HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-21, Page 5• • fIrt *N II+CENoW' s J THIT . .. #��, J,ANU,k1, 21st, E; *�,,,,,,..� �Y '192 �. • * Acts Cosy Hoe Que- bec, ' It , heats -- It hooks -- I.t bakes ' Provides bt►t water --Burns any fuel 21" stick. of . wood,/ Is reasonably prio ed; . • M CTURE ,T F`am°481%!Tbroughgui. C u da like 'a flash ougho, Colds uuct $ra+,uch,�tts;- 'cren.' eup,ete �i..,�. • Sold By %ucknOw, OM*.. • nigeand Beater, • :fuel mid .any. Season.' ,Dtopla,and FULLY. WARE,ANTED, • • 'CROSS CUT SAWS; MAPLE LEAF ,AND SIMONDS 147 MED, PER PAIR OM: tionq '66. • ORTEOU Anobing • merit. A shed. sketqli9,'.. of Outdoor, kincl. A poem of great merit, Nog THOSE REVENUE STA:MPS It appears.. to be as nnich troubte cheques 'and' r,eeeilitS.•4 :firse- it under $5, and on riceipts for anthunts unaer $10! but the man 'who* doesn't write mop cheques 'or receipts foi;-, gets about the changei .and in order to -make pure that be is, giYing the Del): of Finance a, 'that is, coming' tn' give the saki Department a cent, too 'mirth, don't pui 'a stamp eVen• on. 'the , cheques and,. recsipts• that :require ' the'. delegates to the ElPire name frOyn. Britain and , passed through Canada'recently spent sev- , mason that tha jail, has been eMpty ',and Lake. Lonnie. Lord Burnham ,and several'other diiitinguithed Brit- ish journalaste established rieW'walk. ,Bruce cOnbinnes on its goon behavior, -.1 twO. honrs, Whila teak the trail4 --Telescope I --,ridets on ponies 'two hours and a '• fel, the, past thizty- Yeara. On Thurs., February number which' 'Lai u day,' When three :meiti 4ere transfer- been •tissueii.:,,. There is' a very geee 'Wfii-„e no Nokigersi, were in sight; 'it The, series •of descriptive :long before' someOne Weidd run; con- the Weata, nd: RaYmend „••ThOmpseres trary to the 1/4 and ..ogenpy..oae Of In the Big Woods. of Canada'," eentin., the tells. 'Hoever, to' the', siirprise, interesting 'instalinenth •Cif these who have:been in .tbuch whi'e complete staties, fictitious, true, • • !ties and -the pUhlie and seCondary hundred. teachers ;'froni, the Unit0 .Kitigdom arrived recently at ,Mont-.., and are ,now tearing the coultii. Before 'their departure they. re, ',frail King George',end on their ar- •„. rival,. were tendered' an 'official re- : -Quebec, provineial government; prominent edue.ationtsts and were en, • tertained tp dinner at the Chateau • ife Compan e Dominion StateMent of Main Items of Businest of Canadian Life Total Assets N $274;130;408 Remainder of • , 27 Companies„ combined $174,671,278 $49,762,334 32,413,393,168 in force -Policyholder"— Increase In Assets Assarances ,in 'forte, $ 871,636,457 'Remainder' Of liteillie in '.Citiadao: :The, information Will .he :instruCtliein Oat it shewa: that the . SUN WOE, ii 7i . Writing. about'. it. quar(er .pf the now .businesa reportettlbY Catiaoliin,COnipanies; ,has !On, ite 'book's- . , dAiet. ii, *tarter of 4the to tl Illisittess in ferce; Mere ;thin' a 't4ird. ef t!ie" 41§064,' iitellitattr..iacOnte,' .eotal Ititenie.and attiplit4paid Mit during the year. 1424ttriere:theo a:, third otthe fetter diVidendtH paid ,te 1001163101404 hit pa9 