HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-04, Page 2a I.• 1.4:14 ; • •••.. 4t. J'1. • Al r . al i"414$ W er Yoi�. 4• ATOhial• ne lay the ; • e, r#1#1,n40.4ty a that tony rzt• :et Waie to 'become Of 1 ao in the midst Or that:awful solitude? t • We were beginning literto die • ; Of heat, liaegee• and thirst . . . of , thirst •INseteeite4. At last, 1 '$.4W M. , de QTYagnY raise hints& .on hs.c:bow aid point te a, spot pe the betieen. had discovered : an misisi • a ' Yes, far in the, distance AVaS an oaers I . . . ••• an oasie with, limpid: \veter, which I • reflected, the. iron' trees'!" • . Tu.* 'it was the scene of the mirage . . reeegnized it at once • , the worsted -the three! •. No ne 114.1.Yaeo'atote to fight against it. , , no •one........... -01c1-41•Y utmost to keep my heed and .11,t.,-,t9.1?0-1V-kot-e4ter,etheereter,timtei -FPfleete.a. 'the iron tree, altit'lf, Atter a hoping. for. water, struck -against the: mirreeeehen there weemily eine .thieg, for him tcedo; to herighimself on the tree, tree! ' • cried to M. de- CltaifhyL .• "It'e the mirage! le', ,,It e the mite :eget. . believe. in the,water! Itas. Another trick' • of the nnee tor.s! ". • e • Then. he flatly teld ame to g'but' ,.with eny tricks of the'inirrore; .tny springs, my •revolving doors And MY peaces' of flush:ins! • .1-.1e angrily 'de- ' elared that 1 must beeither blind or •inedto imagine that ;ell that water flowilie over there, tram* those spien- ., did, • numberless trees, Was riot., real ster has given Christine until e:even.. water! .. And the desert Was real! to -morrow evening. If we. 09.!_tegkteeere-AhdseeNvae• the -reread And eut.orliere-Aildege--te-heFatiferitance, it • was no use trying to take him -in at-leastawe, shall be. dead ,before het! . . . he. yas.an 41d, experienced tray- , In. this day and age of elimination ThPn• Erilett Maas -Pan scrim for ell eller . . had 'been all over . the tle acquire, a sylph -like; figure, this late °f us!"• ' place!• - '•' est inhovatibn is a beim. • When Worn galPed &ma a breath Of h.ot And he dragged .himaelf ;•al•Olig, Bair, with hiaegiere be \Peet; this elever gar."' ler that nearly' mede him faint. •' 'Water! Water,1". ' • menteif ',ell: that IS needed. under a re:sso•hIs.ahsaai‘.1.11.0det tvhieco•osarriete .foralretre;tet:A4-4*nodi„oNosirniuguapthg7as °,1.3°U, as ti.rugh, frock of silk, • You may do, tievey wth hug death, I returned; after giving him And my :mcuth was olren too, as .pettiectat, .or even . the familiar cos' a word,of encouragement to my panel though I Were drinking. •. tume.elip; fOr a loose prinel,bdtli hack but I, hedenade the mistake of taking • For We not only sawehe water, but and *eine Achieves the necessary a few'. Steps 'While :speaking' and, in heard it! . . . We heard. it flow, we shadow -proof effect. .,The bloomers the tangle of ,the iIusivo forest, I .was heard it riPPle! . Do ;you under- themselves are 'eS'peeially attractive no longer ahle to• find My Panel for stand that word "ripple?" - . ia.,40 with .seal!ipped ruffle. at the knee, and certain! I hail to•begih•all over again, sound 4, Which • .yee hear With your at:renewer eeeibigyfuoabitug,,,groping. :tongue! yp put your tengue- 014 if desiredboth •'panels eriaY '1 at Now the- fever lied:box of elle in, of Youi'mouthee listen to it • better! No. 1383"reen sizes oa, 33, 36 and 4 ern , . nething, ebsoe •' .1 Lastly -end this wes•.thezenoSt Piti- inches. NVaist. Size 32 wa.ist. recIT7 ute nothing. In the 'next 'rem -Peen less, torture of all -we heard the eain 3:Yards...324ieeh, or 2% yards 39 -me as -silence., We Were quite lest' in and it was ,noe raining! 