HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-04, Page 57r ,,VW, 7M 777 19 aft I �m KOO .�744� Z�_ _4 T$ LUCKNOW). 1411P VH IMCH NOTES M RUghils. _.. 0MU South Kinlog feq*M� y it "-V dIdIIIii- WIWI: , - .. I , I - R _oojr�' IV at he Chqroh home from S#4 f . .4 tW - - - -- . 9 - THE - - 4 __1 ­!_ - - Xe S* ��U Mr. t I i e r e,'1 W1 117 "15 e A A RIM, u vacation. 'f , - d 13 TpD, ­ �, d � L ctiork of I our rxw, 61, era Int -7 7kfi'�s­ i ja7 Qtoplpl the R Roig- who Q_b4rqh"$eggion, Tlie.new elders will H. teaching, Or. -1,71, ROP -,H, MacDonald D m, e. ir 'M 3 $ ri; S... Ma,-Dohald, Pete- iear,% Punggnpon iti-, �t, bOr ho -491�h: be n ;.somei�hat, indisposed. M. W44911, -84;, V, SIerriff;.70,,,, MaPKI nAnt,' L, C. Maelver John Me�l 'ron', 75. 4 We, hope ph A. Came 1490 COSY, noii4A e will soon le well ell., �,eod 7, bee we, 011A, to resume her d6ties., 09., 11; heat'g."",- It, Jr. IV, 'Subjects: L ni [rs. Legliti, ; - 0 --ted Cburc�hl, it,. Hyg Bf� w hp under Cook6omt- ft baklea wont a Agrio ti Victoria, i4t; N. S. Hor Watso 8�- 'The themQ'4�, thg:moeting M#44,4y" 'A g In 9 -as : Provides bOt"water 149siiital,-L�ndon,sq, 0,1t ne ago r A 8o;. Jim. -ovepin f,Kee the, i ht ai- ndFevy 04; 'J., BKabson_ ping 7 Stevrart 79; J, 7 Side Upper ost," was t -b in --Burns, an kivk e� last S�ai L _g4ay hithqug Allan, y uel We 4rp,Lgl s9 MacKe4ziet pt .15140 , onit, Th _q ,wt. ick,of'wood USX CH"M st yet, stri �d to, learn t 494oeh 76.' Pags7r:X-, M4dI uite, a, -lengthy progra ihe is'��tqz L.',, Bra4son 'J4; '.Pi'Martin 74, CIA Is reaso' kdilyL iniproVing.. pric-F b L" �pnce, CxreOrr `73- A,. lkki.­Decker, r assistants The i. eth D.. '70-- A. a L U, Are, ld me. reiptuie 'fe so t of �-ett e ..pre. b h *fi'C)li Wil b 11111 num-,er. Of 'short reading .,or Mis.i 'john Thompgon, Sr. 1E. Nixon, 60 , L s, in� Pe�thsbir t '1843 al, edring ing: up, j� pla on VOILI;t, o an, 6; b e�a iit tire owitt,60 L b, rude -th 'most. -83 ..'Resurrectiohi.. Mi On' f i i4, is visit- ..ne 'to bed with a s6ver(F cold. e ue'beo wh�t' o;tg H th tove e ton. 45.;7-.�Ktt: XacDollal, Flow0dale'. Ea�t. waa. repte�', ai t,,.t49L . age a ip. haRoo* di lg� ` h '-set- were given lys pl*rs. itied at the.'danee it the Po L ..intw, ere,.�We, h''; 'Hon ,16Qn,'_ Ilan. Al ors� y hight, tied in Sta'n (ty -he �young. ��poRle,, �,of '4nd Margar�j lkrey ass -'354- - , 4 1. T iida now', havlp,-a Qut�b�c_,. am! ton.