The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-02-11, Page 2�77 W-7 , 7, 'L� 1, d -7777,77-" % h ­ 1W 0. froWfM k ni BOW. VA C ali out! ---- ri 04 ir us[. m Now bq And be Sh pg��qf-All, Kinds Ca N.' ear too I And, ar, you re Aullf. -k to him 3 T no shall 4L kfoft� Ilipy A s hl �'We, "'I., 41 the Persian. q or; the; On WbPA PaiiSvogera- on 4 IWO' r sball never O*r ""a 0" Ake! lo baj=,6r handed ACQUIVI-eto 444 -a orl ttyp sitatertior.140, over :00r, on th.e* SP4worthfiIeE(q_ot �011 'the ;othor, bank the bank on. I' an Atlan Al�tuft 'T fl.lq, qpnadia 1) n tbe. present WM41ng which.thO-housestinds, '.'You n waR ningle b or h Av or of," at t C, p, la A C Keith OQ;leral, A have' n ger 4 -first, ]NTr sulds 4 . they realize that' be tn f The Royal Dang _44al rnqotlnf�,� In pdrt.:, grOuli 3ye1j, do 9 cross ke Nef.jj Un and. it is more uVe 0 Ardad! ronig lots U40or '16 5 mad, t gu r that, litic jlj3len and, mathemati,. *14tt0n,', the ii-i'lliber of. bcrnk,3' I o tallttj th tea Qne� a those r.q u"Thr6hgh AmAk than �'old, seen,-- I. clan n7,— hoto may--.1lay e t Cpnadf ligato, months b i� it 9, b it 11 t, un - never been . Wit agai: er AftV0 ters,,o'd: 400r,shuttei;i; who have' efo 041 imllw t P,gitaen tph ire 0i DA: much a .... 4st69 ih. Or�Ait otitAill, wIl '0 the grettit bulk of 'jj­,b4hkl,4 0r.'ex'acay. sijilil y ar qOndI;Io`PS?; ot ll� V�LJV­�rt 1tji,,e. hande of, �flve. large, bli nko. Fo not -�on ji, 'Were sin 4wo Z04 the�ak It It 11 , Modern V Vr %AV" ��e , �Qen- ex ly on, p.api TQrrDI0- I mysd',f Of b4plifitg- Power in the hands or ',. QrU aye bee c ACIellee nearly, killed Ahdre_ If 44 JIal%dey of, Wrilpetftlo Teg -the mon- to I!, t 111:1 J sOr bad: not me 1, n or X.1 eg' Ot iiiierests,:. T' lidookiliz.vil.nie in ti fA.S.q It 'JIng,.j regard.tq' Pot1tiomrseeins tq haV67)r ;.,Itb riceptlo 0111, W �1 a -it f4i or SJJ�ty eet never g4.n-4r n In . I �s , -L11, One piece, of.gdvic,&P Sir, (441 lier th.44 , , _ aA. Ulis.� of,what nlay,bitt Pof� And, Above all, t develpPirien rop. n ,O�jle effile to rql- call say t-bat'016 Q6114,etftN., 'b YL�p !!I the tit tA jep lyp6n 1�4fl: It _t� to,'d �e yOV' hear the, y6i� banks lo l05d­se*_,r'b.� thgp It has "stOrm,".. of; 14 the e �e , singifig.. p been - P*1110e sfich 14j*, I S�ut We b a th q and,'. fhat is, a a �S. L 44 esired. d Pas elle*o that ,the cont " ' I I L !Ali left]116 water; the siren'p I tensit", q.� 0%, P.roport]04"Of..� the 4�vfqgs � &Irgc�od Tal Oa�e,� ina I ny In d na Abrougll ax gmatlon fV6I7 for. j�sal'�kC6 and In P.eiseg -qn! tQ 'a bv� In -tho Tank.�- 4 'VU tiik4 Raoul .1b I . in. dani 13koW ly, khoWn as r pe lv!e litivil, been Al. Md.