HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-21, Page 8`T
'OW 'SOT *EL InURPIPAY, ,J4NU Rt`..21•+ tR *nor
• YP4
n Ladies' and Children's Underwear
ascii:1k Stripe Vest's and BlooTers
i:adies Vests, .Short an
The above are at a very p
bis week.
year., Mr. Brink, 'the postmaster un-
fortunately has not been, able to at-'
tend to his _;duties Owing bo' illness.
'Mr. Harry Holman; C. P. R. Stat-
ien •agent, is in, St. Joseph's. •Hospital; ;
,)f rami tom,; where'. -..he underwent an
Operation, !kir gall stones and appen
Teesw.ater. Lodge, '.A F & A.M..... ini• a•` brief address, out coed , the 'pro-
installed thei:r officers recently, Wei.gram for the' year, 'urging . membex:•'
Bros.. Link'ater and • R;chardson putt -g and officere to economize in • ever;.'
ing an •the cererionies .:when the fa.. department in solar' as lit was • can,:
lowing :officers were pieced in, off cc sistent • with efficient and necessary.
W M , 5:• E. Jeffery; • I.P.M,, G. K; ,work. The minutes' of last meeting
Brown; SOC., Dr,.. G. S. Fowier;.Tress., were read and adopted. The lcllow-
S. R. Brill, S.W, K. Mel enzie, Jr. ing officers were : appc':;nteda. Clerk,'
W,, J.:•Mapes,• Sr. D,. J. It Bfown•; D, Pliillips;,,Treasurer, W-ni. Webster;'
Jr. D.,, . V. H.. "'Logan;;: • Sr. St., • M; Assessor; Ross Murray.; Co.lector;
• Donahue; Jr. . St , CI. Dickinson'; R. McAllister; Auditors, W. A, Miller
chaplain, L.• Taynor,'1.G 7J: Hendry, end, W.. A: Stewart; Ca ietaker, Gor
Tyler, R. Turnbull. After the work it don Smythe; Board,'of , Health,• `Dr',
the• lodge: room,the new Master'et ter- Case M. 'H. 0 ,. A.`� Johnston ;and
;ttined--th-e--;brethrfen to—reffrreshiiments-: , o .- B.-..Mux•ray, . Sanitary '• insne;,i`ota
_ _o o J. Webster and P. Henry; Sheep in -
BELFAST speCtors, h:. Grant, A: Anderson, W.'
Thompson •and J'.' Sproul. •
Congratulations are —extended—, . to —The C erk- was -•instructed to • .••• far.
•for -
Mr. and• Mrs.' .lames Henry and we word., a' copy of a reslution, . petition:
welcome .Mrs. Henry' to .our burg.' ing; the provincial Government to
1%1r. and Mrs. - Daniel A:ton . spent make indigent patients charges o
a Rfew •days last week at the home of, the 'county !instead of the individual
their: daughter'. Mrs: Sam• Morrison Of rnunicipality;.to :the Anenibeis fir.
near Whitechurch, t, ;1'Torth and centre Huron. •
Mr, James Lane. visited with frie , A grant. of $154)0 was ordered'
yids :in Stratiford a . few, days .last , forwarded to' the ; ch,ldren's aid. so
`week: ciety.'• The reeve . and . Clerk ;vert
Mi -and Mrs. Will, Knox and fain; authorized to sign .. fornis "required
ily. of the west visited •w,ith, friends• by the dept.r.of Highways in order °to
in the burg last week: �ibtairi grant on .road -expenditure.
