HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-21, Page 277'
• •
CHAPTER XI.-(Cont'd.)
. •
Itefere, answering •13eie
•,.,,• ,Ile,,011i1,;*-laste'eneak4ng Very "slOwly„
44101944VUSE.'4ii To. IE•i1O,V. with what feel.
n, . non TO ; • • Pe :
wlo Vivto,
ong afrow, oughmehaiads,rne,
'YnilAnenAblM Setniikbaekl knOw$e404,
woud lesewee'olnee•Nklit' ,•.• bieWela/W
that you knoW my blikell5neett,you
Woir24 run away for good. . So I
shall keep you here! .Why .,WhY._: ;did:
you went. to see Meg -9h; irked 'Chili-
' tine, who wented tie . When
.A6.Y.' own Other never savf.'ink and
• when.my mother, to never see•
• me, made Me a PlVent of alY first
, • lie had, let of .Meeat hist sind
pose "Sometilnes. I' began that work was g ' 1414' 't bo-2'-ue th
twenty years ago.: When I have finjele- ileoe, utteenig terrible sobs. And oleo
• ,
ed, I shall take it. iteray with' me:in ; he crewled a'ivey like, a snake, Went/
that eefiln. 0-ltd./lever Weita- tIP again.' ; into his roam, ceised the, drier 'and left
)uttAc.hinvk. .•. . said; Ho,repited, limiletinlen heard- the Wind ef the organ; and
herror!". ehe .:'f4Teee A:0k at for fourteen : days • andthenI began .41 understand Erik's ' con;
the 'terrible thing about ' fills nights 'together, .Chning Which I .ltvo. temPtUouephrase when he poke ahOet•
• me with horror and I do not him, On inn* on.,44 and then rent fete Opera music. • W1:141r...''heard was
How. gan-lhase him, Raoul? Think years Yenre at a.:tnne. ploy inc etterly different ire ewhae, I' had
Erik at Tasr feet,: in-th.0.- liOnee:.On the something out of your Den jaall Trie•-eard"11P'to-theni. 'Don .lelearPrie;
lakee- ufidergrOundp, aceUse.e.' him-. ,eomFliaitt?'. to uniphent (for:I had not. a doubt. but
hea4nrses, !Onto , he:11fiteWej; 4-elun, „ee-lIfilOrlinibenalieF.14e1F••••- that4,thatAitehitieemhed,:teetieenteeeeeiece,
.fOhtivenenei 'confeesate Ain' He aid, in.4‘t**3!CIrt!Ilickt,•,44wiii*oillh?.1wialY1.:t9SeetnteOrg.etto'!Mhee,a)It(*fir-bretr'9orne*:1•ielong,!iTWItitt-
.elieat, .11e:100:Met,' ele:. lots et: ley you • Mozart, Lf you
feet aelerteennee,ene,,:traoic .„ ',make yell . weep; . but ' My • Doe magniheeht ,litite little by fittle,
He has caitied inc oft.for Christine, .burns; and Yet he it, exPeeened every emotion, suf-,
He. has leirieome owe with le not 'etrneh •by 'Ore from Heaven.)._ife•rirle • 0.whith Manhind 443 caPable;:,
ereeeeee.-„,„. Thereupon we retnited, to. the do'nw.7 intoxieeteel Mer and 'I .opened the
• • j7e;Fee'ej:'hw;-jQ;:',g)'no7ti;•8", I:notieed that there.' was..nO: door that 'separated' ug,' Erik
4 seldom
ou me alonet,to reilectione.',Presently
g ,he 044 0 efe t You plaet workt t as y
, • Weeps!, e ':, And, • when 1.14004 up, Mirror in the Whole'. eliartaient.' I Was as l', entere44 . but 'dared net 'turn On
htidalready sat down tothe,plazio; Ira.. y9ur tace,without fear l• I Swe:ar thet
despise .1?int .I.f., he 'AK not, then and '
therte.. „Aimee me .,:nee liberty% . e ,•ee• said, IYou SeerChtietinej there in SOITie YOU are the most unhapeY, and•eliKiine.
- :o1r4nrea:: it' 4' •• • Ine-Offered to :11h.OW,' me •masie that ifl.%".* terrible that it eon,. of Men; and,. if ever again I shiver
eurees. all those approach it:, Foe- *Nei.' leek at Yell, it Wil).bObeCanse
the. Myaterieniii . road . - Only,. - .
