HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-09-24, Page 14' 7410.•elf-*•!--•,7.-oir-z4=41anFrm $2 06 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE$2 50 OTHERWISE * LUCKNOWir ONT, 4 q. THURSDAYI SEPTEMBER 24th. 1925. • • • , • .81[NOLE COPIEB-• 5, CENTS ' • ' .,-.•--'...',.----m,,,-•-'-'7-,-------I------- . . .0....,-0.0+(l-0--0-0,---.0...--0.-'-.0-0.• , • , 0-0,:',"----.0-.'.0-!'0"-1)"7-9-'07.-0 ' I t - I • • : .1. . .., • i SSIONAL, .CARDS 0 : 0 LO 7 r CAL AND ' GENERAL ' 0 •-r. ,..,„ - i . t 'N. . ". • • ' • IL„(1..-0-4.24-0--1)--0-0-0-' 0-0 , 0, 0...,0 0-,,.0-4-0-0--0:-.0-0 . . , ... I'', t 109!"....f.":7** .."''''......."7".....". • ."......'. 1-;lilitlelea Fall Pair is, being held . Dr. . W., M. Connell : ' 'tadaY, and to-morrovv.: : Phiaiian ;al*. 4urspon. . The: L, neknOw- Elevator will he p're. . ‘i •• - Liichnew •,• •,•,. pared. to take in 'Vain on Monda flonra, -?-.-4 '•••' ''' next .Sept. 28th , - • ' Phone. 86 Lc , Diaoqw, OF MR JOHN wPiis WILL STUDY /FOR MINISTRY . . Died 2Ii* 'Victoria, :1100Pital. Following '"-OPeratioa4rallelni*Otatdirr*(7. tern,00n, • , . The people of ,Luckriew were great- ly :shocked cm",learriing that Mr, Jahn ,V,Ilsort,' an • employee at "the,...- Table. Factory, '104.4ied at Victoria. Hoepit- • , •-ti; London, till evening of Sept.- Mr. •TEidoii Reid -110 g ne to ,m- •, • . . 'Ile had 'gone to London on Labor pay and under.',ent - ad. opeatibn -for 111.: ternal iron* Which had elOwly • yelopcd;•,-: following an: appendicitie .CANDiDATES operation.'" of. , three , Tears ••.ago.' --- • . • • . ...• SOoth;•,Drtie"--.electors• win haVe te• Choose tb4tween three candidates. for th Ileusej-of Conimens On Oct. 29th• Dr, ' ' Of ' Walkerton, • '1,4beral„ Mr, F. • 'Lippert,. C o n se r v ative. and W, Finlay, of prant Town; ship; Progressive. Mr ' Finlay rep: .resented South ;Bruce, 'die past four Years, , • • . In North Bruce Mr. James Malcolin. ai member in the „last •parlarnent," and, 'Mr: Hugh a farmer a.rc. .candidates" in the interests 'respectiV• ely' of the Liberal and 'Cons.eivritivi` parties. • • '• • l• ' ' • < , • Di,' MacLeod will visit •LucknoVi- :eVerY":' Tammidai• in Dr: -oPnileles office, • , • ' DENTIST D• r: R. L. Treleaven, LuCknew- Over Decker's Store. Extraction . either. by gas or local, Will b in Ptingarifion every Thursday. ' , Phone 63 , DENTIST:, Call Dr. Newton Make appointment • - In office everyday • • ' I ,ERYBODY'S COLUMN 40 • - • . • .,, . • FOUND. -.;-A lady's ;watch: *m" Oongrarn. R. 3,' Holyrood, • Geo. A. Siddall, Lucknow, - Broker nd 'Real Estate. -Money to fend.01; first mortgages on farm prelim'. ties at 6 tincl 61/4 per cent accorclin to aecu ity offered. . ,Also spud • -:amounts- nrseeond-'mortgages , , term. :properties' and on • personal natea.t. A few -gtood' farms, for 'sale 'don,' where he 'is taking course ir he <WeehnigAt: $cheal'; - Mr.