HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-14, Page 4,
61 •
AggrkgER*d. CO. ;,.-opNiders :ArovrovE ma*, lalact-
4S.4gikkga' !IP(' • 1411,4a114.1,.. Or* .and
144 Shliat 1'10Wa.
• (PT STEEP' * " WM A. 04--;',NOven' Venee' gates, 4...pojo
Baxb ktfla N Galvatalled.
',1$6,r,44.0144 Miqq1F)S,.:1-4,01).,bov and 'Ste./ Tires
44 TEMAN*I*1.$189111:‘, C.O.;7-rrinWa and Wheelbhriviii,
PIANOS, 6o:44s A140, iliotooRAppEs:,4,50. 'us. and oaio
yarn:self,. 'soni2 money when yeak'want:ROMething, in MUsic-
.rilliPatrUnCeit*. '
''14114•Po'vrArfient Of Venezuela, we
,are f,e4j(1.40n 4.4
tiUktf 6hY sets, ca
the AtenezuelenS, when they kce herne
• 1 e'lariatsou and siesta turn on their
'reeellYerS.'and forget to •go hRzir •to'
wer14.,:TheYermiuu,1041, like most of
the.iiihOitnnte 'the tropics, are.
• ...11TobiOSY.,' '....04huslastiu 'N*04'Urs,
• ani radioAlvos".theni,,JrAt the•e*elle.e.
"theYriikaiit-',44,:talciug:itNeusy• in the
StillUis.Z.b0i73001e-**tble 4/11SOleSS:
into elect.
4•0;:i`P'aie" ,°'n°46
'('Proni" Tbe Aliniardine-Raporter),
he Terontoand* London PaPers
• • . t •
:ast 'wool; story of .. 91e
*death .of StePlien iferalinson" nr!ci
'mentiOned that 'Mrs: Ethel Vernon
Holywood • Cal., baciN.fallen• heir to
some &the money left by the de-
ceased. .The reputed • fortune is , in
millions and it is stated' that Mr.
Tomlinson Wasa former resident
of Kincardine, Inceiirkes show that
a Stephen Tomlinson, son of thelate
stePhoosow, Tomlinson, who nt one
thine' lived' on the North Lice, left
here as a youiii'man about 1$ Yearo
-of age., Later a report was given out
, that was killedin the lumber
4°P0ed,' woods in Vichigan. Phis was -never
at it cnn
•VO'it.litiOl'.'ihe/'6.it:belt,.100* for -
interests ,
n1; *00, COnees&10044
ough.0"mi;• are itilt-P0adeast ;to
keep the Venezuelans,: bnly. with the
"earpheries"..4 •
• -
o eircier'ia these •times is a
Inan-whaveaittlink un -",a newt source
. , , • . • • •
• verified. The„ relatives now residing
here are J. H. •McCuilough, ' and Mr.
Peterk'AcKerraeher 'of Kincardine;
Alr- Peter McCultongh of '13ervie 'and,
Mis. Harry 1i/1101611_7,6e Ripley
These have'no krieWiedgi as tc
whether ‘the.4Stephen Tomlinson who,
is ed tohave' left the ifin ions
Is their cousin or net. None 'Pi them
have been in toiieh rovith, tire' for
9 •;9
hone 256
1e largest and Moit complete
in thernost beautiful deSigiif;'
FP lvFdisk.'an
an GrlUlites
• Make a' speeialtY.; of VainilY
• , '''"
• 4.11-seriPt,i,Paa ''Neatly,, Carefully and
etPre placing year, order.
. '
ea Uit
• L. L. No. 428, Lucknow meete
the -Second Tuesday of eVery month
in their halt., at 8 o'clock. Ci; *Uffizi,
Wi'M.;1"., Carter, Rec.. Sec. -
many years. thei'story,' of :his.
wealth „is trite and he formerly carne
• 'Th.,
4••.,%•N• rkisT•t4••
Published every TlairsdaY *9111lni'
at •LuckPow. Ontario.
A. D. McKenzi�,'-rra071,eter
and Editor; '
N. •
tiOned *Mild no•doubt rank as heirs
if no, wilt. diseosing -of the. fortune
had been made,,
• . . .
