The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-03, Page 77i -47 IN 'W7 7" Zr e '41 tr -"-z V I r RIC ATAW' 1.3 wm' umno try, IDEAT .......... ....... 000j. a e. `U MthOugh pbat at a J, y 'is, barb '..Slight Eym%, Re Z f pe;�qq, gardid W A14,0,J ip;ers, a hey 02 havo a# (-V jr4ondlinece, 14704 MR. R�11 DartS. Y of tjl"e, 1�10 e lee Alth The e doi clook-an, lunq",qt,,m u w e tb, doete. note vlhg�.Vood — - , pd merely in a(low-ot a e valeii�es, a n4' lugtreloas. sy '41i dr alitul dea� -may sepin it, Is redibie., yet it aqtU6 ine 4,1Y Ogo jil inch porlou.6. 'Bl6ddlef 6� po. - 0_1 d, m the Case ot 10. R. A 4,.c -.4, NI t 81=1", ate. the t1red janguld, who have 410 POP boy, yinent In lit T Y %Jards.140nd, of �tho last.eentury good'. t -y TO have be 9 1.440 4184 oa anaways, npryous�p qutpkly being a apt44--to pursuits of,posk�,�, d"'Jign A 'now Chtuqe� OfAni at imar" fainting �Vevs &lid 41 4 Im th oil AW 64.4od, beauty, wil ral f. 'stdek'#bb*1j 'we Pq 9114, Mid A471 Ii nb benKgricultu ifts,40 .44sta, little More TIC eb�atjozi of th' sOctleth'bitt"Ay und, reil 1AW cell 0 lo'ket this a were AN;"* OVXN& I - 'at the Do -W re mam new, d, bloodr.. W1111 One the llne*. An, the . or POT ;UA on:d ski ind, "T -3r., T82 Mnji Of used But there 13; suthet thing which. is one to, liring iliq Aii and, liffht., J.Ustth U 'W the. 3o.d, bu0n V4'WAttj4gIy' COMM tt.od ft, 'P e tblngr,ly* ee& That, ills'axe I . we!t; ",little isl"d. to ,the. tiop pr every ,country :That to W6 airlot ItSEs WA.NT -r., ln� Chluepe eyeo, or holpoito_ blunde f is wby� the have Wiwi tfill of, th,6, cha§,,o 01 call got' ita'ablLie 6f; 04.Whe�61110 and tb "d 6 C. 'Never bee#M e �Teputatlon as'. it bl6Q nd fie�V46 tout oinut"rysiders, In ant ih he, w e TU -p E.2�-.T OYe4 V Noltoza IVA the .))am pea Ong tith I e, (if abbl9v Ling,,Ahe. -words- �lmr- truth 16f,thebe'-statementg is -Miss Y�Uen thef tr�"- are bare, d4ys bi ter P9400L,,40 MinUt",1nota 390W YOrk.1 Joao, UW*th of the jrove' 4, the a pli"e In V o.,,,t shor scouroc Quallaw instrwt4m' A.Wid'41400t0r.' Tht" ooAnn P !Wq Tbe man Whqr neV r,. thb. gT With brown any, 0210 nub" ophqa''Or - V ld '14 t _ 0. win his U4d ad y od Ameet- I and, an',atmospl ere I i6l;61ffinzi Of' $96,60 YEE 0" very, Weak, 440 slid' r, of. of; �6ritetoL 6ed4 t I -ind �kj a64.: lk t and bailoiNT te mu*h,.A 0 hurrle4 fj�l#y �forr I li , r.. j . 1. � . !L. � I 4 gun lit' sUM.1 AQrVo4ff� ad 40dr boOrL h ptdtfs, ',sP;Ortb to oubsl4op. The'ro,'Is. 4 un Never N�,.ca hiatily mnj� the EMpe geoly n m8eit Aftv". PrInCIPAT': ft moneill'Air, d -6,.V 10019 rj 4'"! back 4iRd sA4ffetod., from� frequent 'sick dl-j&er6 t to.be, 1 ais hard1j. Hu t4J.r*,i,i6d ln',Canada, Ut nir Q6od'thnb;6r does, p,ot. g;vj7 arch, qj)njI rj 'to n- tioolit' the, lhouse.,�;Lu tild Iccowl�i U re, popu. at i. itu to om :0PO33, Tb -qes ".