HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-14, Page 2•
, .
Si•rAlit (4.4416P, .shingi in. Western claugid* :enilegNoring- to
,.: '_,th,*.."Bi* 'or rtindY. in the iirrangi* '..ter a , 'regular . .110plY • of
4:4 PighT.; Continues: to 'flour- ereamery butter, Western Cana.tlina
tiring, the Month, of .November Vatter .is now highly favored in the
tits•y of scallop's sent to Boston British markets, and dealers are pre-
-markets' t0i4od ovr $6,000 in value. pared to take practically the entire i•
-.• 011ie .0/ AP 1;11.litri,t that Prosnieee 'to .OutPUt if they,. .iean he, assured „of e .
etitemta., At isiittra ting regular suPPlY, :' ' . • . ''
eensideialite" attention.S-aarar's'ak'Toon. -.7. -Neves' ea
4thrQugh the Pert of S.Ontlohn'to thelehinalent Yet arriving :Western -
Dee, 12*e:were the Jargest ,tbr•
any katoon from Port Elgin and Frederic -
one, week in 'many letis, Three steam-
sliips:loaded about 1;400 heed here.
SaintJohn,Buipments contatning 102 black folIn t.e3A4e lArgeai. :
_oid: 40#4? °toed Canada, were ,unleeded -lately Sam -
tont 'New ..Brunswick. They 'They will be
used for breeding 'pUrpbsgo at the new
Prairie 'lSilver Black Fe* Fa/In; lwe,
poultry poet Is
nowin operati�n In 41,13orta: tinder lbw
nan.*•"' of ••,tbe., Alhorttv. '10o44)0t4h7.0
poultry :PrOduee*'1.31nited,... ' FOlgtrY
products nuarketed"AbroUgh
the preyinCial,go-vernment's.marketing
.service, which which hes offices in Etimon:',.
ten,. Calgary, e'pd• Lethbridge. •;..• .
$nnonioirand, the
• former cliarraPion's • record by seven
pounds. Of , butter fat, the senior yearl-
ing Jersey heifer "Farleigh St: Mary's
Beta," owned and developedby the
Dominion Experimental Station at
Surninerland, British Columbia, has
'just 'established a new world's record
for her breed and age, it•i anneune-
ed by Vie -Central Experimental Farms
at Ottawa. In 305,•daya this cow pro-
duced 9,013 pounds' of iniik. and 524
whereSele:ProdacCd aleralme--hemilOundrutl„. ter-. atv--"
c/oCto.'e4 Quo` is understood that
an agreement has been 'reached slaa-
•^tween -the/ Clarke, Interests.' Und. the
'Fr.Ovincial‘Piovernnieet .regarding the
ooristrbutien of U. pulp Aad •paper 'On
In ..tite bey formed by the St. Charles
• And St.':,Lawrence Rivers, at Quebec,
'• and that.work'woillit be started' oarlY
next Spring." The output Of the milli
'will, be shipped, to England and' util-
ized by newspapers controlled by Lord
Eotherniera. , '•
Iroquois; C. Wallace;
try 'raiser An this district; wolf the
highest honors with his. entrY ,in the
-Ifrahina: Cockerel and pullet division
In theliaidzWest Poultry and -Pet Steck
ShoW-held-iir Chicago. recently.
Winnipeg, Man. -It sils understood
that buyersrePresen ng Old Country
Winter' Colo • .
, A grey 'afternoon ;without Wind; ..
f A still mthtinese Or town and- Winter
' •ocimbined,"-;: ..,---"•• 4.-c.• s;-".•;":• •••
'Is- g DR4111:
11.441 '40.1rfc fi" , XL"
. The Nattirat Hem:H.,. nrces• Intelligence
Wait Service Of the
Era,inied hi a glue% Of auyouo,m07,e,pe,; . Dept. of the Interler
...444,....),t,t4444„i„ ji,,,0.4.1,i...,...);....r,;hrt4 a„ t Canada has h,aaaer 'etitereci: , Upon a .iie%'.1r.
