The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-09-10, Page 2ir 4 . k.v 10l, 7—K-771 ......... 7 V CPR, RD, A'' CR i6bl in M 1`� QF, ­P_ PU - 11�14 r C RM, i wo 2 4 r. 7�. f Or 0 `7 Plip YJ 7 onq.i urn r 4" .49 W1 K_ 04 11, Ago J6, 0101! rwa 49, 4% �nawar—,IKO414, 111.0, too CPAM, Pe 4bly Startalt its, IQ Ure-0m, - -WOU hs; ,bq valves in. thel, top And 4 Wp� - - 7 -put 4 W owit :V,0 V 9,u Prf;,,; turn litittlo..'It, I.0,tberpTPF9, rep I of t1109I do prt!!i . ern hick uvarlibly " Ore# I e, el of, J;9r, ra .9 IF city has: receutly'agq Tqu A 6. to-Awr Alto f t6 tbe�' Am -, : -it.. d _ulkqd� has -sagq the trgWofl edeu.. Cpmada red of (it Fliti, ioal VL 'e qther,�, o� 4 -� .!, ;t Th he - been, ohquilvallYprop tqad *4t of the .'YA;Ves P ;91151L Sw Ins 00. 4"W41 as, -W In W of bet J� furs $.ftk Jqh fljobi;i k. qt.tho� w w. The ht of 04 er better qU44t large ; but. Bo V -1n . rp, to do wt the, !P�Pci _2A qywgr ­ve. c a U C4, Into small! -the aradnat 0 japg -4WpIittQ, of soda civ. IIz#I011 ope" that. is, *4 am�giut of p6wer and. t b One t to. 7.7 .,wo r.: led, ,A th �pap�r Is :v wl'' Uzo deiVr A rat that tl to. it . In -.hu e' vait:41 Vi_ ) haunts, ot wildt 0# th( q 9 table _s, watteo hisr,id, 94. 44 Abt�e t9get7 ;t re 444, MAP4 0.es,�,Or elig" -us the, In moil,. $tgr1c.0 `W-, 4", "'79V Wth4t ok* -HOW ei-, 1 11LA -thiA.,A.brou� eg,., It agal#, are the. v4w . . ha no Inulp from WM ,At: generated lust, What.' these: 00 10414p wwcxts then OrAinea 'roe, nec, pa t,,, -paper b'Qbtqt4e4., J,s� uouA -and mad tug k polkick jy,*,,rathiir�hazy idei,irt. the burnip9thp, ga.-A.- 0- luto" elyin 0 the�­ Winders. In, V s, map-por; pa; et 'is ab 11:110f called; As a Winn Ipe Ar Von Ost"'%Pa ye which, 6urrouid Irq44.y described . s ut of. the vo, 'Or. ,eq �j4, the, water, The. . ee!A 0 ly tv tQ,logsj.,abq ng, 3 el4t in git,tim feit. to., ptit, some r .0bil* to b -A* ;rb'-producs. even aiqfape,�tbp ror q tb ift , Valv", in 'efullY re - ph will lead to Ion 'and th And, 4ia:OW cal f. of `this� m -bAYO A`Tegu "half.'fitUff lar shaped a bark " as 1.0� 400que ce u n ove�, 'it. ed es iect,'ii6pOftIo 1 0 somp, 4co otty 14 POP I so4e. f0tride FeTO V 'One"Of t I; Or. sQ.pn; an knd -to o,We" are 0 jag*a4d surface. at eft9in"Ype$ '41V'de� t'W' d t he d� 'of ibi 5 ater belij:,supplieds "Jve3.'OA s*4ee)A_V h 1, 11 � . I . .1 1 . .. . t 4 t allon94 t a, IOU rtes�'w_i �Oh Into, tie Ing fAtqrs:,iOJh0 owing tition.otbl, 6' haVel pocke&,th-at, r,0. ol se 'kIiep, theta c 01, an to:'nilx VPAU,thd -wore, !§iz p� cy" fug,. matiJrial s' '-whin pegs traid(V U f e, �p chins: I 'also jdd� 0 f, ful he. WWhi h =net wood to OM be1 rl 2oiih0&'%6ttvItY OC -t 0, th i ae� �11 -in -th lir tr4pp 04, roi 0��Iz tie I I nk run * nin g the. .;r p toA f th'91ur-farviluff Pioutiilus iii, t e oling. Xost !qwbidk ,o tie water jag] This p i .'