- Roderick Campbell, jf Hough.' bon', Mich., is visiting his sister here; .and nieetng 'old.. friends ; ' Mr. *alter Horn Motored up fron Kingsville, andis spending .the wee!. with Lucknow .friends. „ Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Cameron cd Walkerton, spent the Week -end with, Mr. and MKS. R. D Cameron Miss Lottie Armstrong, of Lon - den is the guest this .week of Miss -Lees and .Mrs. A.••1*.MacKenzie. • Mr. Henry Carter is back at hi* job handling the express after a week's vacation, the_ in New On .,:Mr.. Austin Reid has been trans- fered ,from the local branch of the flank-Jof_...Montreal' to the AlanoVer branch ,,Mrs. M. A. Mortis; who. Was , taker seriously ill lest week., has gene '. ti London, where she will live with he: „daughter' • • . • , . : '• ; . - • . ,. , . J: Mr. and VIM'. , Jas. Miller, Mr. 'and' Mrs., Robt. Webster, Elliott and Fred - le, te, . spent the week -end 'visiting ' With friends in Owen Sound and Meaford • , Mr.; and Mrs.- J. E. ' Agnevi are home after . :'spending xt ' collide .. of ,weeks at -SprUcedale:'--They-were'-n,44z compaiLed on the Aging, by Mr,,,...Jno.. Murray: :, . • . .• , . • ' :Mr., And Mrs .GetG'Aitcheson liver( . titav(irtailded?4‘' "Inr-I.V2d17-PaPil on a meter 'trip to (Csitiiffilrrlc aid Paint business' a. st clt of Wail and on their 'return., took. home theii Paper.. which may: be. seen at alY neve.cadillac sedan, --a very • beautiful resider:ire, any tinie.-7-...E. J. Cameron, ,eud powerful machine, right UP to tin: • Painter and DeCerator': ' • Minute, .in every ; way: ,, : ; • , . ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Forster -oi /Weber°, N. Dakota are visiti..g her( this week Mr: Fore * a brother of terN: Mr,' Jame s Forster of • near White church; and Mrs. For er is esistei • wishing to conimunicate-Avith-us -,..by; 'sofheMrrirsff.i.,0eftetiev,Mec..blAishean..d4aomferime-enr& telephone, leaVe .niesiage with Tele- 4> Dakota .44 years age and have beer _ phone - Central Gffice. • --4377-t-f-: ''' : east only once in that time -34 Year: ' • •• ,--i-......„-- '..:-..-..,..-- .i........-..... lige, -. They haiebeenifarming Born( - - • ' • ' distance north of Fargo. •• -. ' For Sale or Rent-4-whe stores' •no .. .. Occupied by W. W. Hill. For partic7 •-!=c-o-o41--..,4. „ . iuta,71,81tia.p, p, , to (lea,. A. •SiddalL. ' . ,SINCERE' THANKS , Having. sold My stock rineinteresi . ,..,................-- :n :the nrin: of Cameron, Murdoch • & 4 . ' , FARM FOR SALE ....-,r. ...,_ .•:.-...„ ;,-.----------------------..•CO.,to ' Mr„Win, Hornell ')1 Toronto ••'Who will :centinne•lhe-,linainess,-undei •• 4 iiir hundred acres, J. situated i or the name of Hornell, Murdoch. & Co. ,highway, Colborne, Township, ..5' mile' -,..;f1.03.0., •Goderidi, 2% miles •,groiri w, 'I extend sincere thaPirs to friend s and customers for.. their patronage ,dur, • . .uiti,v statiOni--School7on-appos4a-cor nig peat years and:Solicit' a continua-. •neri'land,in best of . cend.tions. S.quari brick house, 'with furnace,: a' ,modern - tioa of the emee'to MY SueceaSoi; . bank barn.' 'Implement' barn • artes- , ' R. IX Cameron. 'Lin well, water in- stable.---bers. Jas - , • . • • , Caen, Proprietress Or Elliott .Miller, Lucknow, phone 70,: , , . . • . • Ai •8r Co. dealers in all kinds ,tn jUnit.