HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-04, Page 2a
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J'1. •
Al r . al i"414$ W
Yoi�. 4• ATOhial• ne lay the ;
• e, r#1#1,n40.4ty a that
tony rzt• :et Waie to 'become Of 1
ao in the midst Or that:awful solitude? t •
We were beginning literto die
• ; Of heat, liaegee• and thirst . . . of ,
thirst •INseteeite4. At last, 1 '$.4W M. ,
de QTYagnY raise hints& .on hs.c:bow
aid point te a, spot pe the betieen.
had discovered : an misisi • a
' Yes, far in the, distance AVaS an oaers I .
. . ••• an oasie with, limpid: \veter, which I
• reflected, the. iron' trees'!" • . Tu.* 'it
was the scene of the mirage . .
reeegnized it at once • , the worsted
-the three! •. No ne 114.1.Yaeo'atote
to fight against it. , , no •one...........
-01c1-41•Y utmost to keep my heed and
-FPfleete.a. 'the iron tree, altit'lf, Atter a
hoping. for. water, struck -against
the: mirreeeehen there weemily eine
.thieg, for him tcedo; to herighimself
on the tree, tree! ' •
cried to M. de- CltaifhyL .•
"It'e the mirage! le', ,,It e the mite
:eget. . believe. in the,water!
Itas. Another trick' • of the nnee
tor.s! ". • e •
Then. he flatly teld ame to g'but'
,.with eny tricks of the'inirrore; .tny
springs, my •revolving doors And MY
peaces' of flush:ins! • .1-.1e angrily 'de-
' elared that 1 must beeither blind or
•inedto imagine that ;ell that water
flowilie over there, tram* those spien-
., did, • numberless trees, Was riot., real
ster has given Christine until e:even.. water! .. And the desert Was real!
to -morrow evening. If we. 09.!_tegkteeere-AhdseeNvae• the -reread And
eut.orliere-Aildege--te-heFatiferitance, it • was no use trying to take him -in
at-leastawe, shall be. dead ,before het! . . . he. yas.an 41d, experienced tray- , In. this day and age of elimination
ThPn• Erilett Maas -Pan scrim for ell eller . . had 'been all over . the tle acquire, a sylph -like; figure, this late
°f us!"• ' place!• - '•' est inhovatibn is a beim. • When Worn
galPed &ma a breath Of h.ot And he dragged .himaelf ;•al•Olig, Bair, with hiaegiere be \Peet; this elever gar."'
ler that nearly' mede him faint. •' 'Water! Water,1". ' • menteif ',ell: that IS needed. under a
re:sso•hIs.ahsaai‘.1.11.0det tvhieco•osarriete .foralretre;tet:A4-4*nodi„oNosirniuguapthg7as °,1.3°U, as ti.rugh, frock of silk, • You may do, tievey wth
hug death, I returned; after giving him And my :mcuth was olren too, as .pettiectat, .or even . the familiar cos'
a word,of encouragement to my panel though I Were drinking. •. tume.elip; fOr a loose prinel,bdtli hack
but I, hedenade the mistake of taking • For We not only sawehe water, but and *eine Achieves the necessary
a few'. Steps 'While :speaking' and, in heard it! . . . We heard. it flow, we shadow -proof effect. .,The bloomers
the tangle of ,the iIusivo forest, I .was heard it riPPle! . Do ;you under- themselves are 'eS'peeially attractive
no longer ahle to• find My Panel for stand that word "ripple?" - . ia.,40 with .seal!ipped ruffle. at the knee, and
certain! I hail to•begih•all over again, sound 4, Which • .yee hear With your
at:renewer eeeibigyfuoabitug,,,groping. :tongue! yp put
your tengue- 014 if desiredboth •'panels eriaY '1
Now the- fever lied:box of elle in, of Youi'mouthee listen to it • better! No. 1383"reen sizes oa, 33, 36 and 4
ern , . nething, ebsoe •' .1 Lastly -end this wes•.thezenoSt Piti- inches. NVaist. Size 32 wa.ist. recIT7
ute nothing. In the 'next 'rem -Peen less, torture of all -we heard the eain 3:Yards...324ieeh, or 2% yards 39 -me
as -silence., We Were quite lest' in and it was ,noe raining! 'This Was an Material for •hllooreers, with panels; o
ieforest, without anoutlet, a: -cone infernal, invention. ;,.. • Oh, •• I •Itzleve :1% yards .32 -inch, or 1%..ya.rds 39
pass, a gebee or anything. Oh, I Well enough hoar Erik obtained itl He jpe4 forpl
knew -what, awaited us iferfolwdreeeffierefitledeveitirlittlestenes a ,very tongued w en s esire le to ehleve
ive-7cro• trie4.. it? The tin"' riehik
avowed leftvenv11441, PI ewe sealed
its.tigh. • Finer tinr- fin Or
There WAS only one possible- outlet
that opening into, the Louis -Phillipe
teem in w eh Erik And Cheiatine
Dane -Yore., , But,. although this out-
let -looked like an ordinary door On
Christi,ne'S aide, it was absolutely in-
visible to us. We must therefore ° try
to open it e Without even knowing
,Where it was.
