The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-03, Page 3V"" "AMV, . ... ... 7 Pop 4- mv V., 4 bands free� Iiberat�d m.71 o ow lep� "and 11---heard'-V hl be �m Alf9r_4 me that b& U 1AY. Wme In Tfar, or e. VOYAQ AMC so P gul! C ojind A4 ha Wr ok, �*s g7i, I," Golden Toxt­�- At; MOONngo. and % eves bee nine ew. So 'In �rfVjft,*""* eustomed to, the warknemn we to to pf V .1hier" ft I; of rfcot'4541141_21� 9", tt* J* bftra st4* 0 _q�qnt the W of tbf, cave 6W, frMld.�_Matf., 14 )Aqnts, U- tbo-� OMI� 00 t tjjat� t 'rf Up,". few. They wet 'Wet he e an mended Methods 10 con-ti-olIffig JW IF irig them, �M. found the to bb ANALYSIS.. in � r , in because It. biee4, an vipgetab'e' PAUL'S FAITH cqye.iq4. with 0 AND PRACTICAT# ly in '$ I � weeo And other #r9p%, Wftt, this 4ta 0� .w irkbp, in Some 4rj . r . . . . . . . . . . IN A G9X*T Chisy 3 *ou)d 4 g. with ton .. �Ojjt control thy W A ve little e rple ry difficult I but 4f light, diffuse the, E;b af f-li ke 1IjTR0DuCTj6#i1�TjI6 ' I _nqe_ r th rr LtVve of t is not true, jo.,04yg en rAince to the '�e, wie'lqou d 11 4 Voyage, of Pau -1, -t6. Rojj4, Ij t ca of. See; I .. � her, q e. Prer w", 4 'but gists have. ba4, At Oipedr our Wa1 in 414,40voied, th* ont9h,610 W Iq he r. W inight I havi 'knew we t of has Col �wug t. In mind and so ha�vqo. bi-ft, -Ai py 4ti9p h - y thip t unseen,14byimi at from S exoeX t Ining i'and h", A4 Aft�ca some r Wer Qwes 'to, its' ;We. did ]lot fear fethA OX -P4. px6unt' ' f besides, cori ove' ith ,Iif I 1-Afteen .or twj&fity, iiippj, rthem, that night- Fha- Teturne rip on eye-witnese' aothat r: 1116 toy. nngr Mass. e t'Phe icnf� ed -st fo6d foi thi - .,*!n On has -given' '13pt' i�n the c4m�, Ving nq �­ In' his journal the. fa, in us, and I saw, her' p Tightly *e grf Ppod and -ha tbi4.64 nU lfr4ng�e stoiles tbld' to rU 9 giVe to Ver y Cape To�Vjt by' han.* have whereupon the wOst, for -we were, - deteripA ned, en. um B14 W y, -ne r r, tQ.tjI�hlpegaaZr that If ojib whole detAM of jube� ad,�, -They Si onP -d a Ut fQ. t6o de;ith' the otfie tjAprart from, this :t0linical valoei., the,:,and Kent pe, Jor� h6, wilked _U�_dfqtance while re e grim r ;�s fever Ah da tapM `mhl6p`bggaz.' n. sh,64ld n talfrative, th 6 of them hT 41111 we weres but he �mfjht baw,6 ve- IIII allv to,'go iiiad �IW t te. Sti bol tb,mako the ee ine, Whi'W, w o tho� fjyreft, .1b, 'that" 4 P 'W5 a. in to., ed to.�o 1. Present, 0 Ithr U t, be Or ta tj t'Al WISO gr—lIr , �'As Into. -lit ftill- oa tho.1u 'tionB,of r" Peet6dr to'led(_to theik -the w4j I- lity' j g Dril I . .� - ( dg t -doe nor grpW' gr-adual1r, Assam b t fa�� �Ohl�g-foiward 'ed' By f haff AM. Used way fbe bla­k, t C $.eadership, i6 bth�r,:thjn..crp t ?,+Ut, in 'd h th4 t, d .h .0 thin% them' ;tend' 2 Y kepticigni, li�p iIto thee� .1.bigaii to, bpe`;'� aiX wet * ar, anc fetY,6f the shig.lj!-th;reat�. -0 n',g the, diril: �cir6le nyf4glinA I been' shel- cah.b�11&6 '44 his "short" kiiife tbeo� to- �qdif Might.br 9P has ' ' ' 1 4 -ti advelighf, hjwa�d, in' vl' eh S show that WILK .. r � -q Of - " Iabout tij Y z rrn -and -in ti -e they did'I ' ay. ejj*,ana, -of Af t of �h On the� second morning Mall thing d :tbe,�ubtei@ra tha, sOnce of mtnd-,bA�,fioit-. f b&, sb p an the T ip"El ap(y;�ftn -th4j' hir ripefiffig of 't 4 W. turned: noiLin wth �6�4',4'but th was circular d at n1ibt h ",!Vho 'flist. il�ajj t6 him 'Was 'She 'did',no Come'. the than di, n6tr�-mor� A ut Ibt o- T 9 ve Plii& And d * ' ik�d - '4. blow f kst d by fis mA&- e t Ar -not sol�re qgl narrow Aft square c ehtli �4�r- him tha '11� Paris, cein 'theii 11ko %er got seared:*to h' on th� side d mor, Ow br�esoj', hundelt.,th rim f Wes �Qf "chs. of youthf fil, cha q,vizi6bol� fidth as ng. P. Aces.,. In seemed. nothin 4 At on a point my ry.'