„700044 0004ers,..0,1330.3. to
,v4itt in, ,piii..,,,,,: , Yge4::to•t. Wslitr,icthu may ba teaphtorthOxbift4-9thrye
, . ...
homet, - oho.'" record. . With the brightest of
T lamill, :0,04. lohjoi•ii,eue,:y4t•be,40;be;,- PrOsPectS, with records of ,cleyelopMent
, , . „
uven:t13.7,7:091grP'13; '*'“".;129Tliit9'arneyaP,yedt.'a 1.1c7C; I11404. It half ..goPilOrte4 ligeli nat. - .9
perIenced„, ' . „" straw; • Hers' trandretiched, Ont•to. tenolt '
-Cal4Cla' la- il,Pi belag radiaeOvered. the hahY. , iiit;nOte.. i tilt" ifbe
T1,1,0 WO-114-1174.4WakeniQ the..ti'et WO ivas n WO.daan slirOad,d 111Wi'ttu •
• , . „ .
that In our natural resources we • aye Ny..1.etr--tioNai...;74,en_agelt,..1t_trel dart
OnconVerted. Wealth :boyend, 'the dream from exposure, looked...49W a . oa.
.q.fa. uilas.g;t.:1er,e.=te'.O.t.'proicic-; .pPuo,revet;enoe, t :- -,, ,
prootio04,41'Jines Of lev1010entaleut*4t1;•Pidaer rr' -:‘lnsoint. .-
,whlle itc eer4.07 Of ,' ths.mete. important or uotokitoo thotp ,betio,to: • As t toolto.
:the 'inereases. :Shown: li:Ave:: been . 014= .0,0 ,414. strOte#0,0i 'euit ii'e, th» arnus'
Porntinoia; . ... ,. .. ,, •. , - ' ...., ., „' , .4ocicksieWat1d, iylark-toin44. 'o•IP:f.0..t;:i . .
In agriotilture,'• without the abnor-;, ithe VIRein Of •the -Steil:- - . •' '-'..4:'
mal....elanditiona- Creathd'$1 the 7 war, ,s OnlY. ORaie i.7efagees4.,na the
'nab' Zone -driven., "late' TOligi A., .4
ab;a4.1.41:114.401.(144414Y,144: i4?":;11*Cic;::1Y19. '.04i.,.(f1;41t-..,,i,i104:).-lte,i's
-.=-.THRE4 INUF419
,p0,1yi4; 1116 rovoedi oeptaiip-s:
oo;iiturdim wOre obliteratod.:
tito babe. 1Pbe floor, 4047(50. :*
roughggvt'ung:"4.441.9.. little ,.-gra..*,
'c•raeo, Josewdi loroucheVan 1. •
gazing. at the ;Oily 'reran vyrOppet.
swaddling clothess,, wlaile, Mark -ley
At„PiKeitileirbaff•',14.Yek'hegin to roam—.
.;Y;ia4c4e4Stoe:f7., tiesitet:, !Or', . Of.
sk.04,eig.cha: moss, tl.keycannot,
• -
NO•iik „TO...3)Oct plettirc"? neY00 itstalaben
• , '
Ite listaansty,", te, 40,0„..to'..00t....00ttroa;,,
414,e040 wAio "844 0. .0.840
AV11.kk„otb4 'Oise, by '1O,y.4,1:4'cioNri,
•'otit 11r1.
• •
Stoop AO Succeed.'
r :14.4;i011.40ig will ever:ge '404
in buM-
n�i If ran -4,1;e4".t?' P•ItYsilielkilitY;:illt, and
•the, beet way to. oeuie fttnassr In
t.or .N.by ptelp.g.,,Seme SwiltRlie'e/Orylsv.13••
.• , • ' are'
, • • • . •, _ , • ; - • -
, preptitily; rti4U- , you,
Otoop..ta encee,e4„.: . '
:With the hneeis Sittatgist.'" d." :*41'
'COUicii. has reaped crops that 'have
established 4 fecOrd. second. only .,,t0
1915. %Her' agrieultural products are
Also bringing!_gosia prices, so that the
'farmer' W11.1- have reasonalate profit
above the cost of " tirOdnetten:
. In mining, the output is Aticreesing,
.settled.' labor ooliditionS exist In • all
provinces, good marketsta are at hind
The. ,Sit,nshite without. Tioy;:, (1,4P,
Ups ,•174at the doOrw,aY ,the Jeiviab.
