The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-02-25, Page 17111Ww1MS.M.terf- 071! 71,17r7.711'w77:1"," • • $2 00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE- $2 50 OTHERWISE . , 40. - Wic.KNOW,. 0.1174 TH.IJIAS.DA,Y‘. ....F131:11JARY 25th, 1926.. 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS11 1 • 0.7%••••,• .ec.. ' Dr W. M. Connell • ,PhysiCian and ..Surgeon Lucknow Honia. •7-8 • P ,one 8 DENTIST' , . . • •Dr MacLeod wI1 ijst Lucknow . revery .Tuesday in Dr Connell's DENTIST Dr R L Treleaven,: Lucknow--- Over Decker's Store. Extraction either by 'gas or local. • Will be in . Dungannon every 41inisday, • ' Phone .53 • ' DENTIST •• Call Dr. Newton Make appointment • In Office eveq,day 110•! , o EvEttysornrs. COLUMN o Geo. A. Siddell,: Ltirittanwi Bro&er and Real Estate. -Money to lend or first Mortgages on farm proper- ties at 6 and 61/2' per cent according 'to.• security offered.. Algomind! amounts a on second Mortgagee on properties and on personal ' notes. A few good farm for sale 1 :I, , o LOCAL AND GENERAL 0. • . . Girl • -Wanted-To' 'da housework._.. Apply at the Senthiel •Ottice: • Mh Mabel Allin come. }ionic from ,week; on account -of the, . . -iliness-of-:her-mother;;•-•, Get double return 'for Your •wor by using .high grade Fertilizer.. --Un loading:O. this S. R h • ertilon. • • • ' • i CHURCH NOTES- • . . .The. Boundary 'Commission of to( United Church Pieshyterr•orlfuror hae decided to close the "church , at Shal3Pat'dtorr on the Lake Shore Road A three-appoinment charge .consist , ing of Nile,. poit Aihsrt and J.,pe, burn' Churches Will be ,f(irined, anc those worshiPPed --tonrertirlit en at one' 'fthose Mac - 131•• The ehande ofl • will March 318e, tak9•„sPike . • , United Cheill • The Yoting',PeoPlele.•Aneeting' Mon. " Mr Alex' K. '.Purvia."'has .retnine to Detroit,after'. spending . a. fe% •dair evening- (was in :charge of' ' t h.! weeks with his -parents! Mr. and Mrs 4ne• Purvis:, 10.• and Mrs. Robert Ireland o ;near Teeswater, spent at, few day of 'last week at the. presbyteria Manse, here. Mrs. Ireland is it• sis ter of the Rev. C. MacDonald. ` Mr. W. J. Little has been•confinee to the house this week with a severe -Old- Mts. 'Little! Who had been' un- dei- the doctor's care !for almdst a Month, is able.* be aboutagaio, It is said that nearly all' the inun- icipal •reeves in Bruce 'County are attending the Good ' Roads 'Associa• tiori Convention. ,:at ',Toronto, , sot in itereating has •the matter of • goo( roads beeline.: The. Blyth Steudaed"of last wee! said:, -Mrs. D. N. '136y41,.,ot Chicago .4 visiting, ;with her parents," Mr. and WS: /tiChard. Adams. Her. cladghter• tty;-.who IP 'attending' boIlei Mission Band and the Missionary Department," and the. little ?folk nui oh most of the „ program. A number f of choruses and drilla were given by e ,small boys and Oda. Margaret But n Ion read the Scripture, lesson and Bobbie Thompson gaVe a yveleoming speech. A piano aolo was given 'ha 'Winnifred Armstrong and a reading by Pauline Reid and Edith Wade. , A very effective missionary dialogue "The voice of the Wornen.6,•,was giv- en by a number of giris. Miss Isa bel MacMillan was presented' with .6 memberhip certificate as a reware, for liavingsold the greatest number of Missionary calendars. Another inisionary .clialogue: illustrated "Hos. Pita' monk in •Western. Canada." The Sunday School Orchestra assisted in the program With a nuinber, of Selec- tions. andtowardstherclose Dr. New• ton gave ' a short talk. . The meetin nextglening., will' be in oliarg.a.cg the' ' womiamararameoft i••4. • o an., Paint . 