HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-14, Page 1. • • • • • „ • k1. • • i2.00 YEAR IN ADVANCE; ;2.50..4THEEWISE 410 Know,. oNT„, THURSDAY. JANUARY 44th; 1926. • i • 1 • • 0 PA0FiSVONAL CARDS "0; 0 -0L -0:--0-0,70-01-0-0---0:-Q • ;• Dr. W. AL :Connell' Physician and, Surgeon Lucknow. • , Hours :2-4 • • 7-8 ,Phope 86 , • " • " • • 'DENTIST MacLeod, visit. Lucknow very Tuesday ii Dr. :,Connelt.s °dice.. • . •. DENTIST , • ' • Dr. A. L. ,Treleaven, Lucknew...- Over. Decker's at ore: • Extraction either by gas or local: Will be ia Dungannon :every 'Thursday. • • Phone 83 • DENTIST Call Dr.' Newton Make appointment In office everyday. 1:EXERYBODri ,COLUMN . Geo. A. giddall; Lieknow, ••••ErOker • and Real Estate. --Money to lend m • first , mortgages on farm proper- ties at 6 and 6% Per Cent according ' .to securityoffered. • Also Lima arneants on second • mortgages on • firm properties and on personal 'notes: A few good farms for sale r, f . ,i 0,4-7,0:44,7-.4-,-00 .-f*-.,(1-7-0,.-..0 Mrs,. Wair,lidurdie-•Iti. SPending ,''the . • . , „ week witli4:417tr, 'slater; MiSs Suther- land, In lean40,1; ° Mrs. .John ,„.liaelcett' Who fell and. fractured - a rb a Week ;age is *ell a enthe way • recovery'' , , , • .. „,„*.r. :Mid s;" . Win. Bald •'" of . St Helens, spent Sunday 'at the home of. Mr: -and Mrs. Wm. Paid, Of-LuckneW •• • A . • great •niaak. • subscruptiort,,Tt, neWals Ong*. to be ' paid •to • , The Sentinel this. -month, How :about yours? 0. . -.. . ... ' • . • . Mrs Percy Naylor, who has, been visiting with her parents, here; since Christmas,: returned .to Toronto • on Wednesday. :. • • • , .. " tgr..Cee11 Manin :ii.:01••London, this :week attending the Minuet convent-. lop of the:Western ' Ontario DairY, (nett's. • Association. , ' :••••-•• ; Mr Frank Frank. Tiler 'is back at the C.N R Station as asidittant after .haVing occupied. a .anular position at at Forest, 'for some mons.. •. ,•The Belfast L.O.L. No 499 wil hold, a l5ox.:e9Cial and entertainmentin their,. Half it Belfast' On. the 'M44. Wag of Friday. Jan. ggth. Miss •Leea Smith, who has: been hi Wingham.''Rospital the Oiet week Was operated .for 'appendicitis on Wednest, day morning:, At ;teat ' reporta, she was keeping as • We.1 as cold be ix- • I have added to my ;VG Rev. T.. Wesley biatiness a Steck. of al Paaer W MeV -be .seen at my i liam 1VItirdie :will attend the the meet., 7 .- • • . residenre any, time, --R. J. Cameron/ .1._ng of tna, Brace Presbytery ,of the ....Painter ' and DecoratOr• „ ' Uaited •Church in :"Palnierston 'next • Ttiesdatr. • • • • . „ I.Acknow Flouir 'ir,he Mission Band af••the United bradd' eancaridir, in. the A.1in • Store, Campbell St. on Saturday afternoon, • this ,week.• • . • • Chureliwill have a sale of 'home; made CHUR•CH NO • Special ?serVice,s will be held In the United Church next Sunday When Rev. Dr. 'Robertson ofjhreato, 'Gen eral . Secretary of the Board of Pah. , bath • Schools and Young Peop.e'E Poiejefi4S of the: United church of, Canada will preach aneraing ancr,evei„ nirip:; 'and al give an addreas, in 'the. •aftemoOn. 