HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-28, Page 7the Peer. Poet • Mr. Alfred Noyes, IOW stiirtted yeree has delighted. Million*.af people the world aver,. loves. to tell! the story of:bow, a certain aqua& Weatall Mar- ried to a Peet! scored O_Yet Pel?”aher• who la not noted for liberality in deal, ' With tbs.. writers whose books he Publistes. ° • • . dIfnit, AWfill to tte 14Xited '• Peet?".' he °eked her banteringly, :aft has its diaadVantagee, °Anita" Promptly ranged the lady,. lehat there is, 4,411 eYelatat, Otte.eolePenaitting ad- • vantage,. 'Nebedy. can Obese hus- Wald of being., 1.14. Preliteerk,•.01•Ba "pub7 ta.betoei to-that.t' . •• • . " "And adds Noyes, .thoUghtlial. • %, tat 'clattbe.abe..aatts „Nowadays -there IS Mem tr0h. ever in the. old saying—poets are m not taidi" 7 • . • • , Red Al! Through. The one-time Headinaktar of Eton, Dia: Edward •Lyitletala; Whose • eollea- lion of •geboolbea liewiers", fe Prob- ably uarivalled, says that the tWa. inain tests of :the quality howlers are, firstly; that they should be gene- • ine,. Bodondly,. :that the . liutnor • should be artconicione. , '' • , Very few are pet•fect, judged by this • standard, but the following Is a 004, , exaniPle•:' . ,• . , : • • • .At an elementary' wheel an examiner -' followed up pievialue remarks, • to a 'alias' of boys; by gutting the -question: ''What tel.. the '411,1ted;"gotite'l" . u:/k, bteti..6ot, was the pi.empt reply 'from one bey. ; 00!. P'es attelegt eity--Of : the eultans; t3r. t qr the ,P.29S't kgrl Oltintliat44t Merocco andaia all lifartla Atilt*. There 18 ;relit Aleal. (.g Weehh $.1a Fir4 lout the: palaces of laziena, trinosgitea a•ad: buildInge• with. their lasegke aarahig ead Wered tYpario.f4t with Is to Till.. Her -7411f,n-i. Sisters How be • — ..04tO1401.• • , '!"7:40 duty of; Otte weautn-to,another is t� tell. her. But ilte wrong -4.4viee is wc"Tae than 4tirlge "That:" says Mrs.. PlOrenee 311 Royal 'Apts.., Norrtc4 Street, Hain - Moe, QUL, why I feelait.e0 dutY to give wentea,a, infermatioa -Pee- c•erning •Pink ter Pale People, In the .first place 1.1144Y. erfy. that I am e graduate narse -eftpne of our. Iienruto'n. Bowels nurses, heving-had a, Uuniber of years' ex' perience in naming. ttervoue .and Other aaaeeata wentena ' • . • .. • l'Aia_t•atlate that the three. YORTA, 'haVe, .,134.b.t been.. footing' as alteeldaleratIte ,Para. of, our phY4ioien... • ReJnforn- 0194, unid•tiet troP,rove',0tii. took :Opiate. eliie4tik• .• saiinPteMs- , Were th t I Was tiredout-easiba short •Of breath,. ..On.goiag. Upstairs` .1, -;hati. a •ratad. hoatt'aetton `gad .:n • ^Week feeling..• If 'T .entered a warta 'Warne hot nit& e;annuy, Black spots we,ula fipat before my, eyes, and I had abaft); pales In my head. • did' net sleep: well at night and:Weald , toss arotaid: in bed. My' annetite, was tickle an•d poor. • I triedaa number of niedi- 'eines that ,Were -advertised, with rie good results. a began ie feel despond- ent, When't,reet friends they Would •••.3113";', you • look. •terriblea' I lost. 111 weight and hi spirits... My husband 'balite home 'ene evening asking; as!'he ,uSeally did,, how a alai; feeling,. and .at rity enawer.said, Well,. try these,' and he. hended Me a box of Dr.' Willianie' Pink Pills, He 'try theta any- how. They *lair .help them and they 'surely gave ineagetek resuits: BY the thee 1 had taken four beam I Cen. honestly say I Peaklike a *differeat-person... I edetil ;hardly Ise it myself. people I Met Would ear; 'Why, you leek spleadid. • What have you been taking?' • ,aly reply' Would be that had been taking Di. Pink:FRIO, and their answer' ttstioihr they.ceataial/ 'Mae :helped you:' I nOwsteeti-Welrandeat wpl1. -The Yrimrs..71P1- .do wog* and feet:toned no:. •My color hie returned; and the 'Ogle .have given 'Me .new ,vitailty.. tun , deeply' thapitful that; huabaaa. brought me the first apfa...Dra . Pink i will gladly tell an/one. "whet theSe.'pilla did for Me, and you have full:: permissitni, to Publish! thita.etatea nieht in the hope that any experience . , Maylielp istanieone else.""'• • • If :yeti will send year name and 'ad- dress 'The. Medieine Co., a Brockville, Oat.; ‘, 'a. Attie book, aBuildiag• lip the 131 taaW .ed You, nettpaid.. beek con- tains .tnany: Metal hints. • ', ' YOU :•Can . get tlitaie.' pills *through' any Medieine 'dealer or • cents . a box fajta Tri•elIar. Med i ein Oat.. 2 The Enduring ,apirit. • , I have . not met the new Canon'. of WeOlaninster,..'. 'the Rev. •(:). 'a Weed. ward, - but ,1( atn. Sure I 'eliettld like . it 1 • .• This story of the days. When • be was. a :padre 'in 'Franc,a, whorl) 'he ;Was ;Wotinclei; has.; jut .0Omei to light et".Ivais •wiahmg along read when ,bewea. eaeataker, 'aeldieradth4eg aacait• full of .peovieloas.1. . • "*-o, thank •yettaa replied the padre; •• with a grateful; smile aaBat. ..itneaaatiow, when you Was a 'mimic) 18i3erMolidseyia •arged , f40an't help IV ••rePlied:: tae •- Padre, That horst he got • quite enough to uil Witheut 'me.71,* Alad_lietradged. ;on: •• man iose life is devoted to: re - keying the burdens of others, and whe wlfl not be a •burden himself, even to a hmehhi hoss.e; is a man Werth -know-. TaMpering. With Kipling. . , • . .• One of the happy events Of the past few weeks has been. ,the recovery Of Mr. •Radyetal KIplLng awhose sixtieth. birthday. fell •on Deer:abet- 30th from .• hie serious illeess. 'He now Byes a , somewhat retired life, but his books are ever/Where; ,and new waiters have not been ahleio push his Works aside. He • le still a tot* with ate public—as he , *wars also with his alters andapublishers. . • . ' I recall one example of that fovea); when a certain editor Of repute accept ed • KIPUPS'e-Perent "TomlinetraI"?' Tbe ppent7ias 'apprOvea editorial ob- ' jeetioas were raised to two of the • "a- gnesa One "was struck out, and the editor himself Suggested 'inaalterta-• tivo to the .011er, Idne Wu& •the proofs, were seat to the poet; he wrote against the substituted llueaThia' is, rotten,' And When he SMI.Ttle • to the litte that was deleted,* wrote: "I Will kill: you lf, yip: leave th1sout" •• ' .• ' a'as an ex:aleph) of author's cortec- tionea' this is tulfaileI maYadd that the Kipling method. was quite effee- tiVeaalibrarriginalayetsiuu Warallowed- .. 40 stand. . , Uncompanionecl. Tres,,sp, grgves, •• • • Kine :in droves, In a,:n sport the aottly heixIst ...'Wedgealke eteaye the air the birds,., •• TO: northern lakell tlY wind-borne. . . • , • dacha,' • alrearae the motaitain sheep n flecks, Men consert in camp,. and teams, ' *gat the Peet de/014,451bn" ' • —Emersoa, - • , „,•• • Oi4dtron , Grandma fatted . little Alice, : aged . , four, .antitaing .henielf one Stiaday af • tette/an by 'leaning her 'doll'a• eletlies • With her toy 'iron arid board, Aliee 1" 'oxalate:lea • .Girstatime, 'Don't •yoti•-ltnaw ft id 'Waring to., iron „ • 'oit the Sabbath?". • ataisfegaher brlght efe'S to Cl-ritittl-' taifaceh� red wIUi surprise • hi her vetee, ''Why',. • Orandian, don't you stIppeao Ilia good i<ard itnews thle little iron aren't libta', Dove -Cotes In engiand:'• hi England 18 the Midillo Agee tile right of erecting dove -cote.