HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-11-12, Page 1:•• 4 4,4 • • . • • . . . • • . • • .• • • • . . • . • • • • . • • • • • • . • „.., , . . • • • . . • • • . . " • • 1 • • • $2,00• PER TEAR INAPV414.I1CF412,40 f.;.4.1i4**4.14 " , . ...1,00K1,10W0ONT., 17011/4$10431,.., I1,01rNif$Elk. PMTS. , 0 ,.PROFESZIONAL CARDS , 0 11 W. M Connell orhYsician and Surifrofl'4: •.• . • Lucknow :Miura 2-4 ,, • '77-11.., Phone '86 DENTIST' ,Dr. MacLeod 'Will visit Lneknow every 'Tuesday an • Dr: Connell's , •• DENTIST Dr . • L. Treleaven Lucluuswe-- Over Decker's 8 t r e. Extraction either by gas or local. 'Will be in Dungannon every Thursday. Phone 53 DENTIST ' Call Dr. :Newton Make appointment' ' In office everyday • • EYE' SPECIALIST COMING 'MAUDE C. BRYANS. Optometrist • . will be at the 'Gan House, Lucknow: • Wed, Nov; .1.8., Hours 1.30 to 9 p.m. Headaches,•,dizziness, pain in hack of meek, painful and inflamed •eyeballs •twitehing 'eyelids, relieved, through •..:guaranteed., 0 EVERYBODY'S -COLUMN .9,, . ,:,•• • I Geo. A. ---BrOker Fistatemy ti%trnifettelfgea oh-'1"Artif:'Pronei' - ties at 6 and OLIA,ber cent according to*Security offered.: . AlSo smal' amounts on second 'mortgages. terni propettlies and on .1sei'selnai notes. A ;few- good farms for sale I have added to my *all rapei and Paint business a stock of Wall anex_wheekILL..may be seen at my residenre any time. --R. .J. Cameron Painter. and Decorator .. Lest -A.• gOld king 'with crest find er. kindly:leave ..et tile Sentinel Office. Reward. ,... . • - • • ., Purse Lost-7..in Lecknew;.on:Setar day, Nov. 5, .e lady"s.lparsei valued as a keep.sakec;=.7inder please report af the Sentinel. Offitie.,ReW rd. --- 11/ • PIANO FOR S LE , .Hritiplan7 Piano, o y Used, for p 6hort time. Cost $676.; will be sok for abent half. TWo years* time Will be given. -Apply to box j.diek .".nOW, before Noy. 20th. ; CATTLE ASTRAY . Came tdo!,the prerhises of the under . signed; :Lot 21; Oen. 14, Wet Wawa • hoah,' on or about; Nov. 2nd, 1.925,‘.1 , heifers, apparently one year old. Thc owner may have • seine. on provins . • . property and ,paying expenses. --,Jas 'Forster.-- • • , • • ' FOR SALE • 'rive purebred Durham heifers, ris. ..ing three years. 136th are from good• milking strain and due iO'freshen thc' first of the year. Also -a -chestnut driving horse rising 5 years.. For fun: ' „tiler partietilare apply to J.' Ferstme West, Wnwanoih: '• •' r • . CATTLE FOR SALE ,Ter.eleeet_of two-year-old • Ood . °quality feeding steera for •sale. - ply to Robt.• Johnston -Phone, „Day - 16. Evening 19. • AUCTION 'SALE OF COWS AND FEEDING CATTLE Fester G. MOffat, will have in auc- tionAale of cattle, at his larni, Lot . 25; con. Q, Kioloas Township, Friday •• Nevendier 20. CoMmencing at one ' o'clock p.m. there will be sold:. . Cbws ;with Calf. e 5 Heifers With , • 8 Feeding Steers: , • Also At carload' of western cattle. TERMS -Six monthsi cre lit on•an- • 01...oved Point notes', bearing leek in- terest.,--;;Tohn Purvis, Aue.