HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-14, Page 5,• 1, Cosy ‘Rome „ bee...7,, It heats --It cooks It bakes Provides hot *Ater'. , --Burns any fuel -- 21" stick.of Woodr::' Is reasonably prlc ef:1•,•7. The evolution of he-teueheeStOiti4 4s:. progressed .; to .--- ' where ve r•t.".' " • THR laticKNOITSthciTOIL IsUltstoAr; 414,0tat 14th, 1926'. • .PAGE irni • now have a Quebec' Range and Heater t==i suitable for any fuel and ,anY season. Drop i,n and -lei us .show YOU this Cosy Home Quebec. , , • QUEBEC HEATERi'ALWAYS IN -STOCK 'AT/ FAIR PRICES ' How 4pcitrr Ale.i7 AXE? WE CARgy. THE FAMOUS "TRUE , . 'SET" FULLY WARRANTED: • . • '• • cuoss .,CUT SAWS;, MAPLE •f-qqAF AND SIMONDS,: AL, , WAYS :ON p*Ru;. 2, •OE 4 cumNO'TEktp.; sniiioirr or ,•nopLow.T-B.ACK .SAWS. • 11111B.,ACE7'..A CORDWQQD tutcur„Ap. SAW • AND sir.' AY SIZE ,u4NoPm.HOLE,'•28.""47:$10.00;...,J"•••--,..612.09.* ElE.ADQUARTEES:.'poP .nAYi: YOU SEEN THE NEW. "OLYMPIA".. 'TUBE; ALUM!• IZED FINISH, PER PAIR $5 00 - ardware Coal' ••• ••MIXTURE IIIICKILEY'S BRONCHITIS MIrfURE • ,netant rep .4.y. Coughs, (Ads and Brancbitia ' Sold BY. 4.• E. McKIM, .LtICKNee,W.. ONT. HURON 'COUNTY COUNCIL Ashfield—John Parrish, John Cain.- . , Dodds. • Brusseli-LeA.•:C.13iteicer:' ..Colborne—.C., A. Robertson. Goderich4 Tp.47H., Cox., Olint3n-2C. G. Middleton,' ) LivinkAtotie T. Donuld: --, • ' 'Graderich-,-B,, C. MueningS, Moser., • 1' Hay,LE., F. Klapp Henaa..170iven Geiger • Howick-4Thoinas .George Hubbard. ' , • • HulletiL-Matthew Armstrong. • Exeter—W. D. Sanders. Morris—E. Shartreed. McKillop—Frank McQuaid. Stanley—John. A. Manson, Seatorth-e4, W. Beattie. StephetiAleit. Neel), J. Jaynes.' Tuckersniithithland. pepio.dy; Turnherry—J. L. McEwen. Wirigham—J, W,•,McKilibon. Wroxeter—John. Henneberg. West JOhnston • Diet. .Coultesi. Usberne-LJohn Hanna. • • , DIAMOND• WEDDING • , • ' ' AT SEA'FORTI-I, a'MrsJain& Hitin, -of Sea Plumbing inirnithing „ MYSTE100iJS FIRE IN cAttgicP The M;ldmay: GazeLte gives the fol, eterY' Of 'a fire On a Carrick 'loNostlip tarue.r'caus.ing serious loss to a fniily• 4 , '‘ Last • ikhUiSdaYevening,'. about e eve n o'clock, 'flee stalling .frOin axi :,completely deitray-, .ed tile brick residence of MO.Phillip G -4, -,ss on the 14th tericession. of tar..: ick. The family Were a1 absent; hay- ihg left home at five oxhick in, the af:ernoon, Shortly after ten o,elooki , 'a coup eof neighbors •passing, sew •no signs' of 'anything rt amiss, and af eleven o,clock' the Daip,es.were .seen • •.ernerg•hig from the 'roof of the frame ,- kit ben. and: :.wdocished at the teak oe -the house. Messrs Walter Lances - ter and Amity E. , Mese, were the", firstto arrive on the scene, but•the flames had gained • such: head way that it was absolutely 'useless to at7: tweet to enter the budding to, save anything. Ward was seni to Mildr May,. where several, 'Members, of tilt •fami y -had come to ,attend the watC1- eight serv,iOes, tut they afrived Ir time .only to see the 'brick Walls coll.. -apsing: The Gress' real:Once wAs: very comifortable dwe ling, and the insurance of .$2600 in the. 'Farmers Central, will not do niutlr more thee •cover the :loss Of the, content*. The news of the diAaster, ...waved such shriek to . Mrs, Gros that she-, •,c911., ap.sed; On the journeYlionie,,,aed was in A .npreearions,,coriditicin for. 