But I had first• to calm N. da
Chagny,: who Was already walking
about like a madinan, uttering inco-
herent cries. The snatches of conver-
sation which he had caught between
Christine and the monster'. had corr-
. tributed not a' little: ;t4:;• .drive him he -
side himself; add to that the. shock.
of the magic forest and the scorching e
heat Which.Was beginning to,make the
, perspiration stream. down his temples
• and you, will have no difficulty. in Iv
understanding his state of Mind. He
• shouted Christine's ame, -brandished
tall3'. •
' •, • I3LOOMER,S. •
It jaZz •muS14' iehat \lying if ugiyo
lmeb. ' •
• .
; Cynfolan-k-.4.Ati,:.exyloring fore linger
:qtiesetoning yeeacity fit
paint sign: •
As et nestraiuing force couselence
gets a let 'of eredit that really belongs
to cold feet, • ' •
It is So ,egai to find feult; yet every=1
erre' keeps on Woking for. it • t.
• 'The real differeiree hetWeen e; man
•and a Woman is this e The women
*ill talk h ut4. th • aany
, a o Ape er woman •
ilfrie, but et. man Will only talk; about
another weeetif in his sleep.. -•
A Om -hirer's .pipe, dream e ream
of A broken pipe.
, Happili,Married. :
„ Of all. the Wiennin deebly ;blest
The seilor'in wave the:haPPlesi.
s For all she deeele,steyeat,heme.
And keit and darn and _let %la roam.:
. I 1 1 11
Mall the husbands• on. thesearthe,
Ier-ints-•the •finest berth; \e'•
For lrehiseedbin he tan let •
reeid . . oreif did -not. the-zzatrdyr-)304---tro-hem
-forest. , 'In ihort,:the.tOrteire was he- nothen g but 'breaches, be autiful stone, in ±ailing,,steuck against thee which draws faverahle Corinne • • , nt from
ginping to woekete see-e•epon a brain branches that stood straight hp before projections and rebounded from one to ;the observing•eublic. The designs 11 -
unprepared for tor it. rnee or. erneee :gracefullyover my another; •and the resalt was a- eeriesluStrated in our new 'fashion Book.
head: But they gave no•shade. ' • ef pattering "saunas that exactly imj- are originated in the heart of 'the ,1',7nYle
I 'did Mes induce My best to d the poor
, ..
AL de. ChigU' and'I had reDeatedly tated a reinsterm. 1, • • centres and lira heipyoutoacquire'
Ah; you should have seen us petting that Mucle-deeired air of individuality.
Price of the Jerk 10c the copy;
Write your name aid address-paln-
ly, giving
neriiber.• and :Ate of such
patterns as you Want. Enelose 20e in
stamps or coin (coin, preferred; Wrap
it carefully) for.. each number, and
address your. order „to Pattern Dept:
Wileon Publishing Co.e.73 West Ade-
ef a tree, or • gliding between the leide St., Toronto., Patterns ; sent by,
return •
viscount to listen to reason.• I made taken off our coats and put hem on,
him, touch the 'In -driers and the iron
tO,hinte. by .opticarlaws ill the lurnin-
tree And • the branches oncteXpIcined
made us feel still hotter and at an-- mires toward the rippling Alver-banki
again; finding at one time that they out our tongues and • dragging , our -
time ethat they :Protected es Our eyes and ears full: of water',
oue imagery by •Whiel: we were'. sur- against.the heat . I was still Making but aur tongues were hard and. drtas
rounded and of ;which we needs hot mora resistance, le ..., e agree horn! _____
ealIew ourselves to be the victiens, like toed to. me ofte_egenee, Hepe-'When-we reached the mirror, M.. de
dinary, ignorant people - • tended that he had been walking in ,Chagny licked it . . , and I also licked
"We are in 'h room, a little Teem; that:forest for three days and nights, the glass,
' that is whit you must keep saying to without stopping, looking for Chris- . It Weiburning, hot!
