HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-11, Page 5L
- • —4. +'
Is -e3 -3F.3333..33-31 3,30
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8Y11111 THg MAPLE SY0U1' nA$014.• ER A ONO
, HOW 4gs7yOu.a. !ttqui.REAmTkrrsz WE,H,AYE A V132.144
.gilTOcK OP SAP suckwrs,spiuss, OAST AND. .04.1oVAN,
irOP'04,RED.A NEW $Ap.PAN,.. 1;Ai.TJS A'„c,./t4„.22
. . .
Viti444fAii.Cotr ntlir EVERY,' . 'COM:ATP.• •
.4oRp clucks AND JOETTER
Martin -Senior Flints and Varnishes
4AE 86_1)01117E011S
-Phone 66.
Hardware Coal Plumbing Tinsmitiung
, • .
Under Auspices of Huron Copnty Fruit Growers'
Council and Ontario Department a Agriculture,
Goderich March 12, 1926.
M -S
SO -the -Chaim
10.00 A.M. Grades and hippection. .P; L. Gitpel,...
j Chief IniPectori. Western*qntarfa,
10.45 A.M Demonstration Box an d Barrel .
wood. Discussion--Jno.Sowerby, R.
H. Revell..
RtR Sloan, Chairman
2.00 P.M Spraying Problems, W A. Ross, B.
Vineland. Pruniug and Graft-
ing, J. A.'.Neilson, B.aA.,. Vineland,
Markets --Andrew Fulton, Assistant
Fruit Commissioner, OttaWa. Ques-
tion Dr4wer--W.. A. Ross, B.S.A:,
Vineland. Discussion --K. Cameron,
tucknow; C.J3. Middleton, Clinton;-: -
M. J. McNay,- LuCknow.
.0.30 P.M. Banquet with Lion's Club at .,Hotel.
Bedford:'. Chairman, Dr. W. F. ' Gal -
low, Goderictii .Addressof ..Welcerife
• H, Goderich:
Ontario G3vernment Experiment in,
'S ,iPping„ Apples to 0 Ld Country'.
Market. P. %V.., Hodgette,
'DireCtor Fruit, Branch, Ont. Dept of
Agriculture: AOreiS-4-ial,ry ,Sirett,
B.S.A„ Cabourg,-Pres. of Ont. .11..ruit ,
Growers' AsSociatidn. : *
Everybody Welcome •
R. Sloan, .Pres.,Huron County Fruit Growers'
unCil. gtothers, Seth -Oar -sr.. ,
. •.
" The .tegulai *Meeting the' Cotirr..
ell was held • Ori Fe.15th.. with aD
the, mentbets present; ; The minutes
.Of last meeting were tend and accen-
'eintramlic4tiish, 'front' the
Uric, , ASsociation and'the-•
• Good. 'Roads Association, were 'order,.
d filed.' 'The Auditors . preSenteci
'their repert, azeeptect;
. The Council .decided tO pay the us-.
-lotti ' grants to„.'Libraries:., 'A.. ein')
for • damages to cutter and harnessd
was orde_r_eitiaiLL10 Mr -'John Dam.-
Vi7 Colleetere ,Iteit was accept-
ed' andt arrears. of „takes noted; BY-'
INIO'S 1,, 2 and, ;a:Werereed and
• pitaiedi The f011owing nain
ed persona wore appointed Pound.!
400`)Por.,4" Pe/lP.0".`,....iPrliv.,.P°1111„..-0".
1:Nicholson; 3; i1#11f J.Kei,
--Allan* .4% Eumphrey.' 'W. 'A.' Miller;
.Johnstoti;-. --H. ,Ritig;
•teon. 6)1 Wm. Atrolleng; Wat.'
:_•1.,;ori; G. A, Greer. •
—• The COUttil, adjonthed 'to meet- on
• Clerk. .• • •
copula -co
The took ti1:416 itt Norkl,
$traii 'United Chureh Paiieitage" en
OtYlOaltp Olt*
•••“,- ,
'Plances. Van Norriaan; daughter o
M. ,and, Mrs.. Prank 'Vail N'ornian 'Cyr
'VIrebbwocid,,Ont.i to Mr. Godfrey Ecf.
ward James, Only son' of ant
••• . .
