HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-21, Page 11.•••••
.42.00 PER YEAR' IN ADV•14sicEi $2 60 o'rogiwIsy;.•:
siqI..5 CENTS..
, ' • • Pl••
. 4
• o--
. • Dr, W. M. •00iiiie1I
physician aridiRetileee!
• 141440W
• goers • = 7.t78,•.
*'• CLeed riSit. Lucknow
every •TneadeY•4iyi Dr. Connell's
' Office- •
Dr. R, L. „Treleaven, Lueirencow—
Over Decker's Store. Extraction
• " either' by gas or local. Will be in
Dungannon every ,Thursday,
• Photo fl$
0 -9 0r.'-9-.-,044.
I •• . .
Afeee're. Russ. Reliertsen:44.0 Ope:11-
Aiteh,iSon of ,The Li•19.1Co9W: Table. CO.
':re attending. tbe Furniture Shoye, at
this. week..•. • •
:aranserry to report °, that Mr
:Taeler;>:Of town, has. been e'er
ously 1. for the 4.14 ireek"
Iyepee4 age make ,reCover•y, ':douht.*:
Migal -Lege Sniith:we' n iwVek'agf
#PP • Per
Wingham Hospital; has been mak.
ng 'favorable progress all along an
'a well .on the way 4e,,recovery.
The boys • who are taking the. Short
-joerse at „the School .of Agriculture
here, have in preparation three •one.'
tt. Plays which they propose- giving
e the Town Hall the evening of Feb-
ruary 12th.
•Hundreria of remnants, all kind,
goods, January. "Sale-41-lorne j.
Murdoch Co.
Mr, and Mrs. Andy 'Hamilton Lane
laughter, "Irene, .former., resident i; of
Lucknow, now oiAleofryn, left or
Tnesday„. Moinin•g, for Tampa; Flor-
ida, where they intend spending r
•hree-niontlis vacation. •
. Posters litre out atmcniheing-• the
tunnel: Burn's Ball, given b '.the
Luoknow 'Fine 'CO. This; ' of course
• be :On the night of Jan, 25th
rite ' Committee .charge proniisr
g•ood music arid -It geed 2Iline.-•'•-• • •
Call Di. Newton
Make appointment
In office eyelid/1i
O g*EirirOanY's COILP1114.
I -!
Geo. A. Siddall, LneknoW,-, 3—Broker
and 'Real -Estate.—Money to, lend or
firSt mortgages . on farm proser.
ties.at 6:and 61/4 per cent accor ing
:to security offered. Also Innen
"aniounts on second inortgages on
• farm properties and on portion&
notes. A few good farina for sale
underwent 'qr o atior
and Paint r baffles-a:in eta& ; of WalJI Miss ze, who ri'lni;
• Paver which mav be seen atm)
residenre any time,—R. J. -Cameron
Painter and •Decorator
Lucknow Flour Mill
IP • '
'With the installation of new ma-
;thinery and by extensive. re -model-
• ling
.we are: Making a biglier grade oi
spur than the 'mill hag . ever . made.
Try a hag and - :convince: . yOurself.-
'Weir iticatif refunded if not 'satiSfac•
tory.—W. E. Treleaven '
•, We the undei signed' will be in tht
. market during the Winter, to buy al'
..kihds 'of logs, will take all 'classes cr; •
logs down to what' will Make goo.
sound crating ininber; and will jpit,l'
the highest •market Price- :reveardull
to quality. For further particular.
, apply at our office, or call phone 26
Lucknow:-.-The 'LuCknow Table Co
, Ltd. -4J. Button; Manager.
• Safety Razor Blades shaipenect
• Any make. Satisfaction guara*eed
Or ,money refunded. Single edge 3e.
•Double•dge Miudie •SA Son
, For Sale, --A number of collie pups.
••••Eues. Middleton; R. 6, Lucknow. pd.
• There will T'be offered for sale at,
•• the premises. of • the undersigned.
