The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-07, Page 7V.: IM of T,, IMP, Their urjam, S 'a .Rare j r Zo 0,',KA . 11., N_.n,, - -­ -t �-­. - ­­­ -----S- -5 A- cIrc,Pj,,ir§, 09 0qr:PF,Pv po j tM1007V47m)-p "fv -'rrge- "M -KNOWN L is 'AM W. _oc or 4440_10, arlat1pins-1�Cne, Kle*lii Keia_n�v eb", 1, Varlatiqns, _--.S�mprt %o$w v pro�, I pd, loc, ra, L, g'l agopt4 "UT 1,4 In, 91tew;irt so J,,T ,. n,. Kyan, OT 070W.n' Cle pb7 -in, R�clalr Or! TORIONT5. M Inceau Revealid.as- # Map- pffloo. pn Homes'.: r I Gaha* It -is one. of, tlie't `tg I ;, I 4r rickg ef higtory It 0 sul -of pra,46 oth.1no, T60h the; V410�,4 00 arestA�e 'the At Idest' J, I this family P_ er M, why., not bi� rbV%ae4 t A, 411' qYer,�Qme sooth for a�p 9, AW31 00-31n let tho 49f.U, ar..of N.qrj;lja n4. rigi sihould h pav e, a.9 a IOY18 ,, hir, of b-orpeo *9t;rqg 91 efiy rep -eien4tjvp U ai ne n na q.,,; Soc.tPol rnwl.ey? ie of �the. tirst; POS A Wdtopr on equ i, re An01110, t 0.114MO, Of 1j.1, S.sor.4 An 00ka WV'na6, d ` " 11 h ry a whplid ay I Ow r and ve 6P A r toan,' dW ess �rich strenigth.. ij� �of, h clap wboi�� blatory candleis and ffiake��_i -jPO1v 6 r that a7 e &9Any -YIta. t tP.. do but eAs are an - Vis, Jifst o�e u 4e, 'Inits, . . ..... Gunrov . elk tiv , P44, f4y �11, the C1 0, 2t, X162i oth;Ln 11LIM7. rnitni And if haq� just bq.6' F-44MV an NN.tjcjj' tend ency 4q, P ewe4 It Da trio; aflations, O4� that 11j 'p.1111WI Is! one, of,'th furW6hed,':.90 Many Of the� to. te 4or bfh, f 6qV the ehild" to Anp id n,a ngland. qlerelw, to eo. .Y variations -111. 1 1 1 4 .. - 7009 ;P!Mu,. Thz book $ntO SIngee mqne.� ja ifi 'have ivim rlsip, to o Sc de Plume: wi�dj eno oof �tjje, title _y the rld,, an ipipbi, at 'to stay, If wegan ead t e th ork Of all th6e A_n of �t.h as tbiaf of-4101Q.ttliain I'- re t oq.�, bLI'lle- Ve W b en' ano.6 U"i.we, ,c,a fbillily n4int idividuiil� ihefi- tu. e A6'Ga�eli� prohun I tl�h, C"O'Ca- I England but'.: V&eretoi big est �tlih, rgjls�h be1ped .ih ria'aiii'of t e Ang in ne, -or, Q'Cah ane� itj formed $6)ttfs,h 4 the. &r w Ke C e. �Ind 'hea;r cdesaloebagis, all b6r� ern on'the Wh his o tlaon4on,* th# Q* day bf some tljiiDitt. isz- w: of'- �P,`e, h tongue al .9. tslur th Rse Iittld take Aml.bre4k themi'� g .0h. -ac f Ir trace.'bdek to- 9Jf1 Bi;i,'t neare �f' the ha reach Of. let d "'in Ce jt 1, h� Sqoftjs,h,'$ es, IRP tewd' Ilsbyj ,Ae , L thai J.'s a .9 �81 or;lnan . gpon, spend ii 19i .deAte of, b tho'A aucei t fro ow tu.e6' V 6 1 �. Ap thV to. out the 'fi re aiid thftspl- 1 r , , . . �gravels globe,. ndt1i lia qOero tha'ba ot Os� action and Wfotr:ecpeodt as d'Oet One 'of th4 -Inpst n, 2% r Fony Li ow tthem. terosting *ah rate, .'and I -able, ot It' n y! w ry' In 'Shropshire., .One of Is earnings. To te"" hira. th 4 -wo ey L. Stevenad WhotheL a n Ron -s LDn W41t ro' sought,"'hiisr fort:uns in, doe.1 not. grow 04 b h to, 4 e- on to R i_w les, aw r h1s1,,d,4upght4DrI 97 30i: dr. an or �ui "a!" the I h s Wedding. u sual proo, .9cotland' ' t -the c6izrt. -of Kin Day! V:10 n the, eellfig of, Ind-eP6,n4w I , d I e hunciat oh: 0 'Could,yibu joit me haveA 106A pfithe t the middle of the twelfth and aboli and r-rellance Is to 1-4)rd ATOYOk"41VOach for it -119 odcjtsj�:U0 34' 44-94 that-iiif "keen." fis not an�g gf" him obntu - waCs 4pade_ y - h1m, ,Ster PY e, wr6tt�..� bich, casl, the spelling is b eq�lpzl�i� for, life; in. wil Ing -to pay Well in, W ry ard aluable of, the Roy-41,Heusehold," arid 11 0 h nu r for the privileg0ji,io, gl�e :T ere'a.rd mb us small taslrptI acm. fy' use As, a matter of lariel.-6stao6i;. : he i4ce of cordin vfroii�ent, that the filet, however, g. - to . the pn Sir,., WIIIIa So I b 'parents �an- dopVlce for chIldrepo earn y, the way, thfs� chagge of..cane" to "ked -u wai;�,.Iateir made heredlt*ry, li?o.- perved, as�,,pecret!Ary to Landbiii development in Engli sh of cowpara-'a44 iftii�'course of a v60 fqw genem- r that *.il,l be'. very helpful. It Is Liirg May.-vr� -for. exactly balf: it.� -ceuc tiVelk 1nQaerui,'tJiiies,' and h* ineven�� w -�12 tion -A 04'fallowers, who gatherted,.