--Buye. poultry. Highest • Mar- .' • ket Acn't sell )5 -dere seeing s"... :At ,home Tuesday 'after o'clock, and All day 'Saturday. Parties ?Mr.' and Mrs Harold .Acaert, are leavingirades) morning for Toronto, where Ackert wsill enter Victoria college, Itaking the course:hi Theology. in PreParatiOn for, enterinf the ministry Of the United Church dr, Canada; application having been. favorably passed by the Peaelon of Lucknow. 'United' Church, and the, Presbytery •of 1.3ruee. After Oct 1st, Mr."',erf'd. Mre'..,Alkert: will be el •heree t() friends. at 1099 1BeY St., To ' 'was making quite favorable progress, until the 17th, when he took a turn for the worse, and passed away in, a few 'hours. Wlislit hip condition.be- aine dangerous, word, was 'Sent th the family here, but, they were un- able to 'reach the hoSpital before the end come, The ,remains were,' 'brought to Luck - now, < and :the funeral, conducted by the loeal Lodge of Coddfellrws was on Sunday. afternoon, to V. ;:.Anhill Cemetery. A funeral ' twits 'hejd. in the United Chinch, 0'44 ,itev. Mr-- Cosensio1fiC1at.flg-.-- The Rev R, TwinLAfl1Lh1s- wife, intimate • ' • • -JITNEY, AT WINGIHAM • • friend* of the ' *Hear!' iMellY, Vibe, :That the Wingham lady . bowlers Over: from ,Seiforthi and Mr. irWincan't always win all the 'prizesfrom toolt. . part in the funeral service. There ivar:a large 'congregation in the chtirelf,•' and : Many ':•'sympathizing friends -attended. also at the cenieter y Thze were many•,,beautiful floral • of- 4eirgs: Dr. D. Paterson and ,Mr. Ci Taylor lead in the Ledge. service. _-w4dew, :And three: ehildren-two 13;eYe• 'aged -14 and;13 and a ,girj •aged two years,. He as an- industrious Man' and a: ikind father, greatlyesteemed •y is employe* and: his 'fellow 'werkmen," The week's Mairhiatight, to 00 Since the operation of, three years age' mon- he wits :rarely free -from hilt desk. a etTY: of ''.%00101 40," it •thly 'magazine • which'. receetli carne .h.e• was 'regularly 'at Work and - was never known to. crariPlaiii•-• Ant° "•••-exieterice at New York late Mr. Wilson was born' ' " gives th advenj•: of• e‘; Wales in 1878, his father being,a,,C01, • publication..hlocal interest id:that nilner. The family Canadae LneknoW' g. , Miss Gwendcli • *hen 'aiih .48 t t -Leoct is -thei -aisstun; Mac- of of AO:small .imPortarite With a publication' which undertakes to make its way inthe crowded World of Pew York. • . •• . The editor • and Pu•bliebell! is -Mr.< Thomas J. . Pritchett, who in the 'June harriber aprionntee.that the of the., .Magazine..ie•:•te1Prernoto International. -good will; by ••"bringing, about :eloim individual , social relationshiris bi- teween, persons • -Of :cl•:stinetion of all. .countries" will aim , to ", promote friendly relationships' between•eoun. tries hy,:promoting', acquaintance and friendship !between the prominent people: representing Such countries. 