HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-21, Page 4MIAERI44 ' C04. ---,5131M443,11,140.,,VP 413t Poa„
Ital.m4 *Ad Vthlerst Grain and:**Cerit 'fi4erat. Wallidng
WPM* & )11111113 cOt7:74V.OVAP. PM*, CAtelip 0010
rb atAl." NT 0 celled,Vire7,441 ,OelYakt4e4;
in141G04.1)1: aoGnts:Rull*i.,' sad §tee} Tires
..EA,TEMAN-WILKII•ISCON- CO ---Plowe and Wheelbarrows
'. PIANOS, OAGANS.,4116 PEONQ9EAPHS:-,See'. us and save
•yeasteelf..AARas Moaeir *hew you watit aemething
-144D` 4 .NIMI/IoE•"*I1P..
conttoerei* traVOle:r, ealled up
On a greeeri'and at the safne "tinle
• 11, P-.764 WaMark • •,entered soli�iting
,..01ne. The 'Oxen i1144' to, play
,*.joke .on tha"tralrellegl. told th "No;
•*ark l!OSs;".atthe',-
bitae:vciAtifig.iq,..th,q,:.:09ibr *to:
The traveller, 'turning le the gro.-
:4ker,.11.71ii:WaS,A.,NetY Oien..Men? said:
' 9307,*-,)glve thispoor woman 4 (Par-
fet get: rif, .the
„0, hundred and .twenty-seven
candidates last ',their deposits - in the
last,,-,-geuerat election in' Canada, '.the.
*elkdecreae the"cot Of the elect*
to . the .,goyerpyielit lw.COngervativeS
iogt their deposits tof. $200 each; 23
tiberii14,54, ,t.Aorite4
•iyerta4-,; 11 Progressives .and
dependents nnd 14 others in various.
Ouponled.last;;their 'deposits. • 4
hunting Story:: ."Bangt
and, four : '
.41: se
hone 256
argest and 'most cOmplete_
e Most beautiful designe
ar weOigh and can -
ad an; *elates -
'make ,a specialty of „Family
onumeists and invite your inspec-
nsiriptiona, NeatlY, -Carefally.
!,,inptly • Done,
your Orderi,
,A„ Spatter'
. • •
UCkU0W, Ont.
TintNntrimr wkOpING
was soleninized in Wingliani on Janu
• • • ,
I t. • •
e.rY.•0014.,iYhed- /gattie.',LaVina King
y'enligent...clanghter' Nr,and Mrs
S,Iting, of Turnberryi was Unit.
eL in. marriage ' to, • Mr.
Leaver", 'youngest on of Mr...Tlioina'
Leaver 'East Nawariosh, , The' cerei,
roony was peit/initted bythe Rev'. kr
• MeInteeli ofthO'United ChurchWing•
ham, After . t40 .Cerem'o y and • ,
gratulation& the Yeting Poup.e.
tarried to,the home of .the brides
parents where 'a wedding: dinner wa
served. :In,..:the evening a reception
..was, held' at ;the *me �fMr. and Mrs
avsister, of the groom), • The young
'csouple ...received may heantittil gitts
. The .groonia gift, to.:the bride vvats
!handsome :mist ;Watch. Mr. and. Mrs,
Leaver make their; home on thc
1.2h. ton. , East Wawonesh. ,.;Gn tbc
.evening'.; :preceeding.•:, the.. .marnagc
about one hundred. Mends: of %Miss
King :gathered. at 'the borne -Olf Mr
and' `Ws, George; „.CaSernore, Tarn.
berry., .and' presented:
•With :a miscellaneous; 'shover .of use
•ui;artielea....• There • was a.'joi y. good
theJ!eventingilbeing spent With
'e,ittoi,,Rnd. in dancing.. ".• ;.•
• „.: ;
Foldlerxt CON KINthSS.
