HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-04, Page 7" •;: • • liNtirtg' °ilk' , . , .„ A. , Tettng girl,. in 11•- Criti041 /IOW of • Iter lifer VMS .anted by a Chriet1en40-- ' man • or Met "1-IeW,", she asked her• bellefeCtrese„, "can I ever 'remyou this unmeasured kiedn.e.se. to mei" On't waa the '179.4111t• rePlY. • "Antit it en' to Penne on elee in used of help. -It youpay mei. the .deal • 'WIMP, be dosed. 'Pass It on' with the • Oltderst•andleg. that the on you help •.0,1401••de• the Sante, neseach helper •. becornee a 1411; in ehdless 'Whose geell' works only Eternity can reveal." . • .; •, The,weinan'Whe aided thie homeless' • girl ebeil be known In •thii1 eketdi as '.,..ycitna. 'Mary, ' It ,Seeins that the path- way ..0 life • that, sue trod :meet have. • ' ;been hely, ground:, .' . , When- the legt-other fine.fernishinge!, rot her hoMe,...bed,p4lited into ether hands ho ..•enifled*.etictieragingli amp,. her....:flye• •:idepetulent;child;reeitiaYingt: "It Whet, bad Or course. It i. • hveniept te..1•1Ve • in:thlit 'little • coe a (3, nnd uncen.P.T.0448 to .1-113 41).°41.•' 1, Mit it, is no diegradei-4•Still have • niy" :children,: and yen have your nother." This. tenderly reared Wontan, who, at , !.the;,.linta or her 'whIciwheod, heti never earned •'it dotter,. .he.canie; through oottrageonsli,... perseveringly teeing, • lire's sterher. realities,, a competent •; :breadwinner. ' She aSsideously tin - planted in. her childrehit ,hearts.'' the :truth'. thet "the spin •thet:.sinheth.'" it, shell die;." that erinelpie,bettor, truth: a!)(l. perseverabee are essential weap- ons hi • the . warfare, oflife; that the humblest toil 1St honorable; that it is , that which soils thcaotil, nether than the'body, that. edittentlihates.. .11:n- 4:elfishness • was the heynote, Of Anna Mary's life. • The poor, the •inceppet- . ent, the unfortunate' girl Or boy. who ;had made .a •misstep, all - foetid in her a 7%000 eOlinselorra friend. • She' wiet • ever a power for 'good 'in the coth- • muiity; tilwry willing to 'watch at , the 'bedside ofthe. efeli. .NO one eter. ' was tinned. hungry ,fronl'her , Wit*Uhable to clothe her children •• suitable for • Sunday school, she would Other, them rOund .her on. Sunday , •. . the. Psalms. the Inatorleal,truthe hand- ed 'doitn from the beginning of time; ••From her-'-"the7oltildren'learned---lio* much greatliteraturefohnded. on !the Bible, and theY'early:.heeente. fa- • m.iliar With its tekehings;'1: When they Were'temPteci, le hasty or selfish , acts .her quiet ",What des God's,weritsay halted 'them. .• •• Men tit all ehissiea.liftedtheir'iiats ' in deference -hi --passing.' Anna Little PhIldren,. (Milled up into her face.. • *Who, can estimate her, influence over those .Young people, now scattered in • Mani` parts °Utile ,.werld, Oen thotigh . ..'herotin sphere; was limited, to the , lit- tle toWn. Where, she..live.d? • r • j "-V j4,11aea ''• • •••• . " 3 :Weak and Run-Down—Restored by Pts, Williams' Flak Pills. 