'business a • steels., of all Payer which inav be •ieen, at mY.' . residenre CaMeren Painte,r -and Deeerater , . LuOknow Flour •. With the :installation .of new ma- •• chinery.,and .by'•exteneive re -model., ling we are. making a. iligher 'gradeef • Soar thani the 'ever. matP: , _ Try a hag and cinivhice Your :money, refunded if not Maltese - Treleaven .1Safety Razor Blades. sharpened. , .• Any • ni eke.. Satisfaction guaranteed • '1 \ or money refunded Single edge .3c • Double edge 4c.: -Wm. Murdie at 'Son 'Luck:tow. • FARM TOR .SALE 100 ,Ares being 'Lot 30,Con. • Kinlose' TownshiP. There , on th( farm, a !brick veneer' house '• 20 x 2C • fe'et, .:cernent cellar,- 'frame kitchen: • , and woodshed 18 x 24 feet; a barn • with stabling ' 36.x 56 feet; shed :3e.) 60; pig -pen,. hen -house, ' and sheep. Pen 20 x 40 Teet; drive -shed 183;24' Land in good condition; orchard; 41/2' mile* from. Whitechurch, 6% miles frees. T,eeswitter, 1% miles frorr. church and school. Price $3,000. --An• ply to Mrs. Mary Taylor, box 51: Scotsguard, Sask. 18-2-200p' , Year, after Which she.ivill Pursue lie!. Studiesin -*mope. . , . Reeve. Johnston, who Isj 'lnembel of: the Ontarlo Geed. Road. Asaocia: tion ,lir,;attending the simnel: Convent tion .of that .'organization.at .Toronto this Week. .110' is aedeinpanfed %on the. trip by CuriCillor ;ROW: MullIn whei•elso is after .'infOrniatieti.on.- street and road vOth. ." This week has given, usOneOf, the lOw temPerature. points of the -sea: sok which, by the •way has not been ,noted for -'extrecke .telfi." Monday' • night a ,recerd of '42below zero was Made, modifying :soinewhat. before i...orning: A like low point was re-' ached one night in :December. ;Tues - lay night was 'ebb "Pretty , share 'alit the. Mercury went dowtr only ..)00W the Zero Mark. . • . •—e , DEATH OF D. MacFARLAN, 'Mr. Donald MacFarlan, an old res dent of Kinloss Township,, east of Kinlough, died on :Tuesday :of ' this week, following an illness of several Weeks., :The funeral on .ThursdaY. • :ernoon:. will.,be • held to Kinloss COM. Rtery. Mr; MacFarlan who !was , .hi8•86th' year. is survived. by his aged partner in life, and a grown up fain., ily. He was for :Many, 'years,. a, mein-. r. of Orange Lodge No. -1139 which d, charge. of the funeral arronge3, . Cann. For Sale. --1k0 Acres .4% •e Mica from Goderich. • 8 miles' fronr • Clinton situated on Prey; HighWaysaents , first class land, ploughing near done, good, barns,:steel,. rootfingi ' leta of 'geed . water; with wIndniill; 9, acres of first class orchard; red 'brick house built, 9 year.' ago, 4. bedroops„; hall, piece Mailroom, good attic; water . all through house, downstairs, :two double ,rooms, dining -room, kitchen, •,' large pantry, cellar with furnace; • • beautiful terrace lawn. An ideal farm A1se-1.00 %acres % -mile from the, • said farm, all seeded down but 10 acres; ,30 acres • of ceder and hemlock hush; running spring; Maitland riv-, er.,runs at back,half-milefrem school • end Church.