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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-10, Page 3• • • ,, 1925 HAS . BEEN A: SUCCESSFUL S c Canada's Scenery Attracts oliday-Makers711 Adds' to =Nation's Re.Whatliar t}nquestio beeg? Can- ada'e greatest. touriat season is drawleg to, a close. Never beforebas there • .:'been such' an influx into' Canada of Dille are unsurpassed, and .for thareaeop' a not. fail to: give •railef to rhoum''atie sufferers whengivePea A nong•the. rheumatic• suflererawho have .proved the; great value"of; 'this. medlclne le'•. Mr, X, M. FoleY,• WindsOO'.�• bl;S.. , wlixi,:'eays -°M0 txou:,bie•etarted•,with a•bad cold,','"the'result Itriying;; the •Poisonous,_ Acid: From, the- System.: ' Itheungatieu►' attacks; people whe,nthe blood • :is thin. and watery ,or ,charged,iup. with impurities, illus setting` up inflammation of tlfe., muscles and` •Joints.. • :±cold.. wet. weather or sharp, .winde may £tart` the pains. but the •cause is rooted; in'. the blood, and to get;. relief it nnne . bet treated through the blood As; tbiood•builder and nerve ;• holidayers ,from the •United States.,hy automobile, train., ani' boat, and: the volume of vacation traffib whish has been steadily :in :the ascend'e 1CY• for tone years�'reached a temporary pin nrac to In 1225 By •leaps an$• hounds. In the years ,since • the .war the Value . • of .Canada's tourf$th • tragic has'been .Pf workin-gd• iP a heavy rain•atorrnz,, , rising and, leavingo1d'erj, eetablished� 1 om that i : devpiaped into rheu- acti`vitief :'beh.ind^ until to-daY ; ` it ls" <matl�tq w'p1 badly cri ledn me and autho ii atively estimatedthat„ ,it • eon kept me confined .to••bed for °upwardg• • • onion's.°third gr a.test o[ six :yanthThe ,d s. octor who treat. etituxes the. Dmi,, d• ,,,a did, net helm me, and. every , •suCh euccostt' here,-" The plaetoOraPli 0101,s' treap ••ait' 43artfahl TO:deer $•t.• .4eonerd's.,- •".• ° ' • ' The. outataMling featuie In. centleete °".16'114 Yhq `"IlQd l'°. aea 41.4. .Ilad. 0O'n1""'' . lag,'a rough' aUrvey ef OHS traffic ie, thing. different- t° 44.18e: ' 8' °I ' • ''''-the universal aPPeal•Qethe broadeotin- thee° 'reteeillea i tzle4.' bui with II° 'bet"' . try; and the' Magner In which: practi. ter:reealt!'•. IYIY• 'lege `*fle 8Pffi frPni. lure to.extrt.uP.On those holidaYbound. Iliad° '-eaased 10314e' Pale' a.•e'l °947 ', Kvery province of Canada. '' is te-dar staetly I Wee .groWine.'Wealter.. Then • benefiting InateriellY: fronit the'Olialth a., .friend :fro& FalMOUth, :who' dente tcr wberg..this.„ Waii :greater in ,1925, than ever' before, : , htidestiniated that motor tourists 'alone had, brought:: inter Can- guarter of the annual raining (*twit of „Ontario, Quebec,: and Britigh do- . It bee been estiniated that 4 Million :ineiViduttls trot:11'0e United States .crease dver the previous yeat, whilst .mated that •itt 1924, 109,40'9 tourlifts .vieited• Neita 'Scotia, , ,end the, traffic his been inueb heaviet: this year, judging by the figures, at Stich popular the Grand Pre memorial park. The it true of Other egetions of :.:_fitent_ into _,0ntarie „Iron) „the' United 'according to the, flgurea,Of :permits is- . stied at •the border by the Cagitonie. THE 'LETTER `• Ai thirty Kathai:ine lodked what she November *ell he.Would leave with Katharine was not surprised te eee a letter from Jo:linen her Plate' tin the • • lianis' Pink -• I had taken so. made modernism! 'She had an .extel-• was , skepticalTfiriald so: ',FY -friend hewever, bad so much faith in the pills Wet' he got me a sitpplY*.niid to 'lent .ht the business :world • she - a mimeos, but she -hoed, hardened 'in: the process. her YOung,sfeter .BABIr$:OWA:TO e.ORAlioE PEKOE* extra 0500,4 fir Sick childien,c,, eery iestliutten. which .Starteci oat l -A7.5. with a 040101'4..02A, pissed anti the -Hui hospital heti grown into .one cif • the greatest inste r. tutions of .its kind le the w.hole world. i I LBLAINS Weeh the sea with. warre • the Paine. IN AR D' s NimEN Tsit nostithlei by their' Chrietnaas Tim gifts. ,They are reWittded,• by, c.hildreu will'gtOw up into manhood Or Pots" wherein they were reatored end TO, winhaelt health for six thouSand 71-losPitata...