HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-14, Page 6Weall.ailffilfflWfienliTle 0 0 11N.-.74MIlliMmiNNIMIIINNillalfffilIeN araTir ...,:!7 lia" AitirAzetf .... IONNEIV swim Myr leir w •NNno tiow Nem/Miner = mimrsaam nr",.. Mal r gy re"' ---"vii:;:i•-.......--"•+•ti".igA A GAST6N,LEROUX 0,4144Tlilt.:.X1(pent',43 • r":141.: :Christine e�ntln- thii "114)41:1 _VOA 'Oa* to • IV; TootiOn A., 'very pensive frame •-Vhe.••••voiee,-„Wastheroi...apohe itirlteWit,(4eisi-nWteld that, If it Oa lart11,-00i4airifotbing 'fe; • *110 •do ':tint, '.'•110 '144' to :aneh an: accent of.1.anA:a4(:::*/$0TTOW , that .„bnifht4heri•an4 thereto:have snsPectr istWieistw NOS., at: etlin Or My 'deluded :eon*. • But my • 'le' the voice, , •:with " - Which ^the Ir'ot.0*.faPor rW0:1*' ao•elooll` need, reniain4'''undiattir red , 40t14.tig, so Much ;,40Ver tear • It again; 'ht abont My, love., You.‘-tnd eit-.titeitillelee0,',44nger .9f it, •. even, 'ItUow :if TO:0, Whatever happened, PoSitlen, in•seeletY, 'forbade. mite plate the::poSsibilitY Of ever 11itking you; and ',WOO " to 'the olce that Y,P.11• *Om laere• than e, tether Ati•PaCiOt.,evess! 'would he. and hat any...heart. w44-.1,neapahte ,of .ant Anti Out; dear,',,Wes 9rte,404 •,, y inan: theLhIttek cloak and. the •*':4:'011C•likii•ottl.:the -Stage:: Or black • '048:'-igitilhit: nrtY" se passaes. Meanwhile, the hours t9111plea- and his hands' smelt • Of , death. toner,. *mai taught me. I tried; to push theiultwO.Ito4,asice4 in'diVoirie, "Audit are -YouTr--Wbere--xstthe-voiee?. 'er� pent InHis answer was a, sign.: .Sudden- Chtiatihe.:•Paaegivirtafirien,11Y, hot In:64th. passed 'ever 'TY:face ,/ perceived white:Shape* 'beside blick'shePe,Ah.the O111,,t; was oatiattii .09 4 UoCcomeles,,the 'theatre •• neje. • Tini;:black ,.shape, lifted Me, on, r::AthY r Wei:Called ::tittit 14- sing. in' te r. the white. neighing .„ olotfadtbizti,,*anto•y4tit.:;.4, !apt* greete .ray as 0 .rt a. epr!;.,tin. ram.... Take care,. 404; :I. have told you: . 7,0 ',*„eea,10,04,4 :boot, 1•*tl•t. Tniured, 'Caesar!". Thealhilnei quiver- .1. shOuld'ifeter 'returnr ' ,.kuoulout ioy,.souv.0,c,tre aort.d.e4; • :mama, /, v0'8.1341,4 half beak au wa"...art appalling 'Silence be; ' d • •••• • • •• ......•• • a. .s;iiddle arid :Ilitid:.recogrilted",the, -kw the t4ree the:tV$O4Iii, ••,1' 'White horse. out ,of.the ProfeteiXhich 'end the Min. de.wt at 'I ;, had,- SO often fed. With ' sugae end behind :than.' .** • ) ..421,041 bez*d 46; yew) . (To b� , • • 6:4110.40,0d14iii . • So* your cheeks "however,. began to wonder, vitit tirlfe*;. '1IOW could YetlSlihrEirr, whether:: I Was,: g 1.103"-that.:700;i:e:fe*gr•r • • prisoner. • I .0114. upon the .Dr. ..L.,.1,,Tottoia.v. cose,t:prefetiser of felt myself eaid,Ohrlf34,•,".110.10.:•ine,' V.640 -ora Tnever l'' have ' tbie!'°1'nteset, oYe • likgrrtitd that AM..' .and 1 the ghbet, bocroeilinE*47,: teoen114,yIT-.1astitvi4a. 'ed theiii;"*4'Were."•by'lity... itt 'Wera.one.: •,. ' tho voiekwae.there•aliO„,EiOnl inade. no .rooforoot..alid .10t. tti47,,;:. had filtalOr adventures 'When trieuntairi eelf, go, The Illac'W shape held' Me Alp, not rec�gnize-yOu and began•tia .04-1.'inadlit.. no effort ,' to escape. 'A -;Wheii:;Yo4,3:51,0V10 't.„a49.'.,'Yon-,,ba curious feeling of f'peacefnitrefs Carrie. .Plohelia9*;•*St'::#0 sea' +. Over, Me and I• *slight that tfilust he Alas, 4Ilere',34,:*74000.*Ioe tWijolie ander theinfluente BOMe cordial 1 4,14'.*67014.0.4070d:-..7tiftigaLthe- littat4Wf4112toinrigiiid.',Of my' senses; vofce was jealous! .. -• It sald that2 nrid,•My.•• eyes became used ' to the dark, rdillTitatioveYOU,"'Virohldnot,:.a*Oid nettnr;),,VihiClE WO lit,' here',:and,,'•the* butritreat".1p*Ailie..tiniy, other Old 'by •that ' rlend.•It,..:40A4WineIeeri4,UPoiyecene,.:. 