HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-28, Page 1r•-•
I . a ^. • ; '•• •
- ,
,4;09. rgliI7 YEAR IN ADVANCE;.' SUP. pixERwt. • Sg'. • '
mum* NOTES •
LOCAL .AND CENElIAL - .0.' ' Presbyterian Guild
I . The Literary; CoMmittee,
yellers Cassie McDougal and Winni.,
fred Douglas, 'bad charge of the pro.
Mender • evening. -- -Markin
• 'ReDougar•-teed the Scripture Lesson.
MISS K• McDonaldgave a splendid
'paper On. 13up's.' !Mrs. 4.,, .,..sheriw
';:eve a reciding;ftomy:ipripi_aird.;:e• ,
n.innher7bf-gifirsitrg' one Of Buin's
,s#n,gri, Katherine .McKentie ',gave, an.
incitruinentat .Rev.:t.' kt, . Merronald
Closed the meeting With .prayer. '
I .* • •
Dr W. M., Connell
Connell' 'and PilleOn
Lochnow' •
Hour! I-4 •7-8
Phone $6
. •
.,Pr.,MateLeodl viIJ vuit Ladino*
•every ¶juesday rn -Dr..." • COnneit'll
'Dr. R.," L. Treleaven, Lucknow-
Over Decker's .St ore. Extraction
either by gas or local. Will be, in
Dungannon' every TburaisY.
' Piwne..\58
Call Dr NewtonMake appointment
• .
, The man who said our winters
In oilleeeveryday
getting Milder had his doubts 1
Friday and.' Saturdey.
Mrs. Scobie, of Belgrave is spell
• . mai.?
. • .
' MiSS Eila;;1" Eaffinn, Visaed over.
e We'elt-94 with Miss Grebe • Cam.
F• eb, ,11th-Ceinnidrilin Tea. Keen
date"'oeell'tFarther -notice next,
• 1014;01d' linen letter,' in.
Murdoch ,Co'S• adyt; 'last Page .of this
issue. '
• Mr. Wilfed Anderson is home, af
r spending a Couple of • weeks
Mrs .. J. J. Taylor, who- list week
was very ill, was somewhat better
tWs week.
ilcin of Brantford is spend -
Mg the week with her ;Parents, Mr
and Mrs. "Geo. Greer. . •
ing" a coriple ,or weeks with her son
Mr. David acolne, of town. ..
Mrs. Bean, Who has been visiti
her siser Mrs. -,Arinstrong1-11
Le urne -• 0:her -home in Toronto, •
Reeve JohnSston;, dr LicknoW,
Reeve Tiffin, of Kinloss, are atten
Gee. A. Luelatow, --Broker
and Real Estate.,Money to lend er
' .firat mortgaged on farm Profer-
ties at SAW 63ii per cent accoreing
te. security offered. Also sma•r
• amounM second mortgages on
farm properties and on ' personal
notes. • A few; good' farms for sale
• I have added to my Wall Patter
and' Paint buninesii. a • atOck Of Wan
Pager which 'gray be Seen. dt.
-lt. J. Cameron
• Painter and Deceritor
With the installation a new ma-
ehinery •and by extensive re -model-
, .-.
•••• we fire•making a higher grade of
Sour them, the mill has ever ' made.
Try bag and 'Imbue yourselL
.Your money refunded if not satisfae•
E. Treleaven •
We, the undersigned,- will be in tin'
ma,rket during the waiter; to buy al
, kinds of logs, will take all classes of
logs.'down to what will make goo -
sound 'crating .lumber, and will •pai
• the . highest maiket price ,akeerdint
to ,cinality. For further particular:
''OPnlY at our office, Or call phone 25
;Lucknow.-The Luckivan, ,,Table -.Co
Button,, Manager,
, .
Safety Razor Blades' sharpened
Any make:, Satisfacticn guaranteed
money .refunded. Single edge 3c,
' Double edge 4^. -Win. 'Murdie & Son
Lucknow. • •
For Sale -A number of collie pups
-Russ Middleton, R..6,,Lucknow. pd.
" There, will be offered for sale at
' the ,premises of . the ' undersigned'
North Half, Lot 39, Con. 1, Kinloss
on Friday, January 29, 1926; at ter
' 'o'clock A.M., by John Purvis; auction:
eer, one steeri, apparently two-year."