'fhe January Meeting. efAlie, W. M S., of :thePresbyterian Church, was 'held on ,the Mra. B. MeCurc ° The -Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Elmer Johnston. ,Bible. Study was given by4Mrs. R. V MACKeazie. A paper on "The tife" of Dr. Goforth" was 'given' :by Mrs. Hor- • ece Aitchison. A duet was sung • bY Mrs.; C. H. MacDonald and Mrs. n. T. Douglas. Mrs. Henry Mnlin read r •paper 't`The, Open. Doors of Opportun- ity." •• .11N,AUGII,RAL MEETING, 1 Althonghleastifnted-the-samo-a00 infi Year: the LucknoW Village Colin • , ell, Went through . the , formality •of holding • an inaugural ffieeting er .. . . Minday Inorning ..of olis week" Mem- • hers merely took "the. oath -of office aftar' whieh, adjournment:'...was made :until Tuesday morning, whenprgun- izati�n ler the YeRrs.worko was taken Felleteng , are ' the standing'', com- Mittees for .1926; the; first •named ; ir each ',case .helag.• chairman: , Fire, and Light: D. N. ,Johnstone. A. E. Bus. wel,, R Rite; *eats' and Bridges: R. Mailin,°R. Rae, D. M. Joir.stime; Hydro: Reeve Johnston, R. Mullin A. E. Buswell; Petitions.",nd By - Laws: A. E.' BUSwel, • R. Rae,- D., M Johnstone; ' Property add Supplies: Rae, R. A. E;BuswelE: Fi- nance: Reeve. Johnston, D. M. John,. , . Stone,' It. Mullin, • • : sui PES, 5.OENTS. & naNrn, OF Mr, IVILL. MCCOY Friend •of the MaCey family wee greatly shoe,ed 6„ :Friday of hist 'week on learning that Mr.'• Will. kc,. m°r' Da D was; due to a. c,,Ot. lof:1.4604 'fern -in. varieose Veins, • with wh:ph ,he 11(' boontronbled. for ,some :years. , • Mr.' McCoy lived a ,'Ahoft...ANt4wic._: north tccf Wingharn, near the cer, t ery, and was ,ernployed, at the Gun. sonoia factOrV:. •HO Went' Friday .itierriingi 'apparently in uStial health,. but' early •,;.,n the noonconiPlained ef,', a; pain about heart and he taken ,Ikilne,'Whev , he passed away ,in about an hour. - Mr. McCoy was in is 42nd: yeal., and he leaves -a widow and • h.: ;children -4w° girls, 14 and, 6 years o• age, and a bey of 9. He Was a ski•i niechanie ,and ',the family iS very Pcinalar ,in the neighborhood wh&• • : St. Peter's, A, Thia ePganlizRtion.. is the Same Re thWeeAnYt 710it..vir.beorn.Mondaytai c "I. attend' ...funeratavohieh...wastO" .the Winghn Sanday,••"&f-Ter'Ei;• ,services held in St. Peter's ire: 3. P.M. Sunday' School; officersei , . Treasurer,'appointed Choral tommunion and 'Sermen; 7AgnTeewviir.: Secretary; Assessor, T. Douglas; sang and Sermon.- Preacher, ;Rev. Engineer, J. Bell; Medici,4 Health Of. Carton :Gunne M.A., London: Soloists: ficer, • Dr. • A. N..spene,e; .;Krigine Mrs, C ark and Mr.' Stanley. Special Assistant, and 'ToWn Hall Manager •1' Church, next Sunday,When the Bert. Ward; Meter -reader, P. Stent.;,- ' ,tiful gifts of Mrs. Ale*. Ross; ard• • and Mrs. T. W. Smith, and Mrs. co. Appointrnents t 13- the 4/V10Y H. Sniith will be consecrated by Rev. 11°' ar:CI were made ae•I°11.1.)wa: Rev' • T. posens or 3 'Years; •A.