'This Was an Material for •hllooreers, with panels; o ieforest, without anoutlet, a: -cone infernal, invention. ;,.. • Oh, •• I •Itzleve :1% yards .32 -inch, or 1%..ya.rds 39 pass, a gebee or anything. Oh, I Well enough hoar Erik obtained itl He jpe4 forpl knew -what, awaited us iferfolwdreeeffierefitledeveitirlittlestenes a ,very tongued w en s esire le to ehleve ive-7cro• trie4.. it? The tin"' riehik avowed leftvenv11441, PI ewe sealed its.tigh. • Finer tinr- fin Or _ BY -GASTON LEROUX Waite 04042-67-- CHAPTER XVII.-(Conedi) • There WAS only one possible- outlet that opening into, the Louis -Phillipe teem in w eh Erik And Cheiatine Dane -Yore., , But,. although this out- let -looked like an ordinary door On Christi,ne'S aide, it was absolutely in- visible to us. We must therefore ° try to open it e Without even knowing ,Where it was. But I had first• to calm N. da Chagny,: who Was already walking about like a madinan, uttering inco- herent cries. The snatches of conver- sation which he had caught between Christine and the monster'. had corr- . tributed not a' little: ;t4:;• .drive him he - side himself; add to that the. shock. of the magic forest and the scorching e heat Which.Was beginning to,make the , perspiration stream. down his temples • and you, will have no difficulty. in Iv understanding his state of Mind. He • shouted Christine's ame, -brandished o tall3'. • - -THE NEW SHADOW -PROOF ' •, • I3LOOMER,S. • It jaZz •muS14' iehat \lying if ugiyo lmeb. ' • • • . ; Cynfolan-k-.4.Ati,:.exyloring fore linger :qtiesetoning yeeacity fit paint sign: • .AbhPiutele, As et nestraiuing force couselence gets a let 'of eredit that really belongs to cold feet, • ' • It is So ,egai to find feult; yet every=1 erre' keeps on Woking for. it • t. • 'The real differeiree hetWeen e; man •and a Woman is this e The women *ill talk h ut4. th • aany , a o Ape er woman • ilfrie, but et. man Will only talk; about another weeetif in his sleep.. -• A Om -hirer's .pipe, dream e ream of A broken pipe. , Happili,Married. : „ Of all. the Wiennin deebly ;blest The seilor'in wave the:haPPlesi. s For all she deeele,steyeat,heme. And keit and darn and _let %la roam.: ead eeagm-nst-the-glaees-ixriue.eneeavora . I 1 1 11 Mall the husbands• on. thesearthe, Ier-ints-•the •finest berth; \e'• For lrehiseedbin he tan let • reeid . . oreif did -not. the-zzatrdyr-)304---tro-hem • - •71- - ' • - -forest. , 'In ihort,:the.tOrteire was he- nothen g but 'breaches, be autiful stone, in ±ailing,,steuck against thee which draws faverahle Corinne • • , nt from ginping to woekete see-e•epon a brain branches that stood straight hp before projections and rebounded from one to ;the observing•eublic. The designs 11 - unprepared for tor it. rnee or. erneee :gracefullyover my another; •and the resalt was a- eeriesluStrated in our new 'fashion Book. head: But they gave no•shade. ' • ef pattering "saunas that exactly imj- are originated in the heart of 'the ,1',7nYle I 'did Mes induce My best to d the poor , .. AL de. ChigU' and'I had reDeatedly tated a reinsterm. 1, • • centres and lira heipyoutoacquire' Ah; you should have seen us petting that Mucle-deeired air of individuality. Price of the Jerk 10c the copy; -- HOW TO ORDER PA:TT:ERNS, . Write your name aid address-paln- ly, giving neriiber.• and :Ate of such patterns as you Want. Enelose 20e in stamps or coin (coin, preferred; Wrap it carefully) for.. each number, and address your. order „to Pattern Dept: Wileon Publishing Co.e.73 West Ade- ef a tree, or • gliding between the leide St., Toronto., Patterns ; sent by, return • viscount to listen to reason.