, Applications for the position *of
' Road Superintendent in the Town,
ship of Ashfield will ,be received by•
c the undermg,ned up to Feb. lath
Applieenth-to State salary•.. .
.• ' 'C. E.'McDonagh. Clerk
.R..R. Lucknow.
Wood Wanted -- For Paramount
School...15 cords, 20: inches long
body beech and maple. Tenders will
be tedeived by the undercligned until
Fe b. 15th,',
A. G. MaoDiarmid
' • atio'Y
andliolaisama al=11.116,1111ftlion.
POSter Hoilires•-•Waiited for lOys.
tont 10 tc.:12; ,oria..'giti, .0i end, tWe,
babies.-- R. PrirdUe; Welkertell; '
1011111WIMSIMISIMal meNaillti4IIIMPAY0 1.1.11■11111 avorareammaamm
Ftr Ba11,217 Mos,
old. 'Apply to . GoOrgo Kennedy,
rt.. it. 1;' Luanow, Phone 43-14,
• - :
On'the Street of LucknoW,
legging chain: Findeiekindly report to
Phillip. MacMillan.
•.AtlerION SALit OF 14047
_ Lots 84 and 85' in 'tail 14th
GO. of Culross, consisting of 206 ea..,
res, eithated two'naileS east of Luck,
Mine' Gravel,' Roach The Sale 'will, be
held on tho premises,, On Thursday,
,flth. (lair of February, 102(3, at
0 'O'clecle; in thelforenoork
TERMS,-.-Sub4ect to,* *Mill -mom
ea. The •balencai..taeli ))0 51olta,
exited'. bid. • "
D. Stanley, *
Auctirmeer! .,•q•,,6cletipietratrI2U
0 *1404 in All Vnititt atoria In
THE scHoOL. or AGItICIniarbRE
•Mr. J. Hota0e of Hespele Nliil b
here the first and second weeks:. 'of Pr, Pierce of GeOrget9wil. Gives EN'
, . r-,
!VehritarY,; and Will lecture On gas en. "intent Addre,t.„-e-Armeniaa Traged3
gines and traetorkanliWill•tOlieb on '''="B Making
, • --.°Ys, -Good at -George.-
-.‘the"Stilclect'Or Radie...,
dn keb, 3rd,4th and 5th. Prof town Farm.. ,:• . ::
Colquetfe •f the'Dept f E oncinc S : In spite er severe Celd'andhowPrii.'
(10. A. C.; will leetn4.04,-Maric,eting,,.. storm, about thxeU..,',bundred ,peOp!
-7-4)n-the-evening erFe8:17tr."778'W`, Ittil-e7 e'd'' :I' - Carnegie last Fri
.W. E. iSeota9unreeornai. .14.11!4:',147"fitil7',,,,,ow,vinil: .' ,...fri,Y.,:venin; 't. hear ' bilr!si1.1Pieiie; of
ga14,,,tilts le,41,..re . will tin ii: : utorgetoWn, lecture on the Arinenian'
ven un er „, •• • •
sp,thehojorlittileanaligcehs" ,socrho:?tiht ti'eoPubthliee ..na'vaacr:dt: s'oairle9,t1.h5e,• te011iteldir1.-en„,,(1,.04„ep%'ilt,. '
tti3Opurbtfo:AAgricehtialr.tgiletet;fand25Wailnlabeit5ocT, eiittsn't:wde,rdthnie altsQerekre0514, tahnea Ggeivoergeento'w
vvill be made ' . , farm, iwhere ninety lads are being
The ..progfemine-..' COMinittee
'take. charge of the prograninre, nOt
Monday.'" •., • .
'Mr, grank Yeigh" will give; one of
his travelogues "New ..Glimpses of
the •Old World" in the Presbyterian
church, Lucknow on the evening • of
February 15th. Mr. Yeigh one of
the best lecturers of the present day.
This is his latest subject and will .1).
illustrated by, 150 lantern slides.
The meinbers of the Choir of the
United, Church .held .a delightful p
social, in the Church .parlor on Tues-,., A,
day 'nig . • lilffective decorations
rip. were used to give the room a home.;
_ ,
Lr's_ , ike-appearance, The guests 'were re-
ceivecl by Mrs. G. A. Nevytcin and
Artangeme;iS have been comPlet- trained Canadian feral work' , •
ed for the eoncertiin Feliriniry 12th ' .
