HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-28, Page 4• 7.1." T.771. • 1 a THE 1,1,IGKNOW .SENTINEL TIIVESDAY, JANVARV,,lSth, 106 •11••• • C9t-i-e$P.PPO.d.er.kelt.t.eiverisp ,lEitX-Zos& •eg4p*, ROP.1.1 and Tedd'Pra.,"Ognin.and Corn Hderal,Waiking ;40.110444' PloWaz, k , RQT EEL 8,t, wimp: QC), reneee,, :Gates, 4 -paint tairb,na4 p coed Wire—All ,Galvainzed: Btroonis;-13ehher and,Steel Tirete EATEN4II.W111,10ES,Q$ 'PI.O$ORMS ANR PlIoNoGRApAs;—see 'vs, and.. save savaelf lista isteney., When you want soinething • al Instrument. .‘ .C‘e,,ANDR ' • .. • • . NOTICE ; , ORPOITCTS, $0Tidt; TiEREisr. .(4nIEK, • pursuant to Section „, ,101.01 • the Revieed. Statutes of Ontario, that all.pereene_hPreing claims against,the' ,.'Estate i ot":.suthella ,Ounter,',dgeeseed, who died. On kir, about fhe eighteenth • day. of PeteMber, At re", 1925; at 'the • Village of LUckocav in the.5.Coiintv of "•WUcei- in. tlie, Province of Ontario, 'are- recinirepl, to Send "post, prepaid, or deliver 'to R;VanStone,yingliaink9n- •• tarilo, Solicitor for the Executor, on • or...hefore , the' twenty-second day • cif ..February, A: D. 1926, 'their names and ,addressed, with.'fall particulars • in writing -oftheirelaims and en . ture • ot, the seeuritieS (if any) held by .themi ditir•erified by'a statutory declaration. . • • TAKE' NOTICE FT.1411.1,ciR that. after,. the l ;tag , twenty-second,. , day .df :1926,, the said executor will..proeeed to diStri- ••hnta,lhe ..aseete'''eg the said estate. 4i).°1*.-ttiP' ,Paities entitled thereto, •'Ineving•tegaiel" oniY:.to the:00*W of vhieh theY'...shell'.:then have End •no- ' '604'; and the executor .shall *cot • he' liable for the Said. .40.ets or . on • Inttt..ithOSelf to any .erson of vliose • claim bq.sliall not then.thave. received !RAW- . • , 1,# 'Whigharnethi5 twenty - �f January, , A. D. 1926. 11/-VANSTONlil;Solicitor for, : the • Exeeutor .4 •',LOCAL, AtA#NET. a Outter .• • • • • 38c.,•40 • 'Wheat 41,06 ,'••• :4;0! • 1 • ! • .! T... 4.9g Barley. . 1S ,:«« , • • • , ••,' , A ARE "YOU PLAYING: THE- .Q.41(iEi‘ (W.: J•04. sic‘' 'SePhtmaster, ' of • the 1st St, ;Paul's, Holloway, . Troop,' is tTe x.urt.hor f this. splendid poem.) What is a beYhat 'a man'to be; With his life tobe made or nia,rred; And some of that. life.: , he 41.) Of int • '• • And some; 'of it nriity,:, seem hard. ' Thera are breakers ahead, and the •'" tide tune. high; , ' It's a' strugelie to keep afloat Tht,what's the use Of' Sidling eliroegb •, jife , • • , If you liaven'tit heln t� 7OUr boat'? _ t • ten.tee °, a .Ske;,. • 4.• • f Eo r 'lie's. 'andallP For tho' the : cloads may at:thrien see/iv:4)1464; • , He ltriows that the ettie'.-iIiinee'thiv, Ancl'yke, my bey, area Sequitl *no* Bette." You thetight what •it-';',reii.1111: To be trusty; loyal, and a be1 to all !teeria NMI/1W every ThilredaT *Ming ratielcneW. Ontari, • A, D. MitelCeneie; ProFiletar and Editor, • JANUARY 280,1,02E ‘4N", M, nimq,uvriNs • was4 Agnes. Nen:milt X, P.,1i3 ,,,orted se; saying .that, ibefOra v9tin6. --ell4hP'enifindinenteete-'-ethepee • :from :the Throne,. she 'WM Penitile..tia, ,execetive of the erganisatiOnrin •,:4i•ey1, 'which eleetedhei., *cite on" Meighen'e itinetitinierit will be r v9te to pet. ;the' government k'eeP it in MePhallicineitett ap Prove of the aftiendment,.:.. Which e .,eresteetioeietf,. but: tieither.-494.