- 'But1theii, wh' we hero I at aro! voice I"' t", I pii jar impAtibrice. nd',rake.. I �Httrntlton!.s -'rAr"d. Old,`Mario" Yvels, of -'the' !'If- you�,caii 4o 0 olle of the, rrk, r9lld' Natl&h;41, Tu'lik 'at �'the least' jet 4no, Christk*ne,�,At , Afel M00114 Y'� at; thip", age of nirigIti-pipe. The -1helIts "of' biltin,01J, bahking! lir,' a for OMPare 'W Ith. ,I sylsitern of�unit,�' Alhq.��r " - die" 7- f6i%eirlll, ' . ' 114flon'gl 'by leal' 4a oratoy to' ca, In thb y6ti n.g G� Prpwl . -, t�.1;1 tilo U111,04d:'StfUes: to4day:,, an oj)pQaen, Abbi tri �ii, sii� IA- rtk� a r or9pearr mama nkJng- bu4 go 1. LEROUX, gar for the Can, a 'ej liqllg hay.e`ot7reqsb4 h -.4van0ge to local Interes; of hav- .1t,4S th0q,that I d N a dieir,"ba' 'a Et I I � I, I L, , nany nd claimed 1w, q. Ships 13y P cibc AAllwayi,'-waks unable to . lnjes;s., in the hands of. 10(f4j" lm;filuti6n�., I�Ilicb hre -OUgll. Qt branch V YNNive 4061 ion I'�`onie metkils. of atte savi' fu as, be *a$, to, bq'.tn6re Alit exper ence niattely, In to l,'.W weatheri s "GAha aj b - 6*evee t Cbilitino; Daae, bpilev e;, qQn which .,.JZ o�rn��d. --jrbr' dtiv,cpa Mbfis at'did P6fhtj. ho,Argilruoilis in favor of'br li,�.s a'wa. qrWayL iv;. with h S 10 �01.6, are, in a.ncfi 'bankink"* 6'entei, the, lou'se: a I6rceiv6d b -the 0460 feet'. in length" V I.. My OP1411011k, 111111,04sizi, V e CITAPTE lip in to g ll'tha X in. sight t ariyaling., ch call be fi�dt: In br�adlli, a whole country 'th ev'Woliment of nevi distfitts'. 11 2 flor 04id on the -'otber,''Olde., 1`6140.'I'd this. an.d 4dep. I TLh6 �cel&rs of y e, not PlPf the - Opera, A eyes, of-- ti ronalpently -66na e necesisark. 6ndLq,lI8.V --'b re ono.r-, Only two pell W "And is- there any-��qpe fl�t 'Adarn Brown vas p"' Pn the, scale 'o SU PPIIO� from' -old er-disotrlets;-, and- lPodo,- -4teramerS_UiSed. pattng�, f ne'eted . wl the' m64S d thqy A S -th - vai.lopi, railway 'enter-" Nr t re Ve in numbei,,., L Yes, head of -:fire, e'406. fowara OUJ� f oi , low d 'w b6s.- As, pres qurron� In. the tbis� e an on :Pr 'of the, rtfieW U Th' 1 11 1 .4 1 ­ e ago ra tjjOS Ra them, "All, lf-I'h�d the Same rd,,4,j1ve SiiIe Atd. Stat6s,at - purpose -isr etililva d' 6th�-rlo, I L bl. L. Pe Id wt�jo open' _d the�Persiari at im man's' heii t,' but wj� not. that Ito erhed -whafhe� ji�� 0 banl I . tL .4L ng,, of tb 0- Slib" iiiijtI6 mpa 'I - had 4�6g, Iiioreoer' botaffid, g ad'hav, 'with bodY" a td" not . ave come to fetch you I and 'Ift Rallw a'y '446 of fi 0 The f p a are.niad Le 4o" ace,, v In. paka.", L ly arrived lln an Yai,Y In length ro f., th rytllln. d f Th6y -went d I ' bene4 hugei cjll�xs. perlods,",91 a like aP Of. PMPft persPediiv.6 durl ''b 'Diiii re, looked in the� darkh", her1h-4`66 I "N . R roo.n. , in -t at �J bel,Pe& Xhve -the' way'-fbi ibe 91 IfIst of banks i0ifch have 1W'led, nary labyr they, gradua entry 'Olt w ped as. aph own to L S am be' ow . the. t C4ad]An Viicific. 