• 4tendect the ' fnaeral..'ot(their • :auzi\,
who 4ied in VirodsteelF,:last iweek
vilaitin'g'S,.'ihe':home of her son, Geo
.for 16w..,'*661cs. •••
Mrs:H. Robinson spent JSunday or
the 'T.Oarik 4.4a9v:
Mrs.. Bert 'Eroekenridge is spentliin
a' few days .ivIth her sister,. Mrs: 3
LOckhart;\ of Angus Ont
428, , Lucknow _nieets.
e' second, Tuesday every ine14h
n" their hall, ,at 8 !;o'clock. C.., Mullin,'
• Carter'. Red.. Sen.,'
• ,
. • .
1Vliss Lola Mac6illivray
x417C;) SPIV E:EL
at,.1411e1{00W, chltaria,
A, n. gacreenzle. .Propriptor
iliotsDAY, 1st 1926
A Brnee County ' paper ,rccently told
4 ,n.porober o girlbeing .; druid; at
.4* a dance,two irem a neighbdring
haying_ taken a sobering -off
;leep hOnni;•
he ether tWo were 'ealle4 '41to''Oourt
icplace, •
in•oeer,t,*a '13,004 "Orcles:,'(aome among:
lie,ridd1e'class,. other a 'among the:
-:.Ne.alth),.in our eities, ii;danee or par:.
ty is: regarded .as; of ;little .aceOunt'
oo tame .gad • n2t ug to much, d thert
,.is not ,anibliing•of tObacte arid; drink.
.ng of intoxicating ,,with
ovod deal of drunkenness Morr,
ing, • Judging by ' the newspaper:
•matters 'Went, pretty 'far 'along., thew
• lines on New Year'S Eve im Toronto
• There a .number partiesmade „Ur.
.4 men and women; arranged • to
• Watch the, old year go mit ',andth
:new year come•ini, having 'deemed m'
,smolong,,and, drinking: as r
fttting way to celebrate the event...
'01 course alWays. has ; bee;
•:.nor' or leip of this. •There away:
',have been Mem 'and a 'few :women
'zoo, whose ;idea of P good time was .z
blo*Out; bu hrrecentyear:
his ylea, of a.social good time a p
pears to have 'spread outwards an
• ipward into What preilOusly
semi& e.eUients. Of" so-
' '
. :rl'hoae who 'always have epposed,thc
legal prehobition of the ii.quoi.•
iC are, 'ready to attribute the develpii
ing „evil :to proliObition;.;;JecOntendial.
;Nat ' the people generallY: regent. thi
Taiv..Tand delight in defyineit,, ane
''. nit Of. thin hiiadeveloped the Wile.
But. thOre was'drunkenness Anton(
nen':and•Women, before, although nn
:11 r'eeently?' there was little drunken..
• aess n., this continent- among, - Women
i was .not o uncommon in Glasgow
Scitland And tendon, Engtand, when
the Sale .of liquor always' less
stricted than it has long.been in Can
'oda an the; United, States.-
• In fact the desire Fier • a drankei
`good_ time" does: not -appear to dc
• day .ast week !with_ her sister, ijrarc _Pend upon the _legal, restr:ctions
On .FOurth.. ' • .• • ' ,
. .Miss 'Nettie' Scott; of ,Torbi.ito,
spending the winter,' here, ..
' .Miss Deicter aloent. Sunda.
• at. her-. home near
The January U.F.W.O, Meeting
Was held at litinte, Miaa Annic
•:Ivic4eoct, ..404 tOzi.
Mrs G Lockhart has not been as
well cf?' ;late, friend
would: wish.,. Weliope to hear of an
improVernefiscion. • •
• , , .
•Mrs., T. Rebiason, Spent the: week-
ond ;:with- her: mother, Xis., ef-
Liickno*."" • ' •
The .Hedgitinson „Bres...'are rev i
(IV,' :to Move" a ! off the farm.