3 -ourself. ; And we shall leave the reign tine - Daae!. From time to time,. he Thenwe rolled (in the floor with
' as poen AS we have found the door." ' thought he saweber behind thd trunk ale:false Cry of despair. M. de ChagnY
And I premised him that, if he let,
Inc net, Without disturbing me by,
shouting and Walking up and down, I
would discover •the trick of the, door
In less than ari hour's time. '
. Then he lay flat, as one one does in. a
Nvood, and deeleredthat he wou:d wait
• until I found the door of the forest;
as there was nothing better, to do!
• .
And he added that, from where he•
' Was, "theview was splendid!'" The
torture was working; in spite of all • . . espemally as it was. dangereue the•trail.• . . . lifted a radiant -face LO
that I had, said. . • • to remain in the foreat as evening ,M. Chegey: . : • The black -headed,
• • Myself, forgetting the , forest, I drew nigh. Already the shades of nail' eielded to my preSsuree. .
tickled a gess panel -and. began to night Were beginning to • surround us. And then. . .
fieger, it in every direction, hunting hunting •It had happened ,,very quickie; night And then we Saw notea 'door opened
• for the:. weak point •on which to Press. falls quickly in tropical countries . . in the Wall, bet a cellar -flap released
•, in Order to turn . the door in accord- suddenly, with hardly any twilight., in the. floor.. -Cool .air /came up to us
• mice with Erik's System of . pivots. Now night, in' -the ,forests • of the from the. blank hole below., We stpOP--
This. :Weak point might tbe a mere egnater, is, alweys. derigeneue par. ed ever that •equare of dar.knesS as
hrenehes and he cabled to her Nvith
Words 'oil. kupplication that bro,ught
put the one pistol. that was stillioaded
to his terriple; and I stared at the
Punjeb• lasso at the, feet of the 'iron
tree. I knew why :the iron. tree had
returned, in this 'third change • of
the 'there to my eyes. Arid then, it
I/ Hush—The Sun!,
. "Oh, hoW 'thirsty Lheil" lie cr, scene! • irentive wits waiting Tbe.false dawn flushes,' ,the woods
in delirious accents.. • for 'mei . , • Tremble , with expectancy in their
' I; too, was thirstY:'• 'my throat i3ut, as I Stared' at tSe, Penjah legie„ • e mOoclis, . • ' • • , • •
eh 'fire. And; Yet aqiietting ort.ehe itrei grieziee in the 'floer, 'a lieck-headed. Welting forrthet• far:- blue line ; •
&Or, l'Went on. hunting, Ituritine, hunt- nail of evhich I knew : the use. At lest •ecroare the salt piersh'et to give ,e0ma
,i• ng springOf the'inViSible deor. I had discovered • the spring! I. felt :;/ re • ' • '• " •
• apeek 'on the glass, no larger:than' a tieulerly when, like ourselves, one has though over .a linenici well. With our
pea, ender which the spring lay ,hide not the -materials fer.e fire to keep off .chins in, the cool shade, We drerikit in:
n.: .I• hearted and hunted. I felt. as the: beasts' of Key.. I did intend try- And we bent lower and tower ;over
high. as ,rny hands :Co -61d 'teeth. Erik . ing for 'a , moment to break off the the 'trap -dear_ hat could there be •Megnificence,,Comea a spear of gold, •
was about the 'same height as myself brtriehea, 'which I *Mild have lit with in. that ce:lar.which *pet:led/before es" And tereeding. the frieeei •with
and I,thought that he .would not have My dark lantern:, but knocked my-. Water? Water to drink? . • • '•ebid • •"
. ,
raced the•'• spring, higher than 'suited* self ale.) .ageinst phe mirrOrs•aini re- I thruat my arm 'into the dal -knees' Flingers leaps on anti on 414d s•Peeds . •.