'Railway. evo suaes I of 6 time L L4 me erg le 1rhjy Into Industry; the i , p or one* the thitd - pWlar,-' and their 'Progress, !1'T0h, I? said 'the Persian, betw sta6. must at' thhr. L have Onta -if Qcal ban4 lia& 11 thit W11.4te the, tank- and'*'the macAlnory to W1,64 ­ 9 6ne i -hav ''ji was 9till lit by,s6 h a In'say 6: no eel, 'i Its Td6litmal ind Ottawa i'ogg re! f th� con , o befbL'S! t 'th iei-y flott �hat, lla:j'Wi 'Orfi,,ban- tr Iling it line. The Northern 4ril-Pacilic' i On fif W lived'by"m' h ,hlj ht be deac�jbd� 9 .1t.ba 'the oas WQ c In the,dx- really a Ighly; . """be ha seen it I what cOTLrtact1n linl If elowor t, �h I . O:Y great.depth, when ' . - , .. 1, On 4-'haVi bee'j 016ij short: of Th he me islt*rit Pampin wai not di teeth. I haveritevdfIl, sb Qm 0 4,At4nextr.em' 4tuatl y weht� t & bior'e fter'all- an' Wit ih CAUtion&--tbe,,,Persian Sent d pre reftleniber.that the earili-w Was Raoul to, can' that Q to take'. -telid10% Mr.: Brown In 1896 wa' finAa al jUstItUtfoll as fis� lhelP. Ht,.W out at'fifty r that IiA fialitie, be)� It h feet b6low� tfie, wa turninj is not 6;. but be a �One OYALl Nink 'of. Canada bullde,s- hip-. "R I t of.. Of those ".Vlhb travelled q0trering ".the' e. f y c over b he was are I' MUSt W�r-e olv�, may lay, Under the whOle 'on the flrst Wli6le Count Th lsav6rd thousanda 0 have sent'itt a of. :Oveky pait Or: 129 is arm, properl�,: thr, erest'lill "d 8 OWIV ari& to the Canad-a We hu've res:P6 't I a mathematicians h' . 19, him how he himseffea Take -care 1 1 yo h, -atthe P brugh trhin. of the, rried ur And and . I I . nsibil-ilties t's' hai level of yo -.-Persia no L �Ojl Y tq our working SI, 0 by' idWit engll The' A *p ra a. egrp� w" d' -,a$ it' hhM d yr: eyes, in Heavbrtlir * rtition-' -Coast- pe We fully re i;e, to the:*'Vuollc 74 am A n. touched -a ls,-,-buk 6f later'eat, jie�dS6 'it. t6 ys rea y to 'fire, I f wall a' d Of C4na.dth, 44,10 at the leve n S The -Infor'niatlon requird by 'coltzi, ry'tbat,:we sliail ;4 9 e though .o your eyes. ''I kn th4t�we contribiff,4 'ecbnc;l ibibinent','Of the was, in. isL Poe 'If lAin not raistall:4, t the ext&L y �10UCJ y0i'doL tricks* IS'Lg. W t ea Coile, most of his b one tAt might HeWlIflij. on Y) inide. them , * -easily beo to the b of, a erq or�,IlOeedVeL the-conil e t,th.6 bile' us run IS ta�k Stair to. c arry gilt the]V. I nvestf. SQUI* $I diver s cap be SHPIA14d'by. your Weak, t cation -de eyes on the And desolatePAtlaild of, lfid�fhrl . a Y, S op� a:,above shouted sa ei..' .,.Hand at the orithi'Iakell, aMementos f WO bitter ehd t one h ilk. "All'tbe door-;$ u ral on, tho Alike! el', of s4 ough. the en- tto sian"i ';iA'ro'rd` The commissar -of Raoul fluno country; i 991"0118 'to the arious 'paTts. of -Ouj.. lligq�r in. the,- 'i -k ettillesk Stage$, Of.. Police �warlts do' a Hel�lla.'4`tand. linelitinIg, wi.th'dro,6p y .0 , q the eaqF But 'jn',the reinote, parts �aatfoh'd a L nd.Po fele to kiqall t grea est ined 'only lf.diii oI no It - 'Th 'P � .1 . . ly"L branches, f6 0 nIqd 61 Is, in ,or - - them. - ,in st r d. 