7 "Tv/Q.ag0.7"' g4ys Wright,. Secretes!, Sash., , ffr was very' much run-down, in health'. I segeN4 •from indigestion,, sick -headaches end eleepleee -nights. ,rithit, splls would often eome over hie and I would have to Up down tiff the faintness paseed. away. I Was:pc!' 04TC. Of breath thatit, could Cot Walk any dietarree or der any- thing ... that required • Mitch •exertipit; • without . reeling conioletelf used Up: gretvizir -weaker- eeneultedl'a; dector. Who Min pe I, , tvel1;.ahatintid and needed •building en. 3,1•41k several bottles of, tohle he gave, Me,hut'theherp I get trona. it VAS only teMperer;;:', At this: stage to - Di. Pink y11,10,. Which :1 :hedused.51;r1httods Withiii•Pneh ' 'It 'ties . not tottgetter .1 'begin using them• that L'imew I. had at last rolitni the right, niedielnh e. I tiolt 1 took '.altogetlier sonte fifteen boxes, . . . . ; and the ireprovemeht was remarkable a$ I was feeling as•well,de ever had bade,' and good 'health' has con- tinued to this; day. had. also , been troubled at.' times With rheumatism, and this as well ,ait my 'other troubles diseppeered. I have since reroMmend,., ed Er. William's!,Piek Phis neigh- bors who have wail them:With ecteallY good'reSelts" .; • • • . .• ' • • All weak, .aimemii wohien'and gine :should. • follow the example ...OP Mrs. Wright', • and give • .thee ••• a fair trial.:Neti•health end new strength is sere to follow. ‚You .can -get the pills trent your druggist, or 'by 'Mail at .50. gents from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,..I3rodtville, pet. • Vast are their lends, my neighbors: , mailikins.•SPIendid. , • ' " • Veltet their • lawns which noble streteh away. D'ee`p are their torlielk-phiiiir heads •_ •• Alintiet their reach, the blue, Pm- merday.. • • Simile my home with friendly, tiMall • Paned`windOWS; " • ,lifetly they fate a' leafy, Winding ; • Jane. And I a,m .hleseed, when I re meieber • , My woea ndrs beldinget castle0 • • 'far SPaiii; • . Arriving. ,In Norton 3,Aroa the .sen• was bright In NortOn Wood the air was:;light And 'Meek anenepes,: /To One emild offer gold enough buy - thenr-.- • Misty,,and dr eituf-tcalilecii ray ' fangleS reign.; , • ;Winding the. rdade !that glester•.like • •gorgethis sunsetsLaading to castles castles In dear 'Spain.' Thera, • Mrs.. Wind Makes 'Her Bedi. Mrs: Wind is making her beds; • , She is puffing up the cloud Pillert Kneading and •Mesing them, • She has forgottea•te tfew up the rents 'in the covers,. • The, feathers are flying aliout, • • Backward and, forward, and up and down, • • In wild Contagion. , Mrs.' Wind!er house is a eight to 'see; It s covered, with white. '‘what matters it!" cries iVIrs.NWInt4. And blow at the furniture. • With a hasty broom Site eWeepsthe feathers ' •• Into a --heap. • " The papers caned it a tatizard. , It was . only , Mrs.'. Wind making her beds, • " Lovell In ,The iVioniter. I F BABY'S HEAL • ••••"'",.. ' , ' .'The C7tY of Melbourne'lles in the. Australian Park might be PP0,4 00020 eeniberemette part er .the greet island tropical- litle continent of Australia 'aed stme it In Rertircders of England:. , .• ..• winter sweep the. Chili' Senth wftItte'' The ,poseib1ftIes of landeeeie•gar, 'rote the Antarctic ice psOta.7 Yet* 49-e' dening 'retreat thetneelteti In the .1017 1)111'ot:0:4%T:4h' 4hoenttrliane8'i0:' born -9-14; dens sloh. with the semi Wee*landscape, artiste fromevery laWd;It east: venslere Merida and southern' to 40tnworthy that there is ecareely California. "In its farreined .0e.tnieSt met .Spece ahyvithere„ ,The lecefien, Inalited.' by .the''ilnest• heridiwerle gr. ,the Yen -a; .aed.h.taYend 'the Pr-#. mate,' Hero .10 .vat flewory bower, abode of the Governor-General aand mong p .3whichrs• peopletl,h,ot;.allE,5o world 417 ay residnce which, viewed across the Wander. at 'WA. a garden or*tt...:, v.,111 Jake at the bettotn, pc4414.4..04,..7m,004191t,L91..,v,crnittm W‘OrwlOit. CAStle. cl.',.4t1fir.,SAbbIll)rkinli,: of the ,Pie WO' 0.,arr from the. *Upper .. And. th.era' are dens in. ltoiner, all the,: beantlF11,1 neatly more gnoisti, Suggestions In. the park of' thp wOrtl, is the retimi-; ;414.'