Dr. Pierce had With him three bo
to be given by the shore Course(frOnr the farm, among them be'
students. The. program . will consist 12MueAtheerwBrIpie.ceepilifeuhiraayY: tbteenc.inseeppe
,ia,orl-!eancdeuiTteltraoknyf s,hnuoierth.Pelreay.s and.'n",:: usip:
ink. A fourth ibny had; remained iiv
" at RiPieY where ,the PartY .bad • beer
THE BURN'S NIGHT BALL on Thursday, he 'hav:iig ileveloped ar
. ukerated tooth. 'Dr.,Pierce, natural
The ,dance given under- Fire ;Com. ly entlinsiestic about the Work 01
any auspices, lifonnday: nightourrg training and educating the iibys, anc•
nniversary) was a real . old -tinier, it leeks as though effdrts .shal'
in every respect but One -..-and that be, well reivercled, for the ,bois ,'art
was an' improvmnent.' , ,v. bright, .active, and on the whole aveL
There was just the biggest' e'rOud klehaved... Lucknovi people will hav,
'ever the Hall would aceonune.. • no' regrets for: having. Contrauted
date, and then Smile: And there Irina. ';he. suPpork Of Bruce Murray.' He
rollicking ' good Only '' some . a well up. lad, -like a 'Canadian boi.
couldn't step out' and: swing out • as of 15., or 16, and Very Much: alive tc
freely as they 'would like.' It'wes : a his Mirroundings. He has the ,keei •
well-behaved'ereild too Which took Occiniline ffeatirres..*hieh we assoCiet
its departure ••withoet the ..otil,time With the Arabs. The ,hoyik: all have
noise. A 'Meal Orchestia. furnished :ntenselY, 'irthek heir; ancrilark' skin
.odd monk.-• • ' 'amine elastic of the "Mediterranean ,
The night Wes,:fin:, res&•,:iffintavviteriffitrihTlillii-•1AT
the----14de.:good, so that .the County of. the tk,...ae-; !nal*, no *doubt, arc„
for. miles round. about Was . under size, for their age liaYin
'presented, • '
As n tet result the coffeigt.of the
and the
member* happy. lio*ever the ''.Fire
'Ccimpany always puts its money to , •
nd Mi. J.,3Vesley Joynt; 'Phe 'evenhig
nt's County, Council at" Walkerto
4. was passed in games' and staging.
n Music was *supplied by the „Sunday
School Orchestra: Delightful refresh-
ments were served, under direction of
the Social ,Committee, including Miss
e..• Belle Robertson, 41 .-rGertrude • Tre-
• , .eaven, Miss Bessie •Mardie, Mrs. R.
e I .E. Renclerson. W. Anderscn.
1:tober Won., Miasrs.; E. T. Armstrong
th week.
The Belfast L. O. L. No. 499 wi
iold d box social and enthrtahnlien
their: Hall: at Belfast on the ev
oink of Friday Jan. 28th.. ,
Mr. Will.- .blurdoehi7O-f anit St
ark, Ont.; was renewing; accerai
',Tufted Church Y. P.
in town. oVei the • week -end
Ifter being 19 years ,•in the os 0.0,
Iiich.; Mr. M irdoch',,,has Crossed. tc
-he Canadia side arid again -feeling
.Jewel RebeIciths hold a Social.
vening; in Oddfellows' "Hall, the
.of Tuesday, Feb. -2nd. Reb.
"kahs---and husbands; Oddfellows ane
wives or lady friends -are cordially in-
vited tc) attend. Ladies please bring
lunch,Com. •
The -hunlorous drama "Sue", :pre;
iented in the Town Hall last Thurs
lay evening the Foidyte I young.
„ieOple is said to have been very good.
fhe afternoon and evening, unfortun.
,ately were cold. and stormy so that
• he attendance was rather small.
:Iho play•was, given under L. O. L.
tuspices; Better hick next time.
Mrs. Earl Cranston and children
:ere visitors in Kincardine last
i. -eek, with her brother, Mr. Percy
Iyde, and other friends. ,
Mr. 'and,111rs.,,,,Rob. Taylor of Atr-
ium visited last Week with Mr. and
• Ars. Will. Taylor.