North Hall, Lot 39, • Con. :1; Kinloss
' on FridaY,. January 29, 1926, at ten
•' „elelook 'by John Purvis‘ unction,
on; • one .,,steer, 'apparently • two-year-
old.—Alex QiIies.' ' 28-1-
, See all the vacant'store windows 1211
r runs at Hornell -
ion at her iteme here, siiree'Chriet.
•iee:' returned to Windsor this week
week •
Ihe,- was eccoMpanied •hy • Nis .
.'4Udgay,-4h0 will: riotwith. her sis•
er;:IMrS. Clare Agnes:Ur:there., :
We: this week received a reneiva
4-Subscrifer:OU to the 'Seiitlnel iffrcir.
Robert • Tliontrisen; of Brnee. Min,
s. Mr. Thompson says that it i
his 52ed 'annual payment; and a
• 41e, ,Sentinell Was' firat pubielied. 11
'1373 be 'Must have, been 'anifong
Irst ' to take; it; and -a real TOcknoe
boy." .:
• •
Something new levery •day • at tin
January , Sale.---abrnell4Iurdoch Co
'The piny "Peter piper's Trouble's'
trhich was io • inccessfullY preseete:
tere an Thheiday evening Of .16e.
Veek, 'Will be given it St. Helene or
fneaday night of next *week. WI
nderstahd, that engagements bay!
:eeri Made also leer.:Ripley and,Kin
dugh,•-''and another • presentation'
••••ucknow, about Easter: •
„ , .
...Wheat , . ... ....... . .$1.35
. Oate . .. .. ..
teas ..,........ . . ...........$1.25
Barley .
gege,„ ' • . . .$12:75
Mr B. Sirette. will be here next
week and Will lecture each ',day on
Horticulture and 'Vegetable Grewing.
Mr. ,Siretto ie e practical )212n, ,op:
. .
ing, a farni hear B.oWnianville
ere.: he lies a .)arge apple Orchard .
Mr. lklowsom.4;/111 .continue' his •lec'.,
. area nett week on 'Farm Mechanic's.
Vuesday • and Wednesday afternoon
• ,will. . be given to .• tope -splicing,. a,
hitinch Of „meellailicai'lrequentlY Very
-iirieftil cm. the far*
On the evening- of February 4!,ttli
Mr. W. E. fiunders., of tendon, will
-,iva,,, it, lecture On , our birds. ' This
lecture will liu given in: the: • Tom)
Hall and till be for the Palle. 'Wet,:
.th .for further ,announcetnent; .. ., , '
• ' ---- ' ------,,,,,'•oo.o.--...- . ' .
.:1'110SE•ARMENIArg B0*$ •
t....Isferti .61 Georgetown whO'hriteli
Meek of Armenian boYa .: wing*. ere
tettaininentAnAbeellown Mall .1+6.,.
0Ott,./light; Will he accornPlifired--14•
ee Murray, th Armenian ind- who
igg. Stipp d and educated• by
°know -tont s tkonl., In this eau.
meta, A Vitoria' impreielon 'hae at
otid to. the, effeet that 'it. ii t 0
'cram graoall a The wareaosu
'$0 •tbot It 0140P41100 !No Mr+
'THE delicioui taste. o
Bread makes it first as a
food the. year 'round.,
And-hesides it's
-7-so nburishing.
economical '
Bread' is 'the' pie Food -
value today.
Good Bread
r -the Bread you'll swear by
Ask our greisi• ,
IHollYmall s Bakery -
St. Peters • 'Angicarr Church,, rd
Morning Prayer and Sermon; 3 P.M'
Sunday School; 7 P.M. Evensong and
. .
Sermon. 7
Robertson, general -secretary of
Sabbath Sehoohi and Young • Peeple'',s,,
Societies„ in 'connection withthe Un-
ited Churph of ,Canedei• wowed. the
pu:-pit of Luvlcnow United•Chn'reti.
4t{4 Sunday, '10rOi%ing and ',evening
and gave aid' eddreee. before •Ft':fease
Meeting if the Sunday -School in tlu
afteilieon.: Dr. 'Robertson has had
wide experience ,inchureir. wOrk, and
has' travelled extens:velY visiting the
mussion jields nk Japan, , China ane.