` • slit; tike enting.'in..fa'verent 'the"Eing Ger, ernnient, - She 'reeegieeek. that to vetc against the . Government . may *Pm. ' its• defeat' And an,741Pcti:en Which; Se SifY0, the Pebble do not wept', Se sie is in something ' a quitrairY, Our guess is thatshe seggeet t6ez executive:dike they, advise her to port the Government: She think that all • partiesan greues. in . parliament should be ren resented in , the ea,binet—that is if the ibetly Of mlen to_Which, the preni- ler- looks for advice and dbelp, likrt are 'afraid that with .a Liberal major. ity in genteel, the .Conservative Mem ill'sof the Cabinet weseld feel that, their 'adviee wee", little heeded: •;, • Miss however, is right Or One point.She be1eves thae.'a govern Ment iheiild•not be driven' from offict when defeited'',06 Inere question :Of.. .ptilicy; It should 'Stick; end carrY en" • getting through 'stieh legeslatioe as rechive the sanction eif a major. `.ity in the Heude." • With the larrive of :three or :four parties .with ..Strolig \representation in: Paliament Aqui; Anph practice is necessary. ,uriental he largest *na:=TO3t,eolnotete.: in the most beautiful designs 'ram, in arble, Scotch,.,aii4 • Can': eit:''Ofa*tes' • e'make:A,'speetielty: of Family: Monuments," and invite your 'insiteer • :" Inscriptions Neatly„ Carefully ,And "• ' ereMiitly.,DOne.• • . ee us befere. Placing your order. 1/0iiglas, Bros.. ' R; A. Spetton • Lucknow, Ont. • L. .9..L. No. 428, LuckpoWl, meets • the Second Tuesday of every month in their halli ,Ett 8' o'clock, •C;;Mullin; W. ;M. • P. Carter,Rec. Sac.• ..' • "P•74.!ie•AR4ithLIAT-t-ouri-Ouris---iin Obedient, smiling 0 You save money tin.eenny days To...use 'on' a ;stormy night? .Are, yen pure in bedt, Ppre '. soul? ... • • • • .D.0,, you laugh at ..a . jest? • find as yon, grow that humoi In, a joiCe.that iS clean and the best HaVe I told you .all that,,,you need t� On 'our journeythro? life and toil 9 ,NO Ihave 'saved • the best • the last• ' Per: a good thing kept won't spoil. •'It's. this—be tree. totha,One en Eigh, Who' watches and Sees' old lereaes,:' - , 'thin't let' your tongue. give • :yew ' to words •. , • . That jars your GreatMaiter's .ears And don't de an .act that would cauSe; 'And :don't": breed `e thought that's there'll genie a 'dey',. When yeu .'and .He '•,' Will he standing, fate to faee. And You'll tell ;WM; lad,,tif' the thingi ,- you've done, ,- •• • , • •• • And , the 'thing's' that ,'you meant •,___ to • ' ,Will' He smile and say, °Thou hest_ . done, ivele'! ; : • • . • Will He say. that He's pleased with -You? • Yes, my boy, there Are serious thingi • • : in life, : ' ' . There, are, ladders to climb to-farne, Will you reech the' toe 'and:, ,receive the .erbsrii , . • Eeeaese you'have played 'the:game! lione-Nct—„ 10 Is' at- Your Ser -vice We Sell for Cash -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Store . . - • • WE. HAVE t ..-migm ,gock 5inioncls. and Maple Leaf ,Cross , Cut Saws-- .everyone gvaranteed., amson-Axes--These ale the very best—quality- . and correctly made. Lanterns—If you wish a firit, class laptein; buy a Dietz, Itis the lantern that., satisfies: 1 GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ON DR. HESS STOCK POOH. • . 