The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-02-18, Page 5..., . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ilf , COsy'lloire Que- bec. It heats -At cooks-. It bakes — Provides hot watesr*. 7 -Burns any fue1-7 21'' stia .of vvood-.• - ;•:- is ream -540'1'y pric- ed: The evolution .of Ala* • 'Progressed .o.. thepjnt:.whetewe now' haVe.a Quebec Raige an kleater. • suitahle r',Ei Try, ; fuelan"cl ',any. season. .Drop in and let us, You Ibis •Cosy. Home Quebec. Qt.ipBEc HEATERS ALWAYS...I STOCK •AT FAIR PRICES ' HOW I ABOUT AN AiCE2' WE C,ABRY:' THE 'FAMOUS "TRUE , SET" FULLY WARRANTED., CROSS 'CUT ,SAWS; MAPLE LEAF AND SIMONDS' A L - WAY'S :ON RANO; 2 OR 4 CUTTING TEETH; STRAIGHT OR ' /01,4LQW HACK SAWS.: . . . "Trig., ACE". 4 .Cogowoop CIRCULAR AND 'AO,'" ANY SIZE MANDRIL UOLE 28"-$iO 00, 'so" .,:HEADQUARTEBS: FOR 0..C*,,M., U T 0"14.:0.13 LE 01iATES,.. IIAVE YOU TUBE,'..ALUMIkrUlff' FINISH.; p.../,Uri.$5...0.0.., . '.,. • RA. TEOUS hone Lucknow. -14-ttm A 1110 IINANCIER • , ATItINCA"RDINE _ " _ 7,"7•74,"*" 7••••• •17%. •••.' -,, PtAN NOW POR 7110- rmiwtc I , One el the smoothest -slickers that ever visited this,:vieinitYt landed into, town ,a couple of weeks af.e0 and at- tempted to tarn the, bliailress section tlPside ,down. In spite, of the " fact that Ihe- .1Fa1 Merchants" are -pretty kihrewd on judging a mai'' • credit: this chap had such a' smooth. atuirl that he put it Over seVetal. But that iS ahead'. of 'our 'story., , • , ' This man whose name is •given S. APRit!ere,, i said to have ..rnoved her( from : St.H.Plens near Lpel(noW. hipped. his :Iftirniture unciate4.„ stet,. at Ilia '•oviPn; .trek. I-lOyVeyet -When ' '-fifrnittire arrived at. ai4ine 'with Soriie, piece's Opa*gpe, clairn„against • That • was the '''start, vrippldore, theli coimpeneeld a week. of: ..handsOoiling that .liad the whole !cedrrininnity: inf.,;.-and wondering.'Who."*Ciald 'he the L ueen- sca"ea. next sncker. • His, story :War that , ., hi ; • From; Japer National 'Park • is a . • . 'CP.'444;§!:-MW 77.1444-§gt summgriir r" • Next-aarnrrier forget the Fares of, ;JUsinees. profession anil take a trip to Western- Canada the Pacific Cast or Alaska. There's satisfaction' this kind 4: a vacation—a owift jounrey tli;ough• a never-kefore-seen e.!aantry, reedul 'Stops- - at t• splendid resort-hotela,- and, when .Yeti j'ea0h !the -Canadian - Roclde4. gorgeouS viritila of lake, forest, ,and towering mountain peaks. • • . • ,s„. Phre is neer an idle moment if YoU Wave" the 2Canaclian4.--NatioTial; 117,01.1.1-4,- On radio ecittiPPed tralrib Creesing the vast 'prairie country - ;the', Granary of . the rnpire; • rstaE ways. intereeting.. Vlien there is Jas- . per /TaAti9pill., Tailt ald. Jasper :Park. -fsJodge•-'''of Continent wide ,ferna Ther re are '-rianntaihs ori ",..ides , inoW,capped niessiVe;, monk- of Which liaVe-nevi ' • " • • • . • had sold his farja and the. money. from the:. -sale -would be Coming' 'threugh an4 he took flyer in *a high financing: Ile firif coin inenced •.negotiations to purchase v. large house in town and hrOadcastet! the news . that he Would -Open . aboard. •Ing house.',.pext :the , Merchants wer( liet..If his story' -off thamones, con:ling: in 'Or the ,purehasing• of thc hone..didn't . work,. he skipped "wet. .e.,imootti trick like 'this: He :woule • go hi% astore-tandueted by P4r1.- nets, when ri:ie ,pi,‘,"the Men out; ancl:,Make his Oirchases,..alwayi then would .state that he wool4..1*"'.