ow:- 31, bo..,rao toii, ..., _.,. ,k111..i.1 v644 .14.,•udz , testelY, . rm. have not come to. that , 1:.' nin'thinkin' g' at the.riplender of your
• te eememeo: thee, though ee; yetis not Miele. Yet, for.you Waeld' lase all Yeuerniun l'' Then Eeik:turned round, for
AlltV•I'' listened, .'.; ' ;id etere•Let us sin-tioinething from the the aPere, Words iet love .. . . with wordsof love
...elle ine: words' its, theggh.he were. Ilhigieg an had. c'eased' . . .. 'He iiined "the liemit
etee41).:41•1••••°•eil°•'-:w."-,•e•-';',;' Re, '7 . : ' i.Ylgtilt at ille•-, ' -4 • my dress and did not,see:thet I eleged
"When 1.Wokti ' hp, I' was :alone, it, '-.. !"What. did you de?" . • '-' , . my.eyee. •, - , . . . . ' . ,
':•.:eittee":liedreeite with ari.ordinall Ina"' nienniaff he pot. Into his .words. ; 'We Yaa' knew': the tragedY4 ' It went on
eng on e sore•le. 0,.. simply' furnished! : "I., had no time to think ahoit. the "What more ean ilf‘•itertliiii::::.:40eat:
.• braganYbedeteadelit. by e a .1.amiz, stand- at and° began'ehe eget in Othelle and for„ a:: fOrtnight;-a
itig kin.ehe iiittibleeepel an oldle,eise.. are* the catastrePhe'`Wae nlien as.. wlaell I- lied '-te'14-14; 'MY' lies *ere. as
•:Thieeizee,,..emee :eteeeereereesee semi ejs- I- eaneDesdemeirpewith a despair` a thbilinellabnatPolthe.eilnowearee'te. threWphit„oinoakiti.:iyd.
Colored.,..Ahat:,4"..vas..a-l'Pritioner and '.terror which r, had: never displaYed.iiii-
that ,'• the :04:i% outlet from MY ;room' fore. As for Min, his voice thundered ..1i.. • -.Y. ' : burned his mask; " and 1
ed. .40:..0.,,,..verY' eOnifOrtable. hatintem. "forth his rev.engeful.Soul'at every note. : aged so well that; even . when he
On; ,retninbig'. ta.. the', bottinsom,:. I .:. saw- liove,.. jealousy, . hatred, burst • • out 'Was' 'hot . singing, he 'tried to . catch mY.
• Ontlielehent.tit deli -wets n.note,,.in „red around Us in harrowing cries. ' Erik's 'er .lih011a'aag Pitting llY .its Mester.
ilik,-Whieli,,,Said::"11k•- dear Christine, Meek Mask' made inc think Of the nee Ile was n'Y •faithfa- Play -0 and :Paid-
, ,
you need have no :concern 'pe , to yam..., --tiTal mask of the Moor of Venice. He
•• • • hat and:went out.
''reneectful-Iftiend. in: -the -world than; a heed: ' tei .iiee 'beneath the rnask. I a v
few. .ynn eiroe,ite:ibettee..noe' mere, was Othello himself. • Suddenly, I felt: nYeen't•iptigraedv:e1.i.mr.tsellael;110 cow. ...Igklenwng.c,,eoloonthrlian: .....zwrie.eluf'Fla..' aii.V.et;L'.41c,ii:E.e7dlittho,,itteteilwekiaapzi,
tw.olitteilni4th' eEeacellerfeli ,.ha4ncell,,reads",e7.f.a.,':••64}7.1rjence.;°teta, e"47,t8'hilivviej)kintAldelelifitrelifsh''.1?ciit.; ‘e";:r;•:,•,411.:141144,0et fgr4°.ene:
tlite'hothe:Whiehift *ours. ' lam gontt ' ende :iirith! a . Movement :ivitich,:7. ' Was, • - o .. a On . en. waters: ''
.'. tbah(ISEsbo if 11,itillekad . d tteUre;,e Lees e tei -ri oh ‘Tesettes" at . the.:
On efieb a 'White 'nfeht:, Wonder ia
-. myself. •• You 'firefeloite, 'tit:present,. in wanted : •know•the - face 'A vaporous ereil 'asecende from the bhintly,'yeth'nee' Wildly 'hearts.' , ' : • • , • , • • .
• tO etontroli. swift/1y pit ,th ' ;end of mY caPtivity -he let nie shOnlcle.re. .'7NO." '12,691a In. three- Sizes rclee-elle-e inlel 71111 '1.110
,- o , - a- , . me S . , • - • .., f. , , ,.,- ,„ Its e n . e 7wer a s. e was
that Is 'solid, bill ,.' on tbeuch 1 tn. ' ' 'beeternewlitril.11guatt rtfliteuTiblefIr6 thSher -
a d' f - fle- -•-•e--ifil'' h- ''' 'lett
.4mteelMeeihiNe .fettli..-yeii all the': utterly. Unable
- t Iliad' fallen. 1-+, 44 hinds Of re ror horror horror! • •
ee.-• • . • - - ---- - • ' ,' • . . - • ,,:. - . ' ' ee .un rground •• Passege . in .the • lie 36 - iti suita or n
.111 'haat 'uS174-a reef 0'. ie-.Te.3c, ckarnar47;i1.714 .6.i11017;stiru*rtado•:-.Tilltell;esevillitiefttuaroll.:Wdenti:ider-re- .------
P Conti -Lime* - to the f st ' nth' ' hi ' "
J fa f m em n e . . • . • , .