• ' AUertart...: -ot 26, Con. 10 West Wanemosh, willhave an title: - tion sale of hiS .farni stock and MI- plement On Tuesday, November • _17. comineticing at one o'clock ,p,uryiii, • • AUCTION SALE • VictOr Whitley will hive OA and - tion sale of 38 •heted Of good, Durhain eAttle-, yearlings; 2 -Year-olds and 3 - year -olds., Owe, and delves. At 'Wal- ter Lett's •farte, a halt -mile west ''ot. Whiteehurelyon Friday, Nov.. 20th tonimeneing at 2 o'clock Sharp' Terme months' ' erecilt.-Elliott LucknoNtt flout. . . • travelock (Pure Man.) $4.25 :gef.nk, bidiidedP$4:00.; ; • 4uode.,i'aite 4paStry) 4240 Peed $2,00 • " Vhsirt •-)Irsti $1•50 -,-,8horta 11,50 ** filer ening. ChOp $20,00 pet toll. • 1.0.941'• #14,141.0:92/YEPAL,' 0, •1. . . • Women's high heel refilaers orly '6.0e.7.7.-"floraellt-Mtirdoelet:Go. Mi. ;had :Mies:- Ernie; 1).4i1ls'on were herefrom lyfilton over the week -end 'Miss •Isabel ' :Douglas •• was hoes froni-eChathain •fOri the Thanksgivita kkolidaY-. ; ' , • „Mr. and ,D,viCC. F. Richardson • were toVer from TeeSwater ,for week -end.• • • • • ; , . and.'Mrs:. V.etor Whitley child 'returned 'fronr the'r•WeeSt!or Satur ay. • . P Bargains in' boys' and children's 'suits at '.4The Merkeek7.-HornellTlgur... -doe& - ' Mr: and MO: Steele, MacKenzie, of' Kitchener; Spent the:. ;recent • holiday, .erith. Mr: and Mrs." R; • V. MacKenzie ' Mr: Wilmer :MacDonald has' One east. from Aimed, Men., aed is .Visit - Ing his parents,. Me..and Mrs. Fred YlacDonald.• • • Mr. M. Armstreng'cif .the Continte ation SchOol.staff; having gone 'home EARLY MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS The tOWIt of Winlibenn, haviug adopted the plan Of:holding its men- itchrtheale:tail.r tileatenthele obfe•kihnilei:.et11;b1:3: each Year Wilt haVe' it4 tC4r eouneil electe4, Deeember .7, none inafioes hi) he held on November 30, Quite itefeber of inleniciPalities thioughout Gntarisi ;have 'adopted this P?en Vie* to ovOtefing'•Aer; „election eainpaign, in. the' ChriStroos' :and..:41,ew Year •Itohdays. It appears be a wiSe„..niOve• and no 'doubt ;will b( geperelly adopted: :414 i • :;••• Big bargains' tin, congeleums stni lineleuMsi--;Hornell-1VInidoth:• •ExcER:ENT COURSES TO BE -corvg ERE": ".• ' Mr; W. K. Riddell, B. S. A., Walk- erton; accompanied bY .his assistant W. B. Viebigei S. A., Were in town bn; Tuesday : Completing arrangements for the three months' course 'Agri - manta.' and Home .EebnoMics ,te given here Dec. lit .to Feb, 2.6t1i, next. Mr. Riddell is. in charge, of tbe Brace County branch of the Dep, LOr Thanksgiyieg, ;developed meatilee Agriculture 'work; He 'feels ,that ghile there.' and • has: been off duti re. , in.-andabont -• . anditiOns-' ---inicknoW-Are- * • ).favorable for the organization Of Di. • S. Brown, • and: fiimily Of spent Thanksgiving at the United Church Pareonge, Ludknow,. Messrs, Struthers. and Wintereto.ii who recently hoeght, the Ford .AgeneS and ;:garage, 'Masi/lees from Wm. Nay- .ork took over the•beeinesii..laSt week, Mr.';.Naylor..evislies to express hie 'ap predation of .the Patronage lie re . ke-isaiiielfewreyeal •• • Enegnfila in men's setts arid' over coats at "The Market"--Heriiell-Muir loch Co: • ; Herbert „Weide,' Who. has ;bee: good 'lasses. Young men and wonien alike Will.. be enrolled . at • a. nominal fee, Elsewhere in this pap., ,er we publish an outline Of ,the cows: /es, and these certainly suggest a hi 4 order of :educational work. Ai v rY. capable staff of instructors have. bee, Secured of which we may have inOrc J, te angaged- at ;butter -maker' at Silvei yoodS,; arriVed, in _ town,' with annily •on Monday, end have Occtipie, Ackert 'reacienek on Stauffer S.. The, family came, from ...StrathreY• : • The 'regular meeting Of the Wo. . Institute will ; held at tie tome of 1VIrS; Thomas. E.. Smith en • eridaY .afternoon, " Nov. 13 at '2:St • /clock. • • Mr. and ,Birei James. Alton 'hail( eetired'..froni the Win iwinek the;. so 'Ong ecieupied in Ashfield :an( saire Moved to 4icknowt occapyire, le Holmes residence, on 'Ross St, I Friends of, Mr. RObert. Fisher will • ue glad tO, know that he has sia fa: . ecOvered; follbwing a Critieal.apei in • Winghani H,ospital; that k 5t to be, brought home on Mon Jay, , . • Bargains elides •and rubbers a:' .1114 maricegimiell-murdOch Co DaVici ..Ifern, who bad the inisfor •I•irielast week, to : suffer e doubt' !reetere of the bone; below the kne .s inakin favorable progress e Mrs.. Elliott, her Mother, Ntik Ha) 'is, and alias Winnifred Elliott... lei .Wednesday for Toronto, wher hey wall reinain:.until .after Christ mas Dr John McRae of Sault Ste. •Mar ie, Wag' teatn•fee over the week. JO. He dame doWn' to visit. his ;bra., -her,. mi. murdoeh meTtap; , who , hal CCfl serietust ! ill the asffew Mont .s. Reyal. Agricultural • Whiter Pak Torozite. Special low fares now it .;afiect-,.:froin • :Nov. ,•12, to .23: Ge, your ' exdursion tickets ,at McKim': Drug Store. • • ReY, De Watt ,Coserril, M. 8. D.; Mrs. Coient and.:. theit hint: tlaughtere,..-Kathleen-,and Eleanor, -o Spritiftelcl, Ontario,' are spending tht week' at'the United Church 'parsonagt 41 town, -with the •foiMer'S .,parents, Itev T. WeAnd Mrs: Gorier's. •'" :-,00o-o• - EUCHRE.'AND DANCE ". • , The •Rebekah Lodge •will hold 1, 1),,rOgressive '.tiehre and dance. in the Carnegie 'the evening of Friday Nov. .18, &unmet -icing at 8.15 o'clock ClObil *Al* and good lunch. Every- body welebme. Admiasion . • . CONVENTION , • The Annual Aiding Convention 01 the U. F. 0.• and U. FA W. , 0. will be heldinWingheni, Nov. 2oth; cam. meneing at 1.30' O'clock. Come pre- pared to take part in tri diSCUSsiOIL The 'meeting will be addressed by .1 J. Morrison. -Prov. See'' of the U. F. 0: ' i ••=—.0 .0-oe•-e- , . AE HAT PINS . , --Aniong.'-rulahiSh -thrOwn out fromr Cariteroa.Murdoehli store thora were 'several beri,eeti of long .hat pina.. n- )ju fortumitelY these were pit;Ice u bY school children. hare has _ been innike:.. eoltiplifinte tatilif';i6 thai Itto .ihildren-lave DbaSti ilitrAllir 'Nviiill theni, With clangor to thlinnio14,01 And :rithOrite, W0•11-1li .1*y ilia ::etiiidt0ii I.ce each 50 : 014, rittAnt of 40 p148.... .. -410410 I- Urd,001v CO. .P. 