.o apid exparip 0 ftef We _r it' oJi is stirain4d if -Cana I p0lipet tM ttir h W. -It d 34 )'jlajo . tity qf them.efiffiws� st"gr tj I v ComeLin 0] n. A th Our Ay 'low, 'ended IS that e'nort ie:'Valu6 of thiq are ilispell like, rpulp, A to I)a d 'shedt, o paysr� source of raw, u; r&msi aTe push v T", FM,, TY003 DZSCRIM, eaiii A44 OL 04 open.. by ;L to o6odned caristulIT A, 'ern 'areas. ot, the Domfi6to'n - Ca. -Awr �.Over: 06.;per cpnL e, goodr tU'p. StIII rid(wr � of returned, to their seat by, 8� conveyed, to. sp Oing wts, arloulof means are cptittitnt,ng Im he9 _bt ,, I �. . I . : . h Autbmabl "-pro low. A'lairge: -percentage, o AutZ I jJJjQ R I SOLVING ..CROSS_WO;Rb 1PUZZLE pu 'ehine -runninj A d,as Me rIt1ps,,,I;9.n6w itubJetted to a.refting SUGGESI $0W on to aup4legs bql�,qf the Inhabitants, -4 zs to two wIre- Denies y'wat�rj the cy, yo�.feet'j bly lie4eseniblift trading Pow Tb"84*0 , 4t, I pr ;t maicht about fprW feet 10 by. markets e eo- 'the words.'& which easona. Oces ugh can -7, st6rge. batte""­ 4 nse I 'unded. Iting a- acket of Stift'out. b7. fi d" thro ther I -grindstoues, place One on top eight t t" WI r ders. 9 ti cTosang, t . hc,34,� m r s, an re, wat�r,,w44�h bsqft the, *XPOSS These',;d1l 911VIC YOU'* Cj" to Wor& Owntg�.lqn.ageiiis,� Its, tuli() 10 9to _r mo ve'p4weirs. The each white e boated *!tlt a wet )erfiaps Is, I�Ot eue.rall*. fully ap0e-el- adiator This; Veit now )Pp rted y -brass A,li norevolv-paw. -and, the. pulp, ab�-et_ot. pulp, is flu -IS gt thit u-W;L ia and they space, cr - " - t �ed. sq*iis� ai2d, ords, 6tarting at at hoinug.e e frout o weai is fed through ed placed eing.pXtrAq1ed fr p�ht th f the bole. In thli-bloing It -1torizontally orytrbeally Or b.th. rollers, tuoistqr 'hy I !, , il e b pper. 1pereasing, '4IZRT CAL' ly ground the. - iebi �eiti L es� Carr, A HQRIZON. A betw eA the tw6 que!s- the i��flon. The liul� sheet On I.tr -1 is, a Xid . 'If d ye of set(I�MeAt T pulp, by ecb$r now zeiti�'7 toak off - the air enFnext'p sses under a roller which: rett Since the ear Or -is is tipping ha Lms a In -eW fo -At this point tur.,:tr. Q,Rfi gine made- a the idr eA, molbor provisidn-A 3__P first appeaiau�e nthe of a swooth�''. .. s forta6d'fio in Igni &-To, nip' Its ers the stiiface e arms, , '='Agint fr9m. -the m9in quanti-, thet,wire b�lt, mikes Its- roturn' ouirney e for � br' (PI.) %heeo -�sent, in some di Rum z It j eant. share of the 4eVene of th mad -An obstructid' ance n W� g !pttit e_ n j" cylinoqrs a, -dir-t-Aly- into co . . 