Of Mr: 3.:
'Miss itesSie..Carzioehaii„. -who' .. hag
been. 'laid .un for several. weeks With
the measles, is improved.
oti-C-ash-We Sell 'Cheaper ThanThe Credit Store
.......4:....—ii...-.....-...-•---- . :;': 7•'
-- -, • •
:dons you. WILLREQIIIRE .,
Simonds and Maple ,Leaf Cress ,Cut
Saws -
everyone guaranteed.
Samson Axes --These are the verbcst cjuality
and correttly made.
Lantern --If you wish a fitst class lantern, buy
a bieti. it,is the fantern that satisfies:'
to LB. • PACKAGE • :
LB. 'PACKAGE, 50c 1,
25.. LB: PAIL , , • $2.00
, •
;lfeating, fintribing-and tjectric -Wiring
ffi does th
•; ce inioking arnoag 'Women. ,I
s rather , a sort of craze erifishieiv.
Waves 'Of 'morality.. and • iminoralit
aPitar 'to pass 'pier the • world:: ane
yer emnintinities„ How', they are se'
ri• motion it ig difficult to say. but'
• Icaibt ess they, are determined to,
he pi-W.41e of action and re-stetiom,
.terhaps the extreme edrideninatiin
f. drinking and smoking wli:ich char
.acterised the last •eluarter .of .the
Ninteentli Ceatury. was -.4. too' :much
for many people. It may have goin.
'�o 'far for the Cane and 'a -re'action
4e• . It too nit go too fa • an
presently will be „condemned gym; by
• -be :classes who are. new indulging iT
it; • .
course 'there Is nothing ,mora7
.aOr, iiitmOral about'smoking. The. us(
• tobacte is just a rather trouble
--mineand dirty habit, dmagreeab t(
J.;.hose who do not indulge in it, am
,he liquor ra c„ -nor e prac
.3ne .cannot say that it is worse wit]
111/114SPAT,. .1920,, •
nde.pendentk,CongarOative! tutd_fron._
93,13, GlObaf TorontO, 'Wych Rifq 4 al
14/tir 4Vseri,Ntl:, es; inelOPandent.-..
tiliera' • • `
The Montreal paper had the, folldw•
al riAt.-thinking COnaerVativef.
frOn Poe. end of Canada,' to
ing; ., •
tight-thinkirig- Liberals 'Rile
other in every .onal,pf the nine, prov.
inees are not, only humOlated tO7dat,
and ashamed! ha they' are f,urioua
ly iadignant"iit. the terrible „spee
tat's, of bribe* and,..eln`raPtion. :ir
the" Il'ause f Comniops, during th(
past seveu c100, The preeng•
..ecinatitate -.'bne the • b ackes
_weeks, :ey,er: '1,rnewn any, 1egiIa
'tive-aSs.einhlk n the empire" T1
abzibaelrya a:diladinri..:4cohrrleupc;;OA:
'e,?0CerPt; fronl• the sPaeChea
'h. etlitil'Pbunillu:s:eil,l:tinisig:
taji,aistration: . The editorial cop,
. 4,W:.11*Ilinsg!a.ttoe4.nntartt'asklieitOlLa-dr;i'::
the.:*overanient Without. dissnn
Mentary Support'. And. promised thc
ProgreSsives as strong' p,!,:a.rtiont
"This meant that ;the. Conserva,
• tiyes were wi11in to pa, Aire,
ori6a:, • They would accept, the bil •
of :fare a King's` speeeh from".thc
„throne' as' the price of 'Pragiessivc
• suPport: :
• "Kink lias won _in the clastardlz,
..:.,'game; but the donsorVatiVes ;conic
Out ,01 the 'struggle% badly...mauled
•fld.` the : decent part of .the, rani.
andufile„areteftib y scandalized 1)3 .
tlieir leaders.” .
' That is pretty. severe, :;but'it is m
itranger than What The. Globe 'bac'
;o say about the 'pante ,parliarnentarz,
'ipisode. An. editorial, in The G.obc.
