HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-10, Page 6-.7 -7. 71w�, t, � i 1 7 j ith 1991,t V, SION'T L ll OPAY' olkct. Oki INE MCKNOW LAW-ROM04 SMILE 7 $T0119- AT, FORT ]�-]Wxf 'or DVNQANNON, TRYING TO --'QHTU1t LDU OPPOWN00"rKWOORM A W ONY E V� "? A, 1,4 glic 4 laripajet rought to 4L, t1ttenCon !qqj" 1S.'. low Alleation o the Authoriti(�S 'in this cotllty was through Ltarly, 81viday even, perpetratgd wre odings in- Qllt;1a '%yh*en Mr. A.' Gegrge".4 Ahe oustpely,of tt 3t eenie court his here roll king tl� q d; it. As Ij , goods ent re( 0 �IAO young eneral stor-6 - IRS NV -114 w conveii.t. in, New out it, PrQvidepq �V�istniinster by, tolon or w'Antonly' thla"childV043' moth.. ed, iwith,,Merchan '�o, left 11UP"I Q the, -stp r 'rile 'application Was Adjou 0,1104' A N '3 471- e e QW dis 4fid, 100kink, A Itil Tuesday, I A sll)iley.'s %"A Swept thyoug� it. eff ort to get 1), had 0 jlitl6, girls, Ellon, and g At, L�ntjance t6 the his W store Ny.45 ilia sion 0 three yegrij olu, I I IWO! Whi. � live and M 41. ll� of th� buil0mie-by i a .!nt the: end -of,J% fruit!940, Pul" NO F S -lie hinges and It is M the Menti 146a "at wlaCks 151 door.- A 'P; fo sevei hii -and of, dymer '0111 Ln Ch seehIS 0 haA a d e b646' Thqp�It her ek t ith. hep. dowA t -4ders- pulled an'd brought. oiscults, pa c ajid kageS. handi to -ew U107 lot q�,or On Mrg,�Skljij6y�, jiiiide up te ''h sb ro to # to Which, b -t1i O'�-egoxi,:;, tellip d's, 0 s� 0( o ll e r,. o detrili caps'..c 0 hift all act' n. un eked off' Lables, 'ojelfo: flooj, ci6ungelle hef o gannon,! 15,10n, Mup obille elves &d at, letl9t, two Pal Dun 'her fi e removd'fronv tW tlj6ukt�fit,�jn­'tbe iii4tter.and .sh6e, lb rs - 01 where sho'bad.',been, living �017 t .0 drawers', were pulle( P. led 4 Ullib, bui and! the contents m1ey A ks, ago S was In* sugar an( Cople of wee ixed VI ded to make, an. etfort tQ 99t consider� these coinmoditid� his 4ble D,f deci 0' failifly:,back.'On leaving Dungannon, �sPillied on the Ilor#. gUm� W&. of he says hi theli told, 1is ridods" that chewing re 'CO lumbia i�,ontentk and'thd g -in 500le he was coming tei�-Btitish u also a veaddy bf-'Stag ch6ving tobac-1 to, persuade- h,9 wife to go back wit t unable co and' a C-9 lig. Ben wo children If he; was Ady of, th" &o? Clothing "candies. an( toL efflact" a . itconciliatiOr wl -off least -h --lw 3111 0 �ch-(kolafes' were also. carried ,N01 �.e , 3u the� fftba children - -TH—eTa—voc —a back.- It is,, te—we.. furthei-- qatw-r bhrat­�- e�— dy' 'frenzy Y. tear- ldundh6d habeas. tor displayed' clestrgetive b is r6cee'ding t g 'possession of swetei e four et ing the ;pockets j c0j -that han;ing�up- ath iS, R(Fman C Glic- Smiley it, rwiis In this c6ndition that Mr Mrs. They ;hjs 4tore-ifter chur6b Her husbittiel is 4 Protestant. George 'Auild 'but in t e west Suday Wrh el he 'letter Un, Inves i:I �vrl e 0 years, on w I c Its up (j6unty Ontario; about we reed that two par ies weXc a' Dungannon ds the'r home. jo' the , rear. door evil g4 ie,3ponslble for the deed, but.,. thbsc, . T 'of L li�mag' Smiley, fath r "'Only, tc fc-otprints could- be* trace 'Smil heey. yl�uiliei Shi-ifey fdmily 0on, the -lave the.back store..'. The tile.,life., n buiglary became, a pg 0 being apprised of the. of the'� lit all outwad beve M,,t, witfl 'tle commuhity,-'an to Wid- en' got lw,todch, I&Y, -4rxived AV -1i noonL"d-in itd.��- —Y N i th-ihe -�e i out I ii eid, or --M- Q n ay, - Smile v systeitatic in estigatiol). y 'had nope(L, be ablo to ta dren to t, two local ke, the two, chiJ -ed th, it was 1earn I,e g.Qn 5 e '",burning. fr6nr 'a ilk uw. visit'her moth'ifi Pd�tlan' strarTg- sideneb retr. ti iii n, C anadiili"e'AA indPiy, -�eveilin.g ubtleed two -n ors with. sucAcs 'o er, o, roman e -made it�' 16rink, the' U �ei­ theik glibulder, t ear the, -way -tracli ..and�. -y Is lumbej id hiel, little t. into Cottrill 'they hollered �at ne6essax -oi they 0dgee :Recently, it. iS alleged,, she'placed t] le ."jirls tempoirarily, in: the :care 'of . 