� M �Oilg, As'. Still., p6d there. a" U4 e I.,. of YeLarA,,, D_ t�Qrziers.,_,and- vicinity ad, an' Bqtoj, � Toyn't And Mis R§ber S h r Me -Johnkq`�' 1. e erl caw, 4 - , .0 493t 11,�' "t Ie d#nQe in. t. i "hall last, Iij� 'Mrs Alex MacKenzie Ath �V t o.;: t f atni e i tkr h o, n., t!v0n`ing. (68; D.. H-ome'45ft Q' Finlit9son 457 uett and readings, w�re g�VpA 13% Rank6'and Ue�ier h h sin h Xlvih, Irwili has returned L' to, his ng'. illQ; an -thbr6*4 -y * ;., -,. , 1 * : . . .. , sti table f " . . 1,.L'."� - , L Argart+ -D., istsegy. Olive All oTk:., a0d r an fuela'nd any. s asq 6 416 M 12 Y, If Kihliotigh; J' soji 434'L ­ ' A_�. h p�! e. , . t "�4 t. r6p. �ix� h�l ord y -of the, .,�ah 4roI pxlq, ie r uckndw after a, - we�kpf Coh r':49, d. L nurib er' 3a &r h -Yob Ais, 7;:. D. D' of girls, IX6 L IcQiy laO, lm4 e Quebeiz. yp. M6C) o4alt.l...'385; J' n0nii of her brother worl. a. i g.'' Lit isi with -fiien Is in Varn j. Dumin , 381 -Jack.CoX ho .)�.elltL.t() C it cle ill'n The Stew4rd' 37-§, - 474; E. hit- . I . . I jL; ed. in AIb6rt4. iand 'an -built a home Ili 1872 he T 9TI AT- FAIR . I . % .1 '1', Pr@Sl)yteri4tk Gu3d y _d IIEA RRS. ALWAYS. IN Xr Jas., Stanley o PRICES E., Aga Mk 'Hartley Wilsb 'Donald acDonqId, had 'the, P. Devotional -Col*ninittee Cori. QUBEC n.a HOW ..misf6riun �y 357 MACM The Chris ABO T.'AN,.AXE? WE, d.'-tb fall, a. consid- -Ilazi.- J..! Ma�, CA THE FAMOUSL.1741VIR aq vPr.- d Grove (dauihier of, the' late vener, 'Miss Mary Aitcheson, had ttove� over to Puiple Alexgnder -Me-, distance in: his, barn.. to 1111afi 34f JL.. 'FLisbe .328* X. Stan r ff ;,%St. Tuesday iand -�'en aft id '03`,"; T, 2 at, that tiII16 rel" Led a.. L.Y, WARRANTEIX 2 Ma,,D­ Z�Iiarge of the programme p eer SET" FUL ely'llie. fell on a -mo b Y.- lid '.,0 . �& a a onald' w Ith fri nds.' bf Kirilough) i n f Wizinifred: DO -:'.rian. and wi e .�tot of With nothin' worse than.:. -r ­ J r. .1-1-.-Posgible 5A§;4',Honor 416.' oVelling. ugl4s read the ile Iiest lio i�ias bee' CROSS CUT SAWSj M Don Madve' is r, _ rejoicing aithful. f and' -'Mcj�poq I wer th� It r1pture* Lesson. jgws L Ed AF! AND SIMON. 8, A.,I,.. .j6vbie shaking up. p -ass 330.. tu of his Collie which watid- eaeX7axIa._?1 i ave th Catechis �11 _,e rn Va WAYS MAND� 2 OR' 'TEETH '-sorry,, X19me A62; 'G. J6YII 431; B1IIj, a,pap�r on' e s noted .ON 4L CUTTINGL OR �te a to report the illness t red away. in,December 'And amc a, ma� ny. Hendez onq Ove", -i--Iit: charac er apd. A� a,reading. Re� oacKenzie 430 Go Ve k P�ramoui - Mr,' kta �bdnald' give SAtyrd t.,in all,,. hi�h� - 'I, boligttis HOLLOW BACK- SAWS if Mrs. that4, "She *i 1 11 424,; adk. las't,:,� a S ngs,. ..always t ng 406 Arms ro F. acKe slilendi ad Y., nzid 405,; '1. er many friends -hope d r to elp, those in, need-. Ife twa 'CIRCU' E-ATIt .'OF MRS, LOR a. .. inemb tIlI . rian LAR'SAW'2frl A.ND.30" 401- -B, Solomon'.4 401- ot�o-o rea 3 616THE 410E" "A WR.DW6Q a4hililton rb3s 'on the lt*i' CreO D n bp able to. e' out among Ahen A. hur JAMES TA er� of eln osh, -90; 7 j�;!esbytgriang.ilt nberF and o . f, ti 0 01, 870; F 0.' were, it. so o -by Mrs., Clark,. a dueti a Orange 'Order - T SIZE MTOAUL ROLE; 28" W ' I , ebster :358;. %iss Jennie Mrs Jai eii: J., T r., whos 'honie �qi onor '01iLA n It aer -Tow e--�of by Mrs. C� H. Macl) ld�and,-Xis dA ib" ',of -L. 0. "L. NO.. j a W.IthL Wlbbg�e�r '3";� F. ..33$ A ZAUQUART�RS FOR- C.C.M.'tA UT0 M 0 B ILE SKATES f-ying.-Li Mr Geo.,Pageof.-:Para�,' 7as. just south -of Ludlinow,- an 1h ated. its res" It i mental b., d %N,h, 1139. poug. AStru LQd.g!e - indil n 324.;, Maudie F 3 las -and. . a 'b jShe . 9*-. i ?t e , . - .. MacMQrrafi".and t. Johr 'in'� failin heitlth,�, lice n- )(,'Ct-,Vn(I este6nr-by con.cri. uting a, H�kVE­ TOU. SEEN THE NEW d&OLIMPIA' �eonardWebdter.' 314;, MacDonald , 9. . . 41 , r vii �fa wi TUBE' ALUM' L , .. J�� At Mis�ses,, Katherine. and . Bessi( M 'Baker'. r;' Suii4a toautiful: fl oig-1 It fifieral. in passed : eH-bn4rgon. ,or bet h att el hifty 2 lit _28 -.r8 & S gave a trave Oi f, age Afid.� 'of Ameily t M ff. . 1: . I S IZ913 FNISH,'� PER'. PAIR$ .00 -gu e,. wa, 15, years o Widow,', one were . PA s of,' is -acc6mpaa'i9d' b in irl;n�.ies Me of,,: Psi y th '1was due O''Lihe G; Sbierri gue, ofi. I.Th t daughter an our. �qoTis. %-nd t rant D' oom ...af, otlatid, ramount re; R Se lant6rr ia. ura e aftlily I to' Old Age'.' '.g0adchildren. 'Th f r .Pntly. hich. p I Vej efoer her y interesthit, rs. r. Nasible Maikw318: Wes w .01 'to a e Ta, I 14e.. was �1dwaid' E. Hodgins, -Lu(: too' D the Mr� Gordoli son,. Pas A vote oft tbank( Hieks,* and,: aild: instru Mr4 Y or antl. . aSf of oro Emily S tewart,,�-',I Ar"chie and -John .,Of t�e -.,paren Johnstoil' P -%,-a"endeied--M-r.-,G6nnell-t-f 9jr--hilt- Tayiox per, 12th.. ass nan hilf - Tle-d ihe.� 1-4t ift of �4 0 e of pril:, I( g e. 1, niz ions . .. . 1. 1 r. .0 . . I :.L ifice NhPah -time Mrs. 'Taylor -Iive� 'v'r.a ng- �t:.bbme w�tvbi 'K. dclkosli 247.,, 0 tl� 0 �t " 'an :Jr. And Mrs.. A �n. X a s, moth Owl t 6; .23, J dy no t 2 Home 227' one. If. W. .Ait� on741 are IMA LT% n V r:O r, S WS'� gh-bc nel n iay wh iii er 20�.;�, Elie -Bur be p'e e th(. 1 . .. Ituesday A The fune on lin: 178; 'B" Ma�.Xe­ 6 W-4 fir. -MuDonsid". was p 6 -of L... .,,..zie .1. 