Mrs. GeoreJetnoS of ,dodericht ,Rev
C. P. Clarke •performed the ceremony
The young co' uple vv. ill reside in Go4
• eri it The, groom is. a well-lcnOwn
df tnlVii and, Many friords•
•ex.fend, congratulations to him, and his
bride.' • ; `, • ,
Frain' Regina, Saalc„ is reported
'fbe sudden death en*Itarch 1st ' f
Blair, ,who at -One time
Practiced law in dederich, cembie
here .from tritssela.. Mr: Blair went
to, Regina itt .19101 Ile is- survitted
formerly' Mix ;Walker,
of' dederich, Mr, Blair -lied' beeri
.06ot health for the past -Year. •
h '
Brant .
ASsociation Orgettige '
•••Tho Brant Township MVO', tteeli
prove mo I it ASseciation, Waal .Orglink,`
lied' at ;14:111$1'.0-411tAtiNte::‘,and settling..
iaSflt ;meeting AIN& stb6lt ,,PrOd.ricrirk
of the 'YOwnahip 'at Meeting, hild
the Asitienitural .Walkert'on,
on Mareli 50i, This 'ineeting,, was.
64)14 gt.thelnitigation of otoat•
produtaoh bro4doirmi4 Nhippot.# who
33e '
• ,•
• . •
"1 sell toy Long Distaitee
to Ipoints- 200
away, and: ,iiteveie.: see
the etattonseri” -
=writes a Hardware iferchan$
, •
Why take a weel to seg cy.rto;nters
tato cafz be sold in, a inorni#°g.
are, aniclone to 'keep Bruce COunty , FINED 320, 'LOSER LICENSE
right, at s.'the vey top in eputlity 91
Live Stock produced. ." When a :than:: .1111.) has .aliarit a
The County Representative, night ' in Jannary at thel 'Arlington
Riddell, briefly outlined, the .purpose; 11'9' at ''SYlartall „_eeinp.laned•t6the
of. the Meeting, and •suggested Police that he had been relieved of
proroorot work: .whieb might be smn of Menox,, it is nbt .that
carried on L. O'Neil of:Toronto, •Re-
presentatiVe. of the Ontario. Lime_
-Stock Eiancb • then gave a' Most %In-
tereating,onel 'practical- talk, on the
present Live *tick, SUL:lotion.* Mr,
O'Neil • struck On Optimistic .nOta. by
'showing that from all Present., in-
dIcations end 'inarket trends 'WO-Iv/ere
well po4 the loW mark of recent de-
pressiotal in live stock prices, and
• Could book •foiWard -With reasenable.
propects: of more- satisfaCtory., and
• profitable' returns in our, ; breeding
and „feeding operations. He felt that
the. present • was' a Most- opportune
• dine for ..starting Organized. inaprovei
he had :any idea' that' the iroikieter
of the plaee 'wou'id13e. taxed $20,i) in
-silditien to losing hia license as a re-
sult Of 'the Complaint. However, this
was :t6 outcome of; investigations
which Provincial ConstablesMade re.
sPectink the cOn'tPlaifit. The reported
theft ayes, not' laid tifi the doer of . any.
•One,, but it was found that -on the.
aight of Jam 20t1j man .,and' *-
man had occupied a' room'. at;the Ar-
:ington without tegistering.',. Accotd-''
mg, to sep'tions " g,„ and '$ of the Stan'Jard:
•'Hotel' Itegistkation: Act the prop.'
,detor, or. the One respOnsible for con-
luctine a. lintel: must K9. ,that. each
Sriest Signs 'the. reinter. • For 4.11 -
:ng in this respect :Robert Lowry was-
vorit-He414.0:W.octitir nn-ed2D anit 41*. e''MgL
•;tuned:, from. this Work in other
lea, notably, Oxford, ' -Essex, Peel,'
perth and Middlesex, and gave stig--
gestiim, as to methods. oftaring on
' titing .11t0p4 iOS of tt g• -"A ' 14':.-tiO•
arMUeIt i ein II
91 thath
will briag in illore than. et1911.gh, Yell-.