5--Utteeit low murmuring situms tler, and a P1 line itact with e4, and furil The re�iln d pil )v4i i Under Of 11-T6 demand.,pitymppit e, nip, is pass the. rollers er moUture..T away from large 'communItte;3, 'it Is.' ihi in 7 1 U�b slill fi��xtracted from the damp s eet h' --To forl I y _ire t;�" -ol-the-faxwer;'after b SLX'C eit is v -of -a6r it. passes. Ojjj:' Sfj� 15-0bliteritin olements the eXceSSr' carr�ed off -01 Id wfty� ey:pk"w#IcIz pa1seo itto a pair pulp so. e s.eam on; drops, t 0 the. obi 8-.17lon.tin the 4 has garnered"his b the 17-41; be� under UD re gtruict.ures rollers the V, lstYe,"h and the paper. comes frortarthe �Ia t trapping grounds P we4bf pulp and'grad i�� nA; d andy Ing it UPOU.ItSelf. Quite, freQuPt -d dizatib prpfdun of, th dryligcyllnilei.1t.tswomid 'upon;; eels, the on a a In '21-6�n 'c�tO th table. disar�ceaway, And,, Vq'ckg o �S,611 ture is When e necessari'thicknets has which-e'd Ifiike in f . I , . I conside 'e'WU 'Cynlpt cases miles and eliough Of a, vanety, .0. ntaln tn� "e are a 12 A Ouct -to SeAet'frorn to the Ottler -to In th winter ind reiurn With as a his The. pirqsm- 44ed. Ahis reeled conditio gone al M 4M , rolleri 'opened .0 it and, aih6d' the pulp ls.:takemL,, fiff tilL ... n.L,-Informed, e miles of pape It is not -Unusual for. be been att. r. :it it is Ve is 18, -Tc,� pqqj; In liquJA 1�g,tba*s ba half's e use.. wner state, I termed. roquireo !dth-�-_i ady.: for. ven, a utornobile 6 e viii t Is tuff t4ards! Cl"nlY Wh n'the spi' ssbodl�y 190ve 'set eaTmell, settler.. ve both, e of, OJMalo 2S_�_undergroup4 worki-r' Th( ti�po6r Jj'.to.be found n .23�0ueted tl (p� Canada J':"I&time dance 01no larger Vets,, fii'WeteKn. d anges.. . . oi ni . BWinM until ak InsWiI 01n a re been me hen I, ibrU6 tempera rinhig, eir has thd a t. iete is it h ment# not than In 'the 61der established, far I qn0X1&: T1 W Ueceasairy for in strial, bI Ikest.,. -This Is proba Y,,, i 29-�:!!hLjlp lni� natilves unf4T es, _p hti6 life and tstricts, of, the e :31-Prolt �a j�e e M a busla6s'S''can b 'in- operating' ftV 'T 1110" iou dty� theie. iliall al be s6methin Ing the: Beat: ways. .990 ala 33 -.:-Night bled th UOU .*inter: absorb, I LIOMO-0 inthe mad or. rUin(5d, over night -is no r est or petage, t througliout. 37-A.Vsh t e ta flie V habilis, _fhie sloplu This. AnnoiinCenfeiit, In tns morning such a spirit rm iWor.-I-011 Jk. s;Acl;4Ms 11,r thi -req- hand,- the papei Of th6..dIsc6very' of a new,ma- industrial �'ild4vitteW Of a' courts the lece or to' 4 proac s, 'and '�ra about! two 4_Liorig n 39-Sbrnbih Ing' abnornial ed a po t, -eon Ake, Prow 1hexpected development -fee 't it'.must,�6 r6plen- est have r of Ustion- tbA In L ally tot, yet reach ts terial or tive one tha —To. (.. tear Aid movemen , As. iferifig 6 Vice mAy,chan d' in1t jqqmp, period f an ft�gijnidus de, ge the, I, jhrown to a woo -fire where they are &pabli. of o Bliwk- ­pw treezIlr7, ins 49;-To,dr YO, qakivdi, Into seame h " '. '61, L outdo k hot only or' a ''tow cor- e during -the At th :.,top Shooter's �Rill I di f 9 a -is' en- ployll to 'the 'farm 'mile �-Wntally sbutid 41-w�*' Make bel6ved .0 night. If