% or pigeon bouses, ' was btle of the priillegos at- • tached to manors and ea such was 4tgavoitely protected by law, Ingeot- land, by a statute still nominally ha • fords, no persen Is allowed to build a 4,adgoola house unites, fio owne land of. Of the "131g ,Boitilta"' type 4)1 gun, • •which was used to bombard' Pari in Ole 'Groat War, oven were Made, but Only Vireo Wera• actually fired. , ' Modern .Methods of Saving, ,Life • ,e).4• of the lest century pa:tatted:with vigor, In ale* York !IM • 4404n.cso.- Aar1 a• corm* ocinriat ..miipzka. chndroa. ,have 'been tested. Palle 'Wank, Ind their..deatelai,br ipTov- Thole who were apseetitthie to the dip, Jag that If •poisone. of dialatiteria„avere.• eaae,l1.14v.e h'eea MOO iteetalle. in the • tel•eciWI tuta in Melt last aeara alone the dea.St. rate '1,10.4. • the wou,I4 bee1111,1* Lari- frOM rilltablherla heed Peen, heA.T#11., prune from the dialettee. 't • England the death from dinh,. A' year, tater a solgotigilt 'PaPle•ct thetia. Is 0411 ,very htteb, buti'00 .tittf went 4 aerli fertber and treated reit •of fralhorta Brightonand Binning- PlAtt a'.§417,0 *bleb haai call test/ekt tree et_ Oharge. ltad bee,e, Trigi4e:imnione, • •• " .0thet' •P%Oeio wi41 fleaht, pileift1.3! rol", 1,uer Dr. -boreco, the eame:waY, Dairld hiel,tera. • •,«•; ..'„« « • . • Row; .40, the bleed •?or te,Sis vs In "The COpqmest otplieofloo," .At the beginning. el 1025:there.iaok At •la Palle itespitat. Pr: place ono, Of' tbo...iaot,t• .,raega ed the immuntabletal or "serdra" into lagalast .doata 'ever intone< , the littel patienti,,aUfferlagarroai Fratq the wireIgee. of Nome, a town' ;Sil-non ylatted"'Ilte, Aeapital the ..:wilds. e't arerth .Ametlea, there on the tolletving 4a)! .thei4tiettti`t.Slyere litasbed lierrlbie:Meea140.1 Tho towa hettet. INT.their;fliie4tIO114.• vi'es. stricken ..,Witbdipkt..14940,........:.-Pio• and-iitiN;Ire'l.lays-f7tirey-Weie-ecuirett.'77.7 "Send us '04#' 111.55.pitAl. one sufferer ' tW.O!'. FeNi.10041Y tiled •! difha ••!, But -theaaatItoxiaaatliat :the', fluid th.eria • -I..<ess. tban,"foat .montate after whielt• is injected -awes:. 600. miles Pr, iatretlatiata his'asyetean• , only ataity;, aaa„..tate: aaaaarai•Waa In ;Tile grip O • ne 'case infatir Oeved.fatal: Winteaaa r • , I..; * A dog -team.' teeltathe iarecioei field 'Then: . German licleatist annied to the: ilr.st stage, 'Whereat was • • ,• • Schick • invented a teat by. whielt•it,av.as an aeroplane -would' be" waiting, possible to tell whether a child was a gut an el$iiity-eille-an-liefur bllzzard suacePtible•'•th. or . • Was, blowing, ; and ilying was iMPetta ' .13011,ring determined ;to inake OW: " .• who were naturally susceptible 'to. the Although there were '02 degrees of !, • _ ; disease, hamune. Mixed. frost, a relief wain of deg& sot out. , of the poison with a little of the ha- . The driver miesed ,the team tat mune blood and inoculated 10,000 1.Should ha've•rdiered..hita•.alacl, he:brave-, alahlreft with Tvielve weeks aat,er, ly cledidetate go on atone.. In • the bliz- • Selifek'ff' test. ehowea that 8,0,90 ra.rd'he became f,arnest blind: But the Of these children. had'begoine dogs • pelted , him te. Noma and the la a year 'another .thousaad had be- . toWn. Was saved. • • .. • ' • . conte lumniune; and •after further inji§o, The ordinary time 'ealtee in ;goad gone the others follewed Suit. There weather for ,the joinatey'.1§ aim, days. were altsoletely Ha effeate, from the In the,liew•ling storrn the. man' tied his. tejeationei. '.