•• Miss "Della Cranston visited ftiends
• n Kincardine during last week. •
- Mrs. McVittie is a visitor' with bez
laughter, Mts.; WH.,Taylor. •"
• About eighteen' boys ' -who • are
.rttending the Agricultural Course in
Lucknow spent an afternoon,recently
at Mr. Frank Toclds, judging" stock
The monthly meeting Of the • Wo•
nen's Institute will be held at . the
114me of Niro. R. K. Miller on Thurs.
Idea for Saturday and Monday." Sub -
' OtitenshiP Department had
charge,. of the, programme at the Un-
ited-Thtirch; -11iindaY „evening. T h c
question of Trades "Union 'was •t h
Object of lively debate, Grant Mae- go
ICentie and Harvey MaeDoirgallJtalc-
ing-the-affirmatiWaidttelcolm Arm-
strong and Gordon Johnston -arguing
.E.Y..07.4400 OfoutQualio .40.0104040...
• •.
Raisin, ancl Wjioje Wheat Bread is a
. • . • • • •
..fpoSt WholqsonioNotitiMMOni
••.';•' • •
JeO*RallS :14ut:Tais‘: pugs • , Coffee 'C44sWainut .
BUuS. Oatmeal Cookies 'Fruit Crescents
.Creapq ,Slices Banbury Tarts
Your Butter and Eggs and Obtain
The Best Prices
Phone .36
Luck/low- .
, ,,E. iTai!sitisnhd tiehrerinitoirirye.lif)..fancdouthr?s,e-,.fvehw,c:;:
. e so' that they had little :food, 0T.
were then driven ,by brutal soldiers
the -market Square; On Very short ne-
i'ometimea-'for hundreds Of •thilei; Out
4lothing..In droves of 500 or less they
. Ca.meron . are' attending. • the :Connty.
••••,:ave 'Mit ,Were, killed by the roadside . k
•_ -, iCvoeeun.cri n_ierig.,;_. an: 9o_d_eri.eli,..,:.1,.,ly--:
Reeve Fariiili and Deputy Reeve ..
.. .
litle. Children ,I3ini'' left to t.a,i'ire. by .1....Rilik,...-MiejDuzialitaltan••::: La --
!c aasti-bOttigg:,.op. iiietr- . • en s.'• A---.-7e's77this • week f.or• Detroit,' Whore- heln-,
'nom); the . piethres shown wee one I tends to remain' irer'e couple Of.:.'nron-• ,
j,e:•a .little ,girl vihn had i been lef.t in '.ths. ' , . , ,
•• AP way. ' She was accidentelly (Vs.,' .11•Vfiss Flora Andrew, teacher • at.
., ._...,
4oveted .bX.4.wianau-c.orineetecl--With-FICntail • •en re' Wee -end at he r
. 1.1°: the mission, who adopted her. Thf. 1 home. la' ..1.4.11eiaaat; ' • ' '• . ' ' ;
etictiVe 'picture showed a healthy' looking lit. ..._..:Mr.-Charlie--Stewart---reeieVed*ord
H--er_'-,---i...• "_.:
e looY 'orillifrerently7feui or five of. the, Serious biros' Of 'his, brother,.
Id, :4F Years. . ' ' ; .. ' Jahn; in Regina, Sask.. lie:.leftlin••
elee•• The middle-sized boy. who , Wei 'here thediatelY •for there,. but arrived just '
unCii ' /rad . fieli .h,fi patents "nnirdered ' • in a yeti Short : time before his death
- . . •
. typical fashion. A party • of Turks. lie 'brought the remains back with .;
. , .. .
iv1°P -,,ca ' - i the house and . turning the hini' to Goderich, 'where they were
l'.ather protested and for doing soaves : •predeceaA,f0, him. over 80 years ago.
'family Out. ' i fire' t the place Tile, I inter ed hal ie' that of his wifeicwho .
_boy killed by one of the soldiers. The zrio. .The 'regular Menthly 'fleeting.' Of '
Or1ti ' tiler .in desperation hit thselclier in ! the Women's -Institute will.-ineet at "
leY. . 'Iile , face, but this, though , natural ! the home Of Mrs. Neil G.
erce waS Unfortrincite: She was seized by f• Laurier, on Thursday, Feb.: 4th.F, , '..