`gar.ileitS4 itrith..their truly :•Plrigli$h 441 P4i0elen' f•hfAt•n4.4.011v.te,Iliatir,Ife." I f ete';' in the bits Of 'e s - • variety ‘o • blossoms; ,• , One'. Aber"!dietelletiVe O'f. the eeen hillside with their Villitale of • t,h0'• world, the bOist•' of every Australian, .of: ieri.afetti,nt.4eothillaer West- ene .or• 'of, • the Bouthe,ria e n VI t .th • if' k rid Park, it -,hes glory of nature, Supple- •10 a gentle' hillside -eleteeg. heck from • r o a., • , e ity • a e$ a Benitalihere. • • , • . trire,'!daw...114.4 ihoe'-• about:, ii'WerWielt, ' -;!ort Wondrous :Parh. , • shire village, The clover work of ,the Altheugh. Melbourne has, • a million landscape artist has Provided paeY a inhabitants its splendid park Is pithin,• .striking .eentrast, .and left a bit' of five 'minutes! stroll of the ' busiest Primeval weed adjacent to a well-de- streeti. Qne may rest in it during the .veloPed garden, or a rocky Alpine glen luncheon hour or resort to 11 after the Just eroded a cornerfrom a•Palindot,i 'warmth of a summer day; and and in ted lawn' it such luxurie of nature aisiteggestone of •the marked features of the the islands or the southern sees, such Melbourne park is its cleanliness, and 13444 and 'reposes hold over an Eng- that deSpite the fact that one is per - tisk .ceuntryside. Its laimdreils of Mitred to wander overthe lawns at acresresolve themselves into..a.: world will, Siren to spread a tea cloth under apart, with a glory of • flower and any tree or shrub. There are no ver shrubs : and emerald green meadoW, of botens" of any sort It IS left to the lake and stream and Woodland, Which. natural pride of Melbourne's inonie to. seemS far distant, from the great city almost within soued. :Were it not fge 'glimpses of towers and steenles• and. lofty etructuree now end thenNwrongh long avenues of eucalyptus trees, and past lawn and garden,thiS wondrous • a • 4 GEORGETOWN INCUBATOR _ Canadtara Made for, Cana - ben Climate. •Touble.,well, cosoor Hot Water heating ,o7atem. El'enaltiVe'Autosuatie • • ;. breetiiiiato,philikerto...hteitetrotrr,' C r or $19:115 ..1.1'1,Maelienzial,Goorgetown,Ont. FREE 'Circular' to:— imvENTiciNsw tiVANTEizo' Fortunes ere nude from 'Lapis ideas. Send for ilist of lunation* weaned. our"Patelit Pro- # teatime' booklet and nugazaa • 17,11c Celery Cure . A claim' that theilmatisra 00 be . . otld..by yaecinatiot .wee.described in recent ',newspapers.' Now. it Is stated that celery is pne of, the' beat • cures rot. this dis,ease. . see that one of the most beautiful poll one ounce of celery 'teed in a Perks of all, the world: iti• kept neat f. pint oi$leter 'Until it is reduced to hilt treat Is and thfact that way lthu,sed is pne of the serest e Oki. isnigna PintStrainbottle, and corkTake n: one tteaspoonfulteaspoonful twice 0, do, le a:, lit... . . of it . Cultivated: populace, .well. .deserv, tio . water; Continue for • E•fortnighl; •ing of such a. fair ,playgratind ' ' ' d t again later ' ' sop, ep . try , , If necessary.. The Beintifid-Lane.---:- gttoW' a lane vb•here in •ilse spring A 1,tlidusand besittles .sweetli'' cling; • Beginning, With the ruddy glcrW, , When Pink. •the Wildwood blossoms Versatility. , To be veisatile, may mean. to, be . superficial. . When one • hears that • a man &es. Mani things,. the question . aka-itself:whether he does thein well. - eAtia•rine, excellence in any •art or • : feasion'...demends. specialization .