rote than. 4674 -Of *al nioniee 4iiitriblited „te, poiotimoki, 11-23t-,,,;-:. TOTAL ADVANCE- IN' ASSETB. en -you ate' dofitemplatingputtiitt,on -Life Insuitirice H. SMITlie • Animals The foreWing ertiele•talzeii fro* 41," the' „hankie 'cat.. iairt" Safe." rbill'.8"' 'name aSsocieted With -the stitOns,.,1mit any bilP* will Pay- , a Detroit furrier; that in a World every known fur -bearing ea.. ' 'mat 'Whir Animals . desphied in the daYs, .when Detroit lift 'a. fur -trading .c4nter, art • ere* responsible. In "Detrelf , alone 060., ,wompri are. new Possessed:70f, can't, ,get encang4 ,slcins to, meet ,the demand,. and hurier.s of iatc4s may thank the fad' 64, has ; been. of means. Pt '144,PF4 them tinheartl- the iihrt Of fur they, buy; -.there' is n deception, ,accorcling to the furrier This isone of the cities; 'where; b are told exattly'ahether the . fur one, department,. head- at a7logal ,14C°111117:74- FOI-alking is'. a partial list. -of sfrair;): names given 'to ‘famillar an!azelez Arctic 'S:eal-L-linprePer ilarne for leopard-7-Anstralf:an' rabbit, pay 'seal—Dyed. *eoramon rabbit, • Coast . skal—DYed rabbit. ly is -"lottS.J14,10390,404ivirlifithicngs_ :Furry rs,--,b0WeVeri -de, Clare liherei.Evf , animal -that clustered the' shores cf. c 'sthipea- 'reondS.o.4nn'•P'yd:AY;91":140- THIEVES. GET 200,1EUNE WINS Waikert-'n, has leen work ipg rather extensive, theft‘ease 'At Port - early 'ort January, 13th; .tbieves'en.„ kind, in.- Port" E gin; and stole . two Inindre'cl skunk 'hides valued: 'nt nearly: wlio lives eller the,warebonso,' was' in 1ives in:the rear Cif the Store up,tewn .and °.; the robbery was 'nof d'seevererl, by ,Mr, 'Betibe until Wednesday fore- noon,. when ,he Went' down to° thc -ware house to' See if 'everything waa - in arder. The thieves • gained ad-' iniSsion by taking the Whole tot, Part of the windowli. saSh ,aacl, sit out of the 'fraine. The foet prints, -were;, tracked in the snow 'dOwn • thcinght that the thieves . au 471-:. 'side knOvviedge of. the 'aittiatio tak- ing :advantage, Off Mr,' 411sin • ab, • $15,000,060 worth. Of furs; ktif_cy:1_01. ,dyed 'skunk° tbe extemes of -the $I50,000'• sable .ttetivit miilionaire, and the 11:1 .piece; proudly Oisplayed ;by a poor. ly, paid shop gir). ....The, latter may ,be lirt ere house,C bitt. has... 'been given Mather ea- '410yir Iitidssin, seal. Fancy „1. names, animals, after their -pelts., reach,/ ,the fur dyer: gven -the Meek Austrabien Worry to_agrieulturiiits, hair been 'dig, Baltic 'zion;.tanic ;seal ..and• taitic tiger. The dyer's art has likewise changed the' ortlinarY while French aeal is the name of. the ar anrotber heavy caked dog' isn't safe these. days for the Isabella fox fur. .delnand, It's only dog al9n as too, is Manchurian. black fox. ,; ',`AL tOld' there ,are 368°. differed inarket,"' declared 'Edward. J.Schinidt Whose tather,Traugott Schmidt, Start. 'the Schmidt. place, as more.tlian 70 .years ago, trapPers. continue. to bring: -in their -pelts ''Iwerit-ir thousand fur in&catin,ar,' sayS Mr: Schmidt. ,that Blitthigan remains front one of the great fur Producing • c'ent. :aw 41 :a:bit dl ;a: t ,(;tter. TOrie never Sees, he Skin in •this Omit ry. One pe,lt alone is worth more than kinds. 