• :f 'Jam 1.5th read in part 'as"'follOws-
'The, . •Fitfteenth 1Par1iainent' ;Of
Canada has been in ,segs'on"for, St
• daYs.: , If we. de not Mistake thc.
temper, :the vast. majority ol
Canadians' irrespective '
had enough of it. ; .As sOon as the_
necessary routine the'Vaing of
supply. and the transactien. of i.
,perative' „business
, .the people are prepared to. face the
inconvenience. and Cost.: 91.f. anOthey.
geaeral election' in the hope �f se
•euring stable:government ,• and
• Honse of Commcina Which -Ag`,. pre•
• pared .tO devote its energies to the
: •service Of the; country.• '
"The six days of por,tical -jock
• eying, Wire. - buttonholing
. women than .tvitli men, although It h
3hecking :to those• unaCeustemed
gar .;lier niouth:
It will be unfortunate If the smok
lailhalait spreads arid becomes entali
-lished: among iwelnen, here„_as it ha.,
in soMe parts, - • of, Southern, Asis
yf'here ; sinokilig is .universal with me.
vomen. and ohildreti "who ran' :lifer
it, , • • ' ;
The ;ikelihood is pa* by-Jand-b'
•;„guni.4hpeing, pussy -footing, side.
stepping, 'manipulating and. intrig=;
uing are more than sufficient. °The.
, sordid 'spectacle, of the representa:
tiVes.' of the two :histeric • Partio
crowding. one 'another at the count,
er eager to pa4vn.'their prgfessee
• piMiplei•-and pi ides for Mfice has
• sickened the • public,.. The .cYnical.,
• vvaY-iii -which the supposedly unso.
,phistic,ated graup that, finds itself
possessed of Power to • make oi
brealt. has, trOtted•fMna camp tc
, „camp InViting overtures,. if not so..
lieiting "CensideratlemS" . has dia..
- • gusted the -people. The --Orgy• 'of
• barter and bargain — the Doherty• 's.
pedding-their wares In the cc,rrid--.
ors.; the • Gtithries .`Offering . theli
• bribes in: the House -- has. startled
and shoaked the electorate:"
These qnotationS :•from •The' MOn•
.. - Star and. The Globe, 'alike, as.P-
'ear to US iust a:little hySterica'. Tc:
mire, the spectaclewas bad; and,
articlarly bad •vvis the offer mack
gahrie. •And *hat makes it
mrse is that hiS, bid must hive had
• Ir. pleighen,., and ..the bu k of hiE
Jarty in the HotiSe: •
:It will rtake. Parliament *e: long tithe
o•recnyer fr9m. LI.1074ye„_a_..11"
it, bc
''..egarded as the '"Collectiva Wisdom'
,J1 the Country? ".'
• It seems' to be the fate olf demo,
retie' iciveriang bodies • to deterio-
ate, a.though, .�r course, they can.
lot gink belew:the general level of in
alligence And honor, of thp Veops
'Ito e ect the rumnberS.,
When we take' hitO account - what
man has to 'be and: do, rirder
e. n Successful eandiditte for parliao
or even a .munPal Mtindi.
here is no Wonder that parfiament.
hould net as it his acted at,Ottaws
he :candidate Rho cannot or wiF
nit be nitire or less a 1 things to :
n en, 4,s n c h ant e
vhateVer io.f ei ik elected.
n 1 y - Under 'rare , circumstances
vould an henest 'Outspoken man haw,
he ghost of a •chstace as a .eandidate,
Ere Must. be this to one man and that
to 'another. Ile must make ,proinjaes'
thath canneeltope to , fulfill. 6o
e'eetion •methoOs put .4, 'premium
:rook4anese In a doge eleeticht,'
teW sth.Pid or corrupt ele.rs 'may
decide the &elle'', And the .candidatr
Wito'gata -fli"ese ristociit -or 'hY-•:Crebk,'
VIM 13110GIOSSIIrgs. •
,., 442ta irtethatthe five:
Pr9gres4vea. who voted:WM.4,a orir.„
gdencekn. the Kg. O0Yerament 1)..sd
as opponents the re4ent, election a
LihergiL .some, o them. Were oppos.