proViSien einPn Arsila at ,rlisi• •
closed only a, grottP, of roototai 412141'
for the output, and capital as earning rein:1g . over the; Klee of Onto., vege-
a return sufficient to 4nfluenCe. the taiyles: Present& the tall thin flgtare
thor-iswhich Involves *4:00pin:it
Investment, of additional funds for of a *Moorieo.,. !Woman, %With her ,,baby
further development. . could 'be distinsgatiShods, a. little 01,1ild
Canada's ftreets _are now •the preassed dose against liar,' and at they
stay of 'thescontinent, not only. hi lulu- feet the basket of.greens 'for, whichithe •
, heels tQgetasee..,, belt& dow,a_slow.b, .ber 'but, in 'PulPyvood. 'Both 'tile east •prepriethr ,Was t.bitgaining. Proud
Lon_on. retire -Albers that, S yearor -
• , 4.,64c43„ the „tees,..,4r, if and: the vilest: are being called nPsa atm a -alnico stood the wo-
til -for building material_ by the Unite man, fade uncovered, •thi eyes a
• • s the delightftiV .Sviecliah 'Princess as sit t • •
+h I Alexindro, tiod P°s'sdibla, .ilrea,the'
. 0 RINCE. OF' WALES Po ,Ttgo P ' ate ueen , god'own. Ourale siliew17.0 the States ,And, other eountrles 'limber • d thas d iv •
sa neaS t• ar seed ler, 1 eauty for
.F RP •
beautiful The -aloft' fat
Ps "n• °gab; blreatht9g in as. you shingles and diatension timher. she was, -
th '
• . , • • , 4 . . g • , . • 4IL
. princess Astieict of ,54teden, tionths,:, but. the....pr.inee hot.t:415 f,os; .mOre is 'the newsprint gabbled, the wentans' face never. al -
When folk to mar,borough Eouse for citeetreight, eali•ct the arm, vvitry. finding a• ready, markets,' • " • . swarth'Y shoPkeepor ,ge leafleted, and
h Visit Their, Majesties at, Inear her. • e Canada, /and pertleularly is this: the .1:nov0, restlessly; ' the other child
Industry of the world being centred in tefed .ips tragic 'sadness! . .The btiby,
!prtircielleCeitatt.r14ierlarnidd Plarinitcecia>igahitIrar; 7:1:110/•:.,y1316' untll •twi;it7r(!uni-ci eiSe. with the North American ' con - arher clio.alc; She stood stall.and
' :the' windows. • - • , Buckingham Palace.
144•P*-'ai. tree'dilD" the balC4511Y' • dest'atult frum London sAYSI--• being': a grandniece 011 Pa • hind , you. Kaa.9.upriost,., and. remaint' t whereCanada las; wrested ' strai4lat eud 'p,roncl, refusing firnilv to
• 'poson' in rre*sPriat prOduction. The upon 'her wares' Who wen? • i)isd she •
•first .cansideration;.4141-not ' those • of , • • , • • • • • • • , •
mat4eicsusiy cerahined • liYthmicnV .0,4tY. a visit, to' the...king and -Queen -at ' • . ' Canada iii this. gei,:the few pOor anus needed to, buy'
With the' announeeinent, Frinoaa Yonr 'Seek •Do this- -alternately to left 1-Parat'a-duat
" 'order. , •• B ki P d th „
All e'tclii134 ininisarable • .d ir the late Dowager Queen isel....that ,year , valet mitasetee ate ,the fk.oni• the United states the .preinter' he,.b. eaten:down from. the price ,sTe sot •
dark -grey „ , . Princess Astrid of Sweden is about •to sideof . . ,
ue ng am ra ace, an • • . • • , • , , •• ,. •
e !:/a.strid'e1inpeding te Eu0E4,108311 influencing many of .the herr coarse bread, • I de not • kno frir
• • •••• • • , he s a niece Ne the lung of - Swe, the .rvincess• •sis e.r rtricess . • 4, • • '• to remove their activities to 'Canada • ler •' • . ' •
c,,a149,,heilifierl-in,-..Pralse toward, tne • • . • • . , - • oeud mown: to- itoirau:your left , • • , g • • •
, , • . .1 palace, it ,became known to- aY A , From the same startdest..;pestaaa I,arger erganicationS, aar0a8 the line' .it was. time to.' be getting on to, Tan.