•ahtl • concentration on • a "single 'objective,, ••elettoli Seen, witha ruling, passion to • .which all else., is...made subordinate, • . There' arethose who can •biellienthr. : improvise. results. , which. It: takes a •.: . steadfast • plodder .:.S..': tong . time ,:to -.• ;achieve. Said an orchestra leader.: 7 "i '' can get resells:In. an, hour enda •half .0frehearsal. which other -conductors . , , :.would require :three hoursto attain,"• • - But that represented his own opinion. .. A•young man of to exceptional ma- . . .. . . , . , tel eedowartent, • went to ,a .. technical Scheel, .Where . he. had to work very , , , hard at his nisitothenietice,'Physids•and - i chemistri • . and had little recreation.' ' There were. men beside him in the ' laboratory who Mkt him he Spent too • - Meek tinie.itten.thshooles-and4lie .st•i•-, .-• 'partsthis.. 'He said; "I have ;to, ,1 ant .' eot.*.ouleli to learni". -But 'what 40 ' '• learned . lie did not forget:. Others' looked' on the lectures / and the :e.xPeri- „mentit'asi..a 'dutiful' routine, something .7 to' be shuffled. through as seen. 'as POS.. •: rible, as it ithey werehired.ter dell; .• • nite hours -of • entp1Ornied. Their”: . watched the clock hands.. .But he Was. • ,litting hiniseigt..fer the' professional • ,Ilfe and Wanted .to learn all he could... :He .Ouitairipperl :idlers and • fritelttrar • . and . he is making 'a success of'•itia ' • career. • Fortunately, he' he. hes not 'forge:k1 en' . , that a m•an•seeds 'a hobby to keep Ills, .• .mental. reactions 'Sputa and fresh.. ' 1443,1 Ofi fend of the study of birdsand• goes 11. out in the morning with a I field. glgss ,I. in a itial.• iieighborhood . :to blifierte : ',.rtheln. ' He has ea:awaited 'the right I' Wanee. between tocatidh and avoce, !. Versatility in the literal aceOptattee --...4siene to turn fiena one thing to an,, 'Other; it fatuity .Wii *Might to celltitrate:* • It :need,.. not. etnifi that we ere .dab.• ' : blerS Inaleny-things and • thorough in , nothing. "But there Is probe,* 'More•! danger of. harlot/1ns our titlada amt our lima' be staying . In Ond ‚groove i than, there tit in: reaching. out todot:, t6.... rariiii, wipe ote er•Inieltut Ilia Of hater- '1," : • -. 41history ander art that are ii.bant titti.: '',...,e:iiiit'e.,..ri'e.•;ttlitettnfibeliqld..theilf. Ah,. vigorous year! s• Alt,. Primrose dear •• en-areh! Aix, 'budding tar* Ab hysteinth so. blue, '• We. also Mes't make free with You! Where are those cowslips hiding' , ,Fint •Wo s"hriqid net he chiding - be ground is covered, every inch - What ,sayest, Master finelf7 .• " ypoi the swayih-tbooght And very neat you are I tow! • . Ahdthere'S a jay, ' * • And from that clumpofhrs. • , •Shoots a great pigeon Perple;, Wire •• and ray _ • - • And, coining !Mine, , Well -laden; as we climb Sweet Walton/11114., A 'cuckoo abouted‘With ."Vueltorii efickeol"' the first we • Is the Constant, Care of EvcrY • Young -Mother • • , . • "Ctiekeol. cuckoo!'" ped biesg the bird! Searce time to take his 'breath, Anti now 'Cuckoo'' ha saitb- Cuckoo' cuckoo! .three cheers' And let the welkin ring! • He has not folded wing Since last he saw .Algiers • • • '4 -.*T. :tiro n. may I ask a question'" 'Just ons more " • '" , "Well,' Why IS the earth' so far from the sun' , ,. • Ordinary .sports, such as cricket, and running are especially beneficial, as theycause no eye strain. Willie Goes to Bed: ' • - Hadjt been-•-terleed fortune -to Serie; I Would hilve ,ProlOrred•te spend My capitol in giving them 4404a -tier. relater .than litate Sontatillng "When die.