•.' a'. a• ,". dog, Covemed-the diet/Ince' in --Ovel;-.- in -Aineitca, the •caraptaign, has been. • • • Does the WOrkini Min. in Ontario $uffer. Greatly from Sickneist . . . If you ever think about the working Man and the time he is away fronthis job what- do Yeti imagine is the chief cause? ACeldents? ' Well ace:ideate' Drank Her Htisband'i. Bones . The mord .trianseletint.had a .0e:tali:II origin. in ;the year . 35,2 B. C. •King 0Iausoleua waathe ruler Of•Caria...His wife was•not, only • very beautiftii. but she, was '.devoted 10 her husband. and 'When' he Aied. ber. grief was se. t: a t .thill., after h ie belly had been'hn rued to nshes 6110 collected the .nebee, Mixed them, with. Wine and, drank the „ whole :thing.- Site then'ereete'd such -a Won- derful inenument to his memory , that it became the •sevainth, a'Viender of the• world and, 011 account of the naine,....be, :Came: known as the Maltselettea • • • CarcassetaM Mutton' to the nuMber of .3,51)0;a00: can .be,stered in Leaden; •nowadays.. Forty yearsagO there wad 'accommodation. for only aboue500. . • ,Quairdcalendara,,..- . Tellieg: the **senain the oJdeil days was net Such an •un. 2'i:inlet:tie Pao- 'cedare. is, it. is te-day. We tick Off the days and -months . with •.a blae 'aencli; but the ancients'aised to calculate by 1 a -aa • • It le Said -that NOah used the • early: luta_M-Datitaia "only slightly:more. then one day's ab-, year thirty days to the aMnth,., and since kir path each . Workiag man . ear siakriesisl icii4.ests.aauseli each Meath thfeeweeks of ten daps.. 'Sticks., tied ',: In bundles , was the AU - more •absencer•Sht :4110re-7-than accidents aniong the •workers On variable . way of telling the day and of - a sett§On With the :greitter_aapartaottlie Slic.days• lierattiatagerayear, itsa the brifilattey of precioup• gems, The merite4-.places,..in the ooacro of tho. Oa are 'Whore ati4 *and rugs and jewels. ere :h0eght alai sold,: and the streets ataa narrew arta ,erowded* the - bOuaea, liigh on etteit We; naaltiaa tunnel of 'etiel shadows. Away from the busler quartere. the readsare 'Wider aadare tilladed 11th trellis_OP bare In liviete•r 14t eOrereti in tkeeuni,; met! andfall by tbe fruit 'anti toaftFt§e ' of grOPe vines°. • TT THOUSIN-DS 6F!1 OTHERS -USEltroarrvidiiii • • Ideal Remedy for azul i7Ou4g Canadian motbora are noted for the care they give their 'little:eeesa-thel health'• of; the baby Is most .jealously the lookout for a remedY whiali ef- 1 guarded._ and the mother. % always Oa fleient and at the einhe time kheoktea7 ,fseaufend SiTIch"a8arlieted°5't irtlebn8Y"s h0:58Wv•n4 •Tablets and many of them use nothing alas for thc,. ailments of their. -iittle ones. Among them le -los. Howard Kiig of. ,firure; saysiaaaI r ean strongly recommend Baba's Own Tablets to Mothers of young Children . aia 1 know of nothing' to 'equal' them . for *little ones." ' I 4" Baba's, Owri Tabletsare solid , by medicine deadeas oa by mail it 25 1 „ ceni,aa boa fawn The Pr. Whilains' Medicine co.,,Brciefoiiii,e; Ont. • , .