:And buds
The twigs cuing upward;.7 papers are all. agog:
""'s`4A* • n'g."-•'-4t'.....43"-Ailnes1,741,1:-.1eintr,4_,A.i-nue;,,gues. la. tali •
;„rkjk.; ana. Ones io.fasg.°4&• with the resultant increase, in• emPle.Y7, ,
• 0
Head Polar Flight.
• Capt. 'George Hathert av1-
, ,
*tor Land eiplorer, who, with' Stefano;
."'Sen the expedition ;tit: feur
'planes across the North Pole. 'f4, the
fs*ortie,:.., The trip Will take • in absent
.'1,1/06 and will cost about
The Detroit .Avietion ;Club; of
''.WhIch.•,Heary Ford . is 'a ineniber,. and
the c• North . American Newspaper Al-
liance,are among the backers.
;Tide way.then-that. ;, , .no official -.."Iiiler,ination is •aVailable, This rnuiers ik.society that, leeieliing the seat on the beds, • - •ear4ed 47.43',:in.10esaionathat'7.411:Pt. anabing• the Mosorlidit•.haniletss •
to the fleet; .b4nctiak „tiki•• back-. but .eame-frent.:411 parts -of the World and
'rwlsta slewlY-on its' string the Princess. has any 4.ornantiC "areal -1S' present,, hitt .net the PrAriee :of Wales. ;sre.'st- these' Mar' fires may. .•be soon •
Pe.ekainekQpeCits dOubi.; :elgsive Prince Charraing.• •• one, OfJhe sisters. ..seadh.moventent ahead •lies sufficient. '
. tweiviz rep:stittens early .be forgotten ...The hearty , ;
come they received is evidenced by the •MatitAzoi •
• kitchen:4,, the' great-.
Ana n blue tit, Clinging to the edge, but :4 so, she pitted,. eganiet an Prince ,,Ilerity ..also • was •anterested 1n..• ine,ra•nialth meal for their. to.rds a,od.
In the midst of the- balcony a. gliOSt
Bexiiit-3, "of cSirlOw: Exploits. .
On8"'res, .6r_attiest. gigs, in, Et.4,000. • --she, .0.f.. -,70,0s and Ce legf hawk keien't Ale Aileen ;and, arthis:
'then • tcrthob,.: rake --Wei* 'hied .with -tine
Crinad.ian fisheAt.S; 'were, very etc- porentiy., 'opettlitigr. Came .
Swedish on of the king, quoii IslaTsicre..V.6-113e 7 ,
cesqul .during 'the fear just Past and -.0',,ating woman Who added bits •of dried:
His feathers Parted' tent; WIth the twenty, -a Ic'eerrsrnrtswornaa. aad" 4,:a:SO 'being PreSeet, • ' sitrai8lift!'threughotit..
• in ul dancer, . lVforeover, . is; P.rinctzes Astrid• arid Princess !giler, in, her
pictule-• • , . • , ,•• •• h D he'• W*.S•n"thAS•
v'our with good rnarkets for their output of tndiig The rulieb of Rnudan ti
askm .,n which she has met cf Norfok during
frora, a brine'', ; ,•; • 1,0140.a abCnit a: Year 13y., the Duchess; pripee Eenry ',we '.1115,nendoua•fist. aass• .4elytt
the• 'Pfigirtteata' 0y11;11;id...si, toes:and strAch,your.arrni•above
Belo*, ';c.ototinitt;' ..tinispended print••the".POnee;
of Ws bring Yetir Ilan& betWoon'Your thighs: „ansi many theusatids; of • tearists.• " The, While the ;Sao. lea arp„,;.birt as At elnIcs. to ;
Canada last season Was V404(+0:1;hY. •Mcialiesii fast; • pcirlaide".all foed• 'Orr drink, .
a.s she stayed in 1. visit., '• • When the were 1.1.0r°, s 'eater.t,ae
- • ,
,- 'stories cif their experiences appearing outdoors. .-
da.y's. work, ft is vary usefels' to sit up-
ito As a general rule' they'. ire
• • Jt — in their local press' and euttnePatai- Leaning 'against 'the 'f'ence •cf••;•(.1tried.;
reillek,s-t'Alliel I watched the .