Thougha .qtr:et and unemo
• tienal- speaker.. be. :has a wonderfu
' power of holding the interest of hi -
hearers. All ' three •Ineetings *Mel
ke'addressed on. Sunday. were large!!!
attended. '
' • •
PresbYter i an , Guild
• TheDevotional Gpmmitteni.. rer.
yeller Miss mar?, •Atteh.:e0a . had
.3n1irge of the. progreMme Itionday.".
evening ,Of this meek,' George DePg,•
las;.read'the, Seriptirre' Lesson. ,Rev:
Mr. MacDonald gave a Sp.endid ud
iitcSA'0,11 the topic!The Love of God'
and 'otheTs. Miss Des
31e Chestnut read g :.paper on the
Readings',Were given. by Mis...'
see. Winnifred Dciuglaa and 'Lotininc
Prabsen. The 'musical • prograrninc.
2ansisted, of golos by Mrs. ;.Steward.
lrel• Me.' Watson; a duette by Mrs. 11
Aitteinsoe and Miss, Mary Aitchison
bir4 ae-ingtinmeOat trio; The Litera
:nie'IPOnnniittee. will have charge '; W
:he preginieme. next -Monday.
United .Church
, , •
:.The Meeting Monday 'evening wa
in chaige of the: Social COminittee.
3,eigh,:47151e; *hien. nact„been.arrangef
.vrte called off 'Owing to pbo conditirn
of . the, roads, and'an:linside:progrrin
3abstittited: The subject : for the even
'ng was "Sing: Praises, to His N'anie.,!
old readings bearing'„'Ini this 'them,
;vete given- by Misses Rally McQuaid.:
Murdie Lorne Campbellan
4r. -E1l!ott Burns; • Mrs. J..Wesles,
rent and :Wigs Eel Roberts:* eon'.
trilnited 'it,:rbrette, and a, selection Wa: •
civen by the Sanctity School Orches
.-t.ra. A ecinteet. in Coneposing rhyme.
given 'subjects 'proVided. much a
nrisenient. This vas followed by
;oda half leur;' • :and lunch... Th.,
3itizenshipCohnnittee Wi 1 •- haVe,
ebarge..ef • the,:PrOgrani next •lVlonda-,4%7
is:ening; :when. a 'debate on-, the sub
'ett of 'Trade. Unions, 'swill be' .
—o-ne;ne-- '
The W. M. S. •met cin Jan. lath at
be,. manse:. with a 'good. number in
tendante, Owing . to. the .,newly•
elected ' President," Mias. 11. Suther•
'and, being ca led 'asvaY,the forme:
, :resident, Mies Nicholson, .-opener •
he, meeting. After a hymn and pray •
r, the Scripture -Readinv.Iiinah. 53
vas read in, The buSiziee:'
ection included the reading :ane
tdoption Minites, and. apPeintrnere
:if • a . committie, Mrs. J. A. • James
'the, committie Charge 01'
::he shipment :of books' t� -
;hose ih Northern Ontario , request
.ng reading materia"..
'After praise. and,. a word ,Olf praye
by Mr. James, Mies. , Annie .McKir,
ave an 'interesting and well% ' pre
,ared Paper Prayer as .outlined il
he Study Book, Prayer and, • Miss
'tons. Thls was followed with answert
to quest:ens 'bearing on the Praye
ray. This is not the case...* The cit,;
izens of Lucknow at large are really
responsible' (VoliintarilY;, -c-biliree,)
the Institute is inerely the agency
which has undertaken; to '.collett. ens"
forward the neceasay /uncle, ,
The -program- tomorrow: evening,
wi 1'4 -consist of an: Address .,by'
.Plorce -and .2.turrnbers.ibY44-the- boyar; It-.