. o nt , Inan-;t t-3
. 7:4;11.0. °Isl.:I::: sith'netiocinsPerolnir14in°111;:et,PhSeet:
• hiikl•IINg?4Wdvireit..trisleinCgitrya:::::/e,e,toaxteiggilecl.tvvn)Tgly.
AF? whielt leads all others for adver-
tising accounts and .reyernte ;is said to
charge. iron!. $.400. to $600- Per hour
Yet this more Or leas, inclire‘ct .adver-
tisini furnished 13.y.'41tp, radio ja po hi -
'Oily valued that Oxen at these . high
rates ,the Iargei stations are ':booked
'f.ttil -for. a, 'InrIg...tinie• in aelva4e, - • •
, AnOther intge„Neivit York station
said to carry' advertiStrk.at the rate'
of goo , poi-. ,„hour„ .- .othej„ .staiterif
thiestighoutt the. 'country chatie- stiff
Tates .for the ne, e bftItem,s4ultop?ortd
the eVetago 'ii sac to 1.3e appinxintit.-
' tely $75 ,for .11Ofii. . ,. : :. „ ••• '
In 'vieni.of•the apparently enormdn' S.
Value.!Of t "clio advertising ,jt ig 4.gOod
a . ' '
thing for'llie listener that 'the',.dert-
artinent of commerce, has gone on re-
cord. as opposing anything except' the
"'indirect advertising:P..' •• •
[Not -So it • appears that a .go'ocl ,
deal, of What "you get "in the air'? it I
kttivertiaing, though 7 haying • sufficient
element elf nelve and ...entertainment
to -hold 'the attention: o the listener.
-Radio"-m-anitfacturers,. of •cottise, "air.
.• interested. in "broadcasting is Nitil-
.. - ' ... , •
Out.: it their sets Would not 'sell].
. . . . . •
Mr: and Mrs D Keith and f nilly,
spent'Sunday at at: 'the" home. • Of , MT,
,sncif *To., ',Who,. . - ,•
.. 'Mrs. J. -Guest, 'spent. e few -,411.Y.P*0;,
last Week 'at the. home. of 'her p;Irents
d ' a
.oal ra: Sas. Struthers,: C ;n. 8
, ,,. „ : . . .
.,,Mr... • and Mr -S ..Jas,,. Siachtnes. itrie
,Miss Annie, Kennedy,; of . Langside.
.pent stindAy.. at the home.. of the
..fOrtner',_broiher,. .4.,4,:..344,,,hpa . .
,,t,,,,...112f4s4iZZIO-Sitnpeett-.--t-Otaaracti-- o
.-lievreb-2\after ,viaithig. friends : , 1
miltitin '.•' ' •• , ' ' " • ' .
We" are pleased to 'report the El
'mer. Scott,, WhO• had . been seriously
on Monday: -.The,' license of the
house as a standard hetel will also
Se foifeited.. Crown -Attorney' Fre
3orn prosecuted -Telescope •
,vas rinertiinoMY - decided to Carli. on , . ,.1.11.0yicEliDALE
;Aftei Consdvahle discussiO4,. ' it
..i.lsie, Stock Improvement work ,,, in Mr -Mte.,. Cyril ,POWers , took
Bruce County in -An •organized way: :.leir little ;'clittighteri Ratty, to ' Tor:,
wittittiii.. work • bellig concentrate,NA nac', , last Wednesday morni-ngi'-A_tere-.1
Brant ToWnship.fOr this Year; It. le41.1._s IhP un,dr,"„went. 'an ol'Oati°11,f6r theA
eelt that the werk cOuld beat be eon- eemoval .Of a, growth behind. the. eat. ,
ltieted On *.Township basis, an:. id.,.. Atlast reports she was -improVing,.
littenel Tovvnship being , selected ' ' Ch."; §t4h4e"Ot'-a aiaa pile .4
. , 3
34C4 'year' .for.: s.Pecial .work. '
. Vnderthe newly ' 'organized Assoc.