'we were in 'a Mite*. eirchlar;:gellerY; 'Atlasti.,V'satd,A.O...the"..*Oiee;-"rhat Will, Probably,: '..running .;,.tireand 2, the del ‘:.:1•1•:. aita'!•il4t1g :retkets to-MerrOW,...Opera.' is under- - nrav on rnv father's grave, • and iround. I had, once', been down those cellars, but had atepPed, it the third though there" were , two lower still large • enough to hold •• a -Soft* kOr9V, It-wlitY4174..-tb. groinci. Aid the vo;Peol Vie Neise winch I: had • ,recopitad: under. Ore ina!skt, was coti'lka:, knees e.t9r0, ime,,W4S. a paani'• .And I t .began t� 'orY. ,,, The- ulen',. etilk.bare.;=1 , , ing, m10, b:WIte eAderStRed the calgo, of Ty tears, lot.* t?A.i4;, 'It is tree., • 'Christine . - I am •not an Angei ' nor agenius, 4 ghost. ..., I' ara Erik!, ; - Christine's. naa'rati*waa'agnin 1.10,1, torruptqd: An cam behind thern geem- it ed to repeat the r?.xd atto.x' her: A .0Ezikrf , ' •. - .-4-1, What echo? . , , They both .turned . sage.' I WAS 'frightened* and I cried' iround and saw that night thati, fallen. , out. It was quite "dark, but for ft faint Raoul made a Movpment as though to red' glittuner at ft distant corner of rise, but Christine. 'kept 'hint waide •the Wall:. -I cried• out, Mis•Yolce:WeP her::: , • ". • ', - • :: - r Oleo. Only sound,: for the pinging and ‘. 'Don't go," Slie::said, "I want you -tbe-Yioliu7badr-stolnio&-i;Androdden,..10,anozt .„ .w.•„-„ear,,ytin:ng-lecer IY, ...a. halglt was 'lag on ;nine -, •,,.'or - "But livnY berev, Ohile.glie; X- afiri;'L rather a stone-cold; bony . thing that .afraid of your 'catching, .cOlV', Seised My*rift:, and, „.didnat•.let 0, .t • :. "We bate' nothing torfear except;',, 'cried- out. Uteri, ' An ikTriv t99K • Me thetratio-deerp, dear,, and here we ore ' laud 'the waist, and SupPerted .me. 'Oleo 'aviTai:fronythe trapdoorli .„ : .. '. I.atri4g$164. for a little while..'n11d,t4en :a114::1 am 'net allowed to See", you o�. •‘,. ; gave • up the attempt: 1.:wat.draggedi:Side..,the theatre. This iShotthe time. wurd the little red- light and. then I to 1.-airlAq. bint We. IPirgt ;net ar.044,tt. 4- sow thaft,was in. thebancls of a Mari his ,suspicion; ' `• ''• -' ' • ' -- • ' • -.. ,.' '' wrapped in 4.)airge cloak And, 'Wearing joBut one:: Can find out - where - he 'a masit'Abat hid his ' whole lace. • I liVes. .011e can. go." in..searchOf WO:: made one:last effort; my lithe stiffen.: New, that we, know that Erik is, not a ed; my mouth opened, to scream* but a ghost, -one can speak to hint. And force .ile4d Chts"Ped it, a hand Which. I. fet him to answer -II'. on my lips, on ray. skin , . . a, hand Christine shook her head, that emelt of death. Then I feinted "No,. no!t There is nothing to; be 1070%,•• , .' :* One with Erik . . . exeept to. run :ftWhon' I 9Pened rilY• eyes, We Were still0,7ign why, when you .,;11.e,re... able' .t,7; . surrounded', by darkness. ' A lan- tern, standing on the ground, showed nil Ora)i; did Yon .go_back to him?" a bubbling .welll., . The water apieching 'Because.I% had to. And you *11 from the well ditaPPeared, armed i rniarlit Itimildi,t• that 'whel,/1 * .n 1".,11°7$ once, ander the. floor on which I was ng, . with my head. ou the ithee, qf `4)h, I hate him!" cried Raoul. AnAU you, Christine, tell me; do, you hate him' toor.' .• ' , ,,4N•Q:,. said .Christine simply... --, "No, of course: net. . ,.,..Why;,..1yott- live hiMI-Yolit fear, your terror, _ all of this is just "love and love of the Truitt exquisite.' kind, :the kind'. which :people:do not .admit even to them- selves," Saiti•Itsonl bitterly. "Thenyou want metogo., back theireln said the young glrl cruelly. ---ThOor it) vizi o',0wpo '1:41Mt Ii4f>hiRliitt , • to hav any 414,4)114* 104 ,k0t4t.A41-#141 fulf:t9 Ver:1#9,Pol't9f4ied to take iri,W404N40.' glOoki* have - ‘I'Ywafosko. t.,p1;t• heas404t4493:one14:1,7• 44Ves 19,.t.wi: dr,T,dre,Ir!i'irar.144t11:n4g470:htrl:::' the, present is_ tho ,ineetiag place:;'of two eternitrie papt and the 'teti;r0; To equie the thoUgttTleMePiring•11 otisterOonkyeein,(7441:,h,!,r-ipleiPi fr'om. bad to worse. He trlcs tyou that It' you are cheerful n.md,O4'9(1774,114. •_:-,;101,1,.