• The wheat •growing industry of
.;thewest: is one: of . the :agricultural
wonders f the world. Twenty-five
Years ago ;lit Was'
•a few" mind, ..„.undreeined:
That " there Isa prospect of ,its. Out-
mit,f ailing into the handed a niori,
opely is due to : peculiar .vonditien
surreuading, • the industry.
Thus,. 'thojigli.:" Western Canadr
iYear• is • producing 400,006,000.
buS,bels of 'wheat, • the- total pOpula-
*on of the , entire area, Manitoba
Saskatchewan • and Alberta ' including'
:several large cities, and towns, is less
, .
than twomillion .perscias. • -Ancl
even More stricklng is te fact that
the 'Vital' number of oenapied .,farms
in thethree provinces .is 255,657.
Not, all of these :farms grow wheat.
,Thjs year, for example, there is An
oat/ crop on • the prairies that Will
run' to 330,000,000 •When
al..einuice is \Made •for th's 'fact it
will be seen that the Canadian wheat
rep, , the greatest , Single 'Source of
axportabla food in the world, is pro':
• duce& by a number of individual far -
niers not greatly 1:11 'excess of the
number' .of shareholders of seme of
the iarge industrial orrailway' nee;
• We, in Cinada, . are , often told
that we. should emulate the 1.341,1efl
Aate's in'. erecting tarif wane tO,Pre4
Rd our #14netriee, grOM foreign
Prel)stitJell. - ,„ •.,
The 'Peep e .df .the •United.,"States
peolia'ily, 4AriteriFea',' PalieY;
d .ariYthing "Alnevicann
• Oust: be; good.' :.-Varther,,, they
have tea'imielyora. geed •
But in the UnitedStatesthe tariff
never is more satisfactori than it is
here. There is tinkering With it at ey-
;try session: of "Congress, and, this, in
'spite of the fact that there prac-
tieally no flee trade party [al the
country. The trouble is .„tbat mobok,
ian get enough, and when one iedua-
,,:..ry 'gets proteatiOn it affects many
others: Then these -Others are given
protection to make Up... But this ad-
, %ieriely ,affeets stil other e "Until eV.-
aryone feels that he is hurt More
;:.lian he is benefited,. "
Just, now it is announced that
'battl&' has Opeattl, ' in Congress :"to
.utake tariff cuts. .In the last Con-.
' gress- there' was no word of , cuts
was all. higher And,,rhiglier.,. But tie
igher.".:tariffs-benehtirig-one at the eX.-
pensa- of another has .brought .abOat
;he'usual re -action and now reduc.
tions are in order.
'.)thurs: ruOst-b0 gfv,0a ut4, 004. Warn•
mentS must be.ePP4a.t. to accapt 81,4?
pert" 'Irak -any---party--er—factleri,-;.R.
he House. Measures pasSed, by r
najeritY ,Parliareellt, will become'
aw,.and measures to .which a, 'major.:
ity are opposed fail, no rinittm
how the Ina$orities'; are Triage. up
The 04 OiMe" ofpolitic,siias it her
5Cen played 'IA*, two parties. con,
teMling far PQ,Wer, the„Oe'vernMenc
resigning. vitnever it fails to, hav
its ;WaY;• Mast give
• •
)ing rride4tr.: dielatc3rihi,P, There, AQ'f
lie Par: 1011kfia is • 41141,104;intO
of ini
thatnothingpoll*, .0 can be, done,- And' there-hakT.
.39Pnip,..0041 Oast of eqing out fur .0
ffitrong man Such ns they, have in
aiy.- ff'`Uo happened that there. *ail
no trong man, in 'position:to Base
POwer France, IMO' that alCine
ed the defile:Cr-icy for the, .tinsa being
•'There is 'ertainty that a strong
man of etiarage and teselution win
,net. appear later: Opportunities forhis
game, when a government will • re seizing power 'are 'allnast sure to of.
'sign onlywhen a majority in 'Inuils, Or, . A.•
roent 'Will, teli it to do so. •Mr. • Mei In view of the factions that U‘ic
Oen wishes 10 play the game ofTp0/' develOping in,•the,parlianient of trit,
'tics in the ;old WaYk 'hilt. tberc.peop1(
. , . , . . ,
genera tv.
