HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-28, Page 5•• THE KN�w szpitrtaup,s0Ay, JANuor 20th, 1020 • Cosy 'Home Que. • bed.„ It heats It' cooks -- It bakes • Provides hot water -Burnsany fuel. - Is reasonably pric. ed. . The evolution of the Quebec Stove • has 'progreised- to • the point where wet now have a Quebec R‘ge-and'Heater •suitable .f ir a n y inel and any seaso n opin and let, us shoW, you this Cosy Home, ,Ouebec.. • „QUEBEC HEATERS AI:WAYS IN STOCK, AT • FAIR PRICES • , , ECIW .ABOUT AN, 4XE.1 NNYE -.CARRY THE FAMOUS °TRUE SET" FULLy. WARRANTED. CROSS CUT SAWS,' MAPLE LEAF AND .SIMONDS A lo *4:0 'ON 'IAN)); 2 •Ogg4 CUTTIN tEETH;;„ sTgAiBot OR HLLOW BACK SAWS "THE ACE" A !CORDWOOD CIRCULAR sAw, 28" Ailp, 301 ANY SIZE MANDRIL HOLE, .28"L -$10:06;.9.0"..-L61240,,.. *.i.it.AilsvArrtua ' FOR C C M A UTOMOB ILE ShkTES. HAYE. YOU, SEEN' THE NEW "OLYMPIA" • TuBt;ALum- 4KB FINISH, PER PAIR p.0(4 • , ..• • • ' • . . • Phone 66. ardwarg , Coal . TE Luck now. lumbing Tinsinithing_ .0-1•1••••••••,. •"••• ong Distance has re uce4,c0“ of buying - now aosts.. usorlir cents :to buy - 3boa- $9' iechcr IgP . ° • The telephone is on your pay -roll: Make it work for you I • liKTU Mickley's Bronchitis MiAure For Coughs, cods and Brom/ , chit's, and all infeetlent of;Throat,,Che4 and Liinga.;-!ro„sit'ive • anti instant •relie( • Sold By A, go McKim? Luclatow, Out, • • •'' A •MESSAGE TO FAM BOXs into the idea of :doing a Job well for . • . • • . • • AND GIRLS • r• .",-be sake of tile job itself, not for tolic. , • ..4e3m4„...131:_gipirill find all kin • The Older Polk: ' will ..Profit By proof that iis man's duty first last Reading This. Ton ; •and always to do 4 ,j0b, w11. .."What (Contr:buted), • •, .eve ` That .city. Men realize the ieirh t twiotuh ,tfa.11nEdtehsyt might" il4'gh't'lladrt to • dWor; 4oe'e of airicultare • to „ "",",-ONtie found hi the • .greatest of all was 4earlY demonstrated. -recently 000ki. co" are.these "Cleanliness is Mr. Edwin -N4wsoine, Eit, Weston: ' - • i's•ext to Godlinesa".,ahd these 'few ! The, sitbject,e had. to: lecture or. ar,or..;is 'Wing ing;,tot. the sOhjects. 1,,,, air ' 't1,' pool syStems, as:well • ' Wo. . . k. ' - ' • • . ' ,' '•• was. rural sani ation;...•;watel••, -supplk. ;''oing to talre"uti.with• youi.dermg ;thv and sewage as forth meiOnanics, Care' and'', use '. iii You. ieunnOt be As dean, as .yoa tools. Mr: Nevisome opened 'his Serier ,shonld bennlesS ' you 'have your.lhome of lectures by giving the boys ,,r. jited up with sanitary convenienCes—. otraight.to4heishoolder telic .on.; , tht hot ,.and•ficold ,water,, on -tor, and • ra, importance of• doing' a lob well, 'Ai, sanitary Ei,eivage ..disPasal systern, . . . nieniture, said he ja the only .bris5c in. 6.0 IS telling You this by the fact , . • dustry known: It Tanks the 'highest 'that in our vital statistics we find in Value to, humanity, and .to play at that...the death -rate in farm ,and s i! farminand 411 ;that gees into ag- rural. houses', is .4 times greater than riculbure, Whether the job wafixing neitY houses. Nature ahhores un- g'a fence, a wagon box, .milking a cow !ileanness, unsanitary . conditions . by „or,working thesoilis a .sin against i:altingits toll .in- lives,: and I „want God. ' .