?, 1lie, atuatior, to, lil, Tbo and raii. awny'r' -We bad to- cache our: dmin rec f than 4 kj& ower d the neck, e& r. d Qf filmy "ge th& of,;the In. the wall, V�ould ziot fahlo d -treasure, and 1, with. the k 'o d. -A& . r I . . I . I my sevew fafth�%, .0 blade "of e -j a �grjmnier . P. tie. A shaped of 9.9,00 of, Go fUl 1� tee it, but fou�d that-It,'was not,qui il ust over the top, but or dt s ver Inqq'is eeper at th.6 c were t] gm ng amor far into. th6 fiigbt, �Sa& *1 y to 'b 0 j)Z1 ) In the TrOwnt kson we are d irolit ;i al'firs; struck into illb ObInga eart. te aitieb h I did not and my file a countr, A TOY WYo ck, nod. -qutines� the roand VA h practi-egl when, they ' ' that tim�jr we,had hod hi -recruit., I bad hunted, there Mae In pci the� flodr f4 b4fore afid Agbt i6pted say.0 u.-cokn- or 6o Neviorth es, I Pushed in little ihe lace fin III, rather-tbn qi�d thot -ma wijb to rese the 4enly thete was a gent scrat4phijig a's f Igh the Of it Paul of W -j , �d , as It wbuld'go.i 1-thoyl thi. ieicbdn wit rheft Aere r �dng, or chief, He w of' the- ut. - MY heart tunn el. Mlkbt'! g PPO Wich. Wa oil excellent t�i AS happy as a, horo, Qo the . WO zlit the ghort kill, Panels, that row arger, ajid.if 60'r Bought bD 'save u,,a of Any- othe'r lark. to see -me, twinl�d h" y: Two yeia bef�ore that, UmjjlOp,,._. leaped with Mpe that It was libera so ' Id;)d oletq . p, jes for, pX am racefully `",er'y � Motion, .roliki �re might be able to el�latge. We open- j.arei trirkined with wi.th,.the wh*7-e o arms about me,And bumped foreheads 'gaaz.,'had fodnd.me,dy1ng'In the f6r�st the* silver lade,4t; life �,t I gar- beeig,,,any opporeciable,distam* an vm passage V , , , r he poor of �-t ore'were.no corn U ttl content- Ing'enough to explore. th the- low�Dr 'jidg0,s`birred thre� tionr d Umh i*gAaz smi14 wigg' ed IS grial a ter my Kaf rs had,run away..�Nrith ment,, for)he thught his times at no rOm the . corn out "of h weet4eqrt bejand. * -As. far., could 40". iepe, IR t actical, couns I . —b ' ad the the top. and t e V . ­ r orers Present, U-6figh. Ttho'Ught hewas a 1-7 h -forward by' m . lQment.. an 0 to,,�.a 'SMR7 �hoie,44�not_4ncma§ �n si7,e. tion,'in a, ther -kIMi .,of. a bull -'�elephant,. 1, andj In the �ftrmoonq a t This tzm -9 ' And Umhlop a a the WAI -0 surprised to learn PdOehly. 1 heard'Ail s r ei r w6jr.6 t)j.ere. --.Ahat be was PrepArint foi war With Xi4d'me to his ililairi, where, I w heard .-vof6e, f, to. miny,linateriais, frOm him -,on so n y meothink;, t�D ra t.f t evi once 61hown't] at We,hever flnit, *eLnb4,'a tribe t6 -ihq e was, AWS FAIi* ARD P' . 4� th stAtted, d W'r" !Qyout. and you can -e Silk I, t A g my hnPA. 'PRAC_ 'look Whj;iI TICAL SAQA_` he astward. n to health, 1t* mi From his -'W Again tho.hisi 614 Sweat ma, rom px HIS chance to ri my the' bi fteziphe4;tern No. J23 is' iii, �ol*rslnYvel�400rfri,o'th.er'eroji��tliinr, expe4itiofiowm_to An , npxl 3.Pay m .