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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-31, Page 4/* RU flow .0 *6 sm, R!, 1, 47 �_MTZEWWI' .WTAP,�!T; ­�TWNW 77. 0 U CS h d 1, tnb d"11 ­ toil., I . r gq� $ANT 74P!P.� Amt TWOOM'' CONOW. smt� WOO# TELL A, r4q. HFAN IM11 ]PAPI XQ111 .......... 7 A, POPA14W Feathers. 4iti!j Egjg� Pi�.Oq iwt 'Woo. ,:i` "I , , som -41114 POW ,4 "W41 wire otcx* 114 t 91#1041RAI, . .1.1 . I - ­ I - 4N arA 6461, Vr W V k Y FINA "_q ry, RQ Qj _(Contrilb,40d by Ontario P.00ar0n4ktit-q! ONOQUPH IN NORTH HV AN' in W Aor') th rder of J04titie' on 'WAP� #qmeth 0, UP. q -,0 A, ltliy, 4ghti.,judge, Lewis coriftt.od A sec. ben will pot 1p�;If` not In go'od V! ... can She should be,,h6a 0ition. nd show ".A N4, WLY an, qni the ba:,W, -14 frj* fro%. aj"gor-abdl Aiv t -to I a V , I GO' In ,,the" falt, 40, the jaj. Of laqt""Wl M., W turlrig'pne',� , 4eh9h "n 7 , 4 .:;:::. :., . - !!! , . , :..i , , , . � IN I . . 9 were, Is ellowAmf Gqde:dch, rg .'T -,G), R is a lrp._4 Slow,'IA e4ther OrA, i's I yer. 'A' guam, Retui�Mii -er N4ii;r '.prodiiced i!L9- fi h 'd1$pi#Pd'poIls The Mou is; Imp 144110ts i ih, h gops,ir t i�ee. visited a few h 4 tio, a nibult, feed 040, tqmWf, the c SAQ, uses her to manufaettike days last' week at, the� he 19a �auo li� r egg produetioi�'falls �t Belfast,�. n4' tk� 19, ed m ;T1, IrLiiniuln of, nothing.L 01 bQjat4 th' 'M W % generally �tb a m vx adding. 00"'.)RI hen atfo 'those noticed A oi#4 to, X(As eaill y is gn ir di W, ;444�,3�V N ,AT "L Miss. Vr -J. H 1,97 .(L a4d d9cih Into it mbult. mu9l.j"-earIIbr'than- �previo6lly- con ted. red n .Normal �c h- speti0ing her h?li#Pys� 4' Qthersit lien ptartp-,�q,inoult In ;.W.' King to'b�e.'ele ted by, Ome p. P., a majoriTy J'uIy';Uer,,layIng,1or Ape,,suinpa about Vrpr.' So"We; A 'at;�'-Jate r�' an E,.A5roWn;Pg And Mr. ducki o ipv. M t -of 170- vo es:'. moulting",'and hpayr �egg, Oro .oA, d. rp., glyiiss t)1,0. bon 'E rneit, -,Sp 'Th �r�beeqingsxommen'ed, as soon ti Mi- in arlin­�: of, Xi�card,'ne all go tdketberl, because It, S -.-'j e'w" d' Miis dith ',aa W4,King a Mr, Psto, ; erlod,and -6till �A. 6 - Mi, and Mr rid ji �t4 ne"hii 0 Ar ived! the no C. N X' -Drodudtion'L ew : , , 14 back,14 Xorni 6,41me for --winter ;and.,Mr, Wm Wingham roR_Qr&w aSo says spent, Christfnas at. the, hor CoegeOgr�, L .: E. Dancey' a so '*as nAmiment, on the ll�irhtq ty- 0f,+AMI Y P., if, 46' hen Is laying heavily the,. atKing' i(* Ridfortlipefit D. 119 mes ppe. -d protidly,, re. Ar. Amu% Mr ii d and filed an. T rd and -Mr, Spqtton, plumake will begomit'do,, ha 'Christings at F,,.