-Doing 1­16mdwo�k- h ndo Apasi-end r*, ciial to -w.' The,fititber sky, t e greater A tea in Lo A.stron&er w nd, the1ojIigher`u hat, In elfeet,. was 4., I!Vla U� with A `etart'al niot; with 'My **erful,I1or8&,. knoWn at Irish hun g w4lkod -e boinc brought, here for t at pitrpos.e, fi Ch Cove. ou"Alp The "more the torm the ng 44"t g violently.; If I death, Baniolled to a, wild and It f iipp.tairi fwmuld b bteathleft, and my -These,hoeseg are noted. for their starnitiaj speed 'ind in d the follf Moth ie of -ble, pu Cs,'- b0N' aty. Long'sli ng ep,"thkr6 Is p rt�_o _T bly- dn,�A- . �? er* of or Ofr th 13 on a 4 allows. ..don't si 'lovernme4t eipe . ition, M Ir em. the heart enf in bodies 'w ry r. do Vil 46etor's medlelfi but it did not.&.mei th� e hunter Who never giVos up. nA Co ..,'by rifn 'n Cha V I opq of ever retu�rnlu t go Mo. Xle MaM good �ifhojxkzs, Lawton,' of Cork,. baA shipp, ee al 4 ork.,- Tbii at= abouk a4 emall. h ed' four opecWly In tX Omber W 4d- horseu recent: PaciAe- the ysterf6uo, landi. that, few, a ad. Their. Jje)eCted' ly, by th thlckext�'stand h lopg,would vised to.ta4p pi iijllo ji"r. .0. t 0, forest it taker,& maii t6 walk iima tho.'Pecond 41hlpmen'�to lba:nada lthji�. , :- . . I . w rt Eafttle4ris have vlslt6d. Totally, blind, 9Xt horeloo were. p to y. times round --Trafalgar quare and decided tb try them and I ca t w mon-tho., These #rOwth . 1. 11"1'' , ''. 0 oa, wh *Ing jr� er WAk'-r inPilo. abothi Op y say that they -Old'wonAers. for Hugh \Wlleoa� of Oakville,,. Onthr 9,, one the largest fatu -hu,Aters out for ",alrink'.betiore bi_ W#.',Ilnd; h esugoed'h SL fathea alle day4 Work, 'then y lleeei Wal nd they hold. the rate. I am nqw-welt iud'strong'agall, lMpOfter8` In Canada. to; to the (2) If6rSeta being.1601.6d on board CO%xv waked I Oil It 'do *or6 all t6q' late a"Wh&pr bToken butr he plug.. all do,:Ql my'workj qnd.,thio, Iis, un'demtood that,piore ordrs,.Are to.berptaced nadian Poctflo linerr MjjagaIma in. bOX'. Marked the SUM WTOUVI aid and. able to;, -Mr. W.j19 n4 e'r na Mani wisdo4dil f stelf e d 'almost lmmedlately� is ;ill due.W Rr.,WlI1Iami0 j?lak.Pillsi by d oth Ca than jMj)brW" to "the, Uoajr C MteS. Terrible t ed by -A of Ink may, makl�, a million ro0ble was pr,6dia�t_ I have reedmin 1146d the p a otbors Ruselan Peasants When a, nt6ew rostal o e B *ho have 'taken them with equally 91 Ilts. .think,—, y.Tonr.1- in' '.qt the' R iiIanoff. dynaat good'reatult.." s h can. get the pills from ydur�. uname, nd Xtep M issue *A� �rOtezed a. da;en yea�i Theit''Or' 0 BABYS With p1t tic sk�-per%Attio 120 me y jawe back� !to the h they druggist,'ot by inall'ai 50 cents. -a box --Truthan