'severe' days later: The family have decided to hold' an auction sale of their farm stock and•_..unplements on . January 'Fith,*•••, hen the' home farm will alsr be offered for sale.. ..".• • „ , • r • ' • Mr, and lldrbert Staelee..spent -a: day, recentlY. with Mrs. ,George fiieifiirdeon: of near 'Teeswater, Miss Irene P0 1ok, is spending flew days In • Toront'o. A large ntunher from around: here ittended the danee at Mr, Wm, "Shoe- , r's, last Thursday ?night, and also at the hall ea,Priday'nigbt. Mr. R. Colwell of ..Sask., ,ipend- ng a few (take !Witli-* his , brother, George Colwell, , • A large" number ladice; at - %ended the missionary meeting-- ai• Hr,. Wil hoe „AbAtt's, :140t, Wedoes; 4,43r:'afternoon. : • Mr.' and. Mrs. jfaines PiCEWer. „ rn business. • - , , PURPLE :GROVE,. ' Deep 'gnaw has made: heavli,,i-eads• a this part, the past. weeks:, • • Miss ,SadieCPellack ,•-keturneci • t 3'ergus; hist week., Mrs, Doi 4 ie visaing relatives in ieineardiee; this week,' • • Born—TO Mr, and Mrs:. Albert Scott, ' a :son,' Dec. 29. ' . We are p:eased to know thet, Mee, 'Atilton Walsh ''is recovering nicely from her recent' Illness:. Mrs MacPadsia,, Of Tiverton,18 visiting oher niOther, Mrs. W.' Seott -Mr. and, Mr.s.. Nelsen :Abertsori,.. of. Weybuen, Seek., visited the latte44. gister, Mrs. Jno.'Ernerson,:lait week Mr- Ben. Stan...eY Spent theweek. end iil Ifiiiicardine.• • 't ,PpRDYCE... . John Janneemy ,Wingham, visited • Mr. Snowden'and son, of Arthur are visiting • the fat -niers. •imother, 'Mrs. nd . • ' The famillies, of , Joseph and David ' and of Thomas, Robertsen are confined to they.house meas1e0. ' • • , rare; exper.enee • of ; kelebrating th diamond eixtieth anniver sari .de . their 'marriage. Twenty. tw., 4iiezilbers of the family 'tvere present . including ten grand-chiidren. and ,eri greet grand 'child, • the latthr.:heire, the daughter of *r.., and 'Dim, •p(n. ranee. ot.t •Carragane; Sask. Tie even • Was celebrated at the . 1101fle of daughter; 44s: ,.Robert, Amitibsie Seatineb., Mr. /end. .Mrs. Hi. len Wer tharr:ed ,Newtenviller.. Ont:, Jan.. ist ISO,and two years .114 settled on a tarot in McKillop TOw-n church and a gang men ,are busy tak- ing down—= pleasant job this stormy; , WI : C. F. Martin' his moVed •his•grnd • , . ,ing , and - chapping, oudit to. reie- church 'with, the intention of StartiWg. business there. • , 'John Ftintout, ' ie assisting Epy McGee at wood - 'Cutting. , . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emmerson of 4.iiingside visited with 'Mrs. and Mrs. 'C. F. Martin. an'eveinglast Week. • George.; :.A.feicander' has sold '36' ft of a barn -to Jack 'Cririgof. White- , L'ItG , The many iends , cf Chaplin, 4t1 cf Huroa,wi1 sincerely egret,t0 learn that he hed,te under• vo an, operation 'a Ein"ardine„, era' Heseital on Tuesday mornin4. He had his left leg •areputed ibelow the knee. Sometime ago. he fell. out of a tree, injUring the lek.• At pre- sent he is, doing as we:1,:as can, be e.*,' pecthd. • • " Norcross, a• Welleltnewe ChigagolaWYgi,,,bact aniaaiag..-ex- perience recently while. ; Staying at the Banff Springs getei; and play- ing on the golf couose, there, 'His p. .,,,Approac1it0,31.1yaintit4ho1aatias.