• it on Saturday tight.;.,01. course • th,.. ;merchant' WOUld refuse'te :Jet liirp• lake • Pw1itY the go'o'ds ntil.' theY...*aP. paid fee, , When the partner, Cam, .back 'and. the • one he had parehaie,el. • from had..•iperliapi :gene to hincli;••o' out. write. Place;.this ,slick ChapWopl(' Walk in arid -state•L .4'11 just- c-hougl,'• , never,ending successidn of ',mount: ains4ind More mountains.lovply val- 'leys, ,turbulent riVers and . dashing: waterfalls until. you 'reach the Coast - it Vancouver Or Prince Rupert. To make the most•year trip the Voyage ,thrOugh. ...the ...Sheltered Scenic Seas 'of the., North'• pacific should be taken, frem Vanconver Prince Rupert or .Alaski. On the voyage you will see from splendid sea7,going steamers, alluring inlets, •.t,o•Wiering' head -lands and Aunt:tiling icy • stresuna and glaCiers. On the 're.. turn, journey, 'see kitwanga and its toteni poles, 'Mount Robson, the. Idgheet peak in the Canadian Reek •1,.!.s, and .again to- Jasper National ;aiark.' . • 'these 111,11S, as, mapped out by ;Canadian National Railways are not siirpa,sied anyWhere and furnish a liberal • ediication • on • Canada to our • POftT .017 S. S. NO. 16. • - ASII(FIELIY V: Myrtle Jolmatan..6p; (Arithrinetr 1-• le, Lit., Alg., Canui.), , . , • • • Sr. IV: Goad—T. IThWatd4; *eld ii i L'ane. Fair --Edna lee; -Charles Mc- i Learit. . . . . . Jr. IV.,.., Diceellent—W. Lane. ogge : ---Gordop. Johnston. Fair—Louis HO- 1 gan. . • • Sr, III; Mildred Fele°. , Jr. • III:. 3;tce1lent—M„. johnstonet . T. Johnston.,Good-.-R, flowarcl; B Reed. Fair—. Courtney. ; . . 'Sr. .II:Excellent—Ella Hogan; P . a , 1 I 11- - -- wor floipPrOalut conk*. licloessicwbeoristlr.Witil usz cumuvi Pelee, Good—I)k...3t'.1lec4; ;1, Johnston Ji It 4 Good--JaMes. Drerman;' ;lea ernall,„..hgars 'Murrung. Everyone ' gr: and Gee.' • SEi.1.111deli,' 14:N'Ori '110111Q tiSflOci thattheY • . Good --10. R. Far' • Excellent—I: Campbell; V Goexl-,13.,:„Ro'd..., ' 31 .. risla*.' ' •0. • . , .Ir. Fei.ce`; ' • . • -.-"; Those 'marked massed 2 or' Mere 'ilafeking ',1tect at: Egrp.t .ier"a; on ,SUnday,: • • , _ 2.4.gEsers.'.C).1.4..5:,"."riPeDimagh' arid FiNer. .• '• ettended...„ the, fimer,;.111,"-•o,f , . ; he late",.Mrs,,);IS.XO,Uride at S4i1j 'r we:eks. .,No.1 on roll '29; Ave,riti•re ,at„ .4r. and- 1xtrs. 'Cooke of' tendanee‘.23.6.,_.,my,11.; J. Al4cijonajcil :aet spent Friday:. a • , • Slicter: in t*et� If..tric ' ' -• i , cULROSS 't 1 , . .,. :',Indiie.arinite riewspaperii''. of..: Vfonda'y feported. the death -of Mr. ' R. , E. Jimeson at one Utile.. Weil knopn. in Onlross as a' stiWmiller. and; : lutriber : dealer: .Fpe • a numliee''of years - he brother' Operad a sawmill on ,the farm now ownr::by Mr. George FalConer, After dis; peing Of the. Mill he botight, a dry-g.Ooda; stet? it 7160-• Water, hut • had it for . Only •a shOrt. time'. ile .later...had 'iniES at r,Blyth. and lionelockburii. al .(I fourteen years' i ago. retired ' to Tom to. ' Mr.: Jae - son was -;In . his; 86 Year. • Si* years • ago he' and his wile" ceIebrated, their gOldea •wedding. 'He ,i§.‘ survived. .by -his wife, two daug' ters, . 1Virs. J. t, DaVis and Mrs. ,WF, MoSer;hotli o",,' •!Tonto, and one, son,. in, Oregon. lir.' 4aMeson :died suddenly at the. home of his daurghter; .' Mrs....Meae.t, '.. 11.e.: took .ill'. Friday - .night ...and- pacieed, Girls Clzes ,LticknoW 0. A. C., Short course ,was the guest of Mrs. Isaa-e ./1.d.revi.f on Sunday. ; ' 'Phase froth' sic:n.1.1.440 took in the eitaursion to Guelph, Thursday. last we,re: -Was Jesse Andre'.; Wni.