�A�d In 7,, which sizes �-, fe, X_f a IR A qRg in I- Something"cold' and USIS, 3o ey, morning, an extended to me a tbe� fu trembAd e an 881heb-iIs corn' or; h _pRr__X bad ceased I Jud6d Malind b I t, wheii,t een rM w were 6hed my'hand.' To 'mft 'attra b riller The fikht w n ut�he Soon dusfied bust) b ' high ry-theire.,wa&, In me. had., i;Cir e i4 thai'w� 2�oat (84, 36' d 4tion'to efil-tst in as g9i g'our way,:WK�; top beo'h�eratdd, b Siz4: 18 yeirs ctk'd 10'i.tbege`r' Y the'e,0, 404n6h. hat 'of the OefUMhO bo' My dMy'G6d.?10 I driod; and y0k.ki MY[ requikee 5,% 'Yar!!/ Of '86' r Olitp46 hiellplessil, adrift. that rij�ity big orces. z, :w was next.th me� opes -om t e Of hiw safety;ie. he s pegan f -it' dozi6n'' to the giOU14. f'' h, Twisted. about"or� 314 (16 Wiquli -d do In it tlice'.hal ins one, ban r Ya . ir O54-bich ma ,no cou0eoua way to;..' feo%' Aweipba M41indaamaidens hadL,likewisei mj fbi4Iiifivwas.-a snake., in'. a. t;er c weno, 'Etiquette fi_Lthe bad pounced, upon. III into a victim to, the doubtful charms, ng t e" ' ke, cuifs` an 6AVIA themsehoe 'y IrehzY, When rhild' h' in 0 n 24 a matter. at -coW��Ujej n4: cline.this invi. im. re I sprang the d a . even . se . q ilty" th, I dot, int r . . I -to y'and -smashedit gaifist lower edge on. ane s of lace, 2 % ya and d LAY wo". f6rest is rather rrior*,'priioneor andj.bbingje41-o#9, -fda 'lowored the bolat On tb;6.'44 lot caLli ;d er mi us MY as W -A L lie Ran emptY t rocky wp4l ntlIL/it, g 'a club, in ohe 'hind -aild'slashing with had inf,6krried. "L, the C e- the chief of quIrtd, -the yoke n P.iDWIng, h support of mys'elf,ihd gled.like* lace flouncing i5 "ifiche, *Ide is ri. -pretext of 14yin out flirthe;'� Anchors Pteft�t Cleahin PtolfiiS'� t6 &.Of % from Shi n proniptly, put L Ong in my Ingers. iieid.` But Paul wis :c" Besides th,6 -Awen*4'a�e jhe 01ocked &On'- visiis.` He, had an p0guance, sic ened me -an 16.0 rom the. -upper e 9�D of t It= I to, n men.- -a knife I at t 'e Stubble' he ne ng. resolved. to 'So, e orated,� *ere., valn� ped Vi�i g"z �!Ace'20 cen P"V d t 0 Ivory un ers In' on h d -it i�Leeme.dth at "; i�,-T mt It. -terrpr.4 f met Jng hurtldd' tO;*t'Pm,Afi At .9 RW41'e Of thii cowarally Viir' th." pla `Bt fn; The.. danipaikzi Started_ with Ahe�,againot:m a)id Lwenisprnl wling' bf'being lib hlope wee Is in rn v legs y - hfn'#,.-tO do s U r, new - his '�j u ratedAn', en 1aug O.Ul I WAS 0 and: he s Ing,, and twalk flowed like' on 'my' bac wa�­holdin Me about, the -waist,-, X The., de'!Agrj� ji The onl t I In the st bhI6 And d4b tLa"t"fe t ki idi d thl, d agaln,-.. cove Fashion -Book ar6 advance sty 9, or th6 on �bftrla, ., :;p Who'neveryono; There' s. apj�riiBt my e _PPela to thb'eentitn6n, e -w-A --iry-kmvas. i1rou --felt: &�-J t d -the ex ot Vn Propefly WaS'a C f -h -home Dr, girlwh� �t hi rjaa� *as stoi f cou'ld.b4ir desert-! d th 16r, A- Couple 0 :wIntee%fe est� With'firearms- In 09 rear ng e a Yorn one man to prev.e.ntbd:.fr eding testa� to be sp for he did -riot k� had'econmy will fixid-heor clesir fulfililed, ingj� �thete -*6.4 ';no, hojj)e f 'h Wl b, ow whit I or. t 6 pasr- t It - ten 'birds I ' h rLink jts,a su 'an another; underneath Aho. ipr�sq Lan of ; C ed U. Tlxe'- eac pen, I fightihg�'men., . . .. ': L', . . , . acted breedinj en ounter n Q t.'Potterns. Price .