ation .a Census of all bulls. and biters
tsed et' present will 13e taken.. A ' Re-
,• .!:
1‘Irr Reelihig,. Ville; for the
pot three months; has been- working
in the Pringle . Bush; has .emnpleted
Ilieyvork.for6this.wiri•ter and lies,•i,t4lf..
wood. for Dougall Black last wc.4.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter.svere
Sunday. ..Visitbrs.,at. the .104 '.Of a.
ilodgicinaon. s',. • • 10"r
presentative from the Live Stock Miss- . Yet...kW Scott ,and Mi. Pat-
, • , a
Branch wall will.- then 'elasa .:these into Baird returned last Week from Wet-
' Various .gredes. • Where.. inferior, an • .
lmaiS\ are being. used, the •owners acGillit',rn3t -is:. on the.
se encinn.aled,.and If 'cleared, assiet,.
ed to replace thesi With. good , pure Mr and m1,0 W;F MacDonald
. ,
entertained a.nuntber of their 'Mends
Oted „ of Ity,ailable sires
':tlfe COunty will be. ' prepared. to -,ast Thursday eVening, • " h
.aSsist in this workI soj cases a 2 We are serrY.tO re.Port
'39nirs,.• Of • 20,% On: the. purchase • price.
recorinnended kills which •replace
inferio'r. animals Will'•be/ paid. It is
felt that withle .necessatY
It features, a Steady :ConstructiVe- iin•
••,)rovement of our" Live Stock will b.
orought f'about. . .
• The ,Officere Of the brant Town-.
;hip Live Sock Ireprovement':As
oationbivith a Director from each
.,...;.bool:sectiO0, are' 'as 'follows:, •
• President4t. Brecklebankv Walk-
erton..yice-President-W; :A. Iton7
See---TreasHW.i K. Riddell, 'Ag2-,'
Act-MI.14%1 Representative: Directors
'Garland, c argill; Wm T.
[ier,• 'Paisley; Edwia...Talton, Roy
Lamb,' Stephen Little; . Thoa,! Steele,
...rid J. Yolm,., Walkerton; Anthony.
-Briggs, ...E1Mwoadi;.Jas 'Wank, 1341).,":.
'wood; Alex Robinson, 'Pal'ileyppeVid-
Willoughby,,: bbitweed; • Wes. Abell,,
Walkerton.. ' 1 • 2: •
J'ttlius, Ittipferschmedi, a fanner
boUt 10 Years 'Of ag,e Who., lived nen&
Ambleside; between TeesWater; end
loormoia,' Convicted a short time ago
• •
sf an offense aittinst a rtelgi.W. of%
datightet,' tinder -14 Years of age,the
efrenee resulting in 'the ;girl bocorn.
ing, a inOthet,s-iwsaveek
oind •tO receive 20 'AO -
es. The 'hitt' jhstalinent, .-of 14 lash-
es will be adininistered• one 'inonth
after. he Ont‘rs the. penitentiary'and
,the other • tem "one' year later, -B&
sides: the, criminal action •' by
Crown. ttie ,girl's father has entered.
•••A',Y!1,1011'. .-V,010•0=•• -datuf&s;-- ThR:
-sheen, ,settledr, -and,
it unlikely that „lunch ettn be 011ect,
eOtta .darn ages as: th,,offepdqIs en of
Well,off •and ' he; 110 a: Wife and. lam• -
When Xttpferschinide ',Was .eailed
up tor ,Sentenet3:i Arr.' dam pb0114 Grant
Whilelltiotit4 .defen, e
-7sentettaitirritrtiOtivaikneldrihy 400,,1ek,
.idonts 'quh•�ss lthd-Ostriek,
it1;te'r lenieney And urt cthO
,tu1,' pgwtoeivc,v,-01041idaztelt't'
tle heed to thia,' Saying that 'the dtle
4Vas' tlifg tlif4 d #tia- Oltit .t:tk
00, 'lite .1.10 Wilif P;t0i01(1414'. (14,
3n hs rneit;to workin the mill on'th•
.10th COIL . '
. aUd gAi.; welter, Day, *visited'
,at 'the hen:1i Of the latter's mother;
Mackenzie, CPA: KinlOss.?-
The pupils.- of. • Teeaviater Migb
.School Eire home -this. week; % the
3c1.1.001: beinkdosed ,owing to thpout-.