TOM eery time rny. t*R. ngl wm -Th4 yalithfal Thomas,had be6u �sitb- -le Broe, V11 ,On Pa Virlatlo'n , rmentle.r., wo di, . . .......... fartlier," wbieh-_he�d not before b jected to a.stron4i the 040, Id, Ra lei �Or �rinted .'on -a. mft&p,, wou be* 'be- 11, he had%for to eourob­�#n occupation., (YKANE-, T6 A-11: Moth 0 ers Hivibg !;Oujftg. Of "lliulL uutmtha�` a,lihp 00IL'the pth d s h I onan an :.cerndd- tho:, a. a ow. o not-distalit eke are tio O'C It bad rathO Ch g "A Peoplo!s -Good-Byes6'. a famili" nahies'which a--Kaneo K I'Kenne, Keen, h a, r Vriation, -Y !are K 011Ca no, one, O�Ca lrn, events.' To &asp 'and shake , *19orditil __QAe gen&alb� 0 an' n D,Ci�ijn Ile ,Is f aneh. aid dirastle resul f th, to fieilacts parting IL 'Met, With t 10 CbUnr rl;an 'a' e, Nd� otheT modlet *hiCll , , � I ", , '' q .. L Om`i� 0 Another efore 13, h try of a $rplip haar a large eir- n- tfie Vesteni O'Chane, c0k6anI, Cane, to mothers, of. young, children, as cU,14.0on,. but.' la.tiei , r 'on w ptiquette South Sea.,L at one t -me. em c d, a -great 64NII& rof p4�jng a'viait to a neighb a it 64, 11,116 WOII as tl 6 Wc-Men number of *aTiations. Coln, QdIn6t,. dahzine,. Citha I tie Ck' - Biby's Own'Tabl6ts; The Tablets -are where, the me f i�. tliese, 6rhainen a. There are two gotire -name hz!nj Gethan the, very e& a L E 40 the C�ar?s.abal4d'atton w-dri added f6f conclublon of the e�veiilng� the lady,�o we r. (is the mediciiie- &'Mot -10111A. V alft 4of"Taylor, and one for that Of -Paiwen' the portait. - - In Other casst 4C. th4 hoiilge'had.heid. o4t'hor 1�imo,ia- t4 rx --The :T41_-kS R 1clal 1614VIk6. abjkte�stod -4n 40 Uor_ Viwylov'-, _d OU 4 a P77. of t loo e 'good-by-ig- stbinach-, and - bowe, iibi _p rni I ks lik to �a� W-1150 -of �.tbp �occupatfdn r, cap V Women.. cii'116rson- to- fi t, edj the 644c*,cllopedlar. lint out CAmstipatlon. it quite �a ceremohy. Menr: family-' namem e L. . ,n 1N9,J d0n%-F 'said W.LaM...Vwaaap I arry r ft- a,' or. calling bdipg eith -,- that of the., tv volution.. vw6kd btre ed tlwi which tli�y pr "in tS, Many coli diarrhoea er, one .9 111'e, e'in t e' or kviy'. Iiin'es"can be seenn a certain b e "tase or- iiiter Vv tions. There arii'46w Irish t1an r D­catlds"�ind fevers .$Don't you,11k.6 me. dear" It W. Mot -ft Ondli28 fouiid III' 4uce., p are 1tart-I . ug, and. pla� t (Ame e . �of B form The which giverl: rtse­ to :86 oncerning �.'Baby' Own Tableto.' 61bims, but to 'know word, be ng now extinct, thaug W collecitbre ' how, ond d0er"Y. Whahat,' they m1i6t h. the 1nduattY; or Many. Mrs. John Patterson Scatch - V47 Ad trangely -.