'Should -13e-interciating to have infor-
about the effort 'Whit mode
to- litre and edtiette, *Cie. tonielesi
lads, and ablo ti00109f 04141 Iraq
.11rueci. 11$
-OPIROOFfittaraill fee Olt • kovo
cootFtts,stoo4 torIP,31111
Impressive quotatiOnr-add- • i.1•6134.,i
trattoria` a itirayer 'Were read by Mrs
L. C. Molver. , • ' '
The .president then requeisted. that
3ac.li Member be Prepared to :answer
the Cali at. the next, meetins
..vith verse on prayer. ,
. The, meeting closed 'with hymn ,rand
)raYer after, Which excel,eni
Mich was served —Sec''
: DEMANDS • . •
hetnieWife'.who. really ,pride
:ierielf.• Wien- her • Parties: is not. 'edit.
.ent 41111 'stoppirwivritl:t te- &cora
;eine and entertaminent planned.. Slu
livantii her refreshment .to be in keep .
• Int With the • en* 'affair. The brea.
from which she makes her Sandseiche
enuat slice thin, y. When teithmed il
-:ntiat have frigigad—edget. The
dices must be 'light, yet firm,: •ane
must tentribilte •tbeit, Own good-
iess to the sandwich itself,. and such
demand is met. in Golden Crust
'Bread.. Here, is bread that •Aatisfieg
::4•Iyerstequittment, apptiaraece
:and keeping, quality.—PhOne
.3B,, ROWS' Dominion \Bakery,
'baking itleidit tio A**0 404,, •••
Ai *MA'•MoodY. viktiOUF atotte
'Evey OAP 100o poii4y. 1,140'
Hamm, Via -,04144V, 01140 1001
PIPOlft 10. 4011140Ifist
, Death. of Alex. Long
A large. number of'
People in Ae°11-
Thursday of of iast week;leareine
of the death, of Mr; Alex.' long •, 91,
'die .12th Con. Death was due
pnenniOnla, and le liad been; seriously'
ill' for only. it Week. „Mr: -Long' )14.31
withi3. a Jew days days ,.:of Yeere; "line
..phySiCally.wea,7:a.-4beii:-.'.etiong Wei; lb
z' jaga Ineln‘er qf 1,4nekrOse•, bpae.
140.64F,,, and the--tuneral. On, Satur
, .
daY •w(ie Onder.gopices'ef, the Ledge
.Soifle 16 Members bearing thestoriny
weather and heavy 'roads', to *attene"
and take part in Abee'teremony. In
terinent took. place in Greenhill Cern.
etery. Mr. Long is survived '‘ by. his
Wife; one on, and three daughters
who. have the sympathy of 'a wick
circle of friend.
. Miss •Kate Smith, of Galt, is visit.
.ng at the' home ,ref Mr. ,Andrew.:Fox
Miss babel 14`cer, oif oagy me.
'Mrs. •Pi line, and family, of 'Auhurn",
Mrs. Humphrey , and Will., of St
Helena, attended the 'fenera) 'Of Mies
Greta Fox,. . •' •
Nis: Eli. Jacques returnedhome or
Saturday, after visiting friends,anc
:relatives at Prescott and •Mverefield
• A, Meeting of the 'YOung Peon e
andany others who are interested. ir
.Organizing -a Young PeOple's•,Seciety„
Will be held in the United Church, or
Friday evening, January 22nd.
Mrs. • (Rev.) MeEacherri, of TOrom
''.;0'; Wes Nettie Cotet, of Orantford tXl.ee 2417 .701.s,011, Tvijes. 404i1; 'f • : ;ivark, far. a , given .'iry the community: Hani ,st
Xi. Joe Hassan, Mr,,. F. Sta.n.
.ey and Mr. It. Watson.
The annual .meeting of the • Luck.
' • 14.441_.E 11E,A,.Pg OF !