1eh, -:N ow W e inster vonven the in odeiich is mubt bohind­ilolne� jum-ben. HeT6 A nd� tkaeks Were d;sb6Vcr6d i interested in t e offiedrs a n, ras employed in a: de ' -bird- thaffiljitoxi, -whe' they rich - lblig: the ralfWaY track case f6r'Mr. Siriile�-fdr some tim-e- XA' trUrrieA' off. into, "ibUsh 'EhrQute nown.' e -store andAs­W6 ...... War -es and wrappes off., Residents t chbcolate aj that!. village say. thai icgsei, 'has caused great. 'exici �,gum found which told the" te� in 'the tl y we. hey h6ve, fi6. reL'6n th& i details �of ac.. Sleuths 'the ighi� ant. T -..track. 6velopment, of -b 'lat6l' left 'Their suspic' they are aware', that 'Mr. nl&Y ion, eing bei ir'�. o r o . n fot, 'th'o' -briought to 9. Walte. purpose of. gettin wife,..Aild who lNes�,'on the back, road' traw. children, tb retuk n, . h d t _-South�A�ljjptdn, tile. -offiderg. It "Smile 'te Port Elgin and ihad,­ Air' became gen-. Grilled jo, 16tti they statej thdt ft ina J. n J. 'Giaorila, � J issue :.a .. seltieb .�rally knowulhat she *ag:.jj � Rol t wsr�ant to allow them to search the � Chtholic - While' in the�'rvillaje she f nel on 14dilddy, night attended the,'Aliglican chujrch� ..Brown' )lome,' a lit cbrnpin' with Mr. Oeoyge , they' her hilibitbef;, '.and as a 'worker.; inlilde .'thb'. seareb.. While n6thifi the church organizations. - :'but 'three' --new ea. V1 d Pencils i'n�ouirbr dispatelt d.ated' Were Dec. Ist.- is. is foll6rws: �labe�jil , cor- i ub.d;' inlormatibil'wai later 0 ed' from' an, lad, a.' Playmate ripeediligg, la�nched by Liwra. pus .O,t of one' of he younger Brow -ence Smiley, gannon.' n ario er th 't he hid', 160h tiveq -gu.m, toba& Seeking' ciatody of. IS. tWo littlo,�.. '16cal Ford aeai iin �,91-ad of `Dufi hi a F6rdr1nodeIrma' y y h u 'Y CO jhd mitt�hes, -by Walter B Wn dau&litlers; Frances 7,,.and. Jean� 3j "be a. sh, no failed. i0i Udrr'Sofil' across om 'Your oc or trn t fr 'the,' yoi h6T I show %hris'' cis. Gift.,,.. a 'bu 41 �sack 'I d ''Q ra ogi�ing'the, mother, par Brown' The la �upreme Court today When tbe� court. on easy id from Who stated;+ -,v at the 9tuff grant d.'and. as told th Cettificat6-w ich ore in- PbLf , Atari Sihiley posses- erf: hAdbebnr stolen from a f Vancouver,: tj persuad-ed Y, the offilcors -of the two children. El was autht . F -deal enables'the giver d t en -Tilto- the spot wh6re h 'd e -n e Mothcr,, it -was sai -ate'-d6w.. paym of, a to.annoulk ..to l4ad thei er Brown' -'the ihfant Afist. i ly 60 -lo6t was found.: Walter u t tto M gannon with W 0 W110L. and.- -Providence QrPhinagi, in Xe�'Wegt .... .. y at CIM o or, a Par( th I e was -the ch ldron -bee but 16d ap instituteil.. procee ing e r Deliv 0' of IOU 'm S ing annel. er ot' a and when.1h6' father arrived jlexe 'he h- 'was" n t r PA the i., against th returned. alter, they - y can, pray als ',b nged. n learned wanted, it,) Su mans er,.v e e 'e, rounded hi c ou, P, t hi r mornir posed- ill. hav Placed. r n, Chids as nV e OW. 'co enienc 7�.W e4- plice'and.:seeured ther oV.iei! s�k and In, givirig Ae6isio'n 'Justice t1n the started - throdg he, for -oil' c0- 'soil shid ie refused � to eonsider'� 11 rosi fre 'gal. aSpr ocare -on, its: le �in -ad sh tri ks' the ects .0 6r 'but -7 ad not ;qon 'and,,hf -to - exbllqi�ie common was inc ned uhd the Sack (if 's . en�e, looking -t o, the children' ein 'the rum' Cofitinbillg� the, dev, opiblant could �V -ers -low B AW ai� the offil. ol ed. 