- , ”-1"--1.1..''.r-•h-7,-••; ,..t1i•,g. -.-''it,m:4ii:'n-'t.th. t.e-,,.,:(S,I01
•1•i4,:'•• t,4.r,.e•t,•1u';p..i.o-'t-• ts.,.l)
541eli„4etiitt24..g,rtc,r0404_,1JT‘A J f iNI 10Urjityktthe and Said t1a1,17was votfortable111(1 )11 1( w;sinvtom tint,)l," c.iCte'lec8ilu- <'1''1 theu1 d, `1„p*L3OIfl t, (ittt)lthe titbe washed
6.tfatt•rama.0ti;Tlt1 in;Li.r\177<) 1) m,tiaPaT-Thutge -n(-1)Veltim„ee4r,,.o,,it I4)401d.iti.ppt*)r.N,tat—” 1up i1sssq,ij
mit, gavdd lsth6troliVto2111Igtlimlit,i,jt,,“L___fil,Irhatt'llo ip‘mI ,bled to lift him to ht ftt and turned to tamtofforetngetne,m,(therdidnt- y4g01.eriqrtviht,014ro4not tho firs01e jafoiy‘,qiisnut xiZ
rtliihon011 61vi'"1M'1*!'17'l:1P:1"1'‘:1'1';+(7niligltinii:inill"41'1;‘f'1,4!"1tIi°11611'((13ltt''er11114Ti984t:SY—1;7"1t:.ral°;..t:7ft7Tijit"r1:ttv::Tic.n:T(‘t1r:7:':;t
if0nno,s-o1 11 m1it 1heil1 ok t iin\tothwhile trockthe Oanlo mght ixto t$ esIf OAbe teeinrorreon birelxeulet401`0aelven area, an I)"m1n41;hit•420ft p H there'TaY•fIgll$04'"Vralan--
. . .•
.,....,,,holotoi,„htif ,,i- ..linii-.•ouTIThi,To, 1,..,..:4i,...., tlittniO 11,.,...lil the siwk Intvc ,sn. his st,ItTr• i walk if ho ofilk, wolvid told ir bc, hod snath A rat.ric:aft affairs .ana ilimiodfr., be raised. far, above tho ' nin•inal by,In° ,,I•stm'sn•"i'''''''''• C.° r}e•IIP'tet.„. '- • , .
. 1 . • .
•)• - , . ., 4,•• 4%41 4 gkriull that • l•;• chealort fine eaqie.t tO
heteie ley -nu tonel tie • in•A he ' zi tr<tiolv 7 "",1 rIt''',(i. nnil'•'''ve 10177 (1 74) '8I•tri;1',1 11° Pr''OP,(1."111(91tal 4411711i111°.' . Ittoly 14? 474! tiln.t• we weiv t.:11:(11 l'or ., li /4' ' I bird i "... • '.'., .111.• i 'ye •-,„‘„; ' • ' ' - - - ' - • ' '"'''' ''''''--"t-,* '''''* .
llt i not; ,,d, .14, : i !„,. , 1, p el,;1(% plough to insert ttvo a Al - ', ' After a dottl of f unilill rig I man- ..11.0114,1 a n ,Ipi (,.• s, • Bon !Ida ri,,,, dispute,: are ' uPon Prat11,-111-11•Y 1.01. Ill"c°1 P'", t''' i l'u'l." ''s '' ' ''''' '''' ' ' '
. _ _ , , 1.".• 're • preetnt rugs .rreal t'Ut.'.,i Itg,. 'sow
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.W114hol, .,.,it. woo-oirttefit 0 / 41,1 31,,,t„ :,,•,,:ir,,,,,'.fin•e,•itr., Ili !IQ!: hililif 111.'0 Ktrf,rt,f alitli",106.c.t:„.1:11..10,T);St', 'Illy.' riiSt,e1 f ren.t•,its--cuee.„ "heef..iteteett• biftvir,-mi• .I.:4,•usaoi.. Alla col,_• -.4, it.'4 4.11) to ti‘g. us', 1,11erkaSe...01e..11114 al 4,„.. s'ht•„0.ir 1..01141 ho Tid-r;14,t,.,r4•• I reit.. ,fnur,,, • •te- the Urrcle.T.;;.Side"ef, eaceli tortter a tri-'•
knOV,r4 I jiope ll'Ott ter 1\4111/' It. frd' • , ' - s'.' ,' , A A 4, 1
- . '1,,ot.,t,,Ttng. it at• niy. iriend with all 1111- tyrriblh,.. nit 1 110,- nortS -and; .rf,4pti oi)..01(4.i1)0.1*$." 431.111,t1 :and, rttt... gp- Iirtitt.hottgtvg- 1,,,,...heo. im li,git.114,,Iti .tlie,•••tstv•of th• 'eefe.' •aligiller „elle:4 of ,corrogated rUltiOrra. •
..-1' ' *
* in Wliteli rhOrtte'llaVe 1.)eit 'putIchett, .
, t • i tur:,', •
ettheSe • who had tiSiaii1:1,itin,,I, AVI'l!'ts Nv'e 'at(' v';'(' i'Plie‘t*"" II•ds(9ist0-4 11A11(1,•1 sn'd •cP6Ilir And'oventY; Aolith, mT(I •opi,,,,s,itero rtontintrafty being. no‘s.' - ' .
. ,. . . , - . . .
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