• I made taken off our coats and put hem on, him, touch the 'In -driers and the iron tO,hinte. by .opticarlaws ill the lurnin- tree And • the branches oncteXpIcined other made us feel still hotter and at an-- mires toward the rippling Alver-banki again; finding at one time that they out our tongues and • dragging , our - time ethat they :Protected es Our eyes and ears full: of water', oue imagery by •Whiel: we were'. sur- against.the heat . I was still Making but aur tongues were hard and. drtas rounded and of ;which we needs hot mora resistance, le ..., e agree horn! _____ ealIew ourselves to be the victiens, like toed to. me ofte_egenee, Hepe-'When-we reached the mirror, M.. de dinary, ignorant people - • tended that he had been walking in ,Chagny licked it . . , and I also licked "We are in 'h room, a little Teem; that:forest for three days and nights, the glass, ' that is whit you must keep saying to without stopping, looking for Chris- . It Weiburning, hot! 3 -ourself. ; And we shall leave the reign tine - Daae!. From time to time,. he Thenwe rolled (in the floor with ' as poen AS we have found the door." ' thought he saweber behind thd trunk ale:false Cry of despair. M. de ChagnY And I premised him that, if he let, Inc net, Without disturbing me by, shouting and Walking up and down, I would discover •the trick of the, door In less than ari hour's time. ' . Then he lay flat, as one one does in. a Nvood, and deeleredthat he wou:d wait • until I found the door of the forest; as there was nothing better, to do! • . And he added that, from where he• ' Was, "theview was splendid!'" The torture was working; in spite of all • . . espemally as it was. dangereue the•trail.• . . . lifted a radiant -face LO that I had, said. . • • to remain in the foreat as evening ,M. Chegey: . : • The black -headed, • • Myself, forgetting the , forest, I drew nigh. Already the shades of nail' eielded to my preSsuree. . tickled a gess panel -and. began to night Were beginning to • surround us. And then. . . fieger, it in every direction, hunting hunting •It had happened ,,very quickie; night And then we Saw notea 'door opened • for the:. weak point •on which to Press. falls quickly in tropical countries . . in the Wall, bet a cellar -flap released •, in Order to turn . the door in accord- suddenly, with hardly any twilight., in the. floor.. -Cool .air /came up to us • mice with Erik's System of . pivots. Now night, in' -the ,forests • of the from the. blank hole below., We stpOP-- This. :Weak point might tbe a mere egnater, is, alweys. derigeneue par. ed ever that •equare of dar.knesS as hrenehes and he cabled to her Nvith Words 'oil. kupplication that bro,ught 1 put the one pistol. that was stillioaded to his terriple; and I stared at the Punjeb• lasso at the, feet of the 'iron tree. I knew why :the iron. tree had returned, in this 'third change • of the 'there to my eyes. Arid then, it I/ Hush—The Sun!, . "Oh, hoW 'thirsty Lheil" lie cr, scene! • irentive wits waiting Tbe.false dawn flushes,' ,the woods in delirious accents.. • for 'mei . , • Tremble , with expectancy in their ' I; too, was thirstY:'• 'my throat i3ut, as I Stared' at tSe, Penjah legie„ • e mOoclis, . • ' • • , • • eh 'fire. And; Yet aqiietting ort.ehe itrei grieziee in the 'floer, 'a lieck-headed. Welting forrthet• far:- blue line ; • &Or, l'Went on. hunting, Ituritine, hunt- nail of evhich I knew : the use. At lest •ecroare the salt piersh'et to give ,e0ma ,i• ng springOf the'inViSible deor. I had discovered • the spring! I. felt :;/ re • ' • '• " • • apeek 'on the glass, no larger:than' a tieulerly when, like ourselves, one has though over .a linenici well. With our pea, ender which the spring lay ,hide not the -materials fer.e fire to keep off .chins