One of the most ...mirth4provolcing
ehtetteillaients 'Produeea in Luelo),01.;
„in recen , times ivla-"'"Peter•--7-Pipee-
:Tr011i;;•es". presented by the° Anglikur
. ,
Drams0e Seceity 'On. Thursday last,
Those who followed',the Masadvent
. ,
•ures of the ,yoUng .law,etndent." (in.;
personated•jhy - Mr; Roc: 'wert
kept in roars,. eT: laughter 'from stay;
-to .finieh.'Itis fiance,, :Bettkokk ivar
vai 'pleYed•.bY Miss 'Betty
who bP inirthful, anti and .typi:
Cal slang added 'much In -the aticee
Of 'Oa '0*."•SetWyn Ki by, the artis.
(Mr, Gee, Douglas) fell into trouble.
beteWeen •his • ladies, Mss
Chester (Miss Pearl Nixon) arid M.
Winifred Babbingtop (-Miss • Jew.
puririn) and his Omplicated affairs
and the efferte his. friend Pipe::
to eictricate -hint, afforded conthe.
ivies amusement. The two . inscal4
old lawyers, Grubblea. and. Bundy.
were , seal played by Camphell,"•Thorrip
sea and Alvin Percy whie Geo. ,MaiS•
Sall as the Hen. Adolphus , Gudgeor
'InVe a good character sketfeh thr
iniportunate English 'aristocret.
• • , '
In consequence of the suecess ' of
the icity :and to enable .,niany .to SPe
t who were unable to come in owing
• . . , . • . .
o the stormy 'weather, it has been
leaded to repeat the, performance
.:hortly after Easter, when no doubt
Peter's troubles will °attract a' ea-
pacity •house. • ,
Those, . who , contributed musical
iumbera were' Miss , Mitclie:le
.. .
e wise housekeeper provides lots of good bread.
t . ,
Our Quality Bread -is made frorri the very hest irt:ti.
gredi 'et-----"Ttnoney tiirr,buy:Tproduciii IgAlemo_st *hole. •
some and nutritidus food you can buY.,.
t -
Chelsea Buns • 'Petit Tours RaSpberrY, 'Tartlets
gl*es:-..,:ontr*:Tarts •Oatilieat o,okieS : •
Bon BoUdie lArpon Tartlets .:r Coffee Cakes,
Bring in
Yonrilptier and Eggs and obtati.
Phone 36Lucknow
.. Mr. and. Mrs. .Wm.' Knox. and.
-:.hildren, of Lisacriek; Sask., aj'..ent
;he past Week rwith Mra..Kriox'a
ter; ,Mrs. Rich. Gardner,
NI/bile -engaged in: 'butchering'. ' -he W. M. • S. 11) Winghani cm, ,TrIe.4..-
• , ••
...fflasearkatiamas .
WoOda; 1.4terature'..Sec'y. Mtge. Myr-
tle Peillipe; Press .See'y. Mrs. R. K.
,W. .1, Miller. ..
:Mrs; .Curinning and. Mrs; I). Pe
141er:tied a • conenittee inecting, of
*Ads hand, !i-* • has'• . incapacitated - LackneW Yonne.
Rey': um, am, &Ole, Jean tbncl., _Ake -4 14.-,A4reb; .
ired, Belgrave,- were here, attend-
ing the .fUneral , of the late Miss Fox.
.• Miss 'JettiC,Kennedy is. visiting he:
sister, Mrs.' Harry, Tichbeine, of God.
Mi...11Oht: Moore, of Lucknow sole
iaut Saturday delivered a plant -
'o the. United Church, here.
' Mrs. E gin Wellwood and son Rich •
ird, • end MIS'S PalcOner,
are: Inciting their 'par;
enta; Mi. and Via. John Falconer. ,.•...,.