'Raoul wel6ine onjf� ; 14 0 a d opened - 6 t eworld et the�lb,�Stlht�l f" Ah 011 wn the lQng'Pa fact that' lid can. aokl4v PM .6. th-e, his, w ik�ox A r dore sian an see which. reliev�d hiInit, Aft*r it, few. seemed, So n in on the. oor s jlte S Y, D�.14 4?f Canad4i ilp is ll net ent, isle- inin oi e the itire. Eilglish §bttld'r`on 'the water -line, "anti -shutters, d PD 6�66d ruu�fi­lwa, png the long thoso,'doOr esses, for so , f a po I 'Ifir of t nlike 'long' TilihUf6i," they stopi 1:' - t in 1799 an of to oil S, 0. t , 11 en c'0trQ0tlY 'bh1lat -he 6 iveniont a Upper ad to t I d witteriy by' -a. havin? L iothinj er� ian darkened, his. lhntd travelflIg P-Ift W -do -or now r 'ofrte Tnat6i rolls. Madd; he e en- rn thdre�. plant4d fj 'gaid-11116 Peisi is matle of ;c6n ras 09 m,a ti) h , M11-oftelt-W . - . . ve we4jilng *1141ows� I.P.N the tank 0 e,L,)p* Ora- fr-dr—A I d1o%N an. !"This sule has -no -L Lo6lk, bel W r-HrIgID.Wd, 'rd 11-10JJI-LUge ar '-dialt-and cliart. and 4pe pep, ness qir�,nec,qskn thi do rith hfin. Thi urt1W tomV. Of WiW pt the night. 'V 1 0 do' Napoleon. rds :of 364licli d ccurately, - S, til there' s,sAdo'doeii hand-Upl' 'An re I'M ead to the ake Three t es -6. W ya Qf'54- Or- , yar d.. t III,, tw 4nt- y* -Ave t _ncq_� (L nor to tb�.Ibotiso,j another way of g�jting -qh, SV t ie It -no e9 Aid led' -him +o'�Ilh .11114y their on -11I6 perhaps B Aatber�fh 2 nt% -at lif 61`08 ti;il Ordir. that we are.,, s __l..mre_an4 it of. Off rs, (I 9640-� up. Each never o me US r 'dq.,r' d' '�-ne;wcist-.q*nd'iiio.,t,--i,�.,.',4�giI 9t of tlibid� eadeSL h- 'i -t hls�busi _ They�-�ir6nt­U t r M PrOmigef er, oor-s 1ne's4 W ome�'d kle 01lfied"A"little lariil! �80 Saying, he turned d9,heh4-4nd;, step,,. peering into tfti�. fter"to did b'* boP ;every. T777� and'� Deforetho lal it eypri YL. S-1ps. Or theni-L I . : ! . ..Thus It,'is. P foi!4 the lta*ff. to. t6ro. and moved it abo0i, above; below 'R"ul'aIS6 Wined III ;he k' 0�sible, 'r -As:�tho;ljkh jookfhg.j��.4 in Saw td;'nd the ey .,game. to:& 'on: the ma.,jr. n ic All giound hord �Ianteil aga' cellar.' HeT6,th Persian m6tion4.d to , b" oliduct expe hiad'of fike'-beWnd 41 ONN riments With -a t'll 6:' to b of a� 10J0Q0_ten, d Rabuj�� to ot er sid'of hii td`0i,6 copy - a.ture Ing or gometiody their t da. It bad followed: them. rkthi or. th.6jr-,w. lineri istealliIi'jig, iit fW pe neps, an Me fare of 901 P d �A T UL terod-th ef's, L a�- n--. A id: Us iave xH4 1 t-' Uni'Jan b _T Qn1t,AnQw what they. a�e, Corn 0 iv�knots ill; liotlr. aps s dier-eare er wit e and encountering' 66kirig h .31 Ian they; -for �hand, forAh other -hand was Wr Wjpdr 