'fur now 'ail, 'the world wealthi guropeana :When used '.`a Where 'once' if A., perfectly matchecl aable. 'coat • 'one sable Coat :and %the test , pelt:„Is .nOriaroab. ', are in skli.;P:Pi.11:1;P.171$4° nurant, that 'the 'fir le: nothing' tnoie' ".strated in the of the. Sliver id* When in the State; and , hunters ° Were ' felted .th break throtigli ',the wildornesS of the North, to, r• theth,. ti,soo, 'swat cheap for a' skin. ,offering 4,060. skins;.. the, price has gtivetninent supervist" are het, SO ltrt not- 'a"itogether to fer the great deinand for, tI*.tatioOo pat veil 41Agi,' With -Pet' anhid adrwyel:71.01, oT.Manehurian Near sealPrenelt, rabbit., sheered • Colege.".huinor: 'old joke' drees- e. Stitroiae 0:eurE at (*en. of having:his accounts. •the estate 7°P(1 hY the OcUp.t4 judge en emapletian bf the diatribUtion- of the .assets, the:estate,. The lawyer in th'arge „of cited cases. Similar, 'hot none of them. •and the particular'. intereat 'In this e* _fta4t:'::tabpatse,tclhfe. tei.57.et,e,walvirs. :,!rctunstagqef.1,.. which' Judge. Knechtel vte prove 'this ease was the' , ''fact tha,t his Private ledger, cOntaint-' ing infformation With reference to -the ;xi the •ICneebtel feptory tire about 26'1; , Years •ago.,,, Mr. McEitY7 barrister of „Owen:.Bound,-repe4nted the.- plain- tiff; pia, o'lit..p.d.die,rdae,to :41m, ctecliart,L-Nrii-6.15'--13,arnie4laW,s1,, such triYial reasoasdf they didn't get diFlet he was doing it:to:, pre-' ecii.iolis:brri:IN:tis„,a, but hatters .are personally to blame.' : • nadian ducts' Ai4iirina 'a • • iihlosidin*.entst Irian the .".Empeiiiii of Fleioce,t43.t. Southampton: tedeal.ivith all the increased traffic WhiCh has cornei••• 'The appliances.for handling Cargo of this deserip- Iion aro of the most. tip•to-date character, and: the • . methods eraplo'yed• .6'0 .such as' tO guarantee' 63 the • despateh. As Can be Seen freiti the photographs tvo A•part front the-iMportation of frozen, Meat, whatcl • perhaps one of the meat extensive and importan branches 'of the trade of getztitamptOn, •England, t' port .authorities is ,the transporting. of, goods trern • , United' .States These commodities, have for a 'good ,; many -years -been arrivinr ttt'theIlailitOiliitti port in increiiiing Veining; and as thek" are. usually carried. in large passenger vessels. to ensure promp , liner. 'traffic at Southampton 7 -has naturally b en British parte that this -Movement Was tiniest, litevit., IOW .dtititig *the last. few yer0s tiev.eloptnenta .4* greatly to -the. tredic.ef .tho Southern '...Rallivay companY that they, have sworided in so Organiting rand tabore and Ain,' reduces .the s'indunt OP hand - Le Which, the „good§ are enhjeatecit-And rninimizes,-,14..; The system of road transPort froM,SOntlfamPtol) Art eX,CellentlY terVetl, WhilSt the- railway Connections. to ..-London -and 'the . North zef Eugiand,, aro 8Uth that te quote only one. example, it is...ppssibleifor,geOda tO .'itnd et fiti tele tendon. 10' ,daYs. 'betril-fruit.and-tionr, which are iliolen in our Mut* tratio.is 'being unleaded. froth the Canadian.: ija40.1fiti. •