* 0arkley, gre! the -1ome, e affidavit itt, -behalf of brittle.. :Thb uptre will' dia pear t I stating thaj.iW. 9hison and r ther, Mr., Johnston, nq bp'Lorer, and. the feathers becomb biokeltNfie I see much:qf her na 0 It and- appeared as s'- f 'Britain and, a certainly 04 'couno! -: retain' the glarnotir of ully -Mr, Cajj.�, Hellmnth,' who had, proceg el in previous' dipge bad dral bbauty; but she bafinot her e. q;, klbyq of"miothor era, rCk:.' spent. Christmas -at his be ej t a stra ai�d also keep,u' tbei Ir t brighi lu emefits'�which Misses, llflora #04.Addie.,,Ro0!_ . , I T.,R Ly01 s, and hpavy 0r9dVctIon-.-:Vatch for, the old ir order, oidnio, spent Presence yestordgy, and aikinj or an, jajLly Kathleen Terriff, of owith. the fitil'Array of.featbers. : A :, - 'Anloilg tile n'goodAQim`, and see if, she is e.r Prominent par., 0s, bete joh i ''Pot )n, tur er W A. ppqtt4Dn 'M1 '�Oordo'� 'E ;ott mov. na, tq Hnojj'A. JA g, Hano.. ttle y. r. 'and er C jin MS JaY2 -itish C at io 'y --question a oftewasked "Cag ed into the T e , . j W Pnt.i , Was not ir . eprespnte& during the ie- -1 V 011age lst.we�k. h t (�i� ieholl�. Lieu.' te etuor of, "Bi tell whethiwbr,�riot'a, en 1, MISS 'Ella h* Win6na lito� of udge -Howay,-: )f e. prop This- Is; very,, easy, 4qd Te� mAinder of't 1�reskpnt 'of ithe ra. A, beri , : er sisterp judge Lewn)2,antiihated. thatL,he in quirew-but a'few observations. , Wlien a 1hen;17qommeUecs British. (PW'Pbla,llistori�al A6ociA_',. I : th6 f6productive. or�­ ti6p;�'Ree�e Aps�omb, tj proceed, wi right oqs.,qo,. upin tended, DI thd order of Mr,, layi g th 6 condi . . .... a' Alunjeipality;" also byl, in - dny pr,64nant animal.'' PrebarAtibu store at'Whi eel Wrj-, the re-coun f6i!th*jt bf-� the. family of 'Sir 4 gans are . ....... . . .... Bay rid to th e: Radford, has sold. his Justice. W Uni to 'ddnd1tj,6ni ..... ...... baWill, 'ol albih, and of" Captain' itini 0 ........... fir tovernor r. par- ........ of '13 t' h e x it mined 'in a ;64. - estfie-d' frer: Mr. an aln Is made,fok I fig, much as f' rell to ......... t in ............ A man hurehi docunie*i h40 L s cibbit' bl6wbray and Wheii-, the . ..... ma p, a d- ovaryi is dormt�.it and Lhe'bajots im, t�p­threedisputddp�lls ein Compa I spent no egj b ' g,,-pioduc6d;.the'i1is ny it a are XUV and at,the, Ouneluslun. a,. tl*e-. count the tanbe between the VeIVJLC , bones i's' af UPIA11 6idify of the pr( ­i. A- the Rev I Brant 1�j lVes,'L, d to' be ]Par" J, tery small.:' '.The vent. Is'. Ory a A!te ty. of Victoria'! for h nii te ,qdas declare, 9y Xr., Henry, Ki rw4ck AT9 Ayl�� L UFl;.___ 'Wa 5240- -uger of Dct�oit vis- §pot. uckered, and In olays n 5170' P e -a . ...... Un h the liidnberii': Wti�, my.