111 6 a lidad tid' lind' wayea- th the.end wall. island 'who daily n of aijeh show, exact. on* getv kl Y' r th a for butAlley might e - hold -in 1 1, e.wit arer, 16 Ih the �Positiom -indicated-_ the 4 Btitish Verfinicht nihi f n Ind eft hand anie: line, Watered them, t pa rns.ua yvu. thrived in. Pen' to tt, What 'Would hap" to -the'Ll Jner in,, -Way' sir,rea y tolkirel Perceive a a -itairt Which they' At- the be�kan," , .: y, 44 Duillibii "i 4' A' 20c, fill. our arm noise of gainst this, Wil -I stood a (toin' more that's carded iftepo 'from tht--Rol d su'o L fit -16bld, fiOt guess theviiature Th 'Lah i win h . , Pen sea and ng.of, the P AS, a'. resu It for,. ea - number,- add d. seemed to ach your dye,' as, I ' I key Sam-, ID10446 thii scip t L !it, Ahes:6 t6S�ts,-;a',dbSIgite'V Uej,L p y noticed,thid 'the. somi TnM a to all on,. the. word to'fire f Y-yisitors. to St. n DePt., gue ik perfe,'d 0 P May'lind that It.;jS L!hot -reil your IE . . . - US thoq YL so Me, roorn: f4i e w6rld It "'desi d ..mpvo, and 16'00)roadh with tfie, &j WAS just r'. 1, . .. ' ' 'he h -fighting A And' tweerl-the-seene And thpt p liarts,of,th Ahough'you e was "et PI-ee., Be-'! Orlgjl"'-tre"� 1147e� No' k were Idea t di body pistol in'. y6ut gh thou.- for.a they hllj;d r. 6,, 73.'Webt KiIi.- lidde �St'.. Tiir4i3i Wlit. bY e along pocket, and$L' Of Dee onang, become. liturdY -dg��Plldant quet. a reni�ln, e,rs at'. L he ad van ta g6 Quick corn 'estionof Level . against a lillaekb6irdi the' n #h. I -DOGY which-. onefty-was' tienworihy, he ihoUght*. -do*nstaills. seraped'ing-th The body �Qf'josd OU that the hidf YS eill is tilat 'ad our IS! eifectly Un_ '-Tho, Peisian, krieeli W Qu -lite.. or death 1: endu p t II ending f havi -aft till Oise that 'it sometimes Ig, §.topp of ng t e rable o,:w a, v sse s trw,-Out at sea tp. know 14 qijalj� . ; ' L- h ve in araway oi, 'W- the 'fifth cellar. ','Oh; inside, tho, chalk to" h6sitdte, i4nd. looked sit T, f P Idke,] thl&L' le 'life H wa,­thode 'stairs omomerit he ',They reac Made by a littlo -storie, turned "his ey iaI. n sland South' of V n Ong. Theyk, continued 'to' es u ward, toward the -latorld ave. t. WhAt,A..6il;.S1r,,whiIt it duel -111 that'grAtes on. th6blrd ao4l A S lids, 'a,- q 1pbuilder - call. iow ; thin he Once- in.the 4fth aeltar, the, retreat,, but th '-alf stands, I One . Of tesid'd before It.1s'-bulk PerSiah e Ony e th� . III - . I' ' , , . �, ce cam, secon serxt.� n ti 1110�§e Wee 0, P_ Pbaking technically, tile n 'gaining., faint glimiller of I an 0 d worn., U. wit, seemed. t cam 6 1 0 enio 4 on 'them. - Vh C6U1'jj a lant6rh, 'thi�qh. livat fA ter.L se * f see eattires I -a h eqlii�ped for lid".1' a.MV O;ff, Wit the A III& biieezb t "alearly now.., -This 'I J1 ltolit .'Of' the rultis f'tbib old qe,,, rise o qeduritl dyed W1161i tbey�llot -s ep- taiffig'-L The eyes a ranny. be two bo4i fb .