Parijanaerit-into'tbree partieE
e.oagreas •clf the Unitelir Stat:,
es; end' Ovn iri this u0Out0,,. it lool'a
•conaiderahle ,,s(*ength: new meth
'Ad '''rriust.be adopted.- •
Phone NO. --1•0 is at Your.Strvice
, .
1'a Sell Sell,Cheaper, Than ,The Credit *ore
Simonds and Maple, Leaf Cross Cut Saws.--
,Sanison Axes --These are the very be@t. quality
and Correctly made.
Lanterns-'=-I-f-You visl'a-first.'class lantern buy -
a Pitzi It is the lantern', that satisfies
• g -
•16,,LB. ADRAGE „: .
4,1)i LB. PACKAGE:: 50e.
- rAIL, . _
WflAyt SELLING ".A.T .81:000211. PAIR. ,
comPlairit that batter has been cbm
'.ng into :Canada. from Australia. Thin
adversely affeeting the fittteteete. of
,aanadian dairymen: ,..
Australia it; 'sonia eight 'Thousaiid
Caiiadaand just
1,94 •dairymen in that distant is.and
an Make, butter, „ship it to this
country for the production of butter,
transporaCen lima' he very cheap, oi
island dairymen must be. con-
• tented to produce at a very low price
ind at Verysmall prdfit:
•,Competition front Austtalie, should
never. be nserieus Matter in any line.
the long ocean, voYage etigliOci be
protectionenough for anybOdY,
• . "
. •
'Ex.rerybodir. in ,:the • country' *lic
, takes anY intereit in the Goyernineal
has had eyes on he parliament a'
'OttaWit the past meek.,,
1.1e, circumstnces . there eke entirely
new, no party being able to 'carry or
government Without the assistande o'
another party. The party leaden:
however, lost no time in going aboni
Settling the question, asto who 'shit
kAetOerll or whether theyreseat par
lament ahould 89Verri at all. ,
well known the Liberal 'Par
tY; of Whleh ,Premier King is leader
eame out of the ream election weak •
:cr. in :numbers than: it was b,efore '
and, as a party, without a majerit;
in the tlouse of Coninioaa. But nei,
ther has the Conservative 'Party
anijorit-Y-And tha,--Beogre.sSiii.esLlay.
'not half as many as either.'
The Liberal Party, hoWever,ha
retaited :the cab net offices and wi
undertake to carry on the govern
ment,' a taskthat an be actoniptiSh
,ed only by the aid , of the Progressiv
•• • • •
' Evidently the 'support of a/eons-id =
eiahle ritiniker of Progressives wa
expected by premier K 1 ii gt, •Whil,
Mr. Meighep,':-leader of the Consery
,ative Party, does'not 'expect Por wan'
any supped nom that qu_2 art,
%mediate'y oi the assembiing
-Parlianiept, Mr. 'Lapointe, Milo is"act
hie' leader -of the liberal Party alal,
Government, asked for a vete of can.
fidence in the K'ng, GoVernment—
thatls, lie asked Parliament' to de,
elare by ,a vote,._whether—or-r-abt-4;
wanted Mr. King '4;0 'remain Pool"(
Minister and he ,aid his party, .assoc
, lates to , carry on the goveranient.
. If a majority favored Ur, ,King h(
would carry on, if not, according tr
' custom, he WOuld- resign, and advis(
the kGovernot. General f ca 1 upor"
Mr. Meighel to form h government
, This Would TheOeasitate another elee
' •
iNOTHER q0.4-NINERs, .
- • • STRIKE 1.400grrit
k fewinentlni 'ago the government
d t:Ltain settledL,-a strikauf coal
rtinera: by subsidizing the .eosl minf
,owners, •thus enabling themt,o. rneel
he demands of :the strikers or lesE
'-werlt:,aad more pay. • The Efub8idy .1E
eirtr paid out of the,national treas-
ury. In ether, words MoneY, is, col-
eeted front the people at large pow
Ivor to the ''•nr:ne: owaers, who hand:it
Ivor' to the Miner's in the form of in
:leased wages'.