in, the cool shade, We drerikit in: n.: .I• hearted and hunted. I felt. as the: beasts' of Key.. I did intend try- And we bent lower and tower ;over high. as ,rny hands :Co -61d 'teeth. Erik . ing for 'a , moment to break off the the 'trap -dear_ hat could there be •Megnificence,,Comea a spear of gold, • was about the 'same height as myself brtriehea, 'which I *Mild have lit with in. that ce:lar.which *pet:led/before es" And tereeding. the frieeei •with and I,thought that he .would not have My dark lantern:, but knocked my-. Water? Water to drink? . • • '•ebid • •" . , raced the•'• spring, higher than 'suited* self ale.) .ageinst phe mirrOrs•aini re- I thruat my arm 'into the dal -knees' Flingers leaps on anti on 414d s•Peeds . •. • , ,While' groping over • the ...sqecessfre 'imagee -Of ..branches to ' wide.... • . ,stehe-, • .. a staircese . . . n 'derk. • ' e of ,irpoe ,• Frospeeteste. eyer- e yeti, Panels with. the 'greatest care •• I en- • The heat did not .go With the day..,staircase leading lute the:cellar. .The _ ' '. • • ,brotherL-thip: .the.tirst 'seinetery .1 deavered not to loge a thinute'i. for I :light; on the heritrareeit was now stiliiscourfteriated to ling himself -down Ti err mere .rEseate. approach ever var." s-ree- t t • lights and pav- e *as feeling more and more oveicome hotter under. the -blue. rays of -the ;the hole;' but 1, fearing a new. trick Of•-•-,'•ilie high herald ald his cohorts new ' with , the. :heat and we were literally moon: urged. the yerceunt th held the monster s, s.toPPed hini, turned on.-N..,c • ; , • • • I be ari .hour andhad finishedthree fen my: spring. . • . r• and led down into pitchy drii•Ineesm• And to slant its fleet • earth -pointed • beam To catch them and to gjeaM • . On .their sedges ieNVeled by .the night WOO)* to tell ',their beauty to the • ' . • •Their joy is secur --for here- , _Bursting, a...crimsoned galleoga. sail of That delicious , flavor ciffridi: • whit sivosa new 'thrill to every bite. Wrigley's is 'good., and good for you: • • . • *Ruskin s Letters; 40, not 100k to my qareeS,0114811C9 a814!.. duty to be Performed, but res.. the very best: mede of entering,eeelety. Surely time is gemirelly ten ilittin.fiand times •more . wasted •, :the %OM -linen - Place' of tongue, than ,•seleeting such pieces of: our :nritici, as, /would ere. eirid ef•tyMPa thy, and.foldhig thein In the 'sheet pf 'paper, for our friend, if I: like a friend. at elle like hire on paper." • Thus, viritinetcr a college :friend ,at the age: be wenty-on..0,:..:41fct Ruskin fern:relate a theore of epistolary krierat, vhip w4ieh. he \S'AB to ,ceeny, through with 1.'untirleg • elithesiasM for over' fifty . Ende*041. with .rt -nature overfiewing1 With affection' and-, with 'eagerneSs' to. • express itself,' he bed manY friends: nnit •:"Iiked, them' all on paper." • Ogee he told 'Norten that ho was Writing • fifteen teetenenty-flee7 .stt)R. THE SOP,1 "./. "T'hf *Floiary'l • • rottrr:er...wWhelae tlietre4e(eall:4telr*, white, teetre figure, ,heeded,one 0; WA eilestie Fritecle•Metiferri. ilio biiytone, ' scrap. of mueie peper.en, were ' scrilibled •Seiee • netes iinct *OrtN''' In plennee to have Ittige.ra, reheerSe'•this- 111..)w C01111ralti041 OM*, foi recitaleseliedueee 2eeelt ..,(lesheiterY„.13381;.