-Mr..111Sttoe SankaY. W•hethia friendshijo-eiost; wily, tried?, ..,W.how stiftif a. a • tho 41,kifif of, a itnikg Ire titit, Mit gro*:.• 1 roup The .Yoeitg mother has a 'conaten :Care -in.. looking after the Welfare her vlittle 'ones. Chilitheod • ailleen. come on • se euddenly-'isometirnes, with out. a iniaute'ri •warning -the mOthe may have a very -sick. baby -on he • . ••• •. 1.131C. ' Down. three :centitries; Sliakespeare. Sind Milton still tellus ho* best to write ef . The figured:tiplendpr And Stroll lig there with . thi-d bing heart . • ' cull-ea,Ch-nookreachloyely-- .0 . . ' 'Otom 'Where the lowly Vielet1 hide; . t. Till deeper:, where the wild vines vide: t And. Often in -sometteiet •• 1 feel the tiongbirde...myStie spell That 'drifts' across bloonaing. ways, Even, asa harper plays:-: •••• • • Whoh softly.ln a reverie, Some -olden lose-he-seems-te see, a• And inspiration lends etva:i-,-• Caressing .melodies to, , I know lane that amble,a on !Till' selimer's.bliseful daYS, are 'gene; .1!'roin -When the • dreamy ..• wild -rose' P •hannts...— The! hahke:, , • •*ligre rhododendron .•. taunts .; • • , • • . . Till -daisies ; and the goldenrod' By hedge and Meadow hrightly' he'd; • d And dewy diadems are worn To .Sparkle. in the early mern„ Jiy bilsh end. blade and Minable flower To lend enchantment to the taper; And where a' mountain brooklet flows d I linger by er bridge that shows •: A Teradlie Of, heatity:gleahi', To cheer the qrirl( Of 'Warm and haunting inehddY, Forever Sit•eet 'of menitiry. • • • • " _ . know e„lane, Whore in the fall , My heart grove heats with it all, 'Thciugh.ltke racing bird; .to climb Entranced With:joyeof autunuiz time .1,1inger by the •glowing 'ea ys, Still clinging through the mellow ds, TO drifting; 'dropping, lea ve,1* of gold,, :To red epee, that :the thickets hold, .•;• Mid' where*" some Wild flower tarries as am .a , and twenty ntloutes.". .again be revived; but hut:wooer! All try '• 1 -k -f wiLlhaellt"W041*''kettiowi,Afill71 .111toillrea'wde,$8111)aepae27- was 5inluatt,6:-1.7:t;ae7!W. was given the !recipe, and •le. three olfers will be o°.13: thrillaiwaltilXthte4fritieeis, efian4Ittit' !lie always interested '''•s‘in•11164:..:3Otf61,rht°euic.noukotwisetcl-la.o.i. heilsf champion wrists in tunanitt; works,, of all iitetattir.S., `eantiner, .butilever in:•Winteri.. be - are • the master -source at to / • • . eause he ate celery. '• fle. was . giveri:r ,in "Music .ited freshen a‘it.........770.7_cr guICken our perceptions. :the cele.ry-seecl. recipe.' and wen. the... ' Do you get n ;sensation of, presstire On the hied? •Don't be frightened WO not heart'trottbleire indigestion. ;9600E. Syrup xvie it. Any -dragltore.? • : •••••• ' • • • ,•'• ---Itery1*7Why.:are you washing yaur • Color in: Typewriter to , . •tielietre Tired Eyes: , tr:er: this time of•deyr *,''. 7 "' Iiterbify-.-."Pin :going to be 'best: . . . . „. • • '• You have heard; ;of dierse, that if;', ' • our eyes' haconte tired from elOSS Clerks in.: the, Beek, of,.:Ettgleod Ork,:it ret them. to leek away the -fermerly worked six whele. days ••ii • isithee, and PSYeilnlegis is' have said •week and IP, be content' With, no ha looking aC•certain colors,is. Mere holidais,..save few special days Peet- : estful than looking at other. • * tiered through' the year.. .'Henhol George,. of 'Ohesterfield:..'glig- end; has applied "this . principle to 'a ' eviee claims win 'relieve; typlite . r f eye. strain. ft is a• eaten:elm-I Int inc colers, nod eliPS over eipeWriter . This recipe was given to a. Man who was so crippled with rheumatism that It took' hint three: hour's; to walk three miles from his house to his work. Al,' ter a :fortnight , the 'Man was: aiked „he* long it took him to t to his AGENTS- WANTED _ VANT/IID-7.0iie reliable Mem' town, . merchant preferred, ''.to tajte: .,cirdera, for heat Custein-Afade Clothes in. CaPIMW.