#ther grea' -pe the"nose -i little crooked/ a: M :to trdub!o*,.tbe­,Per so Off to Jol e, merrk.dalloing,':; a r slilp-SI14.1) e1ad.displi .were rohfid,and d I di.' d in the tb�rd- but he. never e -ouse. f6 ad, 'th.e-attitdde Zf-91sL 'L a] harge th� a b e -the treeks. OP111 e o-effictent Is willow"'. a&d. jg(gt�dn Led OtVV terdd the th�l Sian and rp f']JA V-66,like the�ey he tossed his head ab'd,mde ut� the. n, eff-bir Ps, nose.and lipt . -1 ne- moon'. when - the' moo �Fup- 1. in g f.r. -116-M 1av8­_ 'ship 5 the -,Raoul -to 'stay. n.is--quitei IrY a ver.siPs�of de,. re.$ Stance. of er W di that.. r4( Vr Jrj red b It 1 . twee th'6 &A, piece -'ailA 66-scelle frohl, I'' hydr-o laii�s and. rig: red. I . . : P Lahokey with-,Raou1:,el6se' Planes., 0 MO;on minage 9nd of, Hitinian and ihorlt,re�urned ro, a .9s, :at nie a op&� 3.0ft 9 a ',Who au, the iad upon lus: h4e' is.;, With'- his' 'he - ew step§ the 'Rd! 'de 6,'6 was, ei ran' uip, 0 of.:- the' staircase. which they .'to C t: Just 0 ugb the dill,kni e:ide'th' t , L 0, on, Su Ing U OW e ikb f, w no Ild A Rh h Vily s isern to, nf.d� wall. ellsura- gre4t6r Ra uom'v IPro, a a soon have seen the 'an' 0 a6t like big, 114 , L' _!-U�F him beat- e�a 'We hi n,tly,? And hqw. dfd.� it, go:.1 upon So fa$ti, SOL" Pr4 he. wtil. `06 Voylllg -em n going their r6undi ng,eyeS L Ghtittine's., P. the fi 0. ov& and 110 to e men -with their lAnterh-.: It: is" st4ri ? Arid.*hit was �,Ssbd against. t bIth t lie" 1 the light number or' ev d of hildre thbs stialght Ahead - with' such a. he ba4 shlVer or win Propellers, 0 two, men .,waited..- fi orre.a ls.� h - stoh�'gaVe way, 47, llg,, grating! .1 1 . .h� T Ithat sciatelii � old in 'At'l t . W, ,r, _S Onge Faim. aan -n'tobk his pis- us, be equ IT ed: in. ersra P tafik- cim trig Song e used for tea - se ve 11119s, are theirs 0' C'OS' T U , JS Ca 01-frolft his pq�ket and in, Finger'lightly g ant. trees: snAnd RaoW� could re� 'Then the P ve minutes .s6UndAVhI6h it brOughi wit That the -Wlndo�'�Vre�itth find all ersiAri tOok Ragul'I - The Ji it? 'timb th AVII 'prdi up the, st' i',, , but. Suddertl�y he ' , Tba'lfttl� f'' stopped him With -ji , treat nb'-'fhrther And #-Att66d-t ---r gastre. Sorna--. hem -,f gn to them ng. t th j'L­ L I( other. 'a SS: of shIPS Or y'd i'l. Ous tyllet" hensible' head ..of -fi IS ne in incolilpT . t, L sweetmeals, The,. Spanish Ctiiia� dt D& W tiY still- Ohl hi's kh6l�s ie'l was:901rig , o happen bea4: se,of An� r6t;16 to s eitabAng. the arkness 'foi6 t f iugar Raoul' to do as -he; did. Alt, th en 147 1 thing d g -,_against, .14 "cocked'the �PiART BOLER also b It ppson,' lifid Qxperts to, stioni It a swe d' C re ? wiggled th rough 'the' fible 1 title question:. built tbe'.