�;ioug zisi,nu eva" drepi" r- th6�. poss I d the, boy 4itickly, 'the War n the �"M_ Jt,wasL during' 'tear elVIV6 mrom -rither,'�'process, in.Ae� t�itile. wwtpy &6iflliter: W"y en a V th UWAZY onunclation, v 7, you�re utly other's pirestee, their :hrviii to- Enklialij that a ojid.:all -the 016dictne, th, viver.get to 9 Which esents, is "rried. on In. : , . - den W"� iralding1he aeas,;- that -4--huge. . , - I bl� . .. I � ­ I h f- 41shyle � Own- - Tablets- J. '"ThoMael "'-idoan46d-thoL-bo.Y!i-niothm- rosed, t e * would'Use f. fty, y Means .'Of, t e, -pro ' Ir heiRs 11116r evLir§ Anglicized, ormsi ashizned?�' Ow stairaps Vias, p tinted foi on" c gap 0. n V 60 a, h the occu-, e4se.-fe'r" thela'ailO can4tr609- be.1n,,unlio no t. at a :e# eldiest Ith no dev ioltly� or burr froin TheL'Japaneeo Way a -a .01cs, n order that e -stanix 0- .. I ation of. the �T.abiot I got a leetu", for-zot tell!. a It i8o: Was used . %L . ' ' i ' ­� ' Said 'tbe iLetica '' i ;i� di on. -took its i thp. Gablic prontitel recommend f bidding on patj, nam& The th oiidld'�'be d Toi� 'teasdi or othio' mothers."! a er in the',alt. .In d If the --iriod'td can- to tv floir"ah - a Cihalne.'orr O'Callaze. d W,. , . - ' �Bjsby'a Ta letb,, &j�e the or ay, and i4 Guth h ertain S#a the larjer�s But the 4endency, of' 'the Englis b sold*' by' JIU9 Y�St. . t" C run .86UT risks mueY. t� deiatch -the"surface'ot 'e) th til'oa a_r I MIK'Clae r -de it -05 IAK:fO methad express aL aT -It to ongi ur; to --vert: .0 alors, or by,'i of in0 a fail ing f . Swell der t,6 "a: D&P., - still me, �snd throat. 18 ry ty. I A ue - . : I S at Coln oi:U-The "Dr. William slats of �OaspingN his, W46theart s, today," tho I' is ed in and: sinde ft stamp. wlas narron Y v- Pg 1 madhln�ry US Hee7i- were 7first Put on:.. shKs:, to' Co, -Brockv -;� Orit. UdUU aboUt, twenty. n "Ca acceted, njosj Of: N�OcIV6 11le tie.. a man ta the application. ,fikles; 4114le i .,.Otahe It thaln" that O Uisoihan�s foot from. s4- tirrup. oftr6pe., gp vowiel.-iund alid the� 49plrit�, lh�eep tribes,- vere oughtlesely offoaded. 10 .;::%' . , , , ­ . .. $op. Rorak. Hanih-,..- VaIrla i, .:in' k, ;jIlilet ofAt. Wh ears Ago,% When hig lea . ve cf.a woman twitts her skirt .13' 1 versions ;� ut aaJami.y narnes di6velope(l tffe the Am qlMply slur out ng4h, the� a �.thez­rellglou.s cruplea of tho. A? pkidle of let" th''' elling, Ole flr�t became. confused wfth the'zftany� - a d a e one S er RE 'i useful p 'T oruelfatrin. d4lgii: - that. was on�trueA tions . of Tlayl�r, d Borax has,I Were printed, e6ititaiiiig a hl.6 �r p1yer-," SP61le *Atli a or a., or f aw #.!a� man urposes, u a Mean 0 w 4taylieur." aiid'.� '�llbur` *ere, ex.- or tin the Usual pronunciation is, g, s. teaspoonful put :in, the, rinslzig,� water- R6 1,.ett�k mft,_ t6�' be bg . 'insu. t,, aild seriqus tie In'tEnglish, t. of when washin e stle s Nghts A 06 T g th' hair Makes It* The -"'Parmentler!