10 LB.PACKAGE 90e. Lit..pAcicAOt pt• , , ,25 1,411•-• :$2.60 WEitAy. sA SPLENDID ASSORTMENT :OF LINED. -MITTS ; • • - WE ALSO HAVE GF.,,NITINE. HORSEH,IDE PULLOVERS._ WHICH WE ARE 'SELLING AT. $1.00 PER PAIR. heating) Pin tnbing And Electric Wiring 1 THE ARMENIAN gASSA6RES he Visit et thP Armenian.boys tc • , 11.4V8- agg, tbV• bAlle APt 'Igen al' IINVolf—GT 114vcr Wefti*V* '111.19V: 'Wtrq," the fermere, tiliopiteepere..,' Oa r i9lrea, ikonul men of. the !country, and "%very let ,orgagzed nor trained for tight, IV,. The Thrks who attaelOd ' them ver P arnied fi0i!ing men, The Ar, rigrCaaso of long Age fetight WITT . 4141. Years, agailiet the rieing Aide of .Nohemnsedamene..Whieh in thpes4wept "siting the northern, eoast of Africa and, having cKossed ,the- Hesperus drove. 'half 'Way genets Europe. .,1.4 ' wee the, s.trongeet organiAed• f9xce l'rettilfe'VT7'7'f : err2V1-1011'W,kfr err 1 lowed at that time to: occupy tIleil: ,:niginal home; andthere the fitilk 'Of them heee 'remained,. - ,. • ' • ' , .'• •• - At. the 'Pet:Seel* .of the Ore,at Wail ,lh,re. weker.alSOlit.:6V0-aild-it-half.41ii.r. 'Ilion AldneilianP,P Turkey, and ii•Ow." e!derable' number, in part 'a "their er.- al„, 'PjriifOi7 ..4.1crOiS' ,the. Poliffidry ....ine•.:,irf, Russiii, ,]..Abotit- n MillinYancl half 'were ;killed:, in .•1015: --,‘, '16-, 'Ytitii3r 'OacaliPd into -the' Russian 'ter ifery. There' are Still abOpt. 'three Inindred -.„tlieusancr. in 'Turkey, wile' •one chime° 'ad another, eseaped i :The . e ie Russia enjoy a measure (.4 .dependence, having set up,a Sov- iet Republic of their owe. ' ' :Religions ra,naticisin 'does ' net' an Pear , to' have played. so important .1. • • )art in the perseeutionis as lere ' on • this centinenf; :have 'been lead to be. lieve. •The ' industrious :and . keen .1.finePittits- were hated by their lay •„.,:otid Tnrlif,sh .rigighbors, ' lieeaust 'hey were wealthier, and they wor be displeasure of the govepirnen”, betause they aspired toy independence It is, said of, the Turks. that ,inene ..4; thein viewed the.. massacre's with honer And disgust, ' Doubtless,' 'the brutal , element aniong". the seldiers. •Wiltild exceed • their Orders; ante, take ecet)mitage of the, .situation to indulge , 1 ,their sitliag *dims. When' these 'sbldiers were told to. •collect • and : ;drive tl.,ii. A.rnierrians.out of the come , try/ theSr ' dr.Oye ',them., . killing ;these eeho could not Walle"and laving the ildren;AU did beettilse there'Was lit - tie &ewe*. of , their' getting ray. LecknoW, and: the', • address by . ;Dr: Pierce. • has renewed:,interest. ;the periodical attablut fey' the Turks ‘.and the Kards.',.'upen'Ahe.,induetrides •and 'aw abiding .Armeeians, ' • . These. Massacres, Inive ;Oceurred More or less reeehie, intervals . for 5, years oi.More,':eulminiiting,:in the Un- • exai4led. alangliter and depeetetione• .ok 19,15 and 1916.,. NaturallY • those' .et la 'distance wender what if "3:bout -hew 'there ere. •Any Aementiaie" left,-, and why, ,they have not, faugh •Iftiy, their libertY as ether people hav CENSUS'OF: BRUCE • COUNTY". ••clempTERis. :(0hesley Eeteeprise). • 'One' of the uaique• tteeoniplisements f the 1925County Council and one .hat will remain a mentiment t� their memory' was „the compiling qc. re, ,TrIrt on the numb;lecetion and con, aitl,on 4, all the 'Cemeteries in, the ;ounty. From egne to tin*: 'in the i al.,aSt• CominEteep of Council haVP,e- Jared repots arid 'statistics e7 prn var- , ;pus, County matter S such' as bridges, •oads; education, debenture