a Luesi L46nt a 'Ofb 0 t -13 n te OW, our,1114 rdlis Ve p �Tlod 0 heatk. orailous,'but forri-entire ludutr' kinsuglit that his e.verY, ala�k p chuirn.Taninip- -On teitained' it Willo, carnship "Ithandev46A` to life, -That e C ve at caiiia. Its ci�ccu atidlit' TherQfore it is,egsentlai o th a tl' Of41��-Drled grape momen t refr an ru LT el '111 be' found forJL. -.y 64 -To qonsump.tion.o farmer mailig "9 EalieS'to London." d'eslrous-'�i in �e' e c nt P�rtivi look to, ZZL. t th Other, IN miles. to, PrO. 46. -An le the'eori� to pos; ad, It 1*dIs- 41$__F_r0 e double what it,ls'to-dit while ibefi6v4r.the his iiicon, r er,means -q ver the, placq* bwi� a corruptio)i of th Lo ks slyly _ftjk��_ 'of,4-01fery . -'- 51lo-Like Milk If '� �__ _diffigin 47- 7, d titer t t�4 In,' appin' h�' sumptioli. 0�f 0 cn��o Itles."*11Llip time, the t6ngue,l the 1eet; employmen i E tg��to. weiken 9�,Sudden sharp _np so p. in halt of ord iant, Meaning.ahtaw- I the mind I L) '4orA often '4 wbik. which in 'good' hgtn3,:.It,T,,unjditkg�.,,vthethbt the', reek e -no more th what It -is, at pre�- and, hand' musj', n ver be still.. Thi mov 44 , 1 11 IM I . - - �: '. I I the blesse&iess ofiluiet- returns bIm'6OU a .,Car e have gevers;V60 Am' . ble'fi;r6flt, - g, or tattle�pen sidbr' ent., 66-,-AfrIc 'As �r refratcry.:. Th Gtg'e alled 0 beiutY and r-gr6wing set- nr e -ToTp'laci- Wtth tbi&la g. and eve aye, ait ty" gar-, excessive bar neiss,� .56� d, th --vital -neceisi d' -C e .1 ife tier, trapper an In -gniz6d...And CoRcecie& Life to 11' . . I in' populftlQ16 chiefly Judgmfnt and vision. d,indi tid"'t . houO 'th . e, Ithing aghJU6 . t A k the U_wqll�t JS cilled i:derric d: Labqz does be*f--,Tt-ver a rugh-,ind a S�';r, a- tfie.*.est,'tk'ts n not erate.; nor dees- capital. - thatVie- bit aurpi�slri� Mus Ct ' t.,h errick, �h­e. 'tha.tL._e e real� )iedu: W-Ideii ijkii�d mame �f' D, reates' . 'Th ore as a�.- bbe;t! i�the sitrp:Us', for e'xpert, V.�re sind a. fever. In corita, w 1peg 14'as, again come to. f the Fenteenth 'NiAiiiral Res BU116fin. Jiarv.'sOirit.' Jur cent istpom #rerid who. madegi y 6WAX gr Many laije wealth of our countr does u6t,116-In are-w-grm't- m eath� a u our,laboringel com-_ of international sCP0 ve -their hea& th catsed.�e t 'ry eater-portion.LoLA4e-px-o-ai,.c�.. !'-. ' ties. f , . n- �b q,dUr thiaki n 'ding in 1aA6 ind R market outside C one'longs fcr, a:, prese ce whose, Ass, t !Au'aTtifletsil wool -made from. p 0 have tri class. d. alsb, ree- OP in Oeimany, tf. ­_. 'e woith-w�ile-e' b The Natur Resources InteUig-ened- The,quali Ing- is trai,qurlity, wbote tacit sym quarters -there art al: of her, pr�o w6ioifft s hii&'be6n'd6v�l Od: ntore3ting mers, andit is Is tt`6 fdl!' s ab6ni�oi 'h6 a "Of a w ord� �osts established tbrougliotit the�nqrth Wnsit] es- 911 Y, one" vat et 1p* w -a can a I --.more thin lzw#� , .,. * - - , `_ -. 