_ was Danger, Avoided only: w"n, trouble' WAS. the bkh th : vitality. Isollij.. ja'Wjt�drawil VAid pie fianillar Of, unuoual; k wbl6ll base; and bright and. gets rid of'd4nd7 'hodr a is allow#A ruff, It g,4illso a go�od:moth DOWAerr— othiat' ame of ]�To, i-mari" origin -:for.. the the -spelling u4s6d.. As a1nittert o run- A"Ist nature Vj4e�bje ieresent-nA otais. oubattCuted-f tlio jLjj Who miae iciothe [d 9f fact, however, lits'..cliabie "ail aniseptic, too;-, for: slaks., ttc.'- ..It to bring Ito Copipov*d in" a out of, cloth, 01 of 'Cane" Children s aulaclyz He Heor 4p�llings -of 'which we'4rei ang andstrenjOandAybid AV, What might It "p�Lrjfiinfer to "keen" to a devitlopiniqpt,in lish, �cloefins*glaswor ;.!an ed i'titgrrhenter" -and., 11lia tint -;e Of Com r40ely.mod.ern dis, aid it ho.ri rw cted., cAra. es, a so- serib" conipllitatl�.nst QalajAtty. the urvo h4s. ever, P4 othe Vrompt use. There .*qnch of the Clan Lnt prou�6u�qed In MU9­ eflottens watet. S' .0 IS Fay a IUV� WU "6f 9�otlaud hich - U'Ses, th e 'Jisli le'fi.t. Cleaner..., ou yean n uw. Was . I _T Vegetable Go d' b afdre 141V last, tdile-lu 1911.: The 2 . "annas lde sm- e amer6n as uInto-.1 he Ian giarid.Aho silver in'liot wat;6r,with'trv. AlwoVe butl feeling- i6 hame of TAylar,.but'in. the form "Mae-' Wa* offilovi;� in 'i lit LAIrad, MIES :cO en I got to, . . . -:contained nfinement iienlation , arid: 14an4'aillioar!" (desceia�knA 6i he b"Notilse 61,:, yr6li (i, - or of borax for'two,'. T- e, o n.- witliiii ts lab.6roke des:l 'a picture the ..One, badly that -1 could .,not. sleep nightsi Mj� . "ileaT clil6itain namd - hourg"L thou dry-- It back ached. W : across � 1hy, hi ant. -dubh a-. ed,, Py. a f"Lan- ejeoll ocr- geUjS' TA -n if iid�de--- tbuld. hardly do rhy wokk-a 6 d' (The '131�46k' Taylor. of (meanink- "warr or'�) lit tlj� d, to boof polfah or. blAck UMg eL qy� dis6o�4ixl'thiI4�a widely-opread. rebeil- tua -the itation e c urs d Wry luatfe�gre and, ,rifever -bid btich "an easy confindi4ent ng, planned an —11th ceutr It a 0 o n Ax .,of SlX1 was,b ag th baby..' I rdad sibout of qddurs,6� a, telaslidonfUlbdded to t i and,this'is my Wis. aused I -a Lydia -&,.Pin] a' '6table in fildw kh tn' V Coliltletely delineated. Was t e. -the,,'r pr6veIlife-'the I - .726 Ipotind.iri as a Wr . ..... "n", `Aiid Pits wrolte. you or one ej It Tilin f the "HHL fOfN your'books. eleoliant, on t46.ne* stitrit-p the th� Oi on., CO. lars lid Cana 'hav�. no-druggistim our to,*A, bUtLl. aaVf! What came %up' Me gl eti!. n T. Eaton's e4tal glad:ly �4,ay op 'Vtteriy and ej iiin afhIrmer Is wife, so have all kiii Mistake.: thaj, "ou"d religious an our medicine i dd: laughing joyous 'all.'the loins 6f,� Need W d inside, and outide, of wotk 6 a it