Mrs. Wi lram .,Irw n 'has `• returned The Gouncrl adjourned to.
home, after spending' a few days. Feb. 15th `at 1 F.14
with' friends at Crewe. Durnin .Ph.lhps .Cl�r:k
Mr. :and Mrs. Lesl;e, Ritch a of 'ziot• --o. o -a---'
• spent. Sunday. at. her former • • hem/ • 1926 TOUR TO' ALASKA:
heMr. Andy.. ° •
' Arrangements •for a ' a 1 -ex ense,
• Webster has returned � X# • P , •
home, after spending a few weeks'personal;,yr' conducted tour to' Alaska.
with his sister et Guelph. • • have. now been coitipleted,,y starting
irony • Toronto .visa • the •Canadiarn
V7ational ;Railways; early•Jiily
Visiting' in" enroute• important West n
Oanadian. Cities, Wainn:ght`• Buftai' •
Park;. Jaspet ,National • Parlq:�, and
Pa'ific. Coast poin's. • • ' •
This will' be one of the finest .trips'
aiaygne'can possib ,r take ` from
secure utiii`ednert ions `ioiiir of 'vreiii
A ,folder ,.descriptive df' the ' Vito
e:ivRing.• complete,. informs tidtl .ig npw
1n head i1d will be 'AVailabb e•.shod{t>;y,..
The- first meeting of Courrefi
fez; :1926 Was held . on January
necesSary 'declarations; Mr. Ste:Vert;
the. rieW.7inember was welcomed tc
the Board. • Mr.„ Johaston, the reeve;
early reservation demands. for
mind -is to say nothing.
7 hat it is net altegether ,rafe
,nris is. suggested. by the , Miming
.news item Which we take from An
'fined $26' ori"each of nine: charges
'Of 'violating the ' egg -gra ing law,
$225 in all, The. Campany may oppeal
the. case, which Was instituted by a •
Government InsPector.”
Scofch Fingering, arid Wheeling. Yarn, also
G„ A. MeKerizie
Tnesdey 'With friends .in Kinlough.
home last week from —Virraiiiiii6sh-
spent Tuesday! lest with • her 'sister
1\,liss Margaret ,IVfeKenzie ;of Rapid
Mrs, Mark Gardner .and babe,
Lorne, spent Wednesdey 'lest with
her 'Meter Mrs.. A. lia,vens Of :Station
, A large number from Rapid City:
attended the 'ceial evening put ori bY
forward•to the r4xit. one.
' We . are wondering virhere the
"friends in Rapid City,. *
. A few tool here attende& the L.,
Xinlough Tuesday Oftetnueri, and
Kinlough; Dia. D.M. Sain Reid,, ion;
Dia." -Fin. secy.. Hippy Jack Miller,
Gardaer; Rapid City; 1.seee
Kinfough; he Chaplain Of . this' Dis;
trict Lodge, Mr. John Graham a
fine Old men ifinety three , years of
age arid can read without gleaSes.
Men's Work Shirts, blue and 'khaki, reg. $1.50 for 98c
Gauntlet Mitts, reg. $2.50 for 1:95.
Kitaki-Flannel-Shirts, ,for,` 2.
Women's , Silk & Wool, and Cashmere Hose, froni
1:15 tO 2;00, "clearing at 98c.
1 S)nly,' Grey .8i White Heavy Wool Shaw -1, reg pric:p -
The balahce cif our Scarfs, about 10 only reg. iipito,$.50
Grey and'Browil 3B Fingering Yarn, reg. 25c. a skeih .to
clear at. 2 skeiris for :25c.
WoMen's Satinette Bloomers, black, white, nairy, brown
and green, reg. $1.25 clearing 89c. a pair
Silk Crepe in black and colors, special $1.69'a .yard.
,•• Frs'aor mho., :icr many!.
years has been: in 'the building bus-
.iness, here', associated With' the ; late,
Dave D'onaldsonf. recently •,' Sold the
'the firer. ,,had ocVned and .operated tn
the late. OaC:ehT Larabertirs and'. had
bought •The,,..Fraser and "Dorialdsbr...
property; • width he :Will lit into a
Mrs. Albertson's parents..
in Toronto.
poiripouS. teen rn,issed.• his sill.
handetehief, avid, accused' anc..1rishin:arf
at. a 1" said the hitter; ‘1Y e thoutil,lt
Bargains in Underwear, Collets, Dress Good& and all lines.