'Mach attention is given ;:to' the, per- sonal doings. of 'these ' secially prornin. ent in their Awn country, who visil or. are „staying' in the .United States, y An innienalg feature is ' that tin magazine will not havsk.,.:..subscriP: Bat, hut, will otherwise dis- ed in the: great social centres ut • the world; -at One.. dollar is beautifully printed and their Lucknow • competitors Was dem onstrated on Tuesday afternoon:when 21 Lucknowites visited 'the* neighbor, ing town to rnatch their skill in plac ing bowls nekt the kitty. The Wing. ham Club put up nine pretty prizes and the' Lucknow ladies -carried their, all home, thus getting even for the de - :feat of couple of weeks 'ago. when. :-the-went_,hOme froin' the •Liackno*---green--Witive.--Seven ,of -thc eight 'prizes. . ; • ' • _---0-0, IN-THE'WEEK'StVIAIL and for * time engaged .m. farming, , near Rice Lake. „, As young ' Man:. Mr. ,Wilson -Went to the UnitedStates to 1Vlexidep, arid ' as , far , as Panania where he Neidied for a •.:time•on,411r.' great canal; • Returning • to :Canada: ,he eaMe-ao Lucknow in 1904, •and in 19(4d.• he ',was. married to Miss ;Harriet Armstrong; daughter of •Mr. :and Mrs rn Arinstrong town.; FollowinP their Marriage ,Mr. and Mrs. ,Wilson Moved to:•Meaford, and later' '-vreUt to Gederich; 'Where they resided: nine years; coming' bircic to Lucknow • , in 19144' Besides his widow and , Children there are left to mourn, Wilson' lather, three sisters and One brether: all residing in the Vicinity efleter-: bone.- The lather And two daughters Mrs. Percy Aitchison, and Mrs. ,Wood •attended the 'funeral, also .Mr. Pere ' Aitchison -and 'Mrs,- Geo. Aitchken Mr. and Mrs. Al' Armstrong and Mrs: tio Barret and children, and Mr. and Mrs' tribut .eAlondtkewhe. tNpvheerrl7ei,ogiiii:yoilate and carries no: adver., GET- tisMinigsi7Mhaatect...Yeeero. to .congratu- It is, repottel1 that a 'city man has lated upon: securing so prominent • r" been in Bruee. County endeavoring to P9Sition, wiih, this unique publication sell German bonds,. Be told h's pros- : . . ' bonds will be re-Valuedin about three ' •••• • ••• services Of: the Rev. W. A. BradleY:, . .• • pective, victims that en dollars in , •• . teneS of Huron und„. Bruce. A resoln vested now would Odd gff0 when the WALKERTON-'.'PAPEle-- SOLD ttion-eigiress:ng .; appreciation .of , •tho teithe: One Wonders , Why _this. sent :After being in •por,Ses,sron,of. who had been clerk of the presby - Wanted to a good thing, For Walkerton Telekope fir*r 'ten . year terYfot-1.2''Yearli; :was the geed of ' the buyers no .r. Lorne ',Eedi his 'sold out the • With:. a sense of regret 'that. the , --iness to Mr; Harry E. Penne, •• of :old presbytery . was now ' dissolved • :WON SCHOLARSHIP . ingstoii. Mr. Eedfaloriffer-lionte.7but-with a,reso1utlon and determ.in • • •' was in St. Xar/i''s Where his father- ation to ,eater , he now 'Presbyteries ter olfs 'MKar•thaenrlin!Mtla•c John - wishing each niag a gc4olarawhia:t7ocmcevisifeutoirtliconwuioalsse,.... ,twohtiel.i,inTnoeennia'tbaSsiPta:innet,ri.vvi zie, Langsidef dataZe.n. .f“osroummaelY” eYeedar, zvhheates,tirhti6bslicaniheideatinthede.the h zeal for h gHis kingdoin and lory, :ef God and billikeiseinireutOsesefetio'iMor e.IPnieVrn t•be°rfe the London; *and 'gets a free a biceociropmle: other ,sUccess their future labors, the pioceedingi •v..4re brought to t AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The: household effeCts belonging be Mrs. ,M,.A1',Mortis will be sold at tha -rein:knee-of Sas Hunter, Lucknow or: • Saturday, Oct 3rd, commencing a4; • o!clioe4.