HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-10-01, Page 4THE LUCKNO'V!• ,5E1' TIN t . 101:s'j)A'Xe ocTUHA t 92&.•' tK-UEERING. CO.:—Spreade s, M9wers, Hay' Load- 1,• Raltea and Tedders, Crain and C,OFn,Eiaadera,,W81kIDg and. Riding 'PlowsWir. G in cede � G s 4 1'o t s 4. T' STEEL & W1R8 C,Q.; : WoRen F , Gatea, ... . Barb and 14, Coiled` Wire, --A11., .Galgsiin*ed. 011AM BUGGUF4.-,•-Rubbe ' an(;Steel• Tick, I1.A,,T 1ILKINSQ UO, .:*-t'iowe a?rd Wheelba rotas ,; " = PI4,4Q83 ; QR,GANS *NO,, •PSONOGRAP$S;-See us and. save • yogrpglf •come rn , when you: want ,something in, Music al ", meta..` ,LIUCKN ' ar ` for Ladies ; and/ Children,_ erwe ewFall : Und x F sts and .B10 in S ecl " 1 Values In Silk St • „N . to rs 4 ”' 1 in Silk. and Wool Nose for La les n ale$: Styles • � d Children.' r hoo: lWear w6 have that t go;. o., d value in n Ca sh- mere,which hasgiven such wonderful satis- faction for years. • )� nlya Fewleft Q Kettles, at _of:Aluminum Preserving . Reduced j''1'ces to Clear. der Oil ,Polish in :'3` sizes n0 w , 20c., O c n d 75c. ., rooms at 60c. 5c and $1:00 , .. � $ .. , . ,. • nle ova rte. Ore 'L TCf ISTOW SS 'NTII`IEL' Published every Thursday'.morning • at Lucknow .On rlo 7" A..D,. I►'lae,Kenaioi. PrOPxietor .. and Editor • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1925,, THE FALit FAIRS It is.a• `curious fact that, those agri; cultural Societies which• hold their all nual • exhibition.' in village's are most. � ,presperous, and -have +better. • shows hay,_the.,„s.oc,,,.;ettes whiclt haver head• quarters at the „larger- towns• . `fele tendencyfar, the. Ohibitien held in a large town .to run: to'. • horst., racing: and other amusement feature: appears, lrresistabi,'e.: The : k'xhibitiox becomes a sort of ;ot-daor^ entertain meet while.its.: original purpose i largely,', f orgotten. • Town' folk are nc ' interested iii ,agricultural exhibits, and dan'.eiiart is made to draw•the.n by in traducing arousernent. features, •'lhes. a"re expensive and •ae, they ca annot bc of ahigh 'order; they .result in disap. iT.thihe t, . n„tom- obt1eha •had..a curious •e ec 'anon town • fal fairs, While spectators now coon: from much greater ° distances. thal they did when; :the horse -and , :bugg3 • were' the best meansf .`travel; .'the. gas wagon works against getting, ou of exhibits -,-especially live stoc.k..It';. much eaS:er to run to the .fail : and back ' home 'again in an automobilc than to be 'bothered taking .out •'ever e ca tlf shee ;a few' Dead of cattle, a w p calves or •hogs,; There's a 'Whole .Io' of. work, in fitting •up ;stock, for exhi bitie n• and the; man , or boy who show: horses,' cattle Or other live animals.'in stead of having a free and easy, day at the fair; has a busy: hard day of it. The .result is :that .many drop out 'the show business altogether, ieavint t p'"a �few'eX a aartced, and almost professional exhibitors be• carry of, -the prizes ., ; Considering' the there is between; the exhibition;, of one•yeai and another,: it is astonishing how• t : '.interest is ,_kept up • and • how,,, the `crowds ".keep. 