• • •••• :Power •From Mountain Lake. A huge artlficfal lake Is )e 1) formed ,in: e Ozark 'mountains generate'. the 1.. t '• e 4 fa 15, to 30 drb s o,f Seigel's Syr p teltevonO r taesataiertn''',. att enearTy t once 'you have tried it. Any drogieore., avaear..A•:. • •Puzzles for the 'Party. beefaea la,,Tge. quantities? ' Q7—=Whatr'bititaalf*I. ehaaaater'Made ijjoidar, rds2..xiathea °wt. sit.zuowrost.,. ubbard, Ar,r.kauk. crvpir: , wan% C.A.T&T,404111. theA.p-vprisryuvLui! when dialsolvek ." ca;CO ••Q 'L.:What e • bettiveen a Pitt end, a oelmieta? • ' • A. -4A oat has'itkielaWe LTA:Pio:Mid:of Isified Adwos vertisement* • if paws , -"a camnia itd pausee.at'thie 9:77:-Ntrhat.ma4e the eaktree ,11wT' A—A corn can you earixeetly eat; „a I•nailL.11rherihie (Kien A. 143.1 a area. be4. Q.—Why 1/3 a nervous *Oman like a policeman? a • ' • • A.-7Betansta her nari.d' is filled. with apprehensions. .• ' ". Q.a--What lady ie • alaran Playing Woke ? •, ••• • • • • • , Q.-a.Whenbaye we. all for hands? A.-aVahett,' we double our..fists.a Q,—Why are horsee UnileeeselaY •in the late of Wight?' •, . • A.-Bee:auee* tbe, vialtore Prefer, CoWes to gYde. . • Q.—What isthe difference betWe a hungry man end- aglittion?‘ .A. --One lengsato eat, and the Other 4. —When he draws a consreyance Q..H:N.Vhigit.,are the two hotteit• -tete • the ealPhabet? . • • and elattee en. • • ' ancient" Worldr. and. even to -day come. the toil.whiciasickness takes :from the, Ant4ktin,ruditinis keep thr,a.:bun,we of indeStriaaponulatiOn Ottitie,•;Proyinea '' thirty etleke; 'n•itiling: out, one:stick for the Money 'gest of whieh is .paid tout of eaeh. day.: Thelasi..bandlie is repeated the orkere fetidly. odeketa beau, • • in saelt:"Iialf .Y'ear to level' things up,: •ACtualeXperienee has staawniaat 'One, and the Middle bundle:is split in two hall of Ontario's' ices under this head, to judge, the aaaraaaia of ,aaa<autataaa, 'ing ' is ,:needless 'and. absolutely , pre, or nild,Winter,,as the ease may be:, ientahle: ' - * , • in* the South.Sea Islanda the "moon ,• . • The. faotora and the heate• pan Altai** .< ._ stlek'. Is used to. deternitne the Sea - in .the Welk of iTchteing , this 'aielcnese, sena .'A•neteh.ii cut in the Stielt after 'bill: ', "coniroOn.... colds" . and ..."indiges-. each Paaaing amain: • . • • '.'.. .." :thin'? are reationsible for much 01'this *Far-4ff borne() ,,uilei• a , picturesque. • absence froin•, duty: and. ' eonsteitient. calendar 'consisting : of 'varlotis lengths' loss• of pay. Certain planta in the 'Pro- Of iattobed. polea.' The pyaks have a vine& have cut lost data •due teaslck, cus.totia• whereby they..tell the season aeaa, by aile4sati through health .super, by the length • of the sun's shadow. viSien. :The wife 'call held upher end ' Caa-endal• inalters tour' th.e• taut trY, In of . the 'good <work by providing in the a the •season of sowing .aud. Piot thee home meale:adiet that will give •Plenty ,Colored pelei on the varioue• farMs. By of tiourishinenta and .be proof against • a .system of Over enlealition they ad - indigestion. For the •Meala, 'which Jaaat these'. poleato a. certain,' length 'inlet be .talten :at the U.iint,., she May ;use a liniCh box and thertnea bettle to advantage,' In ' sending ' "appetising,. healthful •food, : ineludingleae. tt0t4181i: eottp,. stew, creamed' aeaetable;iaecoa, !The worker • is ,hii .pwn' best helper, 111 protecting Iiiniself agata§t coidsaa• not