-Werd.-serViee- alone' Oita: year. v,Bes4des that there were oVer .half a hundred -thousand ettendances' in the Out -Patient Depertinent, where. theleas serious, cases are treated., All this test a great deal et Money, even skill.cindthe ettrees'ept their Care. There , board and lodging' mid' laundry' to given. berth cithartica hut these tab- a'ad a'ceSen'-tntt-114-c:11 n_are_ any"xnedicine for c,hildreNis that it ,rmorning oF ,,. November ,11th. • • He . hed, is go. agreeable that the mether does already Made many e.P•peals . the little had' nOt beed taking them:long .whell ed, • dreamy-eied •creature„ . and; .with4 —Another letter77-fei •.: frera the •envel-' Baby's pwn :Teblets 'have • tie drug I . began' to feel' a change for ',the bet- the (.1nly , Creek- in Katherine's 'hard, ' ..."'4., ' ' taste, May be creshee to P powder if ter, and .1: gl4dli get ,e furthet euPPlY., ,bright •arinot:• the ohi,i,d returaed the was terninglout „desired,' 'and bahies like 'them, They spoil ; :was:Able:to get- Out.'of bed and 'older weMan's.lovenatdrally enotigh last Welt ' and • cam aarPsS' the. ea''' are laerfectlY wife for they contain no :W.a,M 'iraltad .en , erlitchsta.;:.' Still' . ialt- .but, naturally, eneligh, fulf ;earl" •elas0.. It Wale-amonget thp last :-Cit gelate -Or 'flarceitic, • They .sweeten the came heme. front stomach, , and reinoVe : the ' cause Cf' Mg the. pills. I 'used 'in all' Se.venteen 'sure. :It bad, nOt been mikes, eiwice Jim's -things whiCh beitea. • PY:..WhICh.'' time '..,I was 4_,„„well 'that 'eertain,saerifices 'had been Mad° irzeilea• '' Aantie: Save .0eni ta' F...i •P43 fretraO908. ' : ' ' ''' .' ' . man end'ai, ;work every' day; Now: i tor'•her;' '• ' . " ' 4 . , . . loorbeer. ' Sciiiiehoye I had not' tared _Mrs. Arthiir..Charlebots, PaWtticket• -0-ink..,B1114,1a•-tha,heibieend if I. teel ' ' . ,....0:mit,:ift :' • that everything. should be .cleare.d up Tablets to be a 'gentle, laxative and a please him• I began taking them. I "Dear Katharine;, --1: „In...Westerp Canada it -has been. the . :of travel up through .• the beatitiftil "•• along. the ..Banff.Windermete highway left hy touriets '• in, .Winnineg; The, lento naine at .Calgary. playing host to idioiving at Begina., •• • :The' Nietitinal 'Canada -have • his' never japan. °quailed in -iiitensitY; :thisin spite of the feat that'theteWee ebrds,. motor and ttaitt 'Were 'broken, -at•Banft. There were; .threethites as ....ManY:eitnipetit at' thLS Reeky Mountain ...peint as in theletunhelor.‘eaman,',, titro :thotisiand , sing Under. cativo. at Deminion . are, the' same; hal. been ways goocl 'results,: medicine•dealer or .by•mail it '50' bents • *boa: from The pr:- Williams' Medi- If yeti 4 devote .,,your Satthdais to. graphs, 'Yee .have,. probability; Pet the palipiety; of Pidgin; diatancea. :and yOur,diffletlity. will. :he JeSseneth With the. naked eye,' if ion live aver- age sight YOU can.see the Whites of 'PeePles eies at thirty yardk it eighty yards you•ian 'Just see their pyes:' When ell . Partiaof 'their bOdy.” pre -die. when :tbebittlinee_:of_ their faces, are lost Visible, the dittance le '200 Yarda;' can be ,flistinguished• singly; bid at a 'farther dittaneethan this no , detail of the Unman .forni.oan be deter.: :et 'JIM, he had :always lived. With • an he able .to 'tell ,a• -•man• on horsehaek. at the age Of tWenty`itheee :during the :froth a Man oh teal- at 2,000 yarde. he War. Apd•now ,Jobn:waS t*.epti'-three The majearitY of 'people; tido, ,e".01:•ini, :Hooves title to sail et, the end of asked ..for John'alneinber. ' There ere 'other grittifying featutal • to 'the 1025 Voltitne of Solidity travel. UP JO quite, reoently