• , ,While' groping over • the ...sqecessfre 'imagee -Of ..branches to ' wide.... • . ,stehe-, • .. a staircese . . . n 'derk. • ' e of ,irpoe ,• Frospeeteste. eyer- e yeti,
Panels with. the 'greatest care •• I en- • The heat did not .go With the day..,staircase leading lute the:cellar. .The _ ' '. • • ,brotherL-thip: .the.tirst 'seinetery .1
deavered not to loge a thinute'i. for I :light; on the heritrareeit was now stiliiscourfteriated to ling himself -down Ti err mere .rEseate. approach ever var." s-ree-
t t • lights and pav-
e *as feeling more and more oveicome hotter under. the -blue. rays of -the ;the hole;' but 1, fearing a new. trick Of•-•-,'•ilie high herald ald his cohorts new
' with , the. :heat and we were literally moon: urged. the yerceunt th held the monster s, s.toPPed hini, turned on.-N..,c • ; , • • •
I be
ari .hour andhad finishedthree fen my: spring. . • . r• and led down into pitchy drii•Ineesm•
And to slant its fleet • earth -pointed
• beam
To catch them and to gjeaM • .
On .their sedges ieNVeled by .the night
WOO)* to tell ',their beauty to the
• ' . •
•Their joy is secur --for here- ,
_Bursting, a...crimsoned galleoga. sail of
That delicious ,
flavor ciffridi: •
whit sivosa new
'thrill to every bite.
Wrigley's is 'good.,
and good for you: •
. •
*Ruskin s Letters;
40, not 100k to my qareeS,0114811C9
a814!.. duty to be Performed, but res.. the
very best: mede of entering,eeelety.
Surely time is gemirelly ten ilittin.fiand
times •more . wasted •, :the %OM -linen -
Place' of tongue, than ,•seleeting
such pieces of: our :nritici, as, /would ere.
eirid ef•tyMPa thy, and.foldhig thein In
the 'sheet pf 'paper, for our friend, if I:
like a friend. at elle like hire on
paper." •
Thus, viritinetcr a college :friend ,at
the age: be wenty-on..0,:..:41fct Ruskin
fern:relate a theore of epistolary krierat,
vhip w4ieh. he \S'AB to ,ceeny, through
with 1.'untirleg • elithesiasM for over'
fifty . Ende*041. with .rt -nature
overfiewing1 With affection' and-, with
'eagerneSs' to. • express itself,' he bed
manY friends: nnit •:"Iiked, them' all
on paper." • Ogee he told 'Norten that
ho was Writing • fifteen teetenenty-flee7
"T'hf *Floiary'l •
• rottrr:er...wWhelae tlietre4e(eall:4telr*,
white, teetre figure, ,heeded,one 0; WA
eilestie Fritecle•Metiferri. ilio biiytone,
' scrap. of mueie peper.en, were '
scrilibled •Seiee • netes iinct *OrtN''' In
plennee to have Ittige.ra,
reheerSe'•this- 111..)w C01111ralti041 OM*,
foi recitaleseliedueee
2eeelt ..,(lesheiterY„.13381;.--4-14; •MatIlataleeetere'
Seeere G a rd e •Ceeeert Halle eNew,
York City.' The . tOugh ,niatineeript,
:het .R.Peersesearmed, was "The .Reee..
try," the:m.)1Y, Writte`aversion'of'.flia •
.feenieeepegelieri inekistehee. ' It hadjut beeu set to iusie by hithe1brt
ttcskeok. introducieg, :it. to.,;the pitlaliC,
the..cente•rt. was only e: few day* '
time, Nevin :playfully .aceppeed. the
.that week 44filliede*Aft°114; .rtile‘beera." rerOMPadi7,44°6;!r1
• When the day of , the cenCert,ar
tilted it fonlie, itogere fully quelifted to
rehder the eewesong:. That. fills...WM.
ple,.110RretellOdUS, .5(),Ug. of e emit ;trap.,
eey: lee dee le' the 'hearte. Of .file ten -
en was duly •reepedeti 'the neit..enern-
leg by, the. nidele ,reiriewera their
Columns.. The fellONVieee• Week the. cone,
peeer was" the `ggest At a' dinner ten-
dered 'him by his, wife's brother -law '
at. the old :Manhattrie ;Note) •in New
'YOrk ('It • • •• . • „
, Inspiration' gave us the tender met. '
ody 'of ellhe Reeary..," One •evening
'Nevin lat leiSiirely reedit*, his mali
'arid came Mien 'a' •mags.sine..'clipping
foriverdeeeby childhoed"friencl
It was. Robert Cameron Itogers;s:.(no• •
.alation eirethe'• singer) • ,slikirt.:Poe.m,,
"The Rosary••• With the fleet reading • ,
Nevin recognized its Vete beauty and. •
erne' ikidefMahle feeling' Within hini
realie'eqed; to •thee . ...verses,: .
latieely'efe. 1 i" Prt.'er• 1144
ie •pLd-
lettet's day.e=rjeelegliteeetterefei"gre__
Many Weinan's; 'BPS %have:been
fiegled with seelskin coat!