-of. the "book giengers. SoldjerjL PT6111�tjy, AS e.�Aal in' type,,4nd and, to again, I told: 10 centS the 06pyi-l" II t :When 1.,wAs1'iny`se11 pl* of the- low-eor6d-boat, wks'draigg'ed the' very bin L i; a g ur y. wa �1 he - - .. . - P N.'S"- Doi4 17 To., TAX 1 o mental P4rm are� tr 'd rrior f much --Waves - and swept to! ht' ind t6re 1' RNS. *rhent, the Unt wOjjj'd' .�e L engdl, -Ted fifteiest And v' ff: 1,6n ExpeA t tee. hoiirs -of - mate fig',Lthe I' - After h lit' an�d' ven 'thr t' 9 i aw.a leaf.' Th �e d M o it,PZ dess 416 consume the�humber',61! A*4zhba binding nois an .co o f t O'W�.T d" tite yoar namd afid address'pliLW-' In thei. wrir Z�g r,o thr'it: nightL' and a.1 the g4zi ly, vnainde s ars.find'Ie limber an,41'' f the bottom used, In eaqh;,teot,� eX� size,. o Lich, tends over -A that terns -is: you: wArn -'r�tn n_ L_V_�L 4 _'Aftezo.%. treatmezit Pat t e he, aut rne&to -was .-:give P ayL Wa a a 1�6 U' preferre ;` wrap 'D Rep-6rt fo pretty gteidily ten' days without 4nd --6rdOr We We b stamp� or'coln, (coln t, -to break in shor eing d r 1,024 and. as.; li-6 'Jookod on' th a -o an, weiba top not. it ':tarekully) for each riulfiberi and. f" the rea -the sightin'd k &rne, off th, 9 nin full areL given When rouili - foi�St n , the eir w r e was reir, We did, sight.-thei I nj -we s . Aw, AarOf war, rior97 The dd Jour Or6r to Pa4ern �Dept, terrified- face h 1928-24 ai 'the.. AVer ' shou'Ideti of t ary .73 A t 0-a I at *hce, and,befor�_thore Bound of, d hing Cb.;. West. fr, "In 'both' cases al��u. 2�0 W they *ere weak for three . ar.6 lson. Publis rqW iner an 17of a wh6le fartninght the;y -had gtoiiod both; 1IL6. Cos' St Toronto.: Paite6 t',df feeds and egg'. 'v;alu, sent by b 'he - bpi 'Q' peia'k :,that our friend' v6- t inthe tIPs go, in xed up, 'in a, hand' '�urii. nia-11 �`are includdd -�j time 1ot, EL, single Shot both par- �diininerj aiiii with -L it vinishqd.tbd hope ie' lifiabipt s, wou, fox� �a hight's particulars ftip. Id rescue us off, thoO cloth" n1shtd.: The firbt.teSt *hj� f h:i6xtended and..Combat that,we didr&dard shoot Wwmilat" have gone'. "a, good rest or o 'sQte . h anyr but three :PIC rom o for hear of- t to ALtill,"' -'abinnififiddd And MOUth&I# --of foocL tl:., -parn. s vember, ell our thq asto, d0jjIg moS our'. he men Y1 -in m value ot'.beet P -o -some seed�d' irnest;' thei r;, 'health * *uired 79-4"�'Is 'in -in', Wheri dd d -to the ied the thongs 'Which adise4i themL how We -drem. S ey td., tjLk0 - eaveAt thb end of. t*o On iter�lbamper� k' k ys'. Of Ii ui. -feet, and '.We - weiV m0ie0`er. they need. fear.'n6- d�rj lnying�:kati mittent fi 411' pretty , TAhrebed along, surrou d the. voice. from above ce on&* Th,6 thi aged and ree tired, and It.., were P, ed by wair- -For God- had. 91;ven,him. the- nee �49#,of beef h -looked as _ th<iugh- oth riors.* At 'least t1dS was b;etter' tha d' ekPlAined' hat..,had: passed that not_n. hair' of their hadB; wOulA. Orofit'per bird of: $1.0719 in', pen. 1 Malinda Sie%v wkit patieptly p Acis d Off ithout either b6inif, carried, Willy-nilly, nifil the jolt. had baa� hi -2 , ..,:. . $rfittling tbb.�a unt�JL the, fo' ttle., ng nigh .27; .�22 J, and of sldm'milk ejgj L V tb That w As ..a pkoof'.of his -own �Pyoflt got �b,rd. f ..Ing of' the hukfing - men Vs.