51�L �AwZtar ck�questlons; wtwrr "don t Igis -blid-As known Service of the' Dept� of the Interior wor consu Th mecutive tie" . but. _V;a�hy 0 ongliti Of these 18 iii. -the. p. q d 'thing-iot, Its' Oil�al'fe This.1s; at,,. natural thair jh�. ih, d. T ese co �a P-sh outsi e vey. pro ;",r gas, an it is ids6�ifo! to s 0 ences 'tralioer to Ue ad d 1,eaclk. o e:.,of Which leitvds io' power.6f 'viord t bu- . Ing K, nAt cthe 1�;y::tb*t, Ulbw Canada .,,has. manY: . - mirers ers should'L tukri to a n dar6itted diet. dree't4roin the foreign 'consu I'es by; h� � did ;o,. con eta'il:*st re' import - d O-� e where uis"Elembled facts, not ii�tend -that . *46 their - r bres, in the te 'and furT -:the tatl-f�aher; of.ler,bor s, largOYL due �to coun is aJ3aW1e.:qf uc. pr Nature" bles aw4y ack �lde. 6i com- ciiat,wd-rk of- her el co rsden should forever 6. 'Sleep, rizi t British, Contine: air 4t ist&6,hea d Iiergetic trade [,41h d the: -g ntal and American- uly app q d 'her to�.producs -a. eirlout-,0oking 6f brains, for-lte' solitude. aiid Te'lAxation -are cities.' 'Tha. Are pli1tti0r. Ca 0 We di f It as. Cana' ians site to,'a', ile' 4tent" Ikith� this ect., - has m-dri. then be an rous e merciai average ,person the foreir we Vas cer Las yeal d ad .'as a.. e i6 bet have, .�nd'are, we,.--dding jairily as'vigiliince� I. Ot Is'-ertimatcid that.over .11i'llien, the, draft, is 1�1 tty Oxen, 70 a,'nd in L .. " . . .. - �!)T I I ordainmen th of furs,';$21,0_00,00 1 0, ot, - gas- f ff Straits! ni part- i rig inowiiatto do *4t,h. e wor power. may ass lbrough � e. wu6 an t1i -'some '00(ftbad of wo''rld Nven in. ar7 n 'm *clative toil and' strinuoug ffoi-t one' per's',011" in i hundr' alse hI& represents t e a ue of Pelts Setlernerite; A" A-.-Muddim- ea uilait _*hq7kfi��q Ito d h' v'I t�e, Iron ge�WrOd, oc..'10,000-iGgis,300 bnirrols�.41! floitif, an is work- .. io� b w, to rest an when W e tty, Nasty aO. the� bra:ins, he lias u6tion and th ijiglii�, the inthre�ti of to �As uiuch a.s;half e still are the"onis'whosel accord- fold through the fur a polsoulVat the'r 40-� and 15,0001b, of. fish ire'iowe, of,the p went ;bre han&41n' Oorm I - 0. doubt'�as �the, reiult� of 4i4�!efforts the inter baby cheeks little ca c ty.� fpsh frantic. gyration balanbe, privixt449alei 0 -oia"Cunerd li With: tears. ...excels the ' I . .1 eS Jldien head'. oWe need research.' We al plan, �Nvlhnipeg.`,, While t 'occupants itemst.14 t e sA res; er,., mouths -Singapore Fre� Press has. the - fo lo, -W7! man. so need to 6r; he. fur set h Winnie, tan ul these, rbi. hustle 'Without. a �eop a a ure*, 're nbf in the-Innie c a.,-% ad e_ -loss dl ing to PAY 0 sme tokepp. on ap]�etiie, i,�eriljo It,takes a widnC four Those -w. country:' -toAhe t t th is'' 'and .'condition to own,.Weiot In food' stEM., sobbed, "will YOU in eye ded -a me anal . 