` t;6, Persian an rioW because of th tThe two, rnii�' l' h Uto,.p�ss first L 0 in th& frock'picijilred he then 9,, lying,.. hum e I :Raciol,.-who bad WIS 'el lVyL flat on'the If had :to be Piontinit -to- follow* aThshi6ns Ili ider- Possible; f6r,4ustance if 'tir 00r, er6iA�V!'�soibid, for th-6 sound. *as FLI�,,;��c'd wil 6 gfi III %Yherl -it is Singing. e Pe sailing 't, jus -a-soundi. that'-fiioved in,'iffe #rSian stopped,Aliholt r 4, � . 9 . Pitia itle 'of. Xejsont� he 'w t IS (Ily 61161ce bodiee'y an'd"nitirrow 6ri"Id- ri'lakt-S -a- III you hear we're"degired to- 4206mr ccr- :Il6le 14 i,iv ia ? ting fr y ll, a carrying'. 'no i Ig4h ade up of,.hundred.9"o gig Voky 'nal, -ow.. thk4L-A It They were only'Just In ne.' A sliado taiiily:m Ire rt " I ellep t this , tilw f little p -The -nd nr nesg, Open$; UPA,th`ees. -extl� a when -it er the fiery Uce.. h ILN)se of Apassed �Urld h4aid' him fe6liqk.OL6�'Atones,-ar ' 1 . shade in, the Shade da k Raoill � finish fo tile ouhd, a a , - Mv t for one - 0 h'rip ross :Ithe inay. It nSbIP, to th in, 'he P,nquth to towh ar ar And the �Aerj.':faca n Then the Persian tdok. - hi§:,.,But all the Cbi. se t em. - ca dairk" Ililitel-, hty back. is in"on6 pieci4y 'It I'Vllr s4fcb� t eill through, and p.,ag T tticlks "it ild era. kai:e inakIn the War me 0 6tit front Only. T other- Of boat. h th f 1 ea ari� hai -two,wi( her . 'of ul�o4oyem. For -th - them V ie 1� . ve The fti*n(]:Is liglitly bartb I I �; ts -cloak 6xAmined* Aofilet g band -him j�lyd red'. use nf 7fh� MITT Can calling_ V alThe. fro'nt� They are thils'-slivCd-thousands of 401 - %to aS a,;; bag louded it sYe prou d Wictheir wAll, 4hei -of the' .4 aT. 'It - agMnsi I Radial hilli ity� in a, yo e. ts ye re . no : �t I 'A I litor hips have dIsccoverfng :faults before now knew *hat� etusa",:WL' hot, t makin a iiblse; taLk ''0 lom XA. w r4h.) a -been as, boots y . .. .... ......... liey ca,me the,bDdiol'. :The bo -o ma be oftlittllIA troll, fell they, e' -yards the Wirt 4nd head, to ZOM stand on' end -with Yo 11 have'to (46ji a af0Ot-" �filead it had 4 obtf1elt hat, your lit lint on.e,�%Illg k t .1 a ted. d meant. T' "Pt n hand0d'11 G Intiuniersible _fA n d _ list -tife' b tWood. Th 616d �against'�thb W911s'aiid, om�, wh SJIOIS� 11 -light a of ope a.- Waite of an'. Goe Tr standing tree'le, Th ble�s lit, ng- a kick into' A cornez. that rugh. 6ver, 'the W`kVes' H-cra*;6d fartbel" by E tha� goo be., 01, a by That D 9'giv- i little h6ri J . time ed: wave.,; t 1) 1: rord', d ifi iow 6.11 said foaming, t�,e b6l�, -o With d a, narrow e fiery'llead I un ad material tur4p ha under the Mo6n,' dider th' d ilid hat, sbaa� ks�id-: , . . 'I . 'L,, idn' S'p6afal aCt (Jr. _4� right it And 'the'little a iofiltjoll . ...... anz rahkii%, the4ollir and cuft 611t. not 86 rlows 'me' that,vas'ilik- a moon, 40— fepPjfiq� OnSI ruct 13 Ill waveg- 'pMe (To be co, t` 19 'a n'd 2 0 yea r's' 66iii"slib to',Q5 perk it h taken'me to 11 inued.) Sent6nee Sermotl�,, o*04 s, 6 bust). 