•••p•ep- per; Jnp, Ritchie, ,JnQ. McD,Onagh. Htinter. . • , , ..• 'Mrs. Samuel' 16:1 and ,Miivert 0 -:- ended the. re:eption 'giVen .1F. and 4,r s. -Jas MeIntoSh .0f '2nd.'con. Kifl loai On • Tuesday cf -last weglc. ' . Miss .Jean:i. .Of Lucknow. •Spenf the:week end at' h.er 'hemp here.. •• "4.--.41.4•-••• •. ;rnitirkeiiultc11 • Fiore:13'0 Piardon; , 91 'Toronto, 'arid Mr. Elgin Purcion,..o 'Detroit 'are' visiting at the, home :ef their. parents, Mr: and Mrs.A.:E. Purdbn • • Mrs, Beecroft is, visiting with Mrs.i •E• 'Bi'owolag,, at Kincardine'. '' • ' • Me., and Mrs, George' Mlrol_mage.4 hast',sPerit. %ery cirjoyablo evening, "•,,t,i?tt of • spent the " ie;4h he ,eousin, Lott," ..„;- , • G ; Sherwood, of '.have been°vi5it' ink her father,..K.r.'"Et1Win 74Itvi§ and, 'hi the ;West On Stiturilay; Jut; ; • IVr. and ..Mm. Adani 'Jolinstnn, of ••.• COuries; ..• with Mr, and M. W. R. Farrier, • during tile. ' •week. •=-0;44.0---e • TEN TO ONE The:average worker inindustry in Ontario has an orlinary • chance •ef: woking Pit len Years with one ,ac..„7 cident . that is sufficiently' serious to,. warrant 'it 13eirig reported .to, • the nOrmal tirifea the,reare nearly 450,000 •empfoYees under. coMpensatr idn in this preevince. ,ap,(1 in the past eleven years there, have been 502,•• 014 accidents reporte-d t6 theBOard, indicating an average slightly ,in ex, ,•ess of one report for ..every ten workers: per -annum.-. In the seine eleven Years there. were 4,328, iCies under compensatton Which re-. presents' an average of . more, 'than "•4,.. :4fliamermimemm.- SMALL and:rnoderate‘sizedAc- • ,_ counts as well as large ones• . are wekomect hy the '•Bank• Of ' • Montreal. The service of this • Bank is adapted , to all -and the quality of that service is the same .:wherever and. whenever ite .rendered.. { ri. .....--,L......,..t ., -7/..--.0.-....r If .t.....1.71,.....4.., IMIMMIerarIrlIpPO' I InI/III. -...4,(4.4.'. 4, 1.. ':11111111/111,19rigig.11.7M11142,9i,11111.71„ Fe .. fl' , I i ..--,••••• ..... 4, IfS.VO:ilin/iiir,44,5......41....% I 0, . 141,7. 0444 1 I ,pg 'ill, 'I • Established'181T 111 1,1 • !Iti ! Od t-4 tljft,-.2n Montr011 moto11111111$111‘4"-r-'"'N111110.- - Toial in.exce‘s 47to.obo.ope, 17;& • f 11111p,-. LUcknow-Pranch, T S Manager, Gonicit .0( Logis,has given jifilp. , . •:rijont iit..psgoetio two ,'Clise.s • Which were tried at the assizes here • ro.:ently,illiese were i'ict*.ons takol by the Bank df /Out real. ;against 'the •'-`exceutora of- an estate ii4ib lied signed. promissory' notes for the st.i.te rwith the qmilerstandlitgi 'as • filieged at the' ti iul, that they wotilcFtiot,be ,held, por.i.o.nally • liable; Tite judge, how- evofitids that they 'must held liable 'f.81-; the amounts, Of 'the, Mites • tilel/ I ggri.sci.,Igdgmc'n't, is : •.Bank. .of Aetica; to• retOVer •$21q.2•1.0'7orl • ft- PratiligSOisy' 133it.: • .t.TtiflP;111q1.t for fer $Z0.21,01-- .tind • tests'. rfIceoil „ thtti.k Lona witiort, Actin ileCoVer $,078,438 on, rrolltitlgt1)1 Jr.ftlgtnett 161` for •$2,61EfiiiiV told •Oulte*.) but tletondahta, my it: not satigltied .. 4 -g •.. "11 takeTthean—now.!' had failed ,to intention the sale, Or other inetchazit,. thinking the • tran- saction all right, let hikn• reinove thr.'