-ffipe,;,.. pittedly.a..huge bull'elk 'which tossed ita, antlers and stood; 1pawing ;the, " • • .1 • • Ls Arennd-with eyident hostility .as the• . lawyer. prepared , play his hall. Mr. N114.01.088 was about to observe. - 'ASIIPIULl) NOTE3 Mr. and Mrs., Clarence irsp, atthq econcicodweie veot-eNt guest of Mr.' and 11,T.te;, stipieof Par4mOunt; . •,„:1 ' • • Afr. and, Mrs, i1C Yin •Raynard , Paramount ;were :guests of. Mr. a'nd Mre. Jae: Drennan. ef Lanes, during' • the week. , • Mr. Prank .Keteliebew, ot 1.5e4'e- .mount visited mith fr19440 14' 'Bo. - grave, "daring the Week. Miss Jardine is 'riSiting, her friend •Mrs. Geoe ,Murray, of Paraniount. • Wi I Clarkson of Alhofta s'renew-, ing oldacqaintances • about,. Para- ;WALKERTON • --Mr.:--Alvin---;:Sternall-r-the'-glellAer-7:— .0-f the local firin. of Sternall & private was, ta1.l0 to Owen. Sound. last' Wee); " here hi" father lay seriouscone• • alier 'having . been ,b11.).4417; ,.attaCked and •roOeci by thre Mr. :Cared Ste1•1411; epnowts: a opeoy bushjei th,era, was. 'Rolm - ed epeeby n trio of• ruffians Tneeday everileg, Dec. 29th, when• he wP,s ehont to lattend.to his horee,.. in,,,thestable. Three men Were arrest- ed, eh4r,l'ci."4With tli2e cow,ardly effence, wiry ,i,r,eie-zAleX.....Moig4n,'-± Art. _' 11)0Ullt. . ' • •1 1)ug'as,,, both. Colored; ',and, James LiVan. -Smith 'clt Huron is, Hutton White . When hey :were ar- •Eniikri 'of "Pa.raineunt....". ' rnorning, Mr. F. G. Meleay; • their ',.'•.0(.,•:are-.2glad to ,,know,-..thativte repreient'atie, )ed re- Whtz: h P.::severe: days. The magistrate tack df' 'pnennionia; is. on' his. ,way' te eaeod, • bv, , bail wa's 4)0t granted. . • helti in, the cOunr• Ly goal, at ,Owen :Sound, Mr, ';Stersiatl was bound and gagged,by ants, theri made at,tempt rob ' the. house,. 4'01one:h. they . did not. get atv,ay with much • loot, Mrs. Sternal! .re,covery,. 1%17. 1.1 rt -a, 1 ' .. ,better liait of valor when ,ffie • ..leiees pane visited w,i.th friends • .4.11_11'e attention was distracted by the Ripley, fer a few dys :ast.Week; appearance of'a cow elk which made , • • an effective substitute for the golfer. -. WAS NOT ACCIDENTAL and both animals ..diseePeared Me() . the neighboring bush. shin, wbere'lhey •lived until 23 yeti)", apgayo•iyeih.e.inn itiithey is8 yretiir.ed, *eafor 0:x"- Mitch is•in his 90th Year tn• SEN• - T'--ElsIZE-(17°---SERMONS,• IT IS ALWAYS SAFE- -To_live so that you have no fear o reeeting:.an. old rieighbOr; --•-Toshow respect to, any. man. 71i is expressing an honest .opinion. he willnir to 'learn :from. th Man who has. had experience. ; • *' • .e:.Leading Life .Ppnipai The Dominion _Statement ofiraill Items of-Businees•Of-Canadia.n Life • Assurance companies for theyear ending . . . Dec. '31,S., 1924., ' - f Total Assets Increase in ApSets, „ . ., .11 LIFE $274,130,408 :I/ $14,873,O95 ' Remainder of 27 Companies .. , ,„. . . . combined * $474,071,278.. 