- A, uw rumenceis e pelvic 0 te vis!� jjIndef a gloriout g y late in No -L fl w;rt by since , 't 1A`hnklv;,d1arqd all' in."th6ir. voyag-o 'h y n'crease' L from o4e, �to vein er, an expee :an , t group of lia" Ba'rkl Th 'L �­ ' 1, 1 Mt.4!.T. Mowbra�y4,6f Teeswa r 'I py" nj,spe4cer aL.Cio. re� iint on NOvdin-Ur, 4th �'become pliable, knd:16pf0ad"­ apart. 1ted i. -her' �clr6djted* with' 5�i2 votes �nd SpottO djfitajjee�' Ina b of -the disdovepy, Rang Zer hi home e. 1, of, Bog T.' h "vess v�i �4�OA 61 M6�vW tile, ,'rdat,:potqnti,at r6,sourc I :'' ra In a short., tline.­ The -i d,Cinadians' were gath; 91�eturesque Bri-tis 1AwA riijef'cted three. finkC -dis,tiitiguiihe istma! the unveiling, �Vt 111� fiii\� nxi they, had taken pos . A very succes,fu S66- Lo an e up tb'P virbt-,beconi�s:'Igige And, d' f orna, the imperial agle, sail d' f I Chr V1111ee, Spotton v0tgs�orie eachAnNo mOlst,! at' erp for� wo or three eggs..'havb been. .. cairn �t onzales fleight's, straits of'Juan. �le Fkiea seai;c mental §essiolf of -on­the - tern rim 'of t of ithe. laid. the ring -of,4y4blIow vigment, has. rating the fca iaLwab held in' the, baseimien 2,�Wing am,,gpd ng, votes �Vh C -id i r e llian c ureh No�. 84ingbim—land, two Ki dbapp0arell and th6.vent16,bleaeliod.. LT . iga- i h `W 11 the e0irrse 'of th�-.pioceedjrrgs Victoria',; -&Ci, cofilrininio the mvthiial, the,-AVorld h dii L Monday to d " Spah6h na, arly 'L British. an Pacific Co"t ro t L e iind di No. w. Ub �re it -�%ms repeattdly. given th Vi: Imp eni Aowft and gh Egg tors -,who. explored the e 3 e , W - 'The �ere� a so ar 0�it I jbe.jreatl� desii�ed.64` t ThV 'sqAutreinePts. t f6r­ 11gh;4.- egg, An-the,bighte 9.ria � .V Go&Ach. entheentury. �th : of the Biitish Coluni-.' j1do,, aw Mir. .,11hrold, S 11, j$itin- -bit roduction, �says Prot; W. R.'Grabani, L. mony a. SQ e rLISLOPI.Ml A&Sodatidn to whorn', pa; i'lig is Liked the sixty fitb the � hidieg,L The. t ree L'p - V i ' h OflawfIleft weie thrown. At The cereui,6ny of' th' of the!Ontario Agricultural' CoM 04" ..of 'the exist�ence.of the e ugy n of Lbrough the efort .9. anniversary S16f C. 10. P*ember- ',,the eattlineri., .,Q judiFe:, Lewis :i ""thi - jl�st re- it e t n the cairn was, lm.pydgsi�e, n are bledu *dry,' comfortable' h province British Colupabh t and 6ther-s, the ainassin -a T ,01#Ut6, ouses. alloWS. that', are fre -On u, d and �hlrty years- 4avo .a: Public - dernOiatri'Cion of, 0 6uth hi Vt�tO4 f iswical e fr6m� direct dratights, e1h n'dre 111;,gups s',wf_1'9 t as du,� -nteridined M d on- Kink Soo ovor 'tfie, ,­`__ ' , U, r" rS: birds' --and--that- are-.