a. difficult matter if he (1)' Keens in .,•tiod beaitb•• • ". : (2) Eats ,"'w1se1y7but not too iyeki" and avehts, e9iistipatien. • • , (,). Keeps away from people: Who. have Olds., • • . (4). Gets 411ficient rest , end takes -daily exercise otadoora. •• At thle time of the year We oan as' • sure ',you, of a wonderful outing oh our' Special -Out) rfatt• round • trip ...ten.day tour, which leaves Toronto 'Linton Station the Orit Monday in each month, up until` :May. ' Each tour it perotinally 'coutiiioted f)y: • our Mr. 'Montgomery through the select districts • of the state centering On Cichment, "The ,Gem of the Hills;•• the Huntinian'a and ' Fitherman's Paradise. Our sixth tour loaves Toronto Union sta. tion Monday. 120 P.m., Feb. let.. The • total cost. Including everything 10, the • round trip, ' Is $135.0Q-,Tieltcts good to return; on ,any dat 00 to and Including . Jain' I dth next. Special Pulinan rosary. .ed • for doctors, and their ,tvivoc.For - , further_ information' phone41ewire At ,our expense,' or call Personally at ' . Montgomery & Co, • 41A King St, E. , • • . Toronto , ,• ,Ptiono. Adelaide 790. • ieinInot, Mr, , Bates, fluietted 4050A, TAYLOR; FORBES: TreePruners. IGUA9MITEill.1 every purpose in the orchard,outtieg 1lMba up. • te`if filches: Handles - 468,O atid 12 feet; •OtirdesorOetitteciroular'ierit (nyaddrem.• -0104,0ita ,coMPArtir. L1),11111b., (4, ITtlalkli ONT SWiss' Colonization in Canada. - The"5W18s 5 fleinetit Seitiet • whit% was formed ;ftir the purpose of estab- lighing Swiss, immigrant farm help In Canada as 'settler a on their tiWn ac-' count in settlententii congenial to ebadow, and tell. the native • fernier that he has .16 cut his Crep, when the: shadow reaches inather length', anarlt- ed..on' the ,grolinda InVeriablya Chia shadow: marking:: • proves , rentaaaema., acearate and .s.ueeeSsfill,: and at •:the diteahne the. calendar Makermakes another tour of ,the fainisato I receive his payineat apart of theareaa• .Soine •Egyntelogists claim that • the faniaus Sabina. is Inothing* More thati an astronomical devieeafor telling the seasons.'The • sbadews cast byeau, rise and suallet Were taken as the, de- •termining 'fader, iii tellina, the three .aellSons of Spriag, smuttier aurawin , ter. •. . • . • frery..--deNdi•olis.. that ,in an t uiiin • Uii tbe.. moora Mast Silreb` jveis them -fa SA•selatling-oe taat• Ines en t an i a .vai-athere- It1ieaLlIta4--01a-ever teretting. pamphlet 'and: questionnaire• , „ and lea • • ' to the Swiss .wOrkineen the Ian. salt -hug. On. the threads the Spiders 'The autaitione ,asked ; alto- coarpre- ; • a wea:Ve. eo tight, hensively at theae. points of:the probt Tilt belated filen) the ',.<1,tidaties,e .; of lent .which interest.the prospective sea Aiataasu 1» Beall Hall Chamberlain. tier Meat atid which • Will enable:the., • Society to 'give him intelligent issiat- • ititee' le his quest. • Pamphlet- and 'Questionedire dan• be obtained from Frila...:Beek,•.Seeretark, of the, Society, Ll• Bishop.St„ Montreal: 'Three Nibbles, • • *heti turned beaveliWard My feet Will long for earthly wMhfor sweet , Are' Itifteg ..stoos toiti 111 t.15 • of ' Whether one catchea.edid. easilY , a•etita . . •• 'largely a question of physical condi- • And rettllig stuntpa aria curling tion, If the general vitality ;slow, 'Iletiveltwarda 1 haw resistanee'te d'iease* is *ea:1i' 410 at These three tblegato7ceMlert litea '•• • emit' a