• : ..yoti boys:to remember 'this. "when a The fact that the .agriculturalist Mad pays more „attention to the wet - more than any ether person, holds' are of hcs cattle; than he does to the destiny of the human race in ,hishis wife. and childreni-fie Pays dearly :hands 'is ahnest sufficient proof th0• -.4•10sing those ott his own flesh and 'agriculture is a. God given . institut,' blade; ,.A.he man on the Atm, as 'a icn' and the maker never ' intended thatter•of fact :is viewing his job' as, . the farmer to be Other than:a lover a' means of malciag money, so that Of Nature,- a hard worker, and e' Man .ie may retire in:his old age,. He whose Very responsibility to the hu• forgets that old proVeib "I hays Man • race, should convince him, of the . • Cf qen . young but now ani,. eid, yet „imp:int:Ince of hii ib. ' . ' ' / ' never saw I the righteous and his. 0•Y 6.11e of 'the. short' 'course. lecturers- • • • •• ••• '• • If. said Mr. Newsome, all •th, seed 'begging th4ir bread." So . boys .autoinibleShall the factoriesi aid. ati. 1 waht You,'-vilicih. You :Plain; . your .the Men engaged . in •the :making • fl f Phem, ...were i to ' be thrown . into ' tic:f.' .yuo.utlinige; 'bride,homewhentoioiy n' ,yroonu;ask l' foaflifet•;htae. 'sec. THE WORLD, virouLD su1,4..? 'see Abet 'she it given a .chance •tt GO ON, I1411,',..the.. steam ,railwaYs; Alva, not InereTY exist uaker -•condit.,, . and illen:eilgoted .in that kind ,of 'transportation were to .be- •obliterated: ions liveyou Would eXpect. your , I. went you to reineinber •that cow to from 'the .face of ..the earth: •THF -. .. ' 'Ye are thesalt •ef thearth" and WORLD wotmo sm.', .GO, ON. chat you are going • to provide a . •. ,e ,If.. 11114 -our ' universities schools '.. Of Anantiing,i--,ilmtches.,.____teaulionv Itt-Sartrrain:vol ' • •'• , hOme,':Iiiit•- as soon as poisible, with 'Preachers' were o . cease ...to exist: toli4,re, not die Mil: at the :rate of -4 P:IE WORLD WOULD PST LL • GO ta'j ..j;h.oities,. I want • you, ;to' obey, ON Sad aS thdse ;thoughts ; re, yet God's cothmand: "Be' Thou ' Clean." if the •grass. ceased to -grow,: the . . wheat .grains,ceased to sprout,.. the • si:cotw» ceased to; •give. milk, the sheep ceased to 'give, us wOol....Tust*for one year, the' wholeof the human ..reee • and all life wriald 'come .to .ari •end. • So boys, 1 want you to remember that you bave a' big job., .on" your• ! hands; the biggest and the 'best and 'you cannot helpbut become success-. lid if you do not become mercenery. '• The spirit of self:aliness is . man? biggest and .most :besetting in. -The farmer will siMply have to rise above" .all this,:he•is by rights': bestowed .upon by, the. Lord, the 'custedian !Of • the welfare of civilization. He must demand his ,rights • without fear •• or favor, and nbt become -selfish On his demands:' 1 know arlierea 1 »Peak boys,.that you'farmers.do 'not under- , stand the .eity.dWeller as, a • whole the t•onsunier wants 'to ket intc closer contact. with You,. he • does not understand you,, and no amount of selfishness on the :part tiff either. side', .will bring *them closer together. Sof_ ••:. And 'now: a Word , about •tools ,end the ;Yon cannot.'do 'good. •job •unless you have 'good. tools • and ;Vod, tools require keeping'16.'