• goods..; .1 • 1.. However,it 'didn't take Tong to, ge: onto..this. funny swork and soon Tippi: dere was closed own O's So tight lu. Couldn't buY a gum, drop on credit. . He had.*: wife and (family wit!. 'him they having taken pp residence in Pert of a 'house let to thein' white preparing to..;.niove into the new13 purchased"' bearding 'mitethe re. sult ;..was that; as 'TipPidore• wasn't .• • • working and was pot ..making the ,slightest attempt to Work,thdai?y • bread Was not fottlicoining and ,the fOlily-were Without food: • :At thispoint the • Town Celinei'. held.a special meeting Friday to de; terinin what.. sheuld, be done. The• :. supplied the family with food .ovel- th,.e....week. :.end and oi MaiidaY, "suffeeunder his:fraudulent ' methods? • .LI.OYD. GEORGE'S READY WIT bY-ilie;-BaiLffy-pieked•-.-pp-an mall out elf toviril. The •WerSt pact C- it is, what towri Avill be the: nex.,t ' In, .one pf. Lloyd George's earl campaigns, some one threw ao brick through the windoW,Iiincl it fell ce. the platform at. his feet...Picking it up, he .'rernarked: "Behold the onI;.. arguement our',opponents." the :gallery;-.L.a-sulleif .fellow •Itept 'calling out "Rats! Rats!". in one :his meetings. wilTsome. one prei7.T • take the Cliinaman$is :dinner?' ww. •, the WittY. and effective.. reply, Ono.: _when_lai_tillking. on Heine .1441-. 47 want home "rule for -Ent land, fer Scotland, for Ireland; fo,, • Wales," •whensome one • shouted • "Hanle, rule for hell." 'That he Shut, back t "eery man • Ifor his Own country." In anotbel. gathering: a man shouted, 404, wilt are- you; Your dad, used to peddic, vegetables with' a donkey arid_ cary', • "9'et4" iaid the orator, 1"that is Ulu' 14t11er yaw a• yell poor mar thearnOtint above declared due have a ref,erenee to the Master at ,:Gott- 'erich st: their own tilt- as to costa or an aceounti.iii which Went coats and, f'in:thov • directiOns. reseeVati, thia ho. , exercised fift.cOn „ clays J. t, • Makin. K.C. (girattord), and L R. 'Carling (*Exeter) • were �utsi fer plaintiff; F. W.: GlatIF Malt (London)- for defendants,. • •pAT'S REAbY RETORT •-•-••Az• pat; pas!tet1 the.,,Itintic -.asylum surprlecd `t0 sfindllfat it' 'had '-:genn-- orte. ofeIrickrwhen.Jiri thought it Want. ed at lOnat,ten iniutes of that how:, Ile inquired (if an attendant at : the doof theY,elock wak: right. "The eleek wimiciii't be hero Ifitlwas right," said -the itiendent, ,sercazticany. t didn't Oak triii:# 464 11/4'4 a4groge, 644 koto`ko The cart -has long einee disappeareu but I see that the • cfonkey!' stilt with us.- • • • ,„ 'CARRICK. PARIVIER •DIES 'SUDDENtY ' -.10/01 Duffy -a ,farmer, df Carrick Township 'residing near ,Oelynetre, died• suddenly, on Feb. 6th, • after brief Illnesfi, A month ago' there wet, indications of: heart weitknesir his doctor 'ordered 'that he take, complete rest In bed -for a Ouple',.of weeks. Ile' got up onthe molting of ad :tWlitiltd!1;r1re;es11.14:11:rt,,;:ltelallcttf)ist stiadAlsr sank- down on a chair, 11,-`` wife ancl son-aseiSted hitt .'to a couch. but he died In' Pia, minutes. Nil Dntty Wai . an iticceptionallY. type Of physical..infinhOetto. ,Ahd 44: all round' .gonii. citizen., • He' Vas year dt agfe, tthd teavea 4:viach.., ad at oho Uniti towi4ant olakt .440fittes •• ' _,......Surniner-:--TOurit'' fares. are effect- •NObetviten• May 1.t.th and Sept:poih, , with 'return limit of Oct :# at o miniMiin 'of Cost. ,M0c6- sure of •yOur Western trip &his. :by, planning l'tead, .Any Canadian :National' Agent,.ii rive -von information