The general tax -payers, .alretut
'Oaded ,d,ov;in witlitaar taxes objet to
his additional burden and the goy-
, Iroment will icutoff the.pubsidy by
' May. The inine owners saythey.
nust thenreducewages, and the min-
ers say they go on strike' again,
with the support. of all the other lab -
'Jr organization.: '
• The government's, scheme • of r
3131baldy- to the mine owners' looked
.1oUntry was getting iti‘ a deaparatc
as coalis absolutely necessary,
.Cs 'many large industries, to, the rail,.
.roads ' and the SteamShips on tin
,epan. ,In fact the coal 4 miners',
Arik'eiiii.'ilbout to result in a 'gen:-
'erar paralysis df all the.. ,inclustrt
Butthe strike-. wasn't settled' right-nd of course; didn'tstay settled. ,
. There is no saYii.g whnt is:going
to become of the
try. The strike in the ,pennsylvenir
mines SeSins \as -far as ever from- ,tet
-linnerit;: there is •fresh trouble in the
Nova Scotia mines- With riots ary'
looting of stirrea; and the mincrs.'
Western ,,,Canada seem prepaied tc.
make trotib'e' ,whenever oPpoitunik
4fers: Noth'iig in the way Of a scoi.• •
tion oX the, , coal -Mining question . ap:
pears in sight.
WHERE ptivroortssY PAILS
though the :real lest of democratic
geierninents had eenne4 ;.
'Uenabees-c prlian&s 'anil
icingresS are rio lager respeeted"
he people eleet=them, 'Mid little
action ,is .egpeeted :frnin govern!
ng inade pp as they are 'of
se",f7seelcing- fighting factions.
$.t.B0' 'UNIX •
A certain hi town newspaper in
its 'Sunday editions' Priafs sberk: let;
eta fieni' reairied folk, giving theiu
he . oportunity to make .pnblie' ti4e
failts they .never: Suspected, their
'mate had before marriage: As it any
;tarried' ample. couldn't, 'find
las and diappo:o.tpwrIts 1.11."therx
!ife partners :Withorii eg!ginethein �r
97.nt for piens 'an& thake them public!
Married- life is a'most boUrid.to' bring
forth ,a few 'traits in
, that were
• 'zept we 1 in the ''hack-ground:.during
.ourtship. ";4few nien are heros • to
• :heir -wives," elaIrried some -Wise wag
and the reason they are not is trouncl
ln the feet that every -day life, *Mg-.
ac.• 'as it claea the/husband .pp\a, wife
into such close continual • e.orripanion,
shows o
ws, thelittle
rms., that • ' oyer-halaace hiS . geod,
-tualE,tiess known only to the general
labile. - Hubby: sometimes • finds 'the
, • . • '• ' • . '
At ithe close. 'of ' the •. Great War
.there wore few crowned heads left in
Europe, and *here therewaa one the
government was in the form of r
:limited Monarchy' as in Britain . ,and.
.T.talythat., is , the , crowned Mortara
. was little more than a- figurehead
iis .'PoWers. being , strictly limited
'14! a par iament the goVernnierits
:;vere 'defrocraticin fact although'
-rownell \king was tolerated,. °
In a number of •citses these parlia-
6,erits beanie iimpractical•they.• bek•-
•ame incapable of carrying on or di.
e'ting government.. •
. Taly was an outstaridin?; 7 cage
"yfobs.:of ' sfibiaists frightener th
goVeininent this way and that'
,irity, until another :etganization 'fr.
favor, of law, and : order developed:
with' a strork man at its head ---a Mar
who. tad ,,the ceurage to do -things •
,The demoziatic parliamentwas over.
tvlielmed,the Monarch was told wha4
Lo de and the strong man -of courage
clietater. • •
Spain also developed : a.dic.tator.
'he • person of an army' chieff,$)the'.
'totintry had becameinvolved in wAr
but the elected :representativet, flS ir
Italy, were 40, divided that war cuV
let • be carried on. .; The itovernmen'
-rfai- into disrepute. It was a proved
`falure, so that when a strong., •rnar
ielzed , power, suppressed ..icartiameni
the Icing; the -*epic,' not
any 'rate the die.
'-,ator gave a",,goverrinient better than
he weak- king and the dive.dedrtn
auarrelling parliament -.d'd.
