The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-02-11, Page 57 777 71 -77 �ow "No$. Rum -.W-. Mrs' Win- RAT) 11 voinfined to the ho A� litfli C'jI&rM Mse a sevtlL, cpiu. t -w 'son- A gre 111110. RDW, v- TrANO at many, oi. 0, 05 RO I N T -IRA uir� y9ung people -16 THRQU01TOU_ T attended the. hock "hwasUn NIADA JaY match I Kincar. g, C P giv., WOVK '08Y Rome. Ou .'$old 1100io of Rjpl M1 ''bee., It It NeKI IxePMAW spent Mrs. �n _ekqqv�, 0 ,Xs (fay, 0011,#t L.'32 cIv doka It'64es.1�.- Pr es hot wa' We are, 4Qrry to report. that ljqj� Ovid ter Harvey Sb Qtt is, sufr Mig, Wjth,u.:yerY ­Btikn�'a U a iI 7 Illy The 1,aW sisting thjq n 21" man 1s an ani-, Nornian St C, 'Of. WOO4. NfacLeod..s b t I ". I J ainaato ,the C4rter, Iwo. u-tal dQesn!t 46e ' qpc)' day � afterno Is reasotiably prico;­ a, .,4 on. at the hq�jo, of� John death, cknqw, IU Hoojgj�ln ed' Will W4 k" r I rAcgert. PrPs..". t present OW0i S tove h as progressed to �e_ Qiiebec ate Y 0 k f a n,., 0 A uebee FbItCh dor,o V, A U ab laild anY skn 1 -000rqXIT WS- 7 Ac r �A 10V:TR�A SURE pme a] re Ir 'a -dreamer. TH FIRS, r en enl��r' The MAU 'and EmplreI4 -13 Word" MCHEA108 ALW,,,k,�S 1 441 "tion mam a OP Ur 11 Yohir. Ilk. the re 11 'You; QUE of, Your dreaum uceesil FOR .11(i 3�,oft a reat.Vaeitio 11, this Stu in IN STOCK AT FAIR'PR e e -day 'enter ICES'.' ctu�e Pupae Gj ' :* .1. e, P gm I 121404t, th Aneot lost vacatip 'to $g th bapp YAPAlifted and readk flow AB 'your aeatio Tr -e. may OUT AX,AXE? Y , � 9 rr9W 0 next S . , easlax io WE �CARRY THE. 10A yFeek.- -Yqpir,: job Is: to -e liter and XQUS "PtUE on have 150' eh'�"JcVa �t 9,009 In Ilaoh­.4hel greftlesti, Uqze4 by The, mail And Empire. 0PPortu1ilLYi the lartest ptl it is slifiple, SET".' ]FULLY WARRANT ED In Ill In I sto T Plet. :i4cresting, eduetionsil-an w rM wi o. toe. the easle" to'; solve pf any SimoNDP. A for AP A. Le Ir"' B P- C In 'VT,SA -MA W WitA OSS 94pos in Me The ploture below no ulth And ard the, let '*111 11nd 'all -tiorts, cllt.s� begi Ing, Fiya S ON AND,;� IG ter I VIRWIns a number of object, R 4' CUTTIN 'ireu TEETH; 5TRAl' of things.that, her .0itarting With. the W"Run Ina n *I Ik the letter be4 en$y for Yon.tb. �'There 10, t to uilderatknol. 17ou clu lot W LAW Jew See, �ow DUUIY yptt can find, aU trick puzzle; tiothing',19 0113�encbl% find j� a,D_ic3,cIcJ,? This Is nlRt,a are,aL4o there.' out- Ifn6(bV "d you (,'#wh'W W on"t have to turn tile and. lies will be giveiii forth� 1,10 best lists or #ide*ayq. I'vordii'�sJulinutted 1i that "A 9. you' P!cture iiiislo Anwer to The ainslive do COW �Me g!vin this this heIlLiVi-est. and will arL Aln the blet 66 teitier . . 000 C R: ULARV'SAW, �Vt A D'30' _.aIJ.obJc('tR and artile net"rest t'drreet list tit vbdble 6bjtrt.s and -be- a.w _WV thAt start witil PAw. ete- LE 1, Uff' AIN.'SIM MAN'D91L,HOLE' RA best, ff 30" $12.06 11ARCH �:FO ft C-0 'T THA , "D,, NAIUD NOT AT4 0 13: ILE SKATES, UZZ N IN. WED .90 sly", HAVE 3rd" i M .'YOU 'SEEN TkIt"NEW d'OLY.MPIA'J` T( BE ALurd-�: :'IZED k 'NISH PEW PAIR.