�'35, 36 Uring a'11114tilal 8118�en -of hos-. �rfttPd'MY a, W43, kne;. iVe vier 6 $1.6? n, pen, s on most 'beyond, n-. p.pohildence in- Y�Iiut he 9aId,.P4uViz&&.q . If -the ipereased L rofit',ovej feed 2 1, IVISS, Whj!;D 'all the L eu�`fiing aiiegais �a'11 fhat' nijbt'a.nd br�d, -And, Warr OrS were durance. to Wai t'L the tie enfi, L ay. _Sav4ges' jej*6 . of aa br6aka the, brend_ punieO_, b fiot. It WjS one isay e,, cizeditod to, the, co ger talto violent death Ti 'be ins, ei Is example prov on()" '0y j a. th fr,-. breath .;h orture as-a-motter�ofeoais,,but with d and p t�.ve Marketed re eriod 'of-- b:,ackness And, §a . . 66urage, 4of th,6 -- es thydugh lihiI �gg;, it. ha ficie.. t. -it was. Aiffetent. s ­,an. My.frjend if'ho on e P.11 1dark thought., for. m,6. Ther reptiles, they'alCtake. 0' pf, �1-32 .'per huii8r v ry 'rtu'resque-Awemba talk 'any -anxie yj did "liof show It. Inarkei': valu brawled Over 41ny' out that 'if ` tie, eduld 'meet. tbe.,'*hoje -�rai 'd *ith rep'giia�ce t6 I led And fikles,. but wiMthi, fille u eaworne-Q, -UXIY,' 47-44. aajjme.fate'j.:kjjjBW_ I might'6.ve' bi t them for " IL'TRE RAFE E Test No..�L 2,6xtendIng Chinganza -army ne. ma AW hited Us. 'Ui 'hf SCAPV:T0 rom xovem.;�, iffect"it..ji d lighed" i W.— esign e. -Wo6d take Nin Jus 4boat four �had':k4in. e tS3 ILL, on The'total'hiimb�r of.L b�r.�­J. to ril 30, d .'to' was a'whtb'm d" pergohe aScoftain' the je:Ati4 Vaj�U hours a-hd forty_fl,�.4 Minutes'161 con -J (:tie an �.prayed, Init - bow - th�� oil, here, gii0en -9s .2-76. But Ing, er'SLIO qrs'jyas�e man 6 d f6r:yultuj�a.� T -6t assure'' -the choicest n, v ,in all'into fo an.. ho d know, Ortai inclen -- t- corfirriercial .,,:,Vert,t,hL' d 'up bth 4 usCnP S. say 76 d U fi. 1. remein-ber th d. it 'is an -at the, i1jaI16 tureb in economic e ai 6hook. gZprQdU&tj4bofi; in -.o torture. the -A it. UifihLl;pe�a, z4hlopekaazo a. i. ne imba;, _o'ssjbj4 ih Wi 'lit -year. .3 L and 'rry UmblIppeg az, h�Ok -if 41th hom�mjxi§d W#rr eMe. int6' number-.Is�the rig three aver'age .,of'r Pen "No., Of for Who. stoo, nd I reaized that seem to wo a �6n, f. s now t was', 6 0 Wlr`t�-ljo' So Jjl�t I CoUld fiave ende klit had fa&d and that �L. b6gide �hed- that I had managed t6-.keeP did' hot Whom T'Called'h friend, replied, tOL the .88.' Th 1�y P, �d long as iLad received 6 d nOV Xnow' a ver Aunt iand' offete + however, so Nght6hing file .%hip of.- pa,rt 0 t -a �Proflt er bir hands* *�Te.re wa�s Ag id of, the feed cost,61 ou cargo. A 'aj:n-shfP, nng N�he�k* n Commer- ikhful.. 'cia fdo Mixtures 607 at a it fit - e w f f th -to R*Meo,,Dlkd had to W 0 per t like to-� adinit, fee w part of. her burdim.jf. she -bird -en be 1. r 0 I all. vi�it, from Mlinda, and 4n1YW that'. �d, to the' Init iim., n s' 'a coffibat. that-; I WAS' hungry, y6.t I -M� St. -have -cozive $1.277 and of pe 'No.. 4�;wwith, inglo "BAyte! Aye B-Ayetel" thUh_. A MoA.does no, te�n had" not eateh, W benag4fin before t o Theft"came t 0 Ver' ;eed cop c ts. de�6d the-� Ch Ahze: W oil 94 r e'did not.see h voice,. from aj�oovj. wag to right In t of b re' WAS a a,-thad. witers. ihe n. eac case, the.* rat'OnS Sjjppjj� t I. The whirr' ari'l rriors, anbut I Ae"t S I -very Much kin A4jr&nb&,� And *L -herself riet Ing, So, � after"the, papsengers. had 'afiA the constituents of thi hDtwe- the -Awemba;,tha�d g.. thif 16ng Umb" rope. Into.piAten.; - All thit'rOln, , AinOd of the Wheat back 1134�111 to IL n edt k.