. . Miss Elizabeth ..Brandt and • Mr
'Frank Vattersoni4-e*.dest Son of Mrs
F. • . ,MCK.' Patterson, Whitechurch
"loth: di; . Detrielt,', Mich.„: Were uni tee
n :marriage on -Saturday!, lanatiry
lnd, at .Bliiifted, Mich., by Rev; Ine
Musidell. After the ceremony (brine;
...vas :served at the manse, the hone.
if •the greerii's aunt,, Mrs. Jne. WTI- '.
kill, , The, ,young couple 'Will :reside
n Detroit. We •We wish them s long rine
The :' Coinitialt•y: was shocked or:
, ,
1TOSper0O'S wedded life. ,
•ilinrsilay' by learnintof Of: very nid-
len death Of Nurse Meta :rifox;' . ir
• he__•Winglitiiii _Hospital, one: Wednes.:
lay, .flight; Jailuifirv 1.3th. : AlthOugt
41ei Fox had not been in good health
..:e.or More than a year, she had beer
: 'shay Well Cf late; and was ';'in( duty
inti,•;Tuesday night. She was of. e
4rirl disPoiltion, and Wag well ,lii5ed
•. ,?,eyryalia.wi7hea. ek6nrietwribl,luetrig. n Tofheitoiwiieasrs:•,
hewing theesteem . in which s h•c
--end her people are he'd. Miss Fos
.as .in her 28th 'year: The , ' funeral
:Arbieh was held on Saturday' after;
inon to -,Wingltain Ceerntery; W a r
,ery largefilifieWd:78 e ve
` he parents and three sisters
nourn, r
sabel, in' .Galt Lettie, Wine:taut
ind • Alba 'at home. ite, sympathy of
. he community is extended to thelil-
ead 'bereavement.. .
. •
;We are , glad to pee •Sarah,Carter'e
face tiound liolyrond , again
Orland. Richards spent Sunday : ,in
RIP:v. • • * ' '•
,Mr. ,Ernie .Ackert • and Mi John
Purvis were In Toronto last' week
.vith cattle: . • ,
1VIts. Fred Johnston entertained a
niniber. of her friends one evening ,
eat week; , '
rihe regular meetling.i of the Holy-
miod Women's, Institute was held at
th.„S' 'home' of /MA.. Thos. Harris On
Thursday. A paper MIAS given :by
Mrs. Fred. 'Thompson, and an in-
strumental by Mrs. Earl, Iledgina._
Quite a nninher *lithe 'Wittig Pee -
took in "the. dance in 'Iciniough
\14 repert very :good "
Rev. Mr. Pee, • of Elmrra, 7711
°millet' the services atliolYiood Un-
..tpa Church,. next Sunday. Bev. Mr:,
. _
annivershry, serviCer,
. .
'We are sorry •to _report that Mr
Wei. 'MacPherson, who has „been un -
ler the doctor's care fin.several
..weeks,.,:wati„.taken..:-.t&./On,don 41%40
eno‘!ioeivaeinti, WTilee8,411111Yoh; for ofrti•I'llIsiPrefltYreiret:
,Isso HotTio, of 'Clories Tu.
...." • •
. • . • ,
new Horticultural SOeiety 'was held
"n the Carnegle• Hall on Tiresclateve-
•ping The Secretary-4reasurer
reported ; a,. brentice On, hand Of. Seven
della and three eenia...76.,, Seeiety
had a meinbeiship two • hundred
and speeri..and expended during .• the
.'eiear: weer.. thitteen hundeed. '•dollars.
belbs,plarita trees eti,, The •Offil
.:ers Air the year .1926 .are: Hon. Pres
dent, John John Joynt M. L. .A.; Pres -
Idea; Rathwe I:. 1st • Vice ‘• Pre:,
Misa D. Henderson;2pd, vice.' pre;
Th,ompecei.; .Secy-Tretia.,• .
-Sniitli";•,Auditora: Dr. ,p. A. New.
ton and ,RObt Johnston; • Directors
for the village,: Dr. G. A. • Newton
W. ;E:..j)/fetlenaldr... A. W. . Hamilton
Mrs:, D. C. 'Pecker,
Murehisoe., For the eountee:Kerinetli
CaMeron, Mre:..Carriochati; ; Mr,S.4 W
ilainilton:•and T. A. -Canierore The
.Seciety look for it 'eti j' ..greatei
, eierribership :for. the • pinning '..seaseri
:snd,.erge make' the work a 'sun
, . .
, . . • . . ,• •
, Q'0 0--• •
• The folowing mention 'df the dean.'