-Ellio4 Miller, Aim, „ • • -AtaloN SALE " Robert' Glen, Let 3. .9, E.. 13 Colberhe will have: a. clearing.-iiiticlion sale of purebred sheithorni ' 'and 'grade -cattle 'purebred. 2 LeiCest.er . Sheep; and ' 'horses, on : Wedn'esdity • Ozt.. 7th; • commeneiriTlit-Wliveleili. p.m. • The cattle are an • 92{eptionally . One let,. nearly all young and, regis tered. , The proprietor iS leaving tht' .• . ' • • • 'AbCTION SALE , Of..grade Durham Cow and young Cattle at the Chin House , on' • Saturday,. Cletober,:' Srd:, COMMencing nt 2 o'clock pm:, the followfng will be 'aoldi,16..cowi With delves:, at fool Or' to calve in. October or NOveniber• After being. 41. years in the nierah. oriole young. cattle -steers and antlle bosineaq in Lucknow, mi., it. 15 eft:, Mead coWs are a. yerk superior. CaMeren: has sold out lila interest in lot :of Purebred arid .grade.Durhinina: Winkler Hawn, Tioti3O,0*_john ',the' Quieten, Murdoch 0o. dere:. Purvis, Aue, • . ' ' . • The purchaser IS ,Mr WM. Hornell, a Lucknow bey •Of fernier •days, who Of : • jets has been in.:. business at Revel,- • Stoke; B. C., and in Torento. Mr. '1AL• ICTI(01 • SALE -SAT. entered UPOit his new „bust: 05 Head of cattle, a‘ little heavier 4000)11 Weight, , but of ' the Paine choice qinik aOs as manager of the • store Tuee-: it at those on the hot pidoe_Joeoib :day morning Of this. Weak An an- - filar & Purvis, Atte.' neancement .the thangs,nPpogrs in advertidernent' elsewhere. Hern011 a..young man Of energy LOST-ld wrist with. Finder and of cheerful ditiolitimi end AMMO: . be suite ly. rewarded on leaVing be * auclesii Stere maitageitent. : The Sentinel. • Of course, remain, Ing ' • • ' • • , • • 'POIr.SAL,E. . : 10 Oxford rain larnba. • . • Ifereford /2 and Card .of Thmilialqrmc Wilson ' and Omni?: Mr. , Win. Wilson and , ' • 7 f .md Mr. 'Mrs; Arin. 21. Yorkshire' brood sows. • --See-thein..et,..tbe fall fair* , „• • strong and 'family wish. .to thank the: -G46: 'It'sbaedy,••R. Lbelidd.tfi,' ployeee, neighbors and frleildil for their many kindnesses, their . 'Semi • contributiont and exPrileeitnis'tif aYril- PatilY at thetimea theit,recont-ead. iaereayeineitt They,also thank, those 'Who ;kiiidittnined-thilirctlitt Itot Ttla• funeral, „ • "ATTEND TO 'TRIS '. '144mborl tho 100400* *lords cOlturkl SOsiety, are regueSta4 to 'PAY I tutior , 011071,0004--at-14.4thisill1-104-,10,4,-.1040iT Jog ow glom! onove.oisot SOO • :„.