HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-21, Page 3. . ,
ENO* calllieetfion•'Wflea Ske• rri.11..”, , 'January 24.r eases andtba eamarlteri
. •• :ley, veva FevenEle, - - • .•-• . •elfIlitrnhilTe4i1Qhilarill4y:itildr4.4WG°44aetenr.TOV7".of
, , • e ,
- '1.'voi ,alwaye, believedthee there' Was erhere we were going to grow the, ex-, the woes, of ealvatione-hia. 12; 3:
nettling like good hometlesh.for fine trit feed for these cow e and hop he
• .* Peeler, and ,I WIT 'helieve that there Wale going to. hey, he asked me if Wilre - • ANALYSIS"'
A. irernoDUCtliON, 1-6.,
• Wilt alWeie be a :Pleee fer,•Eleelle good rtitthetn still . wanted to ; rent thate
sgeeee en a farm e 1 hoPe I neeer twenty acres of cieekbettelel land. II ' TH":11+444Gug, 7-P.
wIll live 'uf' goo the time when, herees, ,."What's that got to do With es?" I Ileriefeellerlelle-This• chapter glees
. , , , ,
us a striking example of great faith.
•elre gene. - ' , '.:: • i shot"Wit *1i.We, • ,. ...,..., - it is the *ley of the rescue of a 164 .
110; . I'lladmit 4114 . :Pg4I've14ll rent that.freen Will and
;banged- mile' lW ede•Seijewliet, on the 'EfroW most of our 'corn down ,there in ;Lair:wire:a *ahtitteeereriTsraiesinitiellimepef ,,,trohe'.:
, 'the bottom, That's a ee f /
.„ 'eubieee of 'f4rxxi power, and . w4N i ' good- . - PI e ° eeene to lure northward, and he mei-
amstell a peat Inver et good horses lead' and when We'Ve.got,a tractor W0 es to • Galilee by ,the esual route
,,T. ,'Vengeo.,Te:lto._b_elieve that thews- ' no: .gen• .ferni that irlleeh extra land Welke, thre .ugh Samaria. This le o a nce
T, , ,?1F,t *fq,l carry 4 MaIR through out 'ever .hrleWing 14" „tio said • ''•'•1 of th" I " 'shouldz' mi .6 ' - .
rap_ nineties 'eed the ,rush • seasopi or Well,.' t" lie 'about" 4 It. ' . ' ' ..,.. ' m , 4 p gee in John be cone.
farMinge like .a. tractor. _. • - ,... - . ° e .tf-r• 'oPtiM:14M--4-' Pared With Matt. 1..q:.6;_lirhgre.,the-_,iiii.„
"---"" 7 ''''-'''''' 49994 1•"°•-ittlrei'b°4'*.°I*h4 lik43: °' 'A)m.tiSttaii'o' iiivfiregre.14', 'nt6t tom"haeYetlithe- 'atv tgoF8e41;1" 1444
4447a:41,11,,,tet'oareeolthi.ag...ehe Yreic.riveitale4,-;44,icie Jimis,,..,:4114.12reer;,..fptr'cetnerne•dt:i4114:vea,.,', twarwa7fiLni417:070:04_414',.:vihelitheLiph..0-1,witiii4,,,i_;ia:4v37.,..11,,, „ ,,, jaiik±iiiixisroLy:sispiik,
,.1144., eeen, up,,,theee• studying 4,;t4t .keep t,.4eralily7'inifiy, too, and end. 41,44411,n:4 an early stage a the
, gospel
in- ‘ --.---r-le?'-serv'leiir"dr terallonar
•,ieedeO4ies and ferei:
-0.*arin. engineering :eled,'eierY -t6 rent' Mere land. * • '' ' : '1 ' s'itentic"HY .in'tt'adue"; th`i4 4ar•hiti"' Wt141•74;;Ptia411. cal-;!IPbillewitnlY'e. 'E. hf77-*44:11:ns
inanage- eeinee this Yriaeg sprout ' and Wu t-'*: "-"vieen these two l)00131ee *
elehee:he was home his va- • „ e talked the whore tirine evee•l,witie elder to revealethe..true attitude of leetivele set into 'eke neck arte„aii,*at-•
satien, he'd Iceep. harping away on thii.Manothuseelhat:_night.; She's...pretty .e ool,elleeeeteeirerde those who were outside traetiire feater4e,'Whiilleartrhaenittidleienssirino
tractor idea, '''': ' *" - e ' e . ,e ' 4 Italie has a fewegood ideas, heeete,uthilL'enresealioes"atif uthi.e• .dewe:. He eie itei -the tr•In4•1111d-ba4.1t,
.. At first / jut .iatighed it him,: "Ile the -minute I Started t lk' ' •rows eof:,finfeehirrlrig.. The, frock °Pena'
I knew. that Jim had been there ahead
. iefeleneetleeme, 1-6. . f enough
ugh down the front to slip on
of lne. She, didn't say .S1:0. Gosh, she ',Place. There was aPleritauf supply over the head- efeilY, and the round
didn't have to tkneetret. . I of 'running water. near SYChar, or collar is finished with e deinutee.litele
"Novtr, Jud," she •said •"You meal took all sraanthdeettliteoufbactie .tothdartawthesreiromeniathen ,.13Tehew..blesciemoieerts adorne4eckientatwo piectl:se ,f;40tnlit...