12` be 'Soldiers, ; and instead df . being 1.• ,Mr:' Alex. MacDonald iiif Ambet'ley
W ilt sirriPly Put ki,t,' death, she wascraci.:1 who has 'been vdti law for Seine time •
ern! ': ed in the. presence of the . unhappy I Was.,,soniewhat better at. the begin-
hier• -hid wh was left to starve but lat..' nine. of the week. Very little hope i'.
13°Y,''' .,I. was picked up b themissionaries i• held for hi recoyery : . ,'
°W.i . That the lad appreciated the tragedY 1 Mr.. Ian MacRae', of Lochalsh, left ,
11sli Wei indicated by the fact that for this Week for Toronto 'to restinie his
' • • - . • . • . .t,•
°P ' two' year he was . not known eyer tc studies. : . • , • , . .
hicl s le ' laugh • Nothing that conk' Mr. and Mrs..'Alex MacKenzie, of .
' be done Worth' melte, hiin, even smile. • Lo:hals.h, have Moved to Lacknow,;
Ilh' • ••••A inunber ;Of .- lantern 'slides were 'for the rernalnder: of the Winter
e19- Orown, illustrating. the actiYit!ps. of ' 'Mies' Jessie MacDonald, of ' Loch, •
ape . he • boys on the GeorgetoWn .1farin, , alah, is . leaving this week for ','D'e-
• , • ••-.....
911 They do all kinds or farm Work, Mid' trOit. , ' : ' .
ilf do tb-gir .own hOuseworkeverYthing Mr. Wm., Long, Who 'was here, at.
'oeing kept in good sanitary Condition 'tending the rurierai Of, his . brother, .
he • ..
'rho work is .done outside .of scboo; •Alex, has 'returnee .to his home
' ' i • * , • • ' - , ' • '' / '
c , -...eurs.. these being the san:le as .in the, .,Toronto. , ,.. . . . .,, ,
Ontario, public achoola: •, . • mi.. D. ll., maciceie ' of Lochalsh., •
ere -
The lecture and In- eetini were .i;b• - who has !been .seriouslY ,i11, is ..cnoe.-
in- .7,-./. auspices cif" the keel breach of • What improved.
Women's Institute. '. pi% :New- Mr. and Mrs, Jas; Drennan :,of Lan -
acted as. chaitinazi, and gave e i esi visited .With Mr, and "Mrs.. Melvin:
.......rt-address-introducing7,-.Div-.1Ceivc---Raynatzi- "Thir*FairiganE;Tdurizig . the
.. . . ._,L,,... ...,j4,..., . . ,.E ,week. ,-: „'
._.,itr.d.,...G,C..2banics:-.-Mr-s,----A o 34T-Grahain McNay of Paramount; ,
family wish sincerely to thani( .Spent the Week' -end, in Leader". •:,
friends and neighbors, Who were: 'Mr. ,and :Mrs. Clair-. Irriiii,-"of Pera-4'.
kind and sympathetic at the tirrie :mount, Vsited with Mr. encI'Mrs. ..8;
their recent bereavement. . Alton, of belfait during'. the Week.'
. • ,
Misti Annie Grant .of, Hemlock
:City visited at the home of her aunt'
Mrs. A. 1VIeDermid'; at the Nile Jet
several day' last week
5 at
slime suffered privation and hunger
The re oVercerning-thiai-,an.d-t
kmill they are strong and , a
some of ,,iiem .excellingja_athl
• _____Ersce.-MtirraYrthe_Docter, to
odiniFeusekk.o nobody begrudges -the "MaYor'.'• of the farm ColOny.,an
thin., having been 'held , for d, co
--,o-o-o--- and mayer at the first of the , year
- • - • - .._- This ' livias dCine with 'a view of g
VTIIFUL-LOORING •OLDTIMEK the bOys an .Clisight to our metho
(Kineatdipe Review Reporter) :,. e:tlescatic'hnaptYentadlit9Itia. tPtllhrriuLailicYle7noewn
, ,
he .Rey. Walter. E. Treleaven, Of lied as an opponent for the illaY
Imo*, who,, Was here on Thursday the boy being supported by .Rip
riXt Week C'onducting the,Services Some appeared to expect.Dr. Pi
he late Mrs, Aaning.' ' was as- and the boys to giVe.'a -Concert:
'it to the Rev. Dr. James 1113on90 *as- a miatake., What they gave
or of' .ille Methodiae, .Church really ' inore interesting and - us
was thirty-nine years ago. Mr 'ihe Doctors address was the c
&weir had to retire ' from the 'feature of the evenrpg. The •
, • .