'coming, ' nettiaw e74 Winghain Phone 256 tumental .::Works' LUGKNO ,and WINGHAM• •'c oml etc oat. ' est' and,;m p ._ H'aa the.lar g__ the,ntipt beautiful 'designs': to_ehpose_ from, in Marble, Scotch. Swedish anfean :.:Granites. a as `We'"Make- a specialty oit; Family enninen and 'lite our 'inapec M a to l� Y . till;\ Inserttions Neatly, Carefully . and p y, Promptly.. Done. us -before placing your order. oughts Bros!. Lacknow; Ont. . Spotton GU.f.,. lnsucanc#�"�,' t CANADA �„ �., • Lickno it L. O L No. 428; meeti their lodge 'iiSoom '•every, second Tiles day of the. month at 8 `o'clock b,m. W:M.. H 'M Parker: Jtec. McQuillin. ' . The, last place a man fedi' :at• home Most women' want: a 'strong man they can wrap around' their finger./ 010. iS. ,Ot0 et • •r. Th Value To. It • m • p Y The Public :. By F>�. s'�RMSTRONG "Optometrist - ' Lue'know'.Ont How.: are Optometrists striving to get ,public 'recognition of their. proieesion ? I . By explaining the `� scope. �a. n d; fun •tions of -Optometry and.its --value Apo the public in various 'i ' series' articles isan a s. :• This se t w T s of.. l Y. attempt, in that direction -,, •Does' the value of!• the Optomet rist's ,services :to the 'patient va51 in different cases.? •' ;, Yes, many people cannat.l`leftre .Off .t1,101. glasses for eves tbour others wear them only occasional ly or: ,while .:they do close, work. • (To be continued 'next. wee ) 1 i • :THE PASSING'.OF PARTY tut•ers today,. unless it ho. •.lokv, ;.:•committees Lwera appointee:: .welig., ka riff s : ca raw material : tray ions educationo 1'fe and work,, set, • unci :and the re4t,ies and Owns. which .tlement,' Lsundaries (presbyters have gtevat tip; around the factories take: the same, view Other an � e etors ofa he the 1 O t t rtt c� e . Cin Buil/ Ontt_rio, ani the Pr }tr c Provinces, so' fax as theycan see• that low"' import , dpties; are iii 'their, :inter• esti Will. snppoitt the.' pard* white oronr•ses lower •fiuties, :•,Mere party sentiment is bei fgrgotten iwhere business 'interests are concerned Electors are- influenced ;not .ifiY' whet -may; be for the, good of the country as a whole, nor by consldattat'on of patty, but by the 'business ,interests. While theie is still a good -deal a: :Grit. and Tory sentiment iii this: Colin-' try the " present ' eleetlon.,c'ampaign ,(Which'by.'the way, is not a very elY cnes ofar) reveals more e than ev- er the 'breaking of the eIectoxs..;fron• ' o1d- party ties. r There 'are ' h t c e s h .L mai •� a .w Q.. :Stain-tli a de'mooratic,governinent can Best b' carried on 'when 'just • two , politica parties, ea llwith_ tiLleasie and..::it_ ltiaohinery;are.laidning. for ofilice, vac]: endeuvor.ng ,to' go the other •one.;,bet . ter.. in ;country :well. Thi - theory 'of party •governme'nt ;assum es that under, the; conditions. the :elec tors will:put' ut' in power the' party ant, leader: :which .snakes ,the :best .appea': to public opinion;: that' :when a part; -become 'corrupt or • ineffiicient the :elec• tors will turn it out of tiowe4 :15ut t ng in - its opponent •whieh: promise something better.:It is''assuii ed tha in this way rewards' and :punishment • Will be meted lout as deserved .and: the country will have as good --govern' meet, as is possible,' and' :that legis lation will be generally in'. keepin with :prevailing; opinion. But• it is, .ev; dent that all this r theory' anti not practice at all. •Apar': ,from' 'the, occasional