1. ei. • v.h•an orpnan, ., His name. was• Eliseo e „
thinee thefeyeleie...e.e-„TieetLr' Jefelteetieseetlegers,t,orhatitettlie,eeeel_' - s„,-,',014•,„ heir ,th Uele.„,... •: et_ tes. ,,, ....,.e•,.. me ,• .rt _ .,. . e. me. f ,s8.4. . d 8, 6 h st.
ien0iilieeiehiChleeti lietfindi; .. '': ';•;the echees' cif the night; 'tehich had a. I as.' . • -
rib , ea t t g .,- - as • i •
reqUireg .31fe yartlale Or 86 -inch ma •-• but of .a.e •.affeetionate
- ..- mid' of elmoit transiparent'eineke be- stars .oit. melt a,,itight iire.olio lull of•' hie maillien4
. ti • 'S li '
• REkmai 14,11.41 told him that I could on.Y g6tng t° remark ui)°n this' but Erik InY direetient 'Erik' 'I cried. 'Phew me
on angel, nor eeest, nor a gentile ;''c'titY coloring lied nobody Would e believed me and I also had faith in
.be remained the Voice". . ' for he know you when you returned to Paris. mYself. •
He ,ell at my feet, with
edi . ....That night, we aid not ex-. Christine Dane.' He slrelte these hat ln his deeid Mouth . . andthe Music
• MAKE, ;
essence . of daintiness, this
nightgown of FrAch origin, feshiere-
ed of ',flesh. color crepe de Ohne with
deep Face. heirtha.,It is quite the.easiest tum 0,de and eaeey. posifer snow; her a vague perfume which hovered*:
think' 'te make; ,,there are just two
pieces, front and back, gathered at the all. Her chiMneY has, spoken. IllyerYi moon.andesp:tierify, bye . beneath
about Adriene teroPles and disquieted.
where is seen the writing of the sky.
Bet one must be a neighbor and know On', suth .a white -night" take an ult.' him. , 1-1,e got tin and walked ahent the'
oval neck into, a nein,* binding. The,
eseritlye_.,:tben; being too agitetee; to re,
'bertha may fashioned •of lace any
sume his writing he also. put' on his
on to the hills, 'ASteep waY.
me ess e attentions. Gradu- 'dila desired,or of the Material the WeYs Of chimneys te'readethie Its headfill
• .
*Ate sealed in nir.tighil aluminum foil.
The* fresh flavor is finer- tha,si itnr
.isPark 914-GiumPowder. TriP.S#LADA!
By Jean DertiistoY
- • , • •
• ,Franclne onioreii the roPM )11••YealOf4
Addeo. Wes 'Weriting at hie. (leek `",
"Is there' 'anything You Viaatt
must go Pet." ' •''
He -herd* raised his ahrthad
*IP' was his dally
. 4%44114net:. be 'said pteclitellPaillt
He had ninprrie4' Francine 'tbtn.:,
Years before. $he was vory' young:
#.63,. fence to -day She was nOt'..:Ynt
twealYt e. had .IllarrlOd. her -beeeU60-
he thief*: for tenderness, OdOiltien*(1-
'innocence,e-Hekift. plucked half,
opett„. fi nei_Myrne no,
Show the firet Sighs of :t.hi1i. 49400 .itiy,Ok, ',I,lie • earth: Is aboutVePfl, yrAaA,t,'..
, z jrWillhe,hute:Nieh.t. T •
, . . , . IlIME711...,... .,
-...../toiteateF In -.the'-dawit,--ilte-eitininers.- "......-The.eniewi'-had-t"-efeneeteeeteteeforrie
;On'infO'eiltlielnleYetliei.1.131"tilbseeielll'e led '". -1,1r eifilitetta*:77WWeri!..; SaYs
teelneralege l', "AkellnlMer:ItulkOlir ..aveikpider:.8410i:, .1t.*.like '4' • R434 '144
• 1°04' elnirint.,4-.*Ard. '+nennt47.. at 'Air._ diarr,„ .fiehle,In bis forests .axic.,;s01y.
heovens, bloW. 'their . Sombre Motitho;, .todes, deterierated" by ettieS US Weill-
**inf. :free!: the 41iM., whinPeringeg4w-, raatialifo . Holo was winter;!io..all .10.
ingthealeepinight Whese:their..,Seareef.'nebility, without stain. :.. Tho % et tjee
ty perceptible:**kr nifir,0004tii :the .andsoape eharee• In the • enlarging,
1 j
libedea''et.evelellag, are "filled. teeter,' purifying, quieting. werk..of. the. seiev•
'flawing, and are -npetering:Verlutees.., 'Stine-walle, trees; bushes; heegereWs,•.
The Meat; trineated'ehininey talks houties; .11-eles; • - uhtlergoieg a enOW,
in Dutra.. • ..tanor.,• a:lop:lore', and :more 'change, . become • part :. of .. re new anti
.grecetel •olieST-, ere rig he spirabit eeeetteeerth. e: '' ''' - ,. 1.