• D. Mac, .'; With ;theinstallation of. new Ma- , 'Oilier/ and, by extensive re -model, ling we are makinga higher grade of flinir than the milt has eier. „made; 'TrY'n. b.ac,and 'Convince. ,ITOorself. -:=.Your-nieney refunded if not eatisfac E. Treleaven LOGS WANTED • •'111/e,, the undetsigned, ; be in.thc Market staring the winter, to buy 'al ' '• kinds of Jegs;willtake .all' claises •6! logs down •to What will Make, ',.gooc Soiled crating liimberr, ttad• Will pal the. ,highest „market price, "-wording to quality..' For furtherparticular flatly at •ouroffice, or call phone. 25 Lacknow.-'-The Lucknew Table Co. Buttoh, Manager. • • .ANNUAL MEETING • The annual meeting of the` Luck, now Agricultural Society will be, hele' •in the Towri1ial, Lucknow,. on •Fri- - day/ the 22iid •day of January, A. ps. "•:.1926, at 2 o'clock pan. All member:. are requested to attend. • 14-1-C • Joieph Agneta, S,ec'y A, Foxhound, on or about 'Jim. 5th Was •last seen VA miles bast of lio,y • rood. White and tan With a slit in one ' ear. Anybody knotaing of him pleas( .• write or Phone 24-612,,. Wingliarn.- A-rthur Moore, Litclmow,.R. 5. • FEATHERS WANTED ' ariees-Taidloi. feather B. lflitzstein's Dry •Goods Store. ' .1410GBArd, TO PE BROADCAST . , Invitations have been issued for the ,annuel 'AC floirie,a the :mily'on'Qld, .noses ges4lati0ni of Toronto to be held in Oddfel:ews Temple, 229 Col- . • lege Street; on Thursday eveniag, --• Jantagy_218t. _The.,programconsist- • ingL addressesiquirtettea;' solos; and ether musical nipnbera be •,‘ broadcast by ," as also wi 1 file 'dance program fer-Which !music be supplied by Burton. Till's Or- . , cheatra. The proceeds will be a con- . tiibution "to a .fund.• treated by the • , • _. Mrs. Temple Clark in Chatham this week, OA account of the .illness or her sister, Miss. Isabel, Douglas. "Peter Pipe's Ttoubms," in the Town Hall, this (Thuraday). evening ' . . bir.artil•Mrs..derdOn, Irwin of West Wawanash have the sympathy, ..1.f friendsin the death of their infant son., Canaan Gordon, who died or Tuesday Morning; at the age of sev- en weeks. • ' . '.4.ssociation last Yeiii in aid of li,uror ulitY ,lieSpals. • • .MAFEKING • • ' We are sorry :to 'repeat' the ihneas Mias.. Isabel Douglas, . 'who is this seek in the , hospital 'at „,Chathain Sha" Spent "New Year's .Day,„ at : .bei home;,- here, and was taken ill on re- turning to •resunie her duties. / Mr. hnd••• Mrs. Raberg of RoSleck 'were gyests over the week•-eacti „ 6,1 Mr, , and Mrs. Decker. The trip tc Lackn•Ow had spe4a1 interests ,foi Mrs. Raberg a4 (though •60 Years ',el .age) it was the first experience •of. a -aiLwRY trig. - • A."‘A'..Canieren, of Peterborei , -The neW A0111614, Courieil met Jan. , . itth, We ,extend, to thena• our. Cen. .gratulatiOnt. and best- `wishe for: r, taccessful year.. Mt." and gra. N. .F.liacidetori 'via - Red Winglynnieilds this week -end. . Mrs,. W, F. .Gardner, ,who !was the .gtieSt of *Vs, S. J. Kitipatrick, ;)ag week, returned home,. VridaY." arid Mil. tidy: Atton and,Child• n, si)ent. Tueiulay vo:th Mr; 'awl Min, Blake.. , Cation.. Ginnie.' erneterk. Tvio brothers,. James; Cleveland • aild Joe • of Chatlyt;i and two 'sisters • Bettie of Chiea- nd Mae,of Landon, , were, at haTia to-. attend the'funerah, • omet mg •n,ew each day- 'Jai,. . r nary' Sale- 8, Big 'Bath Towels foi MOO,. or each. 35c*Horneil Muraock '4 Co. Kearae, 2 years; W.: Anderson i year United Church Y.P.S.