, .
tMileinhe:i that °tele (1.`a thing '8' 1141° 'I'M'. well PfaY, be explained*.bY reli- ered:inte a straight band at the knee
differently these ,'ditys, nail tlie'i aid glees aeseeisiona with their father
and'finishedwith an. nlastic cesitig ae
when we were kids. Look, at the eellY jacohWho probably digged this we the • waiatThe .0eieenele, of this reedel
we travel now, and the way we visit in order to be tilde , ndent of the hoe- was developed in brown velveteen,
with ehe lower section Of .the sleeves,
collet and pockets, of tan crepe de
Chine. lio. 1263 is in sizes. 2, .4. and 6
years. Size 4 years requires lee yards
36 -inch, .iefi yards 54 -inch matetial
for the dress, and 1 •yard 86 -inch, or
'4; Yard '54 -inch • material :fet the
bloomers.. Price .29 cents. • '
. acted like a • lad. Who, having, seen a
'new toy, wanted one like it. But After:,
awhile 1 lieWthat be was in earnest;
;el tried to .argue him mitof the idea.
i.an evening wo would • sit and
argue the sithject for a een'ple Of
.hours. He'd telt fee about fellows who
were g‘Stting -rid a their horses and
using. tractors aeogether, and 1"4 try •witheach other oyer the telePhene,,and tile trlbes of the iitrlet, Gen. 33119.
to shove: hheeeeet 1 coulee domore an:these new things that we have tee .. Teme. Some Writers think that the
• work for ,4es.o. *one/ in a yearthan, day that you and ,I never had When we Jewith reckoning from from 6 am- to 6
in. • iDeemed • :Would
thO•felleete the tractor. eltre had. evero young. You remember you - and P'
s liere;.
makeit neon; brittotherswhich su'ggest. that
: some hoe arguinenta, every once' in it Fused to tide to dances in a bliggyotJohn is r ckoning frommight as
we do,- and in this cure it would be 6
Peri. The :latter, is said to suitthe
ciretenatanees" better, 'See ch. 1e39.
4:52; 19i14:
V. 6. thus on the well, Wearied Our Fashion Book, illustrating' the:
by the lenge and dusty :journey, Jesus newest and most practical styles, will
throws Hjmef doWn. as He was. The be of interest toevery home eireei-
hermit aspect Of Jesus is Prominent Maker, -Price of the book 10 cents
in John 11:35; 19:28. • the. cOPY.• '‘•' • '
• e .•
. • . „ .
IL 'FRE nieLoquE, 7-20. - BOW- -TO ORPER PA.TTERNS. '
while, and I•rentembee one night I got e eleigh. We used lee:have. to .walk
mad' and eoldclini that they Couldn't Ovp miles ' for a*dOctor, arid when we
teach Mei aeything better at the col- ,first enoeed into this house We had
lege 'ether! .to • come home rand try to 'coal oil keeps for"light,• and leitee
• upe teee the system. 'of Wining ..burner•In the dining room. ehat, heated
„. that I'd been: folloWiriVfer years, he the whole house. ,Today don't
• cieuld eeet Stay.herne from 'sehoel• next, think a thing about going :forty miles
. .
, year., , . • to. the fair; Or to sotne bale; We've. get
, of the Cer to ride in, eWeere got/electric
: •
course. . 11-e' went. right hack and 'fl& ;lightit and7a neither one
.• anatr. uctive 'eonveesation Write your naMe. and ,address
• Med.; his mune; • end; hie mother and of us has carried bucket of Water flo3:-
went tip to 'see hint .geadeete,:, -We so, long we'ye forgotten how. Maybe sisto°f seven".°)whigs.'bYthe Jeells. and giving nuniber, and size Of lueli
went up a coupe of .days :before corm- Jim has 'a- geed idea, if. you'll give it eer, eelesea semi giee..me to Pattered as you want. Enelese.20e•in
, .
Mencement, and Jim • took us all 'over a. • drink,,At•is a most 'natural eereiese statelpe or (coin Preferred: wrap• :
the lilaCe.7 lieToOk• down to -flee 'wen;
*t knew eight then that there 'rising .ouVief :aeon -men need. • it carefully) for reimbete, and
'inethiseeey bielellegeaid leep4. me ,wastie use talking to Lee ,i Was t/eke,eyee earth: the wonelie,e,ere 'reddreeseyotreeorder te ?atone lieepte-
• ethere for about half a day,' 'showing ed and .1 knew it, anirthene3,4 Morn- writer thinks thee it is banter the. 'Witeen Publiiihing. Coe 73 West
,ononiced. a 190k wernan's part; but. it is more : probalgy, laid° Toronto., • Patterns sent by
'•rite sill. ihe different tractors end trite- ing:,at breakfast, astoresliment. Sheseotildhnow by his return • '
' `tee. too;ii that they ;had doWn. there.. ,that young monkey, JIM,. and be had
,• clothing and 2, accent -that. he Wast'a. • '• •
.••Mo'd 'explain al; eberit the carbilreters look on face that told • no 'Chat, Jew., and that ',gabble peeer--conflee- we. ' Layers
. •
nd disk eleiches 'anddeaW-bar horsee .keeer I'd been .lickedetee; ,• cended te, diooss oeir iteie4b)e., with, lfy#rtn. Wider
ower and teiehiftiff;11-etit r got dleze, -'• •got the OaCtOr the next week, women of her nation.'' • • • The•laYingehenS must. have an. ahere
I wanted to get over tothe barns me and jiM'esed it to pull up most of the '• V. le, !Melte arise/ere& jeStigefer.
pure Waterand
*see .s6ree of the fine horses that they poste along the lines • thatin .'-he gets His own thirst. dant supply of freele,, " His :deeire to during very".coici weedier it is inipeee
had at the ereieee .• •• - Wanted to regire,..' !It 'sure. Made 'me 'bell) this woman. If thee Itnewese.