• ogArru OF MR Pi W. ROOKLIDGE• , *kr. :Frank Rooklidge whose arrival here from Prince 'Albert, r'Slis),.'dwe mentioned . in The Sentinel of Sept. .1-Oth, and who at that time was very ill with, heart trouble, did not tong' ,siirvive' his coming to, Lucknow. In .spite of All care, he .gradeally-, be- came weaker until .he passed away on _Sunday night the 13th inst, The tiniest Was on Sept. :15t1t,,to Green. hill -Cemeteryla service', beng con- ducted at :the home of Dr. G.A. Now - con, the Paster of the United. -Church, Rev; -Mr Cosens. The .late •Mr. Booklidge who was about 62 years of age, spent the ear- ly part of his life in Lucknow bul :went to, the Canadian West.; over 20 years ego: He was unmarried, but leaves to mourn; his. mother, Mrs. W H. Smithi- and onnsister,Mra, Slddafl ,b.Oth of LuckLuLut.'0.0.1,..... • •• . • , ff-A-Busnozsiii! cuAlutz • • COURCBE NOTES , . A' Mission Band Rally, of the Pres- ter_ir of ,Maienl, „Jighi,_ in Wingham, Saturday" afternoon, Sept. 1001. '••14 were in attendance and r •good Pr. ram. WEIFy provided, a mus- ical number being contributed by girls of Victoria Mission land: of thi 'Lacano* Presbyterian , • Church. in (pall, 27 Attendecl,freni Locanow • ,The' meeting. <of the'. "Young Wo,. :Melva Missionary Soc.ety• of the .Pres - byterian -Church 70,74''''' held Fild.ai- eVening-•at 1;ern Reid's hemp The 'meeting opened. with singing- ane prayer, lWies P. .1-Ienderson chair. -Cassie MaCDougaid Te4e, • the • • Scripture. D sells I o n •itillowed on 'What the Society would do' ,in ph(' line of work, during the :winter mon ths. Mrs..1.1 A•tcheson sang :a 's•olo Mipses Carrick and Reid gave read- ings. The, meeting closed With. sing - Mg. and 'prayer.. „ • The opening meeting of the „Gov ;was. held on Monday evening, Sept 14th 1 he C..nild with the ,social cern mittee in charge,' entertained the Con- tinuation ;School. Mr: J. C. •Muttlocli gave the address of welcome. Th chief feature was an 'interesting enc.,- instructive address' by the •Rev. Mr Hardie: • The. program confiisted . Of recitations And quartettes... All en• joyed --the-contest felt- followed: Tile second Meeting of th .d-was-held--en-Sept:=-2-18 Mr. Jellies of .South'ICinlbse gave ,n,ae ;address. The Scripture •Lesson war: read by Mrs. Frank MicIntosib. Mar- ion. MacDonald and Vera Sherriff• gave readings Katharine McKenzie, gave n piano instrumental. ' • • The . Rev: A. • James, Was induCted into the charge of South, Kinloss Presbyterian Church; on Tuesday 01 last week, And leondiveted . his first ' ;service .11,S pastor *last Sunday. Mr 'and "IVIrs.'. james-haye-movedto Kin 'less Mid.eecupy the Manse et S. -Kin --7.---TheregedurifinethISr.meeting of the W;M. S. :*of the LitclapriW United . Church, was held on,<SAPV-34th;:witir egdo o„ attendance. t pnrd4aynecie •1:). ey Mrs.: mg tairtl• aeupue: The Bible Study , was in charge. of 'Mrs. Cosens; excellent paper de- scribing. the "Call To Service,": by one of our most proininent MiSsionailea, was •read by Duxes. From • reo, -ports-prestinted.lhet-fOriihe-lap, year sfoolalles,iwrns: el's!? or the onsueing , • 'Hon: Pres. --Mrs. Smith. Pi -Mrs MacCallum; ' :C129:Ce.'11:e. 1st Vice. Pres. -Mrs. . Struthers. •dor. See!y.,--1VIrsol...Vesley joynt; ; • Treasurer -Mrs Burns, birs::•Stot.h • Strangers! Seey,.