•tebe d!„„..-4711-11141,0aue,, t�mperato norwo 444. 41.14altivalityeet:erggat- 1111114:4119.i/6!Oriet4earoi71414at I11.11T010allit'.91*:01?1,f1, thnee;iflki: , arS 'Own •an' *Or 440,Iii• fux'.4.4 OCtra-•; i7,;eughtet)• v.lalnts andsyMpteMe, `he941.13" 1COorheitlith• flee! ,y14.,the, liatorccs-*.oio ••• •' •• ,Because, the chronic ",jerliteliellers' 15(4:: "kat and-ic,ratelled', up your gar ,ftud'490*,hringerre nho, EOCAST dP1,••, • •- , • - a 1-asit, Mk-Rtioni. de agnY to go oa- you please,' replied the voice, 13UtLI_Lshall be at •Perros, • too, for I.ani,wherever-YOU'Ve''',, Chris - ,tine;" and, if you are worthy of me,' if you, have not lied .te' me 1 will ;play you The Resurrection of :Licittrusi. on thef-strolte or.'inidnight,','On your, fatherta. With' and' yOur, fathers': •• ---e--.--: • . vas having nothin_g YetAllessessing all • .',,,, thil i• c ntion' la' 3905 tOtel.Canadiail ' :-JUM-PER. ''' 1!-' 11,0CF FOR . -things.!' A's7mhui. :et haPP.' . 41es- s might . :B. V'er :..ste. -anybody* who 'ciadn't:tteve :.iietatee :h-ii•ner;iits ismiuntsd 19 .713,..604,. THE FASHIONABLE DAYTIME :wg AR. Oti . 1 • • s .... with ' - • ... - • ' 1 buehele and, in 19ic to 1,933,595 iiiish-l• be a ft hatt a..the Duo* • t ad. a' weakneee tni. punching the lire?. • ' * • ' • ' • ' ' " ' • ' • • • '°' I most nettingr'save the; gift of sOne und - • • .:.- ' — ---7-- . ..-_,-. els. In, the laSt threoliecol years, shipt . - Tee two-piece sports frock contin-, the senile. of' humor. ', :. Weeelee :dictates 8118P41114erf',. • ag4"r Ments Were ns.,follows:.'1923, 2,793,842, ,hee its 'importance for daytime wear; : : : I ' :tine° • ti ' worn. .8.4.,,,A',,7!:,)thifil•Yr.91:11:911ingllier;14@nir taht.O.'•. b321:...bhvsativealdn'4edt'.2aSt1182,785°67,7;01211; .'a4n;di•'°08202.7..; , . . trinthial Colds ' :in. fact, • there , is no UMW to • its 'env.' • ' 3 95f657 ions Tithed at 2.902,290. hition,••fe.r, it has; success tty invaded.. por A luny to aectait a prtaorteci. 0# Pres. . eatsuespense. is -terrible. : ' the evening mode. - Tucks arullAalt.e. the ,g.:ieund that be was. ,Efuffea,Ajw from „,..,, Just, .s. up 11,0441./k1 Would d 13:efpr'.. 0,, g.a. '. ' • L' p' re:em. inek: .... are the t decorative features' of ;Abe , . . that th . di. 1 DOA • Mariii"E. '1,k,ea , ,. ,.. .. • , • • hadn't liked:lie*: . • ."The two important p'retate:greWing model%pictuTred here.' ...The oVer•hlouse. . , ,,t., ., ••,:. _._,,..., -...„,,,.., ;. areee er Cariade are situated; on either ..„, . unrier. a fiatIdelt Itainnted Wail, group:t- --..- .g-knirilfthlittenthiltistAlaed.4, : --.:0-fa., • . .f.,609piceskoiloo,ivut‘:..iiiiirw..;04.6nhey:11,.,100,:.:601:t0:r..r...,,,uttwie ..iiirti'cpe:rrodz.,19:41j1flazaa..alcitiati:ma,ciin.4.1nstitog,ii,ino,:.ptiiitilioellpilLit,,rinir4oeeL. : _t, , . „ 4 . r , :opens . all the , Way down the ' :facirit: Plaili.":batka :at they loWep• edger: r,,,•,The . Doatorj_,,No. it, Nisi, etity, to:keep d:tichtn, obrot.ohl,i tambalen.y.aniAdorsie4ed.ni, iaer.kirot.•:e.uol.':. . , „ skirt is , made in. fear , gores,' the: Ade back .beneath Abet groups .9f.,,tIleite,: arid ti3Ta;tili,i.teL.... '1'114, 1!.. I .v14.443.:^ ' .'t.".11;f3:;; ,Iff:454**1* : . .• P''. the .datuand Is 'assured.' ' The latter IS •. Panels, being joined: to the frent and ii, ittached: to a.. fitted hand itt. the 1..,...,-.....--/... ,;starting out • to -achieve :the., Same 'die- '.