a ,../1 ih.swraYsi .thctnibirelteeuddnt4t.hocefe,eLtshsui.la.nHtoiwt:ouli. trouble :1;7! da;sf oewopvi gave
iies,feiwne seinie: ettihioe:::
Inother tongue, :the others in' Eng
feu rweceoghnair citioas'tapini.denghotwhe, iv:nrei c,' ley/ritOatikteh uoprgavenryanrei;rtiryu.ment le'
it Was. that he • Preached •here ' pr,. PierceAS well qualified for
could not tome .*ithin 25 'year's vOrk. ,' He is. a good, -eiren and
uessipg his age. * He cettainli luent spealker• h is enthusiaiti
,• e : c
;ympathetic. In the sPring of 1
for the negative. Messrs Dickenion, (0
Newton and H. Macintosh, who act-
ed as judges gave the decision to tin
negative by a very few points. A T
.ading was. given by Miss Retti-• 'Luc
Graham; Musical numbers vvere' of
en by • the Sunday School- 'Orchestra of f
and by. Enola buswel. • .ista
The Devotional .Committee
have charg:e of the meeting , next r ‘TParhszt
Monday. `•• e
. . -.......... ,
The 'Reception .Service at Zion dut
which had to be postponed frem Sun.
day last Will be held . 'Sunday Ev'g bet
;text,. at the regirlar service. ", ' ago
All members of the eaniregaiiom• ' "'".
are expected to attend the. Birthday °f g
?Arty of the Wonien's MissionarY Petal
Society this afternoon (Thursday)
at. Hackett's ' church. Lunch Nyiu he WEL
served after the programpie. .
The pastor's subje4 next unday
_ :suiirdddaeYn'ly. fell forward from his chair' ;atry: He had as assistants in the col the
ducted at Alton's. Store, Dungannon, -sign of illness. Mr, Burchell A Popularity Contest will be con- having expired •Without giving a4-en7y7
3pholare vvho had graduated ,frorn thc Jho
lege work a number • Of Armeniiir tori
during the menth of February, -clos- _ears ,6E4. e 11443,cl4.v _large.,..colleges-of-the--IlnireirSfere53-
ns his youthful appearairce.
-.t-ci o o,
. '
le Irraduated.for the ministry and
L --KNOWN CATTLE MAN • and his 1,:vire volunteered for serv
. •--
1:01Riii AT wiu,smijAm n the foreign Mission fieid. 7,
, , , , , ..yere sent 'to Assyrja where he was
lie ,isiting at the home- ‘if;
, a k
.torne One thousand Armenians iw
..-.,each in Eulihraties College, wh
bor iin Lower Wingham on Sat .,eing educated for ihechtistiari m
Jan. 16th. Saniuel .Burchell.
Will be "The Youn, Men who went wn
g-at-12-okloCk midnight-on-rebra. •0- -a a 'e
ar• y 27th,, Arry girl or ,Woman may v.v1.ngham for: a nornber. °f Years' ° P in
e tri"ati* of ---them own people.' Dr
• feet "Labor Seving •Devices" by Mr."."' brbidered 'Border,,Wool Crepe Dress and by two sons and one danghter
b a . The prize rs an Ern- Ile:leilVes-uiclew;- Ann llientgomery
ir'd -Mrs: Pterce hyrived` TurktY, be.
and rtpo had returned t hel • th, r
Wallace Miller. An invitation is
tended .to- all- the -ladies- of' the-tait
bength,•4wh- :will he on exhibition __The_ j d .„' -0.•wnelYr har:hheorteu•tt,imeen-dbeefeozel atfhte-rGTur.' of
-in-the store-durng the month.- Vete-I sonsr-' oh -an :William- art e "a s°
A very enjoyable . time was spent. GerinanY the colle,ge work *al par- B
at the COmmunity Mali:on Friday eyr.• alysed The systematic massacre ano. 'yea
deportation of. the Armenians began Mur
• 4,1-•
wi be given with, every cash purch-
ase at Alton's Store, not less than 25
cents. Votes will be given . in the
proportion of ten to one on the
amount purchased. For wimple, a
'purchase ,of $1.00 value will entitle
the purchaser to 1000 votes.