'rown, —0�0-0— F A. -W TH 0 U'R 'S J Z D Z '44 paij V o t� kas previous y 1�h a ded an ar.n d Was, Wm: Blundell; T T,: R .0 R D E e -A, tT -.0 A R,E of MjS CHARGED I )ABING ..''.'SUAf tit COTTAOES. Sputhamptol the' 'hpn to M ad .,,on. o'.throug'b h It , -happenlae dehvored t()rg,, adniittam an UpStn'r wind kiigusl Norwood, Enni eydder.. w1fich that the1a tim, e"T' skilfen tbwnship fl�fmer. and f6 flyM� er -wits committl6d.,for-trilif almost �Clltlyr Ojj through. u lower tell charges bf. itilaing in ikitig. ()n'.,the heaA re, jjr stj PqSgog- off, 'ji f rom a" 0�ojty Stole hdre the futritiv0 struck to sunim"er, homes betw6en GrAhd' Bem- 74 Phne 250�� INGLES wUrd the Indian villa�t, the bfficer. on Huion, and Co I run Phone Lakir ni.oh the olSt; lair River et Yo .After Prac night ;hunf. Works. bbrvq- were a tin all The thL4tl�, 'it was Sai 'exileifdea e pjjrehendoef+j� gouth.. We t ovii'r a four-year eriod$ h3d included complete A ock. of. Brown- was liablYed n 4 all� kin'ds oi ftfrnishidgo� 1iom"bd. WiNh 1q had 0rncVg:c1( aLUCKXOW� wid 7INGRAM. 8. r C. lngOeeted"18hinglesi 0iir 5�' clothes to, �jictuvk .-Bail vas gbt od* Val_. r.. of tla'de Istgest and w6st; Com dlear ''Autt Shingles, are go hH $M,000; ineuding $5,000, in, pe-i7agnal for I'lee.o9pizanbeg and, two securities, S3,000 each, given b'� -Alex. Kirk, arid', $9.50 'a Sq1i the, United huroh. eatitiful dis101f In.ifle. mo6t b t 'tokk, 0' f, Idi S ling ye)utbq were brought to I) rf A Igo a contpees 06d ofgin- a from,, In botit hooh 7%ilas .1y Hid latez qrs in giving siko# b) a ear' tvj Walk('�Iteln whort "declared that I e) V i'd arraigneo before me "ts, Oni, Ur White Pine Norwood had'iadmittid and Matched, Goods, in;9 t sh a gtotch. Sw" ana Spruc.. See Oil. t of the N thrjf -t-0 th fdr, -being: jL6 d 'had a number f goods that hie 'a we(& to a, C611illgI at pr Tile BelVil cottage, per)t foUnd' Was nd Prue here nder Dr. Tfit.,qt wo mak 0i specisafy* at Flimilb �proj)ei�ty wa s $0.00 per too . WK b. n or� InVItle YoUjr, JUSPW Wobe!'s Will, hut uccu.ed denied- tak4 fs -a" in it therec, eaVIS rirfrig AT'let dc t plafflng first information read by the h Ul. was 'to,� the effect -that in eftilly Ana !tuk(! othci t6wn4HT) of It rjSjCjlloTj,,, onr N LUCKNOW f ptojilpili' Done. t&e"''fouhd th(. Vornber 7, he -had it victiold and a nunih.ar r�,cokds coa d' �fi ,, to o bfo lAting. YOU, or t�ux mrinih -5 woria. called by.the!, r�,Witncsseq� I Cl;own lialiv hotn of ticorge. [air it, A. iondek, of Leindon,f Rkovipicial Con, ELPH < at W,�A, Sdoft d Hi h t oA. Wfli',ting, Af ter. their ous TW JS ttOtfieY MoVedr nin the TwTwenty Th' and,,0ortlar Baby t nt --kcednt �j AP U'Verryfinb *66dol -of their Atlafitie j5tcaFnlar#,Lth6 ul elf we having bib halld ind ontreil About 'the shme Itkn 4ht t ing- overhauled, the MWel 6 '144 l6t,in'Dney is ht�ro 01 bei ulil Whi ot ryd6ck in f rha ;:Upon, be ore Mr. Voinon 0, Cardy, �'e�jdeht 4n ere are Thomas nCq4yttK or ove to t "racoon &c it ill relnaffi. on L 1. re. L 1, spent mt, 'At' Into: docic and W y f the hotel llckabk6V a thus sonle. o I k,, wb% se;it'jo bave go pouindpi, a -0 1 1) rfisuipii recen ly bottle, of',chimpag to III refghed over t)j18 a y ar all d is jr . r I eri of the t��yal is' lUd 1* 6*60 Partl6�1 111keej to a POP] btors;, ifia that 9 te.,are 11�$ 'bacly' aiy�. The -insured' lot, $20 000., The u -r 0 s epp e TUR, it exPerl new, b th Model It, fouttzen feet to of the, 'for Mer h-14 `0 hAd. it. skin 'vNe, I poor in spot, cash. lovi d r, Aftr All earhi40 Of Th g 0 ed, nothing, On on ma 4,041071 0t4jtAj,* Aar A.0 tho V Vooth am It ag 'lit, A r4t go 1� set' e rei " and, nove as pidly jwy qj&6- it' 1grge t 7 W