$sAo R0.0 Ze 0 Ors' 3 04-. Pd Awq 013-00 RAE. Lucknow,. V Hardw' `14inb" nsmithing Ti 7 Partial flit of P A. $2.000; L TR *1 W; YlVII Lucy U.. Ffrestine, Gait,, r Airs.. Axiguef 0 Vorest, burg, ­$1,000; M 7-- 19. Aqtu�ur ireai, Va . rru c iael t ,I tJ: Mir's. 311D.I.; We, lilensabitug 'bn Mrs. u. Si Sr Alead $400 Alorphy, - $300- Mrs MCI :Ainsitonj $300,, Clarence 4- Merrick; - Allitit.(iii, Y :. $300;:.Mlis. Grace. granton. '$250 * Mrs 0 W.. Clarence h .4 - Mae. We, $200*� a MI: eaper. Besides ................. 211 vvf nd cpiijnnen� malking a. .there were total of .304 'Wo- d6fe ti 30111 Y ASSIZE GODEIH�H 9 ..and h e yburt % di Bedford" n as, held 11011116S for defen an, I d1+ _d A' ovAli prizo arrow was counsel 111of �plaizxt]M ve b,b�* -D he Winter A' IL af G9derIch 'EuesdY of Aast' J M Best for. defendant EAit., 1, Th q0ric, or There Wr es tie'.tolgI6, ..E:i wek& Durnin V. Webster thr�,Jli criiiiihial �'d uonnee n four civil -V '"' d ith the'shippin ases 9 g o app es. , 'in the fall �f And the docket - a . i v. r e s- 1622. Abraham E. IlIqr� rew E astoin. and, -Delve, Affl.,apple pt) b6th of, Meter! e" indActe4- on. 6r`an ail�,,ged a-reement IN' CANADUN F TH GRFA 'g T A wel� . . THE' With, Roibait PRIZ r Was to: pure �ESL To 'PU LE T ARRANG. -HISrOkY-AND the t ial, of a'c FA RES T NX T fR 9 chal!jes of perjur. V.ebste' -St4fil6y. township' whtrti- r, of ase ED - again t Thornton �y the latte hase, ack. Baker, also, f X ny never.fn:your lifetime be ven. Another 0 Uzi, er -the, On- ild ship' gi BE, G, ''A Y d''i apples foij� him. He'allog-od you - iiiii .: .. . . "rio h On eftn"Chelp Mjoying i ru Your age, it you like to, solt! )"Zzlft, try yo uzzleo at All u In qur� Isuizie qathe- to Iapi you need I eripp. ra owe are 0 .1 Iebig r�, 'Ma lie hunt site -Reid * 'D ffer flig yo An nce� Act before gjs�. Adr.hought a� hipied ap In this: Piodtlire Ix in, eceiiiber,: last. )3oth plqs� of., inferior qualityll, ca ur hand at,- thls�. one... It. nix obstr*lng eye.. Leils. all,,. join wh. e Plain,' Wilt nii.'Atteolpt to dL*qlse. or hide thML 6allir Is slot. a Pugile tit all -11, &ud.lIaVe A'Jbll.' y kood thfie. lat, g In f The -cgs o, or. th" or An the obj&q$ in the blig,pieture''above- baie if UW�, and rgeli seridu� loss. . was Aeud ItAn along with one' Iand balpe, No matter signed a triel list awarded 'ii a: Wile nd.- Wile pet oil r -wj1q , Mr . r, and, oab.;how'many� -­R-�words,, 1!ou cab ti fi that' -avorowere if cM' matic' lw M at. f -6sent. J,Iiiear befoiv, Mr. Ons to, The MIL4. and Ein�l n You, have made tip yi), rl oil, March i9th, to, those Sendij W. the_ 150,Lbet "Svm3mw 3�&Ctapor4_ which of, OA le.. court.,His 110-11or observed I dismissed it; add -on aniAle. STAwhn AFrn y f I" __Vqttr e AY. AN D WI1V A - olleilie. () perjury iwaj be- I s ode, a pe 31. PRIZE it A;ovn called for )i e ei i e so kit, -that it s �y s but in­vhli�i olt th re.. ce r. penalties', a uAtic 0 ie presentatii: 1$ 0 eluding ti �izei , f t a dtioll 1 1. R�eter lie would in &his caiiie: dea . ..... RU Y, W1 I -�Jffenders He, costs er o.'t is r e, ny man, `wOrhAin or child 1�16 lit . es In .1 A Maw Pr t6 