�,bqot a, mistake,, to' -the child' feel he has -at been .60,en'pd- t46 -'!0'A- BP�hlng "is used it' waa prob-;,t4q -*andard of the- 'ad In . .11 1$ Br the eo�om, 4 ly, firs Ca 8 to in-,. FXjgh.,Stoeward,"". Should' not p6ddle h o ow b- , t. pronounced. In. Eipglish'," as after the, Ish, hitUrallir in nded folks will respect a fil d's ,ef- c Is. his�d lu.�thie.Cjty T w�elded'themaoeolves, in -to a clarl', �dqpt� fqrts albin U. lie �iTlfe clag )p aji offshoot, an! anle Ing -the of .,Stewart. It w a egu)ldr trade, -the keeping', ne"04 th tag. In T% p he Suit 'ja App 49e. 0 -e O'Neills-o -.Tyrone, ioitnded 1.1310 ;ret siew,ar, t'' '15' hat di beCOM of aCOUht8--an t o.prodw*,a by,.a chi( On-ean- "King 6�.qceqded his unele fit WJHL 1each 'the 'ialue of Warr I(w he T wa's crqw -as-'%6ber L ro.. an inpress VvlolinNxtin thet David 11-1 fail- Ce,niltury. and ned I Iv Wa wwU�be Is to the Violin - *Iiiak iw' "),In t I *-. �8 t i money I Ppjj'o�w-oncei played 6t bourses',,, this money, e4raing, must oart Jn Copstptlnoplej not be, Perinitted to. interfe �Wjth the a k' .or to. I st ee 01 piorgie.i U�&d to apoprec4,,tj1onj_'hoe wa s a. uttlo� Child's �.-Iaytlm. ',Or assume to . 0' Am- laoce in , the' chlld!�' do "No Ca,, W. .41 MAT scWUje;. neither a , RL it be, 11aprovel hou Welie i6und o. It ble rried!,by tfi�e apoarent4path GOOD NEWS,: 7 or 148 EIR portinfa p viien Mse. eud alio e trou dzt- s�q'detdrlomte, Into mlsi& f bribing habit. LtidlencCa 'but Ubi alpirits I' A E pipe HOIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cont.) Heishouldi. be� beought. th rebd Ize ,1S1njre!, only natual! Tbe boot - E EOPL that n no Wdy axe his a3d ideas loggbrs, *11I. i! es pK opev vineq Of W. pie ey-m ng violinist I VIIERT CAL'mon.ty Ital cloPiyed �Lr '_'60dyt a' Pik; io.f An 48-Tiowar'a 19L -A pro t �is. Tpubje. 11 1 -4 , . '. t 0 . ly 1661t; after a*hil;o thou&.,' "r of maize 49-Am'erlcan w n(i a e nuinerou-st servic' 20-Gai V rJawn. G� givin frela" �c6npecto witli 10 Loudly I-A,'-;Precoua� bb 9 VELP e g 12-Employmen':', 59­i!i"No ibod!l '(abbro), 26 follow Your request7for help -,P e ave all v sJted: famil S V BW yon.con ProoWle a su, erer cAri 29 -Florin 0151. T, n or—ried, y6ler." ifig bribibig :habit *asi arm by 14 -Monetary Unit T h zed 03, An entrangir, R 5 the Gi A a idib 5 menP, If P, it OX 58: -Not refined. C aiillw1b -o Ycoadlosis Q�u want losis, -Y, u'li sib e . in rubbing.soinething 04 the, if,th'is pitfal-l- be.. avoldie 59-L ok 30�Td fsel.6rible w fn) N wiat and M the: G.V—AN�iW used forfbo , URI on .1 �tehdqio'aching pop 7. al.;. art u y c Y�U� hoear his' )54gjOst I I I . t is. a little,,rellef, s4l t6r �, for the 'hild :of VerVoilio 60 the dirk I No I�tleu or.lffiamen't.. 6*er,did oi.'- ever' tho�n the 's4tisfaction- and self-j6'pbet., -Write fqipi,-6 -Eye, "ban nmICI agreemen 65-A posfry� 43-pol"t 'of, a : . MINILINICI D more The rheumatic t coming. thi-ough, Wibrkinj 16r h*sel compass: "I -am. greatly ioxed,�' reispea ed -21-Pr6noun 66 -An AISWIve or .(abbrj. de. bl,66d... To 6.0t person 34 A Wro I no,. Im Jon jj& at' o -Obese press; through the d!,",raspe the GraiidiVizibr, 67-A 06untry of' Viiod4' Any doctor Will' rJ61*ht COldri of satire! tr6 tE -8 1 35 -Pis eggs thit Mari La enginiecr (obbr� if yOrt, W4;dt,.� 'Euro, know traveljW s4les-mali i�Atk I the this is'truo. is, the AfgnaIA6 9 a eaci�c ri ppiilg.,at* one- piiirtlbiflar tfiat'%wlil �-tiioustee (abbr.) L.RYIGAME*E P k 40-0 4abit, of Ato -VIERTICAL .90 ht 6 the to of he measure. cif FEATHt 0 wa 42-A, dIvIsloh'of the r AlYF 'ILI v fine e in.. the. blood, ake Dr. W I W -e 1 A ' r. vehicle of'- otel th We. may' be mis.jtidging the peac -MB&Y.44MEA J?0UNb- 0 the. -ta 95-�Conjunqtlon, anglent"times' - ' ' ' .' W roo�tjir Oheh e-obill. nil Wile 60WIr 01- h4d-, 6ry,' tiouhl' oc k ble. Th;e 'salesnian Pink � Vills. ."Thei pricis -� s'0146oner 43,-:A com' i'D H. Erhird,,1of lWitnich flonr Ali I sslon of th �hepherd*Johfi. -Pronojuh them oj� a Woo 45 -;.Al tyrant Of enrich.. the' 2 men weed "Jona of this hney ano to bird r r.L -A. 6opicil' friiit'L.