. geed order. I read in the good: Old. beok• a. man that Wits in his. "day r oplended mechanic. The folk al! over. zhe Ignd.knevf himAS the result of jOb.,.Who was. it boys,: (no • en; swer) letYine Put. it-, another way,. when :Jesus was Speaking , tt• the multitude, the-• 'Scribes '• end PharaSeeS, aSked-"Who is this man'! 01*. 'deliverer Of siieh • wenderftil ,woids.' And the • multitude replied. "The Carpenter of Nazareth,o :Oil! the sc.ct •OT JoSePh the earpenter: '- Jesus Awes known as a: man . whc did jai)* of Woodworking, He Wail •a good mechanic:..He went .about fixing stools‘ wagon boxs, • wooden ploughs, tables etc.; (for., thepoor... He 'went about DOING GOOD:. and . yen). Can' rest': asatired that his- tools were •la good. shape, If ,they. had not been. 'Ile could' not have done a good job. .'So boys; I Want you to .1cm* :to THEv'IN.:OrPR $TAIE.S. . 0/40.1i444. INOS N Toronio ianr'dair Pro "abOut! driven to• thinking that .4 whole lot of people in the IlTnitect States hove- lost, their sensc? 0,1 humor, either•that or they . never': had -that gift of the gods which lielp,s one over -many a rough, place. If U 5.'periodi.ais and pahlic men- had hal,•eJ: niter their protests • ;.1•gains', the Wet e Of .ruhh4r eh-4;rd- ity of the.stna,,ion, iWP14'19 Oat sc apparent. • • • However, after yeliing over thc prices which they are obliged to pa,:)" -for7riihhect, tiSh manufietOrer is pay:ng juat a rrnr,.-• • underir its drudger's— simpunes e '17 1 USE 01,4040:11 ',much!. theY OOMPian vlb.or..4things. . are.• Pay:ng to0 nmeh, for 13°ta•sh: -43e. • Indeed. We do pot seein:10, know. et ' ieG:ouulvcsetrfILifree;tor,flin:7:,);QegCilislaen' th°54° BtrrPalz;ilti$t.:•!u•u*s '0i).Pratitia inalloll(4- Mt, d * • .oe h • ' For Instance!: 'we: are tOld. th:t the; 1-1,0tes over -1000 -years B. C; . o know. that for altnost thtee ne or .iinder twine. beea s • jsztitirAnsd, ,,;;.ttha. 47 Quij,s417.315,Y,tnea,ariYucatan: government . the. Chilean; .gokernirent. 'dominate •••arrrY hien,' 'The fleetest, conveYande the' beds in: the New World:: too moot' * ' for 'gullible because the' Netherland, 'n°•••••a trough all. those. cen' !,...iixes was:drawn, by. a hurse.: . through • tlie•' Dutch: Ease. ''holc '• urrnt the• available suPli.y,. and laStiy: ti '01-4.1.6°° `agea' therC• Was '1)raetk'all•••'' iitrisdoGreatravtinBritair, pneio'ycehdanbcy'e minant.he' rno!ntive power between em ishel d,4Bolivia P NexTe expect to he•ar them. corn' • • " And then 'acme George Stephenson!. plain ;thee CanSida :edging' up thf • . price of .• mioat 'selling .at en inv.,. And the word ,iivos speeded up with fair' leve, lfor as sure as eggs at! Jound: It heti. been speeding up eVei eggs' the Canadian grain parketin ....ince.; until today a 'man may dash organizations have: been „able to no 'hi-61*h space at 200 miles an hour. only onraintain but to, itchwice •• th4 price of wheat to a point wh;ch wont OtherWise be impossible.. • .