• . • • • Farms will be 'sold separate or to- gether. Easy terms to suit purchaser. Apply to Mrs'. Ruth Thompson, R.1 Goderich, Ontario, or Phone 60.34-13 Goderich. • MORTGAGESALE 'k E..% of E..% of Lot 5, and Ni % . of N. % of • Lot 6, Con. 2,, Ashfield,: at public auction at Dtingarin'On on Friday, Feb.- 26th, •1026, at .2.30 ,,cleck P.M. .• For particulars see extended ad- '.......vortisepente and sale billCaraapply to W. Brydone, Clinton,, Ont. -Ven- . dot's, Salleitfirr, . T. Gundry, Auet. 18-2-c. • ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ..• Applications will be received for the position of Read .Superintendent for the Township k _Kinlosa by _the. undersigned until March 1st, 1926, at a salary of $350. per day Geo. Moffat, R.R. 3;-Teeswater. ..3541e. "VAIIM FOR BALE - • AI° Acres, good level land; -90 se. _ yesclearance gond an e, ., plenty -of Water, Will be, Sold In the next .30 days on easy terms to re- sp'insible party. .Also a grass farm • of' 100 ssrss.-Api)Isf to Ateit.-veim.• eron RR 5 Lucknow, Ont.. 44-p • And if the. fernier Waig 'More 'Pros- perous' .the government, Wouldbegin to regulate him, took , Things Oven up PreitY Well; 'hose who use the top part il dtitheir•. hoed' JOSS Use their ohints more, CHESLEY LOSES PROMINENT • CITIZEN " George' •Durat, president of he Cbesley Furniture Company, and. - for many" years a prominent eitiZer the town died: on Tuesday i morn..• ..eg of .this„: week af his home HT .1ufFered a stroke Of paralysis :tufa' weolca 'ago and never fully recoveree onaciousness. Re was 70, years 'of age, and is survived ,by a 'widow, two 7 daughters and one son. . 'MARCH ROD. AND GUN • '- • • handsome, special leCtion • Con- taining the , whining 'plibtagraphe of theamateur photo contest recently conducted by Rod and Gun isan in - Wresting. feature of the March Wire of the, magazine; •which hes , been inet Published. • , • The cover design of • the march,. 150e ie also el great interest. It is a ,Very. 'fine. 'toter reproduction ofa remarkable phetograph of two bell ..moose 1311411:m1th their antlersinter- locked,. having fought to the ' death • The .0Mo* of the magazine' for March are . of equally • interesting nature for sportsmen. • For Sale,t-51f_Aerea•duitable for 'veg- etables., fruit, poultry. and • bees -a. Cross the river from Goderich-ad- Joining the "Saltford Heights" Dairy Farm. ..„nekessary Price "$1600..$6sh. If,purchased in tvio week's aPurebred. Jersey Cow goes ,with, the .•Lote,Mrs.., I.• Hether! ingten; R. R. 4, .4oderiolr. • . .SOCIAL EVENING ' • •-* NO. 428 4111 held .a social evening .in their , .164go ''roonl„ 011 Thtiriday, Feb. 25th, for \members' and their•nvivei or lady friends, And visiting snienibersAll.,-Iiidtes.,pleitat loin* Mullin, W.M. • Cr of Oirtilisor now holiit, U114, loaded,' Another, Oar Sandhi( $0111i, G. 11,130),ItilOOk tooloirmi. • FU.1§7`. CARNIVAL „ _cpe roritd.