-well-- faini y. spent' relati olighted The feedini'voiislii c KlNL0UGil',N1' 140. 2 Grey v4riety',�t giminsi green feed. antInki y,del es Wifigha 6 Grey .... .. febd� #rIt and shell, whie GOIj'r It . ICH E was ra Itivers eft for', 16 sweet ;and wholesome- -and'.is given: Cottle Of .'Brantford' No. 7 Ashfield - 82 'honio, such here'. 11.� A MaeEweA, -on Mon Osi titty -7 ...... g a roes. a cgil He got the.,.Pos 'to: 'birdi.- iegularly,and n* lie � rf- son,% quantitles'� that � th -have all they i 1 �2 �,Of. r Xr.,:,Gm, JA '26 ey spent kw guL, I .,was, elected Goderieh want to -oat' befor,6 gain ' t' t t, Lay: ircid'. from - thit thd-' su0ply. of dfinkingL. 6 errij. L, L�y Zu t nclean and, abundant,# that UAL, AT, HOME, mally'that- - udgd' %7,;r,,, MitterInlr is ti , e th ANN Mi. 136s' b ddant Isregu Liar in is 6f- her on a,. ye r Art ag4 111bI is hL)jid, .01 1 ow tiol :aiid to se i the po, girl at h interested in the sani4'r so. Iftia een t4dge, 1, M The Home,'o number leten on The f,.th.11Prdr goodr Are red 'fro or.. la7ine coked 'at -haic 'af" s old BO allots fr and,that they are y Association of oro to wil! am., Vol) the. liroper , season. antf. ook place,Monday No.. 2' rey, -Afi4 'e as none �WCYPL r4pared A �ur, be_held,"n Oadfejjp*s Temple,' !k29 but t t s'f.00 UUV ft he' P" '. 9�, , .. ease. e 4rblta Ale- or t_11s;' V., th' res 13 Mr' J ; ohn Vanat 0; �ripted number on thei�. p es College trret art, e W4QU ]$ggstrAre Worth nuniber of edflot. arid. 1pakt, cr� t.fiscal y,( vening, VC i:a 1926.- 6derich Star n spap­ spe ... r ;�. W ry 21st,. ridge, 'euchre tJNIC 4i r f"' IPAL_CONTE-4 A.vqtiidy� of tle'�' itrl6utlOik f: iw ni Chii.,?-tnia ai- TS "IN d] egg pro nn# ductlow IsAnteiesting' and 2 d daneingi. rwill be'thb,niain feattm, ELP,. KI3909S, M- Ml;. S 0 an, Ualr y6drg, eby. portant,'frogn,thepolItt Of vthe It - u bL W ST. WAWAN08F urnA from the. birds.' Egg pricee age. He -hadl been in'p66i-j ei of �%*eming Z en-te Win bile "Tin, nt, E th f's, VAi1,tQ7g I I . .... �Iiece, In i! Y T*4Y rise . and -fall d 6,6rn data'trajiNpor'atiofi r f "t whmoa. t qveirujig he seasons and upua. I ICOMA C I T, suffered a stro e d Y s and the greatest profit, is, 'jilad ft* e )bo. to for ifiunlci�al b u -Vhere�egks lire., produced, it a, se�,asa Huron co nty, ho. p)talWj li�n i FU lollowing, el aftiidiiy ' I ..ha:ve ATre',idy' pass6d­ thirb- i, -morning. h. U111 ,_�Lj r6L, Qjiebecjhj r& n6ighir v3:111 I �k eiksons,.of the�ryejjr" when -prices y4par,'' 'Th' f ire 0 n theL t uneral -,w arp 6 L a's un or aus k a -01 is,'t is.exp=7: are' the,chi6f source in: Thutsda tin 1. ii.. 6n L' Lh Ij s an .0 s Ofgg Supply. They'req rMaitland Lod". A'F.. & A' 0 t AS a h4h,": Pullets ji�.