. and wavering flume: . of. graoke. •Vaah • • The ein;oW ' hides, , It also - reveals..1
.14.'sPealting in character. ' Each of4.tro OK lantiMarks are .obliterated, , The i
little Plait ebilineye in • the .aeighbore 'dlyinlens 'between thine and mine are
hood huddled hi .thotrough of the two :aie.: longer . vielble, on the earth't, sat -
We in growing articulate They iieeni frier,. , On % the -ether, hand f4i!.4).ff •hills;
to greet' the other in ii kindred- teneree, and, ileitis gsfir•dtitinetiveneto. gyon
l'hiOed morninr . and "How de.' dee" a Sprinkling of snow on the ,larger hips,
are • saki- in ' feneke.• Bonao 1115.1, ';40) .mairo 'them. stand out :m6re clearly,
.titembling• Voices :frem ;derider 'throats, ' They -'-.Adet more- light and the light
While others respond . with black bil- Makes li difference.'..Jt seems alarget'
lows; denoting,basatones.: ,•• .. ' . • , World,. this' 'World '0g. snow.. It is, a.
,:witbl# jeeeh.pairod h*s,e:1:4' WOOd; .citileter . werldi Sounds are , muffled.
day •has. begun .iti,' earnest. eTtie. einl5 There • Is something . Wouderfulle.ini-
.chiinheys• give this signal, over meet!, 'piessilve 'in the. east solitudes . of the
. . , .. . . . _ . . .,. . ,
heel breothed„,- "As.. pf
divoreed 'fronicl first. Wife_. to
had often been dleioyalehe
the''. new Union, a weaiee'heele,ii
disti•u0,1940. Miei: -Lille( he
workip,a. scinice ei-inner:JOY.•••:'"•
He wondered, new it 'Francine had
eyer,leved him. For he accepted opiy
with revolt the' Mee that:see was not
entirely his in body and siettIer eitit if
Franceee:rlie not love him in' that abige -
late.wey, 'She must have mirrored.
He reeeenized 'honestly that lie viae:
not .a. Very agreeable husband, He re, "
mooched hireself for making no .effort
to brighten young.,COMPanion's OZa, •
igence. ,11e had '.00nnted on haying.
children, '-whe...peoPole. and *
heane4 But children bad come.
vgptim they ever :come, • What a lons:i'
i•oad to; travel.lowerd ;old age, 'Main-.
taintag this perilous tete-a-tote! • '""''
- -.Why hurried away? •
' She almest always! stayed home in,
the merniegs. "•In her brief.. passage •
-through' the reorn sire tail left behind '
. . • • •• •• • - • e. ' • • • • • ' • Se be. • Here 'a carriage, airaited .us size -40 for 38 and 40 btest; andesize Rendu lived alone occupYing"him.'
;I:, ran. Fonnd my little •Cbristine slepped,fet theehoegireef 7 took us to •the Bois. e Then.. 44. for 42' and •44 'bunt. ..Sree 36 • bust , Omar's' thermometer never• .to • freezing ueet uith 4 fa ' '
apartment, looking 1'6r' .6: 'WO! of:the' vision that. hadleared her, While alit: iafter a fortni ht of that hoz.' Of ..MerniniPeis ...epeejingini)aver un. arrives eV. mess. • A ere, tbe
friveeted'.hatele Thu. 'waveriug nyeae theie• is no euCh • reirelation. -The se.e.'-ee AMA eS. .1u/et-ere-hi
"This was -the s te oe mind in, repeated ehe name of Erik, now *ice
which 'Enk..fou • .. After giving moaned the ere
J. „ .
three taps ore:the:A*1W he walked in "Horror!' . . ,Horr •
teuiegir' thieueheet, elaer r.• , Horror!" , '• •
not eititicee. emPrwhich ;he lett, open:i„e Raoul and Clirlitine, clasping each
•''.1md.'„Ain,,,. Arms full .0.‘hoxes: a-- other closet raised:their,eyee•te' the
In arcele•apkerearigedetheM on the bed, „„rt that line in
a „leisurely fashion, while:I over- 'a Clear and peace.'
.'etehelined Wm -With abuse and 'eaaae.d fu. !sky' I Raoul
lrsietaiidnr-e that this "aeeeeeiee;te•eake,.0e, his mask, It"Strange, ,
Soft night .should be solull'of
tive Bounds. ' One:would think that it
was :sorrowing with us,'" .
"‘When. you know the secret, Raoul,
your • ears, like mine, will be full Of
lantentations.". '• ' " ,
She took • 'Raoul's proteetieg, hands
in hers, and, with a long shiver, ' con-
tinued: .