„wne. aidin,63.7d.:71 • The Carnival', in • Lorne Rink 0 n Tuesday night drew a'. good crowd• and there *as a;•gOod -time t,:j1 round.: ,the YSTAF':- . was heel:4-'41nd !:everyone, who •won plize h40 to •work foe:. -prisoWinnarai 'were; as: '.fellpivs:: Fancy dressed lady, Myra, MeeDon. ald.Jean Johnz.: • - • • . r • ' 3t.151; Fancy dressed gent, Wes,' Hos: ton; Comic dresed. gent, Grant 'Mac. 'Kenzie; Conde dressed girl; Mari Witson; Fancy dressed girl, Mary McKim; Fancy dressed boy, Douglas • Clark; ' Coinie dressed boy, Malcolni Watson; Couple race, Cameron. Donald a n d Winnifred. . Douglas', Gents' race, Bill. Henderson; Beim' race (16 and tmder),CharlieWebster Girls' race (16 and under); Helen MacDonald; ' •Music 'Chair's, (girls), Stella Stewart; Musical. Chairs :(boys), Case:wErionLtIpacDNOonTatlds. • . Go. • ,A • Mr. ZrnS. McDonald visited days in Toronto last Week. Fuss Bissett ,is reeovering from severe attack of measles. ' • ' Mr: M. J. McKay and Mrs., lEobt. f Lochalsh spent a daY. re- cently in. Goderich.' . • ' 1Vliss Amanda McDonald, ..• of Para. is.r_v_kiting-i. her , ."0 Mrs. 'Will Rem to • The Annual. Prayer Meeting of the W.M.S. of the. PreahYtoffialy Church was held in the Church on Friday af- ternoon, February 11.9th. . The mem- bers of the South Kinlose Auk. ancl the Young Women's Aux. Were also :present, The prepared ' prograngine was 'followed: ' „ . Presbyterian. Guild, „ The LoOkent'denimittee hadcliarwe Of the Programme at the Ouild meet - mg on Monday evening. The Rev. If.lik,s*UNOHis,TAILH ON Amos It takes, something like genius' to hold a big audience •yvi9.1. A lot of boys andogirla in it.ini.wropPed': at.; 1 tention for nearly • tWo hours; an • ....4: send 'them away feeling it was . Werth while. But this fa'at w ac- c9inPliphed by .Mr. , W. E. '$aubiiers “., ondon;-Wednesday----eVening--o .last week When ' he 'gave : One of :, hif . . lecttrtiso on ..bur wild birds' "it - wag r Apten i example 'of,. an %ifliUrmative ,aticire's diluted ;with }minor and Sn• ertainnieut enough to prevent, the hearers_ froci, tiring, -, ;„ ,, ,. . . • ,Mn Saunders, no an elderly •man• ;has taken •a keen interest in the wild hirds since the days of the * wild 'pig. eon when he was a lad, and we don'l know how long. he has been kcturint about then. He has a • geed voice ..nd appreciating. the Many interest. trig facts about birds he has an ini• eressive and interesting .. way o1. stating. them: He 4 a great friene eif• the insectivorous birds and , the song birds, but has no. mere use for the rascal crow than ' Jack Miner has, and with the -crow he classes the common black bird and the blur Jay:. These. live, .• as, far as they can upon the eggs and the young of, th . p • smaller and more useful .birds; so he • would greatly reduce their nOmbert if he could': With these as an enenlY, Of the 'song birds, he puts the coin,- mon domestic , cat.' Cats, • he said kill every bird that they can, and he thought it a curious and absurd law which forbid8. men and boysto shoo', robins and other useful birds while it allows folk to keep any number olf cats • which kill all thebirds the' can,.. --and that* no,. small number iTurfh:eyHea has ' ,e_Ihey ..,help_ the reaas.4.0,.,:bloain ;:e planted feNv i ne age hgtgefn * 1)etter, than i a •. • ' .e.