inde,bted- :less, .nesessinents, 'etc., but. never 'be- fore, we believe; has a Council been alled upon to delve so deeply. war 'the, dead past as to report on the 'itie of the Dead. • Under the' • antentiments , to the • 'eneetery Act :passed at the 1924 br Pierce 'stated that Armenia a: it wee' a thousand years ago was Hy' first conntry'•to rece,gnize '•Christiase,' ity as At national ..religion. He furteei • stated, and there is. ,other "autlios7iti i'or' the .standinent, that in 'rerkee the, Atmenians Were the educated ant' Protessionel elass-ethe tient:Sts; tiff, arcliitects-and .Greelce-they-Weie the 'business Mee: . . '• the cifuntry the . banker's' ant! •.merelients. About. forty per cent of' the, tWo-itridea-lialf tnillion. Armenians' in, 'Turkey. Mere engagedin these. the remaining. 'Sixty per 'cent be-, ing•yengaged in•Agrieultur It is. evrte'teat the Teries/While re nrcling himselfas a sort ef•stiperior, nerion. fa:indifferent ....about Work .01. business,' oreven eontemptuous, of it': 'On the .othet• bend 'the Armenian •workee and '1,Ceen, On. business. ". Sir Edwin ,Pearsfriendly Arinenianei 'hag ;Stated that a Turk and. an Armenian: living, side sidc , will, after, a.'year'e time; ering•aheti4 -a• situation whereby' the '.,Arnieniar, Will ' All tile' rnoneY; add'. In tnY oPinien inieossible tO e"' aggerate the, ireportance , of debt-, or and 'creditor's telationship." • • This. ene Of the reasons Turks 'hate • the Armenians. Lam; spendthrift'. neeple.', areong, eueselvee hate. Jews 'mid' other sticeetsefel, ,bui. Ines. men fOr• the sante re,ason: . • . , --:.----Another"-reasouthat7thetArrrien.,-"•-miyse beeneedepted-.13ills for,12-com- iarts'.having acquired • education ,'haYr . r.ittee iwbrk far Outclassing . those aspired; to: independence Of., Turkey 1,1,• the Reforestation , Ceramittee: a The; Turks 'are very much •opposei' 'car o 'ago: would doubtless; have ..been to the 'breaking up of 'their cauntry • ''.....osented teethe Finapce Further, Olit6itlei'Cluestien cettitrifs the'Couneil on this occas.' notably 'Rue* .end Eeitnin,ette,n ,being in. an, ecoeomieal: frame ,of • teilered with Turkey in the interest e arind...(oWing siO•doebh.. to the serious' the .Cheistiate Arieerilank. This • latare :elf 010'. matter in AlaTia). still; further maddelied the Turks . eided that -the, 'inepeAon ; bs , In • these . ciremnstances. an Y °poor enVeniently Made: by • baying • eitah: White to" revenge ,ihemselves iiper Reeve inspect the' 'cerneteries in hie tht was reedity:ernbrasetl' .eunicipaft and report, tie the .con - 'by the Voice. Ott.' the oetbreak ,of. &tie% of the Same' to the, COunty the -Great7War, the Armenians read- Clerk at the June SesSion: or ak,aoon showed sympathy With' the:.Alliee thereafter as. pOssible. Turkiih-TTOVeritiiient • ten --the. • Reports', have. Hiniv--,-beew—reciveti . side of ,OeienitnY;.''and: at 'Once 4104 eVekY numiciptiliLy and • was an. exeilge and :elle .oppeitunity tith.. a teller of 'cost to the • :rate, to revehge 'themselves: tipOit the de. payeri and the felloWing. suinniary fel-1660th - Evidently tile in, ttenecetiOn.:,theeetvith. is •noetr.,;. sib -Turks.-00,--thiseeetasietedetideit-te"-ge mitted„ ' • ricl at once and forever of the Art'. • There are' in the. County of Brace tneniart 'qftee'tiets • by •of toproxiMately 80 ternetettiee. of WhiCh .: the Arnienians;, Ontiber. :16 are ,iii or belong te. the ur •,Ltiaa.otenielpttligek,!.641(1,,64:iete.