'Largest siie' And, beet quality•er Flanne'ette Illanleets‘ $2.1107--iffirnelr Murdoil Co. • • HIGH .,scHoca,IJITERARY The Ost .theeting; Of , the Literary ' Society of .:the 'Linkup* ,Continuatibr • Sehook...wasLIMid N4Li.v.• 3.30 04 The -Meeting was open, 'ed with 'chorus by ;the school fal• lowed by. a short address by the Pres; -ideat. The 'secretary's and treats:tar- er's reports_ were read,' after which e : diefrUS was given by Form boys , The most important 'number San, the 'megrims was a debate "Restitleed gtha' reading,is More Profitable to the 11: iieideal• than travel." The iiffirmet iye :Was; upheld. by Rena Carruthers and Edniund Collyer, the negative. by Winnifred Delights and Gordon. John - :sten; The negative won h,:snuiP :margin, the decision of Mr. Wilfred Anderson, Who lacted as judge. An in,. itniniental was. then given bY katle, rine _MacKenzie and EnOla Bitswell after Wliich the chainpionsid. 'Medals won by'. Audrey liodg!ns and Grant' • . MacKenzie On, Field 'Day and'also•..the ' iihampienship cup' won by the L. ' Were presented Mr. T. A - deet was rendered by -Mary Doug10 and Jessie Stewart,. and the•TheOting elosed by singing the National' „An; them..--LSee'y. " •Brea for Health Sick folks get , and il ve, folks keep well on lots Of Breda and milk. It's .--so delicious --so nourishing ,-the .big, food, Value A ak foe Good . .bread e.loaflhat builds .44(ideest Ho4min's Bakery CIIURCH NOTES, , - The Presbyterian GOA: . .Th? • Social Committee provided' - Phanicsgiving progrant.On • Illondey evening. Rev: Mr. MacDonald gave a` Thanksgiving Message and, 'Mr 'Steele 'Meeketizie, an Address 'on ft L. stevenson. Jessie ,Sfewarf read the Scripture. 'Metes:Myra- Maei)Ori- • alil° and 'Helen MacDonald:gave reed- inge: The, musical prOgraint:eOnsisied' O'f' duets by Miss • MAST *tobiSbn, and Watson, an‘Margaret -arid bong: • , „ ; ias, MacDonald, and instrumentals b. Mise' Margaret 'Grecalee and Mr; :W.. Spindler. • -The Young People ef• Maitland Presbytery held their annual •Preshy. terig in LiieknOW presbyterianolnireb on Tuesday Of last *eek. The, speak., ors in the afternoon 'were Dr. *Perrie. of Wingham, • Rev. Mr: Davison, el' qalt, • and . Rev. M. McCullough,' Kin. cardinein the evening, Ilev. Mr • 1VIeeDenald, pr.° Forbes, of TeesWat. 'et, and Reti. Mr.. Seines, 'South kin loss. , • The attendance.. Was Jarger than usual( aid 'a really profitable ,ses,sien St • Peter's i'Anglican *Church, ' 23r3 Sunday after .TrinitY,JhrOugliOut the: Anglican Cominunion of the world this 8,01day is cemlifemerated, of thc great' Council it Nice, 'Which gave us the Creed Called `Nicean.." 11A.M Choral .Cominunion. and •Sermon, : 2 Sunday • Scheel:: ,7 P:11; EYert- genini4eAsatifse-"'-Wenehes. ; , . v , • ..--.