„, susipLE POPIEs, 444 'Paramount were in 'Whitechurch t ,see. Henderson's mother who 4 not enjoying good. health, Mrs. Printer .Paterson of Lucknow spent the 'week-end-41th' her parent& Mr. aid. Mt* A. Stein, of Paramount Mr. and Mrs *John Woode and dau- ghter who are here 'from . Weal were. guest e :Of Mr. and 'Mrs, JOS... F. Webeter. k:. • • Mr. and Mrs. Kempton, oi •Laurierl invested in 'a .new • radio. set • 'Iasi w . 1VIrs. Deaves of, 'DUngan Mr. Jamas,SOuth gaVe a: nen Spent the past week, or 'so visit', kith her. friend Mr0.- George ,Swar oif-Lethan,. .• , . • Mrk Gordon Hi.ks and son, off TOrontO are, visiting at the heine, 0 her •parents, •Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mc- Lennan 4nn °..fiarIdaell•a4asl MLP0- Said, or Para- motint was. iayst of kr., and: Airs: xeraptoo• of Laurier; ' • •• . . • Harry , McDonald of his friendF to,.an..erryable. dance last Monday eveninr.!.. . • . . 1Viss ,Xatie and ..Bessie •Blue o. .Abibefly spent a fewdays list .weel; :.with their sister Mrs Grant Mac,- 'Dainuid.' • • ' • - . Mr. Will Helm of near Zien..was very teriOnaly isjirre,d on, Wednesday Of g r.1.17ite at Work in ,Ernest: Cardners slid 'Sant Gibson ere el,,tting wood,. and the ..first: •t:•eery ut down Wednesday Mora. ;in .frin'nc-. Swititg about in.:such a way as to hit Mein a Severe bloo , ,on. the...sho•dder and neck. H -gaffer.. ed a ro<en co ar one, an • ‘!ve and he •.k .wer, badly binisee. •,•d eut It 'owns' a. painful accident - bat 'a..fa'.alitY was se narrowly • tre.:4 niied ' that :kr. Heim feels that, afte,. all, he .was.f6rtunate. Hadtbe' blew. 1,an1ed, a littlelhigher . up it Wohle,' have been rtif,e1 werSe.. 't eau' A talk On the And., Watching"v subject Which pieced' at once entertaining:: and helpful The Scripture , lesSon• was • read ' by. Jean Stewart, and. Miss D. Hender- Soo took the - Catechiarn. *siert) numbers ' were, .a 'duet by Helen and 'Marion MacDonald; e monthotgar *selection' by :Toe. Hassan; arid -a nonV her by the 'Male Quartette. - • ..-.TEe nileting next , Monday evening Will be in .charge �f ..the Dev-otianat COMmittee. • •• A .travelegue, ;."A Trir, .Through the 'Highlands of Scotland" illustrated by lantern Slides, will be. given: • •-'• • ;MARRIED' Anderson Stewart At Tornapa,. en 'TuesditYi' Fehrtisr, 16th, 1926, bythe Rev;Dr J. E Munro, of Andrew's Church, To onto,' Ont„ C;boige J Anderson, arm' Miss. Mary P.' Stewart (daughter of the late Mr. .and rs Wate te art , beth of' Lucknow, 44.1•046•644adid, . • . PLEASE PASS THE HEALTH , • White Bread is better food for you than any othr kind --more nourish; •ing and easily digested thanthose known as 'health foods. Children whc 'eat goOd White Bread and milk are • , as a rule, healthier and stronger than these who eat' other; foods. Leading public health authorities recommend. ed forjschoor children,' Bread -and. Milk-for,the noon lunch,: fer after .school, ter their evening meal. Whi4 Bread with k milk or butter le a Avow,: derful food for young and old.f supplies protein; to build and tePeir muscle, and other 'tisanes. • The ,mot:_ mill matter in it builds d teeth arid the butter at ProvTdils • heat, energy and ••• growth, • White Bread with milk contains vitamines se essential to, health. Insist 0 r Golden Crust Bieed ..,ewhich is grow- •• ' ing popular 'by leaps and.beunds. 