�rejse f twenty Pe� een Y, 8eVelL nionthfr'jn� S. ..Over the.t 016, of l inenibe #sIderiby- r 3 j , -� , :-. *11 ast ih lftr6 usuall f ich* eut -of- -thir e-frow.,isix to' --a 'Wftwanooh -:as 6e �ee wis.. wa �01� to:mature. , It is, therefbid. ;jss n. m he`,d Ofi ' ij ar0. intitions' Me near Stratford and Mr St reall, a thei Droddctiori� In the neve Ashfi Mr.,, oil X rout' eld 'y tall onthS.'atL r .. , -and. leained''there, lat, jeast� -to som'q.-e tentL 4��LCaoqron, wat wl 'G, od-uricil'sw ere 13r P niort.6 ed tPermits issue 0, hey, - 11 r' Servic'(C! fortunate in :;winnt th A ' _ a to. spend *8 is- at tj 'the thP6. t by "regWiting Peg. W" with The Signal.. Some t"a 0, t'j of top'ring.' Wt fat -Cash- We 11 hea0er Thai n The reevehip .,without, OuTeb eggs : " ng e... epiit� batch ' in the, spring, T �e b tilue Se Critdit Star produced, du' here to., date h opfibsiti'On'.. Can! years'ago,he a d Mr. --M yeav f and: November, Is 'the March iS Ma" I 'I e ac.!. ettri -tf 'the shi -M, --By Decembei the -dr8hip to 'condftt­Th� rde million tober reeve ;p dollar .'being' didat6s or po,utl� th are es hached formed a paitne 'mark, 0 11V d wit t pullet. g a, 98',034,840 fo I rX ..'and Thomas. r �Foi �hn ' ' r " a ar out 16, Otar �4 ructures. Sul hatched.. pull' h et Q .. . &� . .. 7 %reputation. -1ivanj-boW-1taving­had-w-goo& 0 sS, -,$2;299.,4b0, re fiV 'Feed LOSS dinq%spenj the, NV& ftdingK, an fniIriease In' 7' *dIddi0al biperie reen -for Poultryj r itd' but 'Xow�,th the. poultr ire 6it i he ts ere, - Jsdac, Pfrinell, is -very-'fll. paien. c Y New Year." tafididratis�faj, pow ime. as. coun. Mrs range and no longer betimit ��he iilck this: year t6mb.r D' "Maci ood hop:.el far. a.s edy r over W. t Waif Th6s. :ind Wik. ink.of freill jr�en fee'd.. at libqrty, �Wiss ean orson, TO., Our s , I . . I stittite should"be prdvldeA Man- Pe A 2s, �spen ing -season a met s. of this CU Plack�- k1hia' Co grain;. d1i .,i�iek at 'hej 0 lit' "P()t toesj� Fr d 'r gal kale.. cabbage' and' ome on .-Miss Marvell, Sef)tt, oats do vdi* *611, to� nu DDly in art e o rth: of HA4,dtti an p �versi y is sl�endin '' -'fid 0 110 e.1 . ?,tg.nja a to :�lL6 joU an,. Wi W, litn' ws: tip "fro To her.fath 'Mr. C.L'Me ni t Dj, soA et i frimo the-'�otii�o 'belt on t W6 cabdi A' We --are s6rt ar athe *soi* zie4es�ary. vitamilleg A-,. and in Itinids4 t�o'. olifi jjo d n er.y S. sone: As.: we' itbout aj� 644011ttial to pkobbr ri�ttjjjon nto,to slpih Chr Sthj4' little attebtion tou'see&1figly tiilm� 0 yi tQ ioif6itt John. Vol-, AC!