• : so•tenitt;n14;:i7b*e7oldfr a•id97.I• ,',Ntr"al'ialiry.a:teeriftSi' '`e,orrtintseet:eilinaidw,istsh,tat' akscl'eep.6indlin.'atro74.11cifgkedeth;p0;:rrei:g:lr",thifi:.'" : •4••• . . •.• • • 1925 SEASON ABOUT 42;344,0W CANT, British Coltptiahla is Best. Sec,' • tion of •Nortl!, Aiperita ftty "Production of Seed., "--,Y €.43 tell s4rue• 42.344,000 „cwt. -potatees", trees 642;76-07airettirhillie:19.25-4easen," : of 1.14,000toOd :file Milted State:St Crop .(Konpared , Iggc as o detlinU lit' the Gana.. dian ,aereagei, in 1926, regUlt; it;i4 9*.Peeted; inel'eneed:l4dts tOr,;.canfk', potato growers, particy Uie 314riiiine Provinces, where, gran Ing that marketing is carried 4).0 at' ;•reftule to.: leek ii,frOM the mire te. the : wino sky, that dope net, prove the •pute: hen.t!i.-; light nonexistent. onii,,Sliewo' that Jones-7,--"Finet ofyer your -they are, bound to itisoon,solate, and dog and .: • Want to nurse their ,:grivirance, • The • • „ . " hiet, in'400,17. Alpert eic'icertaintfolit is; to *..11,10e.: never was artte4e piaeed, tin f "'Los 9A1 'shies "' • ' couldn't make it WOrri Snd 'ter But It lel perfeCtly:;,„obvieus • to any One •wiailing fri use his ,Oehes.,•that some '•of. the meet, , resolutely , nwturatly cheerful. PeTsOus :have the sinallest. 'niumber Of artificial :aide; to 111431344e0 nuto.0 :**,9.wil, the 4n:con:be, taZ. they 'pay-•,•\ They, are Wmf'.' • • ' "'Markets and.. IS censtantlY • qualify for leading roles in,a perpetual on the market. . that, some one "else enao ent o • _Their joy Of,Idving relation to .;.i(lelittet17:148:0‘.71:1:141,1" :6 at:pi IC•e172:511111r4te 4.4 n;'1 alet fO pro - 'y dld for the large -crop of 19gd. In fact the., t fita ever realized from 1.4 '1‘1,aritime PO ta creP are exPeete.d,11141, • .v; Ater, The* progress of c,oinniercial potatO growing and, export in Canada ' Ia. • been a ' fairly rapid one, *cleyelOPINF A maiden fair In a dairy cloak' , I from a growing. recognition Of the high • 'Went 074 0 nvllit the -family goat; • .• . 1 gee.'" of the '°3•Aadh°1 14°chlet. both''' She paged, ci3Oe,,I; and el,,,,i,...Natiny be.: • for • seed- and table purposee.,., • The . , . , , _,_. 'LI Crim.rana.,:alavn9:913:fir_tolm, :Nlvinich.on' twin:::::e:: , ,liiil, *me:i said. ,,,/ *it'll, 144e3,43;:, vniinte had. aehieved...no-distinetioa, 14 ' .t ti"C'•'eold '.''Whati ContmittecV crime iiutincle''..pidiCullotiiit,. But betatre lane this- may be:"alcoepted: aril; a legitirnate Plea hy.:eiren the sitaraeat Juidge • "feCtilen...UE the)iesettilicrelivitieSt•of the gernis Often. ! tenni*: in nienibc7.'•• rJal•iiiierturbarices of thie oatore:Oiltoe oersioni, to ant, .• eering hitt' he experienced mist normal waistline. •:Blouse• No. • A wrnin stele a from a•trifsigt.0 intethee feat ,.ot . When, tbitty.-0,ve'Yeara ago, he wee',„elimbing, .Ren gaedhui,, Aherdeerishire„- whiCh Is ,429fift.'. high end the; Second t:.Mountain,' BOtain. He wft8 rOuipang -triCi* the ::eittnareit bi,o MIRA When: he:hearCits .0%.,fecitatepet behind = could not Oen approxi- Matel'y,, how, Icing ',this ' ride' lasted; „I *MY know that we seemed to turnand tern and Often: Went down n spiral stair Into the-yervheart Of the earth, • • At leak, Cesar raised his . "But, after 4."you • sniffed -the "air and quickened big pace soon Caine. to know the • Why a little. I felt a niOistness. in the air • : did net .at once' rid 'yourself: of and Cesar stopped. The darkness had - that abotriinable- hightutitter • .• lifted., A Sort of :Kiley light surround: • -. 401inOve. the truth, Raoul? Rid. ed us... We were the edge ote lake, If of :the nightmare?' • But, My poor *Mee leaden Witere Stretched bato•the boy, was not aught in the, nightmare distance, into the 'darkness; but the until the dayNtlien :I learned •the ' blue nP the bank. and I saw' = tenth! . :Pity me, Raoul, • pity Iniel a little boat. fastened IA an-irontring ) . You remember the 'terrible' even- on the wharf .