'Haturday Specials -,As . goodly variety of tasty cakes and cookies to chose *pin ' Whose 13iithday is tomorrow? Reid!s Home Made Cnridy iS- res' candy. Get it at Reid's Doninion Bakery; phone. 68. • • 'MEMORIAM IViitooit• • - • In lov ng memory , of Annie Wat son,. Who diedFebrhary 24th,, 1924, • i I Peacefully sleeping, resting at last 1 a The, 'world's. weary troubles ' .tine ' . "trials *are .1••••. (.1 I!inde, of' .Waseee ber; ;Ad Miii:.'Ioratik 'Henry, haat: week,•:.. ,A v cc(.43ful concert 'at0 ,social yas held in the tater-tient; el" Ori li,TodnestdaY, 4F0b: Parhour and :qieS 'Bailie Per!: -•,•01't`3 '14',10teCi :.'i•n• marriage . at. Wingliarh, Th t,ortinintity o1ns In ..ntanV.,'•vtlarq bi happitiees:' • . flr! Mrs Vitm.".Taylot enter:, :tained their friendsto a nari.Y..01 Monday evenitirt, Alt tenottedhav.:• n-vort ettloYable tinie• We" are -sorry* to retrere s.nn diVeStiie•and gra:. Gordon 'Elliot ; On' tiiilikle:tlit; Allis „wick, •Etovi,ott.,a1.7.0ostOollo;. ster,some, nod Mt: coo; Stewart; Of Tumfiv.h. Visiteif en Witday'at'llie- hot\1164!‘ft,,,',:fT Rotenlieidi4Vcr. (1*.vitc. t•n•rl last 71sursday with Mrs. -Dune-7 ,silence She suffered, .in liattenetshe . calledbrher lionie44,41,ifst no Iler httabahd id children ehd414 10.Utlzng., VINIIII411444•11,MINYI.44141014.410. FOR SALE . •Rtirgain.,Aliitight. Piano in Wel. nut Cate, With.Beiieh; Muat be -eokl bv Mnreh 13th.. One year's time Will 'bp to Reit 165, 'Lus.10, ito* • 441t1Fs41 H-4-nrg-ometo t•he Mnall animals, such as. field Mice • Llirews and niqles,. en which the kel • owls and hawfeed, .and,... of how ,P* weuld.multrply and cover the •, .r,rth if their nomberis Were. they net' •srept‘ doWn the owls and havis:' • He has no use for the .dirty littlt English sparrow • and told of a simple ,,ittle trap he used to catch 'those that "cane' _to his lawn. air/0661Y' , enough the sparrows niake • their .tiorne in a particelar lawn, that. •by the time he had . trapped 1.0 his llaee. was dear; of 'them for a •-tline nig' some yoUng ones came over from neighboring lawns where they *ere ,plentiful. • * : The leetore Iasi' given Under the ;obit auspkes of, the, ,elassee, taki*T 'lie Short * . centsthe7Higli Seho0' -Ind the. Public School..' -The Hall w oiled 'to capacity. and there was elent nrder, , At the openitz thc boYs ana gri;ls Of the Short Course ‘.ontributed a chorus as. did also thr:' Sehool Students, Ibtrhile. girls of . the Public,' School gave a pretty, drill.• • • - 1 'rile most „ecOnomie.,p1 ,and ing food is Good Bread Our QUalitir 'ensdres: all that s • nourish - eq; pure and. most"WholesOme. onie,Made;.•Raisin azid-.W4Ole 'Whe'at, Bread a. pecia fiE0Ats,opog.s.:4:tru:gDA Cream Slices Puff i'aSrleS Leinon, Tartlets • Nut Tarts Iced Roos QeIsea Boos. to94101nuts ROlis Rock Buns • • ,•.