One, me,rning; he Aciok me; line Ale Ock to see those 'poste •pull ,•ou
• • • ' ed She is within •teach of the:greatest' of keeP • be.fere. there.. , Wetdheut
discoVeeriese If einle sbeicoeuld reco
g, ' freezing, unIess some effort •Is mar etre
farm management., department office seconds, When ,I' rem, enbered
. ni;e Jesus as the .gift,of 'God (Jehn: keep the water warm. • :
and showed me a lot of charts and sur-
veys that -these fellows * had made,
showing labor income, horse hours,
'effifieleliotire, • and a let of Stuff , that
,sounded good, but sheet which I could
eniike neither heed nor tail, • ,
I • did have .0 good ',talk with one
. young fellow there, though. • He was
young instructor Who had stetted out dewnthe
three years before the experiment pretty Iat
With UeroP corn,,which„Was motor. a. bit an
feed from start to, finish, rie. carried trader 'h
his experiment over three, years and • ear and,
struck an average. He plowed the never an
grOund, worked it down, panted it. one day
eultivatesi le, and husked it by Ma- darned e
, elenerye pulled by a ttactor: the field-
, This, fellow had :some interesting didn't.PIO
thefigures on t f*.d two. days
the work witrhorses arid -with a trac-
tor. An h showed me, n cold do ground „
lars and ' cents, that the work was done Thought
• fer !eke, money, in less than •one-third peek the
the 'time' with the tractor than all, and e
with horses: • • acres dow
•That set 'me thinkirig aome but I • I'd, bee
• didn't let ' on. to Jim that I'd been 'the a Week o
twee bit impressed by the speech this land s
fellow had made. • Law, he'd have young' en
way I had sweat for hours' digging. the 8 tee>,
. . . ,
hetes to pet them. But eeetheYeamei , thele-thegteeteet'blessieg Wei .. If yeti ' have only 4 few .birds, a
possib!e for her. How often we do not eienuni water.fountain so constructed'
and Jim .turned three Or, four 'fitelds kneere : : • • - ..
trite one.... • • , • , '• ': : • : ,•,;;:- •. Vs. 11. 12: • . Well is deep.. *She is"I that: warm .water: is- put 'ie.. it ite•ehe
meriting ited lasts all day, gives
1-1-elia4.:eone: 4OWn ,to Tilibets' erid confused and, like Niesodeinifs, bee°°.'°e.,Vesulte..: 'There are a4..so::On the market
0,E0-„everythinei -up • regarding the palefully literal, ..., , •• . -
.Vs. 13;14; A well sif watereering• 'several :• iYP'es .. of heated- 'f°a4thing't
renting of thatepiece, of creek bottom; '
and the 'field . thing I ;kite*, he •vias• ing..PP- jenus carries onthe thought eeniPPect with a' small *kerosene lamp.
re plowing it,up, He worked: 6 • le t . f e .wietrien had. been :seek_ plaCed, below the water.- container: : A
e the first evening, and'I get =AU' lotion at falge„springs . end, low wick .iii kept beeping continually
ppeet;'Intlia:•ht•thtse figeitains Under the :fountain. '...; : ' '.: • .- - .
*toile: / thought maybe the had dried
ad acted up, so I got in .the •naigbt obtain an enrichmentof' r new the tl'iellAirina,T47,103:latirieesaily.tibaybl.:osIfi.;g11:'e.a4'thikolgt
drove over there. 7 4*11,:i life had vanished. Jesus 'starts theseObit irerneree.d in the „Water or by. a'
et . so eaneb ii;oviing: :ilorie,. In 'me*. He is to be o continuous spring
n all. my...life., the way ont . of v' f.reis,51i, ,x1i6feitheenide•glOinv:hithei. .t'of draw .. Ceiben .letilh. stiapended partly in the
water... •,There are also, a number Of
*ter. Went fogging' nroand. '
WOS a cautien•-•:, Stained. if :he T/Z real woman speaks hoe,: she had -sniale kerosene Stoves .Whieh. 0411'. be
* the .Whole ei. n rebelled agehist the tedious work pieced under the ' ordinary • water pap
. tWeetY lleree in'of drawing and, carrying Water: She •er:Watee ' ' - ' ' ' • •'' : :_ ••• ' •
• ;! ._.' e • , ' ' ., - :7 .. ''' • does•not com _ eh nd this strange mere Checiee: the :beating :method thnt. best
no the 'ray he worked that but shenow asks him feie that .Which -yrieetelYmir iridiyldimi- needs but t •
, doWn, • !prettY. . carefully. he-hedaSkedaher. ' , ,• e
member %that ',ice in: the .• Water- eten--
' maybe the mitabine• Would •Ir..; 16. Call thy. husband. eShe had means a lees* in 'egg yield, which is
seietoe -Miele 1.3.fit itdidn't at inlPiiel!ii);.1..dheer_irt,:;Zilihlit.;:!1*4 other
ee arids. occasioned bYeeiretelline the birds to.
nirel'ileir dk4eyd,. ,..thee"yetio/e.eftty wle; u
N7. Jes a makeettlis connection with heredriak. ice. Water or 'eOmPelline them'
n used je puttingen ,at least tcehtfie!!eettOlit° must"alva.p4eenoode the fee ac- frozen.
. ii . • -'1, .• „ ,: . :. ,
her conscience. to go without Water at all when it i9.
r ten :cip,,y0„gfetting that much ee
hive e'er, coin. and here V,•17...:......have no husband, There : M 11_...! --is. tee . I '' 'tee
hie' had flied. it All up for Nils no 'joy in -her home life • There is Ptalthe of Christ. . ', , • ..,
The 1 evs,Of, 2
arKetin (Alibi ‘....u- • .