tinte a Cold is easy to eontract • .Wiliterberry, leaVesand difficult "to cheek.. ', • , • paekei,ed e•aitel and • ' Constipation is,freetteritly tho cause . of such a state of health, with its atten- Tastieg of 'Pile Sea< • . dant listlesSness,'hilioustiessalteadtlehei • Dorothy A idis. and aigohoral"lack of vitality., Poisom • • . • from. the waste matter tItat remaiee • • PaulaYeare0 Start. • , behind after iinoreper, irregutat, bow* Waitaki Iles k: brother, four • yartra eltuariatiert are .picked up by thc blcrod . ' alIlei thae liiinSelC One aialir 1114 and carried to even! aart•of thebod3a latitaar Raid; • • , •: •:Tiley weaken Our result:Mice to .disease. Deaa're, yeii Mast ka.1.-0 bed: ..„-featTodhelarsdamed,:e.oil.protetoaoptilein‘g-,,Itiottlitahvise.,*tagt... , •• I have. foiled that Mij61;' ititettiAl . • •1 Iogall; doh't .te ab.f.ltitirle•ant Mabee beitieliffiltiatiori:gdi.o- Mother said, aaloiee nolv r.l'alit•atitaY 1:4111Vija:r.°0tteng the.'wate matter. -°•°t1 to bed yet," -• - " pciarataabetotigh and :regular: Vnu neVor 'WOO gat -aa Mitch Sleep es . "Tfirtaiirtarintra'aaa'''""`", ..17;;; ..••• • , • ,ttril?untic'*wlels1°,"NtitajtioNitretaarixibneg• -cOuIrac•' n'af;,...lonigth'ottime With be illeffettitaaa • matiter,.he was born -four y'sti bvfot,' If IOU take -told eai1y,. ask your • druggistfor Nujclto-day--atld temema . • her, look for the tiatiie "Najd red • •filtiardat Lloonent for ftott..61teit., on bath battle fill lia6oge'. ; • , Co1dWre .Necessary Obaetvante of One Funtio.: 'Mental:Pulp of Healtill Pro- , tects AgaitiAt Them • • Moderate Breeze , NV,iieu the singing started, eye Faeroe down crooked air Flashed the leen Wind, bare Wet flankglatteaing; a. • Plunged through a ballea; ring• Lank Wbite-calattred 'dawn, Clapped 'ona paper erewu, Grinnedand began. to ;sing. Sea -creatures fathoms down ' Groping, mettaderiaga. •- •• ' Heard not a thing. ' „. . On the seas rough sbagre,eil• Scrawled letters sl.thie and 'tie/ This Is the Wind'atair.: Whatever that . may mean; • Waves (Ahab theirown :heel% Waveseat their Own :words: S.h i pa" are plathings .• ' Wobbling like birds. TTuhrenas'a,1;(1.i:Irittantisrlwk•T y•:•till I miles Off a Clown.,,smiles;:,. Atrikes...an'attitnde, sing, -2L • till all Creeks! —Giace. Hazard Conkbig 111 Legatid.,0theraPops.';' • Biiil ex,Se:dier.'s :Who' have been through St. 'Danistana ere nott,Vt,pkk- irigas &Oat.; manager; correspondence manager, ii,'hartefed. , .aceouritant, coal 'inerchaeta barrister; and • hotel • pro,. plietor abliVa ,Qa---When isone-in,an two men? .A..aalVhen he 18 a men„beeta,a_aina, telt. Et • Formerly used In front Alt TobitcOoold StOre. Must ,be In good •aonciltiota • State price and where:Can. be sieee: • ; < 11. WAT.KINS 73 VV. Adelaide St. Toronto Queer •Snake-filite'Cure, • , Fine 'dust found at thebottom of ; antsnests; and taken Internally wait aapopular •eure, fpr snake. bite among the early A:Mexican Indians. • , r 'Quarrels would not last leng if, the' *ront'; were .on:y on ohe side. MORNING le KEEP- YOUR EYES' efaT .clatAR fun Os EA L T . ‘: Mihard's Liniment for Grippe. • • teen two Gatti? A,--aalie • ThaMes, • beIttreen; Cheltiea 'and gatteriee. .• ' • 4a -When isalijjl1lko a ;rile?, •!A.-a...When it :is• *resented 'and die - barged, • • ' •, A Vegetable Preparation that gives quick Teaks without dragging the system , Cloty re. a 1 .PINVAT,SON f'10;)..'" FIEFORE:.BOILDING, ...Tile ;Meer:Ran l3uilders Guide contains 52 pages brimful or:help- ful i a formation in planning, build .