-t . vensong .as ..Sunday iMiss- 11a7. Fritzler Of -Detroit :granddaughter of Mr: and Mrs: Alex'... Ross, assisted the cheir at the Nat- ional Thanksgiving Service, and sine Most s npropir4tely, the sole "1 •Coin( held. a eornmemoratiVe ,serviee at St period- of silence. Peter's Chureb :as preparation' fin itt_Piii: ' . to TI a,"'• On, ArmiStize Day, , Nov the • obliervehee of ,..the two-miriete llth, :it 10.30 A. M., 'Rey. Mr.: Bray The Anniversary Sereices of Of • LuelcnOw' .0nited ;Church will be ;held on Sunday,,; Dec. 6th.' The Rev. K. J: MaeDcinald, D. D., *pastor, of the First _United: Church, , Galt, .will. preach- : On Alie' following evening e. Fowl Supper Wig be given 4n4 an ex. cellent musical and literary pro,gram will be rendered. United Church Young People. •!: Missionary Dep, of which Mrs C. Decker is convener, had charge of cembined Thanksgiving ad Mission ary program at :the • meeting of. the Young People's Society of the Unite' Church, Meleday evening. The mos - :dent occupied the (hair; Miss Wil- helnaina Agar read the Scripture les:, *Son and a ThankAgiVing prayer was offered by Mts. 11 J. 'Cameron. Skov'. addresses upon the ten'e for. the et.' ening were given. by Mv.• 'turns and by Mrs. Decker,' Miss, Lu • la W,eatherhead. gave h reading, ape Miss 'Gertrude Treleaven Sang a solo ayrda number of Oirls contributed 'e chorus. ;The •Social .and, Litei•ary Lonnitittee will. have charge next -Monday evening. • ; , ASHFIELD CHURCH NOES Regular---sereices-\;-rleaft, Sund Zion 10:30 A.M. :Haekett's 2.30 P.M Blake's .7.00 PA.. The pastor. will preach. Sundt* Schools also . will, be regular aftei. the interruptions of the: past few -weeks. . R.einernber , your • Sun day Sheol. The.:Maintentinee and 'Ex-' , tension Fund Campaign is now; on iP all eangreitationi;l-lit the 'United Church of 'Canada. Note,' the •folle*- irig items:" . The IJnited Church of Canada has Special responsibilities , on the Cana-- dian frontier* in the cieWded titY ditorii•the foreign -speaking in Clink . de; as 'well' as in China, Japan; •Korea India; Africa and South'. America, In 3,692 English-speaking con..i•- mtinities of Canada the home Mis- sionary Of the; United Church of Can- ada conducts ; some Service. Therninn- ber Of rhisSioriaries'end assistants engaged .in the work is 1,175. There arc also many important itenie ' of, work ,among non -speaking fojk.• The total .nan71.3b,re.r of, hoine i i,1s WEDDING BELLS , Steweirt.Martin h'was 9scene till d CI 1,1 auPtPc Yti eventl)a°near Sat- •• urditY, the 7th, .ftist, when 'Robert Arthur Stewart 4:4 Vest, Wawanosit Tag uniteklii. the holy bonds of .matritioltr,..to- -Robins. -Franco. ,mar. The :ceremony Avity•performed in the preSetieti of a fitirtnnnodiate. relatives by Rev. Wealey getout at 4.M. Mr: and Mrs. Stewart will tntildo in Whitaehurehi - NARROW ESCAPE' .4.1 ' R41114W4T CROSSING Mr. P. Wheeler, eiteeine expert 0" the *SetWYerailftsseY: Co.; gamin" •north from Lticknow, /est Thursday -morning., eseeped death by; only . a ;few incites at the C. N. crossing. He was in a closed car -s Ford 'sedan., of 1924: 'There: was • 1:ain''fitOr4 as he -approached , bit there iS ar* unobscured vicw,'pe neither sae nor •heard , freight train eoniin •dowin from ,ICiejeard:rie,„ The trair engine hit the rear ..of the anion -1o, half.P-TS4tCrtalch/le1Y. to a1Vr W enia d: s 4nth back*eele ,was not ,tlerown.,froni-his Seat.' Fly- ing glass, hewever, 'Cut his face and hands, but not seriously. ; Mr. . Wheeler had eeme•frem Ham- fiton to repair