' —o a -G. --
erniers on the Second ,Con. of „Cul
rags,. and the daughter, Reisie is at
The ,late Mr. Burchell was for
'many'yeark a farmer and cattle deal•
or,lie wail widely known and highly
respected as a man of sterling Oa
Mier( and honest dealing.. He was
horn near Mitchell' in the yea?
1850 and came to Turnberry 60 years
key entered war. o • n the 'side of
en!ng Nyhap, the thernberi of the NV.o
men's Institute entertained •their
fciniilies at an. oyster GUPPer.. :Neatly.
a hundred dOWA to . prettily' dec.•
prated ; and well.laden teblea. Atte*
. .
slipper,. with ,Itew C. `COMmIng as the
efficient tOestaniesterf the folieWing
titiciate• were proposed. that to t h
King, was respanded to by the 'deg-
•ing Of the National Antheib. Mr. D.
try," whith•gt,'Win. MeQulllln
.sPofided, folia,:ved th*.aingitig of
the, :MAIO teut, hour motuesh vat
proposed by .and
• responded •to by Mies A4tnie' Clark,
followed by the aliiging of Heine,
Sweet • abbe.: The...tbast ‘-.to the Wo-
,filatitute,..,tiroposod by Mr, 'A
Anderson, '4iia responded .to by the
'President 'Mri Phiiitps.. ht) u
•Oueste, proposed by Miss M. C. Ets,
.theiford, was respondetl.' to by.
;Mr; .John .Mtai
A.,••Anderilon,•for that* years the•Oofi-•
'Olar Rreeldento. Witt proposed gra..
G. Webb, and „replied t� by
An -
You know *hat a eatiefeetion
there 'making thin yourself
;ft •knowing thet,overyth ng is pure 'ago wl
abd. good, That is the 'sort of anti
faction 'We Ret In , Making Golden
Crust. Bread' and selling it to You.
You eAli be confident that the • con.
&Irma Under which Wig 'Made arc
'perfect, that the' ingrediente aro' the -
highest quality and that the great.
•est Care is taken in every single pro.
cess, we test it ,toti, from ,beginning
. to. end; so that it never Aries (from
the high standard set for it, • your
first taste will convince you of ,its
goodness, Aims Reids Dominion
Bakery, • • .
Reids special lor• the week end'
Tarts', !fried • eke, • Vatillid lions
small ,frult -Oakes; stoned,', specie!.
Fruit: Mira ,
Is till •
gelds M;ale."Ma e Can sr, a r
making A !big nit Ever3PboplY IS saY• Per t
my but it% good; .,and sure .is, k centu
TrY•iiinrie Aft yourself :and be son.; the, Geea
• DIED SUDDENLY ' :the loss
th his father, the late Thomar
Hocken Ala settled <on 18'ee 14. B.
Line. Ile had mere than the, ordinary
measure of trials and- sorrow, having
ha'd no less ,than , twelve, funerals
--fronr,bir-hoine.,7 •
The tuneral . Was to Wingliam
Cemetery on Tuesday Jiin. 19th, 'seir-
, vice being conducted by Re -v. Mr.*
MacintOsh of the `Winghara United
Amrch.. Prillbeittets win*: , Messrs
Theopheltiti.,Finnek. Galin Mikan, I&
W. 0rrjs, RObert Currie. and; .tolth
Tervitt. • •
he ,.first time in almost half
ry the shipp.ng Season. on.
t has closed Withoui
of a-singlp lite •ar• the 'Wei
a •,Canadian, Vessel oxorigioti
Mr. Andrew' MeAlliiiter an old res
Men: gra. •Edk., Thom: 'prappied•
!dent, .Aehfield Township -;.-:a. •f-p-v?1 'fte.-1"'
en spelt...Treas., sines the ergalliSa• denlY On:Monday, week 14t• the
n noality; *net gr. -George, ,age 44.04. He vane *way without
GM') tifirlfided. SeVaral',Ohop,iii00 by *tying any, .0iFit ut Thg, jun.