•ed 13V. Ogneervative. candidate also
1;0Ut as Ltheralidni iS strong in the'.
West, it may he that the _Liberal was.
the .,niost .dangerotip " Opponent• .
any rate, it- May, be. assurred that the
444009iSm. '11v.e1t'PPO
during, the';' eleettent 'Campaign had
Muell.to d0.wf'4h. their determination
.14Ok th0..'69verniriefit out.. ,
,•.f.14,r; Qng, ',North' 1:11#9and
Miss NreFillai4 .C4!ItVe 'tfra3.,T,
.opOpsed,'In. the :election by ;:coi.keerva,
•tiVe.,tanditiates,*10117y. and 00401
are 1>r9neuaeed „ Pl'egreasiVes;-. theY:
'Were ehle.tii yet& to sustain' the, GeV,, ,
'erament, , • . •
. •
There- • are three bad form§ . of
lelf cmicelt. , • They' 'Are: '
Onela that which makes Man
:Tait tvoilcirsg, and Start loafing.,
Another is. that. which, makes a man
person' diengreable. •
ifrodr tutan,t et stwIll:ieshalfeticu( scses:koynto
er rewards... ,
- Self -conceit's tO crystalize
..ipto one:. of these three forins.. •
• In' the first plase for instance. a
man maY be very ecimited and egot-
• istica, but he keePpoon
• It is ' Said' that Bernard. 87-iaw has
very good aPiatcn .4seIf but
produchig. ThMial, of -eg7.
ltisra that Makes a' /man .start loafing
„and think he 'has done enough 4s bad
If yeti are such a wonderful 'Yellow,
:seep ,at wok and preduce
In the second place conceit in.:14;1)7e
Make disagreeable. have. said
alseivhere ;that :there's, just one
: 4ve.- •
is vanity in one form ;or
peop e tO. be,. intereited ;in:
Us and, 4,:e Min that is entirely wraP-
ed up in biM self arid,/Oan 'talk ' 'and
'chink of .nothing but himself. is apt
, •
"O- be unPleaPant, ,•
The third way in Which cOneeit is
bad is.that ,may cause upzto seeh-
our rewards in Other '.peoife. That,
• 7.jeas.austils.litdfotible. with the. Pharisees
to thAm, "They had their
rf ..We do a , kind and noble or gen-
a re -action Will set i . Drinking an(
sinoking (especially aniong worrien
will • be social' Y; eondeinned and th
wave will' ,stibside as' ,as
haS risen.
emus ac and expect it to be appreci-
ated -Jit has, lost half, _ its. value. • Its.
. •
shows that we are in: a. measure ven-
al; but, If we''do what'is right situp y
because' it is iight and we ;enjoy it
and have no thought of 'reward,
gives a better, quality to our actions..
. When A man quits inspiring people
and begins to. scold -them ihe has. lost
his power. People ,ike to .have sug-
lasted to them what to 'do but they
.do net, like to be ordered ahout„
• These three thiagemak chick up
on each other.
"Self-respect . is commendable but
just where self-respect ' over
to• self . conceit is • sometime, hard to
, •• • - .
• .‘04::::Offi'ce.,:Tqlr.,11tci, • '
cilk.X6,y_ears:t4e Bankoof 1Y1.olitreal,
tain'ed offices iii4the Provinee'ig Ontario"ready
it, accept monies, upon •deposic.an loap th
:.bfunusil$4.4sste,;pftr:iteet,eiTlieyicuh;:st,erin4sh:ctioffIclugst warth4
aciarict banking and, the proper.. custody of ,
depositor funds. -•
',Siete the first office' was established in 2,8r8 at Toronto ihe
Bank has spread throughout the 'Province' until inclay it has
2.49 offices in Ontario ,With vheackluarters at Toronto, ,ready
to, give'proMpt and effi'cigin service to people of this,Provinieo, •
Small accounts are welcorne and are accorded the saM-e'urvica
.sathat given to -large accounts.:
Cuitomers,of the Bank have all theadvantages resulting'from.