6ek a jcrast�-'man up."; a�l bus' k 'or The rtiline u�ill' be discir a wi r are 'said .,At Can in 1h ass. Salmon pike, and goldfigh'i. constantly IiAtible -eatis !:in, ustrial ed show of ines' tht �wlth those of'Montreal, NeW Yor the' rapoo" membranes. Of. e,al , P IG at n as'a-praet:lol helicopter Li devel� Out gtting. uch'. -ondon,. f ir`th son S`elec�, r`6 i ­% -been 0 e rep. 7 Vhat's he asked.Ahe I qoo lone are impat nt L IWOUIF �sfi. that sl'ebp.., rdly begur�. . Age$. When thO� gaii escapes 'coiatfun-, to: be tl -neveir Upplalltied 'coal in 'many k to.think and tibn 'of fuis Put: UP for sale Is gonie-1. 'do -exist , and 4owo big in an in-blueluindly., - �oped., $as has s W-ith those who ta.e time 1 About 6 as much bower, k r'e',- towns, 4US d it seriossiY-affecits',the �g�enera ouslyi� M., �hdustrles. be se t. Is cleziner'"d �=SP&Uon before whatAt tea w they, ar"e lar9ly ma a 'r e child,, 11h b ki7' cab o believe in, 6rc, 'a es, ro,., demi esent -and' 10, :h, for, It I loweiri. the owers of'r' - 4 Jo stop an expresp, tri 6 to ut� fdr,'-Ae - pr Oh 'welled 'th tural. producti6n-of the. beat! e quired it al -bn m; 6� ',energies -�Vtl up hiv ieAp. m I anv-�ekrs,tocome with, hit nasty btcy6lei. �r Work iii of the" 'th sta: one., 0 Vt- countrv. jba`�6.ollections offered ar ir I bl Fe.� )V.e me, elutur k 'at tli4 sle;6ves 0�1 and.,,v"00s susce rt ptibiliti t' look 0 th tip, -An e the consEa e-V The hasty. pucl lorer. trivellln�,­tn%be Na-sy, bi -absorbed bY* the con4des 0. Col".: XP the detiberate.and wart. to, knov� �,Wheh, purely e 6f the'Frime. are Ila' e, o find N,orthw6sterfi he soniq pe- Oi irom. no* xpecf iii see resu ' They x wit ferlor grades, The gazes A s dicovoked. isind, andebri�glfij-of.it into 6110-- parlug,tq go to'the seen bl �our in' fum and are not frj;n itutomobiles contain, pen�asula; Spi'jit L of. her. e is be?". tb�en" -a ile��de s o', f iti. mi A' in; '6ki�g at, the th ! I t There gk� figh that ation, �J.A) "Well wheir L. . � . , 1. _: I in , "., .1 . e1r �`elghf P�r cett of cirboh, culler Met UrRs, v otii t1 .1 h - ,Oh'.' you'll' 6asily,tatch him!'.' micind 'A jut a premium on quick p i1eature Of thelsales.-is becom- I' ij� cent! cJiwbArees,'mo0e�*s. -that brush, their peop�,e, and.tbe ji& history 'Of- t e Mopxide; �but as litt 6 as one pi hey've V, matter of 1acti. Ing more, widely j6,6ogUIz6d and i4- re - 0 �and birds. that sleep United Siates.-ihet6 can. be no'be6- 'plained Winnfe tiritum'phantly Week's deciAbn 'buti as, a, Acting Pn e r meal% lnt6 at -driAg st 'An wer t -,i4st they i r leirnied the viitues'of pa b - eficlilly th �'fu is euough,, to p.odItic serious it 'not teeth after s 0 �ing'. in Cina8a one Just carked him -fatal, -this',upside down, tatift 'in. r, -eofise4uences. �,Of 'course ern Canada. ons DrId powers of Ahe H ence, �Liid.. precautioni. and okfiert tta.d.e ot. West tinted by �the �t"PO57 i re . too weak f- the, grextesit w4 Pay for theIL- lkv4u y A. M and iiiets-' rr6,. � A still. f er-d .... - .11. . HIS -E !