- Id 1 P. A 1VUN & Tiy colo0o' Is xno0dj.elpt16 Is to; p0rify and, wife'. anted,.her. W.: .1. 2,17A,popii or'iami ab day Wh4 has i'exi;perimentingi with th li*�,-,W I bl6dd e Syracuse- .0 'go Alood, and wiienithey, do this -all- 3&3; Bonseco �ib -that' the 0filf. urs drhv MOM -sh6piherod Jiiih-�, -when cold 3*4 light fail oil i7wj� li hirii', so s -lip troUbItg I sight' ofl)lrdir:w� . . V G-TrIangu or yacht (467, .111. C.) Including olmatip'm, -1 d "a h' ' * ' ' ' ' ' I ; , . e r.. lors. n pluima ..prq e Must keeo, show Some C honey.. se Who av proved mering, cp 'ps nant' 46 -The Mch'a of -that ge babl ... or Woyi, Wilts � th by were the viIue.-of Dr. med's app A 1 - I .. q A thoe.lfe;ithered­,�n_ 6 -TO. e lams? Plak, PIRS 13, 11 'Woolehibster, Alta�,:' of�" agent :-.1 e 49-Poft 6f:a CI at the al ji;nan I Ann tu,reg. 'At lehit,,:ibey do not j * eclai� ter. fA the MM Wright, ffq*rqr . frbm ppr ;Mts,�':and whe .87-A brb��Jsh color..,,. 19; 614art of t eo1Drs:a&'wa d#1 If � Ind 10" t le IS re tbik 61:4erb, 11P be he,foot" :..W,;Ij" 'Lwas� a:su 6ed,tey even FOR S h n tly (.p6jt.) 64 8-4all of the, cow or y �-A celleitial b9djr ivat6m. for six y:eArs, and dUring most E uen A. ther. 89-The;,ixI6tln9 no by, da* Dr, , ErbzCrd eve;ilng- in' iraulted- -.les 9 -And not 60-A �qnotellatlon theL I of ifiatltime.my 4ife wds-and &fmisety. B . ir thii Liniveitosi, " I , 16 -In the, nvannbr4f a 57-Pr6cloug: stone 'wa ter,,. qon1t,. 'A ed-sk 41-4n Enaiand.,a high n I . - � 1, - 4" q � ev4rirthink. in a bright red 04 here ia I tried ...s ny rem, Ariale 09-rA W.aterin§ place y more,'!..., evorij dotors,'itoid bid never got orange, light*, being ve ended, but ry. sligbitlye- U- N64antern, when his p reas. ..'allk -hit' 1'34 "titla, 66-German,for iGh re6omm, short he., soy'� Advice. t4ah tdmpmi�y �Th -elfe e trou 44-owTime 101d. sitive. - to; -the, V -An :explosive . 82-Beh f. d' eot'M; Nigh WArqt.h U Whele P. rufters' And the of M, up. . uib aM In (61fern. siste t on -ton ,the neier ioe; red;o buit do ere other band; beauti nice. when fhe in't. .45 -To shut t boy , j*.tood In. fron . t.o . f. a fdnk's�`ow'de (abbr. ble siemea to'aq baby Ui rzie� ) nbs-th� Ofal reside and;1 wiw'�.badly rUndqw andsug d. fritimi eadache as *�Ij. Fln� i il 1 Wood. Are, aud� spie' oArdina 9W,Iog e6 blu�mi' and" ,kip in th pped Was s'. The m all 'boy Y�� g make them did to, the- 11TIbi thr', 'top itild's 4611.1� 'tb It w to r t it e, eyes oact, orbbe, P'luttinar llinb"P�r advfp6d46 t�y Dr. W1111iihs',P osy'bed U lip. s as p 11 3,bti plea8e r g is ieFE j IOU illn -wi and flitroughr.thiese d.comolet6. color scmieps. to B YS .11 I' t- belifor me?" r InIgr. e I' 6,8,.l an ie 1, JUD B rdli�f dnd ..to.* -d ej like L a ne 4' 0 d 12 e The minisfer stib.pp 'd Yang_, h. W. co I -in nle& Ows,qmen,�o seer7' the doorbell'iiind the issid, "In 'what' -uj;r j P.!. a 113�� nook n. I can L e. r, V F. sl�j :,LT reo 'k f j or' r r . 1. 1 -W r I I' ' td Run. like �4rjypnoe salftering as 1' did from, -this r d�i;criptiye circuI" "at Ahe s'm4ll'boy, '.Ou rest, IFF-hil aniUkins uolitague Si. Dr. f th Mrs. I he can 1. olor �Ouj.qjky, IItVe. man. Willi-ai.ns' Pink. -d1j. LI* i or Gr - 10 p Fills to Mihsiii e 8ajfites'�, �Quie Y" id rld leap and friiiflcall'the day,.. ent ihe'.Way 1i do". 01 F r eie taani.add 0 n Tablefs are aft'excell e tr'.1bi'. — rue on ir4y� quickly, The,savre( niy'baby's life' r, oi� 'Sigh —,Edith' P -1 Y6U, U.M1, rULr,:d1-ese pfl-la, rom,any ft t w6man rti nto this Iail'. can. highly* ribcoiningnd them -to me�aielne delerIor ljy dt $6_ -TAYLOR-FORBES V�L�s Xai�rlage lilceiia.e Xtlrea '1� h - hand It b Narifln Ahe uds. a, box from iTE C z me, 4ence ts,',that of, thouji-, ;n.a proposed-sye Ont. ci Brockvill,6, Lp n a GUE H,_ONT. tenif (ilorud i ed 'ih of They irs Who have te more thin. fky-fl ___7_ other ingt4it eirrat - ned species Of Id did you iiot� I§tuo this Abje cloadg. ape re"gniz dr, Nest H, e licen e to klvisrt BatY's Own T Sva ge -ryin' in 'e X T�rere the six g &piwleA. of se ??' : for in ai blil§ The Tablets are it st re and safe filei- orhat' oceurr4d, "InIngo, -t ones and f"Y 'it. fail to es ixe�t in' the And When', h was 0 e 68. f Pe lit-te,the bowels 1vind 'simillar ills;oiiiii notireutil eriba. at an eleva-- e 4iir- gli clas; biliputhess, heartbqrn, 'dY9pepAi4,vphd soutlieft '$ouflf Ali) Ye�i, 1. believe We did Wlt)'r?'