-Mrs„,. J. Button, Mrs: MeNabb. •• a'• • Flower Macniiirmid• , ' :The : Preabytery, of Maitland held its „final Meeting 'at,: • W,inghanr • On SePterriber,• .110th, 'the.. Rev, • :B:. F. Chandler, :of Walton, ticeunying • the mOderator'S, chair. 'Maitland,. Pres- bytery was formed out of the. south- ern part of Bruce. Connty' and the' „northern part ••of ..Huron County, but under the organiiation, of -presbyter- .es- under the United Church, prcsby- • defies Of the countries, . The treaS- tery hotinclaries Conforni to the bone. , " er.qrS lioolcs.showed. a balance on hand of $22:70, This Was' divided os lows: $10: to, the ••Northern Summei, Scheel Port Elgin .and remainder divided equally tunong the. preihy= The Most EconomicalandFoOd is GOOD BREAD • * Our Quality ensures you all that is BEST, PURE and MOST W:I-IOLESOME.2 . , Coand and.See"Our SPECIALS For SATURDAY • Bon -13Ouche- - Chelsea -Bans' Tarte s Coffee Cakes' ,':.Walnia ROHS ;Layer Cakes Chocolate:Eclairs .Raisin Pies Raisin Bead, Brown Breadand':HOme'Nlade Bread Best Prices GivenGivenfor B tter and Eggs . 'ROL. LYMAN'S' BAKERY : F'4One • LLucknow , Family Iheatre A CHESTER M. FRANKLIN. PRO- „ AUCTION WITH :ELEANOR .• "The-Silent—AcOnser • . , A...”. perfect "blend of drama, humor, . thrills and beauty -a Metre -Gold, min picture. 'YOU Will 'want to, see :peter The Greol, the lie* dog • star, in his battle' to free his. Master. ',I from. the death Clatir, in "T4 Wient Accaser". : " , ,THDESDAY. VAND SATURDAY, *"'• • ' . •f: '•Ceinedy . , . • FItIDAY..ptiotiT Uteknow..Flouts-11111 •- • havelock ,(Pere Van.) 4.18. gepey (blended) $4.50 Made Kite (pastry) $4.00 Wheat $1.$0 eetE rioltr• WO' hettS 'flrs .$140 y 9014101.11t OhOP 00040 POr. tOni o Why Are. :Errors Of Vision So Often Neglected? ften becmiTe-they--er • known to' exist, So are naturally not given attentiOn., • The. wisest plan for: everyone to pursue is to have tile.- eyes, exerning& whether, they seeth to: need it or not. Then every- Oitoi-• of • vision would • re- ceive • proper attention. • "If You have been wonclering about - your eyes et ns ,the facts. • . . A Western Wallop Admission 2. and 3c„ Commending at 8.00 O'clock' with all expense'. p at the Western. Univers Y• 14, when he will return to St. Mary's to od rtitor. • • take Over' the. journal from li The Annual llarVelt Thanksgiving andtiredindoiildadriSti6e1.1t tahectenedic. fockfrt°hIleethertilllm! his -father im Eedy is E SerVie9 held in S. -Peter's it ohdan es familiarized ,with the new buiiiness loile b an impreSsive prayer bY e ' • Mies MacKenzie rettirned, to London capable neWsPaper editor and took Church; On.•Siniclay; October the. 4th, • on ,SaturdaY) ,last, • ' • • • an active ' Part in 'municipal' and Tiii6 Rev. cen.e'n c; R. q.impe, . M,A.. ..chollurent*y.a:Tft9liwirl! 8,1.11ei: .4cmeoinsgf9r.!ss t,;itlbeee Rector of Christ Church,' 'ligriden„ will County ' 'LEADS IN POpo,v4t.it * an eicper:ericed• neWspaper mad. be the.ipecial,tninIster: .......-04-0-.