a' steam threshing en- gine which' was at. '. Frank' Milieri• farm,: .He evidently has: good nerves for after laying his -iWourida bandag- ed by h' local 'doctor, he secured' Imo- ex...ltar-a1)cit„.went-gbout---117a-w,mit-asn" •thnu-gh..iiothieg had'haPpened... We understand that it took sOnae• thing over $400 to pUp his 'eer in run- . , lung shape -again. „ • W. M. S:'MEETING • - • .. The regular •ineeting of the W.. M: Bread that is always the same, Bread that never clissapoints, - Bread that is awlays the best. Is true of tour "Quality" Home Made and Whole 'Wheat Bread • y :Saturday Specials ream Le41011 Meringue Pies - Sally Brown 1\itit Tattl, Cheese Cakes.„ Rose Tarts 'Doughnuts• '.Bread Walnut riri4d% Other-Faitytirites Bring in Your Butter Eggs 'Obtain. " the Best efices. , • HOLLYMAN'S BAKERY ..Phone 36 • • Ludinow MILLINERY ,SALE, • On Friday ar,d Saturday of this ,week 'there, be .sly -Reduced-- es' n All Hats. This -Special. SAte is. wOrthy of part' lar atten- .tion'by any I, yaneeding a. a hat.. • • Everyliat i4ew;ThiS Season • STORM SASH pScprAi i,d'tV, lochonil '01AwL til Ihs Thai will eay„.„,ler,,,„„t•Lei TAO' Lve iekly The iccleis P ice•for all •aises4 up Without or W* 2ft 6: in.xift.6 $1..90, 55.25 ,2 ft. 10 4.6 in. $1.95 $3.65, 3 ft.'0 in.x5 ft. 6 ie. $2.00 " 8400 , N1-0 t he 7 „neesiCient, Mrs- Mckenzie .presid- eg.: Mrs. C. H. MacDonald conduct- . , • . .the dertionaiiexereises. The ank, diary IS asked to assist with supplies. .for:schoOl girls in Selkirk, Airs w.• Henderson took the • tit*. ▪ tudy•Miss Carticletee the top- ic from "Prayer and Mis,sionns.".111rs, E: Agnew'and.111.• T.2.DOeglas sanea -duet end.readinga were giv- ,an Elnier Johnston and Mrs. 1Vliss Felton,. 'Field Sec, retarY for ontarib, expected to :lresS the annual • thankofferifig eie t .ng, WednesdaY evening, 'Nov. .18th. • AUCTIONS ALE , OF . VALUABLE FARM LANDS IN THE TOWN.SHIP OF HURON, IN THE • COUNTY OF BRUCE, BETWEEN THOMAS LOWRY AND ANGUS MCLEOD-:-PLAINTIFFS. -AND- , NORMAN' MCLEOD. MARY 'MC- ' LEOD' AND THE ',ROYAL BANK OF. CANADADEFENDANTS. PURSUANT tan the :judgeinent ; in. 'this, faction, dated .the 3etli day of ''Oc- tober, 1925, 'there' will be offered -for "Sale by Public Auction, with theap-. sobation of •'Robert E. 'Clapp, ..Ea. quire, Clerk of this; Court, at Walk- crton, by John Purvis, Auctioneer, at. ;he Cominercial Hotelin the. Villagc if Ripley, on Saturday, the 28th del at November,: 1925 at, •one.O'clOck in the afternoon, thia following lands an premises, namely: Lois numbers 20 and 21; in the Seco ml Concession • a the Township of Burs* in the County of, Bruce, containing ;200. geres '(10n. aThe said lands will be for ' 3ale in one parcel and, if an adequate t'cai'rabifeahia6'.l1l be trei"1,fOrel! separately, Uht; reserved id on each., • • The land is a :clay' loam hi. a gime state. of Cultivation • 'and 1st.' situate five miles from Ripley, slie.• Miles froth Lucknow, about 15: niiles • from _Kincardine,. all good market:gr.- ••and .here is nspring creek 'running thro' both • lets, ; , • - , On Let 20, there are 100 aeres 'steered, anti:under Cultivlation and al', fenced •witle'rails and wire. 