• .: . • , AlliOugh 'there was a goaii'derat of ' • discussion on street ImProVeinekItto'bE, 'dress( on the ' the - topie •at the , Young •tielte--..k-H" oitaat 'inettels Caine 'op.: -1-•'-eOplea_•,meettingimp _': Monday evening,, Speaking on the;•aubject f - Kenneth 1,Murclie . occuPied, the.„, , SS1011S. chair 49d Mr. M. Ar.91W.011g gave tiie‘ScriPture. reading. 'Following. Mr., MacKenzie% address the .meeting was Open for general 'discussion for a,. short Jime. The, SoCiai o4;Intiiittee Will have charge of the Program .next Monday, evening,: when a • good pro - //gram ..and Social tittle is assured. • , GET ititg QUICK ;. From . away down in : Heuat„ots 'exti•Statetha _land, of. and.: fraud, we had •tt • commuaicati, • . • , , the ether ••day :(hci, doubt 'many •mciq. , 15c.. Something ..'..tereitheitt 'got the :sante thing). = -- 4 , each day -,•' January •caaace to make a sniall, fortune' Murdock Co. •• • • e; inves eat of ten:, oiler • Not an abso'iutelY sure Paid a short ,visit to his parents lome.thia. week on his return return 'fronk. tiansas city, Miesoui4 'where. he , hae -aken a special course in • Dentistry •in the Deaner ItuTeiif'-t'lR'- )ast few ,weeks. Presbyterian: Guild. The ;Pwgrsiii-,--1Wonday--evenin?„-A1V1:::. inthe hinds gf the • President ane Vice President. Miss - Fern . Reid, read .the Scripture Lesson. •A vane, on the topic' 'New 'Year% Resohitione Tog. .THREE scHoot says, but pretty sure -L. -Worth ' Variety was given the program he the ;School of Agricultural this week' • •: • "Ten Dollar Flyer." senelsatrroe.httallzo*.iitiss:rlaft49th,sitSoUisthie.rsni. The outfit that sei.4,,ont, o(r.: by: the special Swine Marketing Goalie .., On Wednesday a reading0i1. WOO; jUg.t AO Offering. Ger.:. man Bonds. It 'asks you te -WY. file • • ' .• • • • • • Was read by Rena MacDinia.d. •Mar. Saret Maeponald, gave a recitatiOn •aad Marion. Jamieson and Donate Henderson, readings.,•ReY. Mr; Camp bell gave s' short talk".'". The rausica , minibers were' instrumentals by *r Wan., Spindler and A ex: MacKenzie' The devotional Committee will hair• charge of , the program next MandaY • • ' . ASHFIELD , CHURCH NOTES ° ••Hear .Dr. Pierce and .the Armenian. aoys in `the Town Hall,. the evening '1' Friday, Jan. 22nd. They will giVE i god prograin. ,illustrated • With lantein slides. They come to Luck. offs under auspices of•the Women's 'flat:tate. Admission: 25c. and 15e. , 140 'bloc We ex neury:ibes • tiaPPYw s poto. three -act humorous drama prepared by the youag pecple of :oordyee..Scheoi Section,. will be. pre .iented in, Carnegie 'Hal1 Llicknow he 'evening of Thursday, Jan 21st rhe play has been given a number of times,' ami .is said to be very enter; taining, It'• will be given lin• Luck •now under' atisaices of the Luclthow L.O.L.-• The playwill be felloWed, bY. a dance. • lt ; 4t::,Reed•;.7.101,-ziallektfOW.ritielit •veek with her daughter, M. nderseti, ;4.to Mre, James wislieg tor i long 00411 evening oon. Pffilast, Jno, ildana *dome, Mfor wives. 