� _7ere, f. and the. All If - -ni -AI.: . . . . 4pegaaZ PU t e�mix_ ke� wnsfvfive�da-y -arch toth�,�kra t - tribe, assemble was short Id it'll Ure, 4. my hands afid'tod ifier.to ho as the rfietbodp--'ailotted ore a &otbalil galne.�'Tb of -theAwemba. all, *o tbko�vr,­Overboard. kunne�, b -C�insaniai Said the e sinking sun I "Dog: of' a On 'the third day. a r.ang ifito Weir my feedink,- are­glven n',the' Wid8t, he' i should'. climb to the gufaceo of the . 8%, ornin brokdni r - of us. earing news Bed H lih-t�d on.the , using p ; white v8"fig A': strip; - of 66aA n#ar bo�jL the'. wmen - -as eci pass4d jeaSantlY, cur 9 had now W thit r 4filpty oist6l ftjae on Ile. CLN -ghief f earth'and lift. ino.out had e 'ienfin mo n b3r_ej:ythfugwAs_ffi*_A manvyou, haveo'b ell I' A �ek-and­ha&-fle 'Ideh oi�' 69d�to,thej 1.0 _w -the ship WP.4 delftingi Ody to the Rdbltcati0118,�Rmn;p ri'W-n bi eotuitr bA h, "tr F9 faSteftod -the thon d. know Wl*t er t it' , L . , - i. �Cave' of Dent sure; he -W blit. fo h of: thie;cave, and'all r men e;6med to,ca"' -it higsing'-sn f I., shoulders. He C' fiIbred`iIp*ard 'and d he 'sli 'in 0 th't. .;I ... k4 GaVe of'D4;a 06ut u :wb hear g. un pr my al d -'*Ven the �leainffi!g bodjes�.f:the T killed our last! ho d Ch. Aid th4 Y 'beach they a,, Shade f� e vD age was, n,� g 'my a' &4 momeri 01. members of the tribe. resohrdd It )osslUep to ith# ship Fee& the-'* forest, 01i a 'round'. us carfie!. we Arrived. Word had ts ltei :I jeji MV f tVA i '16 V16ter goe-Ahead air chances bf ees. n dyfnIj W e ng oaf t #erW Wewyera lid-Offi-amid.-a mob ha helatingi 'the -groans �Ild crifs'of wound-e.d..,aurd't of wild- 0 -had's' ni-th imn:d. n :LIA�,h - man: *ere ges,- . men patton-, W ich. wolola li�i Fresh air stung in' nostrjjq!::aq. t. Vg.�40; 41. a 1.0 We 9 4p �prmm background to -chietfain it (1* Ite' chOtin�� sa�LA ' .. -i`-h. set, hi ve' meant Come outready for work in th women ed, - and 96' of one of ilip, snakis rid th lorting ye 'o -of the combatants. slid ' 'I thnt -the - fin was �llfteii ilto tb6.,' brought in' iffid, childfeni. who.. la�gh moonlight.' .-Vnih- ed,, the Sails r h6istod, as' -captives; It IS necessar 9.gtapdifig-bes� Y go nt6 wirr� 'through th -village ifil n Wiih.� plentk �ot stores." the b!ee e, tatinted:ui;: all-Ae ti anA 'dart;ed 6 lop;egaaf* wa Ide Malin& the ship boi t d tfie3r, mAb t 'at the Hors. As 'we -wont bo my fl�sh,for,no' by t�r' death go roun Atrggered: and they si0jIi6rteL & th th-6 Wi I or ihe be�q. n:f6r!� Owin�, to the T WAS a son of the 6b$0fi street, o1d'w6fiIen,:*Iiowae stluattilig geSticulmilfigiin a weird sort.of dance. fn?m, Poison Ould -be SO beir.ible it to AIn ip s ri an ,vote white ostrich. plurfies'.On.hii �.befo)re their huts pounding kaftir corn .. Xqurter'of A; mile -from the. village -Pti�sll OM "�.Zta . rvatlo� th6 lu tun4te;1k, t6, hl low -shoat br,�odj the tall.of. 1� to . y� own tff �ngshqre,. and'' he rest'. " r Stick' d into- tM1 r bo s cow's taiL W ea .