Men .usnitil silie,-.becerne• awitre 'nf iny•••;..,
' 'd th are oo a ready 10 DO friendtly .ko iniatiOnctti tO •
A formers w,ife, ePeaskIltg •of the right in h edke,h, with the foot not oei Cations,- The coming season. will *it-
" The; peach flower and.the.ONMHIllewer---s-Tbaiiaeap, apinessinnUintelligence.of . the ,foke;t1:00...Atm greater incurs t es
• • .
1 , . ,
.• bell, •
lantern. • have a beauty, „. • her son --•a lad sixty ' Years. ,••to twist the truma roamd as far rtS pos-
d d
GloWe ruddily; . . ; .. . • ... , '4yithicli'fieturicil in, the "171314 :°f-.'eu. ltadY..acquitiuteitee, ,Said: . .., . sole, to It4i. lard rISCAII.ItieraRtgrActeae.b"..autle . . itr" ; • .Canada needs: ank1S,rala rapid- my mY mouth in: the uni.i. v.Slfeal alguelon-. •
. , ... .my reom. • -....• . .., . .. - •The •:snoW'S brief Charm is ptirity:;•and.. I I earning the good 7/111 of the world, in. age for Iftinger... .Nodding 'yfg.orous-. •
Groat, heitYy, oth.ioditoi,iiit. obottook. . • , • dew': •••,,,. s • • . .
ti;eer. Bible.:.,,re. ,P.:P.4, Abe' whole. Catec ism
. . . '' in ;energy and in •Niral- . my 'seam* ' ..iitolOmalory: / :.. said....
berof. well-ienown tnoyenients, such as
One by one the 'sbutterSiii.ilia,honaOs ' ..brightnesai• • . ' • ' . ' . • • ,und" weed • onions -its ...Well; as his, fe../th-' beiolag., ,stretehitegi %and eireling,,the.il and in, tho'eoining yeni in production,. V, ,sthse laugbectli•er. tuiderS,ttanding of:„
are drawn, . -- - - ., . . ,‘ it. does. not„,.elteito t e.. s _ . . .
un- ' •
• the young luaaris,eig and ,.0,,lcne... e,-laseriscling‘;' 'irioi.,, 41,4... in enterprise., ,. .. . : .
other perfectly.. 1 then matis :9161'114o. •
• • ' "Yee,,• mOthei,;.'• , added'' ' . thetour.•• 44 ' • ' .,, :1. 4 itif,,, -,•,„6.•
''''!' 7 1 Inn to Our national.guests,- .. Radhadapi., . ,,,,..,! Le ,alisw,c4,0.• ‘,71, .‘
t..,14aora.n. lio:dalliuiti•ger ..s., ag,bee,,,ltah,:i.ea;,:l, 11.1::pre..aliteeilri,..'•,...
. back•andilangliedi •Oli.idling fercibly F60 •
• •
It le the. reflection, of the With ,n
and shower.. , • . .'.• *"1-16. can read•fluently 'fanny...part , For the limbs there are t
• .• • ' . . . . . . . .
of • • • • , ve, isers.
• That. lose With metal hinges • • ,
, ista,- e us . ' • • • , .t h 'the both, laughed' for- We rundersPlood each
As if to, defy. the night '
„Figures .cOme tothe .winclows, •
.1 Look out for a moment. or ,twci,•
Then pill' the • wooden gape. together,
What; I wonder, 1. 'the more., lovely
-7:From the Chinese of..pao-Ohao, by helieini,„.'.'and. "2„yeatsesiday, licked' Ned •
Ohs:AM' Eaw's.oar, threwed: the:tat into the
was used, atithe chrliterling of H.M. neop e ••• •
4 • • no
whieh_thi fakcte'...tsheecto.r?.danpaldi,lac'egniod' en6anitiocluiennt4w1o1r1
, •
Victorna, 1887,- presented to Lord' •
crjellicoe, on 'hAs recent visit to New -
Familiar Niclullune of Bank
of fengland,BaffleaHistorians. -.