. "Yes, ,if I' lived to be a diundred, I
should alwieys hear the superhuman
cry of grief and rage 'which uttered
when the terrible 'sight 'appeared be -
fere my eyes: . . . Raoul, you have
seen death's heeds, when they Nitre
Christine, for, when those eve .days been dried and withered by the centme
eke ,past, you will. have learned not to ies; and, perhaps; if you 'were not the
victim,: of a nightmare, you saw his
death's 'head .at Perros. And when
you saw Red Death stalking about at
the last _mnikM -bah ButallThose
death's .. heads were • motionless and
their dumb horror was not alive. But
imagine, if you can, Red Death's mask
suddenly coming to life • in order to
express, with the four black holes of
its eyes,' its nose and its Mouth, the
extreme' anger; the mighty fury, of a
demon; • and not e• ray of light frem
the sockets, for, is I learned later,
you can not see his blazing eyes
cept in the dark, ,
• "I fel) baste .against the Wall and
he came uptome, 'grinding his teeth,
and, as I fell upon my knees, he -hissed
mad, incoherent words and 'curses at
me. •Leaning OM. me, he cried, `Look!
oil wancle-Seir 7Seer7reaStyour
eyes, gut your soul on % my • cursed
ugliness! ;Look at •BrileS face! Now
you know the face of the voice! Yeti
• 'Andle opened a door before me 'This were not content to hear me, eh? You
1/ my bedroom, if you: care to see it...-W,afited to knowwhet r looked like!
It is rather curious.' His manners . Oh, you women• are so ihquisitivel
lie:Words, his attitude gavie ine cone: Well, are you •setiseee? rat a• very
edence and I went in without hit.- good-looking fellow; eh? . . . When a
woman has seen. me, as yeti, have, she
belongs to me. • She loves•me forever.
I am a kind of Don Jelin, You know!'
And drawing himself up to his full
height, with his hand on -his hip; wag-
ging the hideous' thing that wits, his
bead on his shoulders, he roared; 'leek
at me! ern Doe Juan triumphant!'
And, when .I turned away my heed
and begged for mercy, he drew it lei
the canopy,. an open coffih. `That is Ilin14 brutally, twisting his'dead fingers
• cOvered the face of ,an honest Man.
He replied serenely, Ton shall ,never
'see Erik's face, -
was very angry, slammed the
. door in his face and went to the bath=
ivonee ; . When I came •out •again,
feeling greatly refreshed, Erik said
*.tliat' he !eyed Me but that he would
, never tell me so except when I, alrowbd
him and that the rest Of the Wine
woul4 be deVoted to music. "What do
you mean by the rest of thetime?1•I
asked. ` 'Five days,' he said, with de-
cigion; I asked him ix I should then
be free and he said, 'You will be free,
. gee Me; and then, from time to time,
you Will clime to see your poor Erik!'
He pointed to a chair opposite him,
.e:et a email table, and -I set down; feel-
ing greatly perturbed. However,
ate a few prawns 'and tee wing of a
chicken and drank • half .a glass of
tokay; , Which he ,hed hiniSelf, he told
me, hrc,ught.from the Konigsberg cel -
large •Xrik did not eat or drink. . I
-asked him What his nationality was
and if that name of Melt did not point
to his Scandinavian origin. He said
• that he had no name and no country
and that he had taken the. namrof
Erik by accident • ' "
"After lunch, he rose and gave me
the tips pf his fingers, saying he would
like to show inc over his flat; but I
matched .away my hand and ear. a
' ory, Whit 1- had touched was cold
and; at the same time, bony; and ,I
remembered that his hinds smelt of
death. 'Oh; forgive me!' he 'moaned.
lion. I felt as if I were entering the
room of dead Person. The walls
. were all hung with black, but, instead
of. the whit,e trimmings that usually
• set off that funeral :upholstery, there
was enorrnotte, Stave of ineeec with
the notes pf the Dies Tree, many times
repeated. In the Middle of the room
was a canopy, from which hung cur.:
„tains of red lera'eacled stuff; ted, under
'Where I .sleepe sail Erik. 'One has. nlY "
to get used to everything in. life; even
to eternity!' The sight upeet me: go
roil& that I tureed away mY head. •••
"Then 'I sew the keyboard of an
organ which filled ono whole side of
the walls.. On the desk was a musie-
book covered with red notes.. asked and theo . Oh; it 18 too horrible!"
leave to look at it and read, 'Dee Juan "Well, what?. .Out with it!". ex-
Trier:lel:vete :Tee' he saide cern 'claimed Raoul fiercely.: "Outwith it,
"Then he hissed at Me: 'Ah, I
frighten you, de I? e. ,.. I dere say!
. -Perhaps You ,think" that I have
• aheeher- mask, eh, and that .
this • My head is a maik? Well,'
he roared, 'tear it off' as you did the. '.
other! Come! Comealong! I insist!
Your hands! Your hands! Cive inc
your heeds!' And he -seized My hands
and thig-therietiliteetrig" avire I face.", 116;
,tore his flesh with my nails; tore his
terrible dead fteah With rhy nails! .
,he shouted, while - his ;throat
throbbedi and panted like a f unlace •
"Enough!' Enough!" cried. 'Raoul.
"I will kill him. In heaven's naine,
Christine, tell inc where the dining -
room on the lake is! 'muet kill him!"
"Oh, Raoul, listen, listen! . . He
dragged me by my hair and then .
.The. world' a bast
, hair_ tint ,Wilt
' Store giay hair to its natural
• color in 1.6 minutes.