09,762,334 • $2,413,393,168 . . •• Increase irit,issur- ., Dividends Paid to : Total Paid to -- , .. in force : Net'Sur"plip • Policyholder . . Policyholder . . SUN LIFE $167,871;213 , $29,186,248v 6,437740. $3,1881,639 ' , , , • Travelling .. in •la five -passenger 1e26 improved model Ford. touring •• car.ftheri Halifax to Vancouv‘r; J. L. S. Serymgeous and E. Flickinger'ara perforraifig a feat. Milque in the an al of motor travel in this. con -qty.': 'PrOin,Franz, near Sault Ste...Katie, they travelled on the tracks Of the ,Algcnita. Railroad to Fort . William, having been, granted the use, of :the .finesby/ the Canadian :Pacific way: The whole,ren. Of about -ii,h0; • miles. toolcnear-4.eight weeks, and. g..seriee of still-ard \nieVitig"pettieee were 'taken' en' retite,te'comMentorate 'the. r ciiienture. • ••• . He was being medically ,examine \preparatoryto. taliing out an instil. Iere ,"gYV,n had a. serleus illness ?." :ask ed the doeter..,' • "No," was the anawe'r. • , "Ever had ;an •acident?" ' "No.!' • ' • . • • 'Never eve te ic ., ha de e*p4t .1cis.sitiri.2;s1';r: i ad eg'6, t:ehli'ent.. . . ::' a . , your life'?" 1;N ' ,. • • . : .. bill tossed me..over',a• 'fel:the." • • • • : i .. -"Don't‘. ..cs., en.]: that an Accident'" ; -,N,,:feAri.1)e'04se,....he, did: it, on pur.• JinSo!" --,.. . ' ' .•, • - ....'• . . .:••;:..4..p...o... ....;,... • , ...r.f.iallyb5irenot pl e,„:ialSe,losd,..1.e girls, are •at .ioiRe stel ainted.• N!100'.;'.: •• • ' • VANDALS BREAK'. ' • • CHIJRc112 WINDOWS , • (From The Paipiey•Adiocate) The •Unionists ,of 'North Bruce and .S't. • AtidieWes Saugeen, came into Possession of the St.. Andrew's prop: ertY. on .Jan..'1st. The first perao12, :ter the'ehnrch On the 2 maininvof New, Year's •DaY,' •found 'that some malicious • or mischievous Person 04 .'persons had broken foUrteea panes o gieoe in the Window's. As yet there :is:lie:definite. clue as to. who did the deMage. .„ , This did not interfere . seriously Ttrith the filret United.:Cihuecy service; held in the eld, . edifice on. Sunday, which was attended by.'emite a large caegregetion, and conducted by • tin pastor, itme. Mr. ,Paddon.. ' r sELPisnNEss. Think of yeuriellf from first to last, Guard • yeififfelf—frIffi" the • wintry • blast , " eed your stomach and quCieh Yottr 'Feather. your 'gest and feather. it first. • "Total 'amount ofLife *-Assurances in,force . $ 871,036,457. • Remainder Of . 27.COmPariles . . „.., . COMbilled , • ,.$249;3L478 „. $51,820,057 ..03,576;604` $42,225,135 . . . ' ogre, are tweii yaeight, Canadiali ,pfe Assurance Companies operating under Deniiiiien ' rie•eligie; .fie ceeeda, The information lvill 110„•'itietenctiVe in thatle,shinVe that the SUN LIPg is • . • .• .*,Writing .about a .quartet•of .tho new biednete eeportedby, Canadian .eompailiesi...14$ Ozt ii44::,:kaoliS. Over a quarter of theto: al-busitiesit, tn. ,Oree;..meire..then. atbard or OW asikets, , Wemium. • Ineentei. , • .„: . ' 't-ititifilittome -Mid' 4Setid,11...•:etncl- out .gluring the year 1924; mare ,than e third 01, the ,total,deildeiidie paid to PaliCilIlliderirt ti ,g ,itiaidmora.than-40%.•of total tnoniee, diattibuted.' to POlicYlidilert.•b•Y. -, 7 •c.a.riatiiiiii 1,.._...iii-pankii sin :`611/30filed'eltet.,ktid. reeerted, .in• 1924 MORE TuAg- A IlAte+1:9F:itIE: -."- Tt?%41.11:•:.ADVAOE,_ N.1X ASSETS .• . • • h. siailiiir otiO*Otatirit ptittiti' 414,11)0.1iisuranbi- . ,. 0 .the SUN 'Pf*, 'Agent ' Ge FlY to .'Your....•pteastires •• and . dance • thein though— There is ,nobody 'age in the • Mrerld: but you. " Think Of ;yourself .;and eight or wrong CiVe no thought t 0 -liaising , • throng, r What if. yetut; COndiia. 