--4-14; •MatIlataleeetere' Seeere G a rd e •Ceeeert Halle eNew, York City.' The . tOugh ,niatineeript, :het .R.Peersesearmed, was "The .Reee.. try," the:m.)1Y, Writte`aversion'of'.flia • .feenieeepegelieri inekistehee. ' It hadjut beeu set to iusie by hithe1brt • ttcskeok. introducieg, :it. to.,;the pitlaliC, the..cente•rt. was only e: few day* ' time, Nevin :playfully .aceppeed. the .that week 44filliede*Aft°114; .rtile‘beera." rerOMPadi7,44°6;!r1 - • When the day of , the cenCert,ar tilted it fonlie, itogere fully quelifted to render rehder the eewesong:. That. fills...WM. ple,.110RretellOdUS, .5(),Ug. of e emit ;trap., eey: lee dee le' the 'hearte. Of .file ten - en was duly •reepedeti 'the neit..enern- leg by, the. nidele ,reiriewera their Columns.. The fellONVieee• Week the. cone, peeer was" the `ggest At a' dinner ten- dered 'him by his, wife's brother -law ' at. the old :Manhattrie ;Note) •in New 'YOrk ('It • • •• . • „ , Inspiration' gave us the tender met. ' ody 'of ellhe Reeary..," One •evening 'Nevin lat leiSiirely reedit*, his mali 'arid came Mien 'a' •mags.sine..'clipping foriverdeeeby childhoed"friencl It was. Robert Cameron Itogers;s:.(no• • .alation eirethe'• singer) • ,slikirt.:Poe.m,, "The Rosary••• With the fleet reading • , Nevin recognized its Vete beauty and. • erne' ikidefMahle feeling' Within hini realie'eqed; to •thee . ...verses,: . latieely'efe. 1 i" Prt.'er• 1144 ie •pLd- lettet's day.e=rjeelegliteeetterefei"gre__ Many Weinan's; 'BPS %have:been fiegled with seelskin coat! . • Wi eeticeclethe folio*ing•on a, Pest- er advertising :a; dance!1.-• attend thls deice, hut...no dresses are ea be wornaboye the knees." We. tried: to get tickete; 'mere were to had: The- world owes, you living -.but. pays, on. the installment plan. • • Funerals are the lastethiege earth we went to think About °Some. bilks'," said ',fuel& 'Mose, "is so vindictive (ley Wouldn't appreciate ,gehe to heaven unlesS dey thonglit deY could look out att;indo-Wan' see; ear, thin people net, .beite..able to. get in.". . • . . . li•ear 3...our brother is. ent "Of Cole lege . le he doing eery work?" • ' "Is he!' , Why, he worked for three hours ,thie mereilig..:tryleg to get 'a dollar Opt of father."./. • • .• 1 it :looks -moat awful sweet: s. . These those eyes, 'Like 'piinephin pie , Are good enongh to eat, . Don't eltY aeway from a hard-boiled etuitemer. • The hard-boiled eggs •sheii tire eaeiest: • . • • .. Real Estate' 'Agente-"Well, whi do ere in :time, that we had only and came upee stone arid another -With it$ reeling to the, fringe YOu tlimic Of our little city?" . is stature. meml; 'd • • • E '1'11 t it• roasting in that b:azing, forest, . our weapons readg te fireeind nett to my dark lanteru and went -down first. u ; Snort dress s ire disclosing a good' . . eucroach latterti i•A eteeograp ere and dietepliones, but e eieative achievemeht of, soiree, riment, elide Whe•One has, like Ruskin, ,renne.: thing Signifleaut: to. akY... The result Was ::ii:.ecirresperidAn.ce whichie extent, as well •as ,ie abiding, Worth,4eanhaid:- y •be .equalled in the nineteenth PUY. His letters tie7Charlee'leitht -Nor. ton, rang ..tegether •With:i Of.• Carlyle; %and -,Bieeesen, as. the • most memoethle. .trahsetlentic.• correspond.puce; :and of his letters,. 'T.•pe-: move; .hAve., been "printed ; than • in ,the ease Of any 'other. Eaglislii,(er•Ameri- ean) " yr -Hee', •••Toe'sgeh,' pehlieetion..be was. • , . e ars o .ohje.et, for ,he oece,iee .icalearendyertiitale:;ale.braive;g6tnon• • etc, 40,1 ealateu tld ilte•01;.• '1pt a 'bill -sticker Chalk ;up six feet high on . 2_ Hyde•Park walle:o:n4 „steed my4eir in--PlocUiliST and Pani I-ctinfmere in The Nortli. Anierie cnn etheelew. • • • • • . • e 1 , •• Newly Weds. • • ev eh, W6 had been married: years age."' '1 " • "me, ttrei we would Yr'ree been\ di vereed by •thia, time": , • • - - -43n -t-he-:ciintrary; "Pa ther !" • "Yes, my hey • , •• Ar&ptilitica from the ptadie thseeextday pee*: ed it ',penciled •-rnaertaeript to 'hisevvife 4a.thent:Sat down at. the .Piane'. and " softlY.pafig.hls compoSition to her. „It; , . . . •wps the seine. mauserlpt: that, he turn- ed over to the.. barytone later at elle 'gathering in his .drawing room. • ' :• • ' eThe'Reseree,'•Nritli its univerial.aP, ap- peal of an anguished heert, nighitig for • • iteppieress ' that. veriiihed; la•sung '•';• day.in every ,clitilized• country, ' .,1t•hao.: ".