• Tho general' argument , 'is that a, • the United Statea-consunies; sevent, per cent a the world's rubber and al..! the .British possessiens. grovi'T sevent, per dent.,:, no advantage, should, b• taken of '''the situation by the rubbe. grqwes.. nips. in mY Mind. the some years ago the United: State government, advised farmers to -cm doVa. their Wheaf, 'acreage because, prices.' were ; too lbw. Such' ecourC!: had it bees( folowed Would, probably . . . n even on' wheels dOti'd , too mu ;, h.10 nitre es* becausf., ravol,'a faetee - ithan horse eoulc have Great Britain paying wore •.irr her :wheat than would otherwiSe havr been the case...And. honesty who, eve* heard of a Dnited-States predneer ,oi any other..producer 'who. 'did 'net ge aS =Oh for his goods as he was WI When the ••Stevenson .Ac't ',war o market •had for years been depressee Stephenson heard. •this, and. go NebOdy. was making. a dollar out 'at. ing,th the .Qualcer, seid: Can Mind: '4et us'„look :back a ,hundred yearF l'and see how` it. all began. Georgc„ Stephenson-rson,..of a LcollicrY Reel.; and grandson -of a shenherd- had been, using -his-Scanty leisure ant' , iinst scanty opportunities, th master,. -ing the principle of the steam-etiginC and dreamrsid-of the ,rnighty. poSsibi - 'to s of. Stearn locomotion. ' Some ,geniva had ,already 'Invented •rails and -trucks laid•On rails and...drawn bY, horses were in Use in a siriali way al, thethie . A Officer, 'Wil iern Pease, had •013'.• the Consent Of Parliament „t.0 bad a, railway of that kind froin Ptratton to Darlingtion (forty. Miles) 'Tor' the: transport ,of minerils_hy PAVING ' FOR ...RURON ROAD The „ FrOvinc:al EepartMene of • • Highways is idvertising• • 'for tenders fo th t • et' •n, • t, .g,.cons it, -0 concie .e pay Meni ,o4. the, provtaci41, highways - from GOderieh.:tb' TaYler'S cOrners; .• :h, diptano0,* 4*"xplie. It under - Q'6•8' the Nv4k to be, tiaderesicen,:: as early, as ‘'pesSible • the Spring, lt01-(E'-bIOSED CARS ;THAN OPEN Th e% automible, industry. in • 1925 for the fir$F.Yearlii,its hisIrnd more ',closed 'car i than open tYpes, ' •ilie..',former • aggregating :nearly •60.'• per cent, df the total' record output .1•4 3,33$,00Q passenger '' 'vehicles. Moor trucks 'added anther 49,0(K., inaking .a total ,aUtomibie production ,for :the domestic . factories of. '' 4, • .325;000 ears. , • THE wgivran foie 1926, . it por -years the, 'Witted States had 1.0 • . 3 ' 'Stealrl engine --worth • fiftY been lndring it rubber under proclue - tiarses'.1, • „ • • ' ' , - '• •. ". ‘'• tion costs. Since the lucky hold! • . • . ' • • - • -.: •iiiiii•h reluetanOe . and man! Ors of • rabbet : -shares •and the still -. With . . , .... • :Welder plantation owners . have mad p nisgivings the good. Quaker persuatt. :a 'deal df meney. But the statement : A his •coMpanY to , give .Stephenson S o Often repeated ••• that the •British a 'Chas -lee. 