0 an . I . I - 6. , III, horge b peii I' n itee er- e onggin� to, a h' ' - t _ , _ -_ . , I . �___ �--_ ph 163; 43,etroit, w 0 ave,bten ispendin. id Johnst :de' 159, 7 -beingi. eld; at' the', ouse INV the on -7 Hal . ' , -,-hat* . dr6pped- 15-5 Xor= Ta 1.53;. q i ion "."ad. ri y k Olne of Isl pa, 'day. March, 1200- Ad 5 "Ce..,or so at, e, ev T; Wesley, Oosens. er rise its childreI The ell Its, re lv�e e 'Veiisi6r i� oil ks. Di,"Dqnad p ced �as arsnt� . . . . . . . m -on Saturdr ne ir s Swam trk ''I nir e 'CON hrouih� 'illness. WALKERTON road and, left or -RU IS -1 - -11 p PROGRAM -4 ITIGROWE 14710 LANG an ao.t. side as 6kg't f4qd f -I ows­-Or aw 11 of, Kineard" eath birds 0 s hel, Possibltr%Wks .29 ',.Iiss m r , , ii,. SoI se; Ii of Walk- GroWers Und.O.Ausnices �of iliff Cotifity:.Fruit '7 -------- F7 Ile -tIlse-l-to -Teast-On -the TIL ay a 4 *iII'.,Mt'soon e go Je n: Jewitt 22� -Stiratildee.. bir P "d ---M flo'D rt& a' SlacIfitQ6h :236;' A. NlIsst Iiene D6gs,l e ongin BONI odfidil an Ontar e0ar ment ricultur*- nt- "P- -Jtist­4�ik _W lend -for a d., t r enter.- Fgth�r d' 0. aliquet h M Ie r Moffn 3.%SIfbrr1g'221 DL` Aitthei Msii I �-,of ..8n wasthe S Bros. and John Jekler,, and an 'her. 0.- ot rich,'March'12,492,6.. tl'their'� nschool 11too ta� ia;alnel ance I. -ield' in: th( Hite 214; G.' R . -, t, t n.,* 41 0. Re in nown -cii h, brant 4-'riaje veiii! �Qhil h.;' a rieltid' ith 'a d 'k Ili eid..21r;;'D. je�wi tt is, �isitin rs. Irwi a. gOO& ed re OA - Tfiesday ni .6 last na ln. 9 ive in, pr 6k A ti om6t ll� who 'silent, MOR ING S'E`�SIOX'. 207.-W. MpKim 206 Jack MatDo 'Id Resscfk w 11 � f " -d t iloufid his,-�neek weiel.found � ead wi h�- N 206. B 'Cantelon � 11 ,,at 1he home.l,6f,` M r. -Afi�l weL se. -It'.would ap- S lie "hairmAti Miss Margaret McIntyre spent s _ ivere ReIv.-T. H. -Boll Mr. xthur, B' C keid)`266 .16 feet th�,hdi Stot4 95 % as though- t eyjiad,b�en, poison, - e dy- - -191. n There '.6row'" s'; -,- e As toastmaster. '0 IfAllada ' 6 1 . omp$on, 187;..., X.4 1 a , . f 0, lying, AT un. �Ile orcags.,- to I D. CaMero Lirckli ari A. X ... .. in �dp to 0 '.Ggibel, . . . . : F.. Sherwood -192-' i. . t we k with IV. J. HefiAersdii -193-i Ji Mibteod I h 'as returned td'her OMF '4�w gs93# Rcyib p0sti 0 p6etion.Y. koy a,.Mr.`-WW'0oode, Mayor Dr.% W,� 0 0 AM,' GradedAnd Ins t "' ­ . & ret--- Ross. hief Inspector, Weste !Oafi w187'. H. Th' ",11r.roa Mrs. Wm. d �XacDbnald "and,., n,. 9 laidden e lqtion lt7;. ltobie'r�:,: -,6nd leaving. for'their. ho'nie In:, h(. th 'heart of Jai ck -Miner est; Thurs ay,'aftimoo... sville .,nitu�ralist, a one d, atives .1i, A G' be'rnibngtratibn, Box A n d.' -on W Of 7L the evening I;he' Xing A.M. also'-his'-in6thior Mrs..' ;,;ag. -the guest -M CD Johnst Weblter nd. gave laddr, egg on Will. Haslam; bg uidbig _0_0 Rei d., 15 2 M erlf. s Community, one day, as Packing',- W. - L. N�miltofio: C611ing'�- thi earlman i6�; & C. Vi g spent,. 