The oilier day , the inin'Ster of Wet'
• .
in Greece declared himself dictatoi
,of that country and has been tellinr
the ,'king and 'parliament What :to do
Prance, too; is on the verge:of' pas'
,"sweet little thing" he marEed ,has
kinind and a,' temper of her own But
.what of -it? If e,:ierY "Man and wonin
9.4ho found .a fee*/ unsuspected faults
•n their .ife patters' After .marriage
were to , rush into ,print. and "trell the
' world,!' as the •saying is,•, there \11,071Uld'
e no iOOm, for anything else- in the
paper: Old Married folk wit tell 'pie
he best ',way to handle little un.
ti,easaritilpsse,s in the: h erne 1.7.s to for-
eet them .'• her people have enaugh
troubles of their -toNVII without wish
ng to listen 'to the neighbara. In: a
world ' yvhere few are good, and none
are •perfeet, it ill behoove, anyone
to peddle petty hone differences te
reading pubLe to be magnified ane
added to -when, after all, the inos:
'-‘f it doesn't' amoufit to, a row offbeansj
and„on. y serves to add a little diver -L.
'sity -t4 the humdrum •cpliet existence
•of an otheraise •Contented y. d ham
'couple. '
tion right- awaY-7-7a fact which, islik
'ely; toplay an important part throu,
lhout this session-Of:parliament. . •
Mr. ' Meighen,' ' of ,.douraerobjectee
to Mr. Lipente's motion and wantee
to :iiibmit.lone, Cif his own, .44eclarinc
. that the par tiarnent has not CpnOdeft.
.C6 41,
It looks as 'thOugh, Under, the aesfr.
"onditions , which have developed,'
dividing .Parlianient into n number of;
factions, instead :Of into two regalal
partieq, newithethoda of carrying ot
government win -have to be ,adOpteci
The old nottOn that, h" party r,"vhicl,
.undertikoo to carry oi government
Mutt h!ora a oloar, niaJoritY oVit
Too Much ilbtkey
Ruined D'orlald's
„ it Is often, said that ,tc,eri,
-vt it stip ierliovad from joy, 11,r •".").,r • ;
knOwa that, At the age of' a
attending high school, pIiti. or IA
hockey teem, goilliPte Parties ind do!
the thritgitAhat.a.retr.i
youth Will de: Whensoy, Wart Pt 1LS
,height #10titri ,Attl anpear3no0 ,••
the shape, of consumption, •
There was nothing. to :el, the
aid but drop evorything aryl go • ,
the MUitkektt fropltitakto,r a
rest and, iikilftti,,cdnptent tr •
,Donald heti now forgett,pi his,rer
• • '
the nowt that v t 1.COlf
• a0ale-,4better!,•
6 '1)1, b ',ton
' ilisAgit19411:141:444;3, 10411.441. '
• RecogniFecl authority on household problems pertaining to
Ole EtelOotke. FrOportAtiOo:OW1 gervina of 0,94 n4r ati *a- ,
Director of the Maple Leaf Club and author ore remarludge '
." Course in:CoolOrY &to' lvn!nosonon.
, „
ON.1)ERVUL 'cougsg-To I,NTRoDOc
Solna bread; flaky biscuits and truly delicious -cakes and
-70u will like 14114ple'Letr Floor. .. . It Make's light; whole-, :
Pastries., • • .', • . . .
You get the same uniform results with Maple Leaf Flour
every time you bake. ::It carries a definite guarantee of.„,
, uniform-quality—every bag contains the highest grade
of. flour made from 'carefully selected ' Canadian hard
. •
wheat, milled by modern methods and checked by expert
chemists at every stageof the milling process. • -
To introduce this high-grade flour to housewives, we offer . .