'should ..bring it . , . sheltie • „, Thbae • Who •honor and share - youl What.' if theY'Ve hurt, by the things • Yon dot ' • • . • • Why' should their.'•ffering trouble •you• .Live fer yourself; but dcat't Cont- . , _ .plain ' When YOU have coind,' to the, *Pride:, disdain, •• ,/ Dont return When night 'Conies:OW And Wender . '..Q6'ihtre,-,i111.• Your friernii* have* gone. • na4 .M•10S.Ehir . were also ai tacke by - the ruffians.. Althotig' li Mr:. Sternall ' had been Initired {When ,his assailants struck him with a: stone hammer,. he , was able to craWI up into. the hay Idit and alarm the 'neiglibore. ItVis. 'thought that he will be able to be in ' oourt wille4 the 'hearing takes place en Friday morning. DeScription given :the Police by ,•Pedp'e ., passing ' the.,, stbre tit :the time' of the,ket-away of , the :Men 'assisted greatly in the quick 1. arteSts, , made. It, is understood; that. Hutton, has. ' Made' a :ea.nfessicin. ' • . -'• -,74) 070-7-*-• I — Still, if a boy .•tako,:: his • dad's ad - Vice he may T1 ever:mow:it to :any, I mere than his dad. 7 'BMW& •"? ••• Carry. no . burdens except your 'own,' ,But be always ready to weep alone'. But If Yu itvish" for the happy yeas• And -the -love of -.4-ftiend who -Bede • Your ,tears, . And thb. lionoked bailie • ',, And all. the joys which the gentle • ;YOU 4144 think of Othere dn *,u -.(Jaw) Hauling hea y sledi loaded 'With leo through an leo ' • , oral efts street. (Centre) 'aid* View o't the Fordson Snow Motor- ;• (Lev* lett), Reid, breaking over anciiv •,ix Met, deep ,with .10141. ttf • 'lumber. (Lower right) Rear view of Fordson Snow. Motor. Mecessity is the mother.of invention.. At least every- body say i it is. They tell us 'that is • whywe have the telephone, the radio; the electric washing' 'Machine, chewing -gum, ' aeroplanes and bobbed -hair: ell members of old Mother Necessity's vast and -ever • growing - And ROW the transportation branch of the fariiily tittle has been added to by .the adetet of a very , healthy ,and, important youegeter who has a bright • .90 promising future alleita of him. 'He is called the ,' Show Motor,,e, nanie, which was given him because; of his aznaxing ability, to, nioVe himielf. and anything • that wes attached to him AS: easily over six/feet of snow ,as an ordinary ,wheeled vehicle does over a -payed toad. • • • • • • The Sniiiiv Moor WitSlizeitta-by a Man who - has spent the greater part of his life in, the snow- bound wildernesses of Alaska and whose livelihood . depended upon :his ability to tratiaport 'himself and certain Weighty' commodities„ such, es luinber for in- • stance, over vast snow-covered areas without losing either his life or his It did not take More than a few winters in the frozen- north. to convince this, gentleman, whose name • by the way, is F. R. aurch. of Seattle, Washington, • that there was,something radically. Wrong in the mat- ter of Vehicular traffic in countries where very heavy • fells of'enow were ecinimoti and inevitable oteurenees. NOV Only. Was this true, he. thought, in, regard to the hauling of beavy. loads but in the transportation of theinserves who, are often quite me! • ' able to carry on the ordinary ,pursuite-of life and. business during the winter months:: months when Whole eommunitiee had either to pueup• a hopeless fight Against` the imovi with