0 I t week -EPOR rinciples Camleron, one t., Johnston 4511;,.'G. Stitith0s; 13 �retum Ad... S6Wqrby 3; �.Z:- At r.: Ma�L woodld',:, E of iNlglar R. M Billy Mos at .:t Asiting -,vflth�,her. sister -Steward- '121 R'.' S 10nio-n- 94', week- toI Tornto ressive speakers in hi part of the 5. C 'S. No., 4, KIIII J. J., Tiffin. tt. E . g .1 , - : . AO.Ss,� e I P. . Arm. - :J1 AeH."Rev-611. T.;itQvInCe; 4 AUTROR OF THE -'PAI0ONE pr� S ri n 9;.1. Ratz 4 -Teits.Tn Histo"ry; g - M' Peter IVI has rented Mr,' D- f NG A u sb FT-ERNOON SESSION' 0 :,the. h6hdr, of Oing a _,gueIst A al. on6r'j, now oecppled�, by . . ! . fa idio. F c' At'such.t'a. successful- event;'.Outli irled. . '�:Lillian Br Will* ftllle R.�.,Ri..:Sloa,n,Chait-man.,,.,,.., "Mrs 'L Mr 9W IS, gIV .ntimber�of- poinis-iw'hich the hol�­ DEATh OF "MR3. "PASSIDY As'l k uy. ase .. I ' ­ " 'L , JQAX now, llfl�ed,, Acert 76(/ I -e ng ul� and an. A4C_- , L .. . "d d aceepte as -guidin ri dith 76cr a01 11 1" �io fans! al -a incip es I: Llolell Ur ':,6oeA* Val thII IQ m a c', u SS of. R,�e at; Idesired to t ad Mrs rp ale, poplilL. th i. fut ri 2,00 P,II Spray ne Probl, Ins ff. A; ROO! faiini� will III f the now iA k '��e Into of Vin in, e na u et;. r4 e St SAV eland Pfuniu and- Grafta. o' a idy. �r s�ng, . 17he Prisoppes Sofik`i� �Rtre� Ae e It fe work -Mr. ]III �Goo& had erne JohiI 70 060.91 ess6r'- of, Or . ee . nocic dead - avilig y lat Fort. r. -La V il§oh, Bs.A., ifie, an L: WEST ��WAWANOSH L p wife., of sh -passed �awa I . I 6 S I d y ably oro'oied tile toast to County :Sam -ous ont..Texas,L as., in id 1,rOi,nship,' died Ili the 3r=6 Rptold Co' 14gr, Cass recently' "'M ' n-ra oys, ltdn Assistant Bpaird.7 'Mr. Markefs-;LAnd FU re 'Jonathan Fafrter,., a former ighly�- on ..Friday, la, 'ageA"abouf ng7 y0ars, Of, age, : aillf. was y was called� -upon', to respond; Fron f� is. 'he- -deceased en. etred - 'the, . was, not: the Criminal Iurreuc . f -Jr. -Ill QII Ildel i %ea 'it CommigsiOlICT', emed ireWt:len of the t, Otawa Ques-r-l.: ;-Ste Companion hip..Lof, district passed y inort-1. wi ',at'the- home 0 I� . �. � 'L e o nnie Burt-86"L� -last an under,' ad it hat e was'. ­ The f6i., tion", �pe'rit fathernd sQTi in youthi and,a -,iis iijetiett rs . n.: ow ii;tteresting ' idgiap ical note-, . t; -iffin �Wingham Ar.ent, dperdti6ns" for jda6ki 6 1 in b" 81 rd,- Conraill' J. J; T. .76,1/0 " � !;, I . . 