'Sijo.la, b,eeh: *66tdd. p thir legs� irreiSitiblyi an� hdIt 1IM01141,1- tontr: of. tbeh;., - 8 1: V, yards d I10 lon, all "in, or O�, qis 'a q r ya s - of, � -inch WnWbnt. for: gooe."t nuch w6kse'tban hild rd 6.4 , me one I ers to do' S NArom afl( vi;ll 80 'of'h "Ff, me one 1lelonging, to th ebul ...'t � 1. 1 . L I clinibing u I their' legs 1 (3 4; 8 trid I)" 'AnY -gRt' s 1 .50 0�. R er� requir A Rao'u", 161ke " n"'Iny ivIl0e S broatI r9plied he p eon 'i wi'tbi t '.k-' hold "'th A ds a Ving any s gi o IVeF �Jlt eh- �-h er light fOl -PI flifirin. ttnd ��fll n or. WIIOJ�e ve;ry Ilk fit' SU -11o,n to ioolt Il' P611 Is G COS qtid claws'an' gli t site w whith, were -full o ace up toilt egs -If he dooi�), to push "a 1 -the eye., I I S. If I ji I'ftprf RADI Mt i;.their ll�an s ant dot 'A YUS hnd W.4 'are dead . 1I HER S if w4 do not k, iy_ + �f ready. to tat tt�j�lti,ih Thou.4�iich 'd Cbnidla'�n till ig-p our' bt�'& as II,aou I yet like the highot :- : ' i'� I thotilrh ab6ub .'to - Ai- n t I .. . I !..', '* . L aa, 'a t the nd you. f6s, in froritv, anipin 'I n. Bttt� t a. Vad of fire turned, t(1v 0 Peftian' had ProV0 It is" W, -public. Vant 1 lit -I)Q,, atij Vlcqor�, 91irejor ll� ails or 11vinifli wh�li, t. fantas- -to hei.r crieP,, and till I)i to, fi, 6ce.tan, apoko ie) to INv rot, h looy9 trt. 'aboll.t the lliejrd. thoy wail C to fl! set' 'I e.. M ji r it 8icqll,�t ling Offie, AT er Ote-vr to -D am the A E N TS'-,, VA N'T E' G L un, ilia " I' -WbOr� Clod'A onL Q do, don't'e` J, A,co va"I'la J,f) lilty !lot o'VA - - L... -,a me PaS.49 fill! W .10 get' -tiolibid of 01143, every And Ne'hOad �of, flre disp*P11.1ited. Of aspen-loo-kilig ovalijug", bii vanish -4 in-t t�'L tlley'!get L - d arktifl.qs, , Wit ilti no h:01n 'ally C-I)e r I1. ntnitirinL, nd tont o. It, lit' "N' is thd as It n byi. e4i , Th -C Of in JiJst'jI% rred. L. to he �J' 'ch th4 P The e , wh.. of the chank '[flat. is jlls�t result' Kee ' ih& ns, h, '1' ILtd,f :'A'J,k�lat �b' L 6 R1 NO' :a Ile, 1-rT 114 4 'the 't'ing '01den Iton. nk!o. 1'19 I for III(Ir 1,4, of U C'Ej to)lt, of hi JpPa* ORONTO 9, lo, tit'r _t'to Rard obd lei rainy thly. la�6,rn oil, hitlls;�lf, lightf 86i.N%`.0AIJ(j be 111(o rrii,6, ;ju1t)nlj)bf1( IT th a A t N head, no rl�!Ilt t I w, to hli.qte 11110, (fist �olnL bi� ilt , X thf,"(1ii let, ill f -one 6 it 'L 'f;; b� � to *If C4tXL o Id. , EPAIR.S't� rk p, tit of mrt: PIfli t JI'd 'of Pit be juhiged, itl6ig, ilragging with" d' (taftlersL JI r2 L --, L i'M i ry - 11, ai, the tHow, , . � J 00M,111 'Ji -4�,� %-.,'.'..i f battiiil Pread Book (in Grain Cfdfinit, f il,l) t that llhat: ath YOU filtgla.l Igo lih� Ptly C to A f 'e—, 26 n, -phi re, t oj�. there s A