„.ortteel. Wart-tlitiiiireettesvititenheeteilletien,i0 the iirbarrifitkiikiiiiri(a":Mildriiti' the »government' at bonstantinonle, nnisleft•Valkerton and Southampton The lierSecntifd peOple timid nef eaeh -beim , the TOWSit init itehed reSiettinte beettneti•elne A$6 'Carriek heads the lot, -there . • • iession of the Legialatuie the Colin - Council preeemered to appoint . tne c -,T lime Inspectors • whose duty t is to 'inspect the cemeteriee 'the lotinty to see that the lots' are .roperly 'maintained and that , the ..tWnere carry out -the provisions of • he Act and such Inspectors are :re- , euired to tepert to tete Previncial Board :Of ' Health. • At the 1925 January session of the -Alice County Connell -a Icommunidat- • via& read from • the Chief Officer tif•Meath:. of , the Province .pointing out the provisions cif the' Act land 'attention to ',the;, neglected, of many cemeteries throu- (shout the Proviece, and 'the, COuncil as urgettecitlrar-a-rsYstemetie--in ,,•jection .Made and to 'ieport the re,' • Alit to the Department. • • • ' Here was '"an ,eneortunity for the 7etincil • tb create one or more -lite:- " •etive:.Positions as: ..demeterY In •:etectors for whieh the applicants. , • ‘'e•tid no ,doubt 1.3e, npmerous, , or , tc seeeint a special CerreterY Con3. mittee to viSit all the' cemeteries' from Lucicnew to 'Toltermbry ai $3,00 I day 'and' Mileage, Had' the lAtter • • • 4 • • t p HE 'Miming table'shows the principal rates now in effect for thi.p*chauggi3Oliol the new rates for which we are a4king the approval of the lgoafd?ot Railway ,monoiy uatp. • • 73Ssiness Service ' ;Present Monthly• Rate, , . . • gTaitr• : 1,85' MonthW ..1.31err..Cas13 $2:50" 40! : •,2.00 Reildencq'Srvice ' . • ' $2.05 ,$2.05,' -.1'arty • ". .1.85 • 1.85 5 (Above rater are for wall teleghone,$) • it will be seen that in ord.er to bring localt elephone rates in- to line with our proposed new schedule, no change is necesary in the charges for residence service. T,_e tendency is thus to • encourage the deVelopment of reidence service.. •• Merchants and business men, while asked t� pay a soinewhaf higher rate for business telephones will benefit, in the en- , latement of the scope and value of their service by the de- , velopment of residence telephoneS.. We.believeOUf patrons' willagree that to maintain and ex- tend a service vital to the welfare of the community far out- weighs in importance the moderate increases a relatively small , ',..number of our citizens Will.be.asked to Pay. :. ,SElenCg/.. Minage „ .The Bell Telephone COnapan • ' ofCa6,da ' A les ;required to:. received the dust of the: Sturdy inha'bitants' "of that Town- ship. •. . , : The ' tenieteries are , distributed throughout the County. as'. ifollows:' owned ' by .-the. MuniciPalltY 'and. in 'such ,eases the upke;ep' ia paid 'elYti Culbert; vitae Orland Dere and for mit. oil: municipal funds and Nele stand/it, caretakers are employed. A nurnioer ,.of the Towns ,and : ViLIag .11ave now adopted the perpettiel care wan for' the Proper "maintenance ot- the' Plots. and in th's Way have 'nz- •:untulate4, amourst of fUnde, the ,flri4iwel_of.,_yvhich to ."'llefray- the cost. ,Of inainnienance. Chesley' Paisley, Port. Elgin,' Kincardine, and Wa.keiten Iteee ,adopted this (hod ,solv,ing •tho' question di Towns and Vil1a$-Lucknow. 