�' eud hmrolti, C,You.�4f You. tAke 'i 16 boa -eet" at are you­iglon� to relieving wil tbe-1nI'fior'lj)sL fro -eat, Wim He was told 'to ion Or more 'thu jay" lbdt TORS th:6 - Gi '�,ei f e emandcod: nat. Ala cLbis -conside the F or-wa t), ts, I es here lie cou 14.1 're elvoii fhe:�. noce a]rUA feed, oil Ht.a� Would He Remerhbe�rl. front The Dr.'�' III .�Ojht) eLn .1 fis use f6r. in 11� sees. a UN i e le, Ont s n6 m litui. e 131 or,6 fatal blunderO An, amusing neld.01 Will t -greater li�ppellied jtha� whol- -cnsuple.q. the look af, ther s Grk.o' ore foe, FfiftJ119 All -118 -tafjr.'Boy S c611 tg are call, ed Ilexpl 'I i ji�rfof.iiis li6 jettig, M. Inard a L.Iniment rLer lev.e hN '11 Mg. R E S wire 16016ratrj). The colnel Wh title er" D Oeens. rew '11 reni&n0)6r Thore.u. for Chatham ther kind of, aD, lie' I " 1, , ' earliest, military 'book in thV ifill, I epats for Chathain.1L W is, atedJk73,, It The behmior of mot o the jo�v,6v UqU re my name,tg*411d piroifesgii 'it go thq. Of6e librijry 0i, , There ale Ae�ibs ii4i, jilan- thi bat6rc. r�% 6 Pee' he loked h iiniinals. and 'the IONG OF 1�; dntitled: I ir'beba to ea6h es for th4 heaven*; for lengths �of IQ el a�. there gre Vier MANSON CA Uhobi ghts that re�ch. bi Ordeiring of in. Battler othe ear A 'cobin.stant. f6ati nship,� at ftie with curi6st andge ing Of Bat' nt b4th tt. Uyles, after Divetrs I are are 11 And bell made, out saId,- 4jt0ph1g'hk9i p0, f him,, -.1 $I " ­ 1�adoe by Ifinn, W, M6h- said, realIzIng the jng;. and alio Fgures. d' Ce�j-tayfle ael in stery that bet i ,ean of tlie wotd, in litallan. ,but Newe 6W an-, 00 l", of Cenint and !VoWtJS, At I'L An acetfbiulatoe sm,411 e1joirigh to r Ca# ZIG Of lFlorcerlde.11 I' �-arried. ill 4h� Wistcoat Mean, p ta0y It" d 16 wer a -opitivd-to,do t *45 4- 1 0 le yet W1 rive kin wha W4Y he 'Motor-edr I`of, ten- 'da�s has been in- d. Of fo.1104 INO in think. 0 "'for 'the country, but w� aj,LI b all e" not -for A e, �puzzled"t ver al roatly� to 4�'th�j oiline Viefited by it Russian: a.q yet M, liah"dbd I n fieXt d001% WillijIM, I I n Y y i 211'd ever. liteil (Aleft keep th& lid 01i.111'e, il*gar T'0 11 d s ud, qtjakob� livo longr 'A 2000. &ViCt r an QPoojj of olpor Nja 0 EraL'i ee 0!1111 witfibut food th, ii any Other QL The III r4r is the C Of till, Ive me-iq touji(I 'in (�vej.y i)lrrt ()r With Q Aboxa.)idra' of hlig,faitd] tho kildthe so' (I I u M alkali,, -7- cHLJRNING-. thob, laist of th ANT' Irl, 1W 40 aPic. Vni going to niake, theF%r 1)ad "1156 tl *orl nj. Vou 'Itlow of -ed, 9;�ela,lier la's-1.3,ears, 13iftl GHS 0 d C OV 5 : bY,n,,,,j d gnl Yr_ th iftaintainel to the, bn OL ..... ...... A RA, give'nio u, grain JE phosphat, HL'V I' Ali(j the varboli.' . an . d eel ulo r ons an presc 'bed by ysiciaiis for, 'uring pimples NOW 11t6L $U 0 �Up�$ly cans IM4 pay oio�biss ds,- H P-Adqqh se, Aeo, u6t The I h nk be-' o thbilile tat, .4bgrges. ay ally by 'dxptosji fore Ift(!, rtIY6,i oxygelf . 4�bbd r Pain: H e e N6uralgia'' Toothache V.1lieutnatism W 8n9land wiffi.! And lobU ai. U, or It W soap"mq- it Y, L e"Obtijin t 6� '', M '.ca T HEART 14u�� be fr �6 a rs an f t b of ro. re from d rvfvor ty ' �i� V�l I t ECT oer 001ILL o 5*00THIgm �A Ilk but ten3a tcipri!vent Suell CU;T. Uttot Fat.' thob jEffpdror' '30 000 inar lagda take 00, wlfio� hAq been cml� '�AACCO.13t' Qn 8av-r' 17,,Q't) ky _�BOA�,e6 fill h _C ngain d lk)(!� T�kltum A, ye jjj� the fra(lo mark (rrglstoreA fis tit ShavizTa Stick 25c'r �ban�'Of e; ldrwi fl6wersis Out ot Svi fg1leadd (Atftyl istlitylk, Atid, "A; 0, 44"), it Iv r0Y tin I r dlyinnfactiltO, 1110 nP no�at.j "I nt�, 0o Tribitts, fbt�,6idr LAWN A47 ko.'s . 