hjen 0 rje Myotle L h Ith I NIV06 to say. fri 'r he, Was., the Lim iL 66M. MY` b b �sh design was v e- 4 y, is. a nice. ea y gir i par itt very- short,time it -think -it Would. be b,weighed ..'nine pounds'at birth ed -long,. Tinkling as Wcame a 40ifeeling tint after puttiljg' in A, argLe� s'wise for-rits tG-Inarry' a a.14 With less eitit the song, of Afty, bi- 1. F0 garden, since baby �oarne. (She is as n best, Val thaTI1 myel f�j!' L' an be.) Yours Is the' ood as she ci mIts �bye6.tte ditwibf 1111,111ossible 'diet Y' medicibiD, far wornoii� and 1, e 14, Aletik' -all the. Way., r r ibout it""' --Mrs, -AXNIEI..E. AyAus' '- the gmteat 4pti"t Of, thiS What -camamp the hill.-W'th 3 1 J�#? alev* as to ed.1he top. taye Ly' is obs-tiure4'by tog standin Q'played etable Com - g oil thkerb ilh� pa�lknl,saleswoan' Me pOU0 is an 4 r I . d ii * ' mcellent meii f6t ex. 'Halo". Wh,�Il fj��b I V 31 9 k any at er-age., Herejo-a:mazi on ..r�ly" I - h ti No 'ib ough t out,' n., and- -should� bei- tj up and o JOW ws kert If you --a-Pine, F I viOffte a tlr�. tjl&-sC-�eii teen -The 4ike--a_rajftb0w. art &-piece of tWifte,'-�Vbdnk , . :, An . ` 1. 1 -e$tle -ting' hus Inipi -4, but iili �do uring e.e,ntire p It had'a t 't6strenithenand tone up the are or.broke at, 4.1rinks are going' eff6ct sad ban4,,#POko yitp IVAtui decision. 0 -his butterfly t hat, (,,,, ' ' , It"Is'.g iie, t , wiong�� think �af ", nian selling tP I ITb a -iript bee zhe;you -my �l turned i4e. II1jvfOrS( . �o ei.Itir . a'. ay�t�rjl so - that r it, may work ih ID 'Al -a d as, --a lid a iiiOnkbyo� in Dad dii;�es.', ftng 6spect Ashature intends I 'fehOw to*bo4t Tell"me,. MWAN, cry,, Aruth": sts sell. this dt-pphdable� rnedicino.� yq� so drugg, . I " L ilia (iivo 4 it trid, 0,, lit sbotved,4nother,,� �'You -have 140Y Wh*V1kT7:­' Tjl� ,�jle4wqiki� �li A.t, eertiltily; 'IS not ty uth I olj#,� , '' r , . 'Pil hiiiii —GergIs 1011hi or iny ang nipl�s conie froin.blobd lt,66 �ot J, on in, Ur flog. Mid the asure. on earth there be a, Pic, credible! tj I b P11 Vour tin Mot _a Ck We cuunot suit Your angel," IkOys/ ftld 011 If You want', t� ket rild i6f faicial. blemishes t Sjro� A' re a110,11fig", lij e way of 4, halo., hieh -angels ..cannot 6j6y­It fa`tfio or been wlv6cted as' Chinese i1xitri IAliAd aid to ealthfulheSs Of body'. :T116 /(>U12 V. M, tA,.',In Tho H at Lbn, Shiging. aAd Health. 'AN"' [A Powe 0 levffig,jligipei�Ni��C:Oitane r f rell -C e f -E Tho`h M f6r. Beit6tY. Culttfed- as . S� r6s , It -of Ill any plv�aldal 'reactions u itxerclsb �60 . r I r ., , . j . Tb of a 11bu6&�v6rk Is oie,of iM be�t thIigg genei-Ifl'ont, of experience, . Are -the lit 11'6L, tItlke the firdlL -the POULTOY. GA'MEOEGGS,7 W 0 9 SL. 1tdh1n'9 0 It and W 'R o wo-jrld 6i lifirfrovift-gr the ftMirc z;rvera7, l'i' hlo Wor the . 