. . , . :
inthiree daye. : . • - • ••• no JoY, in.he !home life. Th e . - Operatively.
eiet, eel' aey.. eereee •thee marriage Werre +Atari broken and 4. ; Experience leaves no room for doubt
I -wentedete.eee hew, things yore* isree, very fteqeent.: This waa. a
Subject :on which , Jesus' seake with that eeoPekative' marketing, ,based on
rig' to turn •out, but after Pd
6 of is6y,i064:f,earitt out flit° great decision. He was no defender really ' ono& oincples and ,loyalty,
. is the very best •reethOd. , at is • point-
reedityeafteredOy-alleth-rough-e4t.A., r°9-; r ee -
ed out in a' beeeen on co-operation.
er,,Irealieed that they might : Some . u;pose that jhe'174 Womluirhet .atai Marketing. poultry products, is-•
tele-earzline iheitelreep some-todivert the corters IL:ioNnv!)•iinrruld- sued: by ' the Dominion : Live: ' Stoat
- V. pet Abele . into • the ,town I welcome theme,
fell. Got a good price fOr : moire serious.. If 't - 13 inah is ' - .
but,"iiiciimbir;.asPiiiyultis' Branch; that the: co-operative method
. „they. were hicie, and. fat, epropliseVidein' tgvldl i.8bpeuteiih:. I 'i'eteSee13.11..j:r :PieSents , great, opportunities in :. the
makketing of :Hee 'Maitre. The greae•
t more than: half the erieeelePcf-
acter out of them. ' - , . .11iii 'Sanialitans, • Where elmeld Goil •,est anceeis has lieee aChieved. by those
who have assembled Ordinarily, well:,
ought seven More cows thae!)°,G*°'n'thiPP:td!.; ''.1.‘4"...5em!irkt'en said,
fed poultry, taken 'Off the ten,' and
eftipped them in specially constructed
cars, provided by the railway eiee,'
eriteies„, to ..iliaterie selected Markets
when thole:Me 'markets -were glrittecl.
This has resulted in aktisfactoryl re-
turns being ,secured fit spite of leiter
startedin on me than snit:there, and "lig
: .
'yI'd come down to 'die doings to forget We di
, iny troublea rather than to:engage in spring.
, more arguments on the teecter, quei-' were ,goi
thin •with that kid, , • turned tw
ee-e-e-e---Bet-wheiteewiegetebacet--heirieree the -paste
, Jim got his' blink unpacked, the Whole the eumie
elthheret*ted over again:Ilehad bul-
letins hone ':Ottawa, • and ,clippings Where., so
from n do,4en .or ;more' farm paper!, sele. that
and advertising folders from all a them, too
the tractor facteries in the country. and .1 'go
You'd have thought he was e tractor of the tr,
ealeiman. I've had these birds work I had b
• fle
Oei :1114 at , a fair, h!.1t SW6i. never sunurer• 71.11.0Yelt I •fil111 ight as Well be fit was the the hurning cpis'stio'n of
• had a felloev put Up the talk that Jim *Wing home producing livestock -on: religion•. • ' el
put ' up JO Me. Any tractor factory the place. That was one Of Jim's no: •Vi4'. "21-.24. The tree worshippers.
'could Pfferd to hire Jim and pay hirn 'thins right front the itakt: lie said Jesus gives teehie ignereme wornan
$5,0e0 a Year to go out and se:I, free- that we could- get 'red of sonie- of the Otte Of the sUbleneet of all messages.
tors, If he Eliliced,as long and 'as' hard horses and use our land for produeing; He nlaliel no concession to her Position
•eroc tens at ael .htis -
te he did ee , feed fo' steel"- :that would .bring tis' in • and • • ' • th•
. -lei.the t'ti ohome marketS. levet yeek some gni, iy'rn the' sitting Nem upstafte,-.11, eerd iser Vase,alivays, eII•ete about the,o0y.
. , • ,
•Ile had eiteiti 'of our own farm that . • • ' Iews." Mit he 'lifts nil' her thought cars: Ot live pou'Ary. Were Allippod eo, A, fOaeful. eeash, Id ll by riereem in the loolling7.elass • • ;
"he'd mede 'up eieeene 'pare tirne at ge went oti to e se,e andbought to a, time wh.S.:: the old con roverSy 'operatively. in the various pleyinces after (1 1111 of pain and rage fron • . • •
• School,. eboiving a plan of operation, a coupie ;et .Wiltshire sews,,thite. had 1 il P4ss IlWaV in the 1iht of.,tbe Pet- and, in add: :ion; about twg ty ears Harry. ,
• . Sheep in ,Noi:thern Ontario. .