and II- , . • . d •hoekleti. •..T.IIINGS: EN.DIIRE ""'HOrior and truth; -and ..riiiinheod- • These.are thinti that. stand. l'h,ough the *meet Arid jibe of Tihe einic trihe. • •" - Are loud through the ',Width. Of the. . The •‘.e...i..4f.x.fteirin. ay lord. it an bair" . . • . And a, lie:May, live' for: a day, Biit truth • and•.. honor and. manly • ; Are things . that •eriduee,alway. . `Courage -and toil .and perViec, 01'd .efoevernew- t'eie are the; ocli,v that abides ..11:0ough•••. the ..'and- Toll, -.the. whims -�f in' hoUrt_ Iiiky ticker andrant and shrill'; Ilat :the...living graiii4.e..of :truth. Will • ' , Long' after theirrage is atilt and love and ' the' , storm.- . • •• . , • " • . . , :Ti' e does not 'dim their, gloW; l'houg,h the smart-, may 'say, in their' languil way, - oh,!a,,,nee'v_wel. wri that,_you i, .1ut a 1' , wc.arly a li as it was of yore, . .trith that.has lasted a million , Y"eati •• • •Is good 'for . ever-ibetgrilse-- .,, • • CREAM GRADING ‘C011:1ING , It_is Stated- pi Government circlet - .4114 entbedying .coMpul, ' gradini. o 'Ortario .creain Will brought •down 'it the' ''pre.sent, ef the 'tsgisititiire, Large dairying intereins are said to be quite' ill accord With the :proposed. :policy, although_ )egislatipit :Along 'these:lines will come as a Surprise to •,.1c.oter Sectleria df ,the *province: "eider the preient4Stern OpOillt,: ''n171 Ontario, cream is paid "for on a tf iterfat and. eantenta. Baal& •The p-wg la tons reess e i th "ri;1 • lee ity" tensideration, atul stifyglate _that be paid for 'On the quali• 1:31. b4si,$; witha slight difference -in respect.. Of :Various grades. o O, , maY Vetter' in*. liedy, but itgWe.'Er:pleakint terise at sfaction to the One who dOes hn'ifi• " reale YoU gave Won 0...dime icing ago you were a-- dtl .buy a drink with it, • •••• • The way.yot childrea tura out de. ads,aarnaw-hat 'the .v, ' . he few gn'ta,ge. Inoihaalp ku Nye la )113out hew mugli 4..0.41.04 toutit ttod tot., was on Monday afternoon, being Made in Forest Lawn Map- soleum.: • ' ..rn9ther • and other relativea in this CominuniW ,*- • Mr: Walter .P.Oster 'viait.ed a- :clays last week With relatives ' ZION, Mrs. 'Seth. Reid nnr1 miliTert,:. t.d, little son Jack of Willow Creek; were home of .Mr. W.': R. Farrier, .. .. Mr .. and Mes. Jas. McKr.y ,and i Zion, visited a day ,lait. week at the guests':,at Mr. 'Ralph Nixon's \ over Mr. and Mra. A..k.0.4ail i/I'nter-- the v,• -eek , end.• ':,• ' . • i tained their friends: and relatives on. Mks., • William Maize of . .Crewe _Monday nigIA.' The evening w a s: 'Peat Sunday with her cousin Mrs. spent in cards and. dancing -until .the , . • reports'Of the .Weekinee's sation .Board :covering the year .1,P25 is that the!..ileath .eaSes;in \that :year showed deereaie of fifty-seven froin, 192•4,:-Ithere having beea 492 -death dases. in 1924 and 30 in - 4: further decrease, in serious ac- cidents, including death Cases, iS! something for which -every ,employer • andemployee in industry in. Ontarin! ean CrII:leionttouslk work with mut- ual sis1itc.on and tenefit. tudents to Visit France an nglancl •••••;—:t4. thitau cbllion. near' On" •• 'La . (2) cathedral Of:Witten, (3) The Einar:to Of 'Ottitianii, (.4) Tbc ittonument to •thit- drOd. •16/titt 111Orto," Gilt; Of the livirTOIO of • the •Pe..k• •Lathnift• Eeninteif, in l'aelt.." . • „Limited to. ,graduates And under. — . -..traduetet of Canadian univere• • liras, a ,compre,hengiire tour' through France, has been arranged for thls .