208 thotead Of a0g, Re had 48 • • 910,4114-0t Air Ealolt no. 0-11010004. o o 0--. Card Of Thanks= -To. Our -kind friends and. neighbors we wish toex ,•, • , ' .„ • - The Toting People's League Of Zion •Chu,rch gathered at the parson-. age , for their regular • meeting.. on Tuesday . night. A missienaY *lc -,trits given by, Miss 'Eva Gardner, an(' following the programme t1/41 enjeYee a variety of • games,'. during the re: mainder /oif the evening. Services ,. be regular on Sun. day, 'next. Balce's .10.30 A.M. Hee. etts „Zion 7.00, P.M The Paster Will Preach the 'second . ser-. mon of the aeries announced. for Jan tiarY, upon the :subject: "The Yeunt. Man Who Was An Athlete": Tress our heartfelt appreciation and., sincere thanks for .the Many 'acts of kindness done -to • us and the sympathy shown .clarili-the sickness and her.. eavement, it his •beea: our lot to en- dure' in .the recent past, by the death af wifeandinothit.. Agalit we thank , One' Mal' " Wni, and teat 'WOOL Something new each day at Jaiv nary Sale-74coteli Knitting Yarn; VA „ ,spci.41., ammo• , 'ttticknaet: t 0, 0.P. l'iitfge Will hold. a NEW' OF-riCE4°S-8----'FOR .JEWEL ,•Loopg. . . ,ipstitiattoo of officers' for the tun rent year took place in the local Re- 13eicith4 Lodge, an Tuesday night of last Wieli:'-'-instahition was con.. ducted :by, the District Deputy Sec'y.,' Slater Green, df SauthamP ton,'.aiaiated by Sister ttkita MaeRen. Kincardine, acting As Marshall. Officerafor the .year are: ,PaSt G., Sister Jessie C ark; N. G.; Slate( Alice, nailer; V. d,, Sister 'Jean, Ait. 'Chaplain, Sister, Mary Mae ••Kentia,F--.Bee.,•--S(Wy.„.„-.0 ar are' Watson; Fin. See'y., 'Sister An c .Johnston; Treas.,' Sister Alma Mc- Kay; Warden, Sister Hattie Carruth Conductor, Sister 11. G Sheriilf• Musician, Sister. berg .mieicenziel, R• 5:N. G., Sister Mary Johnston; L. S N. G. Sister E: M. MacIntobli R. S. V ' G., Sister Sister Pearl ' johnstoti; L. S. V. G Sister Cora Nixon; Inside Guard; Pis, tee Verna Aitchison; Outside Guard Sister Margaret Sproul. CORRECTED- FIGURES- bat more delicious these, cold days than I'mt batter tCiaSt, Milk toast 'and cinnamon toast. w en' ,ad with Our even -grained Creamy -White Quality Bread. * • ' Our HoMe Made, Raisin, and Whole Wheat Quality aires-are-gaining in popularity every Iv eek. , , FO1%TURDAY rrbg.D Cream puffs teMon,Cheese Cakes Raisin Bread Doughnuts "LeMon:.Merange Pies HOMeMade Bread' "Nut Rolls Oatmeal 8i Dale Cookies_ Whole Wheat Bread - Bring in our Butter and Eus. and Obtain , • - The Best Prices HOILJANIAN'S. BAKERY . Lucknow- deniOnstration Wasgiven at the Stock Yard,s; On _ Friday ,eCtitres ivaill bc' if You think • "ihe:derMail 'Pe6Pe ea ' 4iven on the breeding and feeding:. 's•tafie a come -back, from the ra!" hogs and; on .