114 heti put the hog -peettite in with, 501110ind -of fancy pet grees behind feet truth.. Christ as hcome and has.. .1:.......1 11 1 •
The Shropshire breed:of sheep has
atfiElnniotie:.*Lms.ea. oched4P4aenrcalkBn!pm. tly:rhU409110.1.117
Whenever 7 ask my faMilY what„they
want fOr,bresiltfest on e cold, wintry
day, the reply is Paneekee t6PPed, With
melting butter and maple syrup, Sae -
sage, and eoffee, 4 aliva.yo add fruit
to the hate •
I peed to thinthere wore only two
kiecla of Panefeee11--those made from
wheat flour Likewisewith axbitheeirisvoetldr 0ourewswqettati„
comp;pteiy out Of luck when the Sen --
Ply of Maple 'syrup ;was exhaneted:
are many .varieties of gricklie cakes
and that syrUpsniay be ermeefeetleredl
In the • kitchen.: • , -;:e7;
ART, as 'a dinner dessert at nay house,:
When spread -with a°41selOu6' 'fruit
butter eideratithrepo, 'w.fo4lelered dneatly and
are delicious. . • ,
When 1 alike 'Pancakes.' peel; the
batter on a liet aluminum griddle from
a pitcher: The aluminum griddle, like,
those of soapstone, neednot be,greeee
ed., • 11 the cakes have a tendency to
stick r scour the griddle Surface when
It is Washed, and rub it with the cut
surface of •ti. Taw potato.. •
If grease is used On griddles r find
it best to apply Only enough, to pre-
vent thpeood from adhering. ,,,Griddle
cakes are to be baked, not fried. The'
surplus fee •Citlisee smoke and spreads
the batter over the. iron. . •
Among the collectiene , .foods
which. e :cook on My • griddle are the
following ' combinations, all. Of Which
have been tested. in the kitchen:. • I
am also passing on a few recipes for
.y11.1,1:1,9'nnEAn. cRIT• ‘ P,"•1114-PAI;ES'
Three cups sweet milk! 2%
spoons fat, 3 cepa breed ceembsel cup
fleeter teaSpooirsale 4.--terieeeione bilk;
ing powder. 8. tablespoons • sugar, 2
.Scald the milk and add. the:
Lt stand , few. ininutes incl. then
heat to a Paste.: -- Add the salt, ;Sugar-
'beateneggs" and fl1eted'1iitSift in
flour and baking powder, heateher-
Mighty.. and bake. , . • •.• ' •
merry CAKES.'
• •
One cup milk, 1 egg, (beaten) 1, tea-
spoon bakingpewder, eiiteaspoon 8 alt)
1 teaspeon. efigare.f Ws. cups flour.
• ,Stir 'milk, and eggs into dte-legred-
'lents. To this'. hatter add" one, cup 1,
cooked and ,chopped meat, vegetable
or fruit. Peewit on a 'het griddle arid i•
serve with syrup. •• • ' 1.:
• NI01:10te/A
BflonvTlIngt CARP.
spoo97.8711:11ndigWig, titbniel:PoOnr. 1 eutarbaler.
Hi teaspoon gait, 1 cup cold 'water, 3
teaspoons hildng powder; cup
Sift' dry tegeediente together, addthe inelted-shortening, water and intik.
Bake innnedtatelY on a hot griddle.
• • _ '
•• nuliTH•FRN PANC*K40.
• Oee cep boiled rice, I egg, 1' table.;
SPoen. melted fat, 2 teaSPeeel baking
'Powder; 1 cell. ;Unite:3i teaspoon salt;
- Mix together , fut, mllk '•and
beaten egg. Sift eidt,, baking powder.
,gtrid 'f146.04k
r together and acreo..ad
d. the
0•117'0 cpci.trii" fie271' P'cAul;isoKuErs'ini' Ile
teaspoon Salt, !teaspoeu soda, egg,
,I. tablespoon butter. . ••
Mix the flour,eat and soda, add.
,the sour milk, Meet:ed., butter •• and
beaten eifie;-,•• Peer onto a hot' griddle
and ceokuntil puffed, full ofhubbies
and thoroughly cooked on the edges.
*Turn and cook on the other: side.
Serve ineraellatelY.
Use one pup of fr*eet milk and one
teaspoon of baldng Powder inatead of
the sour' milk and the , soda in the
Pour Milk Pancakes. • .
'To the batter for Sour Milk or
Sweet Milk •Pancakes add one banana,
cut in thin slices. : Bake on a hot
,griddle., • , '
' thee PANCAkES.
' To the batter for Baur Milk: or
Sweet Milk Pancakes add' ' three-
foutths cup canned corn. talce itnr
mediately. •
••••• ,scOrkisS. dekko,
•-Sift one. cup flour Into a boW,1 and
add one-third‘ cup milk,.ona and One-
fourth 'teaspoons Baking wieder* and
beet into this one egg and one table-
spoon queer. Deep by tablespoons on
a hot griddle; -geriewith:n„,:lioney
or syrup.
When kneading'bread ' dough pinch
oft' a few biscuits and let rise thirty
minutes. 'Then roll to about • one-
foarth. 'Oh' inthickneSs, and bake
these .biscuits on : a hot' Slightly
gierii3ea:griddle. 'Brown Op.;both
Split ',open and butter , generously.
Teetited muffins are eseettally good.
Tho cold. biscuits are •split open and
toiteted. • '
'Harry Weed was rattily a very fine ,not look like a mirror at ante }tarry,
boy -bright • and handsome -but he,Who had neyer, seen such a one be -
had one greet s he. was :terribly', eore,and he se*, aa'he,stipposed in
qparrelsome. At hole, he Was for- the dim 'light, another boy conhing to
ever disputing with his brothers and meet. him. • '
sisters, and itectroot he weacepstent-• He looked hard • at the hey, and the
il, • ,
ly getting into .squabbles, ,Which net b7usotawre4dreatyohni?11.1w.
infrequently eametobow with, his. yoein:
school felleWe. • , -Do yole live here?" he ellked, bfit the
For. these he ' had always ofte-aed boy said . Met „e;' worde
the Sameexcuee to offer -4'74:0 ho- Then Harty frowned and the boy
gan it firet"eeetn excuse which he had 4rowned back, which made him 'artgry.
laetarnIviedniee.v. was verylikely to be accepted crie4c1,7404;egyy,edend mattikeinbgofyaocensveitobfehe
His father had endeaeored, feomies very cross and said nothing. , 7 .
babyhood, to teach him never to•pro-
'Harry doubled his fist nen shook it
eOke a 'quarrel;. but always to defend at the, boy, Who. shook his in return,' ,
himself' when attacked, and Harry .• .
learned th•e last haef.of the lessoiefai That was enough for him-more
than enotigh,, ledeell; and he Plunged
...more laslly than ihe• first: . i .' headforemost into.. he , great mirto.r.