it' was .accepteg. that tourist:trailiC' to' Canada was es, senttalli.. Min the United filtatea.' In tor touring aid hOliday: Objective, This may, In part, be'ettribUted to the 1,niluence Of, Canada's partidination: at sante tint% sn analeele of the list,: ° Itt any pannier point 'reve'aie !MS - bets of ,Visibitst teem Other deuntriee. ' Buell un. duo condue4ted at 'Grand Pee' • State:Of. the Union; Mid- in addition. nth West 'Indies.. Newfointd. Plettiai appeal as her .;tin increasing ielittne „. Of that Motor touriett° 1924-limseit tidarli '$150,060,00 into: the Deitibibin •fteCepted as he:. Aug tot MOreFiliatit '..St.thectStet • mains' 'tourists lute. Canada' lett Year' She hakalways been 1-6-61itTid after, and - She tOrtied' to' look. at the letter.: It now John -wanted to look elter .her in-, emuet'have been nearli ten years 'old. ,stead of Katharine., ° • tut' When John. breaehe theeubject, ef.marriage; Katharine woUld not hear ter:Millie is twentpene;". she Said. •. -Millie was tearful. 'Ye:are; and We Waritedqo-inory-betbre • Katharine 'was adamant. She said; to, 'M niciMept of a:1*er,, that phe did not imoiv to* Millie: cduld easily' contemplateleaving her atter all she'd It was written in the round; girlish Writing Which had been hers long LIRA. • The sight of it .milde •her heart . grow celd. She opened it with: tentative fitigers', and read. - the ,Wiiitiorri of Youth; Say tha,t 'there were niany,.erossee the'eitid.'ofit and it *as 0.03:od Yet ette':•eentence lemped :out' at. het:. promised you, and we 'will .married acre youtie..:but tra take Whet the 'done ,tor het: Poor . Mpg! Poor., Katharine sat for'4,10.1* ••• She remembered 'sadden -1y, 'with • a Itisles at -the en.thof a letter.. ' r". shede anneianee, time, it VMS. •OnlYs. ,And one had often wondered whether. thimightetself that ittlillie-hed •Iniew,n hehae • received -her letter. 'It hed not: ebb 'had :line •tha:eld "day°. ••••'. the, othets, She ;saW tio* froni tbe lwali in, 'Orphae,: .„:•to0.',•••,.. It had postmark_ that, be 'Must hays reeeiyed' beet •that.partly, perhaps, which had it the day:before be died:, • drawn' to Millie, With hie broth- ,•AN'istell,- foe them it ;had been tea •She turned to' :the ..teieehene • and. lets worked mere effectively without stiVeet. • t the eeVere ring. i'ean'redenimend In order tia• it g t, an them to. all : ethers,pf• little children.ff. :inedleine dealers :or by., , 'at i5 Medicine Co.„ Broekyille; pnt, able to deterniine the Wind's •VeiOeity: it roiearte that one to twelnilea.-an- an -hour. wind will !just stir the •leaVeS • Surnames and Their Origin • .plaee .nanies, with. the' same' Meaning, 'forms the 'origin . 'lee mostly ac- tual Place name, While In the English • Scotland', pained' •Pollock, , end this name is suppdied to ceme •from the 4 sate 'aim naPtimi • that tbe. earliest . the Son„,Of a Eleherrytate,... •/, ientative.of development: ie three (lit. The Meilen!. 'of d,rinking "lettatails f eta the anciitaateaPdlig1.6ai....tis the senile . Of-•epublic halii": of &eat place, Would be di•stinguished from CereitnenY • s",1?htill.tik '9 id" .hot" In French there Was the ,yttor0, ether,. the "John •atte. heathetl'ge S.• • • "belle .with apptexitnatelY tne stuns pbol,,o, the :s'a.,tte'' hang etmply ‘tt ard of :efficiency .and 'also to yriden :the' se:Pdenctoedf i atilt egevrie.e0n• ttarilt°911i, lit •:F747.