„ -- Ing when Carlotta thought that she, . "I don't zknow • k,Vhther„ the - effeets had: been turned. into a toed on the of. the cordial!. hatrworn. off, when the ..• stage and when .thet house was Isttd- man's Chapel- lifted: Me into the boat* • 'denly, plunged in darkness through but my terror began all. over again. 'Chandelier crashing the floor?. My-grtieseme escort have noticed” . There were killed ,and ivounded..that for he sent Cesar buck and heard' night and the wholetheatre rang with his hoofs trampling :iap a Stairease WbEe tbe. man Juinpeci into the ,hont„ untied the rope that held it and. seized the oara.„ rowed With. a quick, powerful .stroke; 'and :his eyes, :: under the-inask,-neyer Slipped across therasiseleas Water in the -bluest light whieh I told you of; then we were in the--darkTagant-.-and-we-touched. shore. And I was once more taken .up In the ntan"C arms,: I cried aloud. And then, suddenly, I' was silent, dazed by the light: • . .• Yes, a daVling.. light in the Midst or Which I haebeen .put, In Sizes 35, 88;. and 42 .Inches. -4slaseing,table.. illiervone • thought iihe .Pize 36 bust, requires: 21)(,, •yards-TNiaa•A,cnniiiii, two.. , c It:. wan proired• ok 5‘, yards 49.-inclimeriteriel. that athei.ioaii iiiffering. bean a 'Shirt So; 1.20. is. in sizeal'2.(l;•28,:.; P4k seierte cold and :wan J06004,10' of 32, .34 and 86, inches ,Weist.' Site 28 g between her .; c411. and ower peopl'e's Prolierty. ' Waist, requires 8.1/4,- yards' 30-inch,",en" 21,13 ,Yards,.544ricli material. Price 29 • N . iiun.cents each. , Pattern: , 11115,1tigled' ° and , heard: tilte polio -6.0r Fashieis BOOhillitistratine.the again; ,but :see jot:long..' ,he newest 'arid most PractiCarityies,. will - Walked and. the "crunch, he Of interest to every' home Alressr . crunell'fireinuttledllehi,ntd him; he. Wits ' -•Priee of he hook 10 'ceets,' t :seised -With terror... He . took to copy. ,'• ' heels. and blindly. • HOWftveTo ..oti,•Ek, piTTE.gtio; anieng the • boulders :fOr four' or. • . terrified, screams. 111y first thought ' iris for you and the voice.• I was at once easy where, you .wore • concerned, .for I. had seen you in your brother's • ' .. . box and I. knew that .you were- not- In danger. • But the voice had fold me. ." that it Would. he at the _Perfermaneo and I was really airalefor it,. just as „_71it had been an ordinary person who iraii-cipabIe-Of -Oink:. I thought to •' myself) 'The chandelier they -.hair* i come,' down, nnon the voice.' I. was , - then on the stage and was nearly run - SO • into the house,' .to 'look for the -- voice aniong the killed and Wounded, . °I strung up to illy feet: I Was in When X tholight1hat;. if the "voice was the middle .of 'a . draviirig-yeam that fe, it, would, be sure to be in ihy seemed to me to be decorated, adorned E reesing-room and / rushed: to my and furnished • with nothing Mill floifir- • mit The Voice was not :there, ' I 'ers, flowers both triaggificent and • ' ked trhY doer andj.*ith 'tears in illy stupid, because of the WIC ribbons. that: es, besought it, if it were still alive, tied them to baskets, like those Wilich to troinifeet itself to the. The voice they sell in the shops On the boule-t id na 'reply, but sucIdenly,1 heard 4 verde They Were, mu& too' civilized long, beautiful *ail which I.kriew well. flowers, like those which I ,used to find It" 7.8 \the plaint of Lazarus when, at in inY dressing -room after a first thee. sound of the Redeether's..voice, he night.-.-And•,--itt-therinIdst-ol- alPthese gins to open his eyes and se'e the flowers, S'tood' the. black shape: Of the light of day.. It tWas the Muske which Man iu the ma*, with turns crossed* you :end l,• Raoul,* heard, at Perres.. and ho chid* `Don't be 'afraid, Chris -t• Arid then the voice began to sing the .tine; you are in no danger.' lt, was 'leading • phrase, 'Tonle! 