; TO do' him justice, he Wits rice eew- 'with so much force that he, Steeshed le'
' twiceandard' .ng:hai fsrl 4:' 1 hesitatedsize, 11 PifhY. hs. he thought 1:PI 'i'ec4)tell hui ;111;7, li°4 / eawi ri4Sbea4°8:! . • . lallh4Ver,°8 et:fit of°P;ullealesea8ehed.si .y. t. whenhhi.' esh:rihde' added. he. t it ae thee understoodd,vheo til°swagnd sw''
affronted. . ' •* exceedingly mertified end, ashamed of
This'was had for his temper,
ilin.thutic.,11eatshtehrtieseblygebilys tee*t.,18sienh.gbe.hhiiiras,ediutes.t i, . 4.,7c)i..:64chblot*.
ment enough,eve ' ' ' " '
he had received, was ' thought punish -
to See him get into a rage .
One day his mother took him with: haviere but it was tee last time for
her to the, city ep spend the •dai,many monthethat he was ellewed to
" and , leave horn!. . , : , .. . ,. .
after getting through with her shop-„tpiivenTgh,w.0.71Aboe:itieetodbleana,dige.aitn;abelita:sutwytelifeeliz.tihey..aretdiea441-711,47eideint did b1,111: a , graat 'AA:
i Of geod, however; in showing him the
folly of being so easily provoked.' : •
beat, of it, fell of rare iloWers and i '.' His; Nee Wos' so, badly rift 'that, the
statuary; .and after, lunch Harry was, story eolith net he kept. Some ex -
given permissioneto 'play in t•he gar- ' planation Was necessary, and hts feth-
1.er, and mother wetild'permit no eVa-
' •Thare Were po children in the'fain..1 mon Of the truth. 'So it NcraS ae long
:fly, and hisneither'eheught hint qtrite time before Harry' heard the Mae of.
eefe out of her sight. , it, an4 whenever he said afterward of
But. dies! the ladies, talking quiet: .anybody, "Ile began it erst," the ans-:
the cover ' ineadaw, and had • moved: the , • • ne of' brought ..• a new, retela th oeificee. the case' of on .one ear!..th:e'isoulicls whieh alarmed evelehelley beeri , Seleeted' by ••lbe '.ExperiMentel its .pessitelitie:Vhe gardeite should
jeeeveeieeeeeturtierilleuver-teetlieetember. J, eln
h 'n • ton 'litter toneot,' or rather,' Plah0,44. Spirit: he
qhipped feoit ' the' Canadian:West:ie.' in• the- bob se; and foiled' Harry in tie e'a .Systent • es *ink *leen' edePted
ee • h6at th4..basis,, both of unive,rsel religion eerie
'contribute. mote tee' the living 'et• the
keeie Yerk Wag niade of the front rooni, .cut end ble.i.d;:ng;On the •fer OX01.'1111011tilf Wo.tk at the leorthe
f ' it, •alse •en.n lw made in
e them, -Last year he entered o ' tion o e
. .
The. 4horee, doctortL- 41:lends' o'et,
fashioned, doeezet it?' It -seems to he- •
long to an obsolete language, along,
with the "village blacksmith?' It is
uncloulitedgy true that horse doetors
are not needed as mu'eli as they use4
to be: Perhaps for two reasons this is
one, be'eAUSe ;there are fewer
horses, .and the:. Other, because wo•
know .hoW to take better Pare' of the
horses we have, • •
While bone doctors 'MAY be Page*,
It is apparent that there is an ever -
Increasing need for veterinarians. For,
-while- horses-ere-livieg.-a•-riiefeeiliriel-O-----
rife, 'elms, chickens, and'hogs are'be- '
leg pet under the strain of n complex
and high -VrOthleitiirlife: In his efforte
leYint and tee littere, rime is taMpere :
,ing. with nature; he • gives the farm 1".
stock no opportunityte Use ite inetiPet'
in .obtaining proper Hying seenditieres.•
Therefere, heeinknoWingly makes the ,
animais susceptible.te diseases which
were-. 'Revel.' tr•OUblesoM0 Were.'
• The.".veteririerian will fia.ou almost
indiapeneible position In the •eoininunl
ity, especially if he will, with his tech-
nical knowledge, help to find the
fundamental causes of diseases, and
bring 'about their elimination.
. Like induitry,agriculture is 'grow- :
•Itig more comp/ex, not More simple. •
Therefore, it needs to use the • services •
of specialists In the sante way that '.
business and Jectustre now use them.
The yetertnarian is one of, the ape-,
cialist,s who Will he helpful in elector' •
agricultural problems.