-the mouth -of B" sThen we he' f4o, the IdefilloXvilljoi s Which I a eavern rep ':es, ea bead, and'a skii in bdw?8,'6topPed work 6 St6pp - it ��4 at 6wf.. and hurltd. the ilifie, -the bpeAkerls. n pound i di betwden-two enormous' rocks. The ' Ut -th nza Aton Ing aiones�-at,,a6, Children` pelt- evi&ntly pot the Chi�iga the- affp E4rimental' Stat�6n more thib the Of trio to jLpart ribPOjj*IIoU8�1­no!r had ih' -to pieces, n a 4- h - - L" L' opegaaz. w -ci am 4�4'tr6m hi �Wafat' tTin"'I I" iic4d not Day lid night 42v 43.%o1fi;,thWcrigi bunt Was required -With mud afid wfth'04fieq� a d me in a semi itele And Six 9Y fangg to bite an girdle about hip with qgh t' jin d b&r-' diets, tearing f6t the by f6ed'ink, ex0ept f6r A men o rl6ts - ap�r6iiched wriggled o we trave n 'is wdi ak,,,d'.. yotpi h -hidr b6en,left to of, the at Ath, 6r,aliho led livifig 'on herbs a the Th J�oilj 1. f tbhir stod bo. r feet afid tWi a tit our"Afililes Jes whih ve,gatherod last �rigoner.q,' bign 'to: put, doftth� thrbe4rames,of d10 h, Iv. guard the villajagrowl4d.and looked long. ropes made .4 thongs. CrhWIl*' ou� 0, Ing the. kraaL yer oney, pe: 0`9 d ef We wo;'inb they did, not Molest jig,. itaggered into -The �t appeare to fie- us aB. We "sed. about,sik� fe4 1�io the eav n one of But the ofAcer'in,command, Wishing And supplinient down a lllig,�b'ut dionly the Awernba darted Vin'lIlpega-ft d Vmhlopega". i's fiow; UZI' Ali Ing With A- syrup mAdjL ih t6s6ed t ie.end of it r6Po eSSr o pave P 4 'force4 the ano We were pu t guard n %a but . em, on' he In to esist, gr Sugar tj ,orn inward, low; -noili the g)rouiid. There, aking dowziib6t strengthen' has been and Miliiidq is his atid the order Sa4vd' pl peut. part 'C tll-PoUnd' tho6r*�'hir t 0 u4til blaCk hole. "Oat �4r6o t(meoSL the' gIZ6 III ood fl by Jif Er,"ery one who.' can Swim is to't was, a lash. bf � gte and bl- owe the rotumi&d. from. th man's Wd � Th6it they led -us to. weakness� I r4jijj6d; Im. If:Vre akdo t6o�, hoiiey Were, UsO as feeders with. 04L ifin'S 6tae.. , .. e 0 a y 'The On made signs or no -nallY. Wftlefi; beau i�.. entto 1'�, I Were better sea Ad mako �,or the sore, to Woe I - it ha the from r the, Atst" the' hole'and 0 we, known t sixty Or— sev evening were e nail bolk.4 He(Aad been ouaded By I ba ful aiid-taktntd, and I have cared for ikkO f'feX1dW, on tafta PnehM ft�he covets.. We Pils *ere -short jec, o grea curlosi Y And Among scofid by. means of hAt. eopo' of thofi&s, d a�'rtejjjble fe age. filled and oil �spear mad# from a hunteks .'knife tbohe.,�who� c going hind., b�foro the 6nd should gorhe ofthim, . bu.t thi Qh4i forWh m. V* R,%gS L -6 it eoMeii to rierted ame to� tho. of but to I did not klio%v* Wfitit'awalted �it�Lt '86, JbAt,we might 44. :And op 0 thd es lo , olc a us was a, a ff the one, who ll bound with urdo-&11hr to�- thq,ena o Malid' ttom of the black Aaft, 'o' fighi. 0' . eems bither by swimming or bn float. �f mes.,*Of each colony, daughter the Iiii but I �' =lost ifUl ot'all" IS. the �a 0''' " L '' ra OiT NOVerhbor. Of thm' our, Oftlitntbrs,'We made Mir Way go �Lnj wre;C liglo iffe is lost, 25 forUj_tej�jj.C� Stout tithe. hfef,'� with foii"f her maidens, knew*tbmit ie" 'a *aih worse., than the cl into --da, Fj s kagb, oi'a 91 was fading ditaietel�! slitlaked; fhei;' -A' reJo of diiii-I a he �Vbbd in the moonlight rom t ght. it Ined ftiuch fmp�ess�d�y that to be met at the point of"an ig -d f the- wombd Malin -di See he, Above nerrative w,6 iho��, cellr do6cjaj,j.