and In, not a. resident �of Torentio,'&.1% nd Who in no In the., sentenced both Easton and'Delve of rhe MAIt hfid. Empire. may nubmit' an es*er, 40 415 0. d0ft6d by; Tb4P- Mail and Fvnplre. . Innifig $200.00 or' - al whanbre in' forinei, Jklitur uzzle 6ainen: 66fee serve thiee -mij�tfili. in the cbrint�� j il 1�0 The, g&n,d- jury bought Ili :.''Ja9r. are ST R rl.Z..e not -hornzon' W . .. , elhable to particiva In thio-'"IskIt. a Alla S againgit "I List All answers lnngt be ulieiled N ',ALFi'11VA CAMPiG14 �truo To GOOD now.. Baker' for EAR Oti-bornation of �Jetjury.' His counsel,, A 406i'vel '0 and, addressed I 16 PUXW the Oil lRaNdesid ure Puzzle a. y atme it a dix, and RuJi'lillfo., T6ftJrfto.,: 'U. 116st'o� �Slaxlforch, preiented:, with, the old Fd!!t to the table isielowl... bovuhir* of. The, mail.. C; j�crelxke tfie Itoom. 201 I- Vairt a on Y to ing o t abol, be' *rItten'.on onIs the difeet that Ing tittite fridetigs in theii MAO not- have, and Em�ire. It t6stit, noth pike All' Hits 'Of h 'Id ., I . 01446 Of -the Paver only.and humb red donsocutiveii, 1, 1, . 'N�ore hold at '%4V-oids Ption to' will it If .3 IAgL aid 'all if Uward0d h Judges. y6jiL Will r Write YbUt ]b;�kek'wdSjjj ift bodand UziabjeLto at6' Seagiirth if :Pou4 *0Uld rft orite by tj st of Win $30 00 M h' 'd. Fordkca, n but rrht bond liotuen -and addrosa� you,'desite to tend court, alid Crowil -Attorney. Sea ib�uiry 0 if 0. ill i . .. :special o 111te t10 Wili More than,$8040 *e, arb use IV' einst 1kig the tt -Prl Per haVing 'ni'AdO inv9stigiat4on "and 3rd and',4th, -The attendance ranged 1� wt ;rWo eer whereby .-,ou d& Win greator ca�h.. Ofilk-blilleh- *ords- that al -o nouilml. ex I . se *.Wag id ihid a; Y. subscriptions 'to 7,116 1�endixxg, Ill 0,LvE ng as. tLi L ) ' Pear vowaid- ffilli - We from to -'onef -hundri$"d' RJ�E Ye Jou A eThe houhs'niuAt be h the June iiessiono"bi the'peacV, e namern of obl'oocth 000� Iii CoUzip " ' 1 u'ro. Cou ture, Do Sot use obsoletooR,ords, ..hay v biota' '13d not ui6t bwona(ed 'The Crow he court ge Do, not UP19 buffiPOurld -words or* woedmi 10fillGE b tPrieto tho'coinbinatlicri of t*d cr�rrjora completli*, p,firlip, wo.", e objffet. n :.And.the far 110 611 of -which in Itself thol neinle, of an iof% kor. in. 1905i a e As ainindol that. It 1.0 'th W -ho wa�.. As' 11A 11111411 'b6t Oddui Again,- AthLI'VIffle 8.00 150.00 used, the nall, 'Lit rAnTlot Ve Had vice eres.. ee Bib 16000 e torhey Seager, ndi n for the. large simQunt t0uhtdd find Oth i 14.ff e W vof 'hay, left ijv(�f from :1924; 'there 711h .12,00 dah be, though. n'be articid tirl 4, ardM natnOd' 4n,4r -fitice. al VL was %V,01 Bib Vilied. 10.0$ fo 06 'zibt at ill at rciulting,fiom'a, k0th lorlse", 0 E to 'the ivinmixg part bf an.: ledt lit tfhe Mail edt. present, 3. r, Is 00, 'go. '140ilon _to named. And' 1111,2111*41tt haViviii, the e$sdi 36111" Buchanali -of the mP re At $11op Pell Year by It, lias bi*n geoohd Prize, $800.