-• '1114.14e.gt:c.9142issionsic • . . • REX TAILORING "co.. Ltd.- .• TORONTO '2' : • , . CIGAR: STORE "INDIAN ,• • • .FoTIPi..139: tilted:In:front of ?Chef:motile* . t• Store:. . Meat be In good condition. ' State Prise anci• where Can be seen.: H. WATKINS , 73 W. Adelaide St. . .Toronto ' ••• A fire which recently broke out in a Itoninarden oil field is expected to last ' for several • .years, a no method of extinguishing it has been discovered. _. AndleWS9P149$ STOPlidOtHACtk , INSTANTLY . Temporary Ramp- • • bet • tees Maw. .4 SOLD EVERYWHRRI3 , "••:. hands before. help: Can,'-be';:obtaine.d That is unless she has a remedy .1 :the houpe. Which ;she, nen • safely give 'the ,baby • for "any. Of :the Pair Minot ailments of babibood .and ehildhciod.. Such ..4 rein dy is .Mand -Baby's Owa•Tablets.''' Thous -ands of toOther throughout the eothitrY always kee a ,tiox. of the Tablets on hand and. they . . prociaint them to • be without an ennet: for sweetening bebY'S stOMeeb;.reu luting, his bowels:44g thus driving out constipation and indigdstion, Colds and. simple fevers, and making the 'dreaded. teething 'petted • ease.: ": .:.• ilabys Own Tehletsare An a.bselute, l's .Sefe. 'remedy:. They; are 'guaranteed he free Prim opiates - or tiny -tithe nareette 'drug Which'ere Se harmful to the Ittere welfare of the beby. .•Moth-;'' .ers ii ou' Valleethe life of your little ones cite him paby'S. Own Tablets. :When he Is ill or •give him azi oceaeional .thiSe. of, the Tablets :to :ward off illness.; The Tablets.'are•sold *by medicine dealer's Or' will be sent to an y*,eddrests, post' Paid; at '25, edits. 4 hoz by 'addeessing. '.rhe• Dr, Williainsi Medicine.' CO., 'Erect:tine,' Ont. • ".' charapionifilip again. Minitrd'a Liniment used by physidahli. 'There is no ' better, ,trieed • in the stable, than Mlhard's. ., Splendid. for 'sprains, swell- ing,!.stiffness' • • .;* :The Seotsnien's'Ite.•,. ,. ' oiii'*.tiallmore geott StorfeS. 'about„.• 911111 .., tbe.•.•ssives than ,aoY other race. In 'Ill 'feet. it, Is said that there is a society in Aberdeen 'WhIth Meets price a ,Week te. corkeet-teles--'740nt,t. tan .oWit' leiva • and. townsfolk. ... The. Earl . of• 'Aberdeen: 'himself *4 ..,,ah ioveterate. story -teller; aittl,the point of Iiislyerns •N against ,his countrymen. : • •• The latest :yarn :from- ,"1.1p.. Mirth" . ,lias• to . do ,with a.titan . tv ha 'went' to the .1 Moat ininteter and 'asked how Mi.eli it 1•Weold 'cost• to get marrisid.,• He 'had ,'' "I'1•11'lltian171.!pON‘sla'' jAntigititsirt°.',,euth'IL'ailt;oltxii 6rlith;it'k , elle will, be worth to you ...as a. wife," .joeularly said the ogelester, , el. . Thereuitin ;the man handed Otte' a shilling and ' at •the same. thee shouted 'to the girl to. '!.Ccmo in, .Maggie!" .• • The eiinieter'hiek one quick look at I ile Yeting 'Mr:Ontan ,41114 DrOniPtIP 'pipit' el WO Prospective liteiband a slinetite change'.feom the shilling! ' • •.• : ti...;: ' Up -and -Down Life, . , ..