'And believe *the voice! ' ' ' - ' in met , Whoso belielies in nie: shall , "My anger. equalled My tmezenisnt. live!. Walk!: Whcon hath bellsve,d in: ,I rushed at the Mask and triad to ' Iti0 Shell .xieVer •die 1. , . ' I :Can not snatch it away, .so as to seethe face : toll you the effect IthIch that music of the ,voice, TM man' said,"You are hod Upon rile It seemed to command 10 no danger, so/ long as you. do .not - toe. PeremellY, to come, in stand up touch the break.' And, taking Me; gent- • ' Snd defile to, it. It retreated and 1 iv by the wrists;: he forced rue into a ' , Miaowed. o'Corrie I And helieve.in Mel' 1 chair and then Went doW„ri 011116 kneai I holieled in it, l Came.' . : / I cable' before nie.arid said nothing more! Ms.., ' and.--dthia watfthe extraordinary thing- haittilitY gave nie 'Melt seine of My : 1, .!4 -arty dressing -teeth, osimoved, seem,. courage; and ,the• light restored, met* ' ' ed te lengthen ettt. -. . t• to • lengthen: the realitiee of life, • However „extra- . '• 04'7:77 -Evidently, it rrillrit have beet ordinary the adventure, might be, I • iml affecve inirrOre .- , . for I had the , was now surrounded by mortal, Vigible, tplirar ,in front of me -.. - And, sti&ItangipleAliiii&o. The ittrnitiire, the ,flenly,/ Wag ontaide 016, room .without hanging., the ' eandles„ the yaks and knowing ').iew l". • - ' . • . 'the very. ileworh in their baskets,. of ' O Mlistt Without kne‘ing ,- tiow;? WhiCh I could iilmast have teld whence. ' aTtarleofitiiii,, pytt..Thugt-really,ittk,y_ e,ame anti what they, cost:, were , Pr. relief& On no account-weuld ever venture to the:, top of 'Ben Macalini altme.•' • ; • . He had since. learned . that another 'climber 'once saw.a.?•man 'ho looked to be almost 10ft. higli -wandering ro 'id, the top ot the mortintaln at: A man who lived on the stope the inountain, when . told the stories, ' re- plied that it wohldeha,ve. been the :big grey man they bid seen," - your name and address plain, ,iy, • giving number and size • Of such Patterns as yeti want. -Enclose 30e in stampti or coin: (coin' preferred; wrap It carefully) for. each number, and address' your order to Pattern Dept, Wilton PubliShing Co:, 73 West Ade.' laid() St:, Toroato. Patterns :sent hy. retnrn mail. ' Human Electric Wavei. i'refe,ssor Shripelty, of Lenin-, kind -Viebtro-Technical 'Institute, who _ MaritiMe Provinces - conatitutto the . • capo, so.pitunitt)„...,..tziomecgie 'oreatly significant' area. '• • , , . , 'up rho- ,police. station; reporting that '11 ne.aned Selkuhert. be_ing Imirdesr-' • • -...--. - • Asiether"gooti Memory •teat 18...to, try'. to renlember, Alto pcno,s, pianth4Won the Bok award; . , -',.;, ' . -• "-: ' ' • ' • . , ,, , • . lf,t.i. tuei'vwE,n.ze: .1:a.s: sroa'Arislvt:tridectutcH duct :14 • t: Maces's% QU,estiona, Truthfully. th, e Scope Of their 'Market] until' tOtday, - 'rGell.:1•10altui7g:tir dulle::tfeeexi*tolldtedh .4 , I than4I an]: &Pending: ...., ' .• . , •mtSci. a, Bi•itish Guinea,: •Barbadoea,..Ta;' month? Pity ,doilatra per • month lena I -misted- rpilKiinntaidaedm,atdI7tiotebita:gBot.4attieds„ tBleir- , . I. '. 2. How, ranch, of your salary do VOU mil-ea,f . , 45 et Stave? Sianhoiti t • : Nr.irielid.411.7171eaf3ntd';insdil.04p,i!m•Vrtieba4likfm'aVViiiatile.i.. • 3. How ••• do you :ilia your position? pxl you know of Smeller?' , t ion,:•and, other conntries. A greater 4. ' What -do ylcui think of year 'hese? velthne., mete's, to. Cuba"then 44 other 11fanyrz.years ago Maritime, potatoes. wen. a ,• Canadian ; renown 'ter thedri. hard/ 'qualities and movedallover the ,Bominion'Icir Seed. purposes, •-•iis they,. „ continue do They next. Penetrated, intO•,the•Eaatern, States, where; &ea. . famed " potato:, regiene. acknowledged.