$8`..34 by m
Dou Size ,6.50: by mall
Thr W. T. Petnber Store
I29 Yonne tot. Toronto
183lit fJo 3-26.
p y, unn v w teria•rice cents.•
filled with PitY, enthusiasm, • despair ht breakfast ender The seem at their maximnm
^ • -
T e Secre o is Inc iv. dress es
h t f d. t. t. e d tors a tastY bill sllg • w •' Y in_g on her youthful face the marks of
and. horror by terns; he believed me. . • • ther roaring fines , sending thick 'brilliance and mystery. !'There is no
when I said, •`I will come back!' " . in good taste rather than a lavish ex= tin' internal struggle, he underotpod at ,...
dispesi on, .. eeing her
appear, weer-
I (To be continued.)
heard.'i ...hew long these stars :at life mager, my. c10,44:17"
bitlows rolling from chimneys may
:pieinonilitiihrevirielaonmot: iodmrineosnaslmye.akheerr Everywowi1111 fin d ,
ewioatmhg connote oatineal and pancakes and
other heavy matutinal ;fare.
Trial by Nilater. , . designs illustrated in our new Fashi,on
yet into the crowded ale. g to -
the or-umbling and .disappearitig quickly
.ts t off n id s th k • tl k .
te.s y .
_ ....Among the tribes et. the hilly .re-. Book t.cr .be practical and timplei
maintaining :the spirit of tl e mode of story. Ito .. •
havin told its
„ : •
speech or Yet liegitagee their voice Is not onCe:: • '
• have :guided the 'goings and... Watched ' 4!The matter .1 'steep, 'tee
gions •of Orista,, in India, trial by‚,I e enoment. Price of the book lo
stent ts. 'Fhey shine over us with
over the eloings of. Men! Be 'their mucheeehe replied,•
• , • .
light . Men fromi of, old have 'come Alk• • . slid: sat down in a 'chair, the 'only
their •destred knelt? Where bate that se could find in the labora-
they •werei by the, aid •of• those 'con, tory, encumbered as it Nro#t1344406,,,_:,
water Is :Otte employed to Settle die. cents - : oe3,-; ,_ s • \ , •
. te ; .
Mittird'e Liniment...for sere4hritat.--,---•:..:-the-'--suutz'conetanc .3r-7-and'ffe4.1.4-1747-8
-141A-14'saeired; lane ''called l'hulbani ' is . , !IOW. TO ORD.Eir l'ATTEB1‘15.• . . ' '*---'.--0---, . . they shone • over • ancient.Egypt pi.
. . . . .
useldi'dineer-,seuderhtitlyalsie•nanad....tirtil'iwtytelw'saaireer., -.1„z:7giriliteih.ygeuzieurnhabtire and address plain- chilblitu!s' '''..INeecl Gpoci. t:Cs. i..... :B"Yl°x: ..Th(* ' are the 're'"rei.atien °f
and eizel of ••such. the :night. • put for the . darkness; we
. What ca'n . 1 put en elillhlalha that . had .. not seen the stare, as. but for the
.ireceiels, each •airmed with a long ewe,
the residents. of eV& or three villages
sit round the tank, and
testing parties, fieconitenied by their
thos., two .0o.... :spitattem6priofsoutallsyco)y.ienufa.(-wrtoaienot":'phsrEe,afa,uprIm;dii_uue;r!wrOe..anitti: 'tpwi,ouinnd..es,eirrelitpot,onliuer;nou.,'arr're'aoSs,lisit an.terenae4ndtteli,',.1.,..e0010;tord.to,:ii: .7.1irrt, eir: 7:4:4(j,.eielia4 ti...,...,_..,et seen the. enti7.
Welt:e short distance away. The priest
then chants'" thie prayer to the sone waddiirs:ns's ..pItutibuiri'iti°irridi,cot4:.‘.P713tte104PAePdte." :fithth,egnolOudyolurscinuglatalno;,.ioYepa), ciaptip•!giotettiroind'
''' l'Oeontett'y • teaches . Ye to ' 131ex
‘,.c.hoo.lboy tiOar,lera.43: '.
"The giver of tight ste Strerigth; the 'aide St., Toren* 'Patterns Sent bi
return mitt that stimulates. Turpentine is. n fat:- .
angelg: :an oxygen has etlit sides,'"
face ot. Truth has been -covered,. by a '
, , .• .
brae with some; iodine with others: • . •
Theahov,e are twe' gems from a, rich
Mist; Of geld; send down your. shafts The la4tiniee. Intentione;d:Chilblains. in.• Mine Of seheelbey hotelers ' explored,
Of ''QVinfloirr and remeve the veil ob- en at/title, some .lifty -People .wrote in • ' e • •
by. Mr; R. 'W entitle, .Fine in the "Edu-
senring the reality-.'- ., ' to give favorite prescription, ill dif- ,,,,, Outlook."