'Oh September 27th, 1825 government wond be able within r ,,_ . , • ... - . . . itssdleit xutobb•thcl . bile first pub lc railway in the world !fUenwiielagat:s -Pbal.npieffrin was opened,, and .GeOrge. Stephenson mild United 'States Citizens, .iS ' of drOve :his locomotive--hatiling a train ceurse absurd. What the •BrAish .griv- -.of ' six loaded wagons, a'. pasSenger. .. . • ernment gets out of it direct is thf te2t • On the*-, /pigmented incomes of British :Citizens; and indirectly by tht progperity • of MalaYsia.:' : . • ! , As for coffee.' of .Which 'the. United States Comptains--,-incideritally - We are :paying" the seine preee—Brazil " had be i the ',fink cal :or years: . been n ir I do drums; •its trade '.gone -to smash • and its :Money at a heavy distount it.'now pays th grow it More people aii' in Brazil Now things .are looking and..so they Should. • ' • ,. All in good time. the 'situation aS regards ,rubpet., Will ',mend itse.f. As sofiend.pc'oanclepSetwitillo.ln.gow.dilnitol-o•othkeabfcr, I want yoy.,to get a clearer. Msigh.t •durrpen .saw„. grindachisel, , keep,lnnesai ',Tour plane irons in •sgood order, am' • e Leading Company The Dominion Statement of Main Item of Business of Canadianl ,Assura,nee_Compames for the year_endinv_ „ . . Dec, 31st., 1924. • Total/Assets Increase in Assets Sins' LIFE $274,130,408 $64873,095 Remainder of 27 Companies combined $474,671,278 - Total -amount of Life - Assurances in force ' $ A71;036,457 $49,762,334 " ' 40413,303,1,6g Inciease itiAssura , . Divicle1•14 P in .force7-7-," ---,---)Netr-SurplusPolicy okier Policyholder SUN LIFE $167,871,213 : ' :'$29;186,24$ • ..lhemlinder.of " .27 CotOBnies ' Combined $249,1.31478 .$51,820,057 $11.,576,664 • $42,25;f135. There are iv?. y -eight. Canadian Life Assatence CoMpanies operating Under Driminion , , , 4 • . 1hcensc IA Canada.' The 41fetatatioa, lila he instinctive irt Okit. it Shows that the SUN, LIFE .18 , wrttlng}about *tarter of,the:pe*.hiisinesS reptieto4 by .Citeadien.COmpaiiiesg. , has.. Oh ha' books . „ • oyer of the to abuainess in fd.ice"; more Of. the, asseta; fittOMei., • 644 titan* itiid.'istorp1O..,,; paid out during the tear 194, More than a third Of. the: total dividends • paid' to polleyholdera;• k sa., paid. Mere, than 40% of total.monies distributed .to , , . . „ canadi:aa'' . , 6,437,746•' $31,881,639 \ • compaidee ein•e IrganIzation and reported In .1924 MORE THAN ,A HALF OF THE' OT'AltiOir,:4140 • • When ,you.,:ate,coitteniplatingpOttltig. Ott .14f0 Ingottince.- ,:.Set:thii. tIFE. , . ITH. •. • 'PM Will perform, T. 4tin who woaers the 'rest. In the ,interval Great fIrs. 7on—will be Surprised gOing to Show you how- to make ,a rope haltei the best you know ' .how . and -then boys °you will he doing a' job accord. •joie to the will of .God. The reasOn why this. world is not the haPPY place' it should be, is !because we are ain deed. lose little s eep •over thc ravings; of Secetary Hoover and thc U. S. ,newspapers.z. . o -o -o 'THE RAILROADi:JUST- : The Jweatlier is a Anbjeee of never--,, , ending interest,' and Many (folk are sp.. interested in weather , prediction that , they -will read and .put more or less faith Ia.thern even when ., found in bettef. authority ' than an almanic. ' • The village of ,Chatsworth, a ahort.. disEailee from Owen Sound has 'mune into, aOinethin_': 1ike_local „, fame by the ,Teputetron.,:of tts-weather-propliet, Or predictor, J.: B. BoWles.