„. the-Superioriti. Of . the Matitinto4iPl4k"••••••••••' • • •• • countries corahined though large gimlet. •Eagy : • 1)eleted.. Pish---"I don't pee why the"Y make 6. ,1low . many positions .' .fiave yen 4iiiee nre*e7iog to tbe-voited States allthis Nis about Swimming the 'tng.• held? Kept changing.- Haven't held " Pro3reis In ErItIsh Columhin. ' tisk Channel. I could de that without 1 any. . • ' . • ' _ ' .. , •• A 'ne* market , is expected • to . open half trYing.,, ` :-, •.' - s. *hat did you° de With 4 the first up this yeer :in firtzil, where adcord, ......, 'Gold., Ore b...._,...._;,y 'Air. . ..., get' g° -'t, . ,..it. • : ,,.. ...: -.... — .., : : ‘ ositenec'ro,,thiaereet'abisi:ikqeiilanootitdiesef th,r,lefaolr: A chapor-; on is an, Old' maitl Who was the, war, • Brazil •imPortyl: -something/ _ , , To i'edlli543 La 10111:11Vir of mere than a 'sWeet enough .ta.6x.t In her days.' pet , over a 'million bushels.. of potttoes,', " • y..ed ever •eitined? hootleg- ing -to the •Canad lin Trade Commis - has• already proved . that tie ntan month, to. one of only a few hours, and :body is able to radiate be 'save . transport Costs 1.,!Y• so doing, netie we:tea, has succeeded cen- ,the :Oblect of an 'aerial' eirpedktion structing ;en.' apparatus for capturing' which has just been dispatched listo. and meaSuring these wavee, which, ac-: :the lonely regions of Has,tern- Siberia. Cording to profeisor Skripalty, The scheme,. •V•Iiieh . it in' Proposed -able,' foientistS to give "electrical be working early in .1936, is to characteristiCS',' to every individual; :ouera,te. a regular air -freight line;wttlh •"Electrol•rnagnetic 'wates'. peCui- multi-eargined metal: aereplaneS., • lar , ••to hutratn, , and a fween the Aldan :goiciiietds and., the change fiCtiii-Iltpenroir-thoTatate-:-.A-mirr,-rwilliva:). of health and the frame of mind,'.', sari 'At Pnesesit' the ' carriage. of ore . in • 15rOfestsor,•Biltrinsity, Details of his tn.- pOicke along forealfiaths frointhe gold- vention . are as ,vet hoOt • a'. great sec-. flecids.:to the , ratiwaY., takes .-thirty-five re.t.!, ' . • , , . , ftaYs.: .13y aeroplane the Journey could But His Guests Did. I eningrad scientists" describe. 'Iro- •hte made in •iiboure, ank.1"the'coot of : ah"t a. hIg'°.°°-`that got ''''"e17••• '• • . • mile of her suitors were hungry. ••• Principally from: France, POrtugal, Ar gentina; and Germany; but adverse ex • change, conditions in the post war period have tended to the decline et' There Wits a Certain old ger, Met an '.1i-Iftf maid and tiled to please :with tile DosisIbIllty' et Canada ' • When, -She mister;! ' 13ritish Celurabia devoting great • ' her. ' . , ,.,,:' furnishing 'the difference. . .•• , . • • New hie friends'. call. him joracn sent Aline and Is fast becoming estah- . He grabbed her and kissed- her, attention to potato grewing at the pre- Ilehed--na-one' 01-Lthe---01/et • &icing Centres, Of the patine North - It is' rumored that a isherraan dig- West, ' and soil conditions in 7t444:i Iheit'ted one at his '811641ttler'S poftrohetn,lat°oirivi,,c' naerne:dm, 11:rinilis:hemrcypoliulteatndybo. sit ctilleaufmtf:s: that It •capable of prodecini More . • Potattes, to.. the acre than any. other proVince in, Canada, or any tato in the Union. At present the provincel ofl ‘.