(.. i his �t& X Oran I Dab. UcVa I' d r V6696h and f betWeell $(lbtea& and. -ve ec 'Ahe our as-, "CO k011lQr. �­Mf vith, brkdh th, th t fre4LUjbIfttjk Inqalift the thero. ra e ere d of, th -P .46 1 01,-our'lboat L 10 Wck, �i'Avthe on, th'lag .0 r a WIS. C UP of nitifitfin !lien Agriwitul,e, --Yo to je the �Z=Q. L a-Agridultural. ConejeCI-oulty yman aj Lliokno dviting, t .Z Ar4 eXperi y n av, vl vital elOmefitO 18,41WITS 9*911 ble -the Of.. '0 W set -tv Xs a Lo f r 01 reeve i ru IlIng JpUtth` t6tM -h gram e -the, , inn ie leed 6n: f Mr. 'teed or ftitlghago -�tohtiilnlng. -the partment. -a liberal ItiloWtilid f, WO Are glad e or rnelt Ackert - thab hd f dolhg. veil s ek 01�. 91 A. L to t�e stoo ha Ulleillot'for the pas, n 0 Gl-mee e g.jor CO 411(l X Y, 6f ou Cand d4 .0 13'� 0en co V 00dwj e 0 h. 0; X., 06116ge t6tleltrh Lane� arrid Mrs Carfuthers,; R0,35 %%en 4 to rd UnC APO"It � 44 b I PdU'. A fix, d ru'o of j L 14 Ad4ni M,c'Q �uen Melvin I it 0 a I rwin, an, een 4t)�j Drjr,,e,,l;, tyrQL",..l . I � 0 ),1 sage, Pin o n II, th oVercom& with h List May fail, to sweat re-'. -weather aho, bd dUbj6ei.16 rc� as' '�', t 'llr IL 'jrfy,Propdr tL hdt -tak()' fi . AS 'b 1r;ends on-*tlio I'4,ourth m -as we 1WA us A horse th 'gpeiiJ it th! In er y C6 een .6n the 1101611 cu tirbi ce,6f the ng n AC 1yndall, Robinson, nntho oaat, thre6 eitra or more can be bdu6ed , ddilier -ma� be* The Holyrood, ;, ". "I U r Goa. Rieligrds 6V Tor�nto a oppy' and rosper. In fm bl ge-'Oflh(�'skin and meeting a 0 on, ay; 'at ,,Mr. Johit laft. 14th, at -the. 1) 'the rdilvee* fire- Alberf John 'of M i% blWid bij k thig m& y be tifedi Wh spent a last wq04 allififtheilt. ru bbed OU VA in from'ear, to, eir AffrAtitittem s*'Ola� Th 0 rjac to e ttikav, was reeve i� rlu Ifig. 'and cirdtilatiob Mk.:and And. gavil tho :601, by mi;s t A 1625, and" Medd ha ston a d John E. Md. r. j*. )s, Me S of 'bj60d. 'It Izzle Purv.1' b t1o;1 sh4ultthotbe Wfled'bdf6re putting, Hai,old, of Toronto�', �apent', r tho 1, r r jsL 4'L a 'a 4 blanket: Sofne haye'li a] daes are.,'. W1 jl' rg". ad,, go6J, �Vjth Mr., and M ligu Dfti4ld rmA Carq'Ditvid eddy- *W'r. a'oil the'� j�ho�t Per- W&I'm ten, d0itiftlW9 ginger essendo Wnti'40101 WAVi Jr Stewart; T- Or,thicture at -the W9104 on tho Taylor. 4 t hL e p n 11ILg, PoWderode tgot, 'lat 'Go, I k, � few days 3r w 10 The arme eaps. Otbdk Is the piall hota grbDg, will eeleA f t Wawa osp oare- algo'jo ions roig­th�jr ��Pjn the, H'Lday, iV00, as to wheth oAnt tfi� fd rt t6WAship shdild of M d �riv the: 61 ith loafigaide f d,% 11aemanUre. rj d 'the' fa�f., 'T bitildi 6 . , I - " , t and ina � . . A 8fPftIIL tible i Jp rogdo. old bd 0*, Mad air,. an or ho Tan ain Ah e'%S'6ika Uito r I jj jail'' If OR .$r. ap