The, Educated Man. :
We bavegot into the habit of think-
ing of scheoland education als emits
the genie. thing. We peteletentay mea -
euro a person's education by the num- ,
bei of -years he has .ereen. under the .
r -Schools hellea person in training his
Mind. So doelibraries and laborator-
ies,' and the aesociatiOn of others who „ •
are educated. , But these things ere•
net essential to in education, Since It
personal matter -the .tee_
so.it•orfO.iii'icOh.frio4ct VirOtt-h-i
train -
Ing One's, self to think,. and see, and
• We usei. the • :term "leng-continued"
advisedly. To become educated, epee -
son meet hold .himself ,to a coetee of
-study for a long peeled of time., The • •
truth is, his, grows into an education:
In feet, it requires' a life-long effort,
•and ;should, therefore, be as cloself-. -
associated in our rilrids• with, everk•
•phase of life as it now is with, the
. If we can .ceine to ,think,of this mat-
ter 'in the light •mentioned, it may not ,
be as hard for us; this winter, to settle
down to: some 'interesting, and vale -
able line of study: If there is e fault e.
with, our Canadian system of educe -
tion, it is that we; have too natieh,
teaching. eVliatiwe need in our educa-
tional circles is more self-direction.'
In this respect, 'Ontario farm folks,
who have left the schoolroom, have' a .
real opportunity to become
in a line of effort thaishoutd him:Wove
them, ,as farinerty and add 'happiness
to, their 'lives inthe years to come:
The . Most Initocnient Time.
The. holiday season is past: It ie
*lecke:time to, hieklorwardeeThieeistirii-
"lityeet"ipeekici•ef anethei..sa,,sOn.r. lt
the "getting ready" time, , *These
are iMPortant days -more important, •-•
.perhaps . their. arty other days of the
year. We', dni• net generally :look: at- •
the 'Mittel' that way, but itis true.-
, In this -Want-ling busiriese, some can
actniere intelligently than others eau..
They ,can de this because, some thee'
In the past 'years,' they Made plane,: -•
notefer a year, but .fer. several Yeses. "
For instance, they Started a•• set of .
bdoks,planned for definiterecorde. or :* •
the many branches of their eaten •
nessee•-•Thesereende- willehiteeeeanee'r
1 F
advantage over the then Withciu:t Such
,* Would it not be • a wise Move for •
hundreds and. of:far-Mere--
le:Ontario et' lay.. out -new' a five-year
Program US to crop rotations., .live,,. ,
'stock procedure; . building,- improve -
Mont anel brittle .cleeeloenterite•e. and
then 'hese the whole twitter, on, a
of'fleanciel recorde?.. elettirellY; these
plans could, , and *mild, he. ebeeeed
!trent time to thee,bee they would give •
a general • goal' - tOteerda 'Which One .
eould work. *1
Here is a • phase :of elila Matter. et *, •
plenping that 4htiota • fc'eelve careful ,
atteetioe, lt, is to farm lite, '
So' ' far as ' possibfe,
:rake, insteiibef farm ardor:
Oe vilest farina. it •IS not Hein up to
• 'Instead of having a dozen, fields, as he entered her it r, a ,
• elWays had, Jim's phie called for ton mark by almost .400 Pounds t „
victual •Sonl can deal direcq with gain at:1,0(h):1bg, clueing teepeit,* Tithe midst of the fragmente or the 'great ,
etmle three or four., „ • • . aod." wholearile .ahipping i•esulted -in a great , mirror built into the W1111,, h2tWell the
• t th • de e re yeti 'goine to oh, yes, the reileiee Ineelene. , V. moas &mai, .81u1 seerti§ huijority. of, the: °I'd' stock being' clemieci window?.
, • .
• of ,unityeis the senSe that, an indi- , •
.1 C tie a '7
do ' With 'an the barbed wire you're got ene of :those,. Mo. Seem fellow I enable to follow hen, hilt fails b4ek 0, up,
and was an influence in making a, "Haley!' said •his melee
&ling to tear do'. n9 I yelped. over near, Toteitto Was elosing out his , the thought that:the Juture will •inake• inuc;11 finer p,oteety Maiket- IP the fall. • It was„all she could say, she WaS st-i
,.!gi.r01' the root of it to fence in tiei dairy herd And going to Florida' to ell. „things cloak- Jelve, and Salnare- ., The bulletin Which mile:be obtained much . disMayed at ' the 'sight,
i to• I al th t ne exPected the Messl h
tirnbOti. Was his comeback.. , ..e Seoul a it• re estate.e( , ,e, Peer, e - a . e ,,, e . „- , , , •
I., . v.,_ee•,. i. , e, ei-ei, He - To the dee •rree :fl!Aht. the l',X-11.DilCATIO4S- Bi nth Harry -stopped Set:Vatithlg,t0'
- lie thOwedriie hoW .;ive-c011iii" 811 ':fitell).),, A"tiCi: 'at .the'At14.0-1M' hoyght a
traSted and con'fueed, wontau He mekes PePt. of '. Agriculture, Otta‘v.a, de -.4,- "Ile began it first!" ' • ' .,
. tWo. teams- met hey. elk' extit eovitt" and rrelking rriechine dile cheep,. • •
1 this 'ettipeedous reve,ation: .. Ile liad sCribeS iti detail 17011 to organize and", 0Who? When? ,What de you Mean?