'rho: Origin Of . Old Lady of
Threadneedle Street,'". the latekname cif
, the Bank of England,' nester has been
;definitely 'esstabliisthed, :but. !The..Lon..
den ;1'00m:else • traces the.; „appelle....
-.tien back as .far as 22, 1797, When
;Wtfliam ...Pitt' :induced garrlianaent to
; larepend Cath pa.ymente at the hank. ,
:draw' his fa-
mous, iartboita wihlch 0.(iws , an 'Old,
latly,•..seated on a cheat labeled "Bank
England,w'bOng savagely attacked
• ' • lir Pitt, .The drawing was .pubilehed
1421._2•14797;, With , the caption:
'!plireadneedle;'.Street Iinnser.',
.1' • , Ravialintent,,M—•*670.15
• But; di le argued:, Garay ineY heve
• ana4,a use 'of "an
• 16g5, a Medallion appeared, :and all
..tatpipee•ns,:sen the bank's 'sr.,oeis.„.
It co-
elsts Of a seated, dreier' 'figure, *1th
•..the bkid sprig Ln
s' One band ands& sipcsar•inZie other, and
throttghont More than. '406years It has,
remilued .sabstaittially the sairao, r
a' recent .inedaislion;'! says, . •as.
' *Ater in 'a 'recent nitinber of the
,by rea-
son of the .eitraordinarf ifersiatetioti or
., • , ,
: ttak •epolltio , detatia, we have
resson.able eiplanatien Of the
ocrigin:;Of -nip • ithreae, The f:Ild Lady
of Threalnecdle Street • '
• kbreover; he adds that: It Is net tin -
likely that the Anctiallion .was the
bank's Sign , Yihen •;stigna'Wsete tariversel-
„ay used, and t-liat, In the archiiieS%there., •
, •'erre :o14•"lettersi•addresSe.;1 to th•e bank •
TheY, prefer to look upon:indoors?
I Open my P'rench. Window: •
And Stand inthe evening alt. .
. .
Would It were poseible io.frame, my%
• ,colorprint—. •. ' '
-MY papier, mi
And:keep it forever: •
But. the grey' has: elreaditui-ued 10
• heavy shadow.,
' *and ittole old11111•61doys• glm .
, .
Concreth can now belnade in differ.:
ent colors, thus'avaidieg the monotony .NeceSifilty does ,everything well
of hard'grey houses. - •;.. • .• '
I do net °Yen seem,y tree.
• • .;sst ..--D. A. Loyal'.
The ,go1d has ,ali gene frOal 'mY (101-
fbol, row, • • ••
T e on -es ofl e g
iliat you knowi .••••
But Vhetr leaves in the annlight still
. give ine a thriii• .•
„ 'Wheifthe wind .0afISS over eald then. .
thy are st1ll,
The first one starts, smiling, i•omaraint
Iititie smiley • ' •
Thentt spreads to his neighbor MO •
right down.” thealsle• ,
',•-•:=Mande Mary ,Cock,
• •
' Mr. Seri -Ziff Hicks. the waknown
actor,, hasobe eeten, 'breakfast for
years. -110. finds that a good lunch and
a -good Emptier are•itifficielat to keep,
him fit- • . ;
• cas ,ie.
who he1 not been a oiaokt.d to ht*..., :eat. • A', harsih, voice, oanea
,Peit , , •her,ihnsband, so twaVed ''gtind night",
• -' darkness' of the ht, clice;.e eVldentlY
She also Made ,the Sign of wishing 10
t e „
L•e'clited' �e d6er''S•111,t11. usf: and' Wiwi,' mY Vey iqng
1;e77 away, '/' • 2• •__L react the ty;rilight. •
: For , fear Of • enniething hilid.en
That benikght find if. ha returned
• eeme day, • =
',..Anti; finding iti•ntit bot4fili• any more '
'171,rith Ntheit,„ h1s frienoti" wee
.rusuling eta, • ..•
.lier,'oare, .thei dikr,Meok ilihniand.dse-
iika lose .to their •securl.ty, •the'r
• ,iaughte:r? • ." • • •
, .