oreak.. Of 'Scarlet •Feyer*:.:
;Rather eoid .yet,,for Crow tC
. -
be. flying about, 'but lie!a ,here, just
che _ •",
• We welcoihe- lgy. Icenehan
'end hissister to our bur.', Unfer-
man Alfaclgurchy ie • Stift cenfined::to, i:unately ;Mr. 'Keriehan is not erijoy.
ip1oyng very s1owly ng good health
bed and
peodsr.o:pl et4i. 7whc'i r.net. with s-
q hear o the death 01 painful accident a couple of Months
:.tio and has .Since been in :the Wing.
the late Win.. yainilton. ,I.Althengh.;•:
. ; .
reliderit. Of Clever Valley, he .had
hem Hospital, ho farrecOvsree
many friends in FlOwerdale." tvOe. rbyeb. 0 ad by
Ebusy Woodcuttzng an
KINLOSS COUNCIL.; 4etting in a supply: q. ice is the Or-
... •
ler of" the -day.- . • „ •
, 1VIurray, who is again asseise)
Kinloss Council . met at 11..bitirood . thetewnship la- akg 'his .4 an.
on Match 2nd.. All -inernbeta min,
ual round
ent. , :The .minutes••of 'Iasi meeting' •
There has been; quite Wra of sick
were • read: and approved and signed ,;es.e. eheet. .1;est few ireoc..,
A 'reptest from the :Bank of Mont.- .
Among those who are nowon the
.uieraeir liNt;Taijilletigitlie7gallfrdoinvEddou:Y Trea aay to recovery we Boyle, .1
seconded - by. 'tarratliers that ' ' thh,
Council coMplY With. the request. 1,01 Boyle and j,[1ri'
the Bail of ',Montreal, tinekti9v, 11 itAciONd .RUNS 114 •FAMILIES
'the 'matter of passing the Resolutior . • • .••-• '
in regard • to our "Treasiirer ,and tht 10 .4 recent issue Of the, Beivnian.,
Bank.... (Gaiiied) i1le Statesnian appeared; a. letter 133
Mr .Thesc G, daunt, TreaSurer 1z Johi Ellintt,.•Who years , ago
.presented.- his bend,''Fhich, tyas, e9/1"', aught. School- at Holyrocid ,*and ,
sidered satisfactOry, and on Motion milfield:
�t CarFruthers and Irwin, itti.ote4. Mr.. Elliott had been loOldrig ovei,
• Ihe applications ' for the - positiOn 1st of the teacher's in the .Inspect•
'irate Of kr: E; Snider and was mak:.
sllg some dernment !inert the - fact that
leSs' than, 1,5 'of the'teachers
Jecn Students. of his; and he referred'
..;o a '-'numner of instances. where , tit(
teacher 'wag the eouor a daughter of
,farrner teacher... - Then oelturts th4
tiarag•raph whieh has local interenti
'This reminds pie •ofian interestink
disaoyett, haVe ;made since .1
of -Road ..Inspeetor. wets exathined
.and ;Maeltinnon `received, the ap-
ipointment. : •
Moved 131,r.'RoSS and eecerided by
Macintyre that' the Clerk prepare a'
by-law 'providing. for 'expenditure on,
.Township roads foi • 1026 as folleWs:
Road COOtruCtion....„. 41500.0.C.
Bridge . .1500.0C
'Maintenance • 3Q00.66
Snpeiintontlenee `400.,60
(Carried)., ,
• By-latv dit. eiteentett..„ .
'Council' Adjourned 'till geii(ley, Ap-
'-tiSitet • ffine-•,riliff-IiirAq,-.:
.Ey' 1. M, .