sadly "inedequeteteuie- -meat of else; what is ,soder still,: resign . therniclves -"to being snow -bound for the" *inter upd Completely - --cutoff froat.the .rest. of the world,' And g0j ,urgett on -by _Metheil and his easociates,-conceived the idea, of the Snow Motor. And this is what the Snow Motor does, It • , 'floats over ShoW and; in floating, packs the snow down smoothy 'and nialrea It very satiiilleterY aur - face for Other vehicles to travel OVeri hauls twenty. tow:loads-over now of any depthi- it hauls lumbar - Ai • • • . ilithk of thettt • Ortitiiitiif • ot•YO.‘10, • • • gers from one such ,comMunity to anether, and in fact does practically everything that an ,automobilo • or a tractor does in places *pre there is snow.,/ , "The Snow ' Mater is a wierd looking contrivance which rides the crests of the deepest now drifts, climbs over 'fences, -tands on its dogbfe-barrelled nose and ;drags its great, loads behind it without' any ap- • parent effort. As manufactured at present it is at- taChed to.'Fafds'on tractors "which preside its inotiVie. power. k Later it Will also be used on, standard aute, mobiles, when .it Will, travel at, a rate :Of twenty -lour , I miles, an 'hour. •. • , 'Stripped of :its, motive power it conststS of two cigar shaped Cylinth\rs or druin to Which, flanges, resembling- Cork screws are attached. „These eylin-. ' der's literally float :oti, tlie_top_a_snotr-dcift*,,Lfor-they-e- "diSfirece.:SiloW :equal in weight to. the Weight .of the machine, • just a's a boat. displaces Water in propor- tion to its own tonnage. For heavy healing the Ford, • „ son Tractor stripped of its wheels and aklet., is • mounted on the Snow Motor and the cylinders ere caused te revolve with the result that the Motori ' worms its way along by means of the -screw arrange- ment on the cylinders. For lighter,' or . passenger 'traffic; the' wheels encl....axles of an automobile are removed -.Itta replaced by, the • Snow -Motet, In stim- 4 4 I, nier, the wheels can be pot 'back again. • • In snowee-in districts, ,up to the present, every , effort has been dirdeted to *find ways, and 'means for . thereinoVali:o.f.-snow. as, the .only. -way. of,.optitieg .traffit. Now, however, the Snow Motet comes along its funny looking cylinders ,and floats :TnerrilY_ over soft -snow drifts, hard ice, in -feet:link- Condition': of ,Snow and us it goes 'makes a.:robd for -slight' vehicles to follow immediately' and, after thorough packing, for loads of any wefeht . • : ' Such is the latest and nil:At important addition to • -Mother l'steceWty'S -family Of invention It i built • 'She* .Motors ,Ineorporated,,in . Detroit, -Michigan, Aitider the, presidemy.,:and .ietieral*,vnaTIag:ership F. Knoblock. It has alrcady provcn i A. ,ts Ability to do' the surtitiSing steels teferred:to 'above and , there seems to be very 'little doubt that it, WM be in '•`. general use in Mining and lumbering, operations dup.. ing the corning whiter. It is expected that each tu$ cdeffing- winter-,Will-find-dOnWnew-Ws.--it can -profit- ably be pot to and it: is, difficult to li,ne jua'••• wher,qnit's,t 404t41111*sboJ bo PIO •, • gram the forest, ore from the rninea, pulp weed to the ' • .1101140 1$1411 to rorol osl.tbotttOgnAltttl ittli ' NO* t j i41 ,tve,4 0.10 0.0tor...oe „ ,