-.Mr. Bov.des: 1aims to have 0:piliedut Some sort of sYStem WhiCh cOia 'predict the weather for rnonthe ahead, .HoW,;. How - aver, when he states that. his / pre - di c ti9P •t4,13Plies' • to all the ,NOrthern Hemisphere, with the exception of pares 'affected by". %Norm °wan cur. '- rents, one, may havereasonable doubt of h's \i" tern • Everybody l'cnOws`•that 'tlie.ra .the Widest diversity of ' ..,,veather acresi our own'•cotnitrY, coach; twenty trucks 'fitted with seats . For the benefit of those 'who: may . be interested to follow • up, the., pre- • : &diens, of .this faineons Prophet live": : ' here' have give his predletion, month by month until February, 1927: . " • . ' January—First third Of' the Month quite mild., then very cad with strong • persiatent wind's.. Heavy, snowlfalla,, ' ,at the first There was •• opPosition • from all quarter:- ' and, ••straige to , .• especially about the 25th. ! .: Febrirary—Very': strong, persistent •say, it Was the engineer's.* the. day wends, • decidely .cold, heavy snow - who :were fiercest in rebellion:, They; 'falls to about the 25th, then Milder. 'called Stephenson an :impudent 'qua ,b . March-L••Very 'decidely .•rnild to . !about the 16th, a. Ettle colder, for•li ft•ieli: n*it.i.a03:isth, ,thehn,9,..il:rwsiti,rdoenrgteratifilleti', ,endvwind ... And fie.al. • ' ; , . ... and' six 'trifeltsi,of coal—from Stock-. qop..:to Darlington, at p speed . averag- ing twelve. miles :per hour. • A new era had begini, a, new realm had been 'opened -up;/ and steant'•ttool 'ti''place •upon the, throne; But the new power was not genera,ly ie•tept- .and a fool, and: one of the ".., nowS7. iapers• came out with this ,,weighty ., • . pronouncement; :"As •tt;i these ,person who speculate', on; Melting i railways general' throughout ,the kingdom,. _NO • 'deem ./them and their schemes un- 'werthy a poice;" • • ,... ONE HUNDRED YEARSOLO__ffh.en.313e .WiSecres beganto shake trying to ruin :it, according to-, -the---' • ' ' • .. •,,.,, .'-.. -' -- • -.— - :their heads; . the scaremongers got' • • _: ..vill, .of men -instead' of . the.' :WM. . of . • The railway. has 'passed its hundr- busy, 'a. great cry' St alarm. Was raiS-• God.!•So kt us get down' to . business • . ed and i.le Teit absurd•thingsWere, bOYs and find out hist how we Can 3sIth birthday; On September .27th it. beetimeco4Workera urith God to make •••)e-ealn,e. a, centenarian!' Not any par- .i.:rophesied., regaiding the railway' agriculture More ; prosPereus:. than ticutar—not, even the .tarnous "Liver- "The engine, woad; most likely :blew : I have .,.no uie fin; a ' Church -gem pool . apci Manchester" -but the rail-. up and, kill . only the passengers but it s.: ' .. ! ..- ' • , ., and doetrines' and neglects ,those lie Who., Pays More attention% to _ creeds , -waY; :A;'1111114,red. Auci. one years . ago all,, whe. happened t� be near. ' • there was not a railWay 'in. the world ; Sparks .krom. the ,engine would set 'has :been inetramentat in ring ng , vireek.:•inis , • of last of march storm, thenr.'vers mikl and quite diy. . , • • '.,M4y7-:First twelve days milder . and cla-ier than. average, About the. ;' • 14th, Strong, c'old winds,-..,heavY rains„ snow and' frost. Balance quite ',mild.' June,L-Strong, winds 'with rain, and • a probable frost •-in the first . week., The balance of the 'month much ;warmer nnd drier -than the average. , July—Lower Ulan aVerage temper-,.. b hen von hear ei a man Whi-'37hab. 