. (midi() Engineer) ,
Ever since. radio broadCaltirig bo
"read • ov!er the Hit The name of tit*.
teacher -Of, S.P.; 's•NO,12, Darlington.
Thos., It An
lto,: attradtedmy. . eYo,,
put g h.oy that;,netrio,
for a teacher's ' /certificate *any
!,ofilitry, 'School. in 'Hilton- 'County',
That- bo y heeanie a auceessful teach-,
“w•idOW and •Children. .
• The''-
1t»Oacher Preveth' to
•be the youngest. son ..of my :old4in1
and : another :son is principal,
the Public, Schoel in the ,teri,Vii
cAri% 4gtitbriAlit4; tl.00. 148' ,sister
'quettion‘,01 -Witti'!-Atmir' to. "-Stand ''the nQ.ljMfit.'4theeti -in. ,Oxford -Ceurct•
enerrnor.M ',w0fritie invld ty 410 1317 th StitOssiort.:ititts;r•itt17'.
1°'Whiltno Wfts' firilre.••of: the" . ;stool of 'the ,fat)tor . shall
8I,v1.et nd broadeaSting 'appeared t o ,
.114st 0 •• irid and econiiiiiiCally:tinsolitia, Atts•;O,6 _61;0'7' t•
Ths. o'ot year or .so hait- 411,6wo 044 xidotoift you .0re' ioweo
A littlt
• 1st the Water -
half thar.v4vrii'
A -good fertile;
sy. HELENS ,
Rev.Mintwa the guest
of his sister, t' Oiiba, laet -week, •
'•',..tengratniationo.late 'due ¥r Fed
who Obtained *tho .'hriheat
:itanding for geheria: prOfici4neY
ltaral Ogee., •:reeently.
Mr. Stanley Todd has: •returned
front a threa-dwe.eics'_ yialt with rel-
•iti es' in Michigan..•••
• Mrs. 'Wm'. Ma.cDonald and' (laugh-
, ,
•ter, Miss Irene Lynch are visiting
--FeratiVes " •
The , Assessor; Mt., Ross Murray iS
making, his .aminel .calls' these days.
The regular mbrithly. meeting Of
,he Harris- Mission. Bend. will 'be
.teld.on Saturday'''.
Mrs. Allister • Hughes 'of 1101,Yr°9d.
sea a viiitor, with her btother, Mc-
:- Kenzie and Mrs:, Webb, last week..,
-Ors. Percy Hyde of Kincardineis
it visitor. witW..Mt. and Mts. ,Janes
, The .regirler. memthly Meeting ;Of
:the , Women's. Institute. Was held at
• Mis:•. Geo. Webb's on Thursday, last
with 35 Present. The: roll call 'TO-
• - .
$ponded to by- an Ish Joke .caused
•,,n :splendid.talk on the subject !. of .
:Mrs :MaDon id f Helens
:Visited. as few days aviVi friends and
relatives here.
• `.14r -and Mrs. V. Eniereon enter.
tained. Iheir friends and neighbOrt
tO a party last Friday evening. :' 411
eport a; veryenjoyebie. time.,
'• .0nel of -the -.old pioneers. Of this
community ,.passed, away at her home
in•East WaWetnOsh in the .person, :Of
Daiidsok: wp died -nn
Wednesday, March 3rd. • She • had
been . sick for' a few, day*. She Was:
hi her 85th year: az leaves to mourn
het,lose; herhusbarid and three 'dau.
,hters Mrs W GOdkiti who Dims In
this ,ternmunity; Lottie. • in 'Regina.:
and 'Emma : at home, and One 'serf;
Fred, on the home: Place,. The futtek-
*?•:tle:w:onitnietlin4ity4iii.saae:ilierdndEt5ed to' :toW. ii!ffig
ham, 'cemetery.. The Synipithy , Of
relatives in .their'.sad, bereavement..'
Miss Lottie Davidson: ok 44:ginp.
,s1V;:g :h0Ille to her niothet?s funeral.