greilp Of .Y'aiitirt 140010. and ' tw0 ' "01 will thlit Crituratart) 40
ais of
nOW for JaMlark 0411 011010111/ se
roo140901 Of:• IN/
ntosta 4amplatad saynd14 gioro:ke tic -1100.111i •nd b'
014,41,14111.01,01• not !trio, 0 $911;41111cvi
uY Your Hockey Boots ' kir, next lfOrii Boys' and- Small Men's
r, less than half. ercoats, half price.L.Hornoll4Urdoch
doch Ca. . .
and every Armenian on- the ccilleo
staff was put to death.. Fortunate'
for pr. Pierce, the, Turks thought 7
was an American, instead -0'a 96
trutijett. 1.10 did not•••ptit them wis
l4 . the, miatake and.thus•he escape
For Ariam*airAmaniariarlamitAxtvw.e*.e..w.wmtw.‘sttv.m*smrditi
: . .
lmprisonment. In NoVember Or 191F,
tiro Ainerican cittsemi with a hors
and light Srakon. (Irate to Beirut, th
trip taking 16 day. F'O•otwelve o
these daYs tlrY drove through v terri
'‘oey in whic the Armenian papilla
'CA had. 'been' intiasecred, And fo
ildies miles the 'roadeido wns lit
he, with his wife, two children' an
..ered •with the dead WhOM the mut
deters, had -•10.1t to be de
limited by 'dogs awl; jatitdi. At flei
rat they, remained' until tho •eatintr
was denoral Allenby
••'.hose vietOtitilia• army, drove- tb
Turks to the interior where thenSitrid•
, „..
Of thent..rnet.the tetewhich.„they had
infllcWd upon .te ,Atineniapi; -
Dr. Pitted did: not go.' ihto detail
-14egarding, the. Mi•eacra in which a.
006 A
BOO rmenians *fora. p,ni.
1 . •
Tho-,,,otp•M*41:,*,0**, •7• e. It nppeare that the maesaeret:
12g. It NLY.,' 'AL!, W,I014B. 14 rANII,TS, REG.. $6.50;t st%ci4-1?-.
MEN'S HEAVY SWEATER cO,AT,liEG. $1;75..., .SPECIAL 61.49 •
.... 14 ‘ '.' - . , ,,..
. .mli.11:Aky PLANNEL Slilller, 11G. .,,2,i5,,, SPECIA . $i:75••
'ALL ‘V 00i, PliLLOVEli Stiits,, 4 (i'.. ' -$3..5),. .S.PIXIA,L 0..95
: k. mEN.8 ALL WOOL UNDER*RAR, REG.; .0.50; ;SPECIAL $1.95'
4 .. %L[, WOOL ,COMANATI9NS, REG, $3490, $ P E.( I A L ,$Z.95
: f.. :THESE, LINES. QUOTED ' 7E At. L. : R7,..:„:;.„.,_,_,,. .4
. . • , . .. .
1*.Avy. , TWEED, PANTS, liEGIri:.•o:0-,. SPECIAL '.$3:ii5 ”.
--k-1N: inn...tR. ONE tit EVERY II-E.8PECT, BUT ARE LI:V,ES • ' k
kt... nit :Pittow:WiLIVSH:01W. :.*:Qt4,1Lit,Vt:41ii,ik:t,filiott h'
. , , .. , . . . , ,
. , : .• " , ' , ' • ''' ' . ,
yliE 'SIZES :00/1„E,..0, At.!r.,1,,, c'A.L14::r11",,,yit ,L4g7, '11.:17i-ig. AND
CLEAR ',DUT •,THE .LAST .ENp§,, , ,, ..
1...tipri„.necinagifi, rigs, ,vv,beinvk%beantentocsii,axdigo,": vatert at ctmotmitineoe'e, and •tvit,
dine and Nautili this effiarsdaYY ev. entatieftfly carrled out. the depOrte•
odonvinito,.!Goosittival411,0:144t.yr:thhichapolitcsloa*icit. 0J(L71:00 ;1040iturnioOrtittIolinut:noirtatotoitthiiihtii
For kil
otatoonvoiramitt,tiostoim' riiiramiraw4woosur