• judging Of Brood gows In the afternoon there mill bc . , , lectures on problems , in . ,Hog Marketing . .their islation to proft and loss,: Lecture ,and• Denionstratie., on the Canadian., Bacon arid _British . caused. by the war.' This. ScOuadra, pretty' ciite. He doesn't say he has sure .thing, and be doesn't want mt money- just a tea dollar bill.: Pc.. hips they have, no ten,:do:lar bills doWn Texas• -only• fifty or bundree -narket; ife* Ontario Hogs . Gr#4:kd: (!T.:)plrliatriabiltialspritra.rni7,tte,riaeteailltfeTivhiosttilL- in105.. : •••• ,.... :: : 4 ' . iiia, little tens. . ' ' ' • • • • : .. ,,... „•• • The 'lectures are UMW .:i/Pitraluc,eti:ete01.1.,41ainyrd'heoaribLotiofeti,.:t7., b:,, .... 'J. il. ‘1110' 1.0aToroph.le7.01. :10i wii1.11.e.h14;b9:4,..' i'c;ibs to' thatatlt:,:ohilii!ciajeAdi3s.iii.i:. ; Mr.. D. M. Beattie. will be here from., 7.10fid • fritad : in the Coming years. • In :st.,fhohlie.L.Felti,8,7t4h1.1:nii!eitiliryeio2g2r7:(1natiri,sWr.ill:isicieuvorti 1.,stttspi::,a,03er.,g.tre.heoydy: y... inl, p:11:y, "..,. 1b1i11.2:1 •-:18tb"to 29th, :Ilia subjects vVia bo.Faim ' Mechanics'. which ia: ii.i.vA4-0.1A‘10'en't.1!,,vctrpeoari;iii3Oinhia...i.ss., 'eapet•41.ity ndes anch prettical *Ark as 'rope., ..,yyhter,..:.!i.tsteiLs .0..ethc.0.,...... • •• .:::, ' splicing, Saadering7 70t. and.. ,t‘ old.; f•.'4ntcle;,,,,,.ilisma4,kre,7,",,...s.ii`i4tabi.:1:ter!preptIlearueseallotk•i.:. •' honeity,Aluf t overlealts ;Oag' 'thing- . , _ . . ' 7ontlet why. a Texas eoncern,-,slia- '4 . ' ,' . • NIMIMMINIMINfiff/MMale - • WEDDING. Norfolk -Milford St. St. Peter's Episcopal church ' with its Xams decorating was a pretty Set- ting for the wedding of ,Mias Edith. Milford •tif this eity formerly of Bel- l!ast, Ireland and Charles •Ncir, ,rolk of this city formeilY of Toronta, Oatarict, whit% took„ place Saturday ' 1)eceinber--26.th, the, Reverend .13111lip. .preceded .the bridal procession . sing - ng f,9 Perfect Lave,". accompanied. by Dr. Smythe 'OrgeniSt. The bride "WHITECHURCH ' Quite a 'number of t the people in , Our 'village and hOnnaunity have the measles., •We are . sorry te report Mr. Thos. Morrison to be ill. 'with piieurrihnia, 'We hope. for a speedy recovery.• 'Mrs. Geo, ,Garton,anit' fetidly spent . Sunday, rsith Mr. and Mrs. W. Arm- istrong,10*.' MisseS-701iVe and Ruby Kennedy are attending the. ' _sheik ::Cdurse Liieknow, Sipee the New .7 0, -ho, was given in, Marriage by her Year: 1.- „,.:. brother was lovely ,in peach georg-,. :Mrs, ,Royz:Jrwin of Ashfield, visit- ette•Arimmed With :crystals avd. gold ea Thursday df last Nieelf, at the carried it4h.„:hicotvitre hhiotl'icitt'oinoaffC.hiridtes ome Mrs.anDu.arGyi,Iliess., Bern j 1 t 19i6 in roses and liies of' the vallcy. itileiss•• Mr. and and Mrs.'. Herb. :Laidlaw,. F . • Ont., *aid of bailor,: was charming Tne Annual 'Meeting of . the , In lemon georgette: with gold. • lace • byteriali Church will be held, Tues.; •, ;..ad a black :picture hat,. She earnest " day January 19, A good attendazigg, an artn, bouquet, .4 white an ye ow • is requested. , • .,:hrysanthemuMS. • :ie. Strachan, . •Whe wore- pink Creeeerng.,"''. ''' l‘fiss Lew weeks ..fialevale, • • ...• ' Clara • Pair on -is alien ter- ., • The liridesmalds were Itlis' s I•• tte flounced with lace over erepe de Mr.