Another' old pioneer, of thiS cont.'
titunity. passed 'away ather home ton
the .2nd •Con. OrKirdosi in. the per:
son 0 1Str I. MOOreo. Who 'died ,
Friday, March 5th.,'
very 111 with' pneumenie... Was in
'aer 8.7thyear anti :leaves fir inotar
her loss, six sons, 'Sim., and
John. of. North Dakota,; W,esley, df
Pahnerstori;%Torn and Arthile on the
ilnd • Cop. .Kinloss,., The •frineral
was 'held on Monday ."to. Wiiigharn
"Cemetery; •The sympathy of ••itlie'
omniunity. : is extended, to: the: -rel.-
atives in' :their sad. 213ereavettient.
Iv; Moore of PalmOr7
Mrs. L'
'*o941e'aten'01TotadMrs. mryot,Of.Luc
no* were. up, attendtg
the: funeral
of the late Mrs. Isaiah Moore, • e
G. IC, Milli, Inspector. of. C.orl.
tinuation , Schools-,' Of. Toronto, 'Was
here On MOndaY in the interests of
the ratepayers ;of' S.S. 1,0:
Land has "been changing.' hands
all .repOrts, ' Mr. Elmer Tiffln .has
grq. Taylor's fatin, which
SIM MitcLutei has been living .on,
Mt!,, Reuben Tiffin.'" bought Mr. Thos'
ROSs' fatm4 • Mr. 'Joseph, Tiffin has
bought Mr.' Reuben.,ltvv.Tcif:n.'s faint, .
:Sr'. .75-W.• A
.strinig-..133,.- Good, 60-S. Steward. 70; .
Gladys.,MacDOriald 69;.• 1)Onald. .
dersori M.. MacIp.toSh 67; S, Mid= •
lin 67. 'J •NnYlor JohnetOn. '66'
Koy Finlayion• G. 'Webster '64; '
A.. MacKenzie ;'T.03MacKenzie '02; -
11-, Steward. 50-P., .57;• E.
Smith 57; IOreen. Ndylor':‘,63 1.• Mae-
Mille/1.54; M. iMacOonald 53; Helen. •
McLeod 53. L Web6ter 52 • •
Jr, 'III: Excellent 75-C. Finlay+.
•son 83; S. ,liendersen 79;, D. Nixon.
. 75. Good 60=.R. Cellyer ,73; yarold
'Greer '73; B. ;13rotvn (11/; • W,
strOng t8i MY41e Iiamilten' 68; R.
.;,Mullin 68; M. 67; mon-
alda Douglas, 6r.t.;. A, pur,ris. 64;. Eldon,
Agar 63;:: .Q1are johns ton 63; E.: Reid
32; Bobby %Thompson 60. ::•pair '507-
B 'Webster tyb• Peiris 58; Rey '
•Wade 58; A. Wilson' 57; .11. Baker.55;
M:•.' Cousins 55; Phillis CouSins
Solomon 55; -11.1.iicndersOn• 54; W. '
; ohnston :.52;'• 'lli.•'';.111aeD•onald 52; ,b..-
rWin , 51. ,poor -g.. Cameron. 48; s..
.)anieron F. ThompsOri..
, • . •
in„;...s.s 0.
Gram, Eng. Coinp.7'.C. McQuillin 66.
••• •Forrn' 2,1 EXamsL-Lit.;
'Hilt.; • COirip...7. chrrou- .70; jai -let
MacFarlan, 603.-k: oliiixol1t,„66;.
Thom.614 .A..LyOris, 443 h.:Miller •61*
• (in 5' eubjectS)., •
Sr IV' Exanis-Aiith ,•Art;i ••Gram.
ieli MacFarlane 391" Lk, Miller'24*
•Thoie 'Marked thue', *.. Missed • ex,
. 1.2: AV. 'att.'•,1L•
!lien.' •
• .