7 &"Bingo= =RM07 K�;;=Ww 'R 911111117—T111-1.1-1.7, __ oo� 7 7.7 A------- A T V.: IM of T,, IMP, Their urjam, S 'a .Rare j r Zo 0,',KA . 11., N_.n,, - -­ -t �-­. - ­­­ -----S- -5 A- cIrc,Pj,,ir§, 09 0qr:PF,Pv po j tM1007V47m)-p "fv -'rrge- "M -KNOWN L is 'AM W. _oc or 4440_10, arlat1pins-1�Cne, Kle*lii Keia_n�v eb", 1, Varlatiqns, _--.S�mprt %o$w v pro�, I pd, loc, ra, L, g'l agopt4 "UT 1,4 In, 91tew;irt so J,,T ,. n,. Kyan, OT 070W.n' Cle pb7 -in, R�clalr Or! TORIONT5. M Inceau Revealid.as- # Map- pffloo. pn Homes'.: r I Gaha* It -is one. of, tlie't `tg I ;, I 4r rickg ef higtory It 0 sul -of pra,46 oth.1no, T60h the; V410�,4 00 arestA�e 'the At Idest' J, I this family P_ er M, why., not bi� rbV%ae4 t A, 411' qYer,�Qme sooth for a�p 9, AW31 00-31n let tho 49f.U, ar..of N.qrj;lja n4. rigi sihould h pav e, a.9 a IOY18 ,, hir, of b-orpeo *9t;rqg 91 efiy rep -eien4tjvp U ai ne n na q.,,; Soc.tPol rnwl.ey? ie of �the. tirst; POS A Wdtopr on equ i, re An01110, t 0.114MO, Of 1j.1, S.sor.4 An 00ka WV'na6, d ` " 11 h ry a whplid ay I Ow r and ve 6P A r toan,' dW ess �rich strenigth.. ij� �of, h clap wboi�� blatory candleis and ffiake��_i -jPO1v 6 r that a7 e &9Any -YIta. t tP.. do but eAs are an - Vis, Jifst o�e u 4e, 'Inits, . . ..... Gunrov . elk tiv , P44, f4y �11, the C1 0, 2t, X162i oth;Ln 11LIM7. rnitni And if haq� just bq.6' F-44MV an NN.tjcjj' tend ency 4q, P ewe4 It Da trio; aflations, O4� that 11j 'p.1111WI Is! one, of,'th furW6hed,':.90 Many Of the� to. te 4or bfh, f 6qV the ehild" to Anp id n,a ngland. qlerelw, to eo. .Y variations -111. 1 1 1 4 .. - 7009 ;P!Mu,. Thz book $ntO SIngee mqne.� ja ifi 'have ivim rlsip, to o Sc de Plume: wi�dj eno oof �tjje, title _y the rld,, an ipipbi, at 'to stay, If wegan ead t e th ork Of all th6e A_n of �t.h as tbiaf of-4101Q.ttliain I'- re t oq.�, bLI'lle- Ve W b en' ano.6 U"i.we, ,c,a fbillily n4int idividuiil� ihefi- tu. e A6'Ga�eli� prohun I tl�h, C"O'Ca- I England but'.: V&eretoi big est �tlih, rgjls�h be1ped .ih ria'aiii'of t e Ang in ne, -or, Q'Cah ane� itj formed $6)ttfs,h 4 the. &r w Ke C e. �Ind 'hea;r cdesaloebagis, all b6r� ern on'the Wh his o tlaon4on,* th# Q* day bf some tljiiDitt. isz- w: of'- �P,`e, h tongue al .9. tslur th Rse Iittld take Aml.bre4k themi'� g .0h. -ac f Ir trace.'bdek to- 9Jf1 Bi;i,'t neare �f' the ha reach Of. let d "'in Ce jt 1, h� Sqoftjs,h,'$ es, IRP tewd' Ilsbyj ,Ae , L thai J.'s a .9 �81 or;lnan . gpon, spend ii 19i .deAte of, b tho'A aucei t fro ow tu.e6' V 6 1 �. Ap thV to. out the 'fi re aiid thftspl- 1 r , , . . �gravels globe,. ndt1i lia qOero tha'ba ot Os� action and Wfotr:ecpeodt as d'Oet One 'of th4 -Inpst n, 2% r Fony Li ow tthem. terosting *ah rate, .'and I -able, ot It' n y! w ry' In 'Shropshire., .One of Is earnings. To te"" hira. th 4 -wo ey L. Stevenad WhotheL a n Ron -s LDn W41t ro' sought,"'hiisr fort:uns in, doe.1 not. grow 04 b h to, 4 e- on to R i_w les, aw r h1s1,,d,4upght4DrI 97 30i: dr. an or �ui "a!" the I h s Wedding. u sual proo, .9cotland' ' t -the c6izrt. -of Kin Day! V:10 n the, eellfig of, Ind-eP6,n4w I , d I e hunciat oh: 0 'Could,yibu joit me haveA 106A pfithe t the middle of the twelfth and aboli and r-rellance Is to 1-4)rd ATOYOk"41VOach for it -119 odcjtsj�:U0 34' 44-94 that-iiif "keen." fis not an�g gf" him obntu - waCs 4pade_ y - h1m, ,Ster PY e, wr6tt�..� bich, casl, the spelling is b eq�lpzl�i� for, life; in. wil Ing -to pay Well in, W ry ard aluable of, the Roy-41,Heusehold," arid 11 0 h nu r for the privileg0ji,io, gl�e :T ere'a.rd mb us small taslrptI acm. fy' use As, a matter of lariel.-6stao6i;. : he i4ce of cordin vfroii�ent, that the filet, however, g. - to . the pn Sir,., WIIIIa So I b 'parents �an- dopVlce for chIldrepo earn y, the way, thfs� chagge of..cane" to "ked -u wai;�,.Iateir made heredlt*ry, li?o.- perved, as�,,pecret!Ary to Landbiii development in Engli sh of cowpara-'a44 iftii�'course of a v60 fqw genem- r that *.il,l be'. very helpful. It Is Liirg May.-vr� -for. exactly balf: it.� -ceuc tiVelk 1nQaerui,'tJiiies,' and h* ineven�� w -�12 tion -A 04'fallowers, who gatherted,.