- Oiheea ''Gillespie and b,'s :grg" hiiie and a black Picture hat, - She of men are making ,11big .:im, prOve:', ',. e.,,,ichie s 111,, west of carried an-. arm booquet of 'White an, ment on hello thrYsanthenitlina and 'Miss •Sar -ii here. They have the ;wok. that .v.vas •-h , Milford, !dater of. the bride who;:1..betVFeen the. two rinds': taken out, and .'sAa'otrien .•'Pe4nRdeho: it!gbelrgeotticetuiOev, herat..pe,sel'illei.t..ohide eharridtteptiast •ohnigithlie.h,,ssotuhthe solid; '1370fritghee.: etrilked'eahilye':rith.ebnialiaqinte.!•:' 6DifTrw...hi7,,aftfl';.dit .i,vas.' "Then last week they b:ew the -; • old bridge., ti: • with dynamite and • . will ,soon have underneath, it filled in, brother Of the ,grcioth, was, While I this Work is going.on,the .. best nuith The .ushars • were . Messrs. -jack Morrison of, La Salle . and Jos teed is always open for traffic.._ -. eph Henderson, ..ef • Niagara Fa, Is,: An 'old'ancl. highly respected res - Ont. The bride's. gifts to her :attend,. ident passed , away on ..,Ten. 3rd, at his.: ants -*Pre l*arl, chokers. The groom's hOme On the division line; 'in the .per. ' gifts to • tbe ushers .. and best Man son of, Mr: Ches.. Martin, Sr.. He was Were. cuff links , and ' tie pini. Ahmed-, the teat of Seven throthers. The Spa- ,.'aitelY. folleviing the •Cerem nv a b - - re" pathy ,of. '...the Oonnauaity is extended 'ceptien "was, held at . the liume-of,the to his *aged sister; Miss,,Maggie4lar- i,ride's mother in Twenty-fifth street.• ic.iedonr1.1..t•rin±..aen.d. sother relatives. , . . ;lovers twere laid for 12 at -the iiIS Th annualglee mg 0 , _., " t' ' f' the 'Sande 'tab et. which Was attractively School was held, in the .basentent of , - . a` th P esbyterian Church, last' Thurs. (tied lin pink and white Slid with ' fact that. e , Canadians aner., BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL 020 / oify 9 ,olf the members of 13rum offering Ge -'man ,,bends for :sa .4egiCountysiat ion, in fact ntent to7.. f 0Creu:nitiv•y Torontout hoenb e. rorMontreal 'nyitnr. t rzghaao:c1 e:dealers ha lfle thd Ransbury, Stf.Ednitinda and , W is after 'Several years' absence -•feeni ,returned _ ts jutit'as. well:to be far , Now, there mak be Gernian beach municipal life.' Those 'who were 1101 betceom,Peravtiaclaolaitlew, obritithiethsse'rN3ieh'ahrvl will Many such beads- and xnarka which will 'remain ,juat „Ai they are; va.1- aable en'y as curiosities ores brtE 'Of paper*, and an average man has no means of .distinguishingthe good:IA.0m the had., Oil4 certain sin of ta bad bold ,or Mark that if is' offered to you as a' speculation bY. fer‘sn'ey dealer. ' ' Nothing but a deSire'to ;defraud .would prompt any Texas concern :•11:: offer 'theii, wares, be they shares in oil wets or , German beads for sale in this. " neck of the wooda." ' • : members. of County ,Counci. in 1925 are marked with an asterisk. Huron loses' its' deputy reeve by, the ineOrt Oration of the village of Ripley, ' . . • ;Albemarle -Ernie .AsherOft *Ainabel-Sert. ArranL.-Chas. Thomas• Brant -D. ,Willoughby. • yhiendyid (Deputy) • Bruce -W. A. Eogk • *Brute -:-,Geo, McKeY, (Deputy) .Carrick..Tolin. Weigel • • CnreSSL—pavi!d McDonald: Eastner:—Epli. Scott. • ' Eidershe-••John Oswald • *Greenock-AhdreW ,Ditat r :A:Juan-W. J. McKay • • • Kincardnie Tp. -G. Alexander. . sa-y.