'L I ng ould votArift apar,t Vin­elaft NI:Ilskon! She I - going -the prni" i6blistoii 46 B�ri�ie - Ciisidy d Ca itas and ezipyerrfa� hMeroni *4 thou lave been round t.hC He was .69 yeArs of age had been branch ou �d,;14 11 11�; young ment a wr ry wheli i,ewspapprs: tithei was e Song to, be mitki4j�;, A odd, reetive Lu4nOW.i C. Middlet' Clinton- qlorifindd'-'to:'h.1s bed k6r the 'p st on �Cute co diiion. devel wtivitfies Of the 'world and older m p n Massey Nmo , first pub, e iffillnY Burt.. 86 itaynard years. r. Farrier Was of OP-. Lhaf illide' ,is merse& An busines! M.J.*McNLayj. L4ckoW,: )eC6me m. a,,: W ic. re 4icd in -tell i I In d u rig i c1laracter, a in Prison, - R n 8 id', 2 d ; . kukert. , Ili h. suite Ili. er; .4eatt 924,l. wriL 8 :70 d raised in' Atleas.t ther' thi ^.1e Arg entL.on Vlad. 46(,4 :Cagg dy. PrAble an p h 4ii i, Johnston . n, SESSION:, since young: manhood- had been: - 9 a .43r�enock, the ..,,,or cuTrenti. belief, Partly,� t EVENI u. -the f-oll6wibg 'poin s. ag success ol e e 'd�t,;R(tffnlan, 'was a u Aigt' Church. He. was no m rr Pr,'L anquetwith, a , 1. -C was inspiie Lion Cl --constant .mem 14ri 4Y depen ed -upon, 'itih P Omai. ell. name d: by. an acc�dftt, 0 es da er -0f ,uIdier,._d4s. ..n...Order to mer 16dd t a" ed -Willingness or t k h" D . G al and leaves to nigurn one sis er, Mrs� -M+.'and "Mrs'. Jos. H I Ina— n Of that �Nve.eatbeiart,' MAs.3ey"broke oilt, of tht aily laiks; Bedford C airman, r, W., to `e 1 ibition xcell, dbvelbpme.nt St. IV Edith BUF ut ""a -and-:9 idh6use where he. -had been p ace(I low, o e iUf. In - , .. - 11 � I ­hdr4oter_ M.r. Canter ddre'ss 6xv hili' She' -was t Li-fliln W6 Win.- 79111-Orriff, -of N ab ' o twent, 9 11 for viOI t .,s ore'lefa `G)dffl- -Ad-dr-Cs§ o e 0 _6F We& rother, Mr., W..R., Of West. Nt-,thr6e years ago to' Mr, I Ii a ing, h, ve. He askc,'.. survives with I irr tied an� d elved. VaiAd -M r A.McEI Gl5defich. �Bethe` agsidy, O� -her a her to..: y him' -*its -Irefii :vas. spiendi ly recL. ayO Wa*!tnosh. - The funeral� C Cemetei: edn fairily of. eight children.,' then � return IP ak�L., Sr-i11..'HT6Id: Con -rani L Laverne' ...... IiI Ontario Government, Ex nt in� esday aft(i ed -to.-& 'sh' .. to- 'IU,RON 'CO,UNTY BREEDERS perime d Coun qtei ;O� ipping :ppl 60 noon,- ervices sinpng r g. E. ONSIGN141ENT SAL eing-,' 4 ',courtrxiiirtial. But ll� wasn't ohnstn Mary MacIllI Ass St. airtiiled 'Later by. the. Rev. Wd'b. Si ji, $ i ' ' Sr,.It Annie Burt. clifford Con A e S ilip b S B ABU WAS 1FINED.$20L wheW' Im ing- in" v ariou'� prisons df, thq. �Cbuntz!Y; Biloome; Lorhe Markeid', W,!