,Who hoe net bung bia..afteama,wlth
• • • shining hatr •
,TwiSted to rafters Of dark ...eofirrrion.
.• And gene .uritti'eubsied. by the 1011,04.4;
' .pitubilled, only indifference,. ,•
Making achieve:a:tent, bitter. on tale
' ': • ' • ,
•Sesoaase he doted 'one 406i •whe,11.,Ite
,Vves young? • :•
' ' .• Pitch Ber'tlett.
A VE,...xAfftiut OiskIALTAri .
1 . 1 s 1 ni.....,, tn. ih. ..in ''fli ottnkr it is makingttroub;e ta South AmeriCa: the. ca„n be conitared to the den-
'..-.1,tr Atm sif, ;.; ,4.... .4 .. 4,'
' !ilii'SY- old . Put IV c. t et, n neitn lug • A ls ae o. and ,.;or.i.file.` It fo :the `disphted; Tao lie -Aria territory between Peru *
(Alto, •'w.hpro efforts of 00118110 Pershing, at adjuatineilt are liarely •trasperitig,/, " ' , , .
4.6.*rr...bi!'!..05:1Trt ..
MUTT AND AND ..,10,07.11-1 Bud., Flither
'ffitreadithectie; . • to r • , Threaneedle)
Street Ori trhewhole, the niedatlibtt•-
proVideo, the „Most accePtablo eXPlEtrial
. of ' the. Origin ' of • the tarn:tiler
' 'tfirarie,to often atbrihuted.. (3obbet.
*, ' Pnattiffe,in ateW departments .hes •
become- under the',
stresti of new functions forted upon ,
her by akof arid, PoetArae ilitancial dee,'
tthle011icattis that her,chitI•00, bsetaiiie :
too nathelistoti4 'to be ibbnalict %indef. tlin •
.3100± Of '4:4A-filid,„...unal4, :VOW' the;frataitaiit"' •
premfse ale
hong •relftii.t in. inagniti-
tent' fb10n toW-L,da"
od.runtbda•tion, NV,Ileitr the ni‘V. itu•
:410ifing Sitruptarohat rirM'estt, may W.
1' r4 iitrn Ir,
,-. waYton new Ono- --Perhaps "Th IThile
,cq.:Threadne.edie Street?!!: - •
• 0 Y
A, mutt` 'who has "executivc
:it" One Who 6n. Make 'Other peoPle alp, •
'Le de the kind. Of- work he hiruse1f.44ss• •
tikes to do,.
JEFF, LGT'S qo Ati,out,Jb
TO c e „;tokeitiAk.),
,De A.1-/A,P4I-GONS
NAP 1.10't)'s A. <-.E4
GE•NEIzi,541:- • At.aD. '
ift/A141' '''te's Ris
• m;
'WU .
tukAr A*.a
• '
PC t?Sl3h.I
motsisietiR, ,
t 'RAVe
. A f
v:i1114 .StR.
• PAR i's?
b e
• Naito of the "
• .
Aakather problem of this ninettled
age. is whether a inother'shOlitd bo her
daughthrs guide or her paeeniallet. •
• ; s
' 71•109.
•• Misuse Si' fitepe..
Btown,-"Give a maii enough rope •
and he'll-" • , •
--19naa. (chuCliftni.a. oak
el thew brand of five -cent :riga rs."
Croesword,:puszles )110e f,1
imprbve.the health of a patient' iii7a '
SuSsex ifartnity, lie hat(
ridden for sit 'years, arl(.1 had iwoonnt '
very depressed; hut tho sq't‘ing' 'of: •
cross, intorda, has proved ,sitcec8s 'la
cheeting hint tap,
'That's the Kind of Trout They Have in France
• Ou it:t 11-k EY?
w -1-13ay e.
A.tSel.67.E L.
All C. 0051,1..
.stre....to stews
kAilbe, BC RIND. A
•I'ReG 1361t
•Ih. 6
W. 0, c•
i• •