(10 rect list Of ilables of collisioTi '.ofi the ffilrozi 'road just. east I ith tb Stith I.. The Pri", InaL to" "ilrd $gS0.0t),, C in on on, line O.A. kith to'Nib OrL figure6 in of "I" J 20th 1925. The the lne�tingg seooftil,col nim, Visible, obj,etto i ' letter allit Inc 4,06 740 _1xi000,,00 lits"d o' fewelit number f irrbri.wu.) be, Mc at.WinghLI)i PL "no torwAllat hoSin W in tilp p1c tile )�%#t Pr James E bil4 cnd his AL*CarrollJIJ slot to lilloth $86-00 Will he tirA(L VlreL �vho live, oij ii d'o. f,the _0V %�J e t e. ),e Huron roa prize lui%� S4 first I)rIWL if -T "Watod0d to the �aufi Ji� The 111211110 selson ivill bi decidid mid, -owardect 0� a age "in, were 61 along. the. he MAU And log i3odu h"Ll1witillff )JAL" III-) b-ar. Agriquitibral' Representative 'Bral.;ehL allsi to 24.00. to T (neW'or,r`z1%0 -rear . I). ut*exiptiong Prize inci. pire, a, , * sent . in; geaRtiol. P4xte, *Go0.6dj,:�jjVI,ij hi.thwaY 1with',a; aild bu the. 'Ssaforth - meeting.' ,taeg $r'60,06,L e 99Y 0 gave an ou Ina of the flopes. lit Ivih tl* an as loerge, East#. theem� Ii the ent Puzzte, but only one O'oporlk'te' In ,. 1. �01 �V 411 ,(or oruo %vilT bilo f (till Oman" prig ot ie, t ta bnOie household. n%%FtHoci to orizes, be affAlfa and -opened it discUb %b 111141 log: on 'of Any tWo Mn, n wil o a in oil gara co --rhet them, to 0 il $21J000,00tInstand of� $36. 0 t ji" �W­ � the Why, and How,- of jt,� tint ilIriz6i 0 or more haveJ. ar W ]c a, os working, together, nP 0"' TWO or reneirsill). the b# Those wee tingi, Were th Mail abd::tmpIre�Oj fl#' fty, finy PH testing iftei sonic 46pairs. .'As I canipaig Third IPA*, fall aniount of slirzee,L *Jil be a ary round n it Codfttyi (Sed fourtIA dolumixx of $1,400,- 1 . =0 I.t bending,ovf *ido' ps cipaist, waod Il. tied or .'hdjuit-, boin jiti g th 1111 VA -12 ed S �b Ud that's not, not .. notice 'the- pt ft ad a.6 Will` into A l4rhe manner,- it you dift' jilt, Pffieli fh'the Of- 16,0P Pei Yoanrew and renetil)., t)i&ykbfr buggy atiol ran i .,them, Pattinefit Of Agricultute �Othrg will, -by mail or 46A0 deli�'ervd 4s 49 .'out 'and re 00 or N6 w, be rraigid ad the ileiWozi, fourth .-Oyfig4i Y�ftbxofo or)s scry one or dpll*#Lfl�)� the city- of, Tbrbnto, wfild ll reb'o to and,, -opp 4iis:wero -fer he You will F6061YO $660, AY TA WC ad' 1,fq6t'h -66fi` rig 1�ver rerardless Of WIlLeth I .6iganizatidnit' jttb 6o.looerat The ril)ti6rin 'Wins' $18 or or n*:4 sub,n�rlpqon to !r ing, q. 0 onywh 00 and zmplro ls;vent in, R Redf6M, of Godotichi lwat the niake. tho, er4 Your, Will M. Tbrfm ilidti'dii " i,& L, , I . tubiJ16f1f;t'J(1jIN' in I - 'MIP 'CilwAx per dite, VVI'Jtd 'oil- 't 'h at nittion tvith Tile Mal;,r rfJ(I­ f"" e yen* t and I in I y : ieftdinir Ili th.1i .0 by C 6 In il*. 0 D oiloo, oft,thit; Was'' 00 a make It 1111-halfforK to the fok, dAmagAL fit Abe 1fift6i 4i Anity a the The Itidijbi wil them: and 9q, #No 9WIS 1`16N8 Wit' I wfol, , ill and s, I nnoullo of the slid ebritet i int of x,otds A LON00 published, In ibe . 11 and, )"mylite 01, UL,C THAN Tt 9 EARS IN ADFAN old 2210116Y *111 be mailed t o h l0th., end V th in., -0 ,U-0--04 p on W6111 And 0*11 DO il, UZZLC, MAN.Adg# 20 AIL .114 TO CANA DA PRO I . 4- ...... ...... ...... ...... -Ae