development • o' third.and fourth parties 'there is .th marked tendency for 'electors to •b influenced 'by sectional or business in •:terests, • :The set • of ,inaaufacturers •whoa" 'ft -reign, competitors will be shut ,,Cu Of the home ; n•arket by a protective r•tarr'twill work and vote for ,the •par.. -ty whichpra ises 'thus to promote .their business, interests; and; generalh • .their employees 'will vote with them, believing that they are thus promos• • lig', the business oh: whichthdy de:' vend It. is' :a waste of time to tall. of their, tensa. t•.that,,.the. ea Uutf politiciansof this. Country "hie hard. time. of tt. making;the best ap peal they can to all • interests • arts",,. classes andconditions. It:is not 'so easy, as in ;the old. days- when they •merely,, extolled thoir !cwt~; party and. denounced'the• oft r,, GODERICH• ' An- •:ece d•riv .•O; The>'r nt• 'by 'T' i i't liu e fgxeement � gflxce`rs, obi, . 11 tai q ar f go , •', i' 1 n the! b t e'Water'', hi .h:.: way,, and`'' especially on sulmmer' Sorts, saw a'sequel in'• Goderieh, last Fiday, when Harman :'Gill,' Grand Bond hotel proprietor, was sentence's o. 'a n tionth:in • jail and fined $200 , Wath edurt.,costs. The..,verdict wall, 'be aip „pealed: If • the fine ,is not paid, GUI must spend a total of three monthr behind bars. This. is the second Gill "h `been convicted' of havhi as : g nor in :othertli,n' a private dwelliner,; The ease was .heard':Iby : Magistrate Reid. Gill was iearrying• a s itcase: from a 'booth to,,44ois hotel, `.} he i'seer by Provincial' Officer ,Wh'teside Searching the ,premises later•, •the .of• fiter'vfound-•the -satchel; eontainiri', four bottles of Scotch; whiskey, aeai'by bushes. In court„ she: defciid ant, .denied' knowledge of the liquor, FIRST BRUCE P1 ESL3YTERY MEETING' AT 'WAJ<:KERTON Wit11 all the th:ity-three eongre gtions represented • !by'. ministers ` and laymen, .the " first meeting. of and charges). • ° ' Rev. '.K,'J,•112aeDonald of.Calt and Re Y 1 o d Smith of . Toronto :I represented the o General, Board 9f the Church; They' explained the e£• fort, Which twill "be made in Noven1. h u !bei • to launcht sand carry pro gh Psp, great iritua�ra l forrd niovelneilt. 8 • to be followed, by a :canvas through. g out the Dominion for: 0,000,000 ' to miainta 11 the work: of the church foo ;the year in all departments; ,includ• �kngr axtnssroa+ •• : „earn 'a hyge.•sum it is very little greater' than . the forindr' combined budget;' • of: the •Pre byterian • and 'Method s+ , ch'uicl es., The following • comonittee was • fornled•to takes charge in this Presbyt tY 4f a the•••Ma'ntenance and Extension Fund campp,ign :- Rev. T• H: Bole, 'Rev:" W•• A Bradley of Teeswatet, ' E v :C, N. ,McKenzie,. ,'of Belinere; Messrs.- C J. ; Hallada'Ir.`.of , ^Wafer ;j�hesiey, E.. •J. T.olton of .1 • e f @esw ter. . A � � eat Yeo o '� . . a t-n,andG ,g � • M.AFEiZIN G' Miss Lottie Henry visited4M;ss Ber. y. • 'l 'ohnston, •Saturday and. Sunday.,. Mrs.. Trele ve,n. � of ' Dungannon. nnon Treleaven: and;Mrs, Jas. IIesson, of: Stratford spent. Thursday with Mrs, S patffick. _ .' ' . • aMi. Isasc Cranston has lust finish. 'threshing all the gra;ly; in this :neigh., borhood, with • the exception of, buck- wheat and this season's crop has been prcnouneed a gped c : u. W;tli the Fall 'Fait's :almost . over,` threshtng,• .o ati;,'ns Well advanced," ,1?: et. corn .