'CPC to the--liOn.•••' . ure and quite dry. , 11 • . .1-leaVeri, but he that, DOE,,TII the 'railwar•Tatfeltar" a ' 1611 'years yor .s.eivarerd_o_ennet•etrh_ihtntsir7s.,ayetthhe.7unitan, zaeoto, •IOroti,... _.A.he_a • into tbe world, :and. neither haS• Christ „ ;new reached. hiS Anindieth. a'nnivars, $troke and 4gas y.avineni.d, b.Binotysk thing..t4e re',‘vs ell,..ns..pe4ka.i* . inn4;no;71rti.aiiiirnitiazniii. ol'•114thtwe ,will of .My Pather %vhieh: is 'lir ekelalin'' i‘g.°W. .yeang' it ial•'.! Leek.' :else he would not ' have .siaid--. "No Li Lry you : say: 'IvIk•• how uldr, pu.:, 'table 114 ',ixt.bird. Ways coVering. 'every known porttor : • But the re.liwaY ,-,9teaddY :17.1n its fhlrt.k.eiel..:.p'otaoiriN,NIti:thd,0• rianititt,e snow, and and . Of it, li is difficult th reilike that'tht, . Wsii. , against , an oPPOsitioo ' §",.;°,411`1 rai Aviy - , Was not : always there...,,... It PCCW!.* had ascended - the throne, tc., tc.'' onvedcheibnaihre,:—.1iriiiis,t6i113,tie!iitohia.hai.s.!;:taBiolf. :6exus,.ao ...lunch'. a:. part of the earth t !eizn .sn,Preine• for .yent •- begin tii. think about the ',fillies - along . the track." Some 'towns ' ' we read, 'refuSed t9 allow the railway o`wrkerls)df, itianilt: •WLbere.:TI.leek hwi.g.iti.ihati.111.de:d.ii;:7ial: thtlicattiiieh.,,•eoY(. , ... •,',,minerc al prosperit swept n'aSt• • 70 uatct 1 ndi rdtrreody. si,,7. ee,"..5:,,, . ,,,, ,T aungtivagitt=r: iii 1. 2so.i.t._, tivhijorstte q 1( .,1x...,' dt4ifyitri:lower orit.. ' :.a.fid•rt-'ea,st. •fer than aver4ie temperciture and quite . ,latt ' 1 •If• .rains•and_frOsts. Balance quite -mitt.: • ... November—One Of • the record dry. Abont the 19th, • strong Wirida, •Octeber-Firat half Mild and dry , er• la .cold ar,d.,:i7et.. 'the Month ttdrY ileeidely niild,,- as are the riVeltS, the Valley, and. '..tht! . :1':-OTelr•teire:i:ernditaaytyvi.esolf,oe,us4seray:::.ii'eieedx...e17naltasatyk' ii]lta:i.e!,0:idilige:t.,:l.,.i,. 4;iilee . eR, !nountalin: Tangesi, .„ :!seventy thousand :miles :de railway ir. . There 'ai•-e about ilk hundred and+ ::":67.-err:`d4.111, 4,;"::-Iyanddic;v?h.o.-yki:tovi,i*hs..-6-wir.ri'ati-.::::-1, ,...ee.i. deeicied wind ,ndi,,,srin‘s,40t.rki,, ,.. 1,g':b4tiVrietly1 7 : '1111911214 f A- --b0":1:t7: t"-11:-P;t":,----E1:: he world :today, carrytig ;millions •ol'.-•,. oassengers daily, and repreSeutfut, ,thateyer may be ,the, motive powteir.1... .,,,i;h. boi.ie!..fotii.t4 -.40,-;:ipo. i 's:168s,hatit..T. . M .inveitinerit oi.'thirti•ieven tliona, !s likely to 110.4 ' its platic.e.14. :en. an el.., ...tfhtlitittltiiille,i.:eit iti..,estitleioincele8vtte...:;;i0g.ilifie,0 , :Sid mition dollars:, • Over aop .yearA ago. that •Viiglisli Pass'e.d. '',"Briudt :'ifit°,1.t,ori:::1,1)k, pg:snsi:::, a 1. i °II ' . And the.,,failway has just, . • . a 11 , ' (11.1a I: ia OS' w 1 il d'g Asn tracea of, Th - 'I! •• dug ' ' . its hundredth birthday; :.. °lir' I '' ho iv yOunglit is!" . .genius,, Roger: Recoil, 'uttered the re. markable •propheey: a,Mae'hines .,for ,• uavigating are potsible without row pe 01 ; • . : ! :- ' • era „': .""