- odgdt ted. by Rev, 'M. M. Blehhet of W Huron County A. c. 'a Reggie rin e pr 'ton,, 136rIlid. Cassidy. ire Fruit. -Branch ham, P Ilbbakerd were: I h.- the A after' hea'4' g 'SonO h h. I)eot I . l-" . -he Owen S6und�,Timeg.,,, ad e6m.p6ged 'the ale in W.injhani on Peb-. - 95th, - Th( I)' ctor zIn. eld t eir Annua con'signm Ma. T hillips, Harij,,Chamney, H6n'ry A9, t Ram. to, go -with .1 triculturd Address44arrk Sireft, ih;rls H6n,r,k Pa teis�6n* James arp, ryniar wrote th� liil�s V'qla4) -vCathdr Was unfavorable.* f age, Jag.. AitcheAtin. :The `symilithY of Owon- 'Sotin ,apoearod. 'litefore- Ili mind a. mari.locked'up.'ah6- .10ted-thd. At e 'co �Cngddy,� Cli Robjl� 11t rU d tiabdaric Cobbtirg, Pr6g,'-� of 0' -F nside�abl In in po re courf wa '- from tlie' girl; he loved. the Sale,. however, . w IM of the,' co munifty, Is, eXtended. to fhc !41 a y et Toddy Bit I'strafe . Creaser As quite suc6ss Q Tbose G sso 'ation ofi Tuesday Ill ominj Charged il'rhe. marked, 0 bereaved..' music of this song is. auti. i ssed 01 11 ein ful �tfi,e avet4ge prices re.lNed b .6rL. more. Peaceful alIsepin r�Affigj at," a using., if or 119, ful, and w e the vey§eo can, hArdl- ly, 'higher t an' last year' Everybody.welcome, h". So - by drivi, '2onsl at 'a fa# rate 'of Spq0A' And I)e was two -Ouble No. On ioll Pres,. Huron'County, Fi�uit 0 e e The. av rwee are past;. in, allence, he Ir -thea-whil on �bontiniental; tou�h that'ne'ver sSloan The rid's' weary tr S: trial t rmea 'poetry, . they rry� tht, the 541� iti-mannbi itkay�� t in' k-veratre fittendan*ct Is the avetagtfor-,b ry.,, niI6 h bore; Till God, cAlled him '-Sharp pleaded � -not - guilt:9 but the S6' "t -L ''' : ' * S 8 patie e I 1 3 ap e erhaps no'§oni. -of th(, Councili.. Its, cre a e Aeniand f6i -bulls' wai' hot, Atis, idknciet :df, ibe three - members ok,tho ay is ori.pop Iii o,�er the: fAdI`O­=_ 0 or :h 'Oit to.'gufteIr. no nv 0 u 'Tied. Twenfy-eight afifinals were ptit 0: *,6 the �ffdet -that'at and th4'is, saying a -good. cJ)o ice f6ir O� _L��0.0.0 deal,' r9ug LiTiI the, ring� ighes �rt late hour 6n Sunda tilght fie,wwt Among the not b y., pertonage M St. ng And, �his - m1l ill �was ..Chief c0r- who arrived in ila'do'.during t'h -the 'de�,of t D ,, ing ... orse-up . I - , - . I ' Cii the. ALKRITON si -he lOdder,, It w6bld seem' 1)19 AT 'LISTOWEi down con1pogitloll. ai6 not1l.,,boweveri 1.7ned by "Geo. "'IF and first.wei�k'in et at 'thet ti furio refused to 'claim to distinction% 'He .wa, qOl&jtO:RObt,. o? Gorrie f0f� Patricial, Thomas., tha! our ax rate u Ave be�en for athekg t' �vhen., called' upon, find in'stead ciltod'f6k bravery duriTfg. tili, 0'06 'The highest priced Cow "Is G I 4neeting' ilf tlid TOWn k�. -John Little' whose, 0 pre- W. and Lid� - rattan and,tho;,E ar and a lipwAtti of 54 111 to have 'pro- d as.,an on tQod up, in the Cutter and -used the World. War, tin L a number, - of years as just 6isj 6� Geo. Fergugon, Elora. 