•bei, g' cut" rid .silo;, filled,. pump- kips' ripe; ::oolerl weather, .leaves col- oring, etc:, .we are. 'fen -bided. that: an other . summer has goner an. woner 'will be with::tis slip tlY Et t what .h; fruitfull summer it has been! ' • • Some'girls 'Walk' for their complex-,, ion , and others Just: phone the' drug :store. : r sb. ter �Hamiltont the • Bruce- P e Y Y,, Cenference, ,of the United Church of Canada was held' in St Paul's' Unit ed Church;, .at Walk.e•rton . On •Tuesear , y. r e� P sley,` R en' S ra,•;•W Aridx ices; ottr;, Gr I)olibi 'Luck el to.: lis ev:', •W Was; ary-ire uses: 'and s. the .:f oil friar r• 22nd. , . • o. re' -tions•- 'th Presby ; :,The -c ng ,.ga of .y . tery are: Mildma w, Pai (2)' Dort "lain. (2), Pinkert ipley (2)--,Ba-•Sauge alem;,: • Teoswater, :'T'rberniory, _erten,::'-.:Lunderwood, -St ... ew's;' Wesley ,, and: Mirth Brut Pine' ( Piver, Bervie, . Whit'ecr u Ark i t Al enfor A: Beh wrioh ., . 1 .. , d, ,more, Eden Grove,• Cap oker, Ooipoy's Bay; , Chesley; nton." now•. iie:pworth, Kincaritine; , 1,nd Lion'p: Heed., `Rev'.: •.T 'H•' • Bole' 'wasected. 'chairman)! a coinpli�ment himself 'and Walkerton, and R A. Bradley: of Teeswater .wa entrusted '.w.ith `the :duties .of secret' astir= er: '• Many matters lof :importance' to' the 1?resbyter'y were bro before the assembley:,ef minister lay Men; ;The personnel of• -owing lower. tarpiffs 'to Canadian•manufac• Cdr HURS: 1I: omen 'Ear�l�r ct :3r Ge`t Your Share of . These Monthly':x At 57c; ar ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS, . a. the ea:ate .of :Dav= id. In the. m, tter of o., Gilson, late -of the Township .,_. 4inloas in the County of Bruce,' Lab• orer,deeeased Notice' is hereby given. that all per., s ' havingany:c'la ihs-..or de.i ands. : •. —s-- .. _ .,:... .. -,. on ., s, so . ��wh _ r i: afl: t d i Gi.i n n a-r'.,tlre 1`h�i• �' th s- n favorof w tl against ,the late David , . If'�ien .3ta8 no faith • in one' , s` o tt.. twe' tieth'•da of di_e ;.'b9 . �,h� #� Y •it . l ,w..h d.�cii;:or_a. - o id:h vL •liud i� len t.ai ai . )3•' :11. us�v a tom*' •or of f' incomes.nS 0. G. Walkerton. in th'e County' of Bruce , ate .required to sends by':.post •or:,die• liver:-:tulle-undersigned;-exenutor uu. der: the. twill,,;of the said David Cibson, tleir naives: and addresses -and • 'full 1 • THE . Paint; Th Fall 11 • PURE PAINTS S. AMI YA.. 111ART1NrSENOUR, 100%• 1 U ..:. 74. •FOR THE E COMING CQM.`CHIL.LY FAO, ISIGIITS "FECTION COALOIL HEATER., '• • HOWI3OU1' A :NE1V,hopoCITO. HO1IBI.E E BARREL.. -WE CAR,lI:Y A CUM LL1E ; . ?ER'r AI,IBR ^"'tNl),:32 •ALWAYS�•JN'ST„O+ ,.ItLFLES;. 22 .C, .,.._. ; ...... :=.• '• l• R A, e . a ST `: , D ` ins A ... ., ' 1~1: .Io:v Viz-��UG��°SI•I� ..?� . I}O N FIELD. •; • IT EITHER; FI- � HAVE IN ' , . —1fE I 'A 1�E. W';FLASIILIGaIT SE COMPLETE 98c. A REAL BUY.. BRED QR .NICKELI) cog , "HAl'PY THOUGHT," • ''C 0 S Y ILOM,E," • "QUEBEC" ,'C ' *' OVEN, COAL•OR WOOD. SfiOV,ES-�1G-1?�,,H> AICD 13-LACII tI . , ed . st Unload. Fresh' Car Gement Ju ntern __. Coleman Lamps '.nd Lanterns - , a s , Phone PORT EOUS Lucknow. 