\A native ..of haron'ToWnship•in the •
•ners•on' of William :Hamilton .pasS'ed..
the home of h6 it: •
• ilmilton On March •ard '
ton .was :born- in: Quebec, neMont-
,eal in tho.yoat 3:854', Where he lived
rntil .twenty-one 'Years of age. From
h•lted,..°.Set4tlee:dc!orine, ftit;.HiXibtth°h6:onT:°*Iiillehreiin 'iSg2 13, I •
0.14ibie4y-rn..e.16;lanct:e di 1. pal
ars ago. h
noved to the e on Can 01 of • '
'and froin therelle • retired' tei yea
ago , 'to Ripley, 1)uri 'g the Vast Sir
Ye0.17s; iVir; Haan] 1:;4$' bccu' in Peer •
ot timeS greet
• Poi' •Overthree Yea?'s could..leatie
his bed:,bitt .little arid ,coaried to
; altitether for „tht.- pa'-
Ilitariltoit %vas L.niembe
lind hearty ..Supporter of. the Meth,
let Oprch, ':and was. bel'..O.Ve.d ;by en'
whO kneW, him Beside3 his •
Tie". leaves. to niotu4n Oat., dari•gliter,
'L. .M4cKiiinp:1, lIaniilton;
.,,w6 eons*, Prederick.,: •,(4. y.ancouVeri
and oisiuti;lyt o id
i3ttaTho ,
Montreal -arid .Mrs.; of Kincar.,:
Aine; .and,'twO Cf' •
• ••.
Mr. Patrick' and 13ergatte• °Wally,
• visited/ at Wm. GibbOn'a .on Sunday,
'Glad hear that Miss `Mgie
' Martin". add Mrs. 'Sams 'Martini Si
who Ilittre. not' been wellOf. late?, lir:0
,iss Loekliort, our genilo school
tettelier,, spentthe week-e11t .rit-:liOriTe •
en Silnday.
and. Nira B. McCientirtghan of.
„Whitechurch, visited • 'Ai -11.-4 A', „Bar-
4iotreit..ort,' TueadaY,;, • : •
Quite .6..lergii• nunther 'attended the
Mr',..110101 'MOtitia;y, Ev
erythirtg sold well,: kr„ Thos. ion
net WiOlding the hammer,
• Mra, browner, ea. two dangliters
Of 'Toiolito Aro. rOot1v.64 in,
414 '16041.10)
.Ripley; Robert of bilttattline:
The. funefal: e., of)•:;hicli
had' ;•(...hartte Wes' held: at .
the, hone of his 'son.; interment
ing Made in Kincer4ii1i:. Cerneterk,
'Mi'. Donald ':-.11:tcVne,:i.-t.no • is. 'Very. •
; . .
• WI , nianY
-friends 'vile hini• better rigaiii
anon, • „ , „
.We are glad td u itthttMi,
:McLean 'is leeling lc!..fe7t the 'lat
few tioy§, , „
• Miss 14122ie' Irodiklii.;.1.n. Of, kiricar,.•
dine ..spent last, 1.,V,.:elt at .ner'home.,
.A. torteart t;?.: t4., Lek! • 'in ',did •
Township` Mall on. M,:tlyri17, After
the.goneritt1jH be. served by•
tett Indies. of the**Vornen's .inst„1,tute,„
AdnitasiohL•Aditlis: 4:1,4 children iiTee,`.
Miss, Tae -13OY1? !4.'''•el1t .-fPk• j73,;
;end ab her aaughter a,
trk .
8th ,Cori, • '„
,%•-•Don't forget.,6
green to club im.ITri
The next ,
Ynt.t,t. Sprig' 61
,n1,01t, March
1.:' TielYrbodi •
Wozu On's Ini.;tit lift t• ;!1, i 1,0t.1 . at the ,
home of Mrs, Will. Witt!, i...s,tit•Con on -
, , . . . .
Ainl) Ist.,' Y'
, 0--0--.---,,,. ,
. , . , . -„,„. . , . . „
I 1.8 Sala' Yo' t: '',.,.,) et *II Loin.
titinq 6,1..Stitts,"'4:1'i ...0 13.1.4Xtfrelis,
ease' to • do: the lutes,. ti,17,i4; ticit.,: at
least Oithsr :of thettnVli,,..:tiy47..8 Vii/,'
liell 0 littloo•
. , .