11 the, Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, who war
,pastor of the Methddist, Church herr'
191.+1.1 and '12 is 'froni 'the New
,OutlOok: . • • '
'Rev:. William ;John'
• ,
a former presi ent .of ,t e Ray 07,
'White Methodist Conference; :died af...
his home; 21 Megurd Road, Torantc.
:at the age ' 'seventy-nine. Mr. .Jol-
liffe was horn -iiiTt,i-Akeard, Cornwall
, •
.in • 1946,, and came to Canada in .:1,867
Graduat:ng at - be • Went' 'intc
the ministry and served' seceesefullY
in Ceaticoolc Que., • Quebee, Sten -
stead,' ' Oshawa; Coirou;rg, Picton
Bowinativilte, Peterboro; C 1.41.11 t r,
LucknOw and polton, superannu-
ated has Toron-
ft.374 riii3Oied Miss Clarr
Robinson, and they celebrated their
golden wedding last year-Jrn. tdditior
to Mrs. Jolliffe, five children' ' ;or;
•ylie--Dr.;,Arthur •Sari DiegO
Ernestof Toronto; Edith iltd ‘Euh:(
'ef New teelc, and Norman, 'akin , of
, •
New :yet*. • • , • • • •
•,FLOWERI)A143-• •
Owners of seta listened in
• to seine 'vety•gOOd ninsic last • ').rnes-
day evening . and ifeet that. they are
.gettini.th.e. worth, ..ok their 'Inenesr,.; •
Mervin -Avery was bad-
ly .bitten` by his 'dog Ilia week is' iiii-
PF"h1g# •
• 414-4 Ice' • •litedgkintibn -helpine
Mr; It E.loitt, at 7.HolSrr4Oci: Oise
days. " • • '7' —
' Mrs. W. V. L.
• MaelVer attended the
LuirAt-tuuth KitilOss 'Mania lag. Urea,
Our . :on mati',7DOnald"'3'itittenalit
ivea• very ivelcOrrie Friday as One cli0
Withintt• Oati• s' 'ma .ttUite Aerig•
torni4 %or' oftar..sondioo plietiplt, Th. roads Wall, Iutppaila.*
• $ow woilto wIth $7,01 1444141m00. '040voilleFf
lo •
k .
' lit' tr,: ---2-biiielL4,.. pa,-p!,,,e'-7. t,•=f : wEet , :- ,1161 -en*; ' -ne*1,-::`1"Ji.tesd4y: evnaiatr, - jan..
were enteilained -at the Astifield Pee.. 26th,, .-4nder the ElneP,ites , of '41!:..:tn-
r'e°1'plear'gte;:allante'tT:7eellaide.a4b6lev"Ziiinnge: . ‘.A. I sg"'liCcaalliviiitOirheithre-Sh,t'.114,et,:7,1111se.lene ,. 'held .
Miss Winnie Nixon, of 4ueke0w:. its anntrat,.,congregational m..eting on.
1..s?Waorso:;-ywAient.eernds91.1...visi.tor .,witli... .M.ie.s:, .117...1..liaa.ari,g7;. ..3.eiaaartisa?ryn ,i2patinh. •preenre,...*.a7s...7...
' • The Unitary meeting of the Aelf;' :
'lad °Cirehit. W.M.S. will be held in
Haeltett's .,Church,. on Thurs., Jan. the
and Splendid. .reperts'
• ,.7.6r44 :Presented
t 2;30 P.M.This meetingils '
from all' organizations. . The report
25th Anniversary of the formation of . di the •,4or.day ..scivot, is worthy of ,
.y . ::•
. ... ....•--.
the.,W.M.S,:• on....Aehfield:Circalt,. andspecie. mention. St.'Helona. emigre- .
•.U:ryarieitildiiidajanit.idttePar:ltdgi.nrt7r.::, s.,eteiarbee3nUrgg ediii'•,tee-,!. bgeyiagthtleiliketniutaenndiod:,i4i$611coait'lmIetaa• tlill'Itauniiiioit?nied.°::.,•:.