, tote more biped 'eoWs. _ . ... e • "77--: "-.ift"-"--".e'e . •-.• • •
' "W11 and good," .1 sei•d, ebut wlio's A net2e:s crotheit,may in_-• film. but %wakened the seilie or deepediscenteet. gotelect , thee° Creepteative - eseocite-11,yie beg-ati,it?'fr asked everylciody:
with her o'.d..life• had started' a 'new tion for the in of potiltry, ' "The ether:boy!". epsWere Harry;
:...golopetoi,milk,tho (Ixtvo.:_gowsv.!,...: .;,,...:' '1s,.750.'s ',91)..let..j1re .br,?.,El.t !i..ir./.•.,..:,,': , .1
- .....,......._.....„..0 ........_ • eongulg 01 .ere............,:eeeeeeeeeelee. ,°1:sii0.070-kth-t, a"-Totrylib beht,*4•=-4 .t.'ert,Ntat!i
. awetn. gc t . a„ inAikirg , rbaclii he., . If . , . . 2. . ... full these,.bies.sings 'Ar,a :to he realimt ,, , .
tit hiith--in-mii., Ira ber,rins by itsidtlg, , , - a an a-- or. Sirds , . ' .na boy- therebutiniesel44:-: ••-• - : -
' Iiriow- just the kind We want, toe," he A. , neestened tubber.. .sponge is, in
. ....foie • ' . ' '.. ' i xtellent thhig 'tieeise III .ealling- line: •for a.::.drink.of Water', and :ends h. v 1:
y 1 - , • - :
Tl,',0 Nev.' gngland lited,Chib 'flee tear- Deub lees , . c il ep 't e e
' t : the le die li1V o'lleSotll
,. .1.xoly niacitrer T.sitid,i ‘,..i',,:s$1,101,t .09t tee, i.) eme hem wooleki clothine, , vealreg. Hireeelf g the watex i'3f Hs, •chs: -N -d :6, number of NI:mile es salic- What had b append
1 e ,• e , , ,
'eeell. 'going tO g,top 'with t'oothlt: ell) . „. ee---ee- ----e• ' ' • ' i ' ,, '''''"---'" "':•-•-77'. e: „ ' 1 (0e e el es '• inr oiiPte:iiirtt-.-. 7- ' • • - • -• The -ha* poi otmlett, -thr ough' a
:. .• I ..
Thee cai-ves shoe 41..-eet • -ie • pnt on -a-, . •:;. - ,,,,,,,•;-.----,,i,--.--*.• , • '. nri,( a - vild'ow into- theti
,...i-ty. 3.01-.6,10.= f,arM 'and 'Putting :a.,,ttactor; ,, , '1".0..Y.9.gt u,',1,1,a1 li.at•WAke -teciPe.rel. o ....,,::, .,,a, i,
.on tlio p; ace: ,Novit you're talking Neely of four, 'add one .Mid".Oite,hair elin'''..eilldelL°1--Idti'l'4111'4'4111't13-41"..:S.i!4-P5"-'' '•:'C4tedits-it'aiti.4:iliA-5...aititiOilt..i. ''',.1,and liall:..y;'aftor...,;,,,,,i,a a•rOuntipat, .
milking 717 1. Where's this'going etipt•ir'Ilieid tiCIAS Vili3n 'the g'rid- ''''t 468.8t ::11 ,,..,..nis:).n,t1")..1..,_„,..1d•' ' , ' P"- * . . , I tooth
' .- • •••••• ''.1,-avtalar,s-eoltect•ed.•iiverii Dttja•etst,--tsozna liele. lied,..gone. im ,..6 1701itrthe' .
to end?" , . - • . 'Ala as' usual end 'serve ,Witil syrup. • ether's: Bavidd And 01 d 14a.h. dighteon yeimi have largely 1.•,aftt for 1.y4eautifii .
fie ne‘Tr sechied; td,iiiiy.litiy'deten- These ere•fine ' . st! el in the ti- kiiio.lett.,0,eadriffnecre,nAtilsdorti: r:f;yasras.4..ell t6i'lithtiOtillvnitra4i111131:atiftecil,lit.16rit,iteisyyli:01(1.5,, 1,,ot on,y1r4ocei4i`r, 1 toil'ahlvoitt itift'et-mtit.orlin'ord.ols,ott itloq.e,o6ttilifteoN,Vitlid't
tion • to; nae, and when I asked ham 11.e 197. -\1i R. .Ti' T, .
. ,.. ,, .....L, ....,.
v ant ,
ern Ontario ExperiniOirel etetion et, tremendously into, Imeget :trowel
Kai:Melina:1W In the N63E:tie' :1esuse rtor duster bills: • • '
relied of that 8tAien ),0/, "read:Y.1'0 Then: therp Is living -for the live •
distributio' n , by . the publieethme Fsteck, Oeeasieell/lY feed' ean' he Per- •
Branch ef the Ile*. Of Agriculture at !chased Moro 'e pl y than P;r0W11.• nut .
ottawn, the: trestmeet given the , flock .1. thee ..iteeeot... eeeeet thp. 41,31.1.;
vpa'o: tiuitelhcidAs6ov;rt.g.nrie:I:Oriiive_pie: ellaeasnY.es,r:nei(A4k.n:1,e11.114AliqTai:11;f1,,,.. 15: stock of i.:tint":111e:11;! goi:;:urthe:11,;tiC:t3';';lt.e4:
't,q the is fed at the rate of zee la ow. Tiet,,,
ulk of feod
ment was conducteee last winter. lei eheakeet,theeet „„reom the ,ile.laN„.
determine the, reletteo 'value be tee)... au roue Any.„.6 r, .
g;01..1:lMg'0°S.1•It't; maXtmUiii
,o+,reg_ riPt‘av 01ing 3115111)11S:':',1,-44'e7dtli fitnier Can get
ttillfee e!)ef;
inatg,-ptd,,,s. and Ceitebe- for the ether feeding
110W0in for‘tliet oneand-mixten'e °f costs:, 'Legenie _hey etel.,ptieteitrei, Apt ;
prom. teeieriee:„the,0.; ,
eettepetitinie-Will. softeneehoe polish 1 V400 1014:11
that his betorne bard alfd caked• t Start iiiiktiting Vou