� x in, tb�:farcstlhat n-ig i'it, 11jo. mouth lear 'that thor rfast be ap. h n ibrs,..but their shoat of tH.umph and n lit Of i6ligiou§ faith ' potL%j and four weto ted ad in tbe� hok *III, also,be, �ufck to put-,forwAtO. big n911146' an L strength of "segal, strUgg:le pro q r U p.�_ Wjilto qj- that lone� of, captors �i;ouid ring case v "ohdood,ifi ofig7draWh Whil, for.4 Urfili'lop6ganz, and gO�ke. 6 her attc years lat�r thae of,the Cave.oLf 1)6iL Ynd it.. the dr hand to help in Any real �rlas Ift life. P, e g on 'ShaVingg had, truck, at big eneftiy dalits :In A. 'Which .made iiie tat 1. Was. simply,bound rathet loosbly, lidled into fio�otbjng and, doe'x n6t filean 019do- front' of tjle� t, be an insulator. vilthn-short; knife'riand. while ifie.brow beieM her 'cur' illt in,tot' ave PO Wj*ed al, blagkiiess. .S e T%�IXW th 1091 Y.MI94t bo.ttirhed' te 'rope was rawn'up ond'paki§id ad neVer cUrS6a thOL 9tOthI8 Of life, still less rsed as I b ifice moving 01i 'Tho, fnffil,'l hnvo and sol�flsh r6gard?fot on4oal narrow UP, wabboing,�arriedj, he raisede int6.-gorAethhig,SfrOhger. cellar Wag" ft to 0. the r6ah% fi.biid 6wft saf,94, etat and dro'v und Aioald#rs, th�n I was :Am AShAmL n la� gre4 r ninny the woeofto 10 Net Wornifig 'he tdCurned' t 'd o I It IS ah, �Lttitddb, While those .and 4red into t, jo cam ty And. I ink I the cblldri�l , r 11stringsil and -ii iliroilgh the �ouhg dhieftafil. who , � W48 Mad, from life n ke, ea �W _�V clea n 'the guards,. were g'I -.'hudboand 'makes t'Apo Unihigpegliat ad,trea�d likewil 6t2,tInX' "d 90 poitfid§. The shaft ot th6 -aaekal, broke qffj.Apart she few WokdS icr, ell ifir ic courage -a . n n'MY Afid III a, &V mok-onts, huldod besldo Urned. IWO th dnUsd Of M ret aborb' fellow. eaptive, erl,, rea Y -bill w g� um Ut 0 11VA.1 110 S.00pffig. Wo dared fte-16 rn�ndl the -Th f' Iff's 4 10 phantli ia.lizit. them'," b W�l 111, and td,� And' in glofi� puts evh and thoto. on down'to V.6 the 4 Sli-- - tig, the, onemy, Awemba rushed, When, ab� bA gijehe.4expj .1 jjq " 'Ir " 'L I I ''. h I Whrjcjj_"h6_,dj4 l 4 C ypars,-sacs e un er 4ho, USM bVeii of 6.d. coor qg 16 Was a in akes qppar� hippiilg% grain, pot�tb�,;, d . menalthough The 4h A Approval of y after, their m�ftl k"d tWfid by I no i er a cry, that he as hs-`�rotty, SLL o I - n -alt. f- stek 4.1 havo tj but,their foA 9blindedliko th aterfal , !6 bahin,Als Te' Untavelled ..from_ fl6ur sadks- a tramp- w. d,Als th IS b the shnft.*4S7,10"Cated bout six feA tUffi4bd t0L f the p theirli r VML -its atoundr bu g011- Xes caft Who ke*,Pb Over six I U h t�e in bhiij bo on C Ountry, An Albe othe W4? Sr .6 pot.' 'Als e PpOk e9verit I d16 know �jj o re,� Pot think graceful at till Whjjj- jkWedted u4. 'ift �h d ndlo' bought s they charOd r and 01-V folig'! ha' 'been thd odd -b d" wliod I— �Vjjlfijnj a ed db, s, �j , V� to',tha jnf6 tho '11'(l ifif'o to nmood -ta;date, an a ri, om ores, fj� ItOPJ7 ill .the 'left-, ijIL ubdorrihe NV;e -stoP­ of atitkda. :&r th i kb . I anOpod ,a half#& -entrVi Who wizo-initigited tKo unpleasa bove, Awet�of _tbo kitelion b d ran -c 'that'h of tho Mnlilld4 , 0 U y ,�k oar m Vida iffilottof6d10 and, 49. 1 had beeh'i h1linbet of d6h'Vinced thif't L gu n In U n. 0 8 glVo .'hO44�' '#q� 'her Voti4di . 0., . Unih- 86 that we no IYO --iWigto y� operaat ffiehi�qq, in, a to 00 a b6u",- but! This bushls ojoi4in or .4h.elUd coinl profit, "%7eW WOW