�,bqot a, mistake,, to' -the child' feel he has -at been .60,en'pd- t46 -'!0'A- BP�hlng "is used it' waa prob-;,t4q -*andard of the- 'ad In . .11 1$ Br the eo�om, 4 ly, firs Ca 8 to in-,. FXjgh.,Stoeward,"". Should' not p6ddle h o ow b- , t. pronounced. In. Eipglish'," as after the, Ish, hitUrallir in nded folks will respect a fil d's ,ef- c Is. his�d lu.�thie.Cjty T w�elded'themaoeolves, in -to a clarl', �dqpt� fqrts albin U. lie �iTlfe clag )p aji offshoot, an! anle Ing -the of .,Stewart. It w a egu)ldr trade, -the keeping', ne"04 th tag. In T% p he Suit 'ja App 49e. 0 -e O'Neills-o -.Tyrone, ioitnded 1.1310 ;ret siew,ar, t'' '15' hat di beCOM of aCOUht8--an t o.prodw*,a by,.a chi( On-ean- "King 6�.qceqded his unele fit WJHL 1each 'the 'ialue of Warr I(w he T wa's crqw -as-'%6ber L ro.. an inpress VvlolinNxtin thet David 11-1 fail- Ce,niltury. and ned I Iv Wa wwU�be Is to the Violin - *Iiiak iw' "),In t I *-. �8 t i money I Ppjj'o�w-oncei played 6t bourses',,, this money, e4raing, must oart Jn Copstptlnoplej not be, Perinitted to. interfe �Wjth the a k' .or to. I st ee 01 piorgie.i U�&d to apoprec4,,tj1onj_'hoe wa s a. uttlo� Child's �.-Iaytlm. ',Or assume to . 0' Am- laoce in , the' chlld!�' do "No Ca,, W. .41 MAT scWUje;. neither a , RL it be, 11aprovel hou Welie i6und o. It ble rried!,by tfi�e apoarent4path GOOD NEWS,: 7 or 148 EIR portinfa p viien Mse. eud alio e trou dzt- s�q'detdrlomte, Into mlsi& f bribing habit. LtidlencCa 'but Ubi alpirits I' A E pipe HOIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cont.) Heishouldi. be� beought. th rebd Ize ,1S1njre!, only natual! Tbe boot - E EOPL that n no Wdy axe his a3d ideas loggbrs, *11I. i! es pK opev vineq Of W. pie ey-m ng violinist I VIIERT CAL'mon.ty Ital cloPiyed �Lr '_'60dyt a' Pik; io.f An 48-Tiowar'a 19L -A pro t �is. Tpubje. 11 1 -4 , . '. t 0 . ly 1661t; after a*hil;o thou&.,' "r of maize 49-Am'erlcan w n(i a e nuinerou-st servic' 20-Gai V rJawn. G� givin frela" �c6npecto witli 10 Loudly I-A,'-;Precoua� bb 9 VELP e g 12-Employmen':', 59­i!i"No ibod!l '(abbro), 26 follow Your request7for help -,P e ave all v sJted: famil S V BW yon.con ProoWle a su, erer cAri 29 -Florin 0151. T, n or—ried, y6ler." ifig bribibig :habit *asi arm by 14 -Monetary Unit T h zed 03, An entrangir, R 5 the Gi A a idib 5 menP, If P, it OX 58: -Not refined. C aiillw1b -o Ycoadlosis Q�u want losis, -Y, u'li sib e . in rubbing.soinething 04 the, if,th'is pitfal-l- be.. avoldie 59-L ok 30�Td fsel.6rible w fn) N wiat and M the: G.V—AN�iW used forfbo , URI on .1 �tehdqio'aching pop 7. al.;. art u y c Y�U� hoear his' )54gjOst I I I . t is. a little,,rellef, s4l t6r �, for the 'hild :of VerVoilio 60 the dirk I No I�tleu or.lffiamen't.. 6*er,did oi.'- ever' tho�n the 's4tisfaction- and self-j6'pbet., -Write fqipi,-6 -Eye, "ban nmICI agreemen 65-A posfry� 43-pol"t 'of, a : . MINILINICI D more The rheumatic t coming. thi-ough, Wibrkinj 16r h*sel compass: "I -am. greatly ioxed,�' reispea ed -21-Pr6noun 66 -An AISWIve or .(abbrj. de. bl,66d... To 6.0t person 34 A Wro I no,. Im Jon jj& at' o -Obese press; through the d!,",raspe the GraiidiVizibr, 67-A 06untry of' Viiod4' Any doctor Will' rJ61*ht COldri of satire! tr6 tE -8 1 35 -Pis eggs thit Mari La enginiecr (obbr� if yOrt, W4;dt,.� 'Euro, know traveljW s4les-mali i�Atk I the this is'truo. is, the AfgnaIA6 9 a eaci�c ri ppiilg.,at* one- piiirtlbiflar tfiat'%wlil �-tiioustee (abbr.) L.RYIGAME*E P k 40-0 4abit, of Ato -VIERTICAL .90 ht 6 the to of he measure. cif FEATHt 0 wa 42-A, dIvIsloh'of the r AlYF 'ILI v fine e in.. the. blood, ake Dr. W I W -e 1 A ' r. vehicle of'- otel th We. may' be mis.jtidging the peac -MB&Y.44MEA J?0UNb- 0 the. -ta 95-�Conjunqtlon, anglent"times' - ' ' ' .' W roo�tjir Oheh e-obill. nil Wile 60WIr 01- h4d-, 6ry,' tiouhl' oc k ble. Th;e 'salesnian Pink � Vills. ."Thei pricis -� s'0146oner 43,-:A com' i'D H. Erhird,,1of lWitnich flonr Ali I sslon of th �hepherd*Johfi. -Pronojuh them oj� a Woo 45 -;.Al tyrant Of enrich.. the' 2 men weed "Jona of this hney ano to bird r r.L -A. 6opicil' friiit'L.