3'i smithin Coal Plumbingn S ardware __.. i� ji;st ;as . b`ad s a dollar August A, D.A.925 at the Tow tT ed t h a., particulars. in writing of their :tfainn$. i ifan H recur t the e t e and t nature' of . Y,Y, held by them, duly_!e�rified by. afidav it And take: :notice. that after, , the twenty-seventh day of',.Qetober A• : D' 1025 the 'saidexecutor wi 1 proceed• to distribute the assets of the said deceased, ain.ong-'the pers•ens _entitles': -thereto; having regard only ! to' the claims of 'which' he shall .then. have • had inotices,'and will not be :liable 'fo' the said ;assets or: any part thereof' :te any person _of'whose, .claim he %shat' not then -have received. e : n fiice Dated at~.Luckntow this twenty -nits- th day . of ,September A D::1'925. � c will n R.5:•'L Luc know lb rt M R.u O, Ontario� e Ex tutor. 15-10-500. oigture . . ves Tests hal,;efproved. important savfirgs fuel where the .wattrt- oir from the furnace properly mc•istened!--the saving, has reaCh- The Hygienic Vapor Pan. in the Allcast• is ,_designed to supply the correct amount of 'natural moist - ,,t1 re ',required for health ond coin - fort — atmosphere that protects the' family frotn Winter moYnsetem Other exclusive, fuel saving , _features of_the Alloast _are, the free -draught -Shell,bar - Grates Which insure perfect conibustionf and , the fuel-, ',burns the iinoke and gasep. 'ated. It burna soft Coal and , all other fuels equally well. - It. is reasonably priced. . Come in and let us show iron its many ilnportant fea- tures or •write for complete Tdeht:riels:s a'nd type 4; f Happy :Thought Furnace • for every kind Of home. Hygienic Voor Pais Iliad* in Pipe and PiPelesi • Recognized authority on household problems pertaining to irop will like Maple Leaf Figur. It makes light, whole-. softie brecF1, flaky biscuitit arid truly deliciotis cakes arid pastries: • . You get the Same uniforin residts with Minsle Leaf Flout eVery time 'you bake. It "Carries a definite guarantee of uniform guality--every bag contains the highest grade of flour made from, carefully. selected , Canadian hard Wheat, milled by modern methods an'd checked bY ekpert . To inirOduce this higli-grade 'flour to housewives, We Offer Management --.-containing ill the' essentials Of a college !course .in. Domestic Science—conSisting of 0 lessons— • FOR •BREAD, CAKE' Ei:PASTRY is eligible for membership in the Maple 1.,,,af Club and can no cost whatever: for the Free Course, of 20 lessons. MembersNp,in the M'apie Leaf Club includes the privilege of writing Anna Lee Scott on any pieblera .relating to the serving of 81)0°01 dishes for special' Oect TIOW To ENROLL • Cotitions:will be found enClosed in every: big of Maple Leaf ' Flour. (24 bag -,71 coupon; 49 lb., bag -2 counting; 98 lb. ,bag -4' commits). 'Send, only Maple Leaf Club,tMable Lear • ..0t0tariu ritiO you will be' en. tolled wIthout erie cent of ex./ Leaf Club and receive the fitob four lessons in the course; o t her leideitii writ be sent in four cowl each month. MAP.LE LEAF MILLING CO., .,LIMITED 1: ,ebsytetli:c,ndhieitritoisv 4 -ed.:,' elig,,ra ir,:„,,,,,:r„,::‘,..,..,,,;,,,,,,,..,,,::,.,,v,....,,,,:.,,,i,,,,,,,:::.:„...,..r 14A,0101,1,,,,,11:./...if.r..„.1.041112, i 0:b.:I.::: ., ...4„,,,,,,ir,„:4)....:0),...:;,..,1.,:witi.ti:, t ii.e.K1U./....0.0 ' it IrAtititosiCsii 744441. voeui 43, oacoo •