-etminht:r4:'tjil;r:rdyPilneeerica!rifuisititier.4-s0Y11%'eh.l.c:601;dril:40:Thtirlye 'organized that it Oen haa a 'Leith mar- omit:, us voug, BUTTER Al'"? FEATHERS Kite iota* forprices-we tiaratigeo thent for ,a weeh ahead flit modern th,Oughta andlirOde Ansi *hen all are deae, • 4fy.Q‘911.17geSittlt. Ggrar a nndditilnoOtt:116:61;. record nursed her first grandchild: She her- -Paris has long been a. Meinotelitan plial 16 compelled Ito bcirrow. heavily dUritig the, year: On the. coca:den. of fiftieth Chrietinas eppeal is Will allow the lipepital for Sick Child - Cf 'service 'With •its courage re: - :reseed -by credi tharanee le the -bank. is indeed a„ noble. eatise *bleb I feel: sure yOu Will cordially temniend ;IBVING Pup It Is' 'curio:es."' that.' Englieh mothers Weigh Methera lint a pair Of tongs. "faith' O. the efficacy 'di a belt made of round the ankle's. of -their children to • the head. of -p. ihtkht so that • 'Money.: 10,."plaeed in Its. first bath 'tO "'On what "grOtin,dis: .did She get her divOrcer :'• tion -cause bad boat i,Seigel's $yrup_gemat the ,'::.Duke of AViarirtlihide. AMong the. Whinisicel. titles'. which tiPpeat be the Pages Of , riatittal his.. ous than the Duke of Matetialaile,:the Brandy. • TheY are, or Were, hoWeVeri real titles liegtewed hy gelatine, Mon- arch .on•::threa :favorites .. during. the "dared. hintself emperbr.,• T41'011$11 "until 1020, niieserying I to. the . last 'the '• Among them, mere the- • three' 'mete •beatera•of thlti, family name for ,the, frelni being. instances moet Mitt came, frotif•,that .parigh; .,04! 'the frivelity of the Aftletut .Charac- litey were Dames' of ,pineee, the . Hhilend anY Mae. living hear 'a first two being originallY;Plantathips•,. pool .6r pOnd likeli haVe tint latterlY'tewits of 'stoma import - ed hint from other individuale,. of, the dame gi nap y . In Pingland..:there• was the word. • everybody knew lived near . such • 'a .. • • ' ' Gypsies in the Central. Statee ot..tha be equivalent ,t0 erecnne U:S.A. :are abandoning their caravenS and Which Was intreclueed hito English with theni, :fer high-powered Motor cars, although the,..NOrMallEt to tome down tdus as the eeetuPants dr-tml, much: PI" the. "saloon," "in ,Geitian: the word 'watt Thus the original surtianles.. With Wg' WANT CHURNING Hall, of come, betrays the °right in %lines,. tut not always, a. development et thia„. 'Lasalle Is French; With °tie :of Gerinan. 4410 and Sales represent an English :tievelopmeet. of the family', We. antkplY cans and Pay express ,To Obtain the op pitte,,, Creint .teitiet be free „train bid doors: and contsiti not lecia• thee i,f07 ger tent,' nutter rat. • BOWEI "Toronto ° tank ot Identtecti, or Your local banker.. istablished tor •over thirty years Veriatieni—pcillock, Pool. 4Stottlifiesnil. Araceable In the GhOSte two ghosts,. ',11t,e•had eone.dnye to the wreck of a. .steamer and Was .trogalfig the Main ,iyaleier, when •, (We ambling toWardelliM. He net Wait to ;Make .netes, bet g4ve :the datiger eignel and Was milled, up. Told in the cheerful' (if day. it Seemed' rather TOWard tint "Iiiio.':aftle. the, 'giro -say s•,:,itziment and then,•going boldly for-. Ward, Stritek his hafthet.through4--a. nairrort The ghoste -kito,e bitty qt,; Mtn refleetion et lila: owe logs,.: Melt ett- Ittrgetti-,k5kbtliAti,tit 'War' Eel -that's -Not :An 'Eel. The electric the meet powerfpl of eleetrie• ffehes,',1° not an eel but, a close relatiVe of the sticker or eerie The meaning •Of ."Iconoclas!' is !`a breaker of: irriagesthat ,one • op-: posed to idol Worship. ' ,God mado, euethios its a Wind ,to 1111 'Ills 'leintawardensilltig, :sails, . When: evet he went .• The Ilerd •Wcte „With 'him, and: thcr not neCiiiiiiithily to he Innitliereil• in the .06; a hie hel It Stopped . Noce, Comfort .,.R.ED SPRUCE GUM Afdtfloor r) WATSON CO bring good: , GENUINE API PROVED SAFE *Take without Fear as Told "Baj)er" Package Does not affec, the Heart eie package, or on. tablets -you are flat :live' years ter Colds Neuritis .•Lttnibitga Toothache, Itheutna.tiera will stop your, cough or ' cold. Buckley's "Strong, is , the sante. efficient -ified" differe in taste only. Made for those who find, ttedicines tasteful, particularly the children. Bah Mfitures act lileze a flash' on Coughs, bronL chitis dr any 'affection • ICL E • y Suffer 'With itching Rashes *hen a .warm bath with don Of Cittkura Clinttrient will afford itiimediate relief' and Point to -permanent skin bealth in mast cases vvheti all elsefails.