- Id 1 P. A 1VUN & Tiy colo0o' Is xno0dj.elpt16 Is to; p0rify and, wife'. anted,.her. W.: .1. 2,17A,popii or'iami ab day Wh4 has i'exi;perimentingi with th li*�,-,W I bl6dd e Syracuse- .0 'go Alood, and wiienithey, do this -all- 3&3; Bonseco �ib -that' the 0filf. urs drhv MOM -sh6piherod Jiiih-�, -when cold 3*4 light fail oil i7wj� li hirii', so s -lip troUbItg I sight' ofl)lrdir:w� . . V G-TrIangu or yacht (467, .111. C.) Including olmatip'm, -1 d "a h' ' * ' ' ' ' ' I ; , . e r.. lors. n pluima ..prq e Must keeo, show Some C honey.. se Who av proved mering, cp 'ps nant' 46 -The Mch'a of -that ge babl ... or Woyi, Wilts � th by were the viIue.-of Dr. med's app A 1 - I .. q A thoe.lfe;ithered­,�n_ 6 -TO. e lams? Plak, PIRS 13, 11 'Woolehibster, Alta�,:' of�" agent :-.1 e 49-Poft 6f:a CI at the al ji;nan I Ann tu,reg. 'At lehit,,:ibey do not j * eclai� ter. fA the MM Wright, ffq*rqr . frbm ppr ;Mts,�':and whe .87-A brb��Jsh color..,,. 19; 614art of t eo1Drs:a&'wa d#1 If � Ind 10" t le IS re tbik 61:4erb, 11P be he,foot" :..W,;Ij" 'Lwas� a:su 6ed,tey even FOR S h n tly (.p6jt.) 64 8-4all of the, cow or y �-A celleitial b9djr ivat6m. for six y:eArs, and dUring most E uen A. ther. 89-The;,ixI6tln9 no by, da* Dr, , ErbzCrd eve;ilng- in' iraulted- -.les 9 -And not 60-A �qnotellatlon theL I of ifiatltime.my 4ife wds-and &fmisety. B . ir thii Liniveitosi, " I , 16 -In the, nvannbr4f a 57-Pr6cloug: stone 'wa ter,,. qon1t,. 'A ed-sk 41-4n Enaiand.,a high n I . - � 1, - 4" q � ev4rirthink. in a bright red 04 here ia I tried ...s ny rem, Ariale 09-rA W.aterin§ place y more,'!..., evorij dotors,'itoid bid never got orange, light*, being ve ended, but ry. sligbitlye- U- N64antern, when his p reas. ..'allk -hit' 1'34 "titla, 66-German,for iGh re6omm, short he., soy'� Advice. t4ah tdmpmi�y �Th -elfe e trou 44-owTime 101d. sitive. - to; -the, V -An :explosive . 82-Beh f. d' eot'M; Nigh WArqt.h U Whele P. rufters' And the of M, up. . uib aM In (61fern. siste t on -ton ,the neier ioe; red;o buit do ere other band; beauti nice. when fhe in't. .45 -To shut t boy , j*.tood In. fron . t.o . f. a fdnk's�`ow'de (abbr. ble siemea to'aq baby Ui rzie� ) nbs-th� Ofal reside and;1 wiw'�.badly rUndqw andsug d. fritimi eadache as *�Ij. Fln� i il 1 Wood. Are, aud� spie' oArdina 9W,Iog e6 blu�mi' and" ,kip in th pped Was s'. The m all 'boy Y�� g make them did to, the- 11TIbi thr', 'top itild's 4611.1� 'tb It w to r t it e, eyes oact, orbbe, P'luttinar llinb"P�r advfp6d46 t�y Dr. W1111iihs',P osy'bed U lip. s as p 11 3,bti plea8e r g is ieFE j IOU illn -wi and flitroughr.thiese d.comolet6. color scmieps. to B YS .11 I' t- belifor me?" r InIgr. e I' 6,8,.l an ie 1, JUD B rdli�f dnd ..to.* -d ej like L a ne 4' 0 d 12 e The minisfer stib.pp 'd Yang_, h. W. co I -in nle& Ows,qmen,�o seer7' the doorbell'iiind the issid, "In 'what' -uj;r j P.!. a 113�� nook n. I can L e. r, V F. sl�j :,LT reo 'k f j or' r r . 1. 1 -W r I I' ' td Run. like �4rjypnoe salftering as 1' did from, -this r d�i;criptiye circuI" "at Ahe s'm4ll'boy, '.Ou rest, IFF-hil aniUkins uolitague Si. Dr. f th Mrs. I he can 1. olor �Ouj.qjky, IItVe. man. Willi-ai.ns' Pink. -d1j. LI* i or Gr - 10 p Fills to Mihsiii e 8ajfites'�, �Quie Y" id rld leap and friiiflcall'the day,.. ent ihe'.Way 1i do". 01 F r eie taani.add 0 n Tablefs are aft'excell e tr'.1bi'. — rue on ir4y� quickly, The,savre( niy'baby's life' r, oi� 'Sigh —,Edith' P -1 Y6U, U.M1, rULr,:d1-ese pfl-la, rom,any ft t w6man rti nto this Iail'. can. highly* ribcoiningnd them -to me�aielne delerIor ljy dt $6_ -TAYLOR-FORBES V�L�s Xai�rlage lilceiia.e Xtlrea '1� h - hand It b Narifln Ahe uds. a, box from iTE C z me, 4ence ts,',that of, thouji-, ;n.a proposed-sye Ont. ci Brockvill,6, Lp n a GUE H,_ONT. tenif (ilorud i ed 'ih of They irs Who have te more thin. fky-fl ___7_ other ingt4it eirrat - ned species Of Id did you iiot� I§tuo this Abje cloadg. ape re"gniz dr, Nest H, e licen e to klvisrt BatY's Own T Sva ge -ryin' in 'e X T�rere the six g &piwleA. of se ??' : for in ai blil§ The Tablets are it st re and safe filei- orhat' oceurr4d, "InIngo, -t ones and f"Y 'it. fail to es ixe�t in' the And When', h was 0 e 68. f Pe lit-te,the bowels 1vind 'simillar ills;oiiiii notireutil eriba. at an eleva-- e 4iir- gli clas; biliputhess, heartbqrn, 'dY9pepAi4,vphd soutlieft '$ouflf Ali) Ye�i, 1. believe We did Wlt)'r?'