• • . I , .0
. Bliss!.•, Del a •• Parrish., of I . ' 09nreYS'. cense . eti. the Vote On MAIM- a „ large
.Corriers; ,sPent' thaweek-end- ...: i'flO .nUMber ' left. to. And '4 church .home
.her. cousin, Emnie. McDonagh. • 3 ' elsewhere.' •• This has been n ',trying
. ' '•' • :-.-4,-O4.4.-- '. ' I year: 1 But :ten new .members • Were .
. ST. HELENS'. ..,
, , .4, added to the ;Roll. • Filler:144.y every
• . 1 organization" has .,a comfortable • bal-
.: Mr. Wilbert Dueein .r.rriVed home 4 . ge,
an en the right side of the ledger:,
..ia 'Friday from . a. Visa with bis Uncle,1 The .•
-ordinitrY revenue ,having.a.. bal;• '
Mr. Alan 'Bowles it Vancouver.'
. 144 and Nis; IV.' 1 'ilinniArFY' .16••'• 'The minister, ' Rev. dhaa. Cunnning, .'
wmyisasi.heDi tiainFin.diti::.:7amtidstif4r:I.Liiiii7..*_!wiieiiHie;:nihmrovoi.:1,!i....cwithlecageupeorff•fseoornv.teetri,260Fu;otuohr.."t.blInyu;:tddildrIerodi ,:aD,noa:anglaeciiia: ,..,-.
.those who , attended the funeral, ::•fy : aBlardse'rr:Itetredeuiartinirge .thas hyisiol!ad•raihviiiiii-. '
'AtiSS' Fox. at Whilechnreh 15n*,•4t4ur, 7 ' aspects to g0 ,
Ovef the ,tep for ' t h e
• vin congregation is well organized,
• The funeral di the infant son of
and Mrs.' Gordon Ir.** was held
M Thursday to Greenhil cemetery.
:keit, O. Cumming conducted the ser-
vices. , - •
. • . •
The . Woman's Missionary Society
of the •IJnited church,, met- at the
Manse. On Wednesday* the 13th with
A i0Od 'attenclair:e Roll' Call Was ,re-
ipencled to by prime article on ' West
Afifeir"trie Bible
ham, was taken bif.-litra: Gordon. The
tot owing officers Were • elected fee
the year:, President, Mrs.
.tst vice . Pres. • (Geo- Webb',
t.nd vice Pies., Mrs. Ramage;.
'Mrs. D. •Phillips; Treas.,,Mes, Gordon;
Mesengere, Rtnis-.'4
eelire;'' Strangere 'Sec'y. Mrs. W. A.
Maintenance Canvass, . by the free,. -
will 'offerings 'df • her people. •„„
A reception service (for New -geM-
lierS 'will he. held. 'at/ Zion church 011
Sunday morning, next, at 10.30 •
Other services, ,of the (ray will be.
••:egular.• The.. PastorWCI preach , the
semoiringe-r—es on*, )(dung
Mere of •the Bible, upon tba,sUbjeet:
-The .Young .Mari' Wife Becaroe king.'
All are invited. ..• .
. The will celebrate- its25th
3irthday in a 'special meeting . at
Hackett's • Church; ' Thurs.., Jan. 28th.
at 2.30 P.M. An invitation is extend-
- • ed t� • all past ' officers. • Witch . for
Miller; Supply Seseyi Mrs. Robinson full 'announcement next week.
: . .
t .
k. ' -
MITILE-SE cag: rg...,, RO- I, .Iy;e:zk
RE•pE, AND strAgovi
1 , ..• ' . • „TilEsE 'MT, ,SPECIALLY SELECTED: POR , ' ta20 .spluNG .
Sesiggss. .. THEY .ARE; THE WEVEST.".:S"I'Y'Lg., 14E-tvto .-.
4. ..eLOTHS', AND. Ek$T if•i• Lijgs. tilt 141tAtiE TIAS TO GrPEIL
s •
LIL• Elre Valt, M 431TIIIIE THEY '1E NEW ,
fred, 1,3usweir
• 44