• M. a eerisiii villege tile Squire offer, ell in.giv4 a therntorneter to every Cot, .t:tiger..andeitreftnly explainedits uSe. '. Sopti , Idler ' their arrival -s disitrlei ' 'Ostend! ' entered One . hOueo,: whereTy a 11.0A- thermornerer,hung proudly in the middle Of the re -em. !Pie eistfer coin- Pilinen Mil the owner; and inheired If ,'.sho:reamtienbered •the..Inetrizetiorie; • '.. "Ay, that t qe,,,,,.: was.Alte. rePfur,.. •.:.'ailiti 'Oa, there, itridA•Watehes 'tin mi- ll, HI he gets, aboAro: 6(0 • :••• • • :- dill,4: '42:13°44te:.:44itz'sMrsr..•*tirowtt.'",*4•gii.Tirrille, 1 IIII • Visitor,. And wbat do you do when it goes above Or : : - - ', ' ' • -.' , 'Whit.....I; takes on aarti-",i4,044:4::::,4ii. out In the omen and .-coels. 'tin down it la' md .Whooping Cough Guard your Children, , - from the dangers' of.' *inter weather. . Check . their first cough' with Bueltiey's "Modified" : ,Mbiturei, Pleasant to take and brings instant relief.• • Suckley'S Mixture "Stiong"or "Modified". acts like a flash on Croup and Whooping • Cough or any affection of' throat, chest and lungs.' • Kelp a bottle 'handy. Wonderful at. • night, . A dose stops coughing, •'isi ICLEY MIXTURE •...strozqf' or: '9VI6diAscP° , hhoh 75c.,:-.40' doses W. K. Buckley, Limited. 14M::stt;o1atito to - • , In 'ed-oeprittion""St ( itiddi up ArohiteC(flr.:04$1ifiYi 6f. ModetittAi priced bohiea arepublittbed :out ed bxformation•ou pleating, build, In, ri4ah1itg, decorattag-'quitP Pofusely erte: knows, the better will lio-14 Olio ------;-..---4:—: ' I believe in education, The.:Inere ;•tstiisse,...-opportnnities;-erindgibitiogreatiri, Will he his happiness. Therefore 7A07'. idol reference book, 'ilend . evety Child should hivO-t400drWagga- _ _ . 20p 44. A ,dopy, Metii/Agn, liu 'JAI?* '4:tf .-ti•gootteducation, • • go -wits Ltd., 1144 . Atiolable Ot, • : • _____, Ipii, Toronto. .• . •." • ' • ' Minarcfis Linlni`efilt fer,beldil • .. .` ' t ' I -linger, tondlY till , 'gather,: like ,a. hartester, mm sra•n es .o ier,,, ' Who livd a fuilbiosur. pee to WO, To die Imi autumn s peaceful huSh AMA!, to Mate me, friendly latiei. • To ioini with thee in joy and pain! • T , ". • • -OliverRutter • . . . • „. , • , . .;••• .Popular Sport: . ,The Ski Carnival which IS•annually: staged by the Itevelstoke. Ski Club is becoming .0M of ,the most Milliner 'a f- reir.s of its kind.* Canada: Eor,litree 'successive yeas• the world's eoc0edfi , have been broken at the. COMpetitiens. h ld on the .1teiveletoke. hill '• • • • . ' • . • : ' HuMati SpooIe Is the name of the specie!) I hate init. 'shot?" demanded themat: tour, Molter or his guicti'Well six letliirzc.ci tIn . g.`uide, "I've ,jest 'been loteettgittlitg• and he .f!0)-13 his !mineis 'Stulth," space .har. It can. he attached tit de- taehed instantl3' • '• 4 The tints are arrehged: ie ;form a , . strong-gientrast, arid for- typists 'epees - Mined to glance at the .keyteard;:tile invention is claimed to minimize Ii effects' ,,of .giarPoputar • sciefice • . ••• .." ' • • Self ."Poisoning Increasingly Common Modern Living Habits Pro. mote Self Poisoning --- Thousands are Victims moirt.hi‘F. • • 'r . e era•gea4Sn or woman does not • enjoy consistent gOod, health.