' TO . insure the „noninterference of ferent, You can guese;froni-• this alai. .`'''''''e'" .:
, . • -._ ';At ,cireleleaereuMled-Straightlinte
demons_ of- ,the. 3,.1114:erwOrla! "Villa 'May 'la bst anything will cuie.the kind of..
bent so.. pal- the:. ends'.,meet,7.,writeS
be lurking in/the. pool beneath the holy . lblain that ',goes away Of itself. ' meatier ., ymethful. - matliernatieltur
ask -
waters, 4 chicken IS, fed and. watered . e ' Chilblains ' are . soniewliat akin i....
. While •aeother..4beneirlse. Mt being ask -
end offered to the den -eine.: This doee. Rums in,,, their 'course. • They ere Sea-
There is np lonelineee
That begs a passing prayer .•
TO make it fell and 'whole:
tions of tlevitalized.teshe *hen th
how many
f an -teal !es jai 9 luld l btheat'l.uht
iiiiii,:eicisetetr.ajtaei9appell)isoceeonlbisefwoohiofe. tarirsees repair
rd itis:ilzeodki itreyg: dtrea, cid db it asj..orten,as ile a s, wsked:
to! • •• • .•
or weak, this may take a long time. other delightful ,:tpdel=
mest be Cleaned lie
the contesting eartfeti walk intc the
water followed their seconds. When
the water reaches. their. armpits they
:take the roles and:, having, fixed theta
In the bed of the 'tank, stand' holding
therii for a minute whilst they turn. -to
„the eas arid . Mutter a . prayer to the
een: Thee slowly emir hetide age im-
mersed in water. The ina,n whose
head ctimes ue first the loser.
This age-old'eustom has such a hold
often the .party .who knows he' is' in
the wrong wil come up Of• tileeown
amerce lest injury in the shape Of
tramp or drowning done hire by
the powers concealedhi thi-watir, '
;There. is: no een;eliness;.
pale naitissite •hioom.
Make's. gloriouS Coinpany
'In a deserted eeren. .
There is -no lorteliness.:
The Mires Iiitererichesfar
And -Wind songs' Melodies
Are..echeeci froin earth roe
There. n'o binelinege:
islet arid. theeears .teatederibee ...• noliethelese; there's spot of init. "Tlie'PYrainga di't14O a -11d.
dnlY the eYegehat See . .
etalire-tiesue .tirat iteiree-,entr litIrtitriti" Pain" • r
oxide Of ,hydrogen uSeeily do this. insect .CaTi •.1)e 'Oiled by penelt.
Then •It must• be 'kept clean •Mid the IS-;•° ilsb°r4x* " •
.ieirettlatton encouraged while; healing
oceenTriniltsu tr'°111.
decure.,. Iodine 14 usually a geed ,ap-
Piteati00 • '°i attentpti of
• liany-chilbialne--do-tiot:eleerater-but, t:O.get.!°e(1. `•• -; '
' ' . -- :77-----7.-esi :.1.-'---.'-'--e eves heada.c' ha...This:Is l'3-eeA. ke
' feinia--derrenirei• t ire -,------ - frostbite to destrey some ot, the 'finer "Under ilehrY VIII: the:141We ' was
there has been enough' fieYb' ' • . .
. .,• • - - o v se s Evehtually, there isII
. ,
- • &. Henry diod-frogi a sUrfeitof nL
, George Biliston...cold weather et' thy. leas. provecation.
"kneei•eltat "T.:: am, i etp - do
•tfoityloait• ' cee
orpror thatloves you •ned,erleres- you.
and Well' never, never leave you!
eleek, I ere fietelatighiee• 1145W.; 1 tiht:'
Cryirigetteing for you, Christine, who.
• tjuddEgp$,B)Etivii,3
14;ert,1a ki EngIsli joti s hotr41tl «t n E3i trd I >.1,2gar
enbeedi of it ethic ell eenherti 40110 has vast eontos.stnnfi ell oefeethe *Mit'
Aeleritee net Pere' uoa,.. rotor. to him.41$ the '„itAnt, D. Rockefeller'
he other vessels to do the work, but
the building up precent fs. Slow. ;Suf-'
lererS 'plot' protect iheir feet hy-Wear-
Bigwarm hose. and Shoes •thitt are
roomy and Stout. AnYthing tight Ain
dere receverY. On corning in front the.
cold, bathe the- feet' tive• or • ten • mire.
tees in cooi,witer,, then dry Wittriough
loWel mid rub the feet until theiglow.
T1ti8 wilt Prevent MOO tg the itching,
and 'will hasteneepair. )
Tease who have nineb trouble' with
chiihiains. Often are poOrly 'nourished.
• They shoted ' eat the 'feeds "th at 'build'
. ee aid 1111D:iiiY 'heat. 'C'teaiii, better,
. atiti egg' ateoblong the best of' these'
foods747;itildreit 'may need, cod leer
eel; 'When they . put' on a few Winn&
In *eight.' anq .imp:rovo the foamy of
the bieott the 'chilldaniS leave.-
hevezet 'sired iiineli,abouf What Yon
sheeld pueen, het:three that le the,
•' question, et. !Net, lamortariee, 'Ititing r1 rla of Atiii-dains, the gr thing.
is th liuiId tiO • t he'. body, add this earl
only •Int done hy nipper nutrition: and
prtttofl- 1»; te.elot. 1:4errigo.