for a limited time a course on Cookery Arts and Kitchen
Management—centaining, all the esaeritials of a college
course in Domestic Seience—consisting of 20 lessons—
sent you by mail.. Every user of •
, •
is eligible f,or„xnembership in the Maple Leaf bloh and can
enroll at no cost whateverfor the Free Course, of 20
lasons. Membership in the Maple Leaf Club includes
the privilege of writing Anna Lee Scott on any problem
, relating to the serving of special dishes for special occa-
dens, or on any. household subject. '
to-iikindFaiaAdi.,L,,,:on..06,,,,,„id,p2u,,will- be in.•
In every bag i or Maple 'Leaf `-.1611. w—abOtti
• Flour. -(24 lb. bag -1 tampion; . ' ".pense as a member Of the Maple
• 49 lb. bag -2 coupons; 98' lb. ' Leaf Club arid receive the &rat
• bag -4 coupana). Send`•Only four lessons in ate course:
four coupons addressedto the Otherletsonswill be eentinfour
lilaple Leaf ChM. Maple Leaf monthly intallmenta=tour tag -
Milling Co.,I..imited,Toroitto, sods each month. '
HED. °Fmk: - ..roriovro, ONTARIO
'Tested,and Proved '-•• •
bi the Chernist .
Tried and APProved
by the Housewife
or.ki -1k.***Pte-,bc .t...*%4#41‘ 4114tql7At 1**FroAtii
. Among the things there is-: room Speaking , of war songs, bow ,about,,
&or at the top is improfement. " , "Here comes .the Bride." '
riscilla Dean, POpulai Movie Adress,
Assumes Role of LocomotivoitEngineer
oive Ta4.14 voa I tgeAk.A..y.-rtATRAtfts
or Priscilla Deari; movie actress, ing westward - and four ' eastward
- is not to be the engineer Of the
Trana-Canada Limited, the,„
,i,miLd. 11ot,aii train acroas
'Cariada.even,. though she.: donned
, an engineer's garb, .ran a real
Trans --Canada locomotive, And act-
ed. sito as station': Ifiaitet for one
• hour- in -.Yonge 'Street Station, '116-
fonto: , Priscilla . is . interested in.
railroading, and was much intrig-
.: ued,' with a 'Canadian Pacific Rail-
. 'way ticket araapd the world; the
enapii, of ..which.:•ait&A, for
- :ginning .:May 17, is scheduled. to
better its 90 -hour run between
Montrealeand Vancouver, two
• /ries nfarly,1,000 miles. apart, ."
Prisailia's bright eyes opened',
'the was cild thn'. thirt - Wonderful
sV:18 in reoi4Y tee Nilk
equip -
d 04414 toot oZ.,,whioh.41,0 .010*.•
at the same time, While two addi-
tional trains are being cleaned, re-
fitted and turned around, one at
Vancouver and the other at..Mont-
real and Toronto:- The equipment
°reach' train is limited' to ,one bhg-
gage cat, one dining ...car, :four
htaridardl'eleepers, tam 10,Compart-
toentrear,--Vanlotivet and Montreal;
and. One 10 -compartment ear To-
ronto and Winnipeg, with a draw-
ing room -3 -compartment observe -
tion sleeper, 'Montreal awl Vancou",
.ver. Sleeping:Rae...passe fizi'rg, only.
are ',carried , :and last year :there was
one-hight:-use of apprOXimately
t00,000 berths for the 118 days the,
train was in service. The east and
west bound trains together covered
43;,202'. Miles every day. The Season's
milth eage--for--238- trips'Wiis
700748 miles, or three times the
distance froiil the torth to tho
fil0011: '
Pt2ISCII4A 1.!§
' " •
• There are 48 enginerunedaily.-
4leiuding theseerigirie stops: the
trains Make' only 26stops on their
cross -continent run.. 'Oaring' to „the-
neceisity of changing train %crews.
on such a long run, • about 14 ,
crews, or about 84 Men, are,e1.
quired-for Jone. ifirrtreartraifil •
!!# Id 48 aieeping,:and,...dining- ear •
cinhIoYees are at work oa6h trip •
oil, a single' train, • nearly 400
men for this branch of the Tranti-
Canada service.
pitif.fr. Lake Loulte and thu-4.
Eleca •Woriderie,of
Rockies:have throve() -iiresiatible to
Airigers arid rausicianii,„i'etors ,and
actresses; and movie stare. Among
rhe. celebrated 'artists who ' have -
visited Banff are Dania Clara Butt,
Galli-Ctirei, Elsie' Janiti;._ ,Jatighti...; • •
eeifett,'.lJack Hid and our OrM
MOM and Ifitry.who all, tauvol -on
flaatot flyer
Canada, •! Out Trigh