- Loss of appetite, headaches, biliousness,and a lack etenthusiasth for either work Or play are constant complaints., ,• Seientists have ascertained that such • a condition is usually caused by self- poisoning resulting from constipation. • Dud to modern living habits, the ' natural Secretion which promotes segue larelintina-ttoirbroft-enliV110-biri - contents, is often deficient-espedally among middle-aged people: The poison. . - 'from. waste matter remaining:a the systems Of people thus affected is the. • insidious enemy of good health. . Such people need Nuel, because Nujot softens the waste, matter and permits thorough ;and regular' bowel, elimination without overtaxing the Intestinal miracles. .4 helps Nature help 'you, . ": . . WWI remember, look for the, •name "Nejoi" in red - on both hottle, label and package, • ° : '•••• • UP- • - • -•••• - '1:1Z,OCE I 3:o.rit • • . • - Dow. AU. Tired Out—Peel . • IViiserable. Generally? • • lir•You teal out of sorts, your kidneys ,end livOr are ,not acting naturally.: Don"..1 delay Mit :gtt leer druggist 1:11114:144y1., gzilitttt:Itak;leill,t;:a..6.eteitte•efrizoNi‘.e;eadill:eV*. 1, Prayed safe -by millions r‘tnui prescribed by physicians for ..r Ask your druggist for Nujolto-day- RAIFORD 0 Restored to Health byl-ydia Pinkharn s- Vegetable "mPouncl Stratford Ontario. •••••-: "After rhy, first baby es'ai been?' started to Work onjhe tenth day said did A big wash, .. ing on the twelfth day.. Being so young (I was' married at 19111'diti not .1Ittiow what Wks:the Matter, so -let it go until I was all run-down, Weak -.and nervous, and had abed displace - merit. .For nearly two years I could •, not Sleep and I would alwaYs, complain of 'having not head-Sehe, ,but"..a: • brain -ache.' mother is •taking Lydia E. Pinkharzns Vegetable Corn - pound during the Change of Life and eh° recommended, it .to me. After. tiking, two betties I began to get littlietleep and .to feel better and ", ve never left off since then, except abOurtlifediricintliaTrairiably-" say I have taken thirty bottlea' My second ,baby Was,•born. I think -it makes child -birth 'easier as •I had': • terrible pains with any three • children and very few with my fourth as I 'was so much 'stronger. I tip • 'now able rfe de My work alone, but ' I am AM taking the Vegetable Com - Pound 118‘,1 arrenursing babY."- Oisgs PAULI Cherry Street, at. • ford, Ontario. . •'., •,. • If you are suffering frtlin any weak - nese which denies ' symptoms . ad. pains in the side and: back end . nervous feelings, give Lydia E. Pinks, ham's Vege fa Compound a trill elibi4, tithe Shoin t"ain Neuralgia Toothache., notieo the, benefit from-, _this' retnedpnAderroth herbs :lind Other. !. bone. 'tetra itigeedienta. Used ' for .til-br Id- yew:S. " by minions in sm. perts of" :the *old; NI, yettr. .health's, sake 0,4 ,cii re ,7 .of yOur .1:idneyii . And liver. ,, , Sold -4i ...lot iirdkgisia, Price . $1.:25 • , -, hdttlai ,. Wariter'S afe lteneedisA. (o., Toronto, Ontario. LLEI sply 'Pity.4t," Pr!'.k1:.)ste • - vhic•IrtoaUinsVtoar..en::dlirertiOrs":: -ittnidy 411a'yer" lia4 of tablets • Alio:bottles of 24, and 190--Druggi8ts.." mistrIn Is the trade nitwit 'tregiste'red r Cs is of btrew-litittufirefattelirlfacacette. ectrier,to of SA11011601 AOets1 Sitne$1143,2V,Icl„ "A. S. A•:"). While- It la well known that Avid.: swan* !lover usinufaeture„ uc.apcgt die public ligointslottialotts, the Tablets Of Serer OnalYany wiLl be eta:4*d with then Seim • .••••-•••,• utiettia • Taum Is a aeffdatery tiletilcatea;silt t 'isepne;deodoriiinie, pmeder id"ealtor 'both elnidien end addlli, :It • Is cooling: apd Detre:411:1g and itr-iialid a plearsing frAgrancd lentribit the kiulzwest arrdwhOtescine. • i•csaiso•tuiv by,Ntalt Deoot: rouolorree, Mer.teett" :IT- 0. :5:40 RAW' ShiaVilrait St•C!. 25r. .ISSUE NO, 9-,•461 '