'C ponsigned. e y eve buntess oe ir I of I. Id on Wi0,dhesd. nilig ai* b avid Luct. tertainer. 0 perly tided us over, thO year, o v�' died er home whip in' t�,erci egg ula: ildr,..fte ha& a n the: N vyi, he- has.: ap. NibgthI and 'sold .� to f" , L _ , , �Th lei le yifi' , in, Wh 'L V, one tMtfit-1.61 who 'Olti- the guis e,, �T, obfl t hig. w ',to tm4de in. levy-' 0 ghc re that t .6 ani, distin h f6t­ $175.00,.� 0 id fL ffl n �(iffiphnY �60 ma;ly no . e oce'a i' orhad just qig, t6o 6w� wag� O'nWe0jo, manage,. Those *h I :than a tabt ook' �3rg and e6nSig'n s are e ig quitts a year c. ntillia'ted that the punishmetie. in. On.,of the nd -tinI tier rbedve* was nrpo r t T ing her oT -her" bad habits. he mag� in e for'intermerit in *�,bibttet in,�, the. bedi gat Walkerton, hafl,,ll. def i6t, of- dileam view of jh'..biou,ght here kn' lstratp_� in. cb d fact that,; - the $2900 -defi-eit will 'have to y_ service h4 be6tx -sick witt,, pmeter -N , . _vII. L-:1.,. 4g��*A�t- I 'held L in the severe Cold at the home - of hii sis. -ILoya itd sontillues ought Ilow to be absorbed. Unless some un" th-"ittle 'tit. Fathers. n _so! gafteI ra Torseeh eatastr"Qjph at 2?30 1 ' the afterhoorri -bY- thCRW� 'r , as, tta ee t, a'll,61 I . e= O%V. n C t hat, hdrr the -CountI t 9 luo� irn drive up itid'A sty_�start. Ma�el)ona, d. 0 Jessia antosh 'enter. rte las "year, t I . . I t _it dt* Wath 'Visited -bat Comm" ty or wd 6 116 n s, ate. kwil he ..all, see ow soon 'on the deld Befbre her matki'ag6 the late, Mrs ssu'rillus, but, fihej As Inaturinir, e- d, liev, girl friendi; last evening. Vebruaky 2�rd, and calle'd away .11111bil4 degimik ttoantno. all: I" ito, -The, fine ImptlAed Wig Little. . wa 0, gno - benturos has -D 'MacVaAan 'One "61 _.the �;OiirlyL riviff and qni! he'expeijdit�res ar, x* tosts - whith ,wja pam 'ma es, a-l' nit-tinie-is �Jmproving Wo Y,, JI ee�tl 0 0ors of KidlOugh distf, be'. jlrodiJ 10-011 or t Mirg. 1411, toyle of -*'VIiali r 0 IN 'slowly'. dauth was ndt1Ibex0,e4ti4 �As he ft $400 deb tI hor. i4idti,�7 she 0�,AA,Tze off. 4, Afigua, dOWIi t a 4y Ili ani All 4� Wag: 0, nig ma in ainod,, This- flow will 40,4 ha Unto Aa they. to ioti her lirdihor" jhrr�ikl% y got, shoom'' 000.401 � ­'Upho, V, he h ,�a Aoa..,to �Wtjyjt; oil .......... ..