1 paIldniay .2, ra'Sley 2, ,Port Elgin 1 Tara 1, Tiverton. 1; , Teeswater, 1 Xincaidine 1, •Southampton 2, Valk- , • . erton 2 Warton 1 Chesly 1. 'retail 16. Arran :5,- Brant 5; Bruce 6, Carriek 11, Culross 2, Eastnor 5, GreenOck 6 Huron 6, -Kiiicardin,c 3,', Lindsay 1, Valois ,3, • Saugelii.l.: St Edmunds 2 Total 64 • APa rule the rural cemeteries are in a neglected; cendRon, there being o edurce of 'revenue for, .upkeep other than the, Sale •elets and (what kinds • are volunlarily contributed hy• the wet .owners. :In a few N cesee the Township' *Council supervises the nlaintename but the funds spent for thie parpose are: entirely ,:nadequatec The urban terneteries are much better cared, for, nearly all of them, •DIJNGANNON • . Mi Lawrence Smiley recently fell on the eteps .at hiklimeee and Ras so • • 13adly injured that neighbor's had tc Ts arry him into the house.. Jaines Stonehouse has So , far re: covered: from the. injuries suffered' a .fe*..weeke • ago,•While felling, a" - tree; , St to :bocibleto walk about. • Mr.. WM. Moles who ' *as ,thc' barbering besinees here` some. •yearr age, has- again opened a shop :for the Winter 'monehs, near 'the Pobl:c • An enjOyable -evening was 'spent bi about ortY di the 'young. people. 91° the United Church on Jan; 19th, when :ruerribers; of the Tuxis Boyi en! • terteined two organized'classes Of girLs iti the Sunday seneef.roem �f the 'church. The varied Program ,ere- -seated by the boys' included a denate,, "Resolved' that Western; Canada offers greater oppo'rtunity, to the farmer than Eastere:' 'Canada, " the; affirmative 'c'tf which was'ably . held by Benson Pentland and Llew- Carman Anderson presented the Plaftne of the negative. The , points presented by the opposing sides,, were about eveii • in the opinion; -of thr wh-cr-,-&cided in -favor --of: ;the - affirmative because • of, the . eetter addresses . and delivery 4 the ,hovs speaking tier 'Western • Canailit ' The • TuiS--136ys', Journal' read by Pentland Was both instructive and • amushig. A gediel tene was spent enjoying the bountiful iuncn provid• .2.eniete5y upkeep . ancl the resulte fed and served by the boys. A lively p•• LAN•GSIDE 'Messrs. Fred ' Tiffin and Jas.' seote,'•,'. - are engaged iwith Mr Henry Caesar cutting wood. • • ' Quite a number of the riling:folks % of this vicinity' attended. Burn's Bali in Lucknow Waylay evening. We areall glad to See Me. John Hill is able to be out again , after being confined to . the :;house with ..measles. , . Miss Myra „ Taylor .3rIsited one day ' last Week with her krigiul Miss Mar- •garet Tiffin.',. , • „ : Mr. Whitfield „Scott has gone to Ripley to assist his brother, Gordon, 'n his shon,for a fe*. Oay§. Mrs. JOhn -Richardson • and, ssOn,; Robert, are, visiting friends in Tee• e ater . Remember the services. in Lange side church at the usual hour 7;30 Everybody twelconie. •beve preyed Most satisfactory as is ;ivneCn-iS:gng:tohrnotinglohn,, tean unnsally happy shoen . by the amount of fende now ieVeSeract hi those, Munt.'cipal.ities 0 •• as 'follows: Chesle-Y-0800, ;nip K. K. K. BECOMES ACTIVE • ,Porti. Elgin, $1800, Kincardifie $1.003, Walkerton $300. • :• ifsi A4oegeeardrail:nigatto a 'report ' irrk the 'Lon Out of, the total nember of :cem 'don Free a Prae:its.i.m. wtahdienethitKasmui:apInu,:dca-rlietntlahemi