1117) . go, ould. cert ld' FEA -R Id RurolqTer!k I .. 0. 1 '1 ly ilifit ;;Pg. C�R r I riblo., GuffeuraMeal and keoPing one. fit, Td !Iletrk, the We "PrOYA ROUND - seeiii. to be beneficial..' 9 IS good for the beating. PJI- NV ght6d th century French Compo&6r, WANT -C, ING el n 0�� a "Vchhm ?IV tr6u,11%16 6:17Q"�y little p1m, Iowa bilWS r sdtd.; od''three fingets - of, ox face iiid pies coming it on my fkn*d llaJid oil An, Alet6Ty' and Sang the back- ot Illy, head, Aftdr a few tPPUL11N &C6; tOL the tenlpo, Of. Illy 'Week' ' the- pi-41es sc seiny P wrlfli long-lidtidled e it I n an air iledf ovdr' and carpet brOOIII the SYS- e,A V ardor ail all- In ft Itchl- d P 6SCr t�q, g iIridbtirning- %,,ere &qnyd te'lil dr Ang' with 9. felt art 11 9 terribli 0jo 5crat or'tho -worat attA Oysidatis for t e,causinj in ch, ok of tho 0,.R ILA -dlxe�eri t6tilild, kiid I-di4st-Itlody Prove4. 0, 1 iffilifflon r We& by af by Oat -rest a tilght beatad thb in pUlso kUlckefting ar Y e pay c1life" action to az&MmOdato 1641f hk d CojdS 'ji about- Cutittira, 8 L 6go We, Suppl -ant And, . I . � ­ I . 1 9, a, Odooj, Reasoni 6S to the, now teinpo.11' The'physim USZ. or Wo VA� daily. by ei�reis geo T. oth, and 01ptniet 'pinji sent a free ey, orders lfll� can bo ashed f 1,11 Of 1ainoua ISM satfipjt.., Aj dw Y011'eanool o u orda for il COII(�It M04t, oi. the Paim 16h6, jr eUrl IS, R11CUMAt 0. few titnes Mon j6t relief 66 puichgoed more, -#ind a gore, liliptessly'o t"flinby, . .......... . thou t 6f in ej, about ' f LJ, f) t aMle lig In thJA regard our Co. r' t,:to6i dot n�ywtdr,,e Wt to the alie. of , �lfigl AFFECT, HE HEART Cuticpra� 'Soap Mid throO b0kes, o. bd� n Iflad Pencil, To a. the fiomN 5 NOT' OE Cuticm-Oifitmeot I was healtdo". AaVOM and tImbs,'too' eiuberint�, physique' of to, inuist- bw free froiq d tI, kh 3 0.. ye� Crd be:. 'hoted III, sq A W, Dare, No. Dak., JuLy. 16,.1024. ness X h ir, je Acc 13 thbat'I'L The Word cornea from Wt. Ch Of a OP' 0 er pAcka �i U66 Soap, Ointritesit aii& 13 U wh tlS pryan direittios. daily, toftti pdrpeieao% ojj�) hich 11'.1 iheln4'hold, fhiii,k4edn ich actntai to Ch' 'it, n eoUrij,'sfrittly aking, kiii, k*,4j,,N;ti 4�uiffljjjj iliedII.. -A Public �M gowestoinpani Li `ipe Tta d of 12 t OibtOient 25 and OjOn 24% jindJ 60�) tug Tsaku�a %a. to, IWh tot isso OW4611,01 eye 70;1014TO 010001"of 4;tIlloylitseld iAe#vjL anl1eylie A041, Ile it 4% n"ker Ili Or ofi�jj)E of AJOAttetiIj orr k6tir'loom �Ank Atipll% faearta,nayer m4wi tcttro, to i0sist Abc Obblid essimt Wtatl6nm, flio T01ets 6, oftl� b4141 T Oifit, '14, 14 16tabliAed ior.,Ovi thirty, mpAny *S, bo'etarnmd *Ith theli goWil Wide, the Minard a -,Yn.lnioht 100 ChjJbl4 me. 61" %V1 t v im ID ,4