°°14u4r:ealleterad,tingand s`:ta9hinaofttui.:.17yaosda:aho:cou:n;iht.if,,,. cjai producer belongs largely to. the of alt :L.Mlie .iti'dmmit.eu ,em,,••b4i ntua .t:Otiltinurraed'bi'a.it4e.:11.1gPng:ohtao•alrte_t":"te,LBileSh071tiation_dcp..111.141saittil Motb f.rm. res,g-t:s!)ilvirtjt.britn"itai°44,11ildSnjw°eal;111,8CthOeeeritarii,lit4ledOilill,i" tttbee'eaterlinhoti;°f6t:tii:a:g:ri3Osn:0:1:111Woli4terfi'llijk:Iiii r":1'"t "1 ' • ", fNoith American continent Is io Wall • Igain'ous Downe*Is-- TOnoh dbWn, I adapted for the production ot socri, young whiakens, $1.' down. • "So yeti lind a honee. full during the fegsor Shrilicky'e inVeution as l'thetaeniaLtransport, it is reckoned, shoUld . "No ; but our. gtipsts did." , • biology and ;ph ysielogy." . ...a * 1 '7 :bonder?? 121d -yon have a• fine', tinic,V groaest • service.- In :the tdomain of 'be slightly leiC thOn tha.t et the ore. r: men.ree•Y 6311141M:4 may go, but ' • • * • *rm-momArm.ormirrocak • • , where in the heck ,theT:go• to 1 don't , . Agora. ..b. .- . ot rittvv.,..‘,..,,,; roy.......itkiagir*Itt.:..0.24,-- .,•• 41 ,3018 4116C,dr6fnia14:,(16,a.r., l was 'the' lireite'ef: 6,-drawintv,r4elit'.:4nitk.•40.•;f:,-- atiildo .ini town withont '., imeonng reMenotilliate: 'AA ;any -Ott) utt lee-st4... . Vi. :YOttk, Who taw me dis,appear lad the eiteuse -of not ;being 14 ‘t.,to • • ti MY' ;" 10, ;one ovenItig,,qnay be cellars of, the Op?ra. r had, no thlubt.,!' fk. is 'la' It./ but / , can • not, I. te doWititnterrihle,-,ereiltrie rerson,1!..,:c 11,b,cli:ii:,,l't.t•i:).;h:Le:1:,,antGGIr'•viir14•"(1)l,T:,.: .i'llt:*. •‘;t1Iii•i'fiafour(M''. ti7j, +,;11.:,1•::; '..-811.:s.;a1ri , ftlie •Ottawa airina:n,• wb ii• totight with ' :the q 110411 l'Ott il*t.1_6'11dd.,/t14',: there A..i.:iop:to.v.trous!ilisrvi,,,,iiti."11/. Anteri6nri ets't",a A ri 1 i e 0 A the. Pren c 11 s id e c t i NI b 1'0 (.. 0. Otlic.....'s ill tat, Olill 'Of aVia.i.qm kit •'!for .th.,;scyljrc 1,611O (11'4Al awe st; Avg c *SAO: anl, I Wait in 4 dark , pita. thin*, tnider the ()veva, honet,,. fiVe -114) ': °IL 133f ° • I (1 ' aril D . l'a ' ... . '.-. 1 a 4. ,. • ‘. ' vrokoato, . . . .. • • • .. ,. , . Lots ofr girls , have niore 'on their cheek •than on ,their minds. • . • wide varletY: of seeds as la the Cans. • Grown -Ups. ,.....0-.......- . • latbiarne ,Ptiewildliceroc7i: tPl:v.iiillociaet.oI".ipettcPal ththallit' ..., on 4?:;• 43.11.1,amtml°1,a°-„,,,%;In.h:t1wieln,i-difliiera Itiat tile: RS Seed UOttatOes ,produced An northern •• . . . 1 . °tit 'that' firitisit doluinliia'a inhal taint . sections are al Wtys suporier to thoss • ing 0.• •coolge n'elighh°11•;14 gir:4,_,°f grown' in" the popth,' theo, province • her ewn''tktnt NAY oh itt time 1.),e '0XDortinit iariref I1.,I1111t 111141 ,colatitt!tei„fleeed 460!„"t:oess We, aleYbe,'.' was, • • ,. replet;, "re's playin",•: that' wea ..* :Bailors Don't Care,,,' "grewri.,11P' wn'intif."' 7 noted fOr •his absent-riiiriciadneets. °tie. . • /4.* certain Cook in the Nary wad FOR.uomE BUILDERS . . 4 -firedog k tcrest poribit ,1-1,17; ta4(4-eto "Deieneid-intortnatien,tenteit • Watilreuf,tile-aticie•tintt ifut;ttilitai.nod. . bailding, ,fluesteing„, deo; lea, l'ite result. well that • *mitt:1g, terhishing an'd *gardening •-actite Fleur', for, It 14 • , IS Ceatallied'• 111111°, MgcLe411 Build, ' :the _ b. • OtlIde.. • Pri)InA•eiy' illUstrated. ho noticed led iloating • . • a ••••• ---,--4.' • - '• --..f,,,, ,-,-,-., - •i3sifti,todi,7Valgs.:,,, gond. 04....'f6r.•a,•, . U11011tAti, :1141)';:ot: ';:t4o-koo41:' . , , , •, , 4 t 40 tor . vitro, ,, ;A • 41 blies I, ad itae 6 C.PiTA %VP i'SVi A TO n b E. '86KAT Eli PUP,: "Elt"PeD I T B AGA I Nts'r:r. .".r.+:1. porr..r.:_s, „ . ....,..... ..430p$-. AI. 4 : . . - talc 4- t•rubt-, -,.,t, addessi Y., -1--- "- I.' ---'ea' 444 itti. „ ., hu ti I vt„."„.1. bc $i..ri., ty. eeon outing tho Crws 01 the. ser,11?tlen (ft. faStleS). ": Questions und, lIntrying',to the inmideciti' Ai* toiswerait Mantetin, l'Inilfting ite- ' abotited'i "IlOys, lir you gee any .t44- lt:aras jitati-ing, •Iit yolik aOup,,yett`li• ` know it'a , 110 foro nit; t---7116 ituett .G 41.-- - o ,