„. . . • . ••thingin Your Butter and Eggs: and Obtain.. . , .The Best Prices ,HOLLYMAN'S, BAKERY •Lucknow'. Phone 36: • • • • .Merfin, the proprietor of Canadian Ifferk.Gardens-andTetperOnlierbs-:will-betat- . . . C IN ItOUSE, LUCKNO FOR 1 DAY ONLY iIesday, Mar. DAY AND EVENIN It Otir.Cliiltri,gYeS Are 'Abootnittl, Your child is-haridieapped;:Ari• - he will remain handieapped so len; “s' the eyes remain in that cordi-'! tion. • Every child has a right tr 'demand of somebody that his. OSe. o not prevent his prsigkoqS. ThOY'.4;1 • .'nds Of children are oNlerv da studying With ,i.1,porfect eves Pa t•ete sshekild give this shbiect tbe though it deserVes. • .. 17. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST Lucknow Ontario •, CLOVERSEEI) . . TIMOTfl 1ALFALFA F6,1C, SEED' ATC. And all hinds Of grain tained fit,forinarket or sowing by the most effiC- ' ient, .C1,eAannedrertbnisan:8cfAc:) ed •••Lucknor 3 �- .•% 11013/ `SHIF813IN1S , • The• •total. mimber of ;hotta--shl0Ped at Ts:el:now Week., ending -Feb. 'lSth. was 119, 4 those 10 were selec. baton, 43,,thi.4,k smooth, '• 4 • henViCP hila 2 shop tagk shipnienti out of Hurtin COunty-amounted to 1;458: Selertd, 891 • Welt Stiloioth• 60 ,Ige.afies, one 'extra heavy, • or hotte sO403 light itedoes: •I 1 CONSULTATION FREE , • Nervous DiseSse§, Rheumatism, •Bladder Trouble, Diabetes; Bright's Disease, ,Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Blood Pressure, Heart Troubles, elanitipattoz, and -a11 -13144$6s There Is An Herb For Every Disease Remember the Date -Wed., Mar,. 10tholy emommimarr- ivorr PRIZE ; AT'ICIN.CARDIE A 'great bonspeil, staged at .Kin- arcline last Week lastest1krOugh ',Wedneetitty; Thnisday A „Lucknow rink Tent over .in :hopes .being favored with .the Sartre good. fortune came ,their' Way .(.16St . , . year toOk-ifir-i-t7place, win- ning the trophy. Luck or the Playing quite se 'kead this time, 'ever, but 'yet, it wasn't bad as they carried ofrfirst prize in .tir3 "Assoc-. iation.1! The rink consisted' cif A. E. ?4cItint, F. T. Arm#trong,, : Re b t JOhniton and T. se -Held,- skip. , WHY„ -ANA • EiRtILIZER, MONTHS OR WEEKS AHEAD WHEN YOU CtN GET -A11,--TkE--BEST..--BRANDS -AN--- DAY YOU. ARE IN TOWN. . , GET 'THE 'QUANTITY YOU WANT OF ,THE KIND .YOU 'WANT WHEN You', WANT, IT. • .' ..S, ,ROBERTSON' . • LUCliN0**,' • . cov,,arAtb.+AztAtAt7.4ktsamr.•‘;41.4.xr.Attivagto:Aitmcm*-4k-mwsroa ' 'FE BRVA R.Y.:DISPLAYS BEAUTIFUL COMFORTER MATERIALS ARE .LEADING . THE •DISPLAY , A WONtiiiirt41;--441i-A44`.. OF . CHINTZ, • CRETONNE, ARV' WITH. $ATEEN.„,:,. TO MATCH; AND., poWN P.tto,Or' .comEOHTIEE,q0,Tit. •HE BRIGHTEST 9F „COLQIeNGS, YET. (miry BLENDED; , TO SUIT, ANY •Room cOtou ,SCHEME1 . COMFORTER: H41TIS..;4: 2' Or 31'OU'D S1ES OF TOY' FtTEE, 8Y11140; FLEECY ,ColiONiLl • TuttEemoott 43vrtr' s41-44tocEssEii'ltri.;iitirEgflit wfoi, THIE4E -.GOODS WILL -BT NO4IVF-ETIONT4IFAPEO-=' • PL. E TIAS$ ..Tt-titouat'oUtz ..STOItt EVERY WAEIC., IN. 1,7 .41 -4U.P INVITED TO TAKE' ADVANTAGE OF ALFRED g APSWELL Ardirat44corsiotiltirommatuviii, 41.,- I ; • AfAY