. •
Wi eeticeclethe folio*ing•on a, Pest-
er advertising :a; dance!1.-•
attend thls deice, hut...no dresses are
ea be wornaboye the knees." We. tried:
to get tickete; 'mere were to had:
The- world owes, you living -.but.
pays, on. the installment plan. •
Funerals are the lastethiege
earth we went to think About
°Some. bilks'," said ',fuel& 'Mose, "is
so vindictive (ley Wouldn't appreciate
,gehe to heaven unlesS dey thonglit deY
could look out att;indo-Wan' see; ear,
thin people net, .beite..able to. get in.".
. • . .
. li•ear 3...our brother is. ent "Of Cole
lege . le he doing eery work?" • '
"Is he!' , Why, he worked for three
hours ,thie mereilig..:tryleg to get 'a
dollar Opt of father."./. • •
1 it :looks -moat awful sweet: s.
. These those eyes,
'Like 'piinephin pie
, Are good enongh to eat, .
Don't eltY aeway from a hard-boiled
etuitemer. • The hard-boiled eggs •sheii
tire eaeiest: • . • •
.. Real Estate' 'Agente-"Well, whi do
ere in :time, that we had only and came upee stone arid another -With it$ reeling to the, fringe YOu tlimic Of our little city?"
. is stature. meml; 'd • •
• E '1'11 t it•
roasting in that b:azing, forest, . our weapons readg te fireeind nett to my dark lanteru and went -down first. u ; Snort dress s ire disclosing a good'
. .
latterti i•A
eteeograp ere and dietepliones, but e
eieative achievemeht of, soiree, riment,
elide Whe•One has, like Ruskin, ,renne.:
thing Signifleaut: to. akY... The result
Was ::ii:.ecirresperidAn.ce whichie extent,
as well •as ,ie abiding, Worth,4eanhaid:-
y •be .equalled in the nineteenth
PUY. His letters tie7Charlee'leitht -Nor.
ton, rang ..tegether •With:i Of.•
Carlyle; %and -,Bieeesen, as. the • most
memoethle. .trahsetlentic.• correspond.puce; :and of his letters,. 'T.•pe-:
move; .hAve., been "printed ; than • in ,the
ease Of any 'other. Eaglislii,(er•Ameri-
ean) " yr -Hee', •••Toe'sgeh,' pehlieetion..be
was. • , .
e ars o .ohje.et, for ,he oece,iee
.icalearendyertiitale:;ale.braive;g6tnon• • etc, 40,1 ealateu tld ilte•01;.•
'1pt a 'bill -sticker Chalk ;up six feet high
on . 2_
Hyde•Park walle:o:n4 „steed my4eir
in--PlocUiliST and
Pani I-ctinfmere in The Nortli. Anierie
cnn etheelew. • • • • • . •
•• Newly Weds.
• •
ev eh, W6 had been married: years
age."' '1 " •
"me, ttrei we would Yr'ree been\ di
vereed by •thia, time": , •
- - -43n -t-he-:ciintrary;
"Pa ther !" •
"Yes, my hey • , ••
from the ptadie thseeextday pee*:
ed it ',penciled •-rnaertaeript to 'hisevvife
4a.thent:Sat down at. the .Piane'. and "
softlY.pafig.hls compoSition to her. „It;
, . . .
•wps the seine. mauserlpt: that, he
ed over to the.. barytone later at elle
'gathering in his .drawing room. • ' :• • '
eThe'Reseree,'•Nritli its univerial.aP,
peal of an anguished heert, nighitig for •
• iteppieress ' that. veriiihed; la•sung '•';•
day.in every ,clitilized• country, ' .,1t•hao.:
".(eien been dreenlitized and .nevelizetr• • •••• • •
. Mine. • • Sehtimenteleelek .• has pro-
cleimede. "The •leasare".,•• her • favorite •
Anierican song and that ihe knows of • •
no other melody, • ht -which • the corn -
poser has recaptured the beautiful
eientiment of lyric '.with . Such • frim,; ,
. pitchy. and: .eireeteeSs. One need not
be le,'faitliful-deyette .the "rosary in ,
ertiere7fire-ber-es,tirred by dile lev.elyel
haurieleg ballad of a living', ory:,
for; blissfhl .peace. 'In. fact; the little • •••
dark- Ong of • jaiz, hiring Belisle
the. .offsnringc ..of: Orthodox Helireee
pirents; recently, remarked.; flint. he ,.