-.7--DargeDeriald ' • The retnraing ,affeer's ;figures for the muhiciiitil. 'electienf redently "hel? ``WittOft,' Car- -ruther'll tettli Wife WaS'168 lastead tsf'; 281. lie•A 417 at •P'611 •400 13 it., ite4ia of 40. Mae; total 'vote , tvlonsic-4014., • I, • /1 • , in Kinloss-4oseph Tiffin l'St; -*insbury Sangeen-Dugald* Smith - *Hepworth -E. J..Doirne. *Lion's Head -Vin. tiieknow-ltobt Johnston *Idi'dinay--Jobn Phelan Paisley -Hugh McKerracher ,Port Elgin-:Glilhert McLaren . • • Tara.7•Joseph Tyndall- : • • TeesWater-J, Brown' • Tivertondordefi. OtoWa Chesley.'--J, W. 'Heiserman • *Southamptim--J., C. ' Tolmie Watson • *Nkt.tilleeyton-W.: J. Keyznesten__• Wiiktfon-IX J. 'tiers' D. Martyn . • showing January Sala )14sigi.ins In all ell .i/asaat,.store windows loue10 ;OW -1401'11104411004! Col • KEEPS FRESH; Golden ,..Ordst Bread, keeps freati- juatats.goakthree-daYsjfter bak- ed. Each slice. as •• sat att-fetvety- as when it'Seut:warM 'front' the OVeat A • wholesome, delicate bready fragran- ce exhales from -each loaf. :Only: hest ingredients aecOmplich . this ' keep - fresh 'test for Reids' Golden' Crust Breach, A trial. will convince Phone 68. . • Week -End Specials At Reids' SPoatre Cakes, Butter Scotch Tarts Bets; Italian. Fruits, Jelly. Relit 2Se6a80, Fried 'Cakes, etc. • Renteinberl everybody • likes pot!. We make. the beat.. 'Raids' Horne -Mad' Candy, phone 68." • •.; LOCAL NIAUKET1' large wedding cake centering the , hle„. evening. r."`..James 'wal. , an extended Wedding., tripr to Toronte"! re-elected suPeFiAteridenti with Mess Ontario and .other places of interest, ra? John. Clubb 'and Fred.. DeVidsOn •• „ as assistants. • The • fol owing. ex( A man o d until he begins to the; teachers for 1926: :Mrs. W. • F. ,talk about severe iwinters , • Coulter; ,Mr§.. F. Cpulter;. Mrs. „ known. • Kennedy; .Miss Annie Arrnstrong• "Here lies the .body,'i. is all right, • .Mrs, J. F. DatiidsOn; Mr. -Jae. Cluhh; but "Here lies the epitaph"' Would be, Mr. Angus MacKay; Mrs:: Robt. as lilac. Mowbray. • t ' m• VW:04MM rai: 4 VirArrAt L 'es.,<VW‘WW beTA4 tat.4*4 CLEKS-UP MONTH' ISJANUA ' YOU WILL FIND spEciAtis II,i EVERY .DEPARTMENT OF kl OUR STORE, DURING THIS' MONTH". 4 LAthE'S AND_CHILDREN'S • UNDERWEAR; R E lii LT,c.g o . - :--,-IVIEN"S7N6--.11ISDERI,V.EA1., CED, -'13titief Wheet •.# • 4.4 ova: 85 Oats :11, • It 1.4 Uri ' 40e. POSo 6:1(11`V 1,0 • 14.1.“,11 4$116. P11110it•,,t4,44.*V**t.446,001fii4;14*,4/i0Or. 110$1, *4 V.4 4:e4 1'1*,,t;Sitt.54 It 4 •MACK• AND HEATHER WORS.TED HQS.E, -ALL AT CLEAR- • . , „ . . ,.. , . , .•, A II% 'PRICES. ti. . .1. : • 4,S *PACT, 'ALI?! OUR BRAND.NEW -wiliTyg ooOns WILL... cmuiv REDUCED: ,P,ikgs,,- i.Olt CLEAR1G, PUIt'POSts,,' T0 MAKE . 1 4 MAKE 'ROOM AND eASIt •I'()It SPRING GOODS ' • ' :,. : 41....'••, it k"....,-,.. EVERY ' SALE. is ,,, GUARANTEED- BY ' U4, OUR; INS ERESi., 1 IN A' SALE DOE NOT 'cEAsp, UNTIL YOU ARE 'PERFECTLY 4 g , .SATISFIED, - $PECIAL411, FinerTlannels reduced . to cleating: s . . . , . 'prices. -LOols theat 0.,, . ^ 7 V Ifi4d uswett . ArivagorivamerArato.diroommaratararArarorwier