. •
Thriftiest Entilieh
Tel -month claims -to 1)0 the thrittle‘t
ttevii in Enelari•l, pe o pl F.:have •pur-
'cluv-A:t1 1.,671',000. earirig.8:'rertifietael ;
iii -rtiiir:P1'11;:c11.11 /Aerate-Of,in-o ter:
itt illailtfu;r-tftW'r&tobtx•flif;'4,i)on'try:"
• +le Maket Them Ply...
•a„is talod
land. Its was •Iri ('atIada jag entniller for the :bai •asn. n
so,latioit etiiite. 11tpcnter
, • '
translated into Leek bY eltrie Oates;
whom the king ordered to be. eheined
Op fit church for grea.ter securitY,"
.writes one Youthful essayist ,
'Pine • Henry ',was, drowned in the
Wesh. The story -goes that he never
smiled again," Writes another:
The reader, at least, is hkely, to
emile again --and agate., , . '
FInger.Ring Lamp. '
• .
• A t' •
my electric lamp in &finger -ring
'is dezigned ler writers, travellers, and
patients In lIC8pIta1Vacj The laMP
thrONkg, hgbt ,direCtly upon t iheet: Of
paper re a pageeif t 1100k7-strfi1tent
to write Or read by.,
and inetrinnesitk'.. q;11.e.„:savtint-..,stood-
totare het: For n: mentent teere. was .
e deep siletee. •• Then she 'began::
• •" eYou advised inc to 'marry Aririene
knew nothingeteife. I did net even
'haVe'a metherto guide nre. inthat die'.
fieult'"elkdee." And now I regret: -yes,
r'regret,•having Atilotied yOur. 'advice!'
"•With what. do yeti reproach him"
"Everything.or nothing! .1 keVe, not •
found 'with. It int, the happinees ,which : •
•expeeted..".- • ' . ,
"Ileppiriesie," he said gravely, "is so
plant which -it IS necessary to ;elite -ate. ••
after having' planted t wite one:4i own
hands : What- have you done .3:ourself
terabfaineharqiiiree-e?"---e-e."--Le- •
, Sheelieekied her Sbeatderefeightle
She as fiivolous thoughtless and die-.
eUtiragetl.,. Suddenly, site Murat into •
"Then 1. am tbe Gee who is In!
'wrong? It is alwa.ys the woMan•who
Is in the wrong!" • .
' There was a new silence. Francine.
eont.inned to weep. She did, not go:
as 'She seemed to be awaiting a
ounioletion which.: Was 'Piety In com
ing. All at once the doer opened and ,
Addeo appeared. ' Ile was apparently,
also =oh upset and -ran -toward Pratt-
' he cried, wan hoping' to find
_yen beret" .
if' he had doubted he he was fully „
reassured. From the depths of his
being: rose -11 song of- thankfttliteke.'ntit.....
giatitude, He knelt before 'his ,young
wife and fervmtle kissed 'ber hands: , •
"Pardon me!"' he orle1 1 "Vont you •
pardoii Me?" • '
"1 have nettling to ea' rd' on yeti for,.'1 k
she SOW with a delicioes ,
'rimy went awrietoeether, onee more
suddenly In aecord.• Ansi the 'serve*,
• bending over • the rekcete and the
lenses Which delivered, to him the oleo ,
meets of . olatterl tbeught ..of the im•
• ponderable Love whet*. essence no one
cab ever antilyie.
"ROW Iittle e thing Is niedei 1.7 -ii• • .• •
Roo. to hiniSele "to eittinguigh I1 or to
reawaken its , Bret
L.. •
• • •
The World's' Richest Babies.
Who aro the worlds riche.14 liralAnS?
Itobert Cloolet; son ot 01 American
haliker,, is said to porams ,$100'.005,000.,
J1 '28, itoll 1c1 rami 1 eir to 'hia'
itit r`d •
• Tor:le ett4.1,-elith-l)re:el tree; rirti.t•teilee
e'dzi of Arr.:tied Mrs. 1n/116113 J., Drexel,:
Jule eliteare erid te eave an. liftorne• .",
of neatle minute. •-" •
•„lames Paul ponaelic ts,111 Seine diy
„e00.16..4114 'bo :40,700(000 •tOri•Oh6 te?t;*'';'.
by ,Jits gr_kitt.111t Pra ilk • ;N:t!-. • WOol- •
• wtrtit, •
those Mped
. I
come With the very
first spoonful
'il0yffeyil D WATSON F,'(0 •
. Joy ietitriee 1 dei.t6, it the., age Of
tweitt-errtetently &nee itito d4.115-401 '
-000 eetete, •• .. -
• r'otistnItLing ail the 'wootitvork Iiiri
incitylin$ the doorS anti windolvs0
h,lfrol 006itilet ,has 'just -built lila
, .
own hstr.