-:... DIED* AT STRAT,FORD Roderick ' li, 1tacKent19,- a fernier , • , • • • Re'ds'. New Golden; Crust Ilretidir; • real. Brea& tiute4Oo1 and ilethiiie- • else. While. in tOWri an 'Fair day , ryarueLecooupplikIC:o.y.LDGairdtletci:ckierBstt:Itk:oBroYrelfoalif,.. • ...iNis100`1‘.tripitihit".:;t.Agnes Muray hay where she sia,6to.: '6'enteten,td°' f4.1VI:Ati:gehlijeteilzdien,.t*d:hia;13'ltiNdtesthe.r;2:14 drop into north of Lucknow, dicd -at ttie Generni .of :eth1ospita1 Stratford,). recently, foliow- seifiefgalt huti6ficd..nititeattarotenitivitte_i,16,1(tod.ottdilli.: t.bh.tt Mr natest.. ottottit. nutiorts moult4? .ovening;..ihst, and, .slient.. '''Nfreel'',8 illne'4.s':•'":Ttle at° Cream Jon/Tarte. ChecOlate , 1:d'aYeeP Y-ermYttliArea.btorieo.V.het.igeil40;''ud Syleto•i (;:f 7.11yealletliqeang4043,,:, b*eati4 .'!hr ctudnC4 •takiriel le'fig,.Creani asInt ROHS . • :b0rfl in with, . Marshmallow Septiti Windsor, ,vioitiiig at the home ' While. An infant. 1f will he •tenteniber.. r...and Li *A4 .1„ tho late- George C'AVLitttGtatiSnoltalOtbStAtoflote; six ycnrs ago Noting 4a Stratford: ., • died abut :M.'nd MrsY. �,Ha1dCnby titi4 at Over 100 years •ot-ege, On eenung• lieviatd and Albert, spent r 8044 to Oanthik the tattoy...t,ettle44'on „• with friends and relative" In Oraai.liann in Ashfietd, Where Roderick Ilv- 0I ed 1;3• $ears *get When lla alltNed • -"•••'!",0,0":,0,...!!!.-!--, wEsPonn,.NEws NpUNCEMENT WE ARE LOCAL REPRESENTAp; TIVES FOR " :sr!intotvit, Fpwruari CO (wk. siiON*s iwruizEn) : SUPPLY, ON 'HAND .FOR • • FALL WHEAT CALL AND LET CS SUPPLY' 'YOUR WANTS MELVIN REED L•u•pc.r1 o w MR -9-N OPTOMETRIST. , Lucknow, • SHINQ4ES Get 'Yours Now A complete Steck of • Rc• IllsPeited: Shingles. ' Our • 5X Clear -11'10 Shingles are good', val- ue at $3.50' a Square.' ••• • Also a *complete.. stack,. of ,Siding and Metaled Coeds, in 'B.C. Cedar, White pine intirSprnce. See our Spruce Siding et: $.50 Per 190 s.prqee:C.04Lgi,4 $3.00 per 160 ft: ' levit4iit:Planint14110. • cssemmectler,4.-.Sw...lawlettarze--Aswg-AvAg1tAmmx"1.74m4:\•••n#ArA LUCKNOW F eptember 24th and 25th. .• One of the year's important events is here and with the FALL FAIR, come the usual FAIR DAY SPECIALS • 'HOSIERY -/ ' • DRESS GOODS. .0. 1:St.lairilli:eilfl:F1:1.04:111:maels:::::cen,.:;12::2:Lustre Wool / 81 00 V.. Check Wounds • . $2:65 4-ltib CM•mhnlere • • $1.00 .4 • Silk ../C.r e p e , Cecoa. Rib. Lustre NI ool •• :$1..0.0 Il...74..704 • 4 Fried Cakes, Jelly Rolle,. Jelly tars -68 Dominion akery, LOCAL MARKETS, 11$4:$114110 thara ite this wools h 1401341. $144,1414.1.' yvitA otout Wistalta t?osan141%),1 STAPLES • • Toweling, 15 • 2cdt.tte;04455cc. 4.c. Per Yyd. SFlannelettealenatelette ' 28c. per id se and White Shirting k 35c. per yd: .FAIR DAYS ONLY: plamelette, 'Blankets at • • 81.49 •ALFRED E. BUSWELL . . ,111 Dry.GOOds. •• Ladle's' Wear \ 'Metes, Wear • " v,......v...00ketirmw<ousr,„er,..4r4rAyAntwAgivz"..,m4now.lowirap,N.' ".1 Now Hand CAR - LOAD, of 3X7 and 5X Cedar" Shingles, • Fir,Flotirring, Fir •V Match' and Clear Red,Cedar Siding. OF•13..C, .13IJILIANG MATERIAL' 'ISIDERSON • ••• - =464, • ISHER 'ERS , -•