'On tot 21, there are '97 urea cleared, and three acres tan'bered wite' maple and beech. On this let IS a 14 storey frame house lit by 24 feet.; r •frame •barn about 06 by 54.1eet with :cement foundation and cement floored stables; urideineath,. a.. frame straw shod $0 by 42 feet, a' drive Shed. 80 by 20 feet,,e frame he house- 30 by 12. feet And an 'artesian well and' an:or.. TERMS OF -16. 'per' cent. cash at thetime of sale and the hal- ance within shay days thereafter, DATED this 10th day off Neve:111"er R For ftirtherb,bfrticU'laCrleaPaPpPiCyleic.Dav. id • Robertson, Walkerton,• Ontario Seliciter. • 0, E, Klein, Esq., Walkerton.; oi • R. Vinstone,,,Esq., Wingham,Ont. ; 50 Actea, being Let 23; llth COIL, . TMeniehip of West 'Wawailesh, good: ; •ecittfortable: „frail') e h ease, . goad- barft with cement foun,dation and stable floors. -Apply en the pre -ails- e ertson GOLDEN CRUST -TUE QUALITY ° BREAD • Bread, of high' nutritiVeeValue rich texture end,.keeping..qualfties. is • making Golden Crest the popular bread. In Golden Cruet Only the lest" of' each ingredient, is used, ;:it being our deterznination to fureish, you with the best bread that .is hu- rnanlY possible.. Reids' Golden .7Crust I Brown' Bread, ;Fruit Locrties,' also' Raisin 43ran Bread,.are• still' in front Reids'. 'For Your week -End Specials Chocolate. Layers .With Marshinal. low- Filling; Cream Puffs; •Strawber• ry Roll; Fr:ed Cakes. 3cons and Ibta of, good things tn .eat at,Reidst'Doreleien. IrakerYt PhlIne 68 . • . .uto Accessories As 'am •reducing illy, stock of --- • „ AccerorieS, ,aed Toes, •, am offering Ikea*, at greatly Ret deee,d 'Prices. '' Notice the .Price '; • • •• • Tags in the' WindOw. • 5 ALS. BEST MOTOR OIL . • FOR, $4.001 • CECIL MIOLLIN. LITCKNO* • srAittatntwate: -v"...w.mLwk:A.v:ov.***:masr..swolyp,i , Thinking Of Making See Our :•Art Linen, 18 and 36,inches wide. Bleached Linen, 40 inches wide. Brocade Lined Towelling. builei.17ckrhiti Y Terry Towelling - r Floss, Pearl. Cottonin ., , all shades, t.o these beautiful Cloths. What,Could Be Better Than. LINGERIE SET? . . , }'and Made.; of one of these Cloths -,Dimity; ,Ckepe, Fugi PongeSilk, in Suitable Shades.- • ' ' LOCAL 14AkiititS • • 411.901.irte so 41:0 114,14 "tv §,4*. or,v fl8c..40c *42'1"41t14i1' 40.0., 40e. " t 01.# 410.75-311.00 • SpeCial. , Bath Robe Cloth, good widthLpleasirig color- eingd. Priced at 95c. a yd. ALFRED E. BUSWELL ,4 Dry Goods Ladies' Wear 7 -Men's Wear 4 v.st,wo.av.f.VAnsV.W.:WWW:410.1ft"... \*..11.."7.4%b\l'o:Apw.s.AvatistsV" STOrtiVi DOORS' _ . ' w• SPRIJCE N 2 ft. 6 in,X6 ft..6 in. • $1.90 ft., 8.in.x6 ft. 8in, $2,05 et! • 2 ft. 10 in,x6.ft. 10 in . 3,ftOin.x7ft: 0 in, $2.35 . STORM SASH ..Sash and Glass Con*.ore . . Up to 2 ft (3 in \4 ft. 6 itt , tlp to 2 ftto in x4 ft. 6 in. . Up to 3 ft. 0 in x5 ft. (3m. ; $3,80. :,• PINE, $2.20 •, *.$2,502. • Sash Arriving Weeklyt-Get Your Order In Now If It's Lumber, We Have It, Or Will Get It For You, At Lowest Possible Prices. LICENSED t1 . . . Phone.: t501, . •Lucknow • ,