�' eud hmrolti, C,You.�4f You. tAke 'i 16 boa -eet" at are you­iglon� to relieving wil tbe-1nI'fior'lj)sL fro -eat, Wim He was told 'to ion Or more 'thu jay" lbdt TORS th:6 - Gi '�,ei f e emandcod: nat. Ala cLbis -conside the F or-wa t), ts, I es here lie cou 14.1 're elvoii fhe:�. noce a]rUA feed, oil Ht.a� Would He Remerhbe�rl. front The Dr.'�' III .�Ojht) eLn .1 fis use f6r. in 11� sees. a UN i e le, Ont s n6 m litui. e 131 or,6 fatal blunderO An, amusing neld.01 Will t -greater li�ppellied jtha� whol- -cnsuple.q. the look af, ther s Grk.o' ore foe, FfiftJ119 All -118 -tafjr.'Boy S c611 tg are call, ed Ilexpl 'I i ji�rfof.iiis li6 jettig, M. Inard a L.Iniment rLer lev.e hN '11 Mg. R E S wire 16016ratrj). The colnel Wh title er" D Oeens. rew '11 reni&n0)6r Thore.u. for Chatham ther kind of, aD, lie' I " 1, , ' earliest, military 'book in thV ifill, I epats for Chathain.1L W is, atedJk73,, It The behmior of mot o the jo�v,6v UqU re my name,tg*411d piroifesgii 'it go thq. Of6e librijry 0i, , There ale Ae�ibs ii4i, jilan- thi bat6rc. r�% 6 Pee' he loked h iiniinals. and 'the IONG OF 1�; dntitled: I ir'beba to ea6h es for th4 heaven*; for lengths �of IQ el a�. there gre Vier MANSON CA Uhobi ghts that re�ch. bi Ordeiring of in. Battler othe ear A 'cobin.stant. f6ati nship,� at ftie with curi6st andge ing Of Bat' nt b4th tt. Uyles, after Divetrs I are are 11 And bell made, out saId,- 4jt0ph1g'hk9i p0, f him,, -.1 $I " ­ 1�adoe by Ifinn, W, M6h- said, realIzIng the jng;. and alio Fgures. d' Ce�j-tayfle ael in stery that bet i ,ean of tlie wotd, in litallan. ,but Newe 6W an-, 00 l", of Cenint and !VoWtJS, At I'L An acetfbiulatoe sm,411 e1joirigh to r Ca# ZIG Of lFlorcerlde.11 I' �-arried. ill 4h� Wistcoat Mean, p ta0y It" d 16 wer a -opitivd-to,do t *45 4- 1 0 le yet W1 rive kin wha W4Y he 'Motor-edr I`of, ten- 'da�s has been in- d. Of fo.1104 INO in think. 0 "'for 'the country, but w� aj,LI b all e" not -for A e, �puzzled"t ver al roatly� to 4�'th�j oiline Viefited by it Russian: a.q yet M, liah"dbd I n fieXt d001% WillijIM, I I n Y y i 211'd ever. liteil (Aleft keep th& lid 01i.111'e, il*gar T'0 11 d s ud, qtjakob� livo longr 'A 2000. &ViCt r an QPoojj of olpor Nja 0 EraL'i ee 0!1111 witfibut food th, ii any Other QL The III r4r is the C Of till, Ive me-iq touji(I 'in (�vej.y i)lrrt ()r With Q Aboxa.)idra' of hlig,faitd] tho kildthe so' (I I u M alkali,, -7- cHLJRNING-. thob, laist of th ANT' Irl, 1W 40 aPic. Vni going to niake, theF%r 1)ad "1156 tl *orl nj. Vou 'Itlow of -ed, 9;�ela,lier la's-1.3,ears, 13iftl GHS 0 d C OV 5 : bY,n,,,,j d gnl Yr_ th iftaintainel to the, bn OL ..... ...... A RA, give'nio u, grain JE phosphat, HL'V I' Ali(j the varboli.' . an . d eel ulo r ons an presc 'bed by ysiciaiis for, 'uring pimples NOW 11t6L $U 0 �Up�$ly cans IM4 pay oio�biss ds,- H P-Adqqh se, Aeo, u6t The I h nk be-' o thbilile tat, .4bgrges. ay ally by 'dxptosji fore Ift(!, rtIY6,i oxygelf . 4�bbd r Pain: H e e N6uralgia'' Toothache V.1lieutnatism W 8n9land wiffi.! And lobU ai. U, or It W soap"mq- it Y, L e"Obtijin t 6� '', M '.ca T HEART 14u�� be fr �6 a rs an f t b of ro. re from d rvfvor ty ' �i� V�l I t ECT oer 001ILL o 5*00THIgm �A Ilk but ten3a tcipri!vent Suell CU;T. Uttot Fat.' thob jEffpdror' '30 000 inar lagda take 00, wlfio� hAq been cml� '�AACCO.13t' Qn 8av-r' 17,,Q't) ky _�BOA�,e6 fill h _C ngain d lk)(!� T�kltum A, ye jjj� the fra(lo mark (rrglstoreA fis tit ShavizTa Stick 25c'r �ban�'Of e; ldrwi fl6wersis Out ot Svi fg1leadd (Atftyl istlitylk, Atid, "A; 0, 44"), it Iv r0Y tin I r dlyinnfactiltO, 1110 nP no�at.j "I nt�, 0o Tribitts, fbt�,6idr LAWN A47 ko.'s . 7 &"Bingo=