-sumnierr-starting--irr-Quebee on May, .26- with. the departtire �f the Ern- -press '�f • Seetiend, , under; the atis- ...isiees of the French Government,.the French Universities 'andthe: Hon, • • Philippe., Roy, commissioner -general 'of Canada in. France; • -• • • • • . • This'.totr , has been. organized' by 'the HQn. Mr. Justice E. Vallee Stte. • •veyer, preSident-Of :the Canadian ,Au- AssocietiOrif in collaboration • tenth. Professor Rene -du Retire; di-. teeter of' the French ummer schoei . 'of . McGill , UniVersity: An •entire. • month will be spent In Pranee thotigh these who wish tbr!do se 'nia:/ rezpam."oVer and .makeextenSionS, • at theft. ownexpense. 'to 'Thigitoci Arrangetrients haVe been made' tot •e..,:travegers-lo #.141.1, -tetla7 univers, Owns • -Plant -car they- go -to the- •Chateaux.1 .of the' teire and will also Journey front.- Grenoble tO" Geneve via, the Ronte:des AlPet In the Satre way. " There will be an excursion '.on the • 1.44te. of OetieVii where the .fernotuk '4.4eireann,Veace'TrOetYIWaS.,brOtight V suecessful terniination•thrOtigh 'genies Of Sir A•usten thaniber andigi 6.11'n'tftfillf w-' - k rt11 • et., Lau Zen le a1otfle1udet3 Iti the viorstrenrine.• In' Paris there Wig be. 11 /4* 9:041 #kit0 114 'entertainments Or:various ,kinds, .well ttoi motor - tours to, Vetsaille• .und Fonthinebleati, • ' • • Conducted by JUStice-Survey,er the body, of tourists travei to Cherbourg On the Canadian' Pacifik. liner Empress of Scotland and will rbturn on the C.P. liner Melita,' Arriving. AV • Cherboutg _On June ,g, the travellers will. go To Bayeuk, quaint Norman town, famOus the world. over for itS 'ancient' catbedtA,l, which .dates back t� the:Renton pe-- •-Hod.'• Peon" therethe igtutietrts will. go -to Caen, where IS , situated' the Church of St.`,Stephen,.bti lt by Wit; , lutin the Conqueror.- A, neon ! :"..'terwards.TOtirt",.."IThe G'ardenCi - e.;!' are to be yiSitrd 04 part IS due t� 'otoee'd te • -ftv.of, the. :far-fa•ined. ohateaux, xthe Loire. Theta,_are the Vitlandry.- Chinon, , Atayole-RideaU, -Lnynes, Amboite and Chenoneeaux. 'all steeped, in- bilitkrieal. 'lore and. 'filled With ibejtutfful ribleett -Of -art onu gei• rtene t,hoi!r, 4t�by t i!tlirql. NI 00, 4040130. of tbe. attiVettifYi. from thero VO f*OitlOtiOn4 `V, CC. •s• eenirnerial pert Of Bordesuk, where another reception IS to be held by the university's rector There' is also, a trip: t..6 Perigeux where is to be een ,a remarkable imitation of. the 'Basilica .of St Mat 't at Venice, • At Lyon,:the secOnd lardeit of France MO centre of fife silk- in, dustrv, .the travellers' are to be re;.', colvea the univershtY and'bY the •city.: While visiting Grenoble, in the. . -valley of the Isere,a receptien it; to begiven the party ,by the' Syn- .cldate and -'The ityv -The monastery of. the Gran! Chartreuse to be. visited on the, • wrt. Apnecy"„ , „..,The tiar.r...1.tcarbvtitile.il to •. end -on Tuly i AO th.it the Mrtiortv• "of " the 'ettitieliti. .Mentreal.* on Juiy 9. hthtkrria the of .the'ldelita Pa re.Miiti. ate, noW being isaued to these'likely to beti., ' terested it ' the t.ritly bot tl'e tin4 •tv O' irite.e• erre t- -154-eiv . irtrleSt that 'nfin'tty-M-Mlifif"*OV• • alrOACINc bI rred rit-rvitiridian .„11,Sitctiwtitere.•Montreal froin Sttidents tn. all part 4 Of the Pp. njiti.16a. It le understood that McGill UllIVTIlitY Wig be kv,a4 tepresentedl '7•-•••