. a .Provincial Organization, conabined with the strength and,
laeilities of ana0.0a-wide Banking Institution having World- ..
:T.:nal:Sets in excess of' 730.16.46.0i°
4 Wellington Street Elt; Toronto
0, accomplish teis,..s.u.Ty:
--These three-lteSta maY, "ass!st-r.nt'.
-in'- te1bing-'If-ouf eoaeit1eads us 40.H:has acquired.' This eCatiPinent
Coinmence, lciafing and if :we car; land .he 'created at stations to be es
nothing to do that .is worth tablished val.-ions districts ',through.'
if we find:that/ p,eoPle 40 not ' like out the proVioce, Mr of -which. will be
us as a rule; and if ..we find ourselves at Richniond another at P'cicer:
only. to 'others for inn* . reward- we ing, anotiier .on; the Toronto-Ilainil-
may rest, assured' that our geed opin. ton.bighway near ClaPperton, another,
• •
ion of ourselves has
has ' ,passed over betewepri and. 'Brantford,
frenn self-7Spect to sellconceit. an°141r 'irar• Benlsville,. 'a 11 0 they.
As a rale, ;say, 'People ought to, near :Niagara: Falls, :.'and 'another
Re you..It nobody likes • you, • you ?leer London, in addition to central
May well ask ;yourself if there is ;net eneeithinnbcierlit0914dePoeft ,:ja5t0Tgonriotino.s_:te.; In .,the
something. wrong with you,.' People
_are everywhere much'ene sanf.e, fpeonier4inz;folrJaetahteedpaart;ovsitericiwaisn.s4tIrsaogetb.Iec
as „a, rule they are just, and if. they, •
universally 'detest"' you :there' must -be. utilized: A nuntlier Of Other: refulwasis •
:some good reason; forit c.ra'hi. Jbe kept in' first: easS coaitiOn
for sleighing.; •
o o o
, ..Annomicement has • been • made
by Deputy Minister,SqUires '-of, the
Ontario DepartMent of 'Pu'blic
that an endeavour will be
made this wintert� keep main
,.travel ed iegliWays of thee.-tilitlie:*.Pre-
ince :clear cif stow. In order t6'. be
essa e of
ot 9 -7 --
Among theSe who, appreach , the
-problem of distribution litt
intelligence is the stark.
:Manx Men don't.' appreciate'that
hcneift, is the best policy .until :they
are, doing sOniething elve, • •
• It doesn't pay to be gped 'thing.
: • '
New Year's. is alw,ays-a-day-of-gr.eat-iiittsure
file Of telegraph and cable wire s e I
NI"etY thousand employees received a New ,„,:ear,
„„greecting;...whidh huinined over the wifed -and
buzzed over the 'air aeroas .ivienty thousand, miles arid
three contirients, from V. Beatty, president , and
chairman of the. Caned an Pacific Railways. Tin
messa;ge Was a, f011ovysi.
"To All 'Officer,. And EMployeel: •
Sending on behalf Of. the, 'Company . rrlY• *best
wish for the 'Neiv; Year, I desire to congrattilat(•
both officer's and • men On the. high' standard of effi.:,
,ciency "they ,have maintained &Hiatt the Year, ttie
evinced by many ebinniurik.atiena from those' who
have used Canadian Pacific Services, and AS ttirthe.,
preved by finiineial returns for .4 year, which ha:
•been. 'fraught with considerable- and'unexnetteeprob-
leins: StiCh• Work well done has helped to maintain.