netvieariaeds by tohre Coun,ty absa 10 , are in 'Kincardine. A rneefog,':was hele have: beeh established at, wingham Wednesday ,nrig.ht at ,•ii connection ; witli the; Catholk C3hureh; and the. reports invariably last. •elecie apii .60ilarently a branch Show that ;these are kept in splendid 7,:miffieeitirthi ei i, ',17:dala:a:Inpi t(.)0i awas 'hridert held secreti inin ttlbt wholenir, et .Tvoetwhnnet lOns'Aiore, the funds for this eurpoee beiAnag tphreoyrnicleidal'h4nitli:te.Crienunr,ehw,nre in iwera permitted to renia.n.,. A speak. moat cases, Originally donated by eardsdhit:hisoentueyde!alhieliti,71:hbternr:ge!raarri.,t1hineiLnaiinddtooh':oc, •hriVate individuals or established by a,unpaaitdo ,tphreompailtaecifpriaetse..ronfaic_hriOisvteialue ,:toCk. eompanies formed in: the cam. ,eilninitityr wetiieptelnirer; tlhonnet spirnnebeinmpasseotd atntaft that the mail had hee.. ,sointhnance. has 'meted' , alinatt cri-• dexeli!ddeinfefeerefonrt -hnuttrihitler:.ds Aotte.d.eyrefaut411. .t.iitti:.: Litesiy w,it: the •plot, Oweers en, cl those v;ircopto.: 1 . . . .. ‘, 1.1. iiot ,.,...et.,6t,e.it, :01,tti.i... hi : the• ;•,r,i. 0.1:“ 9, Mid, several theusend in. Townships ..e,tepe.,. sie the ,caee_tif.... one ....The. regtionk-in »Iondon "i.said to , er tWo rural cemetery 13oards but ne be very . satisfactory to th'ic organ', •Aceibt as this -plan:of -.cemetery fin. 1•2e114. • ' intei'ested- The perpetual care plan 91e1,01)6°14 01611d;at6 1,1500 inetnbeie • ii becomes better known At will ;SO.0.1)e)10.001iYoraniV"',iod011t0,-- ' • • • eee-e-teee-,•eee • Two .lnetaneett 'in -which two '-inOte:..and7:iet lea • ,y90 'CP thPY 'wort it ,'oobjuatoil loony.c�. being no ;Over 0.104 *wan- '4Intitat. dreigiaa act goyernment, •• : unvv3V4'with--1/igsun inOre 'thatil the nerglie'e)et'i; talking, .'inachinea" -Ile away „ tonilteS» • ' Podern ah litt . , L nd Welnen talk sheep:lige ' t 001111140 as yours *ore • DRIVEAS PERMITS , r • Meter 'drivers' permits 'will net be: issued, till' PrObably, about the middle..., 4 the ,Yeer, ,aceord;ng to' the state - It of Ilen. G. S. Henry; minister 3.f Highways., `!Tlie • law is. effective ..;hat drivers' permits are to, be taken eutp-he Sid, .hab we have not pro- vided, the reachiner.Y. as Yet. "the de- partment 'd,:d not wishto undertake, his at .the, same 'Hine as the issuing of the en °toe' licenses.It mould need • : en extra staff and,: it is proposed. 'to issue the•ul drivers' ; permits about the •;. cif the year." As ;has been pointed Out; there is., no spatere 'ithe- • 1926 card for' regietering conViet- • ions forbreaking. the traffic' laws!, this ;being left off because of the in- tOfltjO'"t'dlssue '1116—drive,rte card:7:— TIOWev'er, in the interv'el the infritee- ione whicle can serve ft, needed kot ; reference., • o o MAIPEKING '1V13‘. John Gauley is ependipg a air 4a111yar atani4driVI. jefai.s,SC.IIJI.beKrt".leta'trick •V. is- , t ited it Mr. Cecil l'releaven's, lakt. Tuesday, ; • • Mr,. and .Mrs. Wm. 'Sher*ood and daughter, Viqlet,.., of Wilkie, • Seek, wete guests- , elf Mr. and .Mrs. Johni . Slake, on Wednesday, ' Mr. Geo: Twainley hada Vaditi set installed,, lest Monday, - • ": • Finlay Shackleton and Patrick Were home •week -end: . - ' • rile:moil-ad the 'eocie,::Titty needn'i • KLUB h h 31w .t taiot off grade. Their paronta ate,not as ey. re inue art a • ' • • - 4