• • . lag, financing; apeoratingi, .gar -dela ingand farialailing Hundreds of •.vital :'questions answered Pro ..aftieely illustrated Sena 20e' for a_ copy.'or: 51.00 for two . years' •Sala sr1ption (8 is§ues); QUestiona.. • apaviereia :MaeLean. Re.; ,peria, lad, 344 -Adelaide:Si. West, . TOrOtto. • ' ' ' • •••• • . Proved.safe by millidus and piescribed Oyoph.9siciariS, for , Headache, Colds Neuralgia Lurtthago Pamn.Toothache. Neuritis. Rheumatism,• I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART • Arropv.,ojity,."Bayer" pack : wilid11,:do.it.Ttains.j)fOyet:LAireCtiOns .A.1,0' bottles of 24 ;fled 100—Druggists. . Thal ntigau'l hoer nitatenatera 40" whir hO 41:Afaltter,.. A spfrin• Ike • f rti3e (regifferid Canada) 4? ":141Per Afirnfrietere lkfMnittir&" seitlestti of, Sei0ifetteid (Aatit: Fr, A„,"1, Tilff 'tinireiii aa, rater r;,,ylaraay" with ito5otaf * ' 'Prevent coiriplicaikais by' the affected parts with Minard'a It draws out in•flammation,, soothes •andheala. , • ," •• Lydia E..Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is a 'treat Friend— . . It Stops Painand Restores Health Toronto, Ontario. Work in factor/ and •I would have to get away from my Work every time I was sick. The dragging -down pains and cramps , were very bad, but my back was terrible. It hurt So that I couldn't • lie down with it. I heardsomeof the --agirls talking about Lydia E. Pink- -- ham's Vegetable Compound, and they told me to try it. 'I have taken about., . a dozen bottles of it and it has done • mei a let of good. I never have any' • pains or sore back now, and have not • been off 'from works day since I have . taken it • I recommend the Vegeta- ble Compc:und when L have the xpri7 porttinity: '—Miss Roi.ao, 21 Howie - Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. 'The Advice of a nend • FIano'Ver, Ontario.L-"Iwasterribly • pained Rade few odd times I almost laiated.a....Lated ttagstork un -1. •til a few menths ago and sometimes , I had to leave my work and go to bed. ' I ain tie* a mender in the -knitting- •: mill. I Suffered five or six years from • • painful pgaiodatteforeltook- Lydia- ! • E. Pinkham's :Vegetable 'Compound .„. • • ' ' by the advice of a friend. I.got re-, " lief almost immediately, and I 1811 My friends' whit e geed medicine it Is. : You may use this testimonial if . you llike, if it will 'help others.”,, -- Miss J. PEARSON, Victoria Street, LIanover, Ontario.- : i• • .1 RED PIMPLES All OVER FACE Also. on ShouldOrS, Lost a 'Lot Cirticura HeAlecia Pimples stated breaking Cita' all over my face and Shoulders. TheY wt•tre hard and red artd I •loat a lot of sleep' On 'ACCotint of the ir- ritattciti. Tho pirriples off my face scaled over and my awe was On disfigured, • • " I used a lot at different iem- edies waholia, success. I began using Cutiatra Soap and Ointment and they afforded relief in about one month. I confirmed the treat- ment and irt about tbreamonthe I was coraij piettiy' healed.," (Signed. Miss Marie ItbSt Patersalaaa 32..• Toutyille, Que. }Keep your skin clear ,land.yOur pores aative bydaily us ofCati- cora Soap,. Heal.- irritatiOns and .tashe, with 0titiCtirrr, 0 in:talent:a - Lsaisssfe ITN* by: bittl, • 11qott "•Btodittottoe,, LM, nontroal%,Prie+1, SOAP rar, oatmait a am r4d, "IkliCthn SW" -roticort Shaving Stick 2Sta, SSUE No, 4—.25, • o