�Omdtimeq mus -1w,-the---trc�et-.7�but�if--thLr _Q a futu' fe'- ri-Art _re_t4jM ILa f e , art 'stiehievement: in coloWa g_p6_wer__trr_m re-icef. sa . her( rness-.­It­1z,­rjght-that- hose can 77Tr orf6rtj cars crii ti or wich he Aritisk peoplo6 wded Into a �,.mfle.' h". given notice,. becaus6� of..the rude who get things don� should' be ext,01, -d- 's . ** . I * 'E:.njJqud was. fqUnd I L hot 61iOughAll of e �ei imnielagutbli Proud' are�i. the dilutiou'lis w4y you spoke �o her over the. p h" ts' the . ac ieve-ren. are worth AO h ust- by a. who died. in povevt;i-' G.- G. Vaw deer.'Kop, edit 'of the P P A i or MakO.At'harmles�s, 'Those olkm tW ekt oc nt-a--motion any -pracess - produc the In -tho 77. titer tan Ae 014 magazinlip V 5, ye#erdAy." but it does nct mean in iing-, -Maison­ ____Ar the' EiR=DM idW-Elast�- n d Dieu. Hl,. dates cen I the midst of automblille'traffle t; speaking to you." tiqn,vvjth�ut Or�figtiri 'g cost 'an quntry, -.ha ch c6n6enfrafO: are find once visited , thi g s b" S F4in the,.outcome. to for. L E b ma .4ttac, t' It.,was bvilf In 1203 at's rest- wvater, buffalo Of he,ortent c2a ltiying riy,iiin�s a. good word, themse)ves; vulnem le.,tol-the The house for pilgriins on a 0 their Way FH4 VS e rM anida hing more. tfian:; iti f'common.d1seiP ge 5 fPi draw a .'load Wei R Continent, Cahei�ury'froin th Th3 could eagily., retist It the gir-, thel to,- Cane da is 'a* ]an d of vast grain !Zariousners of Is their -1;zzigi we O*itig :areas an t divetity 'I & , - V0 � d In1b their h v -nt UP a. LOU 'icy 116d and orant- !'d. flin'176tirig, of IPI The b- cmlad - ee. 9 other enta e resourcei r, hwet 'L The inN site of. the1tiatigion House, Lo hzf rinimal hidu - fort' low. green, 'ffieutral, -is, Tie in rninera�s, 5� raw,,numVer Oil yel dcnl�, offi�ial '-'i�Aiden'ce 'for; Its Lord :,tries a a 'eading' source of national', k1dre'thah twenty priz-ons -have hzen V G R E: TIO BU5 __;-Thor'eau. daptess- oWivig, ;Lnd' 31ayof waz,form "Y a fruii and iege�. piirple _o C-3� erl forest sed s�in' 101 I Vtree-th her s proucts prf I. c c ing. -gar�db -Be taVe y e Py tinlust- ni' a errib e C;iftolc 'k anioha� of frioney on JEff-L-!Bk Bud. Fither her TT AND' ouDiD �fov scza :F k Cl . X IJ C d , 10 ;12 G VC- 31 �F "!STOt C A ter A N. Totr IS A LIT, LL Arc -sok60L �V S Nr tLNG,�, e r M wit V: hav QAS 11 a w e -Y- T a4 r wi:it oil 6, ;, ............. Wfte's noyO De rb die i lrlg#t,�k the I of "Lot -rift rub e4, aijil .40. 11fr4co n1cot dfitrict I`opc� 7 ogcee�o .0 t6d. greatly, ,-mouth has bon flkafi �opulat nove ng o..Cob docouut "Wi -y w-51 -7b- n d In th th ncomb" th