and„ ensure. the, ,.generirk proaPerity 'of the 't Caimtry
. whose' interfsta ,we: all feel it our chief _privilege to:
serve,'. During the Year we Isheitif&all, Oni",
VariouS Offices" When...:onpertunity.occurt, paYAPeciar
.censidoiatteri to the festering of 'good feeling and of
. gympathstie: ;Understanding between ; the various'
, „peonies and intt,refr'ts' throughout tif& Dominion4 ited
thus.help conaervethe opirit'A national' unity so
.'neceasary to, the general ,watfarb.--.1,-,of',.tiah4.41,3y.,,,W,c,
ttre.1) A on:ArY Valt; tquippod, %at !'tfitritilucks•'. br•-a
'organization stretchrrig ,fron: Atlantie to Pacific.and
In Clete contact With all_alassea of thc• coniMOnitY'
• , , R n W. BEATTY.,."
In order "td1. deePatch this Meese 0 remarkable
' (eat of, .orgerlizstiort Witt stetted at Paefr.c.
elegrOlkh beild4u4tIfik AfItc101110• ,Vit IVO 0;
chirycIrtle amount of Work oVer the usual heavy
0, wa n ar y a record:
•' Fifty .years ago "Member' of Par
. •
liainent", was; .an shonerabla. title. 1 •
an 'aearcely be Paid, to be So ilmt,
Years ',ago being. a Member :of. Oen
grets :in the United State A ceased rtc
odd .tA : the •revird in which ; Man it
• held hi that tertiary; and LA he"
mentber '6E gtata7tegia .4.1t.ure ,
• 2.ity .Counsol. has 1!)1.*. if not .
badge. of infamy, at leaat enough
."':e.ng 'mori under ,'Staire suspichn,
. laeing corrupt and diehonest,That our own M4 pi are fat om_
•evidenti . and .the reeerit ;.oectirriinee.
at.ottawa, twith the geathing.cogidem;
uation witiCk they received i n st
way ot,11.4ustrating,what is rbe
,ing dote •end aald ,we 4UOte hetet*
pataktal4.1rom 'the $01treitirmiil
wins. Nominating trinventions de,
net seleet their dandidates bacons('
they , are -intelligent"' wise, or seed
'71)4g:creaked And trielcy -enough" td:
be elected, •
• Well: Whint ifaVe a wilole
Star, the 'the 'great daillott' ilanient 'men ideated n a tway
untr4 .1v$01), 129 4114041)04 :41 V414.110111 -04 4140041 '
• .• , , .•
1. t • •
The president's message), ,which was filed 'at ten
`o'clock' in the inornirig and was going to stations UV
,to•midnight.; whileit added to the work, An not .the
'.lightest degree delayed current duties., Everything
ran, as sinopthly as on uny ordinary day of the year.
Onecepy of the messag'e, Was put on, every wire ,
ancL,Was sent to. every department head in Montreal
'and wires were sent to every centre in the, Dominion
froria it was relayed.. to offices AVithin the
lietriet. F. R. Perry, New 'York agent, received the
It'IrtIsast5c7 first thing
. e a, ; sto ; Pittsburg, tut-
' e 1- hishi-
fele, and other •offices 'indef. his jurisdiction. T.
Wall,: Chicago, handled it. in. the Same way- for''''
Cincinnati, -Cleveland,:Atlanta, MilWaukeef Karitiati
,gity-Thaendt,n__Oetshseargepow.inajlts.c,ab•ie,a, J. .0
Sir George McLarn
European General. Manager of the sys
who. rclawd it across Europe to iilI cities-Whero
'Canadian Pacific, Railway has offices& Every
of the , Ca ii dian ,Patific 'fleet -whether at dock or at,
lea was witelessed or wiml the. TheiSoge yesterday
and -41; voss. prumincntly; diSlilayed _ettelf-of:thain:
Malila travel* across' the continent slag ,,earr,led it
ki:tectit.,tilletihyhcee4p:YegellflPtnlheenint.ettage. t';* for th.
Orientr'to Al":an caineten At hong-Hong and wau.
distributed by, hird to' 11 t
loto .4tor'9214-NrilsretTocptriL1'4