... • .. LikeWise,.: ceri may.' b'e. , ongineut'"wortli. ft'Y horses," ' as'','Il'e • liter they may be , m*64 . , . ,, ..: , isnag,i d'''a. treed itel ytoeaP•shc)nt;r1c.);iltlhee5,11:4;aft)17ebell'fi 1:':flle- ti.btlit't° .i't .1, !dotehL:1:14Llictilli)tetO011ett4..8riatro.. made Se thit' Without n draught run' .And, flying nutenines are t)6§0itle.,": ' ' .the,rihilely11-8."vitefix.1.711:11..g.aY'cies. t;.f'.. s'ili,e'd.,. ii.lt.3 h.roin;"! r ..i.istitti,lia-eg-.;:h•--:-'-t, :74,---iNc.:;;Ti.ie,iiriptraor't,y.v.....ii.01e.il _,..m. ti.. Ti...:, . ' Mari' sirnPlY'snciled at Bticon'e pro- ,, .' , .. .. Pheeles, ,' and, ca led 'hini„ "it• ;Crazy 111191.7ienrg t, op.5tolite:in e.n '1whg° _!aa.t..c11!(1,, t'sh.er. :demes., to prevent. stoffiinz . ot 0 ' dreamer But that. --ivai,':siit AU:Mired , . ' A ' ' the 1711 lisl •Villiio-e ai ' ' - '" • " . years rt.a, , ! . ... ':, , twelVe miles an hour! They 'nye 112 ' roodp,..eot.sn,'emor.lc.,,:t'll'olts,1:%',0.2i•letot,• .:i,t3,-s' lb, ..catis.o. . d. In , the hi ter ! :teresting roles" to the c''... hbolbok's ( f ''' °II! ., t"- a r alaYe4 ! . .1f .human progress when sOnie br:1-1...°15J'Vhat: a .connientatsr " - thr he ig worth* OTOre, . . , , Pant elitit,s'-',hit- -upon' thc..inventior 1 lis•''''I'lg'. show-"••htled holuint-41e,":2''Atie- If a Wheeled vehieje. The-ink4ntfon ',.,i'&' t.otritltTikrng,,I1.1...0triittat.,;Arli:•,:wwr; !lie -ivheel-:40-0-tt•-i6 'toad are reckoned.... )•*44(1..`44.4 i.ilwalq eli1.11t) -.44-Indll:!-''' amongst the. ilret of the great d14. f•Illeirti'ir°6t1(5.°„k:' . 1 . , , .,:• :., , , - doveries, ,Which. have ' - revointionited .4. - ', W i Only... fe'o1;, prosperous btlItish lee, the$ are 'aierihed to the . Att. "viving too much,. " / • 1926 :CANADIAN TEACHERS . . • ,FEDERATION CONVENVON. The ithoye convention will be held 411Tna? Itio-ttiqt=Wri.07-hi and nrt'anement- 11`.9 roW be.ng Completed for an 411-- expenge, • personally MinduCted ,ymt • via the Canlien National Beflway:S. from ,r,orOtito to .Charlottetown •• ir- cOnnectiOu thereWi' h. This tour wil iticatle a. trip down:the StLaWrenct • R,npids, the Saguenay throligh • the ;beautiful Bras d'or --Lakes, • and • the:L:111A E*.rgeline countrY rith St., Anne de Reaupre, returning by way of. Raton, the White, 'MOtiritains '41 NewHampshire, and,MontnealA flet„ shortly'. be isAted giving • :!on.pl'ete • inforrnittiore, regarding the tOtir, • '• ' l' it' n bi?llars:naf"threesiaNrilrkitcahretwill .and Mr. t. try§oww, -(Priiiicpel :of nIf t•th' .01),;,,,i • Betildb '41:•ve, Hamilton the. SilveythOra School); 44 Silver - thorn Ave., Toronto. •:!: • .1 -:-LO "Ala! giving. the advantages !four - &a .OPYel or. : wenkhettia 'dfiff4' The Male lieli:e•Ve!. Vet,1.1831'8 '4t8h0.°0141444 -se'at whore Skrgest "tracks" and map theth Out tjr • ,u1 a g ess • George Stephenson's tittle steam °Ss; men Of to' l 41VtiSel ttnl°thaei he was law if the law .and the people are te. with 'enthusiasm, eyen day' wax entliusiantio over AN:hen the light wept oiler. , Rqman discOverecl- in tritaik 111.01.5- no liick iq 'respect for,:thei The only-corriiI4inst'infinen0-.need,* to get ,$nnie poprinnOce4s is -just '.clistnce to corlupt ' A gentleman fahnevis 'just any . other kind' except that he .101•11 more ,money, _L4 '