'Would .ratter, have composed .!**The •
Rosary than. atik Arnerieen. sortie ,.
. • , .
. Ills •Cured:by' .Colors.
.we. know that eniie.als..are'sene),•tive
•to %Red enrages a; bull, White.
for sonie .tinknoWn ,reason :bine is .
lilted. by :evert-6\es ,end eertelli other
Even itis4ets have similar pre -
ferenees, for.botly ante and Mosquitoes
•ititve beers' tested, and w the forne
.'er de netlike ito be plao d under blue
glass; the latter • erefer light to ; dark
colOrS. • : : '
Haman beings vary in their eider '
-prerereaceS:- Same peopleeannot Hee:. ,.
in a teem With red ',Walls., and others
• •
get qnite ill en a:ClaflObie room, On
rett a gooa color
eon liteezing water crests, and lav- •1• •
had been working like this for half stray, front camp, while yene ont The staircase wea a -etinding one , lug . Marry faridlY.skeletons theses days.
the weehleneereetingalar ' ' men 'Of old
ed round on hea.ring a muttered •ex; a flew " ds
r • • •'
. :
"No, mY. boy. • There's nothing f°r lb° smaliP" Patien't, medical
, c woe ave ,turn- ud enly, we heerd here i•og.eie Etut oh, hole, c___Idecegae,..y_cool: were the.,•$19-N-$ gQ11,1 3°N-11:eg- Ill-e-m-PndnYes-i--*-lien- it (rities teeniakineet po .a -e-e-t-e I
J. 0. •A /I 1
thirik: they •did; .alwayealtrig-' a room • ,
.with red to prevent the wounds 'caused'. •
.. , ... . ,.. .
eee..by this disea.se from. leaving scats.. '' •-
••• . Experiments. made during, the
y r a ay. darkness. and the °stairs? The • lake : .te felt • .;. , • . . • ; man it woma n • leyS. nature in thd• shade;
••• "I airestiflieg,'' ,he said. ••• All those quite elese! .. i . Don't 'you ge.O. Mit? 'We soon reached, the -hottern. Our At(d . awaken her; ecetetle qulethde." • etarriaee is the eldice of life.
. heat! Dei eoe 'think. yen•Will" gild that in thee' threhe.t!.if .he rpers agein ebleeS • to t e dark to dieti uish • i •
• . ,
about' it, we shall be roasted, - live! ' • .. 'And the rearing begen again' Fetid- . on whieh I turned the li ht f • 4 .
like this. He had not said a word a bet .1' de mete -think• 'hee. hit the'. lien; Panels'. ' • • ''' . . • And in, this tenipled phalanx glery . . • '. . , i • ,.•
elainetiort frem the viecount. ' "Oh' 'whispered the viscount, "he could not be far away. • • - in seintillant glory on, the -Wood •• .
• mirrors are''',4efiding opt an infer -nal . . There,: . . . through the 'trees • eyes werebetinning to eceuttorn there- • . ee • - e. - . • ,
. 'spring Soce? ' If you are 'Mut longer -I will fire! . . .". , . . shapeenreund us : . . eircular Shapes genes of eeeehe. preeees *demo
' ,, g 0 t‘.11 • -• • :hist 100 Years age, so ,it 18'.sa.id in
T was not sorry le, hear .him talk er thin before. And the viScount fired, M.; lantArri: .' • • .: :'• • ' '''" ' . ' • ' Fished a poor Prendli taller, Bartle
(meter invented • the !hist
• • • Which?'
eletteriel.- (wakieg • ,ire
"...Where,emei?....where.enee?" .;
• Nurse:. -"This ie.' number 116
. rig Shrill r se the calls Of all the .
The First, Sewin'g-Machine: -Roozn or cell??
the forest and and. I' hoped that my eoth-• only, he .sneashed •al mirror; as' per- . We were in Erik's •creler: it was • , • • --
prinion reaeod would held, out some teived the next mornin'i, here. that lie,'mtist' keen and •'• • Stor,t • • ' • . .
• " ' seeing Machine; Certathly he did net .
•tinie longer ageinet, the torture, • But break.... •We tenst have •-coVered a good. 'Perhar drinking -water; .01.•••knew. • A.'110Wkiii, ;lb 'The' Meniter, 0°1' 'dh4!°'"?4.3''' T•t• iv" a• 1.°11S.
be: melee •• distahee'duriOirthe night, for We sude that .11k. was a great .lover of geed • ••••-er•'-ee.--e •,. tithe hetet* his id•ea was (aloe
.V hat cerisole.emeeie that the mere .denIT found ottrselves on the'edge of Ah, there was. plenty' tp drink 'Good Fellow." • • °Ihi'":1/tentgiiit Waitet )11114' 'I\TeNs-
of .the trak.Aiel pine, f eneetnict this letny Thim •
the d" -rt, inirnen.se desert of, sand, bel'el • ..