(eien been dreenlitized and .nevelizetr• • •••• • • . Mine. • • Sehtimenteleelek .• has pro- cleimede. "The •leasare".,•• her • favorite • Anierican song and that ihe knows of • • no other melody, • ht -which • the corn - poser has recaptured the beautiful eientiment of lyric '.with . Such • frim,; , . pitchy. and: .eireeteeSs. One need not be le,'faitliful-deyette .the "rosary in , ertiere7fire-ber-es,tirred by dile lev.elyel haurieleg ballad of a living', ory:, for; blissfhl .peace. 'In. fact; the little • ••• dark- Ong of • jaiz, hiring Belisle the. .offsnringc ..of: Orthodox Helireee pirents; recently, remarked.; flint. he ,. 'Would .ratter, have composed .!**The • Rosary than. atik Arnerieen. sortie ,. . • , . . Ills •Cured:by' .Colors. .we. know that eniie.als..are'sene),•tive •to %Red enrages a; bull, White. for sonie .tinknoWn ,reason :bine is . lilted. by :evert-6\es ,end eertelli other Even itis4ets have similar pre - ferenees, for.botly ante and Mosquitoes •ititve beers' tested, and w the forne .'er de netlike ito be plao d under blue glass; the latter • erefer light to ; dark colOrS. • : : ' Haman beings vary in their eider ' -prerereaceS:- Same peopleeannot Hee:. ,. in a teem With red ',Walls., and others get • • get qnite ill en a:ClaflObie room, On rett a gooa color • eon liteezing water crests, and lav- •1• • had been working like this for half stray, front camp, while yene ont The staircase wea a -etinding one , lug . Marry faridlY.skeletons theses days. the weehleneereetingalar ' ' men 'Of old ed round on hea.ring a muttered •ex; a flew " ds r • • •' . : "No, mY. boy. • There's nothing f°r lb° smaliP" Patien't, medical , c woe ave ,turn- ud enly, we heerd here i•og.eie Etut oh, hole, c___Idecegae,..y_cool: were the.,•$19-N-$ gQ11,1 3°N-11:eg- Ill-e-m-PndnYes-i--*-lien- it (rities teeniakineet po .a -e-e-t-e I • J. 0. •A /I 1 thirik: they •did; .alwayealtrig-' a room • , .with red to prevent the wounds 'caused'. • ., .. , ... . ,.. . eee..by this disea.se from. leaving scats.. '' •- ••• . Experiments. made during, the y r a ay. darkness. and the °stairs? The • lake : .te felt • .;. , • . . • ; man it woma n • leyS. nature in thd• shade; ••• "I airestiflieg,'' ,he said. ••• All those quite elese! .. i . Don't 'you ge.O. Mit? 'We soon reached, the -hottern. Our At(d . awaken her; ecetetle qulethde." • etarriaee is the eldice of life. . heat! Dei eoe 'think. yen•Will" gild that in thee' threhe.t!.if .he rpers agein ebleeS • to t e dark to dieti uish • i • • . , about' it, we shall be roasted, - live! ' • .. 'And the rearing begen again' Fetid- . on whieh I turned the li ht f • 4 . like this. He had not said a word a bet .1' de mete -think• 'hee. hit the'. lien; Panels'. ' • • ''' . . • And in, this tenipled phalanx glery . . • '. . , i • ,.• elainetiort frem the viecount. ' "Oh' 'whispered the viscount, "he could not be far away. • • - in seintillant glory on, the -Wood •• . • mirrors are''',4efiding opt an infer -nal . . There,: . . . through the 'trees • eyes werebetinning to eceuttorn there- • . ee • - e. - . • , • : . 'spring Soce? ' If you are 'Mut longer -I will fire! . . .". , . . shapeenreund us : . . eircular Shapes genes of eeeehe. preeees *demo ' ,, g 0 t‘.11 • -• • :hist 100 Years age, so ,it 18'.sa.id in T was not sorry le, hear .him talk er thin before. And the viScount fired, M.; lantArri: .' • • .: :'• • ' '''" ' . ' • ' Fished a poor Prendli taller, Bartle (meter invented • the !hist • • • Which?' eletteriel.- (wakieg • ,ire "...Where,emei?....where.enee?" .; • Nurse:. -"This ie.' number 116 . rig Shrill r se the calls Of all the . The First, Sewin'g-Machine: -Roozn or cell?? the forest and and. I' hoped that my eoth-• only, he .sneashed •al mirror; as' per- . We were in Erik's •creler: it was • , • • -- prinion reaeod would held, out some teived the next mornin'i, here. that lie,'mtist' keen and •'• • Stor,t • • ' • . . • " ' seeing Machine; Certathly he did net . •tinie longer ageinet, the torture, • But break.... •We tenst have •-coVered a good. 'Perhar drinking -water; .01.•••knew. • A.'110Wkiii, ;lb 'The' Meniter, 0°1' 'dh4!°'"?4.3''' T•t• iv" a• 1.°11S. be: melee •• distahee'duriOirthe night, for We sude that .11k. was a great .lover of geed • ••••-er•'-ee.--e •,. tithe hetet* his id•ea was (aloe • .V hat cerisole.emeeie that the mere .denIT found ottrselves on the'edge of Ah, there was. plenty' tp drink 'Good Fellow." • • °Ihi'":1/tentgiiit Waitet )11114' 'I\TeNs- of .the trak.Aiel pine, f eneetnict this letny Thim • the d" -rt, inirnen.se desert of, sand, bel'el • .. • 'DIAMOND DYE" ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Just • to Tint Boil' to, Dye eterris tied' rocks, It: was. re,ally., net . (ar.O. 110 roe tin ued,) " • • •. The °Idol:Awe ih the world is that, Yerk and Alliarieliewe hi London, made worth while leaving the forest•ti) come to .Y.....hicli_..Xaa...been.f.sat,..„Ltlie _iompre ;or leSs stiOeettettful .eiperilnents, • • _ e . tiffany the title Ine Wa. low!". • . . The inelotb is itfhoelkti!so4nfigSe.ie:fPtiiel 11 to• i81 1 11 ttl T61'h%.11nr344)Unt: ' • nler worked at the Cottstrttetioti,of Western rtteeS, ' •'" I'ioneers NEJ1411‘111Prit'it roulla .1")Y1114. at'l'Ine"it .1" 1826 'Jeep the desert, Tire(' 'out r teaSt-clittY• ItOr • les a Y gOod fel- . • polmlarlzed teware the middle ef laet meself down hes•ifleg the elAretiet• ter ; had had enough ' of leek.ine fer • springs whIch I 'could, ,net.find. '; 1•• quite ,,urprIded.--nd I seid' so tq the 1.1,4e:tint- ethat. we bad :ere . reuett red r..9 41,11!•; dangeroils anime's • (kw, lig tho ' aftef' the on earr.,- the leeetied and :Tormiitne;. thc,:,buzz of Vile fry, These were 04 J. ebtereed nffiete., and I• explain - t kagey• that I:ere imitated Eae:r 15-eset Pet•k" reer liereee lervir talleur or; tge teetelns. diree ag,K .4 skin at one f:m1; • • I I It s rimido Wit fit', tied a p.tripte 6t. Case ie Point, • soeiet rig erre e R .n1 :Mend. , Ad rtrhi(r;g1t41. ta:::i)los'oryi,. have' beard.. it:efia"..• • ' that th0 4tOd treltank knew it, arid that VerY' litlit' ig."ittrowte of the FrenCh t was ,one or the crydle W11111014 of (1‘%'..1;):),;r1 -1,11`0a-1110(81.$,' enta tril,lfitlitif 6rlointht. ho (%4 hutdiltD kt fi•t, hoi,ni b. It. y..0:: ,11preititilil 0. A' )11 Iv! h that'ie used to -day. di1 44hoWeiler, Seeirshrel ht' an angry (erred of tailors, A'vho regs.rrletl It as 10. . .. • • 5 Mat, 471_, „ t PRIZE LL317 25 .Wrist . ' Waktehis 20 Ciunera. 25 Clocks ' lipNultzus Or OTHER PRIZEfl If you cao solve this punk and will sell 24 Planet Perfumes at IOC each you, can Wu one of the &bowl prises. will you do•this? It is very'easy. If scr, just : mark the PRINCIPAL with au X sod send it to us at ottee,„sul,if.it Le correct we will stud You tIto • Perfutue to sett ght away. , . SpeCialty Co,' X Waterford, Out. • Show that 'certain .coiOrft StlinUlat•-• oni: others sooilting,,• , At 'a • pital Dem:Melt •colonewere used for ilatfents' riefferieg Trani alielfehedir. • A. • netient suffering. with ..neeraie therila was eked ot violent headaches • py being n put • room, • but; W.hen..a Patient stuttering teem hYSterfet was pleeed In the :ami ! room he be- vaino • . ,hopelpemly depressed and had to I be. reineved. He Yee then Placed. in a • • • 1.reeee•--'-'eth. and furniture of .Nvhiali • l• were "of a primroie yellew, And in thlii • • h y recovered. ream had 4 _ . :.• 11 8PtcoYr:aille g on his ack..tko. <erne eiilltelli4Tiletein);10111.ei rtabet , let of the walls.. RoUghlY sPealtint. blue, Inabve„-Aed violet are .the I hat seethei.• while 'green 'and • " . „re—. stimulate the; tired brain.- 'BUt Sortie Cabin Litiets cotore hayeitnere, particular effeetit. Ael Heerteines of eurstralia, the :Whorls; hlc ti . hI 1 flI• " • LI,(1 • wOtrutti (An pat soft, is,rot th rh.okriwi :At «Alp mid. (-(e.` $00 It PrIlt'Y .0°1114.17/r ' &flan -1(4 tO lb() ot teeetenae,,e Reverence, - • • Seecefe eeedre •of.'d-)4, Atink paining' i104141-61' ".1.1""' 1,i011.rt"'i • b.Y viziti)rs to l',tiPland havo.'itatti 4„1/.1 re,erece v•'; ktrri'd 1*(1 h 4.1h11, !•,' 114/4 ' • • .• . et.,1 min411011,. I dal 4•141 e • •lierroanent"!hrf-'14%411;e:-.1,4'4'• •••' --• eer..-e • --.... • ./....siee - - -T -0 I httt. .t 44 • • 'eee'ireiele:e., I eeerereeeeet• ^ bee feel ,e,,0* •••'t t'hy • .h. •r•ti w , • 2. roriz...411, r.„; y ritf!sa",'',14114 sir 4 }nil,. t 1186 it. ••eordJng to. y.10 mat r.e.lr whiCh .1.1,e. • • e• f areete-,e,f tit ti 'I title Ili Wit; • I - offiittal toY.irf think,,‘ answerod, . • • .-- `.66.",:. 041 taa.k1g3) (,)^,p vokb OK! jut; or the, :,(tOp.ard (0' ' • • t" 410 •••••-' rr'; •••.c Y.vtt , trongat nee :lean ,..44(1: reilgf.. .htltgifigs'ho r: .r r,00: Ilhee.' ferle,the • ' 4 s,t; r•oom f , ".'AVIttit. \vas 7110 eXRinitter. lflter • , (tg t ,r! .kk" a .• t he - ' • tik IO 1911 • everlthitgi • ' • •the :i4;"de w.Ork,ok 4ilt* " ;•/ l'utd A3` ' Irov couid.yell Buy Dfabieed byes4-tio Other •kincl.=.: ttiek, nt.aor ,rto. '..)1;1'. /44, ;t ' I 1.41—,V1/1111 , i'•,)14.f,r-filettl -1,(.1 4tott .or .•efeeeree and e.eneyenterlogglateentether :the eur!ey fee w„ ere te ewe eel eel , le I re.1 le ;est.' . • • he vet hie head fa his hande arid mete, Itedel You *till to niefr itt +reel. or silk, must 'sly 4/•;,/,( ?r, kirtP,offiif ; t %i‘4 T 4111? .*„ • 1. roam( „Vy. flitt5-,gli re, .(ih ).0„1,a,eji,r,o.„ jtealettn.s2_1. yory, er Wheth'ir, it linen; tottott oyt tailed iort, by..hitr ts` A-7!1,1% 1/X t ,k67' ')••"ig;"'Lt 11‘: Hy; rr••• ,' r.t.r; ',tc; ir1},R 61:14 4,6v prom ty:t $ lj No; ' ix Erik:" Lie mete fer t•andru • , e.; good's, ' the riN'i.e•igt0t,',;.:76.f 111?4, Irri,''t,fiacti-t,"hainiit•,..., • . • • I" •-• !",. • 11Si. :4 1f.'t .77s vv,i •w11.01 . •••• • if •thll' cre, Jt•Timalain„- Linfoerit Obro thetsiq, time he roul4 ri•uit4.4t144-n? leg irr• year„idiree " 1 • . • • • . Ate tiseelere•-•Iiircifte",' • euri....accomniedittionn, citfneptteinJvescr.Vtc,e. reelere eseree rereer, tenser 1C-Iticelieerg:ond-:Reetheereptoe•'v "The•Coinfoititoiree" : ROYAL' . 'MAIL' nettntgr.116iiiMlit4tPheitierreli. S3,haririltittioni Inc., Miinti fitimarfty,N,V. tot) Agent' , 'Pa rtlettlar ,shade. Of .vialet eauees • greerth of hem.; on: fridig:6 tmti-y.tissues,. and A eerteth blee leaila • •re the regeneratlon Of the hineelee and general bodily at heiefore this. shade' of brae iMe to he reeonli- ol'tlillsegaltr,ii•M'AVtittlre,...e.:- - • Mutual : • . In snrai• lexa.e.alitakireatiade vinerf.,:ya vcr.y Irina , Ttpttonta)11 Shit:a:felt .h. jurt;itli-; e,Tite,rrtUS:,nitattl. batid II '1 ' ,13lakk ' hand. • Heine leek:ea:are unheeeseary as their are' herd en parents's,. egys as Anierican f•Anestional expert. ,