Just • to Tint Boil'
to, Dye
eterris tied' rocks, It: was. re,ally., net . (ar.O. 110 roe tin ued,) "
• • •.
The °Idol:Awe ih the world is that,
Yerk and Alliarieliewe hi London, made
worth while leaving the forest•ti) come to .Y.....hicli_..Xaa...been.f.sat,..„Ltlie _iompre ;or leSs stiOeettettful .eiperilnents,
• • _
e . tiffany the title Ine Wa.
low!". • . .
The inelotb is itfhoelkti!so4nfigSe.ie:fPtiiel 11 to• i81 1 11 ttl T61'h%.11nr344)Unt:
' • nler worked at the Cottstrttetioti,of
Western rtteeS, ' •'"
I'ioneers NEJ1411‘111Prit'it roulla .1")Y1114. at'l'Ine"it .1" 1826
'Jeep the desert, Tire(' 'out r teaSt-clittY• ItOr • les a Y gOod fel- .
• polmlarlzed teware the middle ef laet
meself down hes•ifleg the elAretiet• ter ;
had had enough ' of leek.ine fer •
springs whIch I 'could, ,net.find.
'; 1•• quite ,,urprIded.--nd I seid'
so tq the 1.1,4e:tint- ethat. we bad :ere .
reuett red r..9 41,11!•; dangeroils anime's •
(kw, lig tho ' aftef' the
on earr.,- the leeetied and :Tormiitne;.
thc,:,buzz of Vile fry, These were
04 J. ebtereed nffiete., and I• explain -
t kagey• that I:ere imitated
Eae:r 15-eset Pet•k" reer liereee lervir talleur or;
tge teetelns. diree ag,K .4 skin at one f:m1;
• • I I
It s rimido Wit fit', tied a p.tripte 6t. Case ie Point, • soeiet rig erre e R .n1
:Mend. ,
Ad rtrhi(r;g1t41. ta:::i)los'oryi,. have' beard.. it:efia"..• • '
that th0 4tOd treltank knew it, arid that VerY' litlit' ig."ittrowte of the FrenCh
t was ,one or the crydle W11111014 of (1‘%'..1;):),;r1 -1,11`0a-1110(81.$,' enta tril,lfitlitif 6rlointht.
ho (%4 hutdiltD
kt fi•t, hoi,ni b. It. y..0:: ,11preititilil 0. A' )11 Iv! h that'ie used to -day.
di1 44hoWeiler, Seeirshrel ht' an angry
(erred of tailors, A'vho regs.rrletl It as 10.
. .. • • 5
471_, „ t
25 .Wrist
. ' Waktehis
20 Ciunera.
25 Clocks '
lipNultzus Or
If you cao solve this punk and will sell 24 Planet
Perfumes at IOC each you, can Wu one of the &bowl
prises. will you do•this? It is very'easy. If scr, just
: mark the PRINCIPAL with au X sod send it to
us at ottee,„sul,if.it Le correct we will stud You tIto
• Perfutue to sett ght away. ,
. SpeCialty Co,' X Waterford, Out.
Show that 'certain .coiOrft StlinUlat•-•
oni: others sooilting,,• , At 'a •
pital Dem:Melt •colonewere used
for ilatfents' riefferieg Trani alielfehedir.
• A. • netient suffering. with ..neeraie
therila was eked ot violent headaches
• py being n put • room, • but;
W.hen..a Patient stuttering teem hYSterfet
was pleeed In the :ami ! room he be-
vaino • .
,hopelpemly depressed and had to
I be. reineved. He Yee then Placed. in a •
• • 1.reeee•--'-'eth. and furniture of .Nvhiali
• l• were "of a primroie yellew, And in thlii
• • h y recovered. ream had 4
_ . :.•
8PtcoYr:aille g on his ack..tko.
<erne eiilltelli4Tiletein);10111.ei rtabet
, let of the walls.. RoUghlY sPealtint.
blue, Inabve„-Aed violet are .the
I hat seethei.• while 'green 'and
. „re—.
stimulate the; tired brain.- 'BUt Sortie
Cabin Litiets cotore hayeitnere, particular effeetit. Ael
Heerteines of eurstralia, the :Whorls; hlc ti . hI 1 flI• " • LI,(1
• wOtrutti (An pat soft, is,rot th rh.okriwi :At «Alp mid. (-(e.` $00 It PrIlt'Y .0°1114.17/r ' &flan -1(4 tO lb() ot teeetenae,,e Reverence, - • •
Seecefe eeedre •of.'d-)4, Atink paining' i104141-61' ".1.1""' 1,i011.rt"'i • b.Y viziti)rs to l',tiPland havo.'itatti 4„1/.1 re,erece
v•'; ktrri'd 1*(1 h 4.1h11, !•,' 114/4 ' • • .• . et.,1 min411011,. I dal 4•141 e
• •lierroanent"!hrf-'14%411;e:-.1,4'4'• •••' --• eer..-e • --.... • ./....siee - - -T -0 I httt. .t 44 • •
'eee'ireiele:e., I eeerereeeeet• ^ bee feel ,e,,0*
•••'t t'hy • .h. •r•ti w
• 2. roriz...411, r.„; y ritf!sa",'',14114 sir 4 }nil,. t 1186 it.
••eordJng to. y.10 mat r.e.lr whiCh .1.1,e. • •
e• f areete-,e,f tit ti 'I title Ili Wit; • I
- offiittal toY.irf think,,‘ answerod,
. • • .-- `.66.",:.
041 taa.k1g3) (,)^,p vokb OK! jut; or the, :,(tOp.ard (0' ' • • t" 410 •••••-'
rr'; •••.c Y.vtt , trongat nee :lean ,..44(1: reilgf..
.htltgifigs'ho r: .r r,00: Ilhee.' ferle,the
• ' 4 s,t; r•oom f ,
".'AVIttit. \vas 7110 eXRinitter. lflter
• , (tg t ,r! .kk" a .• t he - ' • tik IO 1911 •
everlthitgi • ' • •the :i4;"de w.Ork,ok 4ilt* " ;•/ l'utd A3` ' Irov couid.yell
Buy Dfabieed byes4-tio Other •kincl.=.: ttiek, nt.aor ,rto. '..)1;1'. /44, ;t ' I 1.41—,V1/1111 , i'•,)14.f,r-filettl -1,(.1 4tott .or .•efeeeree
and e.eneyenterlogglateentether :the eur!ey fee w„ ere te ewe eel eel , le I re.1 le ;est.' . • • he vet hie head fa his hande arid mete,
Itedel You *till to niefr itt +reel. or silk, must 'sly 4/•;,/,( ?r, kirtP,offiif ; t %i‘4 T 4111? .*„ • 1. roam( „Vy. flitt5-,gli re, .(ih ).0„1,a,eji,r,o.„ jtealettn.s2_1. yory,
er Wheth'ir, it linen; tottott oyt tailed iort, by..hitr ts` A-7!1,1% 1/X t ,k67' ')••"ig;"'Lt 11‘: Hy; rr••• ,' r.t.r; ',tc; ir1},R 61:14 4,6v prom ty:t
$ lj No; ' ix Erik:" Lie mete fer t•andru
• ,
' the riN'i.e•igt0t,',;.:76.f 111?4, Irri,''t,fiacti-t,"hainiit•,..., •
. • • I" •-• !",. • 11Si. :4 1f.'t .77s vv,i •w11.01 .
•••• • if •thll' cre, Jt•Timalain„- Linfoerit Obro thetsiq,
time he roul4 ri•uit4.4t144-n? leg irr• year„idiree "
1 • .
• •
. Ate
• euri....accomniedittionn,
reelere eseree rereer, tenser
"The•Coinfoititoiree" :
. 'MAIL'
S3,haririltittioni Inc., Miinti
fitimarfty,N,V. tot) Agent'
'Pa rtlettlar ,shade. Of .vialet eauees •
greerth of hem.; on: fridig:6
tmti-y.tissues,. and A eerteth blee leaila •
•re the regeneratlon Of the hineelee and
general bodily at heiefore
this. shade' of brae iMe to he reeonli-
- •
Mutual :
• .
In snrai